Tuesday, April 05, 2005



Now the WCIE has a blog...

Here is the the work you buddy Spinks aka Brent Taylor deleted

Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 23:26:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Raymond Amos noreply-comment@blogger.com
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: [Just Dave] New comment on Charles LeBlanc.

David Raymond Amos has left a new comment on your post "Charles LeBlanc":

Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 23:18:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Gotcha Spinksy Baby or should I say Brent? You haven't deleted them all yet. Fallen asleep at your post? At least I keep pretty good records EH?
To: spinks08@hotmail.com, T.J.Burke@gnb.ca, mackay.p@parl.gc.ca, moore.r@parl.gc.ca, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca, wally.stiles@gnb.ca, kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca, Joan.MACALPINE@gnb.ca, bruce.northrup@gnb.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, mike.olscamp@gnb.ca, Jeannot.VOLPE@gnb.ca, politicsnb@hotmail.com, Percy.Mockler@gnb.ca, kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca, Jody.CARR@gnb.ca, Keith.ASHFIELD@gnb.ca, David.ALWARD@gnb.ca, aleblanc.mla@nb.aibn.com, Trevor.HOLDER@gnb.ca, stuart.jamieson@gnb.ca, Margaret-Ann.BLANEY@gnb.ca, Wayne.STEEVES@gnb.ca, brad.green@gnb.ca, eugene.mcginley2@gnb.ca, bev.harrison@gnb.ca, roly.macintyre@gnb.ca, Ed.Doherty@gnb.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, martine.turcotte@bell.ca, premier@gov.ns.ca, McCallum.J@parl.gc.ca, Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca, smurphy@ctv.ca, Eyking.M@parl.gc.ca, Keddy.G@parl.gc.ca, Regan.G@parl.gc.ca, Savage.M@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, jonesr@cbc.ca, DannyWilliams@gov.nl.ca
CC: oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, btaylor@nbnet.nb.ca, Bill.Fraser@gnb.ca, mary.schryer@gnb.ca, rick.miles@gnb.ca, jack.keir@gnb.ca, Bernard.LeBlanc@gnb.ca, greg.byrne@gnb.ca, john.foran@gnb.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, Deb_Nobes@cbc.ca, PoliticsNB@hotmail.com, oldmaison.wcie@gmail.com, advocacycollective@yahoo.com, Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca, Martin.Paul@parl.gc.ca, Ignatieff.M@parl.gc.ca, Brison.S@parl.gc.ca, dchafe@atlanticbusinessmagazine.com, cjcw@nbnet.nb.ca, news@kingscorecord.com, news@dailygleaner.com, desserud@unbsj.ca, brad.woodside@fredericton.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca, Keddy.G@parl.gc.ca, Allen.M@parl.gc.ca, Manning.F@parl.gc.ca, Cannon.L@parl.gc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, lunnmp@garylunn.com, lunng@parl.gc.ca, Murphy.B@parl.gc.ca, ottawa@chuckstrahl.com, jchretien@heenan.ca, rheenan@heenan.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, governorlynch@nh.gov, mayor@ci.boston.ma.us, mcomeau@stu.ca, ruby@ruby-edwardh.com, Stoffer.P@parl.gc.ca, McDonough.A@parl.gc.ca, david.allgood@rbc.com, stronach.b@parl.gc.ca

Here is # three after a typical Spinksy unethical edit. Scroll down dudes to see what once was. I did warn ya that I was a badassed blogger too didn't I? I also told ya that I like to play in Spin doctors blogs but you doubted that too. So today I pounced on Spinksy Baby bigtime after he had developed quite a fan club to prove a minor point to a few Maritimers. I suspect a few folks will be wondering where the hell my comments went so fast. N'est Pas? Stay Tuned and be prepared to LOL EH Chucky Leblanc?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Number Three – Maurice Strong
I'm going to give some benefit of the doubt here and assume that most of the people on this list don't wake up in the morning and think to themselves, "What can I do today to screw up Canada?"

But with Maurice Strong it appears to be a conscious effort. Although he’s added the entire world to his list of places to screw up.

If you haven't heard the name, you're not alone. Strong prefers to work behind the scenes…well at least away from the little people.

That would be you and me.

The Manitoba born Strong is by best counts a billionaire, that is to say filthy rich. For some when you get that rich, money is no longer the driver, the driver becomes power and that is what Strong craves.

Think power like “Dr. Evil take over the world” power.

Strong found it in his business dealings over the years but he tapped into the power he really craved with the United Nations.

As journalist Elaine Dewar once wrote, Strong loved the UN because, "he could raise his own money from whomever he liked, appoint anyone he wanted, control the agenda. He told me he had more unfettered power than a cabinet minister in Ottawa. He was right: He didn't have to run for re-election, yet he could profoundly affect lives."

And Strong wants to affect YOUR life. Ideally Strong craves a quasi if not directly one world government led by the United Nations or some other entity like it (see the book of Revelation for more). The world in Strong’s Utopia would essentially be run by an unelected group. "What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude the principal risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries?" said Strong. "In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring this about?" Essentially Strong is talking about a worldwide redistribution of wealth. You and I know the concept better as communism.

Another Strong fantasy is a license to have babies although he's toned that down in recent years to some "restriction on the right to have a child."

Strong has handed over big money to both the Democrats AND the Republicans in the past. It might sound strange coming from a self avowed far-leftist but when asked why he gave money to both political parties, the answer was clear, "Because I wanted influence in the United States."

Influence was something he already had in Canada where early on he entwined himself into Canada's Liberal Party. He always had the ear of the Party which has been in power the majority of the past 40+years. He even ran once for the Liberals (well almost). He bailed a month before the election.

In recent years Strong had greater influence as a senior advisor to former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, but left after an investigation began into Strong’s possible involvement with the Iraq oil for food scandal. He was also running some kind of New Age environmental retreat called Baca in Colorado with his wife.

These days Strong is in China where along with his U.S. far left billionaire counterpart George Soros (who likes to call those who disagree with him Nazis – see Bernard Goldberg’s 100 people who are screwing up America for more) is trying to export the Chery car. Hopefully the car is better than the lemon ideas Strong has been peddling up until now, but given his track record, I wouldn't count on it.
Posted by Spinks on Thursday, August 16, 2007 at 9:07 PM | Permalink
Mr. Strong -- as you have indicated -- is serious bad news. I can't imagine who will score as numbers 2 & 1, given that Strong is a mere 3.
Posted by Rose21 | 11:26 PM
Mr. Strong is eminently qualified to be a member of this list and is well placed in the top three.
Posted by Bristol Driver | 11:48 PM
Thanks for outing him. The guy is subtle, and dangerous.And the little guys don't have a clue.
Waiting patiently as you conclude this very interesting list.
Thanks Spinks...lot's of research and a great presentation. There are only a few of your nominations that I don't agree with, for the most part Candians should take heed to your 'warning', and maybe we won't let this gang screw up Canada!
Posted by Anonymous | 11:51 PM
Every so often a justified name gets on here.

I think we may have one.

That being said, Soros is a hoot and far more fun to read about. Too bad he's crazy, some decent ideas buried in there...
Posted by Anonymous | 7:30 AM
Gotta watch out for all those "far-left" billionaires.
Posted by Anonymous | 10:30 AM
Don't believe he has anything to do with anything in Canada at this point, but don't let facts interfere with your little rants...

Also love how you on the "right" who have not been successful in the private sector, and likely wouldn't know an entrepreneur if you tripped on one, are so quick to condemn successful businesspeople like Soros etc... who have accomplished what you only dream of, but whose politics you disagree with.
Posted by Anonymous | 11:55 AM
Believe me, the Chery automobile is one of the crappiest cars ever made. Their "luxury" model sedans have failed to even achieve 1 star safety ratings. During head-on impacts, the cars tend to crumple from the nose to about the passenger section of the car.
Posted by chenry | 2:25 PM
Mr. Strong does continue to have interest and influence in Canada -- along with the Demerais -- it's just that his "team" isn't running things at the moment. Remember when Kyoto was almost dead because the Russians had not signed the accord yet? It was Mr. Strong who persuaded Putin to agree to the accord (against the better advice of some of his advisors . . . I believe there must have been some money put on the table.) This was done in the context of Adrienne Clarkson's trip to northern countries (the one we all paid for). I would not be surprised if the whole trip was not his idea as I still believe he has strong influence in Foreign Affairs. Strong is still pushing the Kyoto agenda for his own purposes, and he uses his ties to Canadian power figures to further his agenda.
Posted by Anonymous | 2:54 PM
Seen "Chery's" up close and personal. Not quite there yet but they will be. Maybe about the level of a cheaper GM right now, which is to say not very good. That said, I am sure they will learn much faster. GM still hasn't learned.
Posted by Anonymous | 12:07 AM
anon @11:55 represents those Canadians that don't have a clue about what is going on....just where Demarais and Strong want Canadians to be.
Come out of that little bubble anon.
Posted by Anonymous | 1:19 PM
Anonyomous @1:19pm:

I know these people that you folks continually ascribe ridiculous consiracies to, so, yes I do know what is going on.

Methinks perhaps the one in the "bubble" might be you...
Posted by Anonymous | 3:22 PM
Anonymous 11:55 wrote "Don't believe he has anything to do with anything in Canada at this point"

Canada is in the world that Strong wants to "influence".
Posted by Dave | 3:40 PM
Oh thank God, I was honestly getting worried you'd miss him...
Posted by Gabriel... | 7:46 PM
Thank you for remembering the nearly forgotten Maurice Strong.... He was a longtome friend of the Martins (the nearly forgotten Worst. PM. Ever.) and no doubt wielded considerable behind the scenes influence over his failed government and the legislation it passed which will foever mar this country's social fabric.
He is and has always been a proponent of global government, by United nations philosopher kings.

The biological clock is ticking on this piece of work, so he has very little time to realize his dream of global dominion. It will have to be done posthumously by surrogate.

You mention the Chery cars from the "People's" Republic of China. I would think that his interest and investment in this enterprise (and probably many others) is to, as you pointed out, undermine the American Auto industry, which is a huge part of the economy, in order to help bring down the west.
Right now Chery's are little better than Trabants, but when they can get to the level of a Hyundai Pony, and can be exported for a fraction of the cost of Ameican cars, you will start to see some stirrings. It didn't take long for Hyundai to become a player, and with China able to place its entire state apparatus behind it, they could easily flood our markets with these things.
However. Mr Strong may be slightly behind the curve again... China is becoming a four letter word to Americans now for the toxic, dangerous and shoddy products they are shipping in, and people are starting to avoid them. So the Chery may not be all they hope for. What Westerners need to understand is that for every Chry purchased a percentage of the sal price will considered a contribution to the building and modernization of the People's "Libration" Army.

Yes, Mr Strong has contributed to the destruction of canada, and the rest of the world.

They are no doubt heationg up some coals especially hot for him in hell.
Posted by Neal ford | 3:30 PM
Chairman Moe is a lot more malevolent than you have room to deseminate in his small write up here. Suffice to say he has defrauded and stolen from the Canadian tax payer to the tune of millions and currently has an iron in every political fire started in a third world or Communist dictatorship through his UN/IMF networking.

Moe is pretty much as diabolical as they come. He is living proof there are a cartel of well-heeled globalist profiteers and monopolists who really do see a one world government as the perfect vehicle for their form of monopolist feudalism.

Moe and his New world Order, one world religion types are diametrically opposed to, and target for destruction 4 things we hold dear:

1)constitutional democracy

2) individual rights and civil empowerment

3) the sovereign nation state which assists and assures the above two.

4) an inclusive truly free marketplace devoid of political insider profiteering

I have read a lot of Strong's writing and none of these 4 things can exist in his dystopian global feudalism with its centralized unelected profiteer government.

It's hard to call a man this wealthy mad but he is...he displays all the symptoms of pathological megalomania...and that personality dysfunction in a man this powerful is deadly.
Posted by WL Mackenzie Redux | 1:08 PM
Anon @ 3:22 PM sez:
"I know these people that you folks continually ascribe ridiculous consiracies to, so, yes I do know what is going on."

I think the only thing you know for sure is the fact you have to spread your butt cheeks to speak.

You need to warn us to put our hip waders on if you are going to flood the comments with troll Diarrhea.
Posted by Montazuma's Revenge | 1:31 PM
MontEzuma's Revenge:

Come on - Blues Clues is on. Give mommy back her computer.

Geez, some of you are so desperately and insufferably stupid.
Posted by Anonymous | 10:28 AM
The Game is on Eh Spinksy Baby? I see that you are busy deleting my ehtical work before many of your poor fans can get a chance to read it N'est Pas?

Trust that it is in vain I already saved the webpages and they will reappear somewhere else someday EH? Ask your badarsed blogger pal Chucky Leblanc where.
Love and Kisses
Davey Baby
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 9:26 PM
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Canadian politicians, activists, public figures, media get ready to be held accountable
Last year journalist Bernard Goldberg wrote a book entitled 100 people who are screwing up America. Last month, I took a stab at it in my own province of New Brunswick with a list of 10 people who are screwing up N.B. Now it is time to take a look at Canada.

To do so I need your help.

In the comments section, list the person and the reason or reasons you think they're screwing up Canada. Sorry it can't be an old girlfriend or boyfriend that dumped you (unless you dated Gilles Duceppe).

Try to keep it pithy, 200 words or so because I don't have time to read essays and neither do most people. When I've gathered enough material, I'll create a list and we'll start counting them down right here on this site.

I encourage you to really think of the reasons you believe your candidate should be on the list. I know I'm going to receive lots of politicians but I want to keep the MP's from the House of Commons and the MLA's or MPP's to a minimum. Trust me, there are plenty of other people pulling the strings who are doing far greater damage to this country.

Your candidate can have liberal values or conservative values but you need to describe what they have done or are doing which is having an impact. They need to have power to actually bring their hare-brained ideas to light or their actions have an influence on others.

You don't have to leave your name or a nickname although I encourage it. Unlike my regular "Spink about it" blog, anonymous comments are allowed here but keep them clean and respectful to other commentators or they will be deleted.

I'll pop by to provide updates from time to time. I encourage you to get the word out to people across the country. After all, why should only we Maritimers have all the fun?
Posted by Spinks on Friday, August 11, 2006 at 1:26 PM | Permalink
I choose Michaëlle Jean our Governor General. Here are excerpts from her bio.

"Michaëlle Jean was born in Port au Prince, Haiti. As a young child in 1968, she and her family left her country and sought refuge in Canada."

Coming as a refugee and achieve what she did, she deserves to be one of the top ten. Here is a brief list of her achievements. Unless someone is biased towards minorities otherwise she is a great human being and an achiever.

"Michaëlle Jean has won numerous honours for her professional achievements, including: the Human Rights League of Canada's 1989 Media Award for her report titled La pasionaria, on the struggle of an immigrant woman in Québec; the Prix Mireille-Lanctôt for her report titled Partir à zéro, dealing with spousal violence; the Prix Anik for best information reporting in Canada for her investigation of the power of money in Haitian society; the inaugural Amnesty International Canada Journalism Award; the Galaxi Award for best information host; the 2001 Gemini Award for best interview in any category; and the Conseil de la Langue Française du Québec's Prix Raymond-Charette. Michaëlle Jean has also been named to the Ordre des Chevaliers de La Pléiade by the Assemblée internationale des parlementaires de langue française, and has been made a citizen of honour by the City of Montreal and the Ministère de l'Immigration et des relations avec les citoyens of Quebec in recognition of her accomplishments in communications."

Her achievements are too many already even before becoming Governor General.
Good luck with this.
Posted by Anonymous | 10:55 AM
I meant top best people who are contributing to Canada and Michaëlle Jean is definitly one of them.
Posted by Anonymous | 11:19 AM
Sorry Jamie, you have the wrong blog. Maybe in the future.
Posted by Spinks | 12:16 PM
I'm looking forward to seeing this list develop and seeing how you'll handle the left and right slants, should be interesting reading;) Maybe I'll even motivate myself to submit some names.
Posted by Lisa R | 12:24 PM
Please do Lisa. Let's face it, there are plenty of people from both sides of the spectrum who do things to screw this country up. Usually it's those at extreme sides of either spectrum. These days I find it to be liberals who have forgotten their classical liberal values and embraced socialism under the guise of liberalism but that's me. I wouldn't count on a 50/50 split but I suspect some conservative type folks will be here. I can think of a few myself so I know they're out there. I can always be sold with a convincing case.
Posted by Spinks | 12:36 PM
In my book Harper will be number 1. I think we, as Canadians, are source of resentment internationally since this man took over. We are now looked at as ugly Americans and invaders. Showing up in Afghanistan the way he did agitated the locals to no end. It is sad that we see our men and women coming back in body bags. Then he is saying that Israel’s response was “balanced” is pitiful. For two soldiers captured, and Israel has devastated the whole country of Lebanon. Destroyed its landscape and infrastructure and it has caused one of the worst tragedy in human history. We are not very popular in Middle East now and internationally. Shame on Harper. If you wish I can give you few links as to what some prominent people think of Israeli aggression, from Rabbis to MPs in other western countries.

Also there are authentic news stories that Mossad was making constant incursions into Lebanon to provoke people there and the soldiers who were killed and captured were in fact Mossad members and Hezbollah did capture them because of constant provocation. Moreover, Israel was preparing from 10 years for such an invasion. Some balanced response. Harper has failed Canadians.
Posted by Anonymous | 3:07 PM
Spinks, I will suggest that you check this site and listen to Rabbi and Mr. Galloway's interviews. Then you will understand the follies of Harper. Here is the site:

Posted by Anonymous | 8:00 PM
Add Iggy. Is that his name? The guy hardly lived in Canada and now he wants to be Prime Minister. He should play with the globe his mom and dad gave him when he was in school instead of playing with the real globe. We have Bush for that who is causing enough damage. May be they should take Bush and Iggy and put them on some deserted island and leave them there.
Posted by Anonymous | 8:02 AM
Try adding this blog to political blogrolls of all stripes to widen your audience. If they won't let you join, you could at least email some of their bloggers to let them know about the project.
Posted by SkylarKD | 9:02 AM
Bernard Lord is a good candidate for 101 people who are screwing up Canada. Here's why:

1. He made sweeping cuts to the health care system while making no investment in new technology or support for staff left to deal with the burden.
2. His government wasted $175 million of taxpayer's money converting a power plant to burn Orimulsion from Venezuela, which they didn't even have a contract for and can no longer get. Just think how much bigger this is than the federal sponsorship scandal, and how little media it's gotten.
3. He creates policies for ridings that voted against him. i.e. Closes provincial offices in Liberal ridings and opens them in Conservative ones.
4. Provides wayyyy more funding for francophone education than anglophone.
5. Did not provide the Auditor General with proper information on the Orimulsion scandal therefore not allowing him to do his JOB.
6. One of his ministers, Brenda Fowlie, was kicked from caucus for violating the Privacy Act by revealing info about another MLA. She was then reinstated at the next go of appointments.
7. He is allowing a toxic waste incinerator to operate in northern NB.
8. His gov't has admitted covering up evidence of lead and arsenic contamination in northern NB. (Incidentally NB Power's power plant in Belledune is the #1 arsenic spewer in NB.)
9. He brought in Gas price regulation which has led to nothing but higher prices overall.
10. He got rid of toll booths on the Freddy-Moncton highway ... at a cost of $550 million to the taxpayer.
11. He is Canada's highest paid premier, earning over $190,000 a year, and has the province with one of the highest unemployment rates and the highest number of citizens collecting social assistance.
12. Women no longer have access to abortion within the province and Mr. Lord does nothing about it.
13. 13% increase in power rates due to his Orimulsion boondoggle.
Posted by Anonymous | 12:01 PM
I really didn't want to jump in here until the weekly update but I'm intrigued anon. Does francophone education really get more funding than anglophone? I assumed it was 50/50 although given the population I guess it should be 70% English, 30% French. Anyone know what the breakdown is?
Posted by Spinks | 2:59 PM
Re: Bernard Lord's funding. Sorry, I should have specified the funding was for Moncton area institutions only. He announced over $10 million for francophone institutions in the Moncton area and $2.5 million for anglophone.
Posted by Anonymous | 7:25 AM
To save me a lot of typing,please make sense of the blame happer blog by changing harper to liberals,and the Hate Bernard blog by changing Lord to mckenna,with a short m.thanks.
Posted by proofreader. | 11:04 AM
-Michael Ignatieff- stay home, south of the 49th.
-Jack Layton- self-involved, had potential
-Mel Lastman- Toronto is not Canada buddy...get over it.
-Libby Davies- I can't stand her.
-Rodney MacDonald- If he could only renovate his family values
-Dalton McGuinty- Ontario is not Canada buddy...get over it.
-The Liberal Party of Canada- Canada is not your piggy bank...get over it.
-Belinda Stronach- Ever watch a politician speak and realize that they're really just not saying ANYTHING a small child could?!?
-Jason Kenny- I've had just about enough of you.....don't go away mad, just go away.
-Jim Prentice- same thing.
-Buzz Hargrove- I know you think you're quite important, but you're a backstabber and an opportunist.
-Lowell Murray- Lucky thing you and Joe Clark were room-mates...otherwise you might have had to get a real job instead of being a perma-Senator.
-Tim Powers- enough already you slick willy; I wouldn't trust you to sell me a pogo stick.
-Mike Murphy- try not to go after Shawn Graham harder than you go after Tories.
-Barbara Baird Filleter- see Belinda Stronach above.
-Jean Charest- I think you are an elitist.
-Jim Karygiannis- you pompous arse...
-Conrad Black and Barbara Amiel- you're both lame asses, but then again, are you Canadians or not? Maybe the Lord and Lady can think about that from the big house.

That's it for now.

Thank you doctor, I feel better now.
Posted by Anonymous | 2:08 PM
It has to be the Kadar (Ontario famour terrorist family)
"Canadian's" just becasue they hold a passport doesn't mean that they are Canadnian, and all those who hold passports of convenience.
Who our tax dollars have to rescue everytime there is a problem.
Posted by Anonymous | 1:17 PM
anyone stupid enough to think registering a gun will save lives.

Paul Martin; can't believe his name hasn't been mentioned. Between the health cuts, military cuts and advertising spending increases - I find it amazing.

Pierre Trudeau; if he were alive, you have to be from the west to really understand.

Jack Layton; the guys a liar - I can't be much more succinct. You only need to look at his Afghanistan comments to know he speaks with forked tongue.

Dalton McGuinty - he caves into special interest groups faster than spaghetti noodles cooked for 2 days. (see Caledonia)

Ralph Klein; Energy Deregulation has not saved Albertans a single cent. Well, maybe it would have if I owned shares in Atco & Trans-Alta.

Any living breathing politician; why? Because I haven't seen one yet that ever put the greater good of the community (nation) ahead of the interests of the party.

Party Whips; see last comment.

Farley Mowatt; because he's lost his way.

Pamela Lee Anderson; because boobs don't make you smart.

Greenpeace; because they've become politicians instead of environmentalists.

I can go on and on...
Posted by the bear | 10:15 AM
HarperHarperHarperHarperHarperH arperHarperHarperHarperHarper
Har perHarperHarperHarperHarper
Posted by ON | 3:28 AM
scuse me ... that was a bit rude ... and overdone.
Posted by ON | 3:29 AM
Please, do not forget Lloyd Axworthy - the anti-American, "soft power" proponent.
Posted by Anonymous | 1:12 AM
“For two soldiers captured, and Israel has devastated the whole country of Lebanon.”

Yes, if one completely ignores the hundreds of Katyusha rockets that were fired into Israel daily, one could say this.

And George Galloway? Moonbat much?

Anyhoo, my top nomination for the person screwing up Canada is the person or persons at Bell Canada who thought it would be a good idea to foist the “Emily” IVR system on their customers.

Bright and cheery but amazingly unable to hear or understand what you’ve requested, this robot creates the ultimate in customer service hell.

Don’t believe me? Phone 310-BELL, even if you aren’t a customer, and have a listen. The people who brought it in deserve a good thrashing.
Posted by Mississauga Matt | 11:37 AM
Although the dude named "ON" who was rather redundant with Stevey Boy Harper's last name is correct. Malicious dudes such as Stevey Boy could not get his evil agenda done withou the assistance of many corrupt bureaucrats, lawyers and such unnamed Feds as Porky Prick(Whom I truly beleive is an GRC officer by the name of Norm Plourde and he has not denied it just like you Spinks have not denied that you are Brent Taylor)there is also the fact that the legions of the brothehood of the bar take their advice from many wickedly evil global corps such as our own home grown Thomson dudes. N'est Pas?

Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 08:29:51 -0800 (PST)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Re: The one true thing Stevy Boy MacKinnon said yesterday in Fredericton was that the boys were back town
To: oldmaison@yahoo.com, marvin@trineday.com, twells@paulweiss.com, criminal.division@usdoj.gov, bbachrach@bowditch.com, david@mainemediaresources.com, news-tips@nytimes.com, leonard.boyle@po.state.ct.us, attorney.general@po.state.ct.us, porcupine007@gmail.com
CC: editor@commondreams.org, btaylor@nbnet.nb.ca, spinks08@hotmail.com, Duane.Rousselle@unb.ca, oldmaison.wcie@gmail.com, pat.bonner@saintjohn.ca, norm.mcfarlane@saintjohn.ca, Ivan.court@saintjohn.ca, eamacleod@cbrmps.cape-breton.ns.ca, doralee.smith@pwgsc.gc.ca, MacKay.P@parl.gc.ca, ottawairc@state.gov, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, joe.christinat@thomson.com, dorrie.harris@thomson.com
Hey you little prique.

I missed ya. Long time no slander a lot of water over the damn since last October EH?
In regards to my defence about the subject line of your latest email I must point ou that MacKinnon quit since then, N'est pas? Some pretty ripe farts if a little prick were to ask me. Why not grow up and get a name Yankee? You already know who I suspect you are, I asked you straight up. Didn't I? lets see if I can prove myself wrong and be delighted to find that you are a Canadian after all. I will forward this as an attachment so that the law enforcement authorities in two countries can come in on the wicked little game you play.

As far as lawsuits go, you know I have filed and argued two lawsuits thus far that were very illegally delayed and doctored by the US Attorney in Beantown until the politicking was just right. Then they were dismissed after Ashcroft fly to Canada to have a long talk with Wayne Easter and they struck a dirty backroom deal. Any crooked lawyer or corrupt politician or even a wise old mechanic will tell you there is true magic in the timing of things. Get it spot on and justice may be served sometimes and even an old worn out truck may run pretty damned good. I sent out the Yankee Sheriffs to serve my previous two complaints in the USA in August of 2002 so that we could have oral arguments about motions to dismiss while an important federal election was going down. The politicaly appointed US Attorney Mikey J. Sullivan delayed that matter exactly one year and tried hard to falsely imprison me many times in the time between. Talk of Yankee lawyer denying his oath before the Bar about lucre or malice EH?

MacKinnon and Arar's crooked lawyers should confirm that everything is a matter of politcal will. Look at the deal Arar's lawyers struck with Harper yesterday and then consider the politcal atmoshere. What I like best about you teasing of me is the personal challenge to prove who you are and more importantly your poor sense of timing. Who do you think will figure it out who you are for certain first? Me or the Feds? more important who do you think cares more about who you are? I admit that I would like to meet you in person once again in order to shove you head up your arse, soap or no soap. It appears I must sue the Crown up here in order to have three non existant warrants for my arrest argued. so you are quite simply less than nothing to me right now.

However curiousity has got the cat so I will have a little look and make a couple of calls. If I know for certain, I will publish what I know for a fact to be true on the web just like did with Chucky Leblanc last night and what I am about to do with Joe Schmoe. Feel free to sue if you think you can find a lawyer who thinks he can prove me to be a liar in front of a jury of my peers.

For the record I called this Joe Schmoe Dude on his Toronto number where he claimed he works for Thomson Corp. I talked to him personally not to a machine. He accused me of being a crank caller but I was merely trying to explain the emails I was sending him so I simply said C'ya in Court as I usually do. Then left the Snotty Upper Canadian arsehole to his own busy day and hung up on the smiling bastard. He called back fairly quickly and I hung up on him once again. Life is too short to deal with bullshitters too long. n'est Pas?Today Joe Schmoe calls me from a New York phone number trying hard to play dumb and pretending that I left him a voicemail that got broke up somehow. He would not give me his whole name other than just Joe. I knew I was dealing with a possible liar because I do not recall leaving a voicemail anyone in New York yesterday except Libby's lawyer, Teddy Wells.

Rest assured I did not mind giving him an earful until he wanted to put me on hold. Seems he forgot he was the dude whom called me and deemed his time more valuable than mine. What Planet do the Thomson people come fromanyway? Is it the same one as the nasty Catholic priests who claim to be right next to a god come from as they go about screwing the little people? At least I know who this arsehole is and have no problem engaging in lawsuits with Thomson Corp. The information highway is a two way street and knowledge is powernot money. Thomson's sell what they gleen from the web which makes them lots of money however money does not make you have one bit more intregrity in fact usually the reverse is true. Money corrupts, poors folks can afford to be honest because they have nothing to lose. I give my information away for free and I must say Joey Baby Christinat ain't much of a christian if that is what his name truly implies. However he makes a true spokesperson with his forked tongue for a very corrupt publicly held corporation. How's this for a Proud Maritimer picking a legal fight with a powerful Upper Canadian Corp?

Come big or stay home EH? Do ya think Deirdre Stanley their General Counsel will call me back know? i ain't holding my breath. I thas been two years since I first called that CT lady.

Joe Christinat
Director, External Communications
Thomson Financial
Tel: +1 646 822 2392
Mobile: +1 646 256 4353


Deidre Stanley
Vice-Chair, International Corporate
Counsel Forum
The Thompson Corporation Metro Center
1 Station Place, 6th Floor
Stanford, CT 06902
(203) 539-8756
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

Note: forwarded message attached.

Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 04:50:42 -0400
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: The one true thing Stevy Boy MacKinnon said yesterday in Fredericton was that the boys were back town

Plain Text Attachment


The pussy farted again. You
all-talk-and-no-action, bitch.

You couldn't sue yourself out of a wet paper bag.

Hey, don't drop the soap, eh?

Posted by David Raymond Amos | 2:46 PM


Number Two - David Suzuki
Like a great number of Canadians I grew up watching David Suzuki on CBC. The guy had a knack to explain things, even if they were complicated in a simple way. That's endearing for kids and helped make him an icon in this country. He's a smart guy. But even a smart guy who is an icon needs to be questioned when his actions are...well...questionable.

This past winter, the David Suzuki super enviro-bus roared into New Brunswick as it did across Canada with the “If I were Prime Minister” campaign. The first thing that struck me as odd was that the King of Canadian environmentalists was touring the country in a gas guzzling bus. I raised the question at a blog and was jumped on by Suzuki supporters with the “how dare I question Suzuki's methods”. Besides, they pointed out that it was a special environmentally sound bus run on bio-diesel or something that didn't include dinosaur bones.

Not so

The "green" bus ran on diesel and in fairness Suzuki never said it didn't although it spoke volumes that so many of his supporters merely assumed it did.

However here's where the problem begins and why Suzuki lands on 101 at number two.

Suzuki didn't have a problem taking the behemoth across the country and spewing out pollution because he says he took steps to make the tour carbon neutral.

It's the same argument Al Gore made for the pollution he produces at his mansion, a house far less environmentally friendly than (surprising to many) President George Bush's.

Gore and Suzuki dabble in something known as carbon credits to still be able to spew out pollution while telling others they have to stop.

Carbon credits in a nutshell is figuring out how much pollution you're putting out, give it a monetary figure and take that money and do something environmentally friendly like planting a tree or putting up a windmill on the other side of the world. The theory goes that you've done some good to make up for the bad.

Except what proponents of this such as David Suzuki seem to forget is they're still doing the bad.

The pollution still goes out and this carbon credit thing isn't really regulated so it’s nearly impossible to know if that money actually did go to do what you think it’s going to. Did the tree get planted in South America at all or does the money go to run some environmental organization? Hard to tell and the mainstream media has been amazingly silent in asking those questions. One thing is for sure, purchasing carbon credits buys off your guilt and makes you feel warm and fuzzy (or look good if you’re an environmental crusader) but in reality it does little. The pollution still goes up, the offender's money goes somewhere and they didn't have to do anything to change their lifestyle except make a cash donation. This message that Suzuki is sending with the "carbon credits" philosophy is incredibly irresponsible at best and hypocritical at worst, but he looks good all the time while doing it.

Well, most of the time.

During a stop in Alberta, Suzuki gave a talk to elementary school students which I'm sure the kids were excited about. If David Suzuki had come to my school as a kid I would have been thrilled to hear and see Canada's most publicized scientist.

Instead what the kids got was Suzuki going on a politically motivated tirade about how Prime Minister Stephen Harper doesn't care about the environment.

Now I could see Suzuki making some points about what everyone has to do to clean up the environment (stop driving diesel sucking buses with half a dozen people on board might be one) including government and more importantly the kids themselves but using the kids as a backdrop?

It was during the same tour that Suzuki got up and walked out of an interview with a Toronto radio station when the host suggested the entire climate change/global warming situation may not be a "totally settled issue". Instead of arguing and debating the reasons he believes it is, Suzuki left but not before he said Canada should be branded as "international outlaws" for going back on Kyoto, a plan that was already headed for failure long before Canada bailed on it. Canada is criminal in the mind of David Suzuki.

This next one doesn’t really land Suzuki on this list but it is still worth pointing out because, well, this my list and this one just ticks me off.

Clever...perhaps but also classless. Dad in the ad is portrayed as a beer swigging idiot who would not only give up his second fridge so that he could buy more beer but turns out the juice on his kids and wife so that he can get inebriated more often. Beer first, family second. Subtle but the message is there. I'm surprised Mothers Against Drinking and Driving didn’t censure this one.

How much control mankind has over climate change, I don't know. Regardless, anytime you can make the air cleaner and the water cleaner, I'm all for that. That's never a bad thing. On that side I’m with Suzuki. We should do what we can to reduce waste and pollution. But for his message of do as I say not as I do when it is convenient, politicizing talks to kids, calling our country an outlaw and leaving the message that you can just buy your guilt away with carbon credits if you don't want to make serious changes in your lifestyle, David Suzuki is screwing up Canada and is almost the worst at it…almost.
Posted by Spinks on Monday, August 20, 2007 at 7:26 PM | Permalink
i think you are way off base.
there are canadians flying around the world, performing rock shows, visiting the family, business emitting way more than a bus- nice shot but off target. jeez, a guy trying to do his job, traveling around in a crappy bus puts him at #2?
I'm afraid this just shows a bias, that you criticize this candidate for- you didn't really show what he's doing to screw up the country, you just don't like what he's saying- suzuki doing more potential harm to canda than clifford olsen? i'd rather have suzuki over to the house.
You're nuts.
Posted by ea sandy mackay | 10:48 PM
We know Olsen is a murderer and scum...and fortunately the 'justice system is dealing with. He can no longer mess up Canada.
Suzuki on the other hand...we aren't sure what his motives are, but the fact that he can carry on the great deception gives him potential to "screw up Canada."
Good post Spinks!
So can I guess that #1 on the list are all those sheeple easily deceived by 'enviro-politics'?
Posted by Anonymous | 12:06 AM
pollution abatement measures can in fact be economical on the long run; reducing cost by reducing the use of chemicals that a company has to pay for and which cause pollution is a simple example. and reducing pollution in the first place then reduces the costs of treating the polluted water or air or whatever.

skuzizuki misses all that and does the kneejerk blame harper thing.

also he is a 7th degree black belt hypocrite.

I wouldnt put him in the #2 spot but he does belong in the top 10.
Posted by Anonymous | 1:28 AM
If he lived in an urban area and lived like most of the population, rather than some Island off the coast of BC, he would be more credible.
He is creating a movement of young eco-nazis, who love to tell others what they should be doing or not doing.
Posted by Stephen | 6:57 AM
...the mainstream media has been amazingly silent...

Yes! Yes! Yes! Suzuki is screwing up Canada for exactly the reason here. Carbon credits are the biggets scam since Bre-X.
Posted by Vince | 7:20 AM
To be honest, I'm surprised Spinks acknowledges the possibility that climate change may be man-made .. he's a tad less 1950s than I initially gave him credit for.

and to think the eco-conscious are referred to as sheeple.... pot, meet kettle.
Posted by Anonymous | 7:54 AM
Great post. Can't say that I disagree with this choice.
Posted by NBT | 8:27 AM
I have major concerns myself about carbon credits.They are total unregulated so once the company gets your money they can do what ever they want or nothing and you will never know,in some cases even when they did do some thing it didn't help with climate change or even damaged the environment some where else.My biggest concern with them though is that people will use them as an excuse to pollute all they want and not change their behaviour .
Posted by J@ckp1ne | 8:55 AM
Millions of years ago cyanobacteria evolved the enormous advantage of photosynthesis, dominated the planet and "polluted" the world with their waste...Oxygen. We could not have evolved without it. Suzuki wants to freeze time and create a garden of eden for all presently evolved species. What evidence does he have that this brand of human interference is less harmful than our "pollutants"? Either way, the human brain evolved naturally and our actions are motivated by nature's most fundamental objective...survival.
Posted by Anonymous | 10:10 AM
Geological evidence suggests extinction IS the nature of things. There have been periods in earth's history where, apparently, as many as 90% of the species died off. Relatively abrupt changes to the atmosphere have been caused by asteroids, volcanoes and by the living inhabitants of the planet. These changes have always been and will always be advantageous to some forms of life. It's only natural.
Posted by Anonymous | 10:35 AM
Suzuki saw this coming long before it was fashionable to talk about it. Yes, we are in the 59th minute. Nothing a good war, disease or famine can't fix. Drastic times call for drastic measures. The only way to get attention these days is to be crazier than the rest of the crap provided by the media. The man isn't perfect, but, he's a prophet not a messiah.
Posted by Anonymous | 12:44 PM
Paradoxically, if he were to practice what he preaches none of us would know who he is. Ghandi lived in a different world. Suzuki's problem is he's got to lower his IQ several orders of magnitude if he wants anybody to listen to him. Regardless, congratulations on having the courage to include an untouchable on the list.
Posted by Anonymous | 1:05 PM
He's hardly an untouchable. Everyone swipes at him. Their assertion that he should do a cross-Canada tour on bicycle or something gets lots of play.

But you do make a good point about lowering his IQ by quite a bit if people are going to listen. I think the sadness of that situation pretty well illustrates itself.
Posted by Anonymous | 2:42 PM
Nobody doubts his intelligence. He is a deep thinker...with a bias. It is impossible to argue any point of view that differs from his without being labelled an idiot by his loyal herd. It's his intelligence that is untouchable. Is having a guru spoon feed the answers like Moses with the stone tablets bad for Canada? Only if it deafens ears to other opinions.
Posted by Anonymous | 3:19 PM
Should David Suzuki have made the list? Perhaps. I don't think so, but with a list of 101 people, he has as good a shot at making the list as anyone.

But number two? I think that's a little high. While not all of Suzuki's actions are environmentally kosher, he is still, in my view acting out of his best intentions, and I think that makes all the difference. I don't see Suzuki as disengenous like the McGuinty brothers or Elizabeth May. If you swing by his site, he has all kinds of great ideas on how a person can reduce their carbon footprint, and the depth of those options is very impressive indeed.

That being said, I am looking forward to seeing who's number one.
Posted by Patrick Ross | 3:24 PM
I love Suzuki & Gore. They are two of the gods of environmental correctness. As long as my carbon output is less than these two heros I know I am not part of the problem.
Posted by Anonymous | 3:32 PM
Ha ha ha. Shouldn't be hard to do if you don't have a Greyhound Bus and a mansion. Har Har. Well done Anonymous 3:32.
Posted by Anonymous | 3:48 PM
That David Suzuki made #2 on a list of people screwing up Canada clearly shows the bias behind the list.

As others have said, I fail to see how he's screwing up Canada. As far as hypocrisy goes, I'm sure you can find far better examples than someone using a bus to take a climate change message on a speaking tour. Like anyone doing a speaking tour with events, etc. you need a staff and materials -- staff and materials that also need to be transported with the speaker. It's not like he was the only passenger on this big bus. A bus is a much better option than a plane or a fleet of cars. Also, in other areas of his life, Suzuki is known to be frugal and walks the talk. For instance, he hasn't vacationed overseas in years, because of the high negative environmental impact of air travel. He has made major lifestyle changes to reflect his environmental beliefs.

And so what if he uses carbon credits? It's his money. In his personal life he's minimized his carbon footprint as much as possible. For the leftovers, he buys credits. Big deal. He's hardly advocating "buying away guilt".

As a geneticist and established member of the scientific community, Suzuki recognizes clearly when general consensus is reached on major scientific issues. Anthropomorphic climate change is one of those issues, and he has been a leader in Canada at delivering this message and in educating Canadians on how to reduce our country's carbon footprint. The writer of this list clearly disagrees with Suzuki and the scientific community on this issue, but let's say Suzuki and the IPPC are wrong: how is Suzuki's environmental evangelism screwing up Canada? If we end up wasting less energy, isn't that a good thing?

Regarding the critiques of Suzuki as a political actor, how does that make him a screw-up? Did he say anything untruthful? I don't get the outrage here: he does have political motivations -- to see an environmentally friendly platform adopted and promoted. Stephen Harper and his government have failed twice so far in delivering a climate change action plan. We are breaking international law by decommitting from Kyoto. What do you call someone who breaks the law?

Again, David Suzuki's position on this list says more about the man who created this list than David Suzuki himself.

Prediction: #1 on this list will be Stephane Dion. Who knows what the rationale will be, but I'm guessing the "not a leader" phrase will show up. I'm expecting big things -- I can't wait to hear how an opposition leader who's only been in the role for nine months is the single biggest source of screwed-up-ness in Canada.
Posted by Dirk | 11:45 PM
The thought of being allowed to pollute because you have the "carbon credits" to do so is akin to driving impaired and justifying it by making a donation to M.A.D.D.
Posted by Paul MacPhail | 1:15 AM
Not so much. You can't undo the frequent consequences of drunk driving. A real carbon credit can negate carbon emitted into the atmosphere.

Yes, there needs to be regulation of carbon credits to ensure that money actually goes to taking CO2 out of the atmosphere. And yes, it would be best if people reduced their carbon footprints. But this isn't a reason to crap on David Suzuki for the reasons I've outlined above.
Posted by Dirk | 1:52 AM
If I may...

I think many here are reading WAY too much into this and giving it way too much credence.

By its own admission, this list is the sole creation of ONE person in the Fredericton area who freely admits to being right of centre.

As a result, who cares where someone comes in on the list or why he felt the need to put them there? His opinions are just that... opinions... and you have them too.

You can start your own list and put Suzuki or whoever else in the list of people saving Canada (or trying to).

Just because the guy can do some googling (albeit extensive), find examples, spin them to support his opinions and has the time to write it out hardly makes his opinion a lock on, well... anything.

My advice: sit back, have a drink, read this list with angry nodding or a brief chuckle.. and move on. You're not going to change this guy's opinions anymore than he's going to change yours.

There's simply some topics that you can discuss to death and then simply have to agree to disagree.
Posted by Anonymous | 8:39 AM
Let me get this straight, you are saying that Suzuki is on this list despite the fact that he spent years making science accessible (which you liked), because travelled the country in a diesel fuelled bus. Harsh critic.

Here's to hoping that Steven Harper is #1 for breaking promises for the sake of a majority and failing to stand up for Canada.

After this maybe you should do a list of 101 people who are making Canada great.
Posted by Wheatsheaf | 12:11 PM
I don't have a farm, but if I did, I'd likely be willing to bet that #1 won't be Stephen Harper. :)

However, I've been wrong before... I'm feeling 'reasonably' comfortable I'm not this time.

My guess - think someone progressive :)
Posted by Anonymous | 1:27 PM
Well Spinks, I expected you were going to get a trimming for this one.

Let us put the bus behind us ok? It isn't Airbus. I can't believe you ranted on so about the bus. The guy does have to get around right? Further more, if you consider how many people he has and is making ecologically aware, the Bus is absolutely insignificant.

Your "If I were Prime Minister” campaign", So what? Does he steal Harpo's thunder or is it the rubbing the nose in Kyoto accord that gets your goat?

Carbon credits, really. If someone is going to campaign on or against anything, they are going to create more carbon than a back to the land advocate. Simple deduction my dear Watson!

One talk to one group of children and you hold this up as an example of how he is screwing up Canada? Are you suggesting children have no right to exposure to political consequence? Then what about allowing Microsoft representatives into Ontario Schools to lecture kids on X Box 360 just before its release? Talk about your captive audience.

Walking out on an interviewer? Sometimes old age and continued exposure to questions you have answered hundreds of times can make you a bit crusty. I didn't see the interview.

The beer commercial? And you call yourself a Maritimer. I thought only the Borg Collective in Ontario and the various Separatist movements had no sense of humor. You weren't born here right?

As another poster said, what would you call it when the agreement was broken?

Say and think what you may, but I have lived a while, longer than you I expect and I have seen the climate change drastically. Here is the thing. If one is going to err, better to err on the side of caution. What harm can it do? What potential harm does global warming present?

P.S. I notice the absence of a single member of the Federal Conservative Party of Canada's upper echelon in your 101. One chance left for redemption.

As a footnote, have you seen the latest on Danny Williams and the negotiations with Chevron and Co.? Looks like your bipartisan leanings got you in the soup on that one too. Giuliano Zaccardelli #97, Mulroney #45, Emmerson at #39 and Suzuki #2?

You only threw in the countries most hated tories as tokens.

You are so off base on this one, you have left the park.
Posted by longtooth | 1:27 PM
Bacteria, viruses, billy goats, sponges, pterodacyyls, humans are made of the same fundamental ingredients. What is "life"? A force that opposes entropy by extracting nature's resources (space, time, energy). Competition for these resources results in the evolution of increasingly complex containers but the fundamental motivation, burried deep in the complexity, is unaltered.....
Posted by Anonymous | 11:28 AM
...Suzuki would have us oppose life's defining force within us and exercise moderation. Communism failed. Can we make it work for all species? Should we try? Who would police the fair distribution of space, energy, time to all of earths inhabitants? What evidence does Suzuki have that these good intentions would not cause a bigger problem? He's in denial. He gives us too much credit. There WILL be suffering, hunger, death....
Posted by Anonymous | 11:40 AM
...the planet is still here, it's still beautiful. Imagine a Suzuki amongst the Cyanobacteria millions of years ago warning about too succesful a species poluting themselves to death with their oxygen waste. To stop evolution in it's tracks and preserve the world for the presently evolved species is perhaps the most selfish proposal ever raised by mankind...
Posted by Anonymous | 11:49 AM
...yet, I can't help but love the dreamer with a brain that is smaller only than his heart. (a poetic but very sincere compliment). He has asked us all to think and to have a conscience. Name a public figure that hasn't said or done something that can be viewed as hypocritical. This guy comes closer to walking on water than most on your list, still, thanks for paying him the compliment of occupying number 2. (no puns)
Posted by Anonymous | 11:58 AM
I don't think Suzuki deserves to be #2, or that he's "ruining Canada". I just think he's something of a hypocritical knob. Yeah, he tours around like Al Gore and burns buckets of gas. The "criminal" remark is irritating too. I wonder if he knows that Japan, the birthplace of the Kyoto Accord, hasn't even hit their emission standards.
Posted by Chris | 2:16 PM
Suzuki is trying to stop the debate. He says, "the science is settled." He does not see any value in discussing it further. He just wants action and seems to want to hush up any dissenters. That is a huge negative toward our country.

We need more debate. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. It is not a toxin. Get rid of smog. Cut back on energy use. Stop dumping hazardous waste down the drain. That is all good. Railing on CO2 before the science is in is pointless. To suggest that CO2 is a pollutant is untruthful.

A highly visible public figure trying to kill the debate does indeed harm this country. That same public figure promoting a worthless scheme of carbon credits as though it has value is also detrimental to this country. It could even be considered fraudulent.

As a geneticist and established member of the scientific community, Suzuki should realize that a general consensus is of no use in science; it is only useful in politics. Science requires criticism. Politicians talk about consensus. Science is not a democracy. To suggest otherwise is untruthful.

The whole global warming proof is based on models. It is still an unproven theory. For a scientist to even suggest a consensus at this stage is absurd. While I may not have put him at number two, his efforts for trying to kill debate in such a public way should get him into the top 10.
Posted by John M Reynolds | 4:15 PM
I can prove Global Warming is a not a serious problme.

If it was a serious problem David Suzuki would limit himself to one house. He has at least two. If it was a problem he would surely sell one of his houses (especially after lecturing us about two fridges).

If it was a serious problem problem Al Gore would cut back his energy usage, but he know's its not an environmental problem so he doesn't.
Posted by Peter | 9:26 PM
Suzuki is not screwing up Canada, he is trying to save Canada. I don't like that your top 5 to 10 picks are progressive people. It makes me wonder what kind of values you have.
Posted by John Murney | 9:41 PM
John at 4:15 p.m. - I could not have said it better myself! Suzuki's main ability to damage is in the way he tries to stifle debate, and claims that "the science is settled". Any evidence to the contrary is greeted with "that has been debunked", or "they are just deniers". There is no respect (from Suzuki) for people, many of them climate scientists, geologists, etc, actually people who may have more fundamental knowledge than Suzuki, to hold an opinion contrary to his own. I have heard that if the Kyoto accord were being considered today, instead of over a decade ago, it would never see the light of day, because the science, the understanding of climate, has advanced so much. Suzuki has his head in the sand, he is the dinosaur, not the skeptics (a more respectful term than "deniers") who have looked at the evidence and actually dare to disagree with him. Unfortunately, his influence is still so great that some people are inclined to defend him, listen to him, without actually putting much thought into what he is saying. True scientists are willing to actually look at all the evidence, whether it supports their agenda or not, when arriving at a conclusion. David Suzuki is not a true scientist - he is a zealot who will accept no disagreement.
Posted by suec | 8:03 AM
I would love to know from John Murney, or anyone else for that matter, how stifling debate is progressive. Indeed, it goes against freedom of speech.
Posted by John M Reynolds | 8:58 AM
Should we try? Who would police the fair distribution of space, energy, time to all of earths inhabitants? What evidence does Suzuki have that these good intentions would not cause a bigger problem? He's in denial. He gives us too much credit. There WILL be suffering, hunger, death....

Posted by Anonymous | 11:40 AM

And to the rest of you doubting Thomas's

Can one man stop all human suffering and self destructive behavior? No. Should he try? Yes.

In the late 1950's and into the 1970's we used to shovel snow from November until April. We played shinny on the ponds until there was too much snow to clear, then retired to the Marshes where the wind was our friend and blew much of the snow to the uplands. In the 1980's and early 1990's some years plowing the driveway twice a day wasn't enough. Other years, it was hard to find enough snow to justify owning plow.

The past few years the 100 meter laneway to my home only needed plowing 2 or 3 times all winter. Ice patches for kids to skate on have become more and more elusive, and trying to maintain an outdoor rink is an exercise in futility.

Global warming? Nah! I might have to sell my SUV, the wife's Yukon and replace those dollar store light bulbs with those expensive energy efficient ones. We wouldn't want that would we?
Posted by longtooth | 10:21 AM
Longtooth, the days of Norman Rockwell are behind us. Suzuki saw what was coming decades ago. His obvious frustration is a result of the futility of his efforts. Longtooth, do you have children? A car? fridge? painted your house? Is there any plastic in your house? Do you have a TV? Flown in a plane? Burning $100/week of gas in a SUV or $75/wk in a Saturn...burning energy efficient light bulbs...buys us some time. The real problem is population. Come down off your high horse. It's easy to scapegoat and wash your hands of any responsibility.
Posted by Anonymous | 11:47 AM
The legacy of Suzuki/Gore is a herd of hollier-than-thou robots that buy new "energy efficient" internal combustion engine vehicles, buy new "energy efficient" light bulbs, buy carbon credits (lots of money changing hands...) to exonerate themselves from any responsibility. This allows the herd to make some token steps and feel superior but it makes as much difference as a fart in a hurricane. Suzuki belongs on the Spinks list.
Posted by Anonymous | 12:06 PM
Come down off your high horse. It's easy to scapegoat and wash your hands of any responsibility.

Posted by Anonymous | 11:47 AM

Your post was spoken like a true urbanite. Self justification abounds. If you travel not so far out of your bubble, you may find Rockwell alive, maybe not well but struggling at least.

Your assessment of population as the end rationale needs further thought. In Rockwell's world, Canada had 20 to 25 million people. It now has 35 million. This has resulted in the extraordinary changes? I suggest not.
Posted by longtooth | 3:03 PM
Well spotted, Longtooth. I wouldn't know a combine if I tripped over one. Whether I drive an SUV or not, I'm still guilty of surrounding myself with thousands of pounds of metal to return my library book. I'm alive and I will leave a footprint, can't help it.

Asia. India, China...they want to live like we do. If there were 6 million people rather than 6 billion we could all continue to live like kings.

Most people in the world don't live in Canada. Regardsless, you suggest the addition of 10 million Canadian SUV drivers has had no impact? Can't have it both ways. We're guilty, Longtooth. Even with our fancy lightbulbs.
Posted by Anonymous | 5:02 PM
Posted by Anonymous | 5:02 PM

Umm, you mistook my comment about the SUV and the Yukon.

I don't have either.

And yes, this is the essence of the problem. Commercialism and irresponsible disregard for the environment. This is what Suzuki tries to help us to be aware of and propose alternative methods.
Posted by longtooth | 7:56 PM
umm, do you own an internal combustion engine?

You are to be congratulated for having neither a Yukon nor an SUV. Clearly you are not contributing to the "CO2 footprint". I stand corrected. It is the self justifying urbanites, the drivers of SUV's, the burners of Norman Rockwell era lightbulbs and Stephen Harper that are to blame. The followers of Gore/Suzuki, like ghosts, walk the earth without leaving footsteps.
Posted by Anonymous | 8:35 PM
I proved to Your Blogger buddy chucky Leblance and all his Fake Left pals in Fat Fred city that David Suzuki and his cohort Johnny "Never Been good Baird were full of shit before Suzuki spewed the methane from his gut as he tried to speak so fiery all over the Maritimes in an effort tp heat up our hearts towards librals during the cold snap last winter.

From: David Raymond Amos
To: jordan.house@unb.ca ; asaf@citizenspress.org ; r5jmp@unb.ca ; gcox@citizenspress.org ; handsofnothing@yahoo.ca ; tracy@jatam.org ; stu_justice@yahoo.ca ; Duane.Rousselle@unb.ca
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 1:12 PM
Subject: Fw: So much for the ethics of John Baird, David Suzuki and my fellow Maritimers EH?

----- Original Message -----
From: David Raymond Amos
To: drosenblatt@burnslev.com ; bbixby@burnslev.com ; mgrant@burnslev.com ; lgold@burnslev.com
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 6:05 PM
Subject: Fw: So much for the ethics of John Baird, David Suzuki and my fellow Maritimers EH?

----- Original Message -----
From: David Raymond Amos
To: ago@ago.state.ma.us
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 5:02 PM
Subject: Fw: So much for the ethics of John Baird, David Suzuki and my fellow Maritimers EH?

----- Original Message -----
From: David Raymond Amos
To: peter@wilmotuc.nb.ca ; wilmotuc@nb.sympatico.ca ; chris@wilmotuc.nb.ca ; sflatt@nb.sympatico.ca ; ed@conservationcouncil.ca ; charles leblanc ; peien@isn.net ; robt@eastlink.ca ; info@ecologyaction.ca ; rfrench@nf.aibn.com ; contact@davidsuzuki.org ; atlanticcanadachapter@sierraclub.ca ; climate_change@davidsuzuki.org ; tnot@toronto.cbc.ca ; schvolunteers@gmail.com ; bairdj@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2007 4:57 PM
Subject: So much for the ethics of John Baird, David Suzuki and my fellow Maritimers EH?

----- Original Message -----
From: David Raymond Amos
To: pcmemb@gnb.ca ; chad.peters@gnb.ca ; collins.moncton-east@hotmail.com ; bernard.hache@gnb.ca ; graham.little@gnb.ca ; holly.smith2@gnb.ca ; diane.mercier-allain@gnb.ca ; coi@gnb.ca ; Jacqueline.Boyer@gnb.ca ; brad.green@gnb.ca ; rodney.weston@gnb.ca ; marie-berthe.losier@gnb.ca ; jack.carr@gnb.ca ; kathy.cormier@gnb.ca ; ljiljana.dabic@gnb.ca ; mel.vincent@gnb.ca ; b.roy@gnb.ca ; rita.savoie-awad@gnb.ca ; julie.root@gnb.ca ; aurena.murray@gnb.ca ; denise.scott@gnb.ca ; vall2@rogers.com ; Ed.Doherty@gnb.ca ; l.catalli.sonier@gnb.ca ; saintjohnfundy@hotmail.com ; roly.macintyre@gnb.ca ; Chris.Baker@gnb.ca ; Colette.Beaulieu@gnb.ca ; Lise.Bellefleur@gnb.ca ; maurice.bernier@gnb.ca ; Judy.Wagner@gnb.ca ; Deborah.ROUSE@gnb.ca ; Christine.Smith@gnb.ca ; gerin.girouard@gnb.ca ; sylvia.ferguson@gnb.ca ; Shianne.Doucette@gnb.ca
Cc: David.ALWARD@gnb.ca ; Keith.ASHFIELD@gnb.ca ; Margaret-Ann.BLANEY@gnb.ca ; Madeleine.DUBE@gnb.ca ; bruce.fitch@gnb.ca ; dale.graham@gnb.ca ; bev.harrison@gnb.ca ; Trevor.HOLDER@gnb.ca ; tony.huntjens@gnb.ca ; claude.landry@gnb.ca ; Cy.LEBLANC@gnb.ca ; monctonwest@hotmail.com ; kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca ; Percy.Mockler@gnb.ca ; bruce.northrup@gnb.ca ; mike.olscamp@gnb.ca ; rosemay.poirier@gnb.ca ; paul.robichaud@gnb.ca ; Wayne.STEEVES@gnb.ca ; carl.urquhart@gnb.ca ; claude.williams@gnb.ca ; Jeannot.VOLPE@gnb.ca
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 2:38 AM
Subject: Since you won't talk to me, why not talk to the RCMP?

----- Original Message -----
From: David Raymond Amos
To: bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; Oda.B@parl.gc.ca ; paul.dube@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; Henry McCandless ; dwatch@web.net ; president@utoronto.ca ; chris.cunningham@utoronto.ca ; ottawa@chuckstrahl.com ; riding@chuckstrahl.com
Cc: Dykstra.R@parl.gc.ca ; solberg.m@parl.gc.ca ; thompson.g@parl.gc.ca ; toews.v@parl.gc.ca ; Daniel.Conley@state.ma.us ; ruby@ruby-edwardh.com ; fbinhct@leo.gov ; patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov ; Russell_Feingold@feingold.senate.gov ; stephen.cutler@wilmerhale.com ; Press@devalpatrick.com ; olived@sen.parl.gc.ca ; bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com ; broy@ogilvyrenault.com ; cumby.meghan@dailygleaner.com ; stronach.b@parl.gc.ca ; day.s@parl.gc.ca ; iwhitehall@heenan.ca ; jchretien@heenan.ca ; rheenan@heenan.ca ; duffy@ctv.ca ; tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com ; mikemurphymla@hotmail.com ; dykstrafarms@hotmail.com
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 11:57 AM
Subject: Just in case Bev Busson's underlings forgot who picked this fight.

Do ya remember when the RCMP assisted the US Treasury Dept and the Dept. of Homeland Security in a attempt to take me to Cuba in April of 2003? Was it just because I had embarassed the US Attorney Mikey Sullivan and his cohorts in US District Court in Boston? The RCMP should know everything an affidavit of mine that was witnessed by an RCMP officer in J Division in April of 2002 was argued by the US Attorney in a very illegal and incompetent ex parte fashion over six months BEFORE the War in Iraq began and at about the same time that Americans were bombing our warriors in Afganistan. Shame on all of you for laughing a me and assisting in the torture of my little Clan.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

----- Original Message -----
From: Byron Prior
To: pm@pm.gc.ca
Cc: tb-petitions@ohchr.org ; 1503@ohchr.org ; 'Stephen Harper' ; premier@gov.nl.ca ; Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca ; David Suzuki ; David Amos ; Jack Layton ; Jack Hook ; Pacific News Service ; advisorx@ican.net ; jchretien@heenan.ca ; Peter MacKay ; cei@nbnet.nb.ca ; rheenan@heenan.ca ; Forest@fondationtrudeau.ca
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2005 2:44 PM
Subject: Fw: Stephen J. Toope and The Priors, NFLD.

My family has been destroyed by the Devil and his powers of Corruption, we're left without even basic human rights. For telling the TRUTH about what happened to my family, I'm forced to beg, from Social Services,for enough income to get food to eat, is this the DEMOCRACY Mr. Paul Martin will bring to the rest of the world? What about all the Christian Politicians like Stephen Harper, you and all of you know the situation I'm placed in, how can you worship GOD on Sunday and ignore my situation on Monday? Mr Martin, you wish to bring the world Democracy, bring some to NFLD. Mr Danny Williams, you want a fair deal for NFLD., your Law Firm dropped me as a client, when you got all of the truth about my story, what about the fair and Just deal for my family? If all you people represent the PUBLIC, as you all say, why hasn't something been done about this destruction and persecution of my family and my entire life? I suggest to all of you the following message is the correct one. When the Government & Legal system are the Organized CRIME in CANADA, They Legalize same sex marriages, Drugs, Prostitution, and they honor CHILD RAPEST.
The Federal Government is allowing the Credability & Reputation of the Police & The Legal System, to be distroyed to protect ONE Corrupt Lawyer, Politician, Judge, Child Rapest & now member of THE ORDER OF CANADA .This man has broken every law he swore to protect. Because this X-Justice Minister and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, raped and impregnated my 12 year old sister, and covered it up his entire career, no one will help us. To this day, no lawyer will represent me and the legal system will do nothing to help. The last lawyer I asked to represent me, told me, if any lawyer tried to represent you, it would mean the end of their career. Visit my web site at http://maxpages.com/sexualabuse I name T. Alex Hickman and Liberal MP Bill Matthews on this site.

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: Stéphanie Forest
Cc: alltrue@nl.rogers.com ; cei@nbnet.nb.ca ; motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com ; rheenan@heenan.ca ; jchretien@heenan.ca
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 4:40 PM
Subject: RE: Stephen J. Toope and his Bullshit

Stéphanie I had already predicted Toope's response when he did not call me back. Now I will approach the UN with my concerns with his name mentioned and a printout of your email to me. Maybe that will shake their tree.

Say hey to my friend Byron. By all reports the UN is already aware of his concerns and thus far has done nothing. I expect no better service but at least I will make them undeniably aware of my concerns byway of Mr. Toope. The PDF file I downloaded from the UN site that Toope works with does not say that I have to be still amongst the missing.

Byron maybe you should considering sending this email to the UN. We can come at them on two fronts with different issues then perhaps they will pay better attention to both of us. I know they know of both of us it is time they shit or get off the pot. I do not have to send Toope hard copy of my stuff but you may wish to send him and his buddy the top dog a CBC a couple of emails. Stéphanie just acknowledged receiving my emails to Toope which cantained most of the stuff you served in Newfoundland. The next time Mr. Toope is in New York spouting off UN propoganda he can ask Martha Stewart or Frank Quatronne's lawyers if such things as emails do not hold up in court as irrefuttable evidence. From now on I will deal with Mr. Toope as just another Canadian lawyer not intersted in upholding the law as his oath demands in order that he may practice law for a fee.

Did you all at the Trudeau HQ really think that I did not do my homework before I called your office? Everybody knows Trudeau was educated by Jesuits. His ghost and the malevolent McLellan, Mulroney, Martin, McKenna and legions of other lawyers report to Count Peter-Peter Klovenbach not any Canadian taxpayer. Your organization just helps hold up the mask of virtue over the evil face of a dead politician who had betrayed the Canadian Public Trust long ago. Did he not create Petro Canada that the Canadian Taxpayer funded to help Halliburton locate all the energy reserves in the so called poor defeatist Maritimes? Hasn't every politician following Trudeau sold our interests cheaply to their Corporate buddies byway of NAFTA or outright sale? The Protestants of the far Right under the direction of big Daddy Bush, Karl Rove and Dick Cheney etc. just stabbed their Catholic buddies in the back and are now wrenching the Black Pope's control of the UN from him. If you doubt me ask the poor old Catholic Mayor of New York who was knighted by our Queen. His former friends used his partner the crooked ex cop's bad rep against him. Rudy got the same letter I sent Mulroney last year. See if the Arar Commission will show you my stuff if he won't talk about it. I will be daring Toope to call me a liar so he had best check my work within the emails I sent.

If the Bastards in the USA are successful at making me dissappear for good ar in my case bad good luck with your conscience Ms. Stéphanie Forest. I am battling to protect your rights and interests as I defend my dumb ass from the corrupt system that you and your friend, Stephen J. Toope support for your own personal gain. All I want to know from you is a few of your opinions. I know you are not a lawyer and are quite likely the nice lady that I talked to the other day. I could tell that you did not think I was a liar and that you truly thought Toope ethical. You must have felt something as you wrote this email to me. Since you obviously read my stuff because it was sent to you why do you not stand with me? What I sent you proved what I say is true. Do you still think toope is ethical or just another lawyer? Since you wrote it and sent it in your name I must shame you if only to protect my children and their interests. If the DHS had tried to take your father away to Cuba in order to protect Cardinal Law and his friends from a justifiable lawsuit wouldn't you be angry? Does Toope think he can duck my issues just because I fared better than Mr. Arar? Must I disappear or die before the offense to a fellow Canadian's civil and human rights become of interest to a Canadian lawyer sent to the UN to have and opinion about such things? Are we now on the same planet and the same page? I was polite and nice to you the other day as you were to me. Now I am really pissed off. Why aren't you after I just proved to you what I say is true? Your only excuse to me is that I am not gone? I say Bullshit. What say you? If you find this line of questions offensive, sue me and send your Boss Toope to argue with me. I will gladly do so in the proper jurisdiction and venue outside of the digital world. Otherwise just run home to your daddy and whine to him that a dumb Maritimer just shamed you and your boss Toope.

I truly think this is an excellent effort from the private sector to foster a fruitful dialogue between him and scholars that will help to promote a public discussion on issues of major societal importance to Canada and the world. (I read a lot and plagarize only a little when I want to employ other people's words against them) The dude I want to argue the most within your organization is Roy Heenan the chair of your board of Directors. He was appointed a Director of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in July 1995. CBC has been ignoring my concerns for years. But it does have and mandate to allow all people running for Parliament the right to be heard on the airwaves they have a license to use. Check my work within the emails I served the CBC lawyers in hand byway of their local office in Saint John well before the election was over. My best advice to the old lawyer Roy Heenan who is Chairman and founding partner of the Canadian law firm of Heenan Blaikie LLP with offices in Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec City, Sherbrooke, Trois-Rivières, Calgary, Vancouver and Kelowna that really should sit up and pay attention. I do not have to send my stuff to one of his offices before I sue CBC, his law firm and him personaly. Ask your buddy Jean Chretian to see what he received at his law office just before I went to jail in the USA. My notice to the Trudeau crowd is just a warning shot over his bow to tell him a proud Maritimer will be coming his way soon and will be seeking a great deal of relief in the form of punitive damages. Perhaps you should forward this email and my other emails to him Stéphanie as you can see I sent him this one. I don't think he has decent help at CBC. Susan Lambert and Sophia Harris certainly dropped the ball. I know for a fact their umbudsman is as dumb as a post and Ian Hannamansing was very stupid to doubt Byron Prior's sincerity. My father and his were good friends I remember him as a little kid in Dorchester NB and he did get his start in his loud mouth carreer at a Radio Station my ex wife once worked at. If Heenan does not think I can embarrass the CBC in a New York minute send young Ian to Boston to debate me about crooked justice systems in two countries. Better yet send him to report my words during my pending Criminal Trial in Boston.

Since Heenan was also named an Officer of the Order of Canada. I have no doubt that he knows the child molester, T. Alex Hickman quite well. So I think my friend Byron may like to have a long talk with him as well as have another little talk with young Ian but this time CBC should record his words and image. Obviously Ian beleived him or he would not have been edited out of the CBC program held at the Mason's Lodge in Newfoundland. Hell everybody already knows how a bunch of nasty priests of the Catholic faith broke Newfoundland's heart years ago. Ian just didn't want fellow canadians that lawyers could be every bit as bad because he likes to brag that he went to law school. However methinks he was never called to the bar. Could it be because he is just another dumb pretty face?

By the way, do ya wanna bet whether or not Obama stands with the other black folks today in the USA? To me today's smoke and mirror show is just another fine example that greed does not base itself in any religion race or creed. We are all very selfish animals and precious few of us are concerned about the world we leave our seed. As long as we can spend our time fat, dumb and happy. I speak plain and directly. Mr. Toope has some lady speak for him? What a chickenshit. Please tell him I said so. Will ya?

P.S. Byron when I first saw this lady's name I immediately thought of the La Forest dude from UNB and saw red but I do not think they are related. Read the following article and I am sure you will understand. I have called that La forest character a long time ago and his buddy who answered the phone in his UNB office tried to toy with me but it backfired on him bigtime. I was long figuring out that that fella acts as an intervener in matters for the NB Attorney General. I have been appraoching the UN myself and have been going nowhere with it, so I thought I would take some of my troubles back up home for a bit. You can see how quickly Mr. Toope snubbed me. I am just hoping Frank McKenna comes my way to promote the interests of the Carlisle Group with his Bush buddies. Then he will have to answer me about the Canadian Consulate's actions while I was in jail. It was really too funny that Redstone the nsty bastard from Dedham Ma who graduated from Harvard Law with my wifes evil Counsin Chucky Kickham appointed one of the crooked lawyer on the Judicial Commision that I had sued to me his companiys ethical advisor and then went off to party in china with the other CEO's and Mulroney and back Bush while his boy Dan Rather was being crucified in the USA. It should be quite a hoedown in Washington for Maritmers to watch. Me and that pig farmer McKenna that went far after he grew up just down the road from me going at it should make you laugh. Trust me he is just as dumb as Bernard Lord. We all know why they go fishing and golfing with them and then invite them to Bilderberger meetings. It has nothing to do with smarts and everything to do with the energy reserves of the Maritimes. Remember my letter to McKenna last year about dogs that the Attorney General Brad Green answered? Mr. Toope is likely reading it right now. If that stuffed shirt had been sent to a downtown Boston Physc Ward without being arrested or any bail to have his head examined, I doubt he would have survived with his sanity intact and if he did he would still be shitting his pants and screaming for help from his lawyer buddys:) I must be crazy after all because I am still having fun. As Crazy Horse would say Hoka Hey but Mr. Toope better start praying to his god that I don't die because I don't give a damn and that scares the hell out of even the Black Pope.

Hearings in the second phase of the Arbitration Tribunal established to settle the offshore area dispute between Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador were held Nov. 19-28 in the Wu Conference on the UNBF campus.

UNB alumni have been involved with the high profile Tribunal, which is being held to determine how the line will be drawn dividing the coveted offshore exploration areas for petroleum products.

The chair of the tribunal, at centre, is former Supreme Court of Canada Justice Gerard V. La Forest (BCL'49, DCL'85), who is Distinguished Legal Scholar in Residence at UNBF. With him, from left, are Tribunal registrar Heather Hobart (LLB'86) of the law firm of Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales, Fredericton; arbiter Leonard Legault, QC, former chair of the International Joint Commission, Ottawa; arbiter James Richard Crawford of Cambridge University, England; and technical expert David Gray of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ottawa.

Stéphanie Forest Forest@fondationtrudeau.ca wrote:

Mr. Toope informs me that the UN Committee on which he sits can deal only with cases of disappearance – where the person in question has been seized by security forces of a state and has simply disappeared. This is clearly not your situation.

Best wishes for the New Year.

Stéphanie Forest
Adjointe administrative / Administrative Assistant
Fondation Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation
1514, avenue Docteur-Penfield, 2e étage
Montréal, Québec H3G 1B9 Canada
www.fondationtrudeau.ca / www.trudeaufoundation.ca
‎forest@fondationtrudeau.ca / forest@trudeaufoundation.ca
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 1:17 AM
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Number Three – Maurice Strong
I'm going to give some benefit of the doubt here and assume that most of the people on this list don't wake up in the morning and think to themselves, "What can I do today to screw up Canada?"

But with Maurice Strong it appears to be a conscious effort. Although he’s added the entire world to his list of places to screw up.

If you haven't heard the name, you're not alone. Strong prefers to work behind the scenes…well at least away from the little people.

That would be you and me.

The Manitoba born Strong is by best counts a billionaire, that is to say filthy rich. For some when you get that rich, money is no longer the driver, the driver becomes power and that is what Strong craves.

Think power like “Dr. Evil take over the world” power.

Strong found it in his business dealings over the years but he tapped into the power he really craved with the United Nations.

As journalist Elaine Dewar once wrote, Strong loved the UN because, "he could raise his own money from whomever he liked, appoint anyone he wanted, control the agenda. He told me he had more unfettered power than a cabinet minister in Ottawa. He was right: He didn't have to run for re-election, yet he could profoundly affect lives."

And Strong wants to affect YOUR life. Ideally Strong craves a quasi if not directly one world government led by the United Nations or some other entity like it (see the book of Revelation for more). The world in Strong’s Utopia would essentially be run by an unelected group. "What if a small group of these world leaders were to conclude the principal risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries?" said Strong. "In order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring this about?" Essentially Strong is talking about a worldwide redistribution of wealth. You and I know the concept better as communism.

Another Strong fantasy is a license to have babies although he's toned that down in recent years to some "restriction on the right to have a child."

Strong has handed over big money to both the Democrats AND the Republicans in the past. It might sound strange coming from a self avowed far-leftist but when asked why he gave money to both political parties, the answer was clear, "Because I wanted influence in the United States."

Influence was something he already had in Canada where early on he entwined himself into Canada's Liberal Party. He always had the ear of the Party which has been in power the majority of the past 40+years. He even ran once for the Liberals (well almost). He bailed a month before the election.

In recent years Strong had greater influence as a senior advisor to former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, but left after an investigation began into Strong’s possible involvement with the Iraq oil for food scandal. He was also running some kind of New Age environmental retreat called Baca in Colorado with his wife.

These days Strong is in China where along with his U.S. far left billionaire counterpart George Soros (who likes to call those who disagree with him Nazis – see Bernard Goldberg’s 100 people who are screwing up America for more) is trying to export the Chery car. Hopefully the car is better than the lemon ideas Strong has been peddling up until now, but given his track record, I wouldn't count on it.
Posted by Spinks on Thursday, August 16, 2007 at 9:07 PM | Permalink
Mr. Strong -- as you have indicated -- is serious bad news. I can't imagine who will score as numbers 2 & 1, given that Strong is a mere 3.
Posted by Rose21 | 11:26 PM
Mr. Strong is eminently qualified to be a member of this list and is well placed in the top three.
Posted by Bristol Driver | 11:48 PM
Thanks for outing him. The guy is subtle, and dangerous.And the little guys don't have a clue.
Waiting patiently as you conclude this very interesting list.
Thanks Spinks...lot's of research and a great presentation. There are only a few of your nominations that I don't agree with, for the most part Candians should take heed to your 'warning', and maybe we won't let this gang screw up Canada!
Posted by Anonymous | 11:51 PM
Every so often a justified name gets on here.

I think we may have one.

That being said, Soros is a hoot and far more fun to read about. Too bad he's crazy, some decent ideas buried in there...
Posted by Anonymous | 7:30 AM
Gotta watch out for all those "far-left" billionaires.
Posted by Anonymous | 10:30 AM
Don't believe he has anything to do with anything in Canada at this point, but don't let facts interfere with your little rants...

Also love how you on the "right" who have not been successful in the private sector, and likely wouldn't know an entrepreneur if you tripped on one, are so quick to condemn successful businesspeople like Soros etc... who have accomplished what you only dream of, but whose politics you disagree with.
Posted by Anonymous | 11:55 AM
Believe me, the Chery automobile is one of the crappiest cars ever made. Their "luxury" model sedans have failed to even achieve 1 star safety ratings. During head-on impacts, the cars tend to crumple from the nose to about the passenger section of the car.
Posted by chenry | 2:25 PM
Mr. Strong does continue to have interest and influence in Canada -- along with the Demerais -- it's just that his "team" isn't running things at the moment. Remember when Kyoto was almost dead because the Russians had not signed the accord yet? It was Mr. Strong who persuaded Putin to agree to the accord (against the better advice of some of his advisors . . . I believe there must have been some money put on the table.) This was done in the context of Adrienne Clarkson's trip to northern countries (the one we all paid for). I would not be surprised if the whole trip was not his idea as I still believe he has strong influence in Foreign Affairs. Strong is still pushing the Kyoto agenda for his own purposes, and he uses his ties to Canadian power figures to further his agenda.
Posted by Anonymous | 2:54 PM
Seen "Chery's" up close and personal. Not quite there yet but they will be. Maybe about the level of a cheaper GM right now, which is to say not very good. That said, I am sure they will learn much faster. GM still hasn't learned.
Posted by Anonymous | 12:07 AM
anon @11:55 represents those Canadians that don't have a clue about what is going on....just where Demarais and Strong want Canadians to be.
Come out of that little bubble anon.
Posted by Anonymous | 1:19 PM
Anonyomous @1:19pm:

I know these people that you folks continually ascribe ridiculous consiracies to, so, yes I do know what is going on.

Methinks perhaps the one in the "bubble" might be you...
Posted by Anonymous | 3:22 PM
Anonymous 11:55 wrote "Don't believe he has anything to do with anything in Canada at this point"

Canada is in the world that Strong wants to "influence".
Posted by Dave | 3:40 PM
Oh thank God, I was honestly getting worried you'd miss him...
Posted by Gabriel... | 7:46 PM
Thank you for remembering the nearly forgotten Maurice Strong.... He was a longtome friend of the Martins (the nearly forgotten Worst. PM. Ever.) and no doubt wielded considerable behind the scenes influence over his failed government and the legislation it passed which will foever mar this country's social fabric.
He is and has always been a proponent of global government, by United nations philosopher kings.

The biological clock is ticking on this piece of work, so he has very little time to realize his dream of global dominion. It will have to be done posthumously by surrogate.

You mention the Chery cars from the "People's" Republic of China. I would think that his interest and investment in this enterprise (and probably many others) is to, as you pointed out, undermine the American Auto industry, which is a huge part of the economy, in order to help bring down the west.
Right now Chery's are little better than Trabants, but when they can get to the level of a Hyundai Pony, and can be exported for a fraction of the cost of Ameican cars, you will start to see some stirrings. It didn't take long for Hyundai to become a player, and with China able to place its entire state apparatus behind it, they could easily flood our markets with these things.
However. Mr Strong may be slightly behind the curve again... China is becoming a four letter word to Americans now for the toxic, dangerous and shoddy products they are shipping in, and people are starting to avoid them. So the Chery may not be all they hope for. What Westerners need to understand is that for every Chry purchased a percentage of the sal price will considered a contribution to the building and modernization of the People's "Libration" Army.

Yes, Mr Strong has contributed to the destruction of canada, and the rest of the world.

They are no doubt heationg up some coals especially hot for him in hell.
Posted by Neal ford | 3:30 PM
Chairman Moe is a lot more malevolent than you have room to deseminate in his small write up here. Suffice to say he has defrauded and stolen from the Canadian tax payer to the tune of millions and currently has an iron in every political fire started in a third world or Communist dictatorship through his UN/IMF networking.

Moe is pretty much as diabolical as they come. He is living proof there are a cartel of well-heeled globalist profiteers and monopolists who really do see a one world government as the perfect vehicle for their form of monopolist feudalism.

Moe and his New world Order, one world religion types are diametrically opposed to, and target for destruction 4 things we hold dear:

1)constitutional democracy

2) individual rights and civil empowerment

3) the sovereign nation state which assists and assures the above two.

4) an inclusive truly free marketplace devoid of political insider profiteering

I have read a lot of Strong's writing and none of these 4 things can exist in his dystopian global feudalism with its centralized unelected profiteer government.

It's hard to call a man this wealthy mad but he is...he displays all the symptoms of pathological megalomania...and that personality dysfunction in a man this powerful is deadly.
Posted by WL Mackenzie Redux | 1:08 PM
Anon @ 3:22 PM sez:
"I know these people that you folks continually ascribe ridiculous consiracies to, so, yes I do know what is going on."

I think the only thing you know for sure is the fact you have to spread your butt cheeks to speak.

You need to warn us to put our hip waders on if you are going to flood the comments with troll Diarrhea.
Posted by Montazuma's Revenge | 1:31 PM
MontEzuma's Revenge:

Come on - Blues Clues is on. Give mommy back her computer.

Geez, some of you are so desperately and insufferably stupid.
Posted by Anonymous | 10:28 AM
Read on Spinks Baby and try to tell me something I don't know about Moe. Obviously i wrote this long before I ran for a seat in Parliament again and while my wife and kids and I still had a home. EH?

May 11th, 2005

Ambassador: H.E. Mr. Allan Rock
One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
885 Second Avenue , 14th Floor
New York , NY 10017

Ambassador Franky McKenna
Canadian Embassy
501 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20001

Assistant Director Louis M. Reigel III
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001

Special Agent David Price
FBI Minneapolis
Suite 1100
111 Washington Avenue, South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2176

RE: Rampant Public Corruption in Canada and the USA
Now that Paul Martin has finally set the date for his confidence vote, methinks its time to pack my bags and head for home. I must raise some serious political hell in the Maritimes before the Commonwealth of Massachusetts does its worst to bankrupt my wife and put my kids on the street before I can expose the rampant public corruption. This is also a very good day to prove within the USA that we are well aware of each other and of my concerns and allegations in order to stress test the integrity of the US Mail. It and the Canada Post have failed me big time in recent years particularly just before the Yankees falsely imprisoned me last year for the benefit of George W. Bush, John Kerry and Paul Martin to name a few. I have no doubt whatsoever each of you dudes know more about me than I do about you. However that does not mean that I have not studied each of you a lot more than the ordinary layman. Just so we are clear, I have no respect for any of you. I know that all of you are as crooked as Chief Mearn, his cops and the lawyers who are coming into our home tomorrow without a warrant. This mail should prove your malice and willingness to support crime and public corruption.
Pursuant to my many emails, phone calls and faxes etc., you will find enclosed as promised exactly the same material I served upon the Solicitor Generals Teddy Olson and landslide Annie McLellan last year before I ran for Parliament last year. The CD of the copy of wiretap tape # 139 is served upon you as officers of the court and FBI Agents in order that it may be properly investigated. Franky got this stuff and more last year. The FBI got even more the year before. Perhaps they should go find the original tapes that the Suffolk County District Attorney and Special Agent in Charge Ken Kaiser have been playing dumb about for far too long. This material was good enough to impeach George W. Bush last year and cause many people to quit or lose their jobs. It is every bit as valuable today and you all know it. Ask the many people whose names can be found within these documents or Franky Boy or Claude Richer, Allan Rock’s lawyer buddy in the RCMP about this stuff before you call me a liar. As you all know I am out of jail on bail pending my upcoming criminal trial in front of a jury of my peers. I have the right to remain silent in the USA. I will employ different rights in Canada and say a lot.
What I choose to say while stumping for a seat in Parliament in Canada is of my concern not yours. If you dudes do your jobs here and I act ethically and legally up home with luck the world will be far better off in short order. I have already checked the rules with the people working for Elections Canada. We agree it is perfectly legal for an innocent man to run for Parliament while being prosecuted with false charges in the wrong jurisdiction and venue in the USA. Everybody knows I can secure my personal freedom quicker in a political forum in Canada rather than argue crooked judges in the USA. They have already imprisoned me on bull**** charges without even reading me my rights or telling me why I was in jail. The crooks are not going to have a sudden fit of ethical behavior now without it becoming a matter of political will. We all know it is high time for a change, the sooner the better for the Maritimes as well as the rest of the world. What better politician to argue with than a right wing lawyer named Rob Moore?
As you all no doubt know I have been talking to many people within the UN and have sent many much of my stuff. You all must have laughed as hard as I did when the Cubans were afraid to talk about my stuff. I must agree with George Bush about one thing. The UN is certainly in need of an overhaul. Yet we all know that nasty dudes like Maurice Strong’s buddy, Paul A. Volcker, the Former North American Chairman of the Trilateral Commission and Karl Rove’s puppet, John Bolton are just going to make matters worse. The same holds true with the turncoat Robert C. Pozen. He now offers advice to Bush on how to fix Social Security simply because I sent him running for cover with my Putnam Investment concerns and the malevolent media control of Global Corporations. Feel free to argue me or act ethically. You choose. I don’t care. Franky Boy knows he is way past too late. I am just rubbing his nose it before I talk a lot about him and his failure to uphold the public trust in our old stomping grounds up home. I can’t help but wonder how he explained his “Harper is a lapdog for Bush” dogma to Karl Rove and his nasty cohorts. I suspect it was an allowed comment from an insider of the Carlyle Group. Don’t you? We all know Stephen Harper would never fit in that group. He is as dumb as a post. All of his successes playing at politicking have just been a matter of luck and playing on the PC and Liberal scandals. Harper is kinda scary to me. He has a truly awful agenda in store for all Canadians like evil old T. Alex Hickman and Johnny Crosbie did for our Newfys.
Sometimes less is more. So in conclusion I will just quote former Inspector General of the DHS Clark Kent Irwin and simply say it would have benefited all if he had taken his own advice way back in November of 2003 when he had an important job.
POGO: “Any advice for your fellow public servants?”
Irwin: “Well, just do your job and let the political chips fall where they may. Unless you’re willing to do that, it seems to me you shouldn’t take the job in the first place.”
What say you?
Cya’ll in Court
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton MA. 02186

They got their mail now. Check for yourself

USPS Track & Confirm

Status: Delivered
You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6592
Your item was delivered at 6:54 am on May 16, 2005 in MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401.
We attempted to deliver your item at 6:58 am on May 14, 2005 in MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 and a notice was left. It can be redelivered or picked up at the Post Office. If the item is unclaimed, it will be returned to the sender. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.
Here is what happened earlier:
ACCEPTANCE, May 12, 2005, 9:30 am, QUINCY, MA 02169

Status: Delivered

You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6608
Your item was delivered at 12:03 pm on May 16, 2005 in NEW YORK, NY 10017.
We attempted to deliver your item at 8:04 am on May 14, 2005 in NEW YORK, NY 10017 and a notice was left. It can be redelivered or picked up at the Post Office. If the item is unclaimed, it will be returned to the sender. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.
Here is what happened earlier:
ACCEPTANCE, May 12, 2005, 9:32 am, QUINCY, MA 02169

Status: Delivered

You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6615
Your item was delivered at 7:43 am on May 14, 2005 in WASHINGTON, DC 20535.
We attempted to deliver your item at 4:03 am on May 14, 2005 in WASHINGTON, DC 20535 and a notice was left. It can be redelivered or picked up at the Post Office. If the item is unclaimed, it will be returned to the sender. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.
Here is what happened earlier:
ARRIVAL AT UNIT, May 14, 2005, 4:01 am, WASHINGTON, DC 20022
ACCEPTANCE, May 12, 2005, 9:31 am, QUINCY, MA 02169

Status: Delivered
You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6707
Your item was delivered at 1:03 pm on May 16, 2005 in WASHINGTON, DC 20001.
Your item was accepted at 9:32 am on May 12, 2005 in QUINCY, MA 02169.
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 6:59 PM
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Number Four – Gilles Duceppe
I could go into a mini-essay about why Gilles Duceppe, the leader of the Bloc Québécois is screwing up Canada but I won't insult your intelligence. This one is just too obvious.

The man’s raison d’être is to break the country up. Sure separatism is on the wane a bit now but anyone who thinks the issue will simply be laid to rest is dreaming. Duceppe and the BQ will continue to push and attempt to do what it takes to break up the country even if it is to the detriment of the people within Quebec.

Fortunately the people of Quebec are smarter than that and have begun to turn their back on the separatist movement.

Hopefully next election they turn their back on Duceppe too…for trying to screw Canada up.
Posted by Spinks on Tuesday, August 14, 2007 at 7:10 PM | Permalink
"This one is just too obvious." you say... Well no. Although you always justified your choices with good arguments, this time it is just a display of laziness, and one could only disagree with Duceppe being on this list, although most of your readers were probably expecting to see him in the top 10.

Something you never considered is Duceppe's contribution to Canada. Not from a progressist point of view, nor from a social point of view. If we look at Duceppe's political career, you might be surprised to think of him as someone who gave a lot to Canadian politics. Yes, of course it seems odd, but this man is a pure Canadian politician. He could not even come to Quebec to become a provincial leader. In Quebec many people see him tagged as a Canadian politician. His nationalism is shallow, since what matters for him is to get his party elected at Ottawa, over and over. The man is uninspiring. Also, more than all the other political leader in Ottawa, he proves that the federal system works. Are there many countries in the world where a separatist leader can be elected year after year, and say whatever he wants against the system which gives him a salary?

As long as he stays in Ottawa, you can be sure that Quebec independance will never happen. Duceppe not only works for the Bloc, making sure his members get elected, whatever the issues. He also works for Canada because he plays by the rule, proving something which, sadly, you can't even realize. Since he took leadership of the Bloc, he proved that the federal system works. He supported the governments on many key issues, and helped bills to be voted. That's not screwing Canada in my opinion.

Do you sincerely believe that separation would become a dead-end issue if Duceppe retired? Do you really see him as the corner stone of Quebec nationalism? It is very naive to see things like that. You can dislike Duceppe for being a non repented communist (he really is), but not for being a nationalist. Most likely, the leader of the Bloc who will replace him will be more aggressive and more willing to convince Quebec people that independance is the only option.

Think of Duceppe as a necessary evil. The day he retires, he will probably be replaced by a more charismatic leader. Then you will see Duceppe as he is, a moderate nationalist who claims to defend Quebec's interests, but who always failed to convince his fellow citizens when it comes to separation, because that's not what matters to him.

Duceppe is a man of the old days, he has no fights ahead, and his party represents but an option for voters with no political opinion. When you live in Quebec and you know nothing about politics, you vote for Duceppe, because he can't mess up. He never was in power, and never will be.

I guess the man can thank you for making him #4 on your list. That will be something his supporters can boast about.
Posted by j.-l. lavoie | 8:39 PM
Lazy? I don't agree with half of the people on this list but Spinks is far from lazy. He's written the equivalent of a book on the web. I find the points above interesting but the leader of a political party in Canada's House of Commons with the goal of destroying Canada is screwing it up. A long drawn out explanation doesn't change that.
Posted by Carol | 7:23 AM
"destroying Canada"

How is seperation destroying Canada. It would change Canada, but I doubt it would destroy our nation.
Posted by Anonymous | 7:43 AM
He's still around? I thought the guy quit after making that bonehead move to "run and not run" for the PQ leadership.

He's finished.
Posted by NB taxpayer | 9:59 AM
Right. On.

That is all.
Posted by Patrick Ross | 11:09 PM
If he & his separatist movement were successful this list would be much shorter, and I'd be inclined to suspect that Canada would be a better place.
Posted by Anonymous | 4:32 PM
Where are the hypocritical Canadians, illegally funded, who were at the Quebec love-in just before the 1995 referendum, on this list?
Posted by no hypocrite | 9:56 AM
I definiteley concur with Mr. Duceppe being on this list. It won't be a moment too soon when he and his merry men are turfed from Ottawa....

As to some of those who have commented here:

Yes, Quebec separatism WOULD destroy the country. What we are is a unique confederation which has shown how peoples who have been historically hostile to one another in the old country have been able to join hands and work together for something entirely new, and have done it successfully. Moreover, having demonstrated that this is possible, it paved the way for new waves of immigration and for people from all over the world to join the dream, and we are demonstrating to the world that ethnocentric nationalism and tribalism are failed concepts that only hold people back, and lead to senseless wars.
That is the big picture here. And for one part of the country to take their marbles and go home, based on a desire to create an ethnic nation-state would be to show the world that it can't be done.French has not only survived in a sea of English in North America as part of canada, but it has thrived. We have proven that you don't have to check your identity at the door to be a Canadian.
If these separatists ever do succeed, it would tragic not only for the country, but could have global consequences.
Posted by Neal Ford | 2:57 PM
I believe I said enough about the Bloc and their questionable leader long ago N'est Spinks Baby?

Posted by David Raymond Amos | 6:22 PM
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Number Five – Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin
One of the reasons we elect politicians is to create laws. Sure a lot of politicians are lawyers already but there is a cross section that in theory at least are to be representative of us all and create laws for the greater good.

However the work elected legislators do can be unraveled by a handful of unelected people who are supposed to be interpreting and applying the law. Instead they're creating it.

And Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, Beverley McLachlin wouldn't have it any other way.

McLachlin, who was first chosen to the Supreme Court in 1989 by former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney (#45) became Chief Justice in 2000 chosen by former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien (#7).

McLachlin has become a judical activist along the way by not just interpreting the law but creating it and she’s proud of it.

In 2005, she told an audience at a New Zealand University that the rule of law requires judges to ignore the actual written law which is passed by elected legislators in favour of some unwritten ideological principles known only to the judges.

Laws must be interpreted according to the individual preferences of judges for “norms that are essential to a nation's history, identity, values and legal system,” said McLachlin. "The rule of law requires judges to uphold unwritten constitutional norms, even in the face of clearly enacted laws or hostile public opinion.”

She’s certainly done that plenty of times.

In 2002, she ruled that a school board in Surrey, B.C. should provide pro-homosexual material in schools for all ages including kindergarten even though the School Board upon review had found the books in question unsuitable for the age group. McLachlin mused, “Who is better placed to make the decision, the board or the court?”

She ruled the court thousands of miles away was better than an elected school board.

Also in 2002 McLachlin helped shoot down a law passed by the elected Parliament that banned prisoners from voting.

McLachlin has also struck down the rape shield law which limited accused rapists of examining rape complainants past sexual history.

She’s helped strike down a provision in the Criminal Code which prohibited the publication of false information or news in the case of Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel.

In fact she’s helped turf quite a few laws and makes no apologies telling the same audience in New Zealand that judges must be bold “even in the face of clearly enacted laws” and even if it means trumping the Constitution.

McLachlin doesn’t think she and her colleages on the Supreme Court of Canada are above the law. In her mind clearly she thinks they are the creators of the law.

But they’re not supposed to be.

McLachlin is the epitome of activist judges, unelected and pretty much doing what they wish.

It’s time to reign them in and hold them accountable.

When asked about what has become an ever growing political role of courts, McLachlin would only say, "It's an interesting debate." It sure is. It is also one we as Canadians need to have and do something about before McLachlin and those like her screw this country up further.
Posted by Spinks on Thursday, August 09, 2007 at 7:53 PM | Permalink
Activist judges are better than inert judges.
Posted by MikeL | 9:16 PM
It drives me nuts when people whine about so-called "activist" judges. Just because a board or parliament or legislative assembly is elected does NOT give them the right to run roughshod over rights. Judges are people with years of legal and judicial experience who are a hell of a lot more apt at interpreting the Charter and legislation than someone who's been elected. Who do you want interpreting YOUR rights... a plumber who happens to be an MLA (not that there's anything wrong with that) or a Supreme Court justice? I'll pick the Supreme Court, thank you very much. And just because we may not agree with their judgments, it doesn't mean that they should be trashed. They are meant to uphold the rights of Canadians... all of them. And yeah, sometimes it irks me, too... but that's the country we live in. And I'd choose our system over any other country's any day of the week!
Posted by Brian Cormier | 11:26 AM
I wouldn't trade our system either Brian and I'm with you on that. However activist judges and those who hand out conditional sentences for horrific crimes aren't improving it. Take a look at the other four judges who are on this list (although one is an American). They and #5 (as always in my opinion) are helping screw this country up.
Posted by Spinks | 5:51 PM
who are a hell of a lot more apt at interpreting the Charter and legislation than someone who's been elected. Who do you want interpreting YOUR rights... a plumber who happens to be an MLA"

well mikey, my brother retired from the plumbing trade after 30 + years and bragged in all that time he never accepted or applied for pogey, welfare, business grants, extra financial consideration or tax breaks other than what everyone in business was entitled to.

but especially all the welfare state supplied cash handouts.

so tell us again about plumbers running things? who best to know what is best for the people, some pontificating elitist or someone being subjected to those rulings that bring homosexual advocacy into a godam KINDERGARTEN.

this womman looks like some kind of santa claus in that red and white fluffy suit. in a fantasy neverland. where criminals are so well behaved they must not have their rights to vote impinged. according to the top SCC justice.

utter madness.
Posted by Anonymous | 1:52 AM
1:52 - the plumber comment was clearly not directed at plumbers or any level of competence but simply to illustrate a point that Mr. Cormier would rather have his laws come from people who are professionals in constitutional law. I certainly didn't take it any other way, and I come from a profession similar to plumbing.

However, your anger makes more sense when I see what you're really driving at. "Pontificating elistist" and its ilk gets tossed around a lot in these types of conversations. In my opinion (humble opinion, even) this is nothing more than a comment used to refer to anyone who's educated and may not subscribe to "down home logic".

Now, admittedly, not everyone who's educated is a pontificating elistist and not everyone who's a pontificating elitist is educated... but there's a trend in today's society to view some form of connection between "common sense" and the act of being disengaged. So many yell "why can't they come down to our level?" I would suggest that maybe we try to raise ourselves a bit from time to time... maybe there's a place in the middle we can meet.

Is it possible that some people have read more, have exposure to a wider range of precedent and opinion that maybe, just maybe makes them qualified to analyze something on a higher level? I certainly believe that. I still say this when they present rulings that I consider wrong. You're of course free not to.

I agree with spinks that some pretty horrific stuff gets a slap on the wrist and that our justice system needs a heckuva lot of work. There are things that make my blood boil and I can't for the life understand the rationale. It happens too much for my taste, but I'm not about to declare that judges are ruining the country as a result.

However, I do very much believe that the Supreme Court judges are generally in a better position to interpret the constitution and our laws better than a group of people who got elected. Who got elected either because they were nice guys in the community, jumped on a hot button topic at the right time or pressed the right flesh at the right time.

Now, this is not to say Parliament / Legislature is filled with those... but let's not kid ourselves that's there not a generous smattering.

While in dire need of work, our system is such that it protects the rights of those that the populace may otherwise vilify out of prejudice, religious belief, misunderstanding or simple apathy. Whether it's saying that it's ok to whip prisoners, abuse animals, let the church du jour force policy, not let women vote or force gays into the closet... I'm glad our system protects us from that.

Now, as heretical as this likely sounds to the common sense "everyman" - I'm going to go upstairs and finish my book. Where do I relinquish my tool belt?
Posted by Anonymous | 11:49 AM
In the important cases the courts are not ruling on matters of law or even of rights, they are ruling on matters of morality, for which they are no more uniquely qualified to speak than, say, a plumber.

Abortion is still wrong, no matter what the courts may say.

A child placed in a home with two mothers or two fathers is still being denied his or her fundamental natural human right to know the love of both his or her father and mother regardless of the fact that the courts unilaterally chose (in contempt of the express will of Parliament) to recognize adult rights rooted in the trendy concept of sexual orientation rather than a child's rights rooted in human biology, the history of the species, and the deepest longings of the human heart.

And "swinging" is still immoral and degrading no matter that the courts are fine with it, told us that community values would no longer be taken into account, and linked acceptance of swinging to their image of a "vibrant, tolerant" Canada.

Members of the courts should remember that one day they will answer to a higher court and the One who is Judge of all.
Posted by RkBall | 11:22 PM
rkball - you bring up a very interesting point. That point is that the notion of morality is extremely subjective.

Now, I'm sure in the eyes of many, morality is NOT subjective at all. This is the way it is and that's the end of it.

Your idea of moral and my idea idea are clearly two different things. We can get into an argument about what "morality" actually is and who's right, but I think that'll be an eternal struggle that neither will win.

The bottom line is that I'm as much a citizen of this country and species as you are - the idea that your (or my) notion of morality trumps all others is simply, well, wrong.

I have no fundamental problem with any of the things you listed in your comment. While I find swinging kind of, well, icky... it's not my cup of tea but acknowledge that it is for some. My point is that it's not, and shouldn't be, my call.. nor yours.

As I said before, it's about protection of the rights that others would choose to vilify for whatever reason is near and dear to them. In your examples, nobody is harmed (acknowledging of course the highly debatable notion of whether a fetus is a person or a fetus).

Paragraphs 3 & 4 may bring on the argument that we'll answer to a "higher court" and god's will is that which will ultimately judge us. That's fine if you believe in such a thing. If you do, great, but for those of us who view it as akin to having an imaginary friend, it doesn't hold much water.

Anyway, as I reiterate my comments to 11:52 - you can make all the claims you want about how much Canada-screwing is going on with judges..but as much as I'll regret this when the Court is stacked with reactionaries (bound to happen), I wouldn't have it any other way.
Posted by Anonymous | 9:19 AM
I think you raise a great point anon 9:19 and really one of the main reasons behind the 101 list.

Morality has become something that is strictly in the eye of the beholder. It's become up to each person to decide what's right and wrong. The problem with that is there no longer is a right and wrong and a host of other problems ensue.

If you're looking for interesting reading on the subject, I recommend The Death of Right and Wrong by Tammy Bruce. She's the former president of the National Organization of Women in LA, supports abortion and is a lesbian. Her and I would have some interesting discussions to say the least. Regardless of her views, an excellent book on the subject.
Posted by Spinks | 9:27 AM
1:52 & 9:19 here - read the Bruce book and I was disappointingly underwhelmed. I won't argue she made some interesting points, but they didn't resonate with me like I thought perhaps they would.

You're quite right that the traditional notions of right and wrong are blurring at a faster pace than they have before. I suppose this is a function of the greater and faster dissemination of information. Where we differ is what we think of this.

I do not believe that right and wrong (or other pillars of our society) are immutable. Quite the opposite. I'm a firm believer that like it or not, our culture will find a way to move forward (or I suppose backwards in the opinion of some). I don't think evolution is confined merely to species, but to culture as well.

What was considered right even 100 years ago would be seen as abhorrent today. There was a time in the lifetime of some readers where there was nothing wrong with making people with a different skin pigment sit at the back of the bus. Dramatic example, I know, but I think fitting in this context.

Anyway, interesting discussion to be sure. Again, if this Justice is on the list, she's gotta be doing something right in my book. Not that presence on this list is an indicator of that (child killers.. and Ashley MacIsaac for instance).

Now, if you'll excuse me - off to have a coffee - and sorry to shatter the stereotype... it won't be a latte. :)
Posted by Anonymous | 11:22 AM
I cant help but suspect those who promote subjective morality, have a personal motive, ie they got something unsavory in the works and want to set the stage on the grounds of 'its all subjective'.

SCC has come up with some truly and profoundly irrational decisions necessitated much waste of scarce time in the commons to plug the loopholes the judgey judges have a hobby of rooting out.

like the rapist in montreal back in the mid 90s who was allowed the defence that he was too drunk to know what he was doing. this for one defies physiology; you CANNOT be that drunk and still get an erection to rape with. not possible. bu the SCC at the time didnt see that seeing as THAT is part of the common sense lacking in their cloistered fantasy world.
Posted by Anonymous | 9:16 PM
Sorry to disappoint 9:16 - but all of my skeletons are profoundly boring. Doesn't mean I demand that everyone else's be as well, however. But I guess that's where we differ.
Posted by Anonymous | 10:08 AM
I apologize in advance for this non-serious, low brow comment....but does the Chief Justice remind anyone else of Mrs. Claus in that photo?
Posted by Anonymous | 12:46 PM
"Morality" should be enforced within the confines of the home. The "law", on the other hand, should be enforced by the courts. They are two different things. If someone thinks "two moms" or "two dads" is wrong, then bring your children up that way. Fill yer boots. However, the legal system cannot take into consideration the thousands of different interpretations of morality (religious, societal, cultural, personal) when enforcing or interpreting laws. If you don't want to drink alcohol at home because it's against your religion, then don't! But that doesn't mean you should seek to have it banned just because you don't agree with it. There are a million examples like this. Exercise your own morality within the confines of your own home and behaviour and STOP trying to impose it on others. With that said, having to respect the rights of others (i.e. accepting that gay marriage is the law of the land) doesn't mean that it's something you have to accept in your own personal life or home. Why don't more people just say, "Look, it ain't for me, but I respect your rights."
Posted by Brian Cormier | 2:52 PM
You forgot to mention the Haida and Taku decisions, which are perhaps the most intellectually dishonest judicial reasons ever to come down from the SCC.
Posted by Anonymous | 6:33 AM
McLachlin has become a judical activist along the way by not just interpreting the law but creating it and she’s proud of it.

In 2005, she told an audience at a New Zealand University that the rule of law requires judges to ignore the actual written law which is passed by elected legislators in favour of some unwritten ideological principles known only to the judges.

Laws must be interpreted according to the individual preferences of judges for “norms that are essential to a nation's history, identity, values and legal system,” said McLachlin. "The rule of law requires judges to uphold unwritten constitutional norms, even in the face of clearly enacted laws or hostile public opinion.”

She’s certainly done that plenty of times.

In 2002...

You rip on the use of unwritten constitutional norms, and then you cite a bunch of cases that weren't based on unwritten constitutional norms as evidence of the evils of unwritten constitutional norms.
Posted by rob | 9:45 AM
Brian, you are right that judges can legitimately overturn legislation when it conflicts with the constitution. That is not activism; that is judges doing their job.

The accusations of activism come out when the judges overturn laws that do not conflict with the constitution. (Of course, the judges will always say that they are merely interpreting the law but I don't think any honest observer can look at a decision like Vriend and come to any conclusion but that the judges have lied.)

With the repatriation of the constitution, there is no appeal beyond the supreme court. If they decide that the sky is orange then, in Canada, the sky is orange. It is a good system, with a weakness: it is critically dependant on honesty at the top.

This is a dangerous game they are playing.
Posted by Pete E | 2:01 AM
You are dead wrong in your analysis here. Judges have not seized the power to interpret and throw out legislation - that power was foisted on them by the Constitution, and the Constitution was written and enacted by our elected politicians.

If you do not like it do not attack the judges - attack the Constitution and seek to have it amended or rescinded.

The Charter is part of the Constitution. It sets out our rights. The entire purpose behind entrenching the Charter in the Constitution was to ensure that our rights do not exist only at the whim of the majority.

Morality has little or nothing to do with it.

And pete - the mere fact you do not like teh Vriend decision does not make it wrongly decided. The rights in section were never intended to be limited to those enumerated.
Posted by Gayle | 7:07 PM
Gayle obviously doesn't have clue as to what she's talking about. The 1982 amendment did not change the role of judges. It doesn't even justify, let alone require, the course of action our judges have taken. They have arrogated power to themselves.

The Vriend case is indefensible. The mere fact that you like it doesn't make it right. Especially since you like it only because it harms innocent people whom you happen to hate.
Posted by ebt | 12:49 PM
Sorry ebt - but it is you who does not know what you are talking about.

The Constitution required judicial interpretation at the outset. That is why some legislation was struck as being unconstitutional by the SCC and the Privy COunsel long before the Charter was added. This happened every time the court found legislation ultra vires.

The Constitution in its entirety requires the judiciary to check all legislation against it - if the legislation violates the principles of the constitution - whether it be because it is outside the jurisidiction of the level of government that enacted it (separation of powers) or because it violates one of the rights in the Charter. It has been this way since 1867.

As for Vriend - perhaps you can tell me why it is wrong - I mean legally, rather than based on your so-called moral stance on the issue of homosexuality.

Just for clarification - what I am looking for are facts and reasons, not simply bald unsupported statements.
Posted by Gayle | 11:37 AM
And for further clarification, this statement:

"Especially since you like it only because it harms innocent people whom you happen to hate."

Is baseless and stupid. When the best you can muster is false statements regarding my motives and lies about the impact of the decision rather than rely on facts and analysis, it pretty much shows how weak your position truly is.
Posted by Gayle | 11:40 AM
I said lots to and about the corrupt judges years ago did I not Spinks Baby?

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 06:15:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Please allow me to remind you of the Charter before I sue you and your cohorts
To: maggie.trudel-maggiore@international.gc.ca,
josie.maguire@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, info@pco-bcp.gc.ca, Cotler.I@parl.gc.ca,
Pettigrew.P@parl.gc.ca, ted.tax@justice.gc.ca, jbriggs@lawreform.ns.ca,
info@lawreform.ns.ca, canada@canadianembassy.org,
FPS_agent-mandataire_SFP@justice.gc.ca, liaison@justice.gc.ca,
belanger.jean-daniel@psio-bifp.gc.ca, david@lutz.nb.ca
CC: publiceye@cbs.com, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, cnwtor@mail.newswire.ca,
mgarcia@venezuelaonu.gob.ve, veneboston@hotmail.com,
consulado.canada@misionvenezuela.org, inquiries@un.org,
clementgroleau@videotron.ca, mercet@sen.parl.gc.ca,
anti-t@sen.parl.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca,
jacques.dufort@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, ellardm@sirc-csars.gc.ca,
GrandmL@erc-cee.gc.ca, jacques.sabourin@justice.gc.ca,
lesley.mccoy@justice.gc.ca, martineaup@nafta-sec-alena.org,
cbarlow@gg.ca, gredling@pco-bcp.gc.ca, mary.chaput@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca,
ginette.danis@psc-cfp.gc.ca, justice@gov.nl.ca,
murielle.rivers@chrc-ccdp.ca, mburke@chrt-tcdp.gc.ca,
rricher@scics.gc.ca, crouleau@citttcce.gc.ca, dcb@smtp.gc.ca,
charrette.jocelyne@fcac.gc.ca, AdamsoV@erc-cee.gc.ca,
betty.macphee@crtc.gc.ca, potterl@scc-csc.gc.ca,
josee.touchette@justice.gc.ca, renaudlp@oag-bvg.gc.ca,
rdaoust@privcom.gc.ca, rod.smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, smorel@gg.ca,
rraymond@lcc.gc.ca, execassistant@nafta-sec-alena.org

Hey Lady
I very tired of the double talk of mandates etc. that you public servants employ to duck doing your job. Perhaps you should have a long talk with all those within your Dept that assisted the Yankees in my false imprisonment last year. Methinks the right one to start with would be Josie Macguire in Beantown. Don't you?
Legal Rights

7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.

8. Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.

9. Everyone has the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned.

10. Everyone has the right on arrest or detention
a) to be informed promptly of the reasons therefor;
b) to retain and instruct counsel without delay and to be informed of that right; and
c) to have the validity of the detention determined by way of habeas corpus and to be released if the detention is not lawful.

11. Any person charged with an offence has the right
a) to be informed without unreasonable delay of the specific offence;
b) to be tried within a reasonable time;
c) not to be compelled to be a witness in proceedings against that person in respect of the offence;
d) to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal;
e) not to be denied reasonable bail without just cause;

maggie.trudel-maggiore@international.gc.ca wrote:

Mr. Amos,

thank you for your phone message and several email messages. As the Director of Values and Ethics in the departments of Foreign Affairs Canada and International Trade Canada, my current mandate applies only to internal management issues. For example, establishing a code of conduct for our employees as well as providing advice to staff on conflict of interest and conflict resolution.
As such I don't think I could be in a position to assist you. Please remove my name from your distribution list.

Thanks in advance

Maggie Trudel-Maggiore
A/Director, Values and Ethics

From: David Amos mailto:motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Sent: September 18, 2005 1:53 PM
To: publiceye@cbs.com; bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com; cnwtor@mail.newswire.ca; mgarcia@venezuelaonu.gob.ve; veneboston@hotmail.com; consulado.canada@misionvenezuela.org; inquiries@un.org; clementgroleau@videotron.ca; mercet@sen.parl.gc.ca; anti-t@sen.parl.gc.ca; complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca; jacques.dufort@cpc-cpp.gc.ca; ellardm@sirc-csars.gc.ca; GrandmL@erc-cee.gc.ca; Trudel-Maggiore, Maggie -ZVE; jacques.sabourin@justice.gc.ca; lesley.mccoy@justice.gc.ca; martineaup@nafta-sec-alena.org; cbarlow@gg.ca; gredling@pco-bcp.gc.ca; mary.chaput@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca; ginette.danis@psc-cfp.gc.ca; justice@gov.nl.ca
Cc: murielle.rivers@chrc-ccdp.ca; mburke@chrt-tcdp.gc.ca; rricher@scics.gc.ca; crouleau@citttcce.gc.ca; dcb@smtp.gc.ca; charrette.jocelyne@fcac.gc.ca; AdamsoV@erc-cee.gc.ca; betty.macphee@crtc.gc.ca; potterl@scc-csc.gc.ca; josee.touchette@justice.gc.ca; renaudlp@oag-bvg.gc.ca; rdaoust@privcom.gc.ca; rod.smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; smorel@gg.ca; rraymond@lcc.gc.ca; execassistant@nafta-sec-alena.org
Subject: I have many documents for Dan Rather to review ask Brian Mulroney or his buddy Bernard Roy

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 04:42:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: RE: Just so you know
To: publiceye@cbs.com, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, cnwtor@mail.newswire.ca,
mgarcia@venezuelaonu.gob.ve, veneboston@hotmail.com,
consulado.canada@misionvenezuela.org, inquiries@un.org,
clementgroleau@videotron.ca, mercet@sen.parl.gc.ca,
anti-t@sen.parl.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca,
jacques.dufort@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, ellardm@sirc-csars.gc.ca,
GrandmL@erc-cee.gc.ca, jacques.sabourin@justice.gc.ca,
lesley.mccoy@justice.gc.ca, martineaup@nafta-sec-alena.org,
cbarlow@gg.ca, gredling@pco-bcp.gc.ca, mary.chaput@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca,
ginette.danis@psc-cfp.gc.ca, justice@gov.nl.ca,
murielle.rivers@chrc-ccdp.ca, mburke@chrt-tcdp.gc.ca,
rricher@scics.gc.ca, crouleau@citttcce.gc.ca, dcb@smtp.gc.ca,
charrette.jocelyne@fcac.gc.ca, AdamsoV@erc-cee.gc.ca,
betty.macphee@crtc.gc.ca, potterl@scc-csc.gc.ca,
josee.touchette@justice.gc.ca, renaudlp@oag-bvg.gc.ca,
rdaoust@privcom.gc.ca, rod.smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, smorel@gg.ca,
rraymond@lcc.gc.ca, execassistant@nafta-sec-alena.org
CC: caroline.whitby@transfair.ca, pbroder@imaginecanada.ca,
cforcese@uottawa.ca, David.Fewer@uOttawa.ca, Philippa.Lawson@uOttawa.ca,
Stephane.Emard-Chabot@uOttawa.ca, Chantale.Fore@uOttawa.ca,
exec@casis.ca, gkealey@unb.ca, dgollob@cna-acj.ca,
justicepourmohamedharkat@yahoo.ca, mail@ccla.org, info@amnesty.ca,
rocht@iclmg.ca, katiag@ccic.ca, admin@cbanb.com, info@cba.org

Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 04:33:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: Just so you know
To: HeafeyS@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, gemerson@tor.fasken.com, jgrant@baseconsulting.ca,
rabrahamson@baseconsulting.ca, mdesouza@baseconsulting.ca, csae@csae.com,
kim.keith@rci.rogers.com, jduncan@tor.fasken.com, Moore.R@parl.gc.ca,
ahamilton@casselsbrock.com, jm@jmellon.com, treasurer@casis.ca,
jbronskill@cp.org, RTRiley6@cs.com, pborbey@pco-bcp.gc.ca,
dlepage@pco-bcp.gc.ca, Allan.Kimpton@psc-cfp.gc.ca,
linda.gobeil@psc-cfp.gc.ca, janette.hamilton@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
barbara.george@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, danielle.brunet-paquin@tpsgc.gc.ca,
robert.brule@cse-cst.gc.ca, Julie.Birch@cse-cst.gc.ca,
arnold.zeman@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca, nancy.taillon@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca
CC: info.com@chrc-ccdp.ca, Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca, Scott.A@parl.gc.ca,
radionews@mpbc.org, publisher@whatsup.nb.ca, kjamerson@wagmtv.com,
kbabin@globaltv.ca, jfoster@globaltv.ca, atvnews@ctv.ca, cmorris@cp.org,
info@ccna.ca, kbissett@broadcastnews.ca, bdnmail@bangordailynews.net,
ehutton@atlanticbusinessmagazine.com, argosy@mta.ca,
sylvain.martel@csn.qc.ca, events@cpac.ca, mmacdonald@cp.org,
crgeditor@yahoo.com, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca

No need to Bitch.

I am about to sue ya anyway but you did receive the same material that everybody else got by email anyway. However now I will now forward the other emails that various silly servants got after I had had many talks with your incompetant and malicious assistants within the Commission over the past two years. It seems that I had to insult you and bust you in front of your friends to finally get a response from you.

Furthermore on August 2nd I sent you your material byway of the US Mail which was received and signed for. It was hard copy of my concerns and allegations about you being in bed with the corrupt old bastard Zack of the RCMP. I also sent a copy of wiretap tape # 139. Instead of you acting within the scope of your employment you go on vacation and bury your head in the sand while the RCMP assisted the Yankees in throwing my wife and kids into the street without due process of law?

Well your head may be in still the sand but you just stuck your arse high up in the air. It is high time for me to give it a boot before you stick it up Zack's ass in a vain effort to appear that you have integrity after all. The following is the text of that letter and after that is the US Mail's confirmation of when it was sent and received by you.

Say hey to McLachlin for me will ya? Tell her I will be suing her too. She has been covering up for the crooked Newfy Judge Dereck Green for way past too long. To hell with lawyers appointed as commissioners and other lawyers appointed as judges. From my point of view they were only appointed to cover up public corruption. I look forward to meeting the likes of you in court and arguing you on the public record. You just proved for me that most lawyers ain't that smart. You should have continued to play dumb Bitch. At least then you could have blamed your assistants for not telling you what you obviously know. however if you had done so, I would have pointed to the fact that you are their supervisor and therefore ultimatly responsible. Everybody else knows that the RCMP are as crooked as hell, so do you. call me a liar now. I double dog dare ya.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
July 31st, 2005

Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin,
C/o Norman Sabourin General Counsel and Andrew Grant and
Renée Maria Tremblay
Canadian Judicial Council
150 Metcalfe Street,
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0W8

Shirley Heafey Chair of Commission
for Public Complaints against the RCMP
P.O. Box 3423 Station "D"
Ottawa, ON K1P 6L4
RE: Rampant Public Corruption


Pursuant to my recent phone calls to Norman Sabourin and various underlings of Shirley Heafey within the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP over the years plus my many faxes and emails please find enclosed exactly the same material received by every Attorney General in Canada over the past year. The CD which is a copy of a police surveillance wiretap tape # 139 is served upon you as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated. As you can see I have enclosed a copy of a letter sent to the latest Attorney General Mr. Wally Opal in BC. Perhaps he should take a little trip to Surrey and ask your office some hard questions. Perhaps the ghost of my fellow Independent politician, Chuck Cadman may wish to answer few questions now as well. Hard telling not knowing.

I will not bother you with the details of what I am sending to you byway of the certified US Mail because I will be serving identical material to many other Canadian Authorities in hand and tell them I gave this stuff to you first and enclose a copy of this letter. All that is important to me right now is that I secure proof that this mail was sent before I make my way back home to the Maritimes. However I will say I am also enclosing a great deal more material than what Allan Rock had received in the UN. Some of it is in fact the same material the two maritime lawyers, Rob Moore and Franky Boy McKenna in particular received, while I was up home running for Parliament last year. Things have changed greatly in the past year so I have also included a few recent items to spice thing up for you. I am tired of trying to convince people employed in law enforcement to uphold the law. So all I will say for now is deal will your own conscience and be careful how you respond to this letter. If you do not respond. Rest assured I will do my best to sue you some day. Ignorance is no excuse to the law or me.
Veritas Vincit
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave
Milton, MA. 02186

Label/Receipt Number: ED71 7170 484U S
Detailed Results:
Delivered Abroad, August 11, 2005, 6:49 am, CANADA

Out of Foreign Customs, August 08, 2005, 2:37 pm, CANADA

Into Foreign Customs, August 04, 2005, 1:52 pm, CANADA

Arrived Abroad, August 04, 2005, 1:52 pm, CANADA

International Dispatch, August 03, 2005, 8:32 am, KENNEDY AMC

Enroute, August 03, 2005, 8:30 am, JAMAICA, NY 11499

Acceptance, August 02, 2005, 10:40 am, QUINCY, MA 02169

Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 08:07:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: This dude is a big time liar his own complaint number proves it
To: news@dailygleaner.com, kcarmichael@bloomberg.net, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
advocacycollective@yahoo.com, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Comartin.J@parl.gc.ca,
cityadmin@fredericton.ca, info@gg.ca, bmosher@mosherchedore.ca,
rchedore@mosherchedore.ca, police@fredericton.ca, chebert@thestar.ca,
Stoffer.P@parl.gc.ca, Stronach.B@parl.gc.ca, Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca,
alltrue@nl.rogers.com, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca,
Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca
CC: brad.woodside@fredericton.ca, whalen@fredericton.ca,
david.kelly@fredericton.ca, cathy.maclaggan@fredericton.ca,
stephen.kelly@fredericton.ca, tom.jellinek@fredericton.ca,
scott.mcconaghy@fredericton.ca, marilyn.kerton@fredericton.ca,
walter.brown@fredericton.ca, norah.davidson@fredericton.ca,
mike.obrien@fredericton.ca, bruce.grandy@fredericton.ca,
dan.keenan@fredericton.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca,
mrichard@lawsociety-barreau.nb.ca, cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca,
jlmockler@mpor.ca, scotta@parl.gc.ca, michael.bray@gnb.ca,

May 23, 2007 File No. PC-2005-1291

Mr. David R Amos

Dear Mr. Amos:

On a number of occasions you have called or sent e-mails our office to raise matters which are of pressing concern to you.

Each time we have tried to respond by explaining to you the relatively narrow mandate of this Commission and the limits of our powers to deal with the matters which are of concern to you. I must stress, once again, that the purpose of this Commission is to provide the public with an opportunity to make complaints concerning the conduct of members of the RCMP in the performance of their duties. We have neither the expertise nor the legal authority to permit us to become involved in issues beyond the scope of this mandate.

While it is clearly not the intention of the Commission to prevent you from making complaints against members of the RCMP, an analysis of your numerous contacts with the Commission indicates that your concerns fall well outside the confines of our mandate. Further, your frequent e-mails have been disruptive and unproductive for both you and for the staff of this office.

Should you determine that some point in the future you have a complaint concerning the conduct of a member of the RCMP in the performance of his or her duties, please submit it to the Commission by Canada Post only. As of now, your e-mails will be deleted unread.

Yours truly,

Andrée Leduc
Enquiries and Complaints Analyst

"Heafey, Shirley" HeafeyS@cpc-cpp.gc.ca wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: "Heafey, Shirley" HeafeyS@cpc-cpp.gc.ca
Sent: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 14:10:00 -0400
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Just so you know

Just so you know, there was no message attached to the e-mail sent to me. SO, in fact, I don't know what you think I should now know. Try again.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos mailto:motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 1:24 PM
To: gemerson@tor.fasken.com; jgrant@baseconsulting.ca; rabrahamson@baseconsulting.ca; mdesouza@baseconsulting.ca; csae@csae.com; kim.keith@rci.rogers.com; jduncan@tor.fasken.com; Moore.R@parl.gc.ca; ahamilton@casselsbrock.com
Cc: Zeman, Arnold; jm@jmellon.com; Taillon, Nancy; treasurer@casis.ca; jbronskill@cp.org; RTRiley6@cs.com; pborbey@pco-bcp.gc.ca; dlepage@pco-bcp.gc.ca; Allan.Kimpton@psc-cfp.gc.ca; linda.gobeil@psc-cfp.gc.ca; janette.hamilton@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; barbara.george@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; danielle.brunet-paquin@tpsgc.gc.ca; robert.brule@cse-cst.gc.ca; Julie.Birch@cse-cst.gc.ca; Heafey, Shirley
Subject: Just so you know

CSIS can never say they didn't know. This should put Shirley Heafey's panties in a knot when she get back from her vacation. I can only wonder what Ms. Longo of the RCMP is saying about now.

"Zeman, Arnold" Arnold.Zeman@PSEPC-SPPCC.gc.ca wrote:

Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: For the record Joan I did talk to your boss Abrahamson yesterday and more people you know today

Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 13:16:11 -0400
From: "Zeman, Arnold" Arnold.Zeman@PSEPC-SPPCC.gc.ca
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
This is an automatic reply. I'm away froom the office and will return on Monday September 26,2005. If you need information before then, please contact Marie-France Kingsley at 990-6306.

Ceci est une réponse automatique. Je serai de retour au bureau le lundi 26 septembre 2005. Si vous avez besoin d'aide, veuillez communiquer avec Marie-France Kingsley au 990-6306.

A. W. Zeman
Assistant Inspector General of CSIS /
Inspecteur général adjoint du SCRS
340 Laurier Avenue West / 340, avenue Laurier ouest
Ottawa ON K1A 0P8
phone / tél:(613) 990-8274
fax / télécopieur:(613) 990-8303
email / courriel: arnold.zeman@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 6:15 PM
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Number Six – Robert Rabinovitch
Casual readers at my regular blog, Spink About It may find this hard to believe but I actually like CBC and my preference would be for it to continue but not on its current path. Over the years, the public broadcaster has become a leftist, elitist network with fewer and fewer Canadians tuning in despite costing those same taxpayers a billion dollars a year.

There’s a joke I once heard about CBC that if you’re tuned into any interview with a panel on CBC, there’s always three panelists; a moderate left person, a far-left person, and a loonie left person. Sadly not far from the truth.

Which brings us to number 6, the CBC’s President and CEO Robert Rabinovitch who has been in the CBC head chair since 1999.

In 2005 he oversaw a lockout of 5,500 CBC employees. Broadcasting came to a virtual standstill but instead of outrage from the public, there was a collective yawn. The masses simply didn’t care. They has already tuned out a while ago.

Take my province of New Brunswick. About a decade ago, CBC Television’s New Brunswick newscast had respectable ratings, 60,000 or so a night. Today the audience is 1/10 of that, on the verge of being able to thank each viewer for watching by name. Similar ratings disasters have happened in other markets as well and most of that erosion has come under Rabinovitch’s watch. Budget cuts are often cited by CBC supporters as the reason but here’s the main reason…it’s unwatchable. The stories are slow moving and more importantly don’t resonate with the average Canadian just like most of the programming at CBC. That has to rest ultimately at the top and that goes to Rabinovitch. Since he’s come in the CBC has in fact gotten worse as it continues down its leftist, elitist path on your dime. The examples are virtually endless.

This isn’t me saying a leftist, elitist station can’t exist. There’s nothing wrong with that but let that segment of the population pay for it through fundraising drives or subscription fees. Having every Canadian pay for it is ridiculous. Rabinovitch should start producing something that Canadians want to listen to or watch, or it should be turfed and the billion dollars a year coudl be spent in a better way for the population as a whole. Better yet, turf Rabinovitch and bring in someone with some leadership skills who can make the necessary changes at CBC that are long overdue.
Posted by Spinks on Thursday, August 02, 2007 at 9:20 PM | Permalink
I, like you are tired of the left slant. Then to yank your chain more. They are off the air when you have insomnia, or it is "soft" porn. It pisses me off to pay for something that you can't watch, or is not watchable. Another tax scam as far as I'm concerned.
Posted by db | 10:08 PM
Can the CBC be improved? of course it can. But without the CBC, we would get nothing but right-wing propaganda and lies as news. The CBC is a vanguard of truth in reporting, and of Canadian sovereignty. The CBC is one of the 3 pillars of our nationhood.
Posted by John Murney | 4:40 AM
"Rabinovitch should start producing something that Canadians want to listen to or watch"

Care to elaborate? More "reality TV", funny home videos or Home & Garden Shows? I'm not disagreeing with you per se, but I'd like to know what you (or presumably these other trod upon Canadians) think would be more watchable.

I know there's no point going into it here as the vitriol runs pretty high, but I've heard plenty of stuff that's far from "left wing, elitist" on CBC, which I am convinced is just a name to throw on something when it uses big words and doesn't revolve around the supremacy of Tim Hortons as a national institution.

Any suggestions?
Posted by Anonymous | 7:54 AM
I too, would prefer that the CBC remain, though their leftist slant would have to be done away with since they must serve the population as a whole. This doesn't mean bland steady as she goes programs, but rather provocative discussion where proponents of all views get to be heard. We pay taxes for this so nobody should be denied.
I speak mainly on the subkect of radio, since I rarely watch TV, and definitely think that some of the changes the CBC has made over the last few years are terrible, on the other hand there are a few bright lights, such as "Randy's Vinyl Tap" the show that replaced Finkelman's 45s on Saturday nights. Randy Bachman one of teh veterans of canadian music who knows everyone who's anyone in the business, and ha s an infectous personality and diverse musical taste is made for radio.
On the other hand, they got rid of one of the staples of my mospent youth, Brave New Waves & Nightlines which for twenty plus years was the best overnight radio in the country especially duringthe era of Brent Bambury and David Wisdom.
For the tax money we spend, I think their broadcast plan is also ill-conceived. For example, they were not very bright, IMHO when they shut down a bunch of 50 000 watt clear channel AM services and moved over to FM. In many cases, especially in Montreal the situation has been so bad that extra FM transmitters had to be set up to cover some blighted areas even a few kms from the main tower! First they took away a frequency that was allocated for Cornwall On, denying the people there a new station, and when that didn;t do the job, they had to grab another frequency in Montreal and another in the townships that were sought after and could have gone to other community groups , adding to diversity.
I'm also shaking my head that here in central Ontario, we have three good signals for the French premiere chaine, but no service for Chaine Culturelle, their version of radio 2.
A few years ago, they came up with the idea of radio Three, which they had planned on putting on the air at one time. It never got further than internet broadcasts. This would have been a good idea, since radio 3 was to have been geared toward the under thirty audience, and they could have moved all that programming from radio One and two that would have appealed to them over there, leaving radio 2 as an outlet for highbrow classical music and jazz , and radio one for mainly talk.
I could go on, but misallocation of resources, in this case, our money, is good enough reason for Rabinovitch to be on the list.
Fix these, and balance the slant, and then you will have a winner.
Posted by Neal Ford | 8:20 AM
This list has a distinctly anti-Semitic tone. You have chosen more members of the Jewish community for your list than would seem reasonable for a list without an anti-Semetic bias.
Posted by Anonymous | 12:56 PM
As much as I think this list is laughable, I can say with some degree of internal certainty that the author is not anti-semitic.

He's a lot of things that I heartily disagree with, but I don't see Jews as one of the groups he disdains... and the groups he does call out he tends to have at least a semblance of an argument for justifying it.

And I shouldn't assume that Spinks is a man - although the views expressed would certainly indicate (s)he is.

I really don't believe he's an out and out racist, though.
Posted by Just a quick one... | 1:09 PM
Anti-semitic? Where? I have yet to see one entry on this list that has to do with race, sex, weight or anything except what a person has done. That's the same as trying to silence opposition by playing the race card. Ridiculous. Rabinovitch and his leftist army at CBC are screwing up this country and that doesn't matter if he's Jewish, white, or polka dot.
Posted by Andy | 2:50 PM
Good choice. And to think, I was just pissed at him for burning our hard-earned tax dollars on limo services and a driver he doesn't even warrant. Well, come to think of it, there were a few other things.
Posted by NB taxpayer | 12:38 PM
Oh how long I have waited to see his face on your list. Does he not look like Richard Dreyfuss with 10 more pounds ( all of it on his cheeks)?

Under his lousy leadership,the CBC has become an Israel hating machine; to the point of re-showing photos that have been mocked at on every right of center website ; "fauxtography" is the name.

I will not hide the fact that I am Jewish ( 3rd generation Canadian; my great grandfather arrived here in Halifax in 1911 )and a fan of your blog. I would happily controibute to it to see the top 10 criminals that have SCREWED up Canada - not screwing it. Because it is already screwed up.

Nearly every Jewish person listed here is unfortunately either very leftist, arrogant or a bad businessman who downloads too many cost to the final consumer. I do not believe that Spinks is an anti-semite. In fact, he is brave to disply people with Jewish names. Spinks knows that he will be labelled an anti-semite.

I would prefer to not see any Jews on the list but it does speak volumes for Canada, having very few Jews relative to the population, an having so many that have done very well here. Canada,may have some pockets of anti-semites, but it is NOT an Anti-semetic country. BUT,like the CBC it is very supine and acquiescent towards Islam. Our grandchildren will suffer for it.
Posted by James B | 8:44 PM
Thanks James. I have to say I was surprised to read the anonymous comment about anti-semitism. I've taken a lot of heat for this blog but that's a first. The only thing I'll say about it is I haven't even thought about anyone's ethinic origin in putting together this list. If there are a number of people of any ethnic origin it is merely coincidence. People are on this list due to their actions, nothing more, and nothing less. See the faq link in the sidebar for more.
Posted by Spinks | 9:42 PM
the day I was scooting down the local city street with cbc fm yap on the radio, aaaaand was presented with the old wives tale urban legend yet again about 'pus and blood' in cows milk was the day I took both the cbc stations off the push buttons, and never listened to cbc radio again.

cbc used to be the only station I watched because we didnt have cable or antenna. that was the days of Wayne & Shuster.

cbc is a withered hag shell of its former self and theres no going back, its just too late.

how do you take a death mask from a broadcast corporation?
Posted by Anonymous | 10:41 PM
The list isn't antisemetic, it just blames jews in the media for the country's problems.
Posted by Anonymous | 10:00 AM
Uh, Spinks is Jewish, you moron.
Posted by Gypsyblog | 7:47 AM
I just hope that #1 is not Jewish.
Posted by James B. | 5:23 PM
Spinks and CBC had nothing to say months ago when Porky Prick and I got into it bigtime months ago N'est Pas? Ask yourselves why.

Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2007 10:59:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
Subject: Hey Spinks Baby, I noticed you quit blocking me. So do you or your no so alter ego Trenchcoat remember our nasty old Fed buddy Porky Prick?
To: wally.stiles@gnb.ca, kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca, Joan.MACALPINE@gnb.ca, bruce.northrup@gnb.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, claude.landry@gnb.ca, mike.olscamp@gnb.ca, Jeannot.VOLPE@gnb.ca, politicsnb@hotmail.com, news@fredfm.ca, Madeleine.DUBE@gnb.ca, Paul.ROBICHAUD@gnb.ca, Percy.Mockler@gnb.ca, kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca, rosemay.poirier@gnb.ca, Jody.CARR@gnb.ca, Keith.ASHFIELD@gnb.ca, David.ALWARD@gnb.ca, aleblanc.mla@nb.aibn.com, Trevor.HOLDER@gnb.ca, stuart.jamieson@gnb.ca, Margaret-Ann.BLANEY@gnb.ca, tony.huntjens@gnb.ca, Wayne.STEEVES@gnb.ca, brad.green@gnb.ca, eugene.mcginley2@gnb.ca, bev.harrison@gnb.ca, mikemurphymla@hotmail.com, T.J.Burke@gnb.ca, roly.macintyre@gnb.ca, Ed.Doherty@gnb.ca, leesong@tutorfind.com, susan@junegiese.com
CC: porcupine007@gmail.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, btaylor@nbnet.nb.ca, Bill.Fraser@gnb.ca, mary.schryer@gnb.ca, rick.miles@gnb.ca, jack.keir@gnb.ca, Bernard.LeBlanc@gnb.ca, Cheryl.Lavoie@gnb.ca, greg.byrne@gnb.ca, john.foran@gnb.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, Deb_Nobes@cbc.ca, spinks08@hotmail.com, Duane.Rousselle@unb.ca, ndpnpd@nbnet.nb.ca, mackay01@canada.com, PoliticsNB@hotmail.com, oldmaison.wcie@gmail.com, advocacycollective@yahoo.com, dchafe@atlanticbusinessmagazine.com, cjcw@nbnet.nb.ca, news@kingscorecord.com, news@dailygleaner.com, desserud@unbsj.ca, brad.woodside@fredericton.ca, police@fredericton.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca

Spinks Spinks spinks08@hotmail.com wrote:

David baby, I'd like to opt out of your spam e-mails since I'm not going to
read anymore of them and they'll just be going to junkmail from now on.
Thanks for your assistance.


Spinks baby

Porcupine Prique porcupine007@gmail.com wrote:
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 14:50:32 -0300
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Wimp

Sue, sue, sue...c'yall in court....blah, blah, blah

That is all you do, idiot. Why dontcha grow some gonads and put your
money where your mouth is? Sue everyone you have threatened to sue.
Sue 'em all. Don't let any of 'em off the hook.

You're tough....we're scared

Sue Sue Sue

You're a loud mouth, a wimp, a girlieman

A gurlieman named "Sue"

Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 04:50:42 -0400
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: The one true thing Stevy Boy MacKinnon said yesterday in Fredericton was that the boys were back town

Pffft.... The pussy farted again. You all-talk-and-no-action, bitch. You couldn't sue yourself out of a wet paper bag. Hey, don't drop the soap, eh? PP

Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 08:09:06 -0400
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: I got tired of waiting for some Yankee lawyees to call me back for obvious reasons EH Porky Prick?

We should reveal ourselves to you. What is the worst that could happen. You sue us? Yes, right. Oops, wait a minute, no you don't sue anyone. You just blow air. The list of people you hate is already long enough. We are already on your list anyway, but you do not know where.

One problem of the internet is it has allowed freaks to play around and use up the time and energy of the real people. Get a new hobby and save us the bother. Our mail filter is being loaded now, and any more of your crap will be automatically clunked. We are tired and need to do the real work of the land.

Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 21:59:03 -0400
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Unhook

Are you trying to lose ALL your internet access? It can probably be arranged if you keep at it hard enough. Crybabies have free speech but eventually even their mommies stop listening.

On 3/10/07, David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 21:59:03 -0400
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by gmail.com.
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Unhook

Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 20:29:53 -0300
From: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
To: impolitic@rogers.com, wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, derek.strong@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Subject: I figured out that this cop who calls himself Porky Prick is Norm Plourde a sppok in the RCMP in Fredericton

To date the local cop, Norm Plourde has never denied and as soon as I asked he quit sending me emails.

There is something to Fat Fred City's Finest to investigate EH Chucky Leblanc?

FYI the emails are still winging through to Wee Willy Elliott and everybodyelse notice of anything being to anyone as of yet. Too bad so sad. Wee Willy and his crew of cohorts were way past to late three years ago when I came screaming out of that Yankee jail after the Dept of Foreign Affairs visited me their and showed me their nasty Fat Cat Canadian arses.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Werner Bock webo@xplornet.com

Date: Mar 8, 2007 9:37 PM
Subject: Fw: Gotcha now watch me embarass the Crown Corp known as CBC
To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com

----- Original Message -----
From: David Raymond Amos
To: Porcupine Prique ; rsheehan@skadden.com ; Dion.S@parl.gc.ca ; Martin.Paul@parl.gc.ca ; Ignatieff.M@parl.gc.ca ; Volpe.J@parl.gc.ca ; Brison.S@parl.gc.ca ; Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca ; egarris2@antiwar.com ; btaylor@nbnet.nb.ca ; Duane.Rousselle@unb.ca ; oldmaison.wcie@gmail.com ; martine.turcotte@bell.ca ; premier@gov.ns.ca ; McCallum.J@parl.gc.ca ; Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca ; atlantic@ctv.ca ; charles leblanc ; smurphy@ctv.ca ; Eyking.M@parl.gc.ca ; Keddy.G@parl.gc.ca ; Regan.G@parl.gc.ca ; Savage.M@parl.gc.ca ; Thibault.R@parl.gc.ca ; news-tips@nytimes.com ; bizday@nytimes.com ; foreign@nytimes.com ; dinoratt@telus.net ; editor@thetyee.ca ; Alex J. Walling ; chimeracavern@yahoo.com ; harper.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; joe.christinat@thomson.com ; dorrie.harris@thomson.com ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ; info@teedandteed.com ; Darrell.Bricker@ipsos-na.com ; shawn.graham@gnb.ca ; John.Conyers@mail.house.gov ; plamom@sen.parl.gc.ca ; olived@sen.parl.gc.ca ; iwhitehall@heenan.ca ; neil.finkelstein@blakes.com ; jchretien@heenan.ca ; rheenan@heenan.ca ; bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com ; broy@ogilvyrenault.com ; kmearn@mpdmilton.org ; governorlynch@nh.gov ; mayor@ci.boston.ma.us ; kinsella@stu.ca ; mcomeau@stu.ca ; ruby@ruby-edwardh.com ; Stoffer.P@parl.gc.ca ; McDonough.A@parl.gc.ca
Cc: Harper.S@parl.gc.ca ; bgibson@edmontonpolicecommission.com ; ljackson@edmontonpolicecommission.com ; gsciur@edmontonpolicecommission.com ; greg.preston@police.edmonton.ab.ca ; Barbot.V@parl.gc.ca ; Ambrose.R@parl.gc.ca ; Epp.K@parl.gc.ca ; Goldring.P@parl.gc.ca ; Hawn.L@parl.gc.ca ; Jaffer.R@parl.gc.ca ; Rajotte.J@parl.gc.ca ; Williams.J@parl.gc.ca ; whfs@citizen.org ; Ablonczy.D@parl.gc.ca ; Anders.R@parl.gc.ca ; Benoit.L@parl.gc.ca ; Calkins.B@parl.gc.ca ; Casson.R@parl.gc.ca ; Hanger.A@parl.gc.ca ; Jean.B@parl.gc.ca ; Kenney.J@parl.gc.ca ; Lake.M@parl.gc.ca ; Menzies.T@parl.gc.ca ; Merrifield.R@parl.gc.ca ; Mills.B@parl.gc.ca ; Obhrai.D@parl.gc.ca ; Prentice.J@parl.gc.ca ; Richardson.L@parl.gc.ca ; Solberg.M@parl.gc.ca ; Sorenson.K@parl.gc.ca ; Storseth.B@parl.gc.ca ; Thompson.M@parl.gc.ca ; Warkentin.C@parl.gc.ca ; jpjt@hotmail.com
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 1:01 AM
Subject: Re: Gotcha now watch me embarass the Crown Corp known as CBC

With regards to you Porky Prick, please allow me to introduce you to Rita A. Rodin of ICANN give her a call 212 735 3774. I don't think she thinks I am kidding but maybe she hopes i will die with the moslims and skinhead threating at the same time and your little buddy Depupty Dag wants to claim that even "Big Al" od the mob is pissed off. Too funny EH? nobody can be as pissed as me and yet I still get a chuckle or two from your nonsense.

My next calls are to the Ms Rodin's managing partners of her law firm in the Big Apple and then later once they open shop I will tear ICANN a new arsehole as well because of Ms. rodin wanton incompetence or malice. I am more intersted in what ICANN has to say about who you are and your Blackhole IP address that whatever insult you may wish to throw my way.

What I want to know from the Public Safety and Foreign Affairs crowd of crooks in Ottawa is how do you know what was in the letter to Irwin years ago? Both original copies dissappeared from both the US Mail and Canada Post at the same time. I also gave one to the ADA in Beantown and the Clerk of Dorchester District immediately before I was falsely imprisned on Oct 1st 2004. Both those copies have since dissappeared. That leaves the one my wife gave to Josie Macguire in the consulate offices in Beantown to give to Irwin in hand while I was in jail. But then of course the ten others I sent to certain Attorney Generals and Shirley heafey and beverely Maclachen (I can't spell that name chief justice though) the following year before my wife and kids were illegally evicted from our home.

Once I do know you name I will want your house and car etc before you are jailed for reading private papers to law enforcement authorities over the internet and of course you assistance in the cover up of many crimes including murder. Or is the letter to Irwin private after all? Check the blogs or the many emails I sent over the years to your buddies to see if I am wrong. prove it and I will stand corrected methinks that fair EH Porky Pig or was that Prick? (I already know who I emailed the letter to and when. Do you?)

Kinda interesting that you surfaced from the sewer on Oct 3rd. my wife's birthday EH? Just in time for a fine pig roast on the very day Shawny Baby Graham was sworn in to uphold the public trust and protect the public interests. You are both as porky as hell. I love to gnaw on the bones the other white meat as they say. Instead of running damage control the Dion crowd of crooks enlists you to try to piss me off? Too funny. All you dudes accomplished thus far with your insults is to allow me to put ICANN over the barrel.

This is Ms Rodin's boss, Robert C. Sheehan (wonder if he knows the other Sheehan's I know? I wil ask when I call (212 735-3335) He has been cited by publications as one of the world's leading banking lawyers. Whereas he knows so much about banking, he is gonna love my next emails EH? Perhaps he should bone up on the following article by his own law firm because everybody knows the SEC and I have been butting our heads for years over their cover up of crooked bankers and their wrongs.
"Recent DOJ and SEC Settlements Illustrate the Importance of Anti-Corruption Compliance in the Context of Acquisition Transactions"

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, February 14, 2007
Robert S. Bennett, Gary DiBianco, Colleen P. Mahoney

The U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ") and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") entered into two recent Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ("FCPA") settlements illustrating the U.S . government's continued focus on enforcement of the FCPA, including in situations where there has been a corporate change in ownership.

Just Dave
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos@xplornet.com
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: Update request Whereas your IP is in a Blackhole that Rita A. Rodin of ICANN oversees I will update ya both with the latest emails

Yeah, but you didn't answer any of our questions.

On 3/4/07, David Raymond Amos davidramos@xplornet.com wrote:

Then I will demand of the lawyer to know just what sort of Fed you are. I am betting a Canadian one N'est Pas?

Whois Record IP Information
Record Type: IP Address
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
To: davidramos@xplornet.com
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 7:22 AM
Subject: Update request

From your letter to Irwin:
You said:
" I would prefer all words between us to be said in a public forum
either in open court in front of a jury of my peers or elsewhere."

How's that workin' out for ya?

You said:
"I can certainly complain of you in Canada. I will not hesitate to do so in the very near future."

How's that workin' out for ya?

You said:
"We shall see where his investigation leads if anywhere at all."

How's that workin' out for ya?

You said:
"On Oct 3rd, my wife's birthday I will begin our legal actions to make the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and many others pay much relief for the personal injury it has caused us."

How's that workin' out for ya?

You said:
"I shall sue the Queen for his actions alone."

How's that workin' out for ya?

You said:
"I have yet to make a pleading in the Criminal Complaint against me by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in Dorchester District Court. I will wait until the Judge decides on Oct 1st as to whether or not the court has jurisdiction to hear the matter."

How'd that ever go?

You said:
"His delay is for reasons of lucre and malice.I will file a motion as
the judge suggested in order to allow the DA the prescribed time to
answer it."

Did you?

You said:
"This letter with all of its enclosures will be amongst the exhibits filed with the aforesaid motion in order to prove the matter falls under the jurisdiction of federal court. It is also filed in this fashion because I strongly doubt the DA would pot the material I sent him into the Public Record."

Did you?

You said:
"Either he prosecutes me or I sue him. It is just that simple. I
demand my right to trial in front of a jury in federal court or see
the DA prosecuted for his malice."

Did you file?

You said:
"Why Canadians would stand with the Kickhams and against me is beyond my understanding."

We thought you understood everything.

You said:
"I truly believe the only reason the FEDS quit messing with me is
because they know that I have many incriminating wiretap tapes well

Or maybe its because you're not worth the trouble.

You said:
"Methinks you all have underestimated my tenacity and luck. Feel free to prove me wrong in court."

Did anyone take the bait?

You said:
"I made it pretty clear to you in an email the other day that this
letter would be coming and that I was looking into how to have you removed from your post."

So, how did that go for ya?

You said:
"Just in case you don't know I am making a very diligent effort to
inspire a confidence vote against the Martin Government on Oct 6th."


You said:
"Mr. Irwin, if you choose to do nothing as you have in the past on Oct 3rd I will consider the Queen and all her servants to be adversaries of mine in litigation that will no doubt go on for years."

Anything start on that yet?

You said:
"The date and time of the delivery of this letter is no mistake. I must not allow my adversaries any time to stop me before I email this letter around the world in my best effort to expose the truth before the next federal election in the USA."

The Earth quakes in fear.

You said:
"I simply don't even care about my grammar or spelling anymore."

Did ya ever?

You said:
"I will do all that I have promised to the best of my ability because of the fact that too many very well paid civil servants in two countries are past too late to act within the scope of their employment."

Did you do ANY of it?

You said:
"The task falls upon me to make all the smiling bastards pay for their illegal actions or inaction in order to willfully assist the criminals acting against my Clan."

Wiped the smiles off any bastards yet?

You said:
"I truly hope that in the future some Royal Commission calls you all
> > > back to Canada to testify for the benefit of all Canadians. That is your job."

Any Royal Commission called yet?

You said:
"On the subway yesterday my wife overheard some pretty young lady
lawyers discussing litigation with a colorful Pro Se character."

We thought she was in hospital and could not proofread your vomit?

You said:
"I will leave you all to ponder what I will do next as you all argue with your own consciences and self-interests."

What did ya do, anyway?


----- Original Message -----
From: Porcupine Prique
To: David Raymond Amos
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 10:49 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Gotcha now watch me embarass the Crown Corp known as CBC


So some jackoff at CBC has visited your pathetic site. What's the "gotcha" there? Did you complain to the CBC ombudsman that one of their staff wasted tax dollars surfing the Internet?

And they only spent a few minutes reading your crap, just long enough to figure out you're a paranoid pantload.

Chucky is an Einstein compared to you, and that is still an insult to Chucky

Do you think any of the people you sent your shit to even sees it?

And how are those legal threats coming? Anything filed in court yet?

Didnt think so.


Just Dave
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Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : New York
City : New York
Lat/Long : 40.8291, -73.9491 (Map)
Language English (United States)
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 6.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; (R1 1.5); .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
Javascript version 1.3
Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768
Color Depth : 32 bits
Time of Visit Mar 5 2007 4:11:55 pm
Last Page View Mar 5 2007 4:14:21 pm
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Time Zone UTC-5:00
Visitor's Time Mar 5 2007 3:11:55 pm
Visit Number 427

On 3/7/07, David Raymond Amos davidramos@xplornet.com wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: David Raymond Amos
To: office@AJAs.ca
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 9:38 AM
Subject: Fw: Gotcha now watch me embarass the Crown Corp known as CBC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ombudsman de Radio-Canada" ombudsman@radio-canada.ca
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos@xplornet.com
Cc: "CBC Ombudsman" Ombudsman@cbc.ca
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 12:00 PM
Subject: {Spam?} Rép. : Fw: Gotcha now watch me embarass the Crown Corp known as CBC

Dear Sir:

I write to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail and your voice mail, which I have shared with the office of the Ombudsman of the English network. It will follow up with your request.

For more information, you can consult CBC Ombudsman's web site: http://www.cbc.ca/ombudsman/

Best regards,

Laure Simonet
Assistant of the Ombudsman, French Services
Société Radio-Canada

"David Raymond Amos" davidramos@xplornet.com 03/07/07 8:29 am

----- Original Message -----
From: David Raymond Amos
To: newsroom@allheadlinenews.com ; jromanelli@hfxnews.ca ; cfleming@hfxnews.ca ; pramsay@amherstdaily.com
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Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 9:23 AM
Subject: Fw: Gotcha now watch me embarass the Crown Corp known as CBC

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Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 17:34:56 -0800 (PST)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Methinks I know who Spinks Baby is and he ain't denied it yet
To: collins.moncton-east@hotmail.com, seanoshaughnessy@rogers.com, kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca, trenchcoatblog@yahoo.ca, Bill.Fraser@gnb.ca, mary.schryer@gnb.ca, rick.miles@gnb.ca, jack.keir@gnb.ca, Bernard.LeBlanc@gnb.ca, Cheryl.Lavoie@gnb.ca, greg.byrne@gnb.ca, mleger@stu.ca, jwalker@stu.ca, plee@stu.ca, belord@gnb.ca, bruce.northrup@gnb.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, claude.landry@gnb.ca, mike.olscamp@gnb.ca
CC: johnforan.mla@nb.aibn.com, Chris.Baker@gnb.ca, yvon.leblanc3@gnb.ca, rachel.bard@gnb.ca, Louise.LEMON@gnb.ca, bmatthews@grantthornton.ca, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca, wally.stiles@gnb.ca, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, cumby.meghan@dailygleaner.com
Neither he nor Chucky ain't saying shit. As Chucky would say LOL

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 16:50:21 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: Hey Martine I just called your two underlings who threatened to sue me in Sept 2004
To: Spinks Spinks spinks08@hotmail.com

Cya in Court Brent

Spinks Spinks spinks08@hotmail.com wrote:

David baby, I'd like to opt out of your spam e-mails since I'm not going to
read anymore of them and they'll just be going to junkmail from now on.
Thanks for your assistance.


Spinks baby

Just so ya know I answered each of Porky Prick's questions after you bailed out spinks baby.
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 5:31 PM
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Number Seven – Jean Chrétien
I’m still a firm believer that much of former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien’s success at the polls was due more to disdain with Brian Mulroney (#45) and a split in the conservative vote between the Progressive Conservative and the Reform/Canadian Alliance parties than any huge voter love for Jean Chrétien.

Let’s take a look at his record.

From 1993 to 2003, Chrétien managed to nearly split the country in two, set a stage where the words liberals and corrupt became synonymous and set major social changes in place with no forethought such as same sex marriage and openly mused about trying to emulate the Netherlands with talk about legalizing pot.

We really should have known what we were in for right at the beginning in 1993. Just look at the now infamous Red Book.

It promised an independent ethics commissioner to report to Parliament but that didn’t happen until 2004. A promise to reform the Young Offenders Act. That finally happened in 2003 with the Youth Criminal Justice Act but is so loosey goosey that many argue it’s worse than before.

A promised national pharmacare program and national home care program never happened.

The one that really still resonates was a promise to at abolish the GST. It never happened and only Liberal Cabinet Minister Sheila Copps had the integrity to quit over the lie (she ran in a byelection and won). The only change was in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador who now have a flat 15% Harmonized Sales Tax combining PST and GST. The total is lower than before but its on everything. Previously there were more exemptions on things like clothing and school supplies. The bottom line is we’re still paying it and Jean Chrétien promised we wouldn’t.

Then there’s the sponsorship scandal. It leaves one wondering if Chrétien shouldn’t be in prison along with the others who took the fall.

He defended the program in 2002 saying, “Perhaps there was a few million dollars that might have been stolen in the process; it is possible."

How’s that for understatment?

That program which saw kickbacks and illegal contributions to the Liberal Party drove separatist support to the highest level seen in more than 10 years.

Where did the money go? Even the forensic accountants who exposed the Enron scandal said even they weren’t sure, it was such a web of deceit. Some of the things however included $50,000 in maple leaf ties, Montreal Grand Prix tickets for senior Grits, $100,000 worth of Christmas decorations, a TV series that aired in China (that should help national unity), a $16,000 plaque and flag in a store in Chrétien’s Quebec riding and 1,200 golf balls with Chrétien’s signature which he used to taunt Justice John Gomery during the inquiry into the sponsorship scandal.

In addition there of course was also the National Gun Registry which was supposed to cost $2 million and climbed to $2 billion (hmmm, maybe it’s a good thing the Liberals didn’t install the national pharmacare program and national home care program. Clearly their math stinks)
There was the HRDC $1 billion boondoggle on a number of questionable job-creation projects; one was a fountain in Chrétien’s riding.

I really could go on. The list is long and even Liberals have to be at least slightly disgusted with the egomaniacs that played out here. The lesson is never take voters for granted…or for suckers. Still the former Prime Minister managed to win three successive majorities by out and out lying to us. It’s too bad he quit before we could turf him ourselves.
Posted by Spinks on Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 7:04 PM | Permalink
I know there were some problems during his time in office but he did good things to in my opinion. We are bound disagree on whether same sex marrige and legalization of marijuana are good or not but I don't think he should have promised to get rid of the GST to begin with.I think it is a good tax as far as taxes are concerned.I prefer to see consumption taxes as opposed to other types and maybe if they are a bit higher people would think before they go out and buy a whole lot of junk the don't need and it ends up in the dump. HST or GST aren't applied to some essentail such as groceries anyway.
Posted by J@ckp1ne | 8:57 PM
Two points of order:

1. The country was already in a precarious position in 1993 thanks to the failure of the Meech Lake Accord. The Bloc Quebecois already had the twelve seats needed to be recognized as an official party in parliament, and they were burning Quebec and Canadian flags in 1992. So I would argue that Brian Mulroney at least shares some of the blame for the near breakup of the country in 1995. Indeed, I would suggest that Chretien cleaned up Mulroney's mess in this field, and set back the separatist cause through the Clarity Act.

His success can be measured by the sharp drop in Bloc fortunes in the 2000 election. Of course, the sponsorship scandal brought them back to life, but it seems that they're living on borrowed time, bolstered only by Francophone Quebeckers' disgust for the Liberals rather than their support for Quebec independence.

Secondly, and I've said this before, the HRDC "billion dollar boondoogle" was not a billion dollar boondoogle. Only $50 million was improperly accounted for. And while that is fifty million too many, the fact remains that $950 million was spent on decent programs that helped Canadians get back to work, myself included. I wrote more about that here.

The Reform Party damaged its own credibility when it failed to keep its criticisms of the program properly nuanced. They jumped on the bigger figure and were burned by the fact that the bigger figure proved to be inaccurate (a problem that would afflict the Reform Party and the Conservatives for some time to come -- witness the Grewal Tapes affair).

But other than that, the rest is fair comment. I think he did a fair number of good things as well, but there is no doubt that the sponsorship scandal sent him off in a cloud.
Posted by James Bow | 11:19 PM
"and they were burning Quebec and Canadian flags..."

Okay, I should watch my grammar. The Bloc Quebecois were NOT burning Quebec flags, that's for sure. But Canadians and Quebeckers were exchanging flag desecrations in 1992. The attitude of a fair chunk of the country was sour, and it is into this that Chretien got elected. It takes time to turn that bitterness around, so I think one could convincingly argue that he helped _save_ the country, rather than brought it to the brink.
Posted by James Bow | 11:21 PM
ah the infamous red book. I tried to nab one in 1996 when I was finishing my poli sci studies at McMaster U.
could I perhaps have a photocoy?
how do you know you are keeping your promises if you dont even have a copy for yourselves?
have the promises of the red book been abandoned?
Posted by Anonymous | 4:32 AM
Um..james...don't you mean Trudeau's mess?
Posted by NB taxpayer | 7:02 PM
"Um..james...don't you mean Trudeau's mess?"


In 1986, Quebec might have been upset at the whole repatriation of the constitution issue, but they were willing to live with the results. The country was working fine. But Mulroney's desire to succeed where Trudeau failed reopened the wounds.

We are currently where we were in 1983, and the country is still hanging strong. Mulroney could have avoided the whole constitutional debacle and I think we would have avoided a fair amount of the ill feeling that hit us in the early 1990s.
Posted by James Bow | 4:08 PM
Spinks, wake up and smell the coffee. Nobody in this country gets elected on their own merits, and Harper's no exception.

To paraphrase you, I’m a firm believer that much of current Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s success at the polls was due more to disdain with Jean Chrétien and a split in the progressive vote between the Liberals, NDP, and the Green parties than any huge voter love for Harper.

Note that he won the smallest minority as a proportion of the house in Canadian history, and that almost two people voted for a party other than the Conservatives for every vote the conservatives did receive.

This despite the ruinous impact on Canada that Chrétien had which earned him your number seven spot.
Posted by Andrew | 4:20 PM
The worst kind is Harper.
Posted by Anonymous | 4:21 PM
I thought that Chretien was the worst PM in this country's history...that is until Paul Martin came along.

Chretien spent the years between '84 and '89 sniping at and undermining John Turner at every opportunity through a myriad of surrogates.

When he finally became leader, he was commonly ridiculed as "yesterday's man" . I still recall polling around the time Kim Campbell called the election that would see the once mighty Tory party mortally wounded, which showed Kim Campbell way ahead of Chretien, who had the NDP nipping at their heels. The Bloic and Reform support while stirring, had yet to congeal.
Nevertheless, he won that election, which brings me to the point that Andrew made, to wit, Canadians don't elect bew governments, they throw out the old ones. Stephen harper is in now because enough Canadians saw the Martin government as a bunch who was completely devoid of any new ideas, indecisive, corrupt and opportunist.
Each election that results in a change i governing party has a turning point: In 2006, it was the handgun murders in Toronto in the two week period around Christmas, where the country collectively decided that Martin wasn't up to the job. in '84, it was the debate where Mulroney knocked turner out with "You sir, had a choice".
in 1993 there were 3 factors which created the perfect storm which allowed "Yesterday's man" to come to power: 1) Day 1 of teh Campaign: Kim Campbell said that we should not expect an improvement in the jobs sector of the economy until the turn of the century 2) @) Midway: KIm Campbell shrilly declared to reporters that ":elections are not a time to discuss social programs!" 3) The Tory party's release of some advertising which zeroed in on Jean Chretien's mouth.
These hree factor shook whatever remaining faith westerners had in the PC Party, and many voted Reform in protest. Even many Ontarians did. In Quebec, where Kim Campbell was initially popular, Tory support collapsed, and because Chretien led the Libs, the newly formed Bloc benefitted.
and finally downeast, Elsie Wayne excepted, it was a Liberal sweep, even Charlotte County went red.
That said, as PM, the things that stand out in my mind that would qualify him for this list, would be when he cancelled the EH 101 helicopter purchase, which would have modernized our forces to a great degree. he also put off other military spending. Even if (actually especially if) you hate war, one of he nest ways to avoid it is to make sure you are prepared. Moreover it is a moral imperative to make sure you give our trops the very best equipment.
Then there was the 1995 referendum, where he was o disdainful of the separatists, partially on account of the big 1980 victory, that he took a devil may care attitude during the campaign. Had he gone out and actually hit the hustings with the same gusto that Jean Charest did, the result might never have been in question, Charlottetown notwithstanding.
To his credit, he did realize it later, and had more success against the Bloc as time went on. By the time he left office, Federalists held 41 of Quebec's seats (one of which was PC Andre Bachand) while the seps were down to 34. Paul Martin lost half those seats in 2004, and half of the remainder in 2006..
Another positive thing Chretien did was to keep us out of the Iraq war.
Spinks, you may think I'm twisted for what I'm about to say, but that photo you posted with Cbretien throttling that protestor was , IMHO, one of his finest moments. It's a fact that most demonstrations are well organized and financed by very dark people with agendas, and in most cases, involve the same core group of professional agitators, who go out there to stir up trouble for pay. This is what Bill Clennett was, and i thought it was about time someone stood up to them, especially when they start violating personal space.

I am glad that they didn't keep the Pharmacare program. they had one in Quebec, and private insurers really hosed people on account of it. Since it was a socialist program, ALL Quebecers had to participate, in the sense that if their companies offered a private drug plan, the worker wa obliged to become a member of the plan, while those who didn't have a plan had to go on the Quebec plan. The worst thing was, if your company had a group insurance plan which included pharmacare, you were obliged to buy the whole thing. there would be no opting out, and the amount ripped from your paycheck would be horrific. I've seen it up close.

As for the final statement, suggesting that it was too bad he left before we could turf him?
Let's not forget, he had become the Teflon man, nothing stuck to him, which is why he could get away with what he said about Adscam. I believe that had Martin not committed regicide, that Chretien would not only have fought the next campaign, but would have won a fourth majority, even gaining another few seats in Quebec. I became even more convinced of that at the Liberal leadrship convention last winter when he gave his speech. The guy has clearly still "got it". Nobody can give a better partisan speech than he.
Posted by Neal Ford | 8:25 AM
Neal, I actually agree and meant to make the connection to the photo. Call it a twisted compliment to Chretien. That stops him from being in the top 6. That actually is his finest moment. Clennett is a professional protestor up there with the likes of Jaggi Singh although with far less influence which is why he isn't on this list.
Posted by Spinks | 10:07 AM
When Neal Ford weighs in, we really get our money's worth.
Posted by RkBall | 6:59 PM
James mentioned Meech Lake. At the time I was only slightly intereste in the politics of the country and found the Meech Lake discussions too complicated, and so I really don't think the majority of the electorate grasped the concept.
Neal ford does have an excellent description of the setting.
I still cringe remembering 'Canada' of the Chetien days.
Posted by Anonymous | 9:34 AM
I'm going to bat for Chretien here. Chretien got the economy rolling again and saved the nation from disintegrating after Mulroney pooched the economy through a high dollar. Chretien also turned back the separatist hordes at the gate, and posted the first string of budget surpluses in living memory, which were used to pay down the national debt and reduce the mortgage on our collective future. A person who is screwing up Canada? for shame...
Posted by John Murney | 4:37 AM
Didn't John Nunziata quit the liberals and sit as an independent, over the GST lie?
"Tequila" Sheila's resignation was really nothing more than a publicity stunt which cost the taxpayers about half a million bucks for a bye-election she was never going to lose.
Posted by Anonymous | 12:26 AM
Most definately should be in the top 10 Spinks...was hoping he'd be numero uno.....

Great points you made....
Posted by Awareness | 6:17 PM
Clifford Olsen is better than Chretien? What a load of partisan equivocal crap.
Posted by Anonymous | 2:02 PM
Chretien was only interested in what was good for him, not Canada. How can liberal apologists like Murney continue to defend this thug? He continued to decimate the military leading to its poor equipment, no heavy lift capability and terrible combat readiness, cost Canada billions in defaulted contracts like the EH101 and Toronto airport and the gun registry. Shawinigate, the persecution of the president of the Business Development Bank of Canada, Adscam, ignoring the WTC site even though Canadians were killed there until Stockwell Day went down to New York. Paying down the deficit, pretty easy when all the tax money goes to Ottawa and just take what you need then drastically cut back the provincial returns, which led to the Health Care underfunding crisis in Ontario. SARS costs, never gave a nickle to Ontario as the Conservatives were in power.

Chretien didn't commit Canada to Iraq because of his strident Anti-Americanism and the money Power Corp was making his son-inlaw through the oil-for-food setup with France and Hussein.

Ask your contacts to name any positive things Chretien did, bet the answer is not far off zero.

When Chretien was asked what were his greatest accomplishment after 13 years in power he replied "Winning 3 majorities". Wow what a legacy.
Posted by Anonymous | 8:55 AM
Lets not forget about the billion dollars lost through Human Resources and my favorite "the helicopters" How many people died in those sea-kings? I blame You mr. Chretein!
Posted by Anonymous | 9:04 AM
I see you at least have a picture of him doing one of the best things he ever did. Watching him roughhouse that little weasle was sooo gratifying.
Posted by Louise | 10:31 AM
Hmm, I wonder why we are not in a quagmire of a war in Iraq right now.
Posted by Anonymous | 7:33 PM
Annon at 8:55am:

Very well said!!! It always bothers me when people say he saved the economy. What a load of crap!!!!
Posted by frank | 8:27 PM
"Hmm, I wonder why we are not in a quagmire of a war in Iraq right now"

Do you not know the answer? It's because Chretien knew that if he committed our troops to Iraq he would suffer some political fallout. Considering the scandals that arose afterward, I find it hard to believe that he didn't see fit to join our Southern neighbors when the cease-fire ended. While on the topic of qaugmires we may be making our disastrous choice to pull out of Afghanistan as soon as 2009. Will our leadership have the political stamina to do the right thing at that time, or will it become a larger problem for other politicians years later?

In any event, if you consider that Iraq is a qaugmire in the same sense of the word that it was in 2003, you may want to look at what the independant reporters are finding.

Check out Michael Totten or Michael Yon.
Posted by Paul MacPhail | 2:47 PM
Perhaps somebdy should ask Chretien why he wanted the Yankees to take me to Cuba EH Spinks Baby?

“Jan 3rd, 2004

Mr. David R. Amos
143 Alvin Avenue
Milton, MA 02186

Dear Mr. Amos

Thank you for your letter of November 19th, 2003, addressed to my predecessor, the Honourble Wayne Easter, regarding your safety.

I apologize for the delay in
responding. If you have any concerns about your personal safety, I can only suggest that you contact the police of local jurisdiction. In addition, any evidence of criminal activity should be brought to their attention since the police are in the best position to evaluate
the information and take action as deemed appropriate.

I trust that this information is satisfactory.

Yours sincerely
A. Anne McLellan”
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 4:22 PM
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Number Eight – Clifford Olsen
You've probably already noticed a trend here at 101. I have no time for those who victimize or exploit children. Enter number eight.

There’s not a whole lot of background that’s required here. If you want the details there are plenty of places to find it. In a nutshell, Clifford Olsen went on a murderous rampage in British Columbia killing 11 children in the early 1980’s. There’s always been suspicion that he might have been involved in more.

Olsen concocted a controversial deal for confessing to the crimes. In 1981 he agreed to confess to the 11 murders and show police where the bodies were buried if the authorities paid $10,000 to Olsen’s wife for each of the victims he killed. Due to little evidence and a desire by families of the victims to give their loved ones a decent burial, the authorities hesitantly agreed and Olsen’s family actually ended up profiting from his killings. Olsen was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to 11 concurrent life terms.

In Canada however a life sentence doesn’t always mean life. If you’re convicted of second degree or first degree murder, you automatically receive a life sentence. However in the case of second degree murder you are eligible for parole after 10 years and in first degree after 25.

So in 2006, Olsen reached his 25 years and applied for parole. This was after his failure in 1996 to receive parole during his “faint hope” hearing at 15 years. Olsen is not allowed to communicate from prison due to his taunting of victim’s families so he uses the odd opportunity he does get to do just that. Although he failed to receive parole in 2006 he has the right to go before the parole board every two years now and no one believes for a minute that he won't. It’s easy to see why few except maybe the John Howard Society thinks Olsen deserves that right. After all it was Olsen who once said, “I’d take up where I left off,” if he ever got out of prison. I don’t use this word lightly but Olsen is a scumbag who wants to make his victims suffer as much as possible and he’ll use every opportunity to do that.

It’s easy to blame the system and I agree the justice system is messed up to even allow Olsen to be able to continue to torture his victims. Still the blame must ultimately rest on the one who did the crime and continues to try to hurt his victim’s families. Olsen has played the system every step of the way. He has no conscience and relishes in hurting his victims as much as possible even more than 25 years later.
Posted by Spinks on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 at 6:30 PM | Permalink
uh, just out of curiosity, are these screw ups supposedly in order of the severity of their screwups or is the sequence random?
Posted by Anonymous | 10:15 PM
See FAQ's in the sidebar. There is an order. It is however mine. Every person would have their own.
Posted by Spinks | 5:24 AM
I see we're back to the "101 Bad People" list.
Posted by Anonymous | 9:42 AM
The list tends to be pretty preachy and holier than thou - but really hard to argue with this one.

First truly justified pick in a while...
Posted by Havin' a peek... | 2:32 PM
Growing up very near the area where Olsen did his work I remember the time vividly. I was in elementary school and Clifford Olsen basically chaged a lot about the things we could do as kids. I'm sure it would have changed anyway but for us, Olsen took away a lot of the innocence of being a kid in the lower mainland of BC.
Posted by Ray Henderson | 3:25 PM
Hey Spinks,

Right on but however you should also consider the entire Parole system as a very good candidate.
Posted by Muddy River Tory | 11:56 PM
He is a good argument for capital punishment.
Posted by Jon | 7:12 PM
What you or Harper or anyone else says about your concerns about the well being of children does not ring true Spinks Baby. Read on and choke on your own words will ya?

September 11th, 2004
Dear Mr. Amos,

On behalf of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson,
I acknowledge receipt of two sets of documents and CD regarding corruption, one received from you directly, and the other forwarded to us by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick.
I regret to inform you that the Governor General cannot intervene in matters that are the responsibility of elected officials and courts of Justice of Canada. You already contacted the various provincial authorities regarding your concerns, and these were the appropriate steps to take.
Yours sincerely.
Renee Blanchet
Office of the Secretary to the
Governor General

Monday, October 02, 2006
David R. Amos said...
"Harper, Stephen - M.P." Harper.S@parl.gc.ca wrote:

Subject: RE: Re: Lets all go through the looking glass to check the Integrity of the Talking Heads in BC tonight
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 15:32:54 -0500
From: "Harper, Stephen - M.P." Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com

Thank you for your e-mail message to Stephen Harper, Leader of the Opposition. Your views and suggestions are important to us. Once they have been carefully considered, you may receive a further reply.

*Remember to include your mailing address if you would like a response.

If you prefer to send your thoughts by regular mail, please address them to:

Stephen Harper, M.P.
Leader of the Opposition
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

Mail may be sent postage free to any Member of Parliament.

You can also reach Mr. Harper by fax at: (613) 947-0310

That night last December Humpty dumpty reminded us all of the Charter called on Mr. Harper to be "honest."

He made clear that the Liberal government does not believe that you can pick and choose which Charter rights you will protect and he affirmed that he will respect the Charter as a whole.

To me was a case of the pot calling the kettle black and I laughed at the nonsense of it just and any Mad Hatter should. Read on to see some of the reasons why. Before anyone attempts to label as a crazy man again. Perhaps they should contact three wicked ladies who are no longer Parliamentarians. Elsie Wayne, Landslide Annie and the regal acting bitch Adrienne Clarkson will no doubt tell what a mean nasty awful man I am. When it comes to defending my Clan I do not mince words or pull my punches with crooks who pretend to be so polite. I just get them to show me their fat nasty arses ASAP and then I boot them into court. Life is too short to deal with liars for long ask my wife's Yankke family the Kickham's about my mean nasty awful stlye of ethical litigating. They are stillconfused as to why I will never settle with crooks that have abused my Clan. Yankees will understand the meaning of a Blood Feud but Hillbillies and Maritimers do EH?

Months after Landslide Annie sent me her very dumb letter, her underlings began following suit and showing me their nasty arses, here is just a couple of examples from emails. I have letters signed in hand as well. If one pot my Clan's troubles aside and only looks to the face of this stuff it is truly comical indeed. However false imprisonment and the the theft of our home, property and interests is never a laughing matter. The Queen would never allow such nonsense to happen to her family without a declaration of war. As cheif of my clan why should I behave any differently. Never forget it was the government of the USA that imprisoned me and stole my Clan's assests with the knowlegde and assistance of the Canadian govenmentas well.

> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Wayne, Elsie - M.P.
> > To: David Amos
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 3:42 PM
> > Subject: RE: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> > Dear Dave,
> >
> > I try to respond to as many people as I can. We do get a lot of email
> > around here.... I decided to retire because I truly miss my family.
> > It's hard being on the road back and forth by yourself. It gets very
> > lonely.
> >
> > God Bless,
> > Elsie
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David Amos davidamos@comcast.net
> > Sent: March 22, 2004 3:28 PM
> > To: Wayne, Elsie - M.P.
> > Subject: Re: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> > No problem, Elsie. By the way my mom is a fan of yours. She told
> > me you were quitting. Too bad if it is true.You are the first
> > politician to respond to me. That fact alone wins my respect. Ask
> > around Saint John about me in certain circles I am fairly well
> > known. You may even know my sister, Nancy and her husband, Reid
> > Chedore. Perhaps you crossed paths with my dad C. Max Amos he was
> > a tax Supervisor for the Province years ago. And maybe even my
> > mom's second husband, Lloyd Nickerson, from Fredericton. He was
> > somewhat of a political person whereas my dad was not. (Lloyd was
> > chief electoral officer for about twelve years and did run as a
> > Conservative) If you wish to warm my mom's heart please give her
> > a call and simply say that you appreciate her good words about
> > you to her wild child Dalevid. She will get the joke. She is
> > always confusing me with another brother. Her name is Anna and
> > her number is 506 455 3600. Do with it what you will. Trust me I
> > would love to see another out spoken Maritimer step up to the
> > plate and speak of rights and wrongs. The sooner that I can go
> > back to being just Papa the happier my little Clan will be. I
> > would truly appreciate if someone would let my mom know that they
> > are at least aware of my concerns whether they agree with me or
> > not.
> > Best
> > Regards
> > Dave
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Wayne, Elsie - M.P.
> > To: David Amos
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:15 PM
> > Subject: RE: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> > Thank you for the notice.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David Amos davidamos@comcast.net
> > Sent: March 16, 2004 2:07 PM
> > To: Wayne, Elsie - M.P.
> > Subject: Fw: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: David Amos
> > To: ethics@harvard.edu
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:06 PM
> > Subject: Fw: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: David Amos
> > To: tedcardwell@mail.gov.nf.ca
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:05 PM
> > Subject: Fw: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: David Amos
> > To: alltrue@roadrunner.nf.net
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:03 PM
> > Subject: Fw: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: David Amos
> > To: Correspondance Deputy Prime Minister/Vice premier ministre
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:57 PM
> > Subject: Re: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> > I already received Anne's response. Can't you people read what
> > you wrote to me? Why else would I be so pissed off?
> > I am who I say I am and that is as follows:
> > David R. Amos
> > 153 Alvin Ave,
> > Milton, MA. 02186
> > Phone 617 240-6698
> >
> > Now just exactly who are you Mr. Correspondence Deputy Prime
> > Minister and are you a lawyer?
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Correspondance Deputy Prime Minister/Vice premier
> > ministre" dpm@pm.gc.ca To: davidamos@comcast.net
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:34 PM
> > Subject: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> > > If you wish to receive a response to your comments addressed
> > to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety and
> > Emergency Preparedness, please include your return mailing
> > address along with your original e-mail message. All official
> > responses will be sent by regular mail.
> > >
> > > If you wish to send correspondence addressed to the Minister
> > through the regular mail, please use the following mailing
> > address:
> > >
> > > The Honourable A. Anne McLellan
> > > Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety
> > > and Emergency Preparedness
> > > 340 Laurier Avenue West
> > > Ottawa, Ontario
> > > K1A 0P8
> > >
> > > From: David Amos davidamos@comcast.net
> > > To: dwatch@web.net
> > > Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 11:32 PM
> > > Subject: Read real slow then forget what is politically
> > correct.
> > >
> > > Deal with your own conscience. After that try to think of
> > a good
> > > reason why I should not run for Parliament and at least speak
> > my mind about the sad state of our affairs. You know who I am.
> > If you don't, trust me, you are way behind the eight ball.
> > > Once I make my mark in the American Justice System and
> > political
> > > process, I am coming home to stress test the ethics of many a
> > lawyer/politician in my nativeland during the course of the
> > next federal election. My question to all of you will be why
> > did you wait for me to say something? Am I the only one paying
> > any attention. Even Jesus got mad a time or two and tore up a
> > temple when he saw all the money changing hands in a place
> > that should not be concerned about such things. But forget
> > about the money for a minute. What did he have to say about
> > anyone that harmed a child? Rest assured I will remind you.
> > Although I ain't religious, I must say that Jesus had more of
> > sand than most men and he made some very good points about
> > what is right and what is wrong. Can any of you even hold a
> > candle to Byron? He has at least one friend that will back him
> > up all the way down the line. I don't mind dying it is what I
> > didn't do while I was living that will haunt me in in my
> > grave. What is the golden rule these days? Is it truly a fact
> > that he with the gold makes the rules. Do you think voters
> > agree with that fact? What say you?
> > > Canadian Corruption
> > >
> > > Sexual Abuse & Political & Legal Conspiracy.
> > >
> > > RCMP Incompetence & Cover up.
> > >
> > > Priors Of Grand Bank NFLD Canada
> > >
> > > How do I get a corrupt legal system to investigate, charge and
> > convict itself? After years of asking the Canadian Legal
> > System to do its job, it's long past time to inform the public
> > myself about this lack of action or justice.
> > > If T. Alex Hickman, Justice Minister, 1966 to 1979 also Health
> > Minister 1968 to 1969 and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
> > of Newfoundland 1979 to 2000, 34 YEARS OF COMPLETE LEGAL
> > SYSTEMS CONTROL,at 41 years of age, rapes and impregnates your
> > younger sister Susan, at 12 years old, and in grade 8, what
> > would you do?At 12 years old she was the youngest child
> > ever,in Grand Bank,to have a baby. I am willing to take any
> > tests and answer all questions regarding my entire life. All
> > he has to do is take one blood test. It's time for him to stop
> > manipulating our legal system and face the truth which I have
> > been telling the legal System,and anyone else who would
> > listen, all of my life.I didn't just awake one morning and
> > decide to accuse the most powerful and most corrupt legal
> > animal in this province. I have had, no childhood, no
> > education, no family, no hometown, no self- esteem or
> > self-respect and no past, present or future as a contributing
> > person.
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 4:56 PM
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Number Nine - Belinda Stronach
First up, my sympathies do go out to Belinda Stronach who is dealing with breast cancer. I hope it all goes well. However her suffering an illness and what she’s done to screw up this country are two separate issues. My sympathies for the illness but I have no desire to see her return to politics. She’s already done enough damage.

In May of 2005, two days before a vote that many expected would bring down the Liberal government, Stronach crossed the floor from the Conservatives to join the Liberals but not just as any Liberal. Stronach instantly joined the Cabinet as Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development and Minister Responsible for Democratic Renewal. There was of course lots of speculation that a desperate Paul Martin (#19) promised the Cabinet post in exchange for the defection. The Ethics Commissioner refused to investigate so we’ll never know for sure but it certainly smells bad. Stronach did all this without going to the people who voted her in as a Conservative. It smacked of nothing more than opportunism, propped up a government that was on its death bed, and pretty much stabbed her party and even her boyfriend at the time, Peter MacKay (#98) in the back.

Speaking of MacKay, let’s talk about the dog incident. As I wrote in MacKay’s entry I don’t think MacKay called Stronach a dog directly but I have little doubt that MacKay made some kind of reference that meant the same thing. Stronach feigned indignation at the time, got up in the House and said that MacKay’s comment was refelective of all Conservatives attitudes towards women. Give me a break. Yes it was inappropriate and yes MacKay should have apologized, however it was an off the cuff gesture by MacKay about a former girlfriend who publicly humiliated him, not a statement on behalf of an entire political party. Even Stronach knows that but trying to score cheap political points has never been beneath her.

I try to stay away from the personal side of life but her relationship with Tie Domi (#100) just plain looks awful. When you’re a public figure, a politician no less for crying out loud at least wait until the guy is divorced. Until the paper is signed its still adultery.

There is no evidence during her short political career that Belinda Stronach was looking out for anyone except Belinda Stronach. She gives politicians who are actually trying to do good work a bad name and continued the perception that people enter politics only for power. I’m sorry for the reason she left politics but we’re all better off having her gone.
Posted by Spinks on Thursday, July 05, 2007 at 6:57 PM | Permalink
Hmmm. I think there's something wrong with your math here. Belinda at #9 and David Emmerson at #39, and it only took him 2 weeks to cross the floor after being elected. Which one is the largest opportunist here?

By the way, I think all politicians are opportunists to a point. They all have motivations of power, fame, money (yes, money. Maybe some feel politicians aren't well paid, and maybe they're not, but it's usually the opportunities they get after being in office, along with the pension, that pay off.)

Personally, I think Belinda saw that as a woman in Harper's Govt., she was going no where--and she's too ambitious for that.
Posted by Anonymous | 10:39 PM
her initials are "B.S." -- need I say more ;)
Posted by Anonymous | 12:49 AM
If she's # 9, I can't wait until I see the Rogue's Gallery that awaits us over the next few weeks!

Belinda is definitely an opportunist of the wost kind. I don't approve of floor crossers for the most part. On the other hand I don't think that people should be required to vote agaonst their principles either.
The proper way to handle a floor crossing is to sit as an independent preferably until the next election, when one would be free to run again under any poolitical banner they like. Of course they'd have to seek a nomination, but that can be done before joining a caucus.
On the other hand, if a member who has left a party to sit as an independent, after some time finds through research that his constituents would support their joining another party, I can live with that.
In Belinda's case, The timing was suspicious, and the circumstances even more so. What rookie MP, much less someone who's never stayed long in any given job or proved themselves as anything more than a media darling, ever just walks in to the third most powerful cabinet portfolio? Never mind that a week earlier she was tearing what was to become her new party to shreds from the opposition benches!
What's more, had Stephen harper failed as leader (and there were calls for his head at the time) the leadership was hers for the asking....Could it be that she thought Daddy cold buy her the leadership of the "natural Governing party" instead?
I would certainly wager that she wasn't exactly on the Christmas card list of many Liberals who had worked long and hard in the trenches of Liberal party politics in the hope of one day achieving ANY cabinet position, let alone Human resources.
Paul Martin is equally to blame for this.
I never liked her from the beginning. Notwithstanding the fact that she is a staunch social liberal ,I found her to be an empty cocktail dress, and would never have considered voting Conservative with her at the helm. andt at 10:00PM on June 28th, I was cheering Martha Hall Findlay on as the battle for Newmarket-Aurora see-sawed back and forth.
Posted by Neal Ford | 7:01 AM
Belinda is a shallow thinker who is unqualified for the front benches. Only by being somewhat attractive and very wealthy has she been able to enjoy what political success she did enjoy.

She is a sterling example of style over substance. That's one thing that is really screwing up Canada!
Posted by Big Kev | 10:11 AM
Politics is all about power. Politician make the decision with the power we give them.

Belinda change this country for the better for the conservative. Without her, you would never had this new party.

You think McKay would have betray his promise if Belinda was not there. Please.

Well, Judas was hated but he played his part without him jesus would not have cross the gate.
Posted by Paulin | 8:41 PM
This post has been removed by the author.
Posted by Dirk | 2:01 AM
As is the case for a number of the entries in this list, I fail to see how most of the items listed about Belinda actually screwed up Canada. The floor crossing thing I can understand, depending on your perspective. But the Tie Domi affair? The Peter MacKay incident?

I'm no Belinda fan, but I try to be fair minded. While she has come across in the media as being a political opportunist (and this is different from most MPs how?), there are things she's done, which represent significant positive contributions to society. Like her extensive charity work. One example: even after she announced she was leaving politics, she has continued to play a leading role in an organization that fights malaria infections in Africa -- more deadly than AIDS, but no glamour.

And politically, she's credited by all sides as having been an integral player in the PC/Alliance merger. Forgetting about motivations, the bottom line is that she's contributed to the political health of Canada. A fractured right meant guaranteed Liberal majorities and unaccountability.
Posted by Dirk | 2:04 AM
Good point Dirk. She's still a whore though.
Posted by Anonymous | 2:20 AM
La Bimbo never had enough clout to screw up the country, (unless you feel her role in founding the CPC counts). She is an intellectually vacant ambitious millionaire who was seen for exactly what she is by everyone except the loony lib left MSM. Even a major wimp like Paul Marten used her then shuffled her off to the sidelines.

She is a fool, but has no place on a list of people who are/were harmful.
Posted by Anonymous | 7:21 PM
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006 09:13:14 -0800 (PST)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Just so everybody knows here is the real reason Belinda Baby crossed the floor last May
To: davidorchard@sasktel.net

Hey Dave

Can ya tell that you and Andy Baby Kyrstal pissed of the wrong Maritimer this mornnig? Look way down at the bottom of this email to remind you that when we last talked your were just another oissed off PC. I must thank you you and your fellow liberal dudes for proving to me in the last election that I am an honest man you fear. I must be simply because I do read a lot and know what I am talking about without fear of being called a liar. Andy Baby Kyrstal and you just proved it again today EH?

I thank all you politicians for deliberately going out of your way to ignore me and exclude me from all the debates and the media as well. It proved for the second time your newfound party's willful malice and its fear that my concerns would become well known before Humpty Dumpty suffer his great fall. The simple truth is I love being the Darkhorse. Fame would never suit my lifestyle.You can seek it all your wish and peddle your books and website to try to put a positive spin on your self proclaimed integrity. I would hate to rub elbows with the likes of any of you like I just did with Andy Scott in Oromocto two weeks or so ago. It was right after I was on the CTV News live at supper time. Kinda ugly ain't I? If you don't know about it ask Andy or the redheaded gal named Sarah his producer. Did any of ya notice the twinkle in my eye? I bet I surprised the hell out of some of your friends when I managed to pull that one off. Even you must admit there are certain advantages in being unknown after what I did with you on live radio today. EH Dave?

That said as you read on in reveiw of past communications between me and your well mixed crowd of friends, do ya think Petey Baby MacKayand his boss Harper will ever take Belinda back into their fold? I doubt it too.But it would be a hoot to watch her daddy try to make her a Prime Minister just like he is doing in tha new TV Show with the kids this weekend. Big Daddy knows there is no honour amongst crooks and the bastards brag to much in the media for their own good. His fellow liberals all know they cannot trust each other anymore to continue to support the cover up of John Crosbie's defence of the Newfy turncoat diddler, Billy Matthews now that Humpty Dumpty has suffered his great fall. Hence that is whay Franky Boy McKenna, Brian Tobin and John Manley have all elected to stay out of the leadership race to replace Humpty Dumpty. EH?

If Belinda Baby were wise she would give up the new Yankee V.P Argeo P. Cellucci of Magna Entertainment to me and settle with me for chump change to protect her company's pocketbook. I am sure her bigtime Yankee pal Big Bad Billy Boy Clinton agrees. Then perhaps she and her rich daddy could expose Franky Boy McKenna for who he truly is to put a feather in her cap as she runs for Humpty Dumpty's abandoned position as leader of your newfound party. As the dude on the radio asked you why don't you run for it too? All you have to be is ethical. It won't take much integrity to embarrass the others who wanna be leader. Many Proud Maritimers already have that Brian Tobin's and Franky Boy McKenna's numbers and know the last thing they are is liberals. Franky Boy did not win his big election years ago Hatfield lost bigtime that is all. Ask my old classmate Barb Baird now that she has been excluded from the good old conservative boys club in New Brunswick. Yea I saw the greedy little lawyer in the Farmer's market try to steal a little thunder from Lynch when he was on Cpac. Maybe with Barb Baird's help your fellow turncoat Belinda could pry the leadership of the liberal party from the grip of any liberal's greedy little hands. Then her rich daddy could have his wish and have a daughter for a Prime Minister someday. EH? I doubt it too but I wager the thoughts I just expressed have crossed Frank Stronach's greedy mind. I have no doubt he knows his fleeting former CEO Brian Tobin is not going to be spolier of his plans.. Methinks they made another deal. what say you? Bow that Johnny Manley and Franky Boy McKenna are too much of a chickshit to be involved the coast is clear for Belinda and you to make a run for leader of the party you both have joined.. Hell that crooked lawyer Manley even deleted his email address from his law firm's website in an effort to play dumb about my Securities Fraud issuses for the benefit of a bank he loves to work for.

As you can see I keep pretty good records. They are far better than any corrupt court's crooked little clerks. Many Justice Dept lawyers under a Conservative Minister quite possibly Belinda's old boyfriend and your buddy Petey Baby Mackay will have cases of documents to argue in the Federal Court in Fredericton very soon. Belinda really should think fast and so should you. Hell hath no fury as a cry baby Conservative from Nova Scotia. EH? Particulary when things are not Hunky Dory anymore. He may prosecute his old honey just to make himself look good to Brian Mulroney and the Power Corp dudes. You could go for leader in a timely fashion but you and your lawyer are way past too late to be honest with me. EH?

If anyone wishes ask me they can receive the same material I will be using in court in digital form if I decide they are ethical enough deserve to know some awful truths about rampant public corruption in two countries and all political parties. Before the 39th Parlimentry Dudes are sworn in. I feel compelled to remind you all of what the 37th Parliament knew about one of the reasons why I came home to run for a seat in the 38th. It is inserted at the bottom of this email if only to embarass Elsie Wayne and David Orchard get them to shut their pie holes. Elsie is embarassing many Maritimers with her ignorant yapping. She should do like she promised and just stay home and make some pies or take up knitting like MacKay advised his pal Alexa to do.You might as well review it to Dave because as a newfoud liberal I have know doubt you are an embarassment to every PC in the country.

I cut and paste this material from somebody else's Blog about me. It seems I am developing a little fan club EH? Hurray to my fellow Bloggers. Please keep up the good work.(That is what the MP from Fundy Rob Moore said to me on June 19th, 2004 in Sussex NB after his boss Stevey Boy Harper and Elsie Wayne got back on the Party Bus. I just grinned because the silly little lawyer had no doubt whatsoever that I would. The nasty biblepounder just thought I did not have a prayer but he had a little surprise when I served the Priest Bill Elliot the same material in his own Churchyard a couple of days later in front of him and his pal Paul Zed, the only liberal Fundy ever elected but did not keep for long) No matter how much of my work the Feds erase, it keeps popping up again in other places. The Feds are creating their own demise. By trying so hard to ignore me, I was allowed to burrow deeper behind their mask of integrity. Now the smiling bastards cannot get rid of me without removing the mask first. With luck sooner or later the truth will break the ice of the corporate controled media and many more crooked politcians will blink just like Landslide Annie did once she knew she would not get reelected and her RCMP .underlings turned on her. When they started investigating her own party without her malevolent blessings it was all over but the crying. I was very afraid that Harper's mandate would become too strong after that.

I am impressed at the wisdom of the sheep to provide themselves with the best possible outcome in a very wicked election. We do get the government we deserve but sometimes we get lucky too. EH? Feb 6th is coming fast and a lot of your liberal friends will be out of a job and I am just starting to have my fun seeking relief from their many wrongs. Good luck with your consciences now Dave because I do not trust you or any Parliamentarian to do the right thing except maybe the Independent Andre Arthur. Rest Assured i will contact him before the next Speech from the throne is history. I want to study the man a little bit first. I truly hope for the benefit of us all that he is a better man than Chuck Cadman ever was. That bastard really disappointed me. I do not mourn him at all. So be it if you think that makes me a bad guy. At least I am honest as hell which is more than I can say about any of you or your friends. EH? or N'est Pas?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: Stronach.B@parl.gc.ca ; Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca ; Jack Layton ; Easter.W@parl.gc.ca ; Cadman.C@parl.gc.ca ; Casey.B@parl.gc.ca ; Thompson.G@parl.gc.ca
Cc: McDonough.A@parl.gc.ca ; Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca ; macaul1@parl.gc.ca ; Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca ; Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca ; Anderson.D@parl.gc.ca ; Anderson.Da@parl.gc.ca ; david.anderson1@sk.sympatico.ca
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:12 PM
Subject: Hunky-dory EH Petey

I got a better one for ya Petey Boy. "Thar she blows". I bet Belinda is really pissed off at everybody and is letting off some steam. If I were you I would start bailing out of your new party like any other rat that would desert a sinking ship. That is one boat that could never float. The way you back stabbed your way into its creation will likely never be forgotten.

Some of the new Senators Martin just appointed proved that didn't they? Right now you are just hanging on and kissing Harper's arse because nobody else will ever trust you in their Dory except maybe the diddler, Billy Matthews. He is used to turningcoat and needs help bailing out his punky little craft. I think the liberals are tired of him by now and Johnny Crosbie is likely pretty pissed at him too. I think you two dudes should be good company for each other as everybody else tries to distance themselves from a couple of cry babies that call themselves Maritimers. You were born there alright but a lair lawyer and a nasty old diddler reflect poorly upon the rest of us. But bad apples fall from the best of trees. The sooner the better so that they don't suck the sap out of the good ones.

Dare to argue me Petey Boy? I am ten times meaner with no temper than the man that pitches silly fits kicks chairs. I would kick your arse in a good debate. I would laugh if you asked me to step outside, head for the door and quit talking immediately in a sincere effort to kick your arse in the street. Win or lose, rest assured I would have fun. Fighting is a true Maritime tradition. EH MacKay? Feel free to try to call me a liar. Everybody knows it would be a case of the pot trying to call the kettle black.

"The Nova Scotia MP described his relations with Conservative Leader Stephen Harper as "hunky-dory, everything's great - that's a good Maritime phrase."

Forwarded Message
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 10:14:47 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Attn Don Amos
To: MEC.investors@magnaent.com, dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca, smay@pattersonpalmer.ca

As I stated within an earlier email, Scott Daruty finally called me back and pissed me off. He picked the wrong guy to try and toy with. I will take up my concerns with Magna byway of Daruty and Cellucci down here in the Yankee courts. I have much proof of what I sent Belinda Stronach long before she ever became a Member of Parliament up home. I will deal with her in a political fashion first to see if she is interested in up holding the public trust while protecting her interests in Magna. Good luck with your conscience as a lawyer named Amos as you check my work. Here is my phone number 506 434-1379 if you have any questions before deciding whether or not to uphold the law and protect the investor's interests in Magna from my necessary civil actions. I gave my material to Argeo P. Cellucci in Canada in July of 2002 before I sent the Sheriffs out with my first complaints. I know by the fax numbers at the top of my first complaint that it was Ashcroft and Cellucci that directed the US Attorney to try to make my complaints evaporate.

Now that Cellucci speaks for Magna and Belinda speaks for Canadians there is a couple of Amos boys that should have along talk about many things. But forget trying to label me as your brother until I am assured of your integrity. I have a high contempt towards lawyers and their sense of ethics for very justifiable reasons.

Note: forwarded message attached.

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca ; moto maniac ; cei@nbnet.nb.ca ; kbar@nbnet.nb.ca ; danthebagelman@msn.com ; info@electtomobrien.com ; lcampenella@ledger.com ; jeff.mockler@gnb.ca ; newsonline@bbc.co.uk ; Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us ; Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us ; Jack.Hart@state.ma.us ; Rep.WalterTimilty@hou.state.ma.us ;Rep.AStephenTobin@hou.state.ma.us ; dfpletters@dailyfreepress.com ; MEC.investors@magnaent.com
Cc: zedp@parl.gc.ca ; rmooremp@nb.sympatico.ca ; savoya2@parl.gc.ca ; thompg@nb.sympatico.ca ; john_kerry@kerry.senate.gov ; martib@sen.parl.gc.ca ; dougchristielaw@shaw.ca ; Mayor@ci.boston.ma.us ; Stephen.Murphy@ci.boston.ma.us ; Governor.Rell@po.state.ct.us ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ; johnduggan@legalaid.nf.ca ; brenda.boyd@RCMP-GRC.gc.ca ; McLellan.A@parl.gc.ca ; david@lutz.nb.ca ; cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; ethics@harvard.edu ; INFO7@elections.ca ; inquiry.admin@bellnet.ca ; cotlei@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:14 PM
Subject: Shame on you Della

At least I am a man of my word. I called you personally as I stated I would. I have the record of the call that I was directed to do by your boss, Stevey Boy May. Too bad you would not speak to me to protect your own interests. At least I have your signature because no word from you is worthless to me. You can never claim ignorance of my concerns after directing me to your lawyer. I stuck my hand out to you as a layman but you had picked your friends the lawyers and had enlisted them to bite it? Do you really Think I am afraid of dealing with the likes of Johnny Crosbie and Stevey Boy May when I am preparing a lawsuit against the likes of John Edwards, John Ashcroft and Theodore Olson to name a few? Plus there is the irrefutable fact that you and the law firm you work for have already admitted that you are aware of the crimes practiced against me. You have done nothing to uphold the law and have already filed the evidence of that fact in the Newfoundland Supreme Court.

Lady, either I or my estate will bankrupt you and your firm with its own sworn testimony that you witnessed. You can take that to the bank. The first question I must ask you Della what did your law fir do with its copy of the police surveillance tape # 139 and did you listen to it? You should not have because you are not an officer of the court nor are you employed by law enforcement.

The Lieutenant Governor Roberts notified me that he had given his copies of the material to Tommy Marshall to be investigated but I have received no word from your law firm as to what the hell they did with their copies. Have your lawyers explain their integrity to you because you and I will never come to an understanding of ethical behavior after your treatment of me today.

I often sing the praises of Newfys because they are amongst the nicest folks on the planet excepting of course their lawyers and their cohorts such as you Della. By the way I heard about the clerks in Supreme Court having a little wager over who buys lunch if I managed to do what I said I would do. I would like to meet the lady who felt I was as serious as a heart attack and willing to buy lunch if I was not a man of my word. I would love to buy her lunch some time because the courts need more folks like her in their employment. She clearly did not disregard the word of a common man.

On the other hand after our exchange of the mere few words today it would not be wise for me to trust your word or typing if I had left the voicemail you desired. I have much evidence of many edited transcripts of things I have said in the past. You and I will argue them some day no doubt byway of your lawyer friends because I think you don't speak pro se very well in order to protect your personal interests. I just got off the phone with one of Frank Stronach's Yankee lawyers Scott Daruty. He did me the service of really pissing me off today by finally calling me back after I had torn a piece off of Magna in Canada about his neglect of duty on their behalf. He thought he was funny by joking that the Canadian lawyer, Don Amos was my brother. No lawyer is a brother of mine. He thought I was joking when I told him I would sue him personally if he did not uphold the law and rat out Magna's brand new Vice President his brother, Argeo P. Cellucci so I had to repeat myself so he would understand me in no uncertain terms.

I do make a lot of jokes about very serious business however it would not be wise to underestimate my sincerity and attempt to toy with me. I enjoy a good fight win or lose as long as I stand on the right side of the battle. You just picked a fight with me lady on a day when I ain't taking prisoners from lawyers or their cohorts. All lawyers are liars and I have proven it. It is only laymen I will settle with from now on and only if they tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I don't care if your god helps you or not. We can all do it again in hell for all I care.
From now on I must rely on hard copy of my own creation. For now I will send you and Stevey Boy a bunch of emails that have been forwarded to many other people first. I require the record of doing so. Whereas I have no doubt Stevey Boy will wan to argue about the emails I have already sent I figure why not be hung for a cow as a calf? Since everything in heaven and hell is done in threes. I will forward to Magna's lawyer, Don Amos, Stevey Boy and three large emails that contain Tiff files. There is no need to be redundant with hard copy already sent to Scott Daruty and Johnny Crosbie. You can tell the folks at Patterson Palmer who directed you to offend me that the emails contain exactly the same documents that Greg Byrne and Johnny Crosbie received and that you should all prepare to argue every word within in them.

The first email contains a file called Big Day. It contains every document I served upon Two Solicitors Generals Theodore Olson and Anne McLellan before I ran for Parliament and Olson quit his job on June 24th immediately after Johnny Crosbie told Stevey Harper to shut up about the Arar Inquiry.

the second file is called Big Canada Add and it is a copy of the documents served upon my political opponents while running for Parliament.

Last but not least are what was added to the first to pile of documents and then served upon Patterson and Palmer by way of Greg Byrne.

Scott Daruty is receiving the documents within "Big Day" and other interesting material that Magna should find quite interesting to say the least. Magna really made my day when they appointed Cellucci and their new VP. I is comical that he is going to lobby the government about horse racing especially after listening to what is recorded on a lot of the tapes and the fact that the top dog of the RCMP had to teach that dumb Yankee how to ride a horse last summer so that he would not make an ass out himself at the Calgary Stampede. This was almost as rich as when Martin sent Franky McKenna to Washington after he and I had a spit and chew about dogs and pork.

At least I am clever enough to realize when I am a lucky man and how to make the best out of a golden opportunity to see that justice is served upon some very nasty bastards. I am very pissed off but still having more fun than ten men. I love cornering lawyers and listening to them stutter and try to duck the issues.

I will wager that you are having a bad day too. EH Della? It looks good on you if you are. Why not get mad? I hope you share your anger with the others at Patterson and Palmer and start bitchin about me. Never forget all I want is the truth from you. It will cost you nothing. Why do you want to stand with crooks and liars for a days pay? I bet you have witnessed lots of dirty dealings.

I truly beleive that there is no honour in your work. To me working for lawyers is like a lady being sent to a nunnery in Medieval times. I share ol Shake's opinion of such a place. Times changes nothing lawyers still work for Jesuits. Look around downtown St John's and call me a liar. I dare ya. Even the name of the town says it all.
Cya'll in Court:)
David R. Amos

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca ; moto maniac ; cei@nbnet.nb.ca ; kbar@nbnet.nb.ca ; danthebagelman@msn.com ; info@electtomobrien.com ; lcampenella@ledger.com ; jeff.mockler@gnb.ca ; newsonline@bbc.co.uk ; Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us ; Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us ; Jack.Hart@state.ma.us ; Rep.WalterTimilty@hou.state.ma.us ;Rep.AStephenTobin@hou.state.ma.us ; dfpletters@dailyfreepress.com
Cc: zedp@parl.gc.ca ; rmooremp@nb.sympatico.ca ; savoya2@parl.gc.ca ; thompg@nb.sympatico.ca ; john_kerry@kerry.senate.gov ; martib@sen.parl.gc.ca ; dougchristielaw@shaw.ca ; Mayor@ci.boston.ma.us ; Stephen.Murphy@ci.boston.ma.us ; Governor.Rell@po.state.ct.us ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ; johnduggan@legalaid.nf.ca ; brenda.boyd@RCMP-GRC.gc.ca ; McLellan.A@parl.gc.ca ; david@lutz.nb.ca ; cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; ethics@harvard.edu ; INFO7@elections.ca ; inquiry.admin@bellnet.ca ; cotlei@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:33 AM
Subject: RE: Me versus Patterson and Palmer

Hey Della,

I see that Stevey Boy is on vacation and told me to contact you. I am happy to hear that he is saving all of my emails in a special spot for some apparent future litigation. I keep very good records as well and look forward to his argument but I will wager that I sue him first.

I see by the following Affidavit you witnessed and Stevey Boy filed in court that every lawyer within Patterson Palmer is a flat out liar. I served Greg Byryne in Fredericton myself with witnesses before Byron Prior served everyone else in Newfoundland. If Byrne did not share the info with his buddy Johnny Crosbie, it is not my fault. Yet I suspect that he did so out of the gate because he sent me an email in which it appears that he was conferring with many others about me and my concerns. It was too funny that Byrne clicked the wrong button and forwarded his email to me as well.
I also sent many of your people the same emails that I sent to Byrne and May as soon as I got out off jail last October and Stevey Boy first contacted Byron Prior and I had called him. (Thank you for making a transcript of my voicemail and filing it in court for me. It is quite hard for me to make lawyers even admit that I exist) Some of the aforesaid emails were responded to by other members of your law firm byway of their computers like Stevey Boy's just did.

At least computers are far more honest than the lawyers that own them. I am compelled to rely on the integrity of their machines and the ability of their computers and mine to keep perfect records. (Never forget I am being prosecuted for sending an email to a lawyer I have been litigating against for years who even went as far to fraudulently create a document bearing my signature) Because of the fact I can prove contact with many members of the law firm you work for, they can never say that they did not know of my concerns and allegations long before Stevey complained of Byron Prior's actions on behalf of his client Billy Matthews. He only went forward with his malicious threat when he thought my goose was cooked down here.

There is quite simply no way you could have prepared his filing on January 21st and he had Judge green sign it in the time between Byron had served it and the Judge signed it without the Bastards reading our private emails and listening to our phone calls. I sent the last email containing the words to Byron's counterclaim just before I went to court that morning and he only managed to see it filed by 3 PM Newfy time. You may be a fast typists but the courts don't work that fast unless they are covering up something big time. No know as well as I that is true because the judge and Stevey Boy do not even want other lawyers to view the public record.

Small wonder he took a vacation. If Stevey Boy has any semblance of a conscience he no doubt has trouble dealing with himself. I can only wonder if he and Johnny Crosbie are singing for more tequila right now.

As you no doubt know I am preparing to defend myself in a criminal trial in the USA and filing some rather profound civil lawsuits in Canada and the USA that will make the whining of Billy Matthews in Newfoundland Supreme court seem rather comical. I will be filing copies of the documents you no doubt helped create for Stevey Boy May on behalf of your law firm in many courts.

If Greg Byrne, the former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of New Brunswick had acted ethically last September while I was in Canada and under Brad Green's jurisdiction I would not have been falsely imprisoned in the USA the following month. I will be suing him, your law firm and many others for personal injury and conspiracy to cover up the many crimes practiced against my Clan and I.

My question to you, Della is why don't I sue you too? As you can see if you have read my work my battle is with corrupt lawyers not layman. I would settle with you in a heartbeat for costs if you would be honest about all that you know to be true. If you decide to go against me I suggest that you seek legal counsel outside of your law firm or in fact all of Newfoundland. I am about to take on every damned lawyer within the Newfoundland law Society. You would not be wise to doubt me before you have a look at my work in the USA. I will deal with Newfys under the heading of fun after I have embarrassed the Yankees.

I will give you a call as Stevey Boy suggests so that at least you can understand that I am not an unreasonable person and not the sort of person that lawyers claim that I am. I am just a simple, sincere and serious man that refuses to play the wicked games lawyers play. I am willing to die in order to expose the truth. No lawyer can say that. they love money to much to be willing to miss the chance to spend it. Judge me for yourself and your own best interests before you choose whom to stand with.

Whether you believe me or not I am battling for your rights as well as my own. I am forwarding this email to many ordinary people like you and me. To Hell with the lawyers and politicians. They do what they do for personal gain not public service. Their concerns are lucre not justice and everybody knows it. All I did was go to great lengths to prove it. There is no need for you and I to argue about simple truths. As far as I am concerned up until the time you received this email all you have done is type things and witness signatures. However you cannot say that anymore.

My pending phone call to you is not harassment. I need the Yankee phone bill record of my call to you in order to assist in the defence of my freedom in the USA. Stevey Boy told me to call ya. Please be nice. After today you can't say that you are not involved in my false imprisonment in the USA. I am doing no more or less than Stevey Boy and his malicious clients would do if the same thing had happened to them. If Billy Matthews had been summoned to the USA while he was running for his seat in Parliament to be presecuted by an unsigned criminal complaint and then held without bail under the charges of "other", he would be more pissed off than I am.
Cya'll in Court:)
David R. Amos

----- Original Message -----
From: "May, Steve"
To: "David Amos"
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:32 PM
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Dan and Tom Remember me

Mr. May is out of the office till 11 April 2005. He will not be checking his e-mail. Please contact Della Hart at 709-570-5527 or dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca if you require immediate assistance.

2005 01 T 0010

Court File Number(s):2005 01 T 0010
Date of Filing of Document:25 January 2005
Name of Filing Party or Person:Stephen J. May Application to which Document being filed relates:
Amended Application of the Plaintiff/Defendant by Counterclaim to maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in it’s entirety, and to refer this proceeding to case management.

Statement of purpose in filing:
To maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in its entirety and refer this proceeding to case management.


I, Stephen J. May, of the City of St. John’s, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Barrister and Solicitor, make oath and say as follows:

THAT I am a Partner in the St. John’s office of PATTERSON PALMER solicitors for William Matthews, the Member of Parliament for Random-Burin-St. George’s in the Parliament of Canada.

THAT Mr. Matthews originally retained Mr. Edward Roberts, Q.C. on or about 30 April 2002 after Mr. Byron Prior, the Defendant/Plaintiff by Counterclaim, had made allegations against Mr. Matthews in a publication called “My Inheritance - The truth - Not Fiction: A Town with a Secret”. In that publication, the allegation was made that Mr. Matthews had had sex with a girl who had been prostituted by her mother. That girl was alleged to have been Mr. Prior’s sister.

THAT upon being retained, Mr. Edward Roberts wrote a letter to Mr. Prior. That letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit “1" to my Affidavit.

THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts’ letter to Mr. Prior, Mr. Roberts received a 1 May 2002 e-mail from Mr. Prior. That e-mail is attached as Exhibit “2".

THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts receipt of the e-mail, Mr. Prior swore an Affidavit acknowledging that what had been said in that publication was false. That Affidavit is attached as Exhibit “3" to my Affidavit. Following Mr. Roberts’ receipt of that Affidavit, Mr. Matthews advised that he was satisfied not to pursue the matter any further and our firm closed our file.

THAT on or about 25 October 2004, I was retained by Mr. Matthews following his gaining knowledge that a web site, made a series of allegations against him relating to my having sex with a girl of approximately 12 years old through to an approximate age of 15 years old. It also accused him of being a father of one of her children and accused him of having raped that girl. Upon checking the web site I saw that Byron Prior, the Defendant, had been identified as the author of the material on the site.

THAT Mr. Matthews instructed me to write Mr. Prior, to remind him of the fact that the allegations had been admitted to being false through a 16 May 2002 Affidavit to advise him of Mr. Matthews’ intentions to commence legal proceedings if the comments were not removed from the web site. A copy of my letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit “4" to this Affidavit.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “5" a transcript from a 5 November 2004 voicemail left by David Amos, identified in the voicemail as a friend of Mr. Prior.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “6" a portion of a 6 November 2004 e-mail from Mr. Amos.

THAT until I received his voicemail and e-mail, I had never heard of Mr. Amos.

THAT Mr. Amos has continued to send me e-mail since his 5 November e-mail. Including his 6 November 2004 e-mail, I have received a total of 15 e-mails as of 23 January 2005. All do not address Mr. Matthews’ claim or my involvement as Mr. Matthews’ solicitor. I attach as Exhibit “7" a portion of a 12 January 2005 e-mail that Mr. Amos sent to me but originally came to my attention through Ms. Lois Skanes whose firm had received a copy. This e-mail followed the service of the Statement of Claim on 11 January 2005 on Mr. Prior. I also attach as Exhibit “8" a copy of a 19 January 2005 e-mail from Mr. Amos.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “9" a copy of a 22 November 2004 letter addressed to me from Edward Roberts, the Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador covering a 2 September 2004 letter from Mr. Amos addressed to John Crosbie, Edward Roberts, in his capacity as Lieutenant Governor, Danny Williams, in his capacity as Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Brian F. Furey, President of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. I requested a copy of this letter from Government House after asking Mr. Roberts if he had received any correspondence from Mr. Amos during his previous representation of Mr. Matthews. He advised me that he received a letter since becoming Lieutenant Governor, portions of which involved his representation of Mr. Matthews. Mr. Roberts’ letter also covered his reply to Mr. Amos.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “10" an e-mail from Mr. Amos received on Sunday, 23 January 2005.

THAT I swear this Affidavit in support of the Application to strike Mr. Prior’s counterclaim.

SWORN to before me at
St. John’s, Province of Newfoundland
and Labrador this 24th day of
January, 2005.

Signed by Della Hart STEPHEN J. MAY Signature
A Commissioner for Oaths in and for
the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
My commission expires on December 31, 2009.

The Conservatives in Canada have very Punky Dory EH Tommy Boy?

Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:26 PM

The Cato dudes ain't got nothin on me when it comes to letter writing. Here is where I am teasing abunch of dumb Yankees. The whole world calls our Newfys dumb. So what does that say of Danny williams the Premier? He is a Rhodes Scholar that works for free. Is he dumb or evil? I will have to ask the Aspen Dudes have I attend Tommy's little hoe down EH?

Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:38 PM

HMMM no link we will try this way ok?
Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:40 PM

I'm very proud to have had such a person as David Amos, help us with our fight and the legal work. I will never be able to repay him.Thank you David.
Byron Prior

Posted by: Byron Prior at August 21, 2005 10:59 PM
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 1:43 AM
Post a Comment


Number Ten – The National (Parliamentary) Press Gallery
Last year when Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced he was finished with having to deal with the National Press Gallery, I stood up and cheered.

It was about bloody time. Finally someone with the guts to put the elitist journalists of this country in their place.

This country has a lot of really decent journalists and I suspect there are a few even within the National Press Gallery but they’re harder to come by there. Most are used to getting their own way and have the equivalent of a temper tantrum when they don’t.

For example, May 2006 when a number of national press gallery members walked out of a news conference with Harper because he refused to take their questions.

Okay I understand the reporters perhaps being a bit ticked off personally but here’s the thing, it’s not the media’s news conference. The person or organization holding the news conference makes the rules and that’s the case with any type of news conference. If the news organization doesn’t like the rules that is their choice, but this was a lesson in humble pie for many of them. Their importance was brought into question by many and most Canadians just plain didn't care about the National Press Gallery...at all.

The problem is the National Press Gallery has been spoiled rotten over the years. Many members are used to being spoon fed the news and being handed leaks from political operatives. Following this spat, Harper didn’t say he wouldn’t deal with the media as many members of the National Press Gallery tried to portray. He simply said he wouldn’t deal with THEM. “Unfortunately the press gallery has taken the view they are going to be the opposition to the government," said Harper. "They don't ask questions at my press conferences now. We'll just take the message out on the road. There's lots of media who do want to ask questions and hear what the government is doing." That of course would leave the National Press Gallery having to actually start working to dig up the stories, depend on local media sources and probe the different angles instead of being spoon fed scrum after scrum. Oooh the horror.

And really who can blame Harper for being a little cautious with this crew.

The blog The Black Rod described the spat well with the following write-up.

During the race for the Liberal leadership, Yves Malo, a director the president of the Parliamentary Press Gallery was expressing his joy about the Liberal Party. "We are very happy," Malo, a reporter with the French news network TVA said. "I think that it's good news that the one who may be the next prime minister won't hold a list."

Then there was the very “grown up” actions of our finest journalists.

CBC's Julie Van Dusen running past security guards and hammering on the door of the Prime Minister's office disrupting a private meeting of cancer-stricken children with the Canadian Cancer Society giving daffodils to Stephen Harper.

CBC's Terry Milewski (#93) calling Harper a liar ("with respect") at a news conference in Vancouver and falsely denied that the Press Gallery had shouted down a reporter who wanted to ask the PM a question.

Marie-Paul Rouleau from Radio-Canada swearing at Stephen Harper's press secretary at a photo-op in Vietnam.

The CBC's Larry Zolf (yes I sense a CBC theme too) wrote that "Harper's treatment of the media is that of an ingrate." The media made Harper, said Zolf. They also made Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney and eventually made their parties suffer at the polls. "A similar fate awaits Harper"

The media plays an important role in this country and around the world. However the National Press Gallery often think its exempt from any rules and any criticism. Therein lies the problem. The PM’s office and Press Gallery have since decided to more or less make nice and hopefully it is a wake up call for the media. Check the biases and egos at the door and start reporting the news...in a balanced way. Otherwise expect Canadians by and large to tune you out again the next time you start whining that you didn't get your own way.
Posted by Spinks on Wednesday, July 04, 2007 at 8:46 PM | Permalink
Wow! My views are 180 degrees apart from yours on this one.

I want the press to be 'allowed' to ask any questions--not just 'approved' ones. And I don't care who is in power at the time.
Posted by Anonymous | 12:21 AM
I think you're reading what you want to read in here anon. They can ask whatever they want and should but if an outlet or reporter is using their position as an outlet to push an agenda or carry a grudge, forget it. When you get people like Larry Zolf saying we make people and we can break them, there's a problem.
Posted by Spinks | 5:45 AM
I disagree too. You should have put those egomaniacs higher.
Posted by Anonymous | 5:37 PM
The problem with the PPG is that many of its members will do whatever necessary to get close to the party in power. The so-called limelight effect. Just look at Bob Fife and Mike Duffy as examples.

As soon as they saw an opening to break ties with Martin's press people in the PMO, they did. Doing a dramatic (however, very phony to me) about face on national television near the final stretch of the 2006 campaign.

Let me tell you, a lot of this type of reporting really does help sink a candidate. However, in Martin's case, he did help it along. ;-)
Posted by NB taxpayer | 4:05 PM
I was a regular "blue pass" reporter back in the 90's -- the blue pass was the Parliament Hill Press Day-Pass, the yellow's were the lifers. The post-QP scrums were always fun to watch as theatre but they were essentially meangingless, while the press conferences themselves were were boring and pre-scripted garbage. The material was always pre-leaked to friendly reporters (re: all the yellow passes), and the questions from reporters were always so guarded -- so as to not give away their lede -- I could never see the purpose of the press conference at all...

I've never heard one item come from a press conference on Parliament Hill or from the Press Gallery -- even the few that were/are done from a podium in front of a nice banner -- that would have made any difference to the next days headline if the entire event had been replaced with a press release.

Conrad was right, reporters are lazy, and with the possible exception of the smirking Martin/Stronach announcement most press conferences are just easy opportunities to ask the Press Secretaries for some one-on-one time with their MP.
Posted by Gabriel... | 5:34 PM
Press should be allowed to ask whatever they want and get the honest answer. Not spin.

They should also keep their hands out of spin as well.

Everyone's a dick in this situation.
Posted by Anonymous | 3:59 PM
If you include the whole journalistic race at this position, I think they should be #1. I mean, all the other screwuppers need their complicity to do their thing. Leftist, immoral journalism the root cause of the rot in all of the Western world. #1, #2 and #3.
Posted by EM | 1:21 PM
Try puttin you Conservative spin on this one Spinks Baby

Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 17:07:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Hey Mr. Genson caught you peeking whilst the jury is still out.. In the "Mean" time (corrected)why not say hey to Patrick Fitzgerald and Eddy Greenspan for me?
To: btaylor@nbnet.nb.ca, spinks08@hotmail.com, Duane.Rousselle@unb.ca,
oldmaison.wcie@gmail.com, pat.bonner@saintjohn.ca,
norm.mcfarlane@saintjohn.ca, Ivan.court@saintjohn.ca,
eamacleod@cbrmps.cape-breton.ns.ca, doralee.smith@pwgsc.gc.ca,
MacKay.P@parl.gc.ca, stronach.b@parl.gc.ca, ottawairc@state.gov,
zedp@parl.gc.ca, leo@primetimecrime.com, Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca,
McDonough.A@parl.gc.ca, Stoffer.P@parl.gc.ca, gemerson@tor.fasken.com,
garth@garth.ca, rmooremp@nb.sympatico.ca, thompg@nb.sympatico.ca,
Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca, smay@pattersonpalmer.ca, news957@rci.rogers.com,
cnichols@norwellpolice.com, Freeman.C@parl.gc.ca, comartin.j@parl.gc.ca,
Brown.G@parl.gc.ca, Hawn.L@parl.gc.ca, Menard.S@parl.gc.ca,
scarpinelli@publicintegrity.org, Norlock.R@parl.gc.ca,
MacKenzie.D@parl.gc.ca, Chan.R@parl.gc.ca, Bevilacqua.M@parl.gc.ca,
Batters.D@parl.gc.ca, Siksay.B@parl.gc.ca, Anderson.Da@parl.gc.ca,
CC: info@pco-bcp.gc.ca, bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Oda.B@parl.gc.ca,
hemccand@shaw.ca, dwatch@web.net, president@utoronto.ca,
chris.cunningham@utoronto.ca, ottawa@chuckstrahl.com,
riding@chuckstrahl.com, solberg.m@parl.gc.ca, thompson.g@parl.gc.ca,
toews.v@parl.gc.ca, ruby@ruby-edwardh.com, patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov,
Russell_Feingold@feingold.senate.gov, olived@sen.parl.gc.ca,
bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, broy@ogilvyrenault.com,
cumby.meghan@dailygleaner.com, day.s@parl.gc.ca, iwhitehall@heenan.ca,
jchretien@heenan.ca, rheenan@heenan.ca, duffy@ctv.ca,
tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, mikemurphymla@hotmail.com,

This should upset Lord Conrad Black's old buddy Jean Chretien before he gets his Order of Canada and not long after it was announced that the RCMP is still digging for old dirt on him. N'est Pas?

For the record I called Petey Baby MacKay again today about my affairs. It was bad luck for me because I called just as the CBC was announcing more fallen soldiers overseas. Even Petey Baby's chickenshit lawyer Marg was too afraid to talk to me and Rob Nicholson's assistant merely hung up on me as soon as I said my name. I guess Harper had everybody locked down into the no comment phase as usual before the shit hit the fan EH?

In my humble opinion all you greedy Parliamentarians should be very ashamed of yourselves and not just because Canada lost six more very honourable souls again today. What of the others who were lost since Harper ordered old people into a combat role instead of peace keeping?

All I heard today was that idiot, Jackie Boy Layton trying too make political brownie points off of the demise of decent people. What a crow EH Petey Baby Stoffer? Would you follow the dumb Upper Canadian who claims to have Maritime roots straight to Hell just so that you could keep your seat in Stevey Boy Harper's Parliament a while longer? What about the folks that are crying tonight about the loss their loved ones lost over there? What would it have cost anyone of you to were stand in Parliament and ask Harper or Toews or Nicholson or Day or MacKay or Oda or a host of other corrupt Conservatives if they knew who I was and if so was I crazy or not?

You smiling bastards in the NDP should have said at least said my name in May one year ago if not before you voted against extending the Mandate in Afghanistan certainly afterwards. Did you forget that the dummy, Paul Dewar answered me? The ghosts of Capt Goddard and Cpl. Anthony Boneca in particular still haunt me now and then because I felt like a slacker last year. But my conscience is clear about the souls of the rest after our Minister of Attack Gordon O'Conner attacked me and made false allegations against me to the RCMP so that he could protect his nasty arse. At least I knew I was still on the right side of things and that I had the corrupt bastards afraid that just maybe I could stop wars or at least impeach a crook or two. EH?

In closing I hope all you greedy miserable bastards never forget your bullshit that caused our Peacekeepers to create enemies for us who won't be so quick to forget an offense. it appears to me that you are under Stevey Boy Harper's orders because he knows too much shit about the rest of you. If you point to his wrongs he will point right back at you N'est Pas? I know we need a change all right and so does everybody else. The heathen in me prays that there may never be another Parliament serving Canada in our future as the one that is seated right now and may no encumbent from it ever be reelected to public office anywhere. If there were a god, he should have damned you all by now. Thus far it appears it is only I who curses you but at least your god has not struck me dead or dumb just yet. N'est Pas? You smiling bastards in Parliament can go on and on licking Stevey Boy Harper's fat nasty arse. I am gonna take him up on his challenge to sue him. However I am no longer in a rush. I will do it it in my own good time. What is happening to his hero Geogey Boy Bush is far more interesting to me theses days.

In the "mean" time what are you Parlaimentarians gonna do if I get lucky and some greedy whistleblower says my name in a public forum? Shit your fancy pants? I certainly hope so. I need a good laugh.

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 4:43 PM
Post a Comment


#12 – Danny Williams
I’m about to become one unpopular guy among a majority of people from Newfoundland and Labrador but folks, it can’t be helped. Danny Williams is screwing up Canada.

Let’s be clear. Williams is the proverbial big man on campus on The Rock. His approval rating at home is huge. One poll in 2005 pegged it at 86% but it’s consistently around the 75% level. Williams paints himself as the guy fighting for Newfoundland and trying to get the best deal for his province. I can’t fault him for that but his methods leave a bit to be desired.

Right now Williams (and in fairness Nova Scotia Premier Rodney MacDonald) are locked in a dispute over Prime Minister Stephen Harper over the details of the Atlantic Accord. Who’s right and who’s wrong will probably end up being a matter for the courts but this fact is certain, Newfoundland and Labrador will not lose any money.

Will they get as much as they would like? Probably not but who does? We’re in this together as a country. The theory of equalization is so that each province (and territory) can deliver roughly the same services. The key word is of course roughly. Some things are better in some provinces than others but generally it’s all the same. We don't have third word service in one and top notch in the other no matter what the anarchists will tell you. When a province prospers, the others get to share the wealth (at least eventually). With that being said I understand Williams wanting the best deal possible so that’s fine.

However the method used by Williams to get his message from the province desperately seeking cash to the rest of the country was to spend $250,000 on newspaper ads across the country slamming the federal government. The federal government retaliated with the same low brow tactic, also using taxpayer dollars. Shame all around.

If that was it, well Williams might not be on this list but big displays of grandeur are his calling card and it’s a pattern of behaviour which leads one to wonder what he’ll do next. Although easily the worst was during Christmas 2004.

It was then that Williams ordered all Canadian flags removed from provincial buildings in a dispute with then Prime Minister Paul Martin (#19) over really the same thing he’s in a dispute with Stephen Harper right now; offshore oil resources.

All of them were ordered down by one man.

Look, duke it out all you want with the federal government but when you haul down the Canadian flags, you’re saying you have no respect for this country and that was exactly the message Williams sent out. The flags eventually went back up and Martin cut a deal.

While Williams did tell reporters earlier this year he has no “thirst for separation”, he added “the fans of sovereignty are here” although he did say he was trying to dampen them. Forgive me for finding it difficult to believe a guy who uses the Canadian flag as a bargaining tool. Canada needs another Quebec situation or even the threat of a Quebec situation like a hole in the head. It looks like we might need Danny Williams even less.
Posted by Spinks on Monday, June 25, 2007 at 6:29 PM | Permalink
And to think I thought it was a good thing when the Liberals were presented "the Order of the boot"!!

This guy is definitely a high ranking member of the Canadian "termite" society.... rotting the country out from within.
Posted by Neal Ford | 2:00 PM
Who does Danny Williams think he is, the Premier of Quebec?
Posted by RkBall | 7:51 PM
I couldn't help but notice you don't have Rene Levesque on here?? Giving the separatist a free pass???
Posted by Anonymous | 5:49 PM
Rene Levesque is six feet under and has been for 20 years....

Although his LEGACY is worth dishonourable mention.
Posted by Neal Ford | 9:35 PM
Danny's idea of "dampening the flames of separatism" is a Throne Speech written by André Laurendeau, a separatist mythology worthy of Léandre Bergeron or Pierre Vallières, and a throwback to Ches Crosbie's musings from the 1940s about union with the United States.
Posted by WJM | 6:35 PM
Spinks, I'm a newfie and I totally agree with your assessment on Danny Millions.

IMO Danny's flag tantrum did him irreparable harm in Ottawa where his actions were seen as appalling. His lack of respect goes a level deeper, though, as realized in his incessant use of Prime Minister Harper's first name; whenever he refers to him, he calls him "Steve". Not so bad if you're off fishing together, but in the media and in government you ALWAYS use terms of respect when referring to elected leaders.

Williams is being marginalized on the equalization talks due to his belligerence within and without the negotiating room.

Another small point that isn't publicized much in the media: the business community in NL are up-in-arms but terrified of Danny Williams. Danny's bullying tactics at the business table have resulted in the postponement of multiple oil project developments and the loss of millions, perhaps billions, of spin-off business dollars in NL. Big Oil is prepared to wait out Danny's tenure and negotiate with more reasonable persons, and until that time NL will have to wait to reap further offshore oil royalties and associated business development.

Keep up the good work. Love the list.
Posted by Mark | 8:06 AM
Totally agree with the Newfoundland Mark. I am also a Newfoundlander. Went to Corner Brook this summer and couldn't believe the money spent on the sidewalks and not the streets. The sidewalks were for the most part made of interlocking bricks and it covered many, many blocks and very, very wide. What is with this? Surely the streets can be upgraded and maybe use a cheaper form for the sidewalks - like cement. Money foolishly spent in Newfoundland and we saw much more of this in a city of 20,000 people.
Posted by Anonymous | 12:09 PM
You can't talk about Danny's mess without mentioning his feat of driving away the oil companies during a long sustained period of high energy prices. Like his moronic predecessors who retarded the progress of the Voisey's Bay mining operation, causing it and the province to miss out on huge resource revenues during the present commodity boom, Danny has kiboshed free money so that his province can continue to suck tax money. He's not alone -- for sure British Columbia has also needlessly foregone major mining and petroleum revenues because of red-green socialism -- but he's #1 on the stuck-on-stupid hit parade right now.
Posted by Anonymous | 7:44 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mariitime and Yankee Arseholes":

Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 10:30:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Oh Danny Boy Williams I heard through the grapeline ol Sully may soon have grandbaby whose pipes my be calling you Papa
To: DannyWilliams@gov.nl.ca, Manning.F@parl.gc.ca, tommarshall@gov.nl.ca, nking@gov.nl.ca, jnoseworthy@gov.nl.ca, CharlesFurey@gov.nl.ca, eddiejoyce@nf.aibn.com, nl@greenparty.ca, nb@greenparty.ca, TOsborne@gov.nl.ca, hynesa@gov.nl.ca, JHickey@gov.nl.ca, mstewart@theaurora.ca, editor@theaurora.ca, tomhann@hotmail.com, bdunphy@nf.sympatico.ca, vmills@nf.sympatico.ca, gerryreid@gov.nl.ca, keithsimonwhite@hotmail.com, msnfld@cfibmail.com, averillbakerlaw@nl.rogers.com, msnb@cfibmail.com, Byrne.G@parl.gc.ca, greg@currentmag.ca, locke@straylight.ca, ed_hollett@hotmail.com, mgeist@uottawa.ca, Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca, Simms.S@parl.gc.ca, Russell.T@parl.gc.ca, Moore.R@parl.gc.ca
CC: Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, andrew.holland@nb.aibn.com, scotta@parl.gc.ca, caseyb@parl.gc.ca, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, forest@conservationcouncil.ca, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, premier@gnb.ca, info@pco-bcp.gc.ca, bakerg@sen.parl.gc.ca, HHodder@gov.nl.ca, Doyle.N@parl.gc.ca, Hearn.L@parl.gc.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, "Byron" alltrue@nl.rogers.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com

True or False Danny Boy?

Would you do a blood test someday if a new baby Newfy were to burst upon the scene? Or would you be like the nasty Newfy Turncoats mean old T. Alex Hickman or Big Bad Billy Matthews who never would and sued or prosectuted anyone who dared to talk about it?

Wanna have your little Crown lawyers try to prosecute me for slander for asking the tough questions to you first in front of your many political buddies? Can I pick one for you that I would like to argue? I will check your lawyers out when I am called to tesify at a couple of pending criminal trials you inspired about slander.i will stres test their integrity out of the gate before I sue you personally.

Rember the material that was delivered in hand to your office three goddamned years ago? Tis time to dig it out Danny Boy and start boning up on the law and leave the boning of young ladies alone for a bit EH?

All ya got to do is deny it or affirm it. Either about my questions about young ladies you may have poked alittle fun with or about my material of years ago will do. How tough a questions could these be for an ethical lawyer to answer? Your profound silence speaks volumes to me about the truthfullness of my deep throated source of Newfy gossip. I know for a fact that the evidence of crime that I sent you three years ago was absolutely true so methinks I will Cya'll in Court someday anyway. Eh Danny Boy?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 9:44 PM
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#14 – Svend Robinson
In Bernard Goldberg’s 100 people who are screwing up America (which this blog pays homage to), there are several entries for pioneers.

Svend Robinson is a pioneer for screwing up Canada. He’s been doing it for a very long time.

I’ve been trying to think for the past few months what to write about Svend Robinson but it always come back to the December 19, 2005 issue of MacLeans with its cover headline, “Svend him Packing.” I can’t say it any better all that’s wrong with Svend Robinson so here it is from MacLeans.

"Despite his affection for grandstands and public office -- he served 25 years as MP for Burnaby, B.C. -- Robinson has never shown much respect for the law or the conventions of Parliament. He was fined $750 for his part in an anti-logging blockade in the Queen Charlotte Islands in 1985. He embarrassed himself and earned a reprimand from his leader, Ed Broadbent, by heckling U.S. President Ronald Reagan in Parliament in 1987. His defiance of a court order prohibiting the obstruction of forestry practices at Clayoquot Sound brought him a two-week jail sentence for criminal contempt in 1994. That same year he witnessed the illegal assisted suicide of Sue Rodriguez and attended a press conference to discuss it. In 1999, NDP leader Alexa McDonough demoted him to the backbenches for petitioning to have the word "God" stricken from the preamble of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In 2001, he joined the mob that tussled with police during the Quebec City free-trade summit. In 2002, he resigned as NDP foreign policy critic after making intemperate remarks about the state of Israel. The ring theft occurred in 2004.

Yet however much he behaves as a law unto himself, Robinson has been quick to appeal to the justice system when it suits his purposes. After being tear-gassed and having his pants ripped in Quebec City, he encouraged anyone who had been "illegally attacked" to sue the RCMP. This year he received $10,000 for "general damages, pain and suffering" from the Mounties as a result. He also sued a newspaper that ridiculed his performance at the Quebec summit. He is currently suing a Vancouver radio station for comments made on-air.

Is it too much to ask that a Canadian legislator revere and uphold the law in all circumstances, not picking and choosing when to play by the rules? Yes, principled dissent is fine. Civil disobedience, too, has its place. But that's not what Robinson is about. He's a self-aggrandizing lout with a disdain for parliamentary and judicial institutions.

Forgive us for also doubting Robinson's handling of the ring theft. He turns himself in to the authorities only after the deed has been caught on tape. He resigns his seat. He enters a guilty plea but argues that a mental illness and the effects of a 1997 hiking accident made the incident less a theft than a cry for help (he was fit to be NDP deputy House leader in '03). The judge grants a conditional discharge, meaning Robinson does not have a criminal record. He is given a year's probation and ordered to continue psychiatric counselling and perform 100 hours of community work. The moment his probation is over, Robinson declares his mental illness under control and talks of a political comeback. Unfit for prison in '04. Ready for Parliament in '05. Will wonders never cease.

The presence of Svend Robinson in an election that has government ethics as a key issue is a blight on the New Democratic Party and an insult to the public at large. The voters of Vancouver Centre are obviously free to elect whomever they please. We trust them to see Svend Robinson's opportunism for what it is and make a stand for higher standards of political, ethical, and legal behaviour. In other words, to send him packing." MacLean's Editorial - Dec. 19, 2005

The voters of Vancouver Centre during the 2006 election were really between a rock and a hard place. Hedy Fry (#37) or Svend Robinson. Granted they picked the lesser of two evils.

A few years ago Svend Robinson would have sailed into the top 5 here at 101 with flying colours but his influence has waned in recent years (thank goodness). Still he’s musing about running provincially in British Columbia. Hopefully the voters there also, “Svend him packing” if given the chance.
Posted by Spinks on Sunday, June 17, 2007 at 8:36 PM | Permalink
Glad to see that you chose the one time darling of the left and "friend" of Yasser Arafat.

Maybe more than friends. With those two you never can tell.

BTW, the ring apparently cost $64,000.
Posted by James Burke | 5:36 PM
Man, spinks, that Macleans editorial is BANG ON! Thanks.
Posted by Mark | 8:11 AM
Sounds like you don't enjoy people who challenge existing systems and push the limits.

Shame on you. Is television and passive acceptance all you're interested in?

May capitalism run you over. Then we'll see who wants to fight for the right.
Posted by Anonymous | 4:02 PM
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 11:17:12 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: I just tried to call you all in order to introduce myself. Good luck with your conscience now.
To: svend@svendrobinson.com, garth@garth.ca, anwarnaqvi@ndp.ca,
edchudak@ndp4me.ca, ghubbers@greenparty.ca, krice@greenparty.ca,
info@cindysilver.ca, jpal@telus.net, NationalVP@chp.ca,
jevans@greenparty.ca, editor@cannabisculture.com

For the record Lois called me back I spoke on Andrew Kyrtal's Radio Show, returned Lucy at Cpac call, I called Garth, sent these emails and then tried to call you all beginning with Marc emery who heard me speak three hours ago. In my calls I was trying to tell you all what Lois Brown knows to keep everyone on an even keel.

I sincerely hope that all incumbents are unseated and replaced with those who understand the meaning of the word integrity. All of you are running against corrupt liberals. the most notable of all is the turncoat Belinda Stronach. She dumped Stevey Boy Harper and his Deputy Dog Petey Baby MacKay like hot potatoes as soon as I gave her lawyer Don Amos a call. Ask him why and then perhaps you should too. Your parties are sinking in the polls anyway tis time to save ourselves before you are embarassed by your own leaders. Need I say i am a very joyful Independent?

Please be aware of my fair warning I will hold all lawyers amongst your political crowds accountable in a court of law whether or not you get elected. There should be no need to explain to any of you why. The tiff file attached makes my reasons evident to all. the Arar and Gomery Inquirys do not hold a candle to my concerns and allegations. Call me a liar and put it in writing I double Dog Dare Ya.

That said the likes of the fancy pants lawyer Svend Robinson should be a glaring example to all just how bad things really are when it comes to public corruption being ignored. I would like to know what planet the NDP come from. Did Robinson not prove himself to be a thief whilst he was an MP? Please correct me if I am wrong but has that lawyer proven to all that not only does he not uphold the law he broke it as a common thief. He did this all whilst being employed as a Member as a Parliament who had sworn to uphold the public trust? Why the hell would the Canadian people want such a person seated in the House of Commons again particularly in a place where no matter what they say or do on our behalf they cannot be held accountable for? Is anyone paying attention to the nonsense of it all?

In closing after I heard the dope smoking Marc Emery endorse such a lawyer of this on air in Halifax I just shook my head and said my two bits worth on Live Radio too. The pothead does not realize that the world of George W. Bush is on his shoulders because of political lawyers such as his buddy Svend Robinson. I wish Emery luck in finding an ethical lawyer to keep him out of Yankee prison. Rest assured I will check that smiling bastard's work closely. If I see that he acts with integrity, I will offer him the best job he ever had. He will never need another client just more assistants. Methinks if the lawyer, Tony Fogarassy were a really wise guy he would sit up, pay attention, ignore the idiot Stevey Boy Harper and the rest of his cohorts and give me a call. (Yea I know I am a dreamer but my phone number is inserted in the next email) Perhaps you should give a call back in order for me to assist you so the Humpty Dumpty's government falls in such a fashion that that all the Queen's Horses and all the Queen's men can not put Humpty Dumpty's govenment back together again just like what happened to Brian Mulroney's long dead party not too long ago.

Merry Xmass? Bah Humbug!!! See you on the Campaign Trail. I am running for Parliament just one last time whilst I sue the Crown because of my own false imprisonment in the USA . Get IT?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 1:54 AM
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#19 – Paul Martin
Let’s be fair.

I think Paul Martin was a pretty decent Finance Minister. He had to make some shrewd decisions to finally stop the deficit and start actually paying some money on Canada’s enormous debt. Sure he could have done more. Who couldn’t, but all in all not bad and that keeps him from being higher on this list.

However Paul Martin as Prime Minister? The record isn’t as good.

Politicians love to be politically correct but Martin took it to brand new heights during his short tenure. It was difficult to find if he believed in anything as he tried to please everybody...kind of. Sounds great but when you believe in everything, you essentially believe in nothing and he took it to some silly extremes.

Just one example.

When you can’t call a Christmas Wreath a Christmas Wreath or a Christmas Tree a Christmas Tree because of…well Martin never actually said why he couldn’t bring himself to do so when he was Prime Minister. However it certainly had the appearance of political correctness run amok. His political correctness had a whole bunch of government offices second guessing themselves on whether they should even use the word Christmas. Crazy stuff.

However, most political watchers agree that it was the legalization of same-sex marriage that Martin will be most remembered for. Martin opposed the idea when it was put to a vote in 1999 but changed his mind in 2004 when courts began weighing in on the issue.

I have to admit same-sex marriage on the surface has a romantic notion. If two people want to be married even if they’re the same gender than why not? That was certainly the logic of Paul Martin and a majority of MP’s when they voted to legalize SSM in 2005.

Here’s the problem.

Anytime you tinker with an institution like marriage which is essential to the well being of children there are ramifications. As with anything, some of those outcomes are good and some are bad. A responsible government needs to weigh the pluses and minuses to arrive at a decision which is fair, just and ensures the well being of society.

Paul Martin didn’t do that.

He shut down the Parliamentary Committee on Same Sex Marriage ending virtually any debate or the gathering of information on what the ramifications might be. They put on a brave face but the Liberals themselves were concerned if this would begin a slippery slope, so concerned that they asked for reports on what the ramifications could be including the possibility of legalized polygamy.

By contrast, France, arguably one of the most liberal countries in the world put the brakes on SSM when they studied it and determined that SSM was not in the best interest of children. France instead has civic unions for homosexual couples and common-law heterosexual couples.

Are the issues the same in Canada as France?

Who knows? A government may study the mating habits of a beetle for decades but Paul Martin’s Liberals refused to hear the debate at all, making their decision solely on the rulings from a handful of judges.

I can appreciate that those who were for same-sex marriage were happy about the decision but to think that this decision would have no negative impact and required no study was incredibly arrogant of Paul Martin. France found a balance by actually studying the issue as any responsible government should. Paul Martin did not.
Posted by Spinks on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 7:24 PM | Permalink
Even if gay marriage were good for society the greater issue is that Martin and the Liverals used this as a means to fake being progressive. Instead of helping the poor, the sick or the needy they put up a rainbow flag and said they were being "liberal."
Posted by Anonymous | 11:03 PM
You know I disagree with you on same sex marriage. Tell me how can you design a study that will tell you that homosexual are bad parents. Define bad parent.

Also you assume that people get married to have kids. Come on you truly believe that in 2007. Your argument fell apart right there. Because People do not get married to raise kid. They get married to share their love and affirmed it to society.

IF you truly think france is progressive then you never watch the news. France like to think they are but they are not. Like Quebec, they think they are progressive but they are the guy who champion the two tier system in health care. They have more private school then the rest of Canada.

France are xenophobic. Hell! they hate change. They voted the same kind of stupid dinosaur for 50 years.

Do you even know why gay people want to get married? They want to say to us that their love is the freakin same.

What is next some morality police that license people to get kids because if we followed your argument to the end this would be the ideal solution. Society telling people who can and cannot have kid.

About Paul, I think you could have put him lower. Like you said, he was a great finance minister but he was a shitty Prime Minister. Come on, nobody can tell what he did.

Liberals need to pull their collective ass and elect a leader. But they choose to use that stupid system for their party election instead of each member deciding which leader they wanted.

I hope you put the whole liberal party in the top 5.
Posted by Paulin | 12:18 PM
I have to agree with the other posters. Paul Martin wasn't a great PM but he wasn't that bad either. He did try to shine some light on the sponsorship scandal (although not too much light). While I agree with most of your other choices, I would have put Mr. Martin up in the 90s somewhere.
Posted by Owen | 1:13 PM
I think this one is on the money although I would have put him higher. To make such a radical change without considering all the possibilities was shortsighted and as you wrote arrogant.
Posted by Julia S. | 6:17 PM
When you think that all PRIME MINISTER Paul Martin will be remembered for is ramming through the SSM bill, that's a pretty poor legacy. he is without a doubt the worst Prime Minister we've had in my living memory, anyway. Leaving aside the purely political pandering that was the SSM bill. (the whole matter could have been resolved to the greater satisfaction of most, by getting government OUT of the marriage business in the first place. Interesting howeverytone shouts about keeping the govt. out of the bedrooms of the nation, that is, unless one is "maried")
The problem stemmed from the fact that while he served as a competent finance minister, political ambition consumed him completely, and instead of concentrating on policy and ideas, he focussed in on pure gutter politics, starting with the attempted coup in August 2000 which prompted Chretien to knock him into line with the Nov. 2000 election. It wasn't really about stopping Stockwell Day as it was about teaching Martin a lesson.
Result notwithstanding, the chicanery behind the scenes continued as the Martin juggernaut picked up steam. He was a man running on past laurels, and had built up so much momentum and support that the succession was his, would he have been patient. Nobody, not Manley, not Copps, not even McKenna could have stopped him.Once he was relieved of the finance portfolo, instead of digging in and building up strong policies to implement his ideas (he must have had some, at one time)he made sure he'd win in a coronation. he didn't even deign to capaign against the other contenders to stay sharp, thus the result was an arroagnt empty suit, with nothing but a shopworn bag of political tricks left.
The result was the man who could have and should have steamrolled to power with one of the largest majorities in history, including a sweep of Quebec found himself clinging to power with the slimmest of minorities, and losing more than half the Quebec seats that Chretien had bequeathed him. And unlike Mr Harper who has striven to accomplish something with the cards he'd been dealt, the only things Mr Martin could do was ram through same sex marriage without proper debate, only a short time after he, himself, rose in parliament to cast his vote in defense of the traditional one-mam-one-woman definition of marriage.
Paul Martin was a failure at home, and a failure on the world stage.
The only things i remember about his regime were Adscam and same sex marriage. imagine staking your legacy on something as peripheral as that! The first poster "anonymous" said it well. He ignored issues that mattered to the electorate, and then covered himself in the rainbow flag to hoodwing "progressive" voters.
The culmination of his career had to a failed attempt to look cool toward the end of the 2006 campaign, getting up onstage with that guitar. He looked almost as comical as Gilles Duceppe did after donning that hairnet at the cheese factory.
Posted by Neal Ford | 2:58 PM
Yes, I am very upset that Paul Martin pushed through SSM, but I suppose one could argue that other MPs are also responsible... no backbone to stand up for the beliefs of those who elected them, nor for their own conscience in many cases.

However, I also despise Paul Martin for changing Canadian laws for the profit of his steamship company. I can't understand how as Prime Minister he could ship under another country's flag in order to avoid Canadian taxes... his own salary, for pete's sake. And on top of it, he didn't hire Canadians because he would have to pay them too much. For a Prime Minister, you would think he would feel too ashamed to do that. And then, "in order to avoid conflict of interest" he handed his company over to his sons. Give me a break!! What a total lack of loyalty to one's country. I don't understand either why the media hasn't made a bigger deal of this.
Posted by Anonymous | 9:30 AM
Paul Martin gave the appearance of being a decent finance minister but the truth is a bit nastier. Martin ended deficit spending by increasing taxation. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to do that.

Martin also paid down on the nation debt by raiding the Employment Insurance fund. All employers and employee pay into this fund and theoretically it's not taxation but that didn't stop Martin from using it like taxation.

Finally, Martin worked some "Liberal Magic" by raiding the pension funds of the Armed Forces and RCMP. Both organizations have sued to recover the billions of dollars which were taken.

Like the EI fund raid, this pension raid represented employee and employer contributions to superannuation funds to provide indexing on pensions. Martin's position on this was the fund contained more money than was necessary to fulfil it's obligations. Martin described it as being "numbers on a page" as in these funds don't really exist and only represent a liability (in accounting terms) to the gov't.

The problem with Martin's theory is this means the gov't is deliberately over-charging for superannuation since that money is collected and dedicated to that purpose only. If there's excess funds, that means employee contributions should be reduced and that hasn't ever happened.

Lawyers from employee associations from both the Armed Forces and the RCMP are currently before the Supreme Court, suing the government to recover those raided funds.

Yes, Paul Martin screwed up Canada.
Posted by Mac | 10:31 AM
Neal, I believe my memory must go further back than yours....while he was no doubt pathetic as a Prime Minister, Paul Martin is not the worst, or even the second worst that we have had. Jean Chretien is second only to Pierre Trudeau in the worst Prime Minister sweepstakes.
Posted by Conrad | 10:37 PM
Good Catholic, that Paul Martin!
Posted by B | 10:14 PM
If you think same sex marriage was the worst thing Paul Martin did to Canada, you have your head in the sand. He did far more damage than that.

I am only up to here (19) in the list, and there are some that should have come long before this twit.

Worst PM - John George Diefenbaker. His solid sucker punch the national solar plexus knocked the wind out of an enthusiastic post-war Canada, convinced Canadians from Ontario east that 'the west' was made up of needy whiners, convinced English Canada it was nothing but a poor version of the US and gave French Canada pause to remember.

Second Worst PM - Brian Mulroney. A total American wannabe (a sycophantic trait he seems to have passed on to his son) he ensured that any national pride we might have built up over non-involvement in American misadventures was replaced with a demoralizing inferiority complex, and any thoughts of cooperation with our fellow citizens should be replaced by the greed necessary to compete with each other until we can all become losers. He began the 'deep integration' that is so swiftly eroding government by the people.

Third Worst - Pierre Trudeau. Invited us to watch him as he transformed the country. Trudeau seemed to resent both Anglophone and Francophone traditions, contributions and constituencies. He was likely the last kid chosen for any team or group as he grew up. Taking advantage of the ennui and angst created by Diefenbaker, his drive for anarchy and chaos radicalized Canadian political debate, and set us one against the other.

Tied for Fourth - Paul Martin and Stephen Harper. (Though Harper has time in hand to prove his 'worseness'.) Both should be hanged for Treason. (Normally I don't believe in capital punishment , but...) Martin, a cowardly traitor, did most of his work behind closed doors. Harper, a pompous traitor does quite a bit openly. It is not that the United States is our enemy - Americans, too, are losing their country, rights and identity to the same imperialist tyrants as are we. But NAFTA the WTO treaties, the SPP and all similar agreements yield up sovereignty to a moneyed few who are not necessarily citizens or even people. Citizens' rights to redress wrongs have been moved out of the national court systems; citizens' rights to control their environment have been moved out of the national political arenas; citizens' rights to set standards such as product, working and wage standards, to unionize or not, to know what is in your food, to be treated fairly by an employer, to compensation for expropriation are now in the hands of arbitrators operating under and enforcing trade regulations rather than legislation.

Summary Diefenbaker made it emotionally possible, Trudeau set the political stage, Mulroney put the wheels in motion, Martin and Harper continue the process.

"A mari usque ad mare" will fade with the nation and be replaced with "Je me souviens" by those aging few who remember Canada as a proud, capable and caring sovereign nation.
Posted by Don | 6:49 PM
Here is a Dilly to Delete ASAP EH Spinksy Baby?

Date: Sun, 6 May 2007 17:45:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: What the National Post reported of RCMP whistleblowers is no doubt true but wiill they tell it all?
To: Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Roger.Gillies@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, John.DeWinter@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 06:59:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: What the National Post reported of RCMP whistleblowers is no doubt true but wiill they tell it all?
To: yvon.leblanc3@gnb.ca, nicole.robichaud2@gnb.ca, michael.comeau@gnb.ca,
pleisnb@web.ca, debbie.hackett@gnb.ca, jim.burns@gnb.ca,
robert.penney@gnb.ca, Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, jsbrown@unb.ca

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 14:28:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: What the National Post reported of RCMP whistleblowers is no doubt true but wiill they tell it all?
To: rod.smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
premier@gnb.ca, kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca, greg.byrne@gnb.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca,
mleger@stu.ca, jwalker@stu.ca, plee@stu.ca, DannyWilliams@gov.nl.ca,
davies.carl@nbpub.com, bruce.northrup@gnb.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca,
info@pco-bcp.gc.ca, org@erc-cee.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca,
mikemurphymla@hotmail.com, dykstrafarms@hotmail.com,
Dykstra.R@parl.gc.ca, Oda.B@parl.gc.ca, solberg.m@parl.gc.ca,
thompson.g@parl.gc.ca, toews.v@parl.gc.ca, Daniel.Conley@state.ma.us,
ruby@ruby-edwardh.com, fbinhct@leo.gov, patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov,
CC: oda.b@parl.gc.ca, Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, paul.dube@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
cumby.meghan@dailygleaner.com, stronach.b@parl.gc.ca,
jchretien@heenan.ca, duffy@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com,
dwatch@web.net, bob.fogarty@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, macormie@vac-acc.gc.ca,
field_c@jud.state.ma.us, josee.touchette@justice.gc,
pierrette.lacroix@elections.ca, rricher@scics.gc.ca,
gsmith@chrt-tcdp.gc.ca, stella.deacon@chrc-ccdp.ca,

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 13:22:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Anybody think that I am April Fooling Now?
To: dmartin@nationalpost.com

Whistles blew on RCMP months ago
Pension fund scandal; Committee suppressed accusations


Don Martin
National Post

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

OTTAWA - It was all an act. The shock and horror displayed by MPs after whistle-blowers implicated RCMP brass in an alleged pension fund scandal last week was indignation faked for the cameras.
Unless they were willfully ignorant, the MPs knew everything months ago. All of them.
RCMP whistle-blowers had been trying since the fall to drop their bombshell on the public record, but the public accounts committee voted repeatedly to keep them off the witness stand and their documents suppressed from the public record.

A one-vote margin of victory on a last-ditch in-camera motion finally allowed RCMP officers to spill the beans in public last week to trigger a national ruckus and an independent investigation. Had the vote gone the other way, the code of RCMP silence would have covered Parliament Hill indefinitely.

And if you're looking for the most bizarre acts of obstruction and interference, look no further than Conservative MPs, possibly acting under orders from above, who voted as a block to sweep the accusations under the rug.

It's incredible and inexplicable why a government under Prime Minister Stephen Harper, which wraps itself in the uniform of aggressive law and order, would vote repeatedly to deny RCMP officers access to the spotlight when they were willing to risk their careers telling the disquieting truth.

But all committee members were hand-delivered the evidence by RCMP whistle-blowers last fall, carefully indexed and the most damning evidence redflagged, and even after they were given a preview of their testimony, MPs still stonewalled the push to bring the RCMP scandal out of the shadows.

"Every colleague I spoke to said, 'Are you sure we want to go there? Remember, this is the RCMP'," says Liberal MP Borys Wrzesnewskyj. "At every key point when the committee voted to deal with the issue, they [Conservatives] blocked it or tried to block it."

The second-term Etobicoke MP is credited by RCMP whistleblowers for doggedly pursuing the file and leading the charge to secure their hearing.

Mr. Wrzesnewskyj demanded reports used by the Auditor-General be brought forward last December. His motion was rejected by all five Conservative members. He asked to take the matter behind closed doors. He was voted down again.
After hearing from a number of witnesses previewing the allegations in mid-February, he put forward a motion to grant the whistle-blowers parliamentary immunity to testify. He was voted down by the Conservative members and a lone New Democrat.

Finally, after submitting stacks of damning documents, including e-mails showing nine RCMP brass trying to hide their golf fees on hotel bills during a pension fund meeting, Mr. Wrzesnewskyj felt he had enough evidence to secure unanimous support to call in the whistle-blowers. Even so, it only squeaked by on a single vote with all five Tories voting against the motion.

Retired Staff Sergeant Ron Lewis, the most tenacious of the whistle-blowers, said he mailed a full package of allegations to all committee members last Nov. 6.
"All the Conservatives voted against having us testify, even after what was revealed when the brass came in on the 21st of February. I couldn't believe when they were all flabbergasted, acting like they couldn't have been more shocked. I guess I can't figure out politics."

Join the club, but attempts to get a government explanation have not been satisfactory.

The PMO insists it did not have advance notice of the allegations and has no comment on the committee behaviour of its MPs.
Former committee chair John Williams is away and could not respond to requests for why he was "shocked" by the revelations at the committee after voting against bringing them forward.
Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre lamely insists he never received the package from Mr. Lewis and insists he received no insight from staff who met with initial whistle-blower Denise Revine on three occasions.

(Revine says she gave a sketch of the allegations to a former Poilievre aide.)

There's no sensible explanation for why Conservatives, who usually act in unison in committees, would circle the wagons against RCMP insiders seeking to blow the whistle on behaviour that took place under a Liberal reign.
Nor is it readily clear why Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day would order up a flaccid investigation without subpoena powers and limited to calling current RCMP staff.

But this much is clear as day. Thanks to the actions of a few, deeply troubling allegations have been pushed into the light, defying the unfathomable efforts of others to keep Canadians in the dark.


Just Dave
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David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 19:23:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Anybody think that I am April Fooling Now?
To: leader@atlanticaparty.ca, lymeqween@yahoo.com

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 17:57:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Anybody think that I am April Fooling Now?
To: police@ci.milford.ct.us, jrw@johnwilliams.com,
joconnell@ci.milford.ct.us, jperreault@ci.milford.ct.us, mail@baym.org,
hsakari@aol.com, bdimauro@bridresmilford.org, ctacorn@acorn.org,
CityClerk@ci.milford.ct.us, dkane40922@aol.com, dsephens02@earthlink.com,
dstephens02@earthlink.com, stevengerickson@yahoo.com,
ehesselberg@ctcentral.com, kjst.99@yahoo.com, McEvoyNYPD@aol.com,
thecrawf12550@yahoo.com, jim.amann@cga.ct.gov, jobiochem03@yahoo.com,
thecrawf12550@netzero.net, milfordweekly@ctcentral.com, revja@aol.com,
SMaloney@SBHCS.com, mlevin@levinlegalgroup.com, Mayor@ci.milford.ct.us
CC: Hermenegilde.Chiasson@gnb.ca, aleblanc.mla@nb.aibn.com, mail@ccla.org,
advocacycollective@yahoo.com, frederictonartsalliance@yahoo.ca,
wassef@nb.sympatico.ca, Premier@gnb.ca, Shawn.GRAHAM@gnb.ca,
smcready@nbnet.nb.ca, socialsciences@mta.ca, fdykeman@mta.ca,
roly.macintyre@gnb.ca, Ed.Doherty@gnb.ca, rosemay.poirier@gnb.ca,
Jody.CARR@gnb.ca, Keith.ASHFIELD@gnb.ca, Wayne.STEEVES@gnb.ca,
wally.stiles@gnb.ca, brad.green@gnb.ca, eugene.mcginley2@gnb.ca,

Just Dave
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Time Zone UTC-5:00
Visitor's Time Apr 2 2007 12:58:38 pm
Visit Number 643

Clearly Thomson Corp Yankees employed by them in the Big Apple are taking me seriously EH?

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 10:11:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Anybody think that I am April Fooling Now?
To: jack.e.mackay@gnb.ca, patrick.murphy@gnb.ca, dorothy.sercerchi2@gnb.ca,
tjbconstituency@hotmail.com, david.alward@gnb.ca, kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca,
oldmaison@yahoo.com, mlanewmaryland@nb.aibn.com, seheult@nbnet.nb.ca,
PDC@ProuseDash.ca, Graham.B@parl.gc.ca, Scott.A@parl.gc.ca,
jbaillie@torys.com, Masse.B@parl.gc.ca, Blaikie.B@parl.gc.ca,
comartin.j@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Nicholson.R@parl.gc.ca,
Cannon.L@parl.gc.ca, Williams.J@parl.gc.ca, Epp.K@parl.gc.ca,
CC: Kahentinetha2@yahoo.com, katenies20@yahoo.com, info@politicswatch.com,
Flaherty.J@parl.gc.ca, Baird.J@parl.gc.ca, Dewar.P@parl.gc.ca,
McGuinty.D@parl.gc.ca, Dhalla.R@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca,
Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, Hubbard.C@parl.gc.ca,
Martin.Pat@parl.gc.ca, Guergis.H@parl.gc.ca, Mark.I@parl.gc.ca,
Turner.G@parl.gc.ca, Chong.M@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca,
warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, John.Foran@gnb.ca, Fry.H@parl.gc.ca,
Emerson.D@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca

Woodstock Feds

The Crown

Alward and Allen

Davey Baby Alward



Saturday, April 01, 2006


Picture 064, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

It has been bought to my attention that you have been bloggling too much and taking too many pictures without consent of individuals.

You must leave the premises in one houe as of this time and date. 7:15am April 2/06


Millie and Jim

# posted by Charles LeBlanc @ 10:35 AM
You are being evicted for blogging?

# posted by Anonymous : 10:45 AM

Methinks it is because of our little spit and chew EH Frenchie? Did ya notice the CT Yankee put back my work and a great deal more?
Give me a call at(506 434 1379) and try to call me a liar. I Double Dog Dare Yaa Too. Say Hey to your wannabe lawyer buddy Vaughn for me will ya.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 11:13 AM

April Fool's

# posted by Anonymous : 11:13 AM

Way ahead of ya Frenchie I was already laughing at the joke
Verita Vincit
David Raymon Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 11:24 AM

You ain't as quick on the draw all of a sudden. Did you fall asleep Frenchie or have a stroke?

# posted by Anonymous : 11:45 AM

who the heck is David Amos?

# posted by City Under Siege The Fight for Saint John : 12:47 PM

is this for real. he is a good person, he trys to help people out. i hope he is not evioted because he is a good person

# posted by Anonymous : 12:58 PM

The obvious answer is: You see my phone number why not call me and ask me direct? I ain't shy.It is not my fault you never heard of me. I ran for a Seat in Parliament twice with no hope of getting elected if you are so concerned about LNG whay not ask me what i know of the crap. Furthermore I sent you some emails to prove my integrity. Didn't so it I before I tried to post my comments in your blog? Why did you block them? My question Mikey MacDonald is who the hell are you?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

Watch Frenchie prove his malice shaortly by making this blog melt as he always does however As a double check I just emailed it to you and Chucky in order to prove that it once existed.

# posted by Anonymous : 1:24 PM

Mr Amos when I tore apart Mr Chases article I sent it to him with my full name .I don't care that you know who I am.

I may soon have a pipeline running through my back yard which is going to change the quality of life of my family.I am a citizen who got fed up with one sided journalism.There is no smoke and mirrors with me.I am calling them as I see them.If you don't like the blog .I guess all I can say is don't blog or blog away .Thats what it is there for.I don't expect everyone to agree with me.Thats democracy.
If you are trying to intimidate me with your rants.think again.

# posted by City Under Siege The Fight for Saint John : 2:35 PM

No you think again Mikey Baby. USE your telephone as I challenged you to do. The simple truth should not intimadate an honest man. It was you who struck my words. If you had bothered to read my so called rants before you ignored them and then asked the world you the Hell I am, you would have noticed I agree with you and in fact know about this crap than you can dream of.

# posted by Anonymous : 2:48 PM

Now stayed tuned to this particular blog and watch Frenchie make it melt. He is the liar not me. He labelled me as a Hells Angel when I ran against the aptly named lawyer Rob Moore in Fundy in 2004. There is no denying that I am a vindictive son of a bitch with a long memory but even you must admit that i am fair. Although both Chucky and Indymedia erased their blogs when I protested their obvious malice, like you they erased everything I attemped to post. Ask yourself why Mikey Baby and the cry me a river again about what Irving is having crammed through your backyard. Guess who saves every word I write or what is said of me to use in litigation? In answer to your question in your own blog. Yes the people in Saint John should sue somebody in order to put a stop to the evil Empires control. Good luck finding a lawyer that ain't afraid of Irvings. You took a picture down as soon as you got a phone call. In my book that makes you a chickenshit. You talk the talk but do not walk the walk. You should have let them sue you in order to meet them in court and make you issues well known and recorded in the public record. I have been begging someone to sue me for years if they think they can prove what I say is untrue because whenever I sue them the corrupt courts meerely see it dismissed and stricken from the record. Look up Byron Prior sometime in Google and then tell me again that you
Obviously you used my phone number now I know yours. Clearly you just pissed me off Lets see you apology ya bastard.

# posted by Anonymous : 3:09 PM

ok...I just came back from moving someone. I see that David is debating his issues again.

Listen David? I'll let a debate your issues in this blog here.

I must delete the blog that has emails.

As long you don't swear and smear anyone? You should be ok!!

Everyone has their different style of sending out their message.

I got mine and you got yours.

By the way? Evicted??? It was a April Fool joke from Millie and Jim but I didn't bite!...lol

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 3:35 PM

This is weird! What in the hell is going on here?

# posted by Anonymous : 3:38 PM

Hey David??? Why don't you start your own blog?

You got that email list and you could invite people to your site like I do!!!!

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 3:56 PM

THere's no site like Charles!!! Entertaining as all hell! I have no idea what all these people are talking about, but it's more entertaining than anything on television! God bless the loonies!

# posted by Anonymous : 4:01 PM

February 24th, 2006

Rick Hancox Executive Director
c/o Suzanne Ball Senior
Legal Counsel
and Manon Losier General Counsel
and Secretary to the New Brunswick
Securities Commission
85 Charlotte Street, Suite 300
Saint John, NB E2L 2J2
RE: Securities Fraud and Public Corruption
Pursuant to our conversation today please find enclosed exactly the same material sent to the eight other provincial Attorney Generals in Canada before I returned to my native land again this year. Obviously the AGs Brad Green and Tom Marshall have known the truth of my matters since the summer of 2004. They have maliciously ignored my false imprisonment in the USA for their own political benefit. The tapes enclosed are exactly the same copies that were served upon the lawyers acting for Rogers Media byway of their newsman Tom Young today. As you listen to the tape you will hear that I mentioned your Commission on air in Saint John weeks ago. Methinks you should have called me then instead of waiting for me to contact you again today.
The tapes and the CD of wiretap tape #139 are served upon the Commission's lawyers Ms. Ball and Ms. Losier as in confidence as officers of the court in order that my allegations of illegal wiretaps by crooked law enforcement authorities may be finally properly investigated ASAP by ethical law enforcement authorities. Hopefully this will be done before I sue the Crown about my false imprisonment but I am not holding my breath. April 3rd is coming fast. Upon your study of these documents you will see that I have not yet given the Yankee SEC all of my evidence of Securities Fraud. However every Attorney General in Canada has been made well aware of it for quite sometime before the SEC declared it was willing to investigate the actions of the former Minister of Finance Ralph Goodale. To date not one person has responded me nor did me the simple courtesy of returning my calls or emails as you finally did today.
Clearly I must complain of the Crown myself without delay before further harm is done to my Clan. Rest assured I will be calling you, Mr. Hancox and the lawyers within your Commission to testify at a trial of my matters in Federal Court in Fredericton. A very pigheaded yet ethical Maritimer knows that justice has been delayed way past too long for the benefit of public corruption and not the public trust. I will not wait for anyone on public service to act within the scope of their employment anymore. To put it simply, after our conversation today I had no faith that you were willing to do your job.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.O. Box 234
Apohaqui, NB E5P 3G2

# posted by Anonymous : 4:05 PM

Nope the first question should be Chucky where is the computer I gave you in 2004 Yopu know the one the Anglo due from Minto took home for you. You claimed it was no good yea well I would like to have it back

# posted by Anonymous : 4:09 PM

The next question is does your buddy Vaughn Burnett still have the material that you promised you would serve upon Brad Green in June of 2004 for me? Has he listened to the CD which is a copy of police surveilance tape # 139? I will call hinm and you as witnesses to testify in Federal Court in Fredericton. The wannabe lawyer and you buddy Bernard Richard both admitted to me that they had the evidence before I was falsely imprisoned in the Yankee jail in 2004. So much for etyhical EH?

# posted by Anonymous : 4:14 PM

What do you do with a computer that don't work?

You know the answer!

Papers? to deliver to the Justice Minister? Sorry...I'm not a Sheriff!!!!

Remember be nice in this blog....

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 4:16 PM

What's everybody talking or fighting about ?

Always read your site Charles.

The person is right. More entertaining the TV, and I mean that as Big Compliment :>)

# posted by Anonymous : 4:22 PM

As far as blogging goes I do have one but do not post much. Because unlike you I feel that less is moreI do not need a blog I employ other people's blogs and only deal with the issues they raise first then take them down the path of the garden of good and evil just like I did with you years ago when they call me a liar. Check with your associate Mikey. He did not allow even my first comment. Just like your buddies in Indymedia. However they certainly allowed you to slam me. Didn't they Chucky?
Just in case anyone cares about the spelling I am typing quickly because Methinks Chucky will soon erase this stuff just like he always does. However here is my phone number again call me and I will show anyone the proof of what I is true and I will even allow them to listen to a wiretap tape or two.

# posted by Anonymous : 4:22 PM

Your said the computer didn't work but I know that it did and I brought it all the way from Boston because you were crying poor mouth on the phone. Furthermore I have to witnesses that heard you say you would love to take on Brad Green. the Anglo dude from Minto is one. you the one you call a bigot. I was looking for you in the legislature library to witness me serving the liberal lawyers Burke and Lamrock next door at 710 Queen St when your buddy Dannyboy Bussieres and the Fredericton cops threw me out on June 24th 2004. I was not talking from the gallery as you falsely claim. I have a witness to that fact to . In fact he is a Deputy Minister you was on the floor at the time. the Commisssioners you have befriended made false allegations about me.

# posted by Anonymous : 4:29 PM

Charles? Friends with the commissioners?? That's funny! Sounds like you two guys should be getting along great-two peas in a pod of crazy. Nobody even knows what you guys are talking about.

# posted by Anonymous : 4:41 PM

C'mon keep it going

# posted by Anonymous : 4:44 PM

Anonymous said...

Mr. David Raymond Amos,

We respectfully invite you to consider a Letter to the Editor, i.e.., How Free Trade undermines Maritime Economic Development. We had heard you make some representation about a U.S. company which truck out Maritime 'wealth', as a result of not having similar .provincial resources rights as Alberta, Many Maritimes would be potentially interested in such an editorial.


Office of John Stokes

The Canadian National Newspaper
internet site: http://www.agoracosmopolitan.com

# posted by Anonymous : 4:48 PM

Hey Mr. Stokes
Thanks for the suggestion. As you should know the most glaring example of a company that has been raping the Maritimes with abandon for many years is obviously the Irving Empire. However lately there are some very nasty new players on the scene such a PCS and Corridor Resourses etc etc. I am very busy these days and I am not a journalist. You people are though yet it seems you would rather me say the awlful truth than yourselves because of some possible lawsuit EH?
So be it. I will because it is not slander if one's words are true. Perhaps you should consider checking my work and then come to court sometime in order to listen to me argue all the smiling bastards. You can have much of my work in a click of the button of my mouse. But first please allow me to introduce you to the New Brunswick Securities Commission. I got a rather interesting response from them today whilst I was in Fredericton. They have ignored my concerns for almost a year but now that Bernie Lord's government is getting tipsy, it appears all the bad actors want to show me their arse just in time for me to boot it.
It is Securities Commissions such as this that allow many publicly held companies such as Corridor Resources or Magna Entertainment etc to get away with many things rather than remind them of the law and on how they should conduct business in an ethical fashion. That said, these Commisssions have no say whatsoever over the Irving Empire and that is truly bad. It is a privately held corporation that knows very well the power of money and on how to pay off greedy politicians in order to get anything they want. In the nutshell of the Maritimes that is quite simply everything. It seems that I am the only Maritimer who is not afraid of the ghost of mean old KC Irving and his monoply game. It has always been hard times in the Maritimes. We lament about it all the time but our apathy and fear of the Irvings etc gives us the govenments we deserve.
Print this if you wish. You are off the hook that Irving's lawyers threaten ordinary folks with. I am fearless yet never reckless with the truth. I stand by my own words and invite anyone to sue me if they think I am a liar and wish to argue me. I hate it when the chickenshits send crooked cops against me bearing false allegations in a faint hearted effort to shut me up. It does the smiling bastards no good and only serves to make matters worse.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 4:52 PM

March 24, 2006

Michael “Tanker” Malley
C/o Cleveland Allaby
480 Queen Street
Suite # 200
Fredericton NB. E3B 1B6

Simpson Thacher & Barlett LLP
C/o Derek Burney
Chair of the Board of Directors of NB Power
515 King Street Fredricton, NB E3B 4X1

Jody Carr
C/o Paul Blackmore
Chestnut Complex
470 York Street
Fredericton, NBE3B 3P7

Patrick A.A. Ryan
Edgecombe House
736 King Street
Fredericton, NB E3B 1G2
Re: Public Corruption

Pursuant to my many phone calls and email to your offices please find enclosed the material I promised to you before I file my complaints in Federal Court in Fredericton. The CD which is a true copy of wiretap tape number 139 is served upon you all in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be investigated byway of my suing the Crown.
While Norm Betts and Derek Burney’s buddy Stevey Boy Harper is busy in New Brunswick today trying hard to shore up the shaky government of Jody Carr’s buddy, Bernie Lord with long delayed federal tax dollars. I am polishing off my promises to crooked lawyers in the hope that the very corrupt House crumbles ASAP. If not maybe President Chavez will help me bankrupt the crooks working within NB Power within a crooked government’s blessing. Methinks Tanker will need another lawyer if the one he has now continues to play dumb. Lord paid Allaby a lot of money to study the doings of the Justice Dept a long time ago. He should understand the scene.
Shame on you all for forcing me to go to such lengths to protect my rights under the Charter. Methinks you have underestimated my diligence EH? Now ask yourselves why I don’t sue you after I sue the Crown? I fail to see any reason not to. That is the only way I know of to hold such people as you accountable. Stevey Boy Harper never will even though he talks the talk of such things. Everybody knows what I served upon his party’s lawyer Arthur Hamilton before I was falsely imprisoned in the USA in 2004.
Despite whatever Act our latest Prime Minister wishes to introduce to the Canadian people that he claims will compel our government to act with integrity, he can never deny my right to drag anyone into court. In fact he has done so himself in the past and I am no less of a man than he. Even a simple pigheaded Maritimer has the right to argue the law even with people who think themselves above it. How you all have failed to uphold the law and the public trust placed in your public office is either a matter of public record or soon shall be or my name ain’t Dave. There is no Democracy without Truth and Justice. It is just that simple.
Thats all for now fellas. I look forward to seeing you all in court someday or I will die trying to make it happen in an ethical fashion. It is just another one of those things I do that lawyers fail to appreciate. Ask your friends why that is if you don’t already know.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.O. Box 234
Apohaqui, NB. E5P 3G2

# posted by Anonymous : 5:15 PM

Everybody received hard copy in hand to their offices except of course what the UPS dudes are bringing to Paul Shuttle and Andre Arthur. Obviously Yankees ain't as quick as me even when I give them two days head start. I have signatures and pictures to prove that all the New Brunswickers named below got their material today as I promised last week except for the sneaky Conflict of Interest Commmissioner Mr. Patrick who hides behind locked doors. He just sent the Sergeant at Arms who tried to run me off again.
However the Frenchman Danny Boy Bussieres had to accept my material on behalf of the Commissioner and our Queen whom he represents no matter how much he wishes to ban me from the Legislature. He didn't sign anything but what transpired between us was witnessed by a man who was not involved. I gave the crooked Quebecer hard copy in hand. Somebody speaking for the Queen should answer me ASAP. EH? If Danny Boy wishes to attempt to ban me from the Legislature again he really should put it in writng. EH? Perhaps he should clearly state the reasons behind his malice and who is accusing me of what. Otherwise I will ignore him until we meet in court. Then I will have many questions for him on the public record. I repeat, I have never threatened or harassed anyone. The next time he and I meet I hope to have many witnesses watching our exchange of words instead of just one man.The Sergeant at Arms Danny Boy Brouseirres lake most lawyers and politicians is a liar.
I will leave you all to wonder who receives this email next but lets just say I was very correct about my assessment of the Public Utilities Board and the New Brunswick Securoties Commission. corrupt Maritimers act just like crookedYankees. After all most of them are lawyers and their brotherhood practices their malice across borders all day long every day. The thing is can they trust each other when the politiking gets down and dirty. Methinks there is no honour amongst theives no matter how powerful they are. What say you? I know your answer already and that only time will tell the tale to prove what I say is true. Until then I will simply remain a man of my word and hope for justice to prevail. It is your job to uphold the Public Trust not mine.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 5:28 PM

March 24, 2006

Bernard Shapiro
Ethics Commissioner
C/o Andre Arthur MP
325 de l'Eglise
Donnacona, Québec G3M 2A2

Jean T. Fournier
Senate Ethics Officer
C/o Senator Noel Kinsella and Michael Comeau
Holy Cross House Rm. 206
St. Thomas University
Fredericton NB

Kevin Lynch Clerkc/o Paul Shuttle
Director of Legal Operations
Privy Council Office
59 Sparks Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A3

David Gourdeau
Commissioner for FederalJudicial Affairs
c/o Willa Doyle
District Administrator
Suite 100
82 Westmorland Street
Fredericton, NB E3B 3L3

Re: Public Corruption

Pursuant to my many phone calls and email to your offices please find enclosed the material I promised to you before I file my complaints in Federal Court in Fredericton. The CD which is a true copy of wiretap tape number 139 is served upon you all in confidence as officers of the court and or Parliamentarians in order that it may be investigated byway of my suing the Crown.
While Stevey Boy Harper is busy in New Brunswick today trying hard to shore up the shaky government of his little buddy, Bernie Lord with long delayed federal tax dollars. I am polishing off all my promises to crooked lawyers in the hope that the very corrupt House crumbles ASAP.
Shame on you all for forcing me to go to such lengths to protect my rights under the Charter. Methinks you have underestimated my diligence EH? Now ask yourselves why I don’t sue you after I sue the Crown? I fail to see any reason not to. That is the only way I know of to hold such people as you accountable. Stevey Boy Harper never will even though he talks the talk of such things. Everybody knows what I served upon his party’s lawyer Arthur Hamilton before I was falsely imprisoned in the USA in 2004.
Despite whatever Act our latest Prime Minister wishes to introduce to the Canadian people that he claims will compel our government to act with integrity, he can never deny my right to drag anyone into court. In fact he has done so himself in the past and I am no less of a man than he. Even a simple pigheaded Maritimer has the right to argue the law even with people who think themselves above it. How you all have failed to uphold the law and the public trust placed in your public office is either a matter of public record or soon shall be or my name ain’t Dave. There is no Democracy without Truth and Justice. It is just that simple.
Thats all for now fellas. I look forward to seeing you all in court someday or I will die trying to make it happen in an ethical fashion. It is just another one of those things I do that lawyers fail to appreciate. Ask your friends why that is if you don’t already know.

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
PO Box 234
Apohaqui, NB. E5P 3G2

UPS Ship Notification, Tracking Number 1Z24RW270464505354
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# posted by Anonymous : 5:32 PM

David Amos is mentally ill folks. just ignore him and maybe he will go away. he is a criminal and a liar. he rants and raves like a lunatic. he makes charlie seem like a choir boy. he is one sick s.o.b.

# posted by Anonymous : 6:20 PM

Well I must say I am not surprised. I am in fact delighted to introduce some folks in the Martimes to the man most responsible for my false imprisonment in the USA. I have been fishing for him to make his usual appearance within a Blog. If one speaks of the devil long enough he is sure to appear. EH Chucky? This crook's name is Deputy Dog Robert F. O'Meara of the Norfolk County sheriffs Dept. A bigger snake in Massachusetts there never was. Right now it is suppertime and I ain't goona let it grow cool worrying about what he may say of me but rest assured I will relish and save every word of it. Stay tuned and I will post many of his words that have been deleted from many other blogs in order to protect him and the crooks who have covered up his many crimes.
At least I have a name EH Deputy Dog? Even on the internet you use girlfriend's Wicked Wanda Willard's ID

# posted by Anonymous : 7:07 PM

Hey? As long he leaves his view in this little blog and not others? I don't have a problem with the guy.

He's pretty mellow with his words compare to past emails.

Hey? We might have a second Spinks here???...lol

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 7:11 PM

David is a less of lunatic compared to Chucky.

# posted by Anonymous : 7:15 PM


# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 8:48 PM

Now that I finally see one vote of confidence.It is time to stress Chucky's words to the max. Lets see if this post stands the test of time. I am posting something that only a few politicians have seen. Whereas Chucky's buddy Danny Boy Brussieres had banned me from the Legislature and Chucky did not have the balls to deliver the material to Brad Green I and my son, Max delivered in hand the matereial to both of the following dudes offices in Moncton right after Canada Day and Paul Martin's boat had been caught in Sidney with more coke than coal on board. We then went home to where I was raised in Dorchester Nb and I laughed at the thought of Charles LeBlanc as I drove through his hometown. If he had had the sand to deliver this letter and the material I had given him to Brad when he promised to so. He would be my hero, Bernie Lord's government would have fallen, my adversary Deputy Dog Robert F. O'Meara would have gone to jail instead of me and most importantly my little Clan would be still in their home today. If Brad Green Bernie Lord and Franky Boy McKenna had acted with integrity I would not have to sue the Crown in order to have a fraudulent warrant for my arrest revoked in the USA. Anyone should feel free to print or email the text of this letter with abandon simply because Brad Green answered it. I can email anyone a copy of his response in a tif file. In fact I will email one to Frenchie and Deputy Dog Robert F. O'Meara, Brad Green and his buddies first first. You will know that Chucky got it first and can never play dumb no more. I will forward it on to anyone who asks and they can decide you is crazy and who is not and who is a liar and who is not. My email address is motomaniac_02186 at yahoo.com and my phone number is 506 434 1379 I do not call people collect as Chucky does.

July 1st, 2004

Brad Green
c/oBernard Lord
132 Mill Road
Moncton, NB. E1A 4A5

Frank McKenna
c/o McInnis Cooper
655 Main St.
Moncton NB E1C 8T6
RE: Corruption
Hey Fellas,
Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon Paul Zed before he met Paul Martin at the airport last weekend. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated. As you review the material it should be painfully obvious to you why I have no respect for your chosen profession of lawyer/politician. I must say that both Mr. Lord and Mr. McKenna were clever to keep some distance from the recent federal election but I don’t think it was very wise for Mr. Lord to have me expelled from the Legislature Building for political reasons rather than legal reasons.
I have done as the Sargent at Arms ordered on June 24th and stayed away from the Legislature and waited for it to take its summer break so that no more bullshit about me can be said. I have now delivered this material to your constituency office Mr. Lord so that you may deal with this at a personal level with Mr. Green. I will complain of you Mr. Lord and your friends Mr. Green, Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Burke to court along with the Fredericton Police Dept. and the Sargent at Arms if I do not receive a satisfactory response very quickly and convince me of your ethics and stand with me. I have not heard from the Fredericton Police Dept. thus I suspect that Corporal Ross has done as he threatened and thrown this material in the trash for the benefit of his fellow police officer, Mr. LeBlanc.
Mr. Green may I suggest that you study every word and listen to the CD closely and prepare to argue every word if you disagree with the fact that a fellow Canadian has the right to seek justice and relief for the many wrongs practiced against him. What would you do if the Men in Black had appeared at your door and were willing to take you away to Cuba without counsel because of false allegations were made against you in order to stop you from defending your family’s interests? As you can see I have come home to protest these actions in a political and legal fashion. I have done only as the Solicitor General Anne McLellan has suggested and given the evidence to those who claim to have jurisdiction over me. You speak for the Sargent at Arms and the Fredericton Police. They dropped the ball the instant they pulled me outside the building for no reason. They claimed jurisdiction but refused to investigate. I have seen it reported that I had tried to speak from the gallery and the Sargent at Arms falsely claimed that I had attempted to serve someone within the legislature building. Both statements are untrue. I left materials at the door in the custody of the security guard as he requested. I was only looking to find Charles Leblanc in order that he may witness me delivering the enclosed materials to T.J. Burke’s office. This was necessary for me to do because as you know most lawyers are reckless with the truth. I will let your fellow politician/lawyer. Peter McKay, explain to you the reason why that is. However it was no longer necessary to require a witness because the Sargent at Arms and the Fredericton Police had watched me go into 710 Queen St and come out without the material they had just refused after harassing me. They are my witnesses as you are now.
As for you, Mr. McKenna, I expect you and your fellow lawyers at McInnes Cooper to uphold the law and conduct yourselves in a professional manner according to the rules that allow you to practice law for a fee. Don’t you think you should act ethically rather quickly and report your newfound knowledge of crime? At the very least I have made you witnesses to my complaints and rest assured I will be asking you many questions in court if the RCMP doesn’t ask you first. Mr. McKenna, I read your recent speech about how you likened the actions of federal political leaders to various purebred dogs. I must add my two bits worth to your comments. Those fancy dogs don’t hunt like the mangy old mutt that is the guard dog of my little Clan. I don’t bark but I am quick to bite. If you turn around you will see me sniffing at your heels. If any lawyer makes one false move, I make every effort to rip his nuts off. Check my work before you call me a liar.
I have followed the money home to the Maritimes. I find that you and many other liberals have been in pursuit of filthy lucre every bit as much as Mr. Mulroney, Mr. Crosbie and their many cohorts. The Maritime Provinces have suffered the most from the many years of political abuse by greedy lawyers and their bosses. Mr. Harper called Maritimers defeatists but he failed to say who was beating us up. Obviously it was federal politicians on both sides of the fence. The last thing Mr. Martin is to me is noble. In my opinion he is a fine example of a very crooked lawyer aspiring to be an adept politician like his daddy. I view your speech about dogs simply as a little dog licking a big dog’s nuts in a stylish way in order to win the Alfa male’s favor and someday win his position amongst a pack of political thieves. Feel free to argue me after you explain to me real slow how Cardinal Law was legally removed from my complaint and what right the Men in Black had to try to take me away because I am exposing the awful truth about bad acting bankers and Feds. Please don’t pretend that you guys don’t know a few very well heeled Yankees that have helped you along in your own personal pursuit of happiness. Mr. Tobin got a great job working for an interesting Conservative. Eh? Should Belinda listen to Mr. Mulroney and Mr. Harper or to her new CEO? What do you think? How much time do you think I may have left on the planet for asking such questions as this? What do you think may cause my demise? In the end I will rest assured that someday my ghost will be very vindictive against lawyers that failed to uphold the law. At this point in time it would be very easy for some lawyer to act ethically and become the people’s political hero. What say you? Can you trust your legal and political friends to not turncoat and stand with me? Interesting dilemma, eh?

Cya’ll in Court:)
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton. MA. 02186

Certificate of Service

I, David R. Amos on July 2, 2004, I served the enclosed materials in hand to the offices of Frank McKenna at McInnis Cooper 655 Main St. Moncton NB E1C 8T6 and Bernard Lord at 132 Mill Road. Moncton, NB.E1A 4A5

David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton, MA. 02186

# posted by Anonymous : 8:54 PM

"WOW" What a guy.Where did all that come from. Sounds like this guy has a problem.NO maybe a lot of problems.Too bad.

# posted by Anonymous : 9:32 PM

He just goes on and on doesn't he?

# posted by Anonymous : 9:34 PM

yeah it's not pretty. it's like a car wreck that just keeps happening. kinda scary knowing he is in our back yard again. Mr.Amos you need professional help man. i can give you some numbers. you don't have to live with your paranoia. there is help if you seek it.

# posted by Anonymous : 9:48 PM

Before I can even begin to believe that you are for real Why not crawl out of cyber space and into the real world. It stars by proving to all that you have a name. Cheap shots under Anoymous in Chucky's ain't worth squat to me unless you are man enough to look me in the eye and stand by your words. I do What say you got a name and a set of balls or just a mouth like Chucky?

# posted by Anonymous : 10:01 PM

Only the crooks are scared that I am back in the Maritimers. A lot of ordinary folks like me are laughing at how I am poking holes in their stuffed shirts. This letter is wickedly funny, Both Adrienne Clarkson and Herménégilde Chiasson answered this one after my wife and I and a lawyer who wanted Rob Moore's seat in parliament visited the Police Commission in New Brunswick. Bev Harrison would not answer this letter or even return my calles even though he has represented me from my spot on the hill since I landed home last year. His assistants have affirmed to me several times that they received it. I am demanding an answer from Tanker now tha old Bev's assistant Bill Oliver refused to call me back for the last time on Friday. I do not care what the tough talking Danny Boy Bussieres says only the Speaker can authorize the Sergeant at Arms to ban a man from the legislature. Besides that the Governor General his ultimate boss told me I was doing the right thing before I returned to the USA and into Deputy Dog's buddy's jail. I wiil put this letter and the responses in the same email to Chucky and Deputy Dog

August 24th, 2004

Lieutenant-Governor of
New Brunswick,
Herménégilde Chiasson
Old GovernmentHouse
51 Woodstock Road
Fredericton, NB E3B 9L8
Phone (506) 453-2505
Fax (506) 444-5280

Speaker of the Legislative Assembly,
Bev Harrison
Constituency Office: Hampton-Belleisle
Room: Unit 4, 46 Keirstead Avenue
Hampton, NB E5N 5A4
Phone (506) 832-6464
Fax (506) 832-6466
RE: Corruption
Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon Premier Lord and Frank McKenna on the day after Canada Day and a copy of Brad Green’s response. I have also enclosed a letter to Senator Joe Day that was to be forwarded to the Arar Commission. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as the Queen’s representatives of in order that it may be properly investigated. I ask New Brunswick’s Lieutenant-Governor of, Herménégilde Chiasson to forward this material to the Governor General of Canada. I have already emailed her notice to expect this material and I will email her the text of this letter as well.
Whereas the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick stands adjourned until Tuesday, December 14, 2004, at 1 o'clock p.m, perhaps you fellas can find a little time to answer me before I sue the Queen in the USA. My questions are as follows: Why did Sergeant-at-Arms, Dan Bussieres and the Fredericton Police Dept. ask me to step outside the Legislature Building and then forever ban me from re-entering the premises on June 24th, 2004? What will you do with your newfound knowledge of crime?
It is only fair that I ask these questions. After all I am a Canadian Citizen and I do have the right to ask any question to those who represent me. Whether they are born to the position or elected or appointed or merely hired, they all must uphold the law and the public trust. The Queen of Canada, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, is the official Head of State and is represented in New Brunswick by the Lieutenant-Governor. Therefore, the Lieutenant-Governor is the nominal Head of State at the provincial level, empowered with the responsibility of representing the Queen in the province. Thus I have asked him the aforesaid questions before I leave the jurisdiction of New Brunswick.
The Ombudsman, Bernard Richard told me to take my matter up the Speaker of the House and thus far Mr. Harrison has ignored my phone calls and emails. Bev Harrison did have the opportunity to ask me any question he wished before he decided not to vote for me. It seems he would rather have the lawyer, Rob Moore speak for him in Parliament. I would not be surprised to learn that Bev Harrison was the same man I had spoken to months ago or that he had attended the debate in Hampton. I have no doubt that Mr Harrison knows exactly who I am and why I was in Fredericton that day. I am not a rebel just because I make inquiries and demand that people in public service uphold the law.
The problem is that on June 24th I was a candidate for the 38th Parliament. I was busy challenging those still in public service such as John Herron to do their jobs and uphold the law. I was merely in the legislative building looking for the Frenchman Charles Leblanc so he could witness me serve this material upon the lawyer, T J Burke next door. I had made certain that many politicians were made well aware of my concerns and allegations before coming home to run for a seat in the next Parliament. The local liberal, Leroy Armstrong was willing to debate me so I was giving this material to his liberal lawyer friends to review. Dan Bussieres offended me for political reasons not legal reasons. The Speaker of the House should not have allowed the Sergeant’s actions or at least responded to my inquiry. These must be irrefutable facts because after almost two months of asking everyone imaginable about the actions of the Sergeant-at-Arms, no one would even tell me his name let alone explain his actions, It appears that the Government of Canada would rather assist corrupt politicians within a country that had rebelled against the Queen than assist one of her subjects to escape their harassment.
I must return to the USA because I have been summoned to court to argue more false allegations made against me. Whereas my country is willing to throw me back into Ashcroft’s clutches, I must complain of the Crown. It seems the Yankees may have been right long ago when they refused to pay taxes without proper representation. Perhaps Canada should follow suit. We all know what has been said about the evils of longstanding governments. What say you sirs? Am I speaking sedition or common sense?
I have heard that Louis Riel once said that the French would take over Canada without firing a shot. Now many of the French wish to separate. Maybe true Canadians can reunite our country in the same fashion. There is no need of the cartridge box as long as we properly employ the soap box and ballot box. The tools of bloodless revolutions are the laws of the land. They are in the hands of people begging us for our vote every so often. Canada does not need to pay homage to a Queen who will not check the work of the people representing her and us. We need a new form of government. I agree with Louis Riel’s thinking when he proclaimed that the Metis were “loyal subjects of Her Majesty the Queen of England’. If we are rebels, we are rebels against the Company that sold us” Although he was labelled a rebel, Louis Riel was a Canadian patriot who did stop Western Canada from being absorbed by the USA. He was also elected to Parliament twice. He would abhor NFTA as much as I. The words in Riel’s diary are well worth heeding.
“O my God! Save me from the misfortune of getting involved with the United States. Let the United States protect us indirectly, spontaneously, through an act of Providence, but not through any commitment or agreement on our part.” Riel stated in his diary this as well: “God revealed to me that the government of the United States is going to become extraordinarily powerful.”

Cya’ll in Court:)
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton. MA. 02186

# posted by Anonymous : 10:20 PM

This letter really put Lizzy Weir's panties in a knot. Chucky's buddy Bernie Richard answered me immediately but she never did. When I got out of jail and jumped bail in the USA one year later and started demanding answers from the NDP she was not long taking a job from Bernie Lord and leaving her party in the toilet. Bernie Richard di the same thing years ago to save Lord nasty little minority. The problem is the liberals are no better ask the not so good Dr. Doherty if he wishes to argue me in public about it. In order to argue him and the pretty woman Bernie Lord had his eyes on I tried to run in Bernie's snap election in Saint John Harbour because in my opinion I caused Lizzy to quit and run off. I knew I would never be elected but the decent folks who always voted NDP deserved to know the score and my opinion of the LNG scene is worth listening to. However the not so non partison Anne Hollies and her yo yo underling Paddy Addison illegally refused me for the benefit of Bernie Lord.The Irvings and the Spanish dudes who have lost their popularity in other countries want to put such a dangerous thing right int the damned harbour and the crooked Mayor suppots it? What planet is he from I must ask. People with no names call me crazy. Well in retort I say if the politicians are sane then I am glad I am nuts.
However before they put me away anyone can have this letter and Bernie Richard's very dumb answer. I would not be surprised if this blog turns into a pumpkin by midnight EH Chucky? However if you leave it up I will post sometime a very wicked Cinderella Affadavit by Newfy Johnny Crosbie's law firm of Patterson Palmer that will explain why the liberal President in NB Greg Byrne has now gone solo.

August 24th, 2004

NDP Leader Elizabeth Weir
Constituency Office
39 King Square North
Saint John, NB E2L 1E6

Bernard Richard
Office of the Ombudsman
767 Brunswick Street
Fredericton, NB E3B 1H8

Re: Corruption

Sir and Madam,
Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon New Brunswick’s Lieutenant-Governor, Hermenegilde Chiasson and many others today. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated.
There is no need to be long winded with you two people. I can prove contact with each of you and your associates many times. I know that you are expecting this material and why I am providing it to you for your review. Not only will I be mentioning your names today to the Police Commission but your names can be found in various places within my documents. I feel that you are entitled to review the material and I am entitled to expect you to act ethically and with integrity as would befit an officer of the court. What you will do with your newfound knowledge of crime? Please send your response to this letter to the address below. I can no longer linger in New Brunswick and wait for politicians to find the time to uphold the Public Trust.

Cya’ll in Court:)
David R, Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton, MA. 02186


I, David R. Amos, of 153 Alvin Ave. Milton, MA. on August 25th, 2004, I delivered the enclosed material to the Office of the Ombudsman, Bernard Richard at 767 Brunswick Street, Fredericton, NB E3B 1H8. Whereas the Provincial office building at 710 Queen St. is no longer assessable to the public, I will provide these documents to Elizabeth Weir’s Constituency Office at 39 King Square North Saint John, NB E2L 1E6 as soon as possible.

David R, Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 10:57 PM

Some people sent me private emails asking me- Who the hell is that nut???

Well? As I said earlier in the day.

No swearing or smears and everything should be ok.

I can delete this particular blog in seconds but we'll keep it here.

So far so good....

Try to be nice....

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 11:18 PM

One no named dude lamented that I go on and on and I admit that that is true. On ther other hand earlier another fella ask for more and lamented that I was too slow posting. Rest assured I know most Maritimers do not give a damn about legal crap or politics. I fit in that boat as well it is just that the smiling bastards attacked me and my little clan and I must defend myself the best way I know how. I figure fire with fire so to speak so I went fiercely political and did not care about being elected. I just wanted to make my issues public for the benefit of my family first and foremost and the awful truth only hurts crooks. Most folks would find this crap boring yet lawyers and politicians like old women are gossips big time. They climb to the top pulling on the balls of others to get there. Trust that many would find this an interesting read. There is a lot to tell after being blocked in most places for years and I am trying hard to stay local to Fredericton only simply because that is the audience the Chucky draws. If the dude don't like to read my stuff click to another of Chucky's mindless blogs and look a pictures that take a long time to look at in dial up.
For ethical lawyers (if there is such athing) benefit here is something that will help explain the news today in a very funny light. McAllister answered me but Miller did not. Miller's (David Hache's too)law firm is merging with the rest of Patterson Palmer's outfit so it appears I have now crossed paths with the same bunch of bastards at least four times in various matters. Merging makes a firm more powerful but it also opens the door to the need to defend the bad actions of your many partners. Everybody knows you can't trust lawyer the that Patterson and palmer in Halifax went with Franky Boy McKenna's buddies i all to funny to me. The dudes in Turo are the only smart ones in the bunch. They said to hell with them all. Maybe I will give then a call. If you cannnot find an honest lawyer your might as well hire the wisest one EH? As i said Byron Priors complaint will prove to the Maritimes why. Look him up on the web or in front of Parliament next week.

August 24th, 2004

Gary A. Miller
371 Queen St. Suite 400,
Fredericton, NB E3B 4Y9

George A. McAllister
212 Queen St.
Fredericton, NB E3B 1A8

RE: Corruption
Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon New Brunswick’s Lieutenant-Governor Hermenegilde Chiasson and many others. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated.
Months ago I contacted you, Mr. McAllister by phone and informed you that I wholeheartedly agreed with your standing that Insurance companies were making the consumers cover their losses in the stock market. Brad Green and Premier Lord played Ms. Weir and the Commission like a fiddle and were merely doing their part to assist the interests of the Insurance Companies at the expense of the public trust. Although you were happy to hear that your opinions had been read and understood, you definitely did not want my evidence supporting your claims. Pursuant to my last statement to you, Mr. McAllister I have now proved to you that I am a man of my word and I now expect you to obey the Code of Conduct that you must obey in order to practice law for a fee.
Mr. Miller, the same holds true for you. Within these documents you will find the name of a lawyer you know very well, David Lutz. I find this man to be a very poor example of an officer of the court and I don’t mind telling the world my opinion of him. Please read my letter to him and let me know as to whether or not you stand with him and against me. If anyone were to ask me, Mr. Lutz is a man in need of legal aid and has no right to charge others for his malicious assistance. Will you spring to his defence when I file a complaint against him? Whether you fellas like it or not I have now made you witnesses to my sad complaints before I returned to the USA.
If I survive the malicious prosecution that I am looking forward to in Boston next month, I will return to litigate in New Brunswick. There is no middle ground for any lawyer to stand on in this battle within two corrupt justice systems. All that I have demanded from any lawyer is simple ethical conduct. Why is that too much to ask for?
I have read your various spit and chews with Brad Green and I must admit I find them to be quite comical from my position as a layman in the catbird seat. Rest assured that I will endeavour to make my opinions widely known. Sue me if you wish. In fact I double dog dare ya to. Bring this material to court so that the jury can have something to read while we argue truth, justice and the Maritimes kowtowing to the American Way.
Cya’ll in Court:)
David R, Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton, MA. 02186

# posted by Anonymous : 11:26 PM

Even if you do delete it Chucky you know for a fact that I already saved it. With luck I will be showing you a printed copy of it in court someday. I will ask you many questions in public not private emails about what the hell you know about this crap. Why you lied about me called me names and didn't give Brad Green my material as you promised spoke volumes to me about your integrity. Don't even try to argue me about my manners. I know how to behave myself it is you who does not.

# posted by Anonymous : 11:32 PM

2005 01 T 0010










SUMMARY OF CURRENT DOCUMENTCourt File Number(s):2005 01 T 0010Date of Filing of Document:25 January 2005Name of Filing Party or Person:Stephen J. MayApplication to which Document being filed relates:Amended Application of the Plaintiff/Defendant by Counterclaim to maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in it’s entirety, and to refer this proceeding to case management.Statement of purpose in filing:To maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in its entirety and refer this proceeding to case management.

I, Stephen J. May, of the City of St. John’s, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Barrister and Solicitor, make oath and say as follows:

THAT I am a Partner in the St. John’s office of PATTERSON PALMER solicitors for William Matthews, the Member of Parliament for Random-Burin-St. George’s in the Parliament of Canada.

THAT Mr. Matthews originally retained Mr. Edward Roberts, Q.C. on or about 30 April 2002 after Mr. Byron Prior, the Defendant/Plaintiff by Counterclaim, had made allegations against Mr. Matthews in a publication called “My Inheritance - The truth - Not Fiction: A Town with a Secret”. In that publication, the allegation was made that Mr. Matthews had had sex with a girl who had been prostituted by her mother. That girl was alleged to have been Mr. Prior’s sister.

THAT upon being retained, Mr. Edward Roberts wrote a letter to Mr. Prior. That letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit “1" to my Affidavit.

THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts’ letter to Mr. Prior, Mr. Roberts received a 1 May 2002 e-mail from Mr. Prior. That e-mail is attached as Exhibit “2".

THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts receipt of the e-mail, Mr. Prior swore an Affidavit acknowledging that what had been said in that publication was false. That Affidavit is attached as Exhibit “3" to my Affidavit. Following Mr. Roberts’ receipt of that Affidavit, Mr. Matthews advised that he was satisfied not to pursue the matter any further and our firm closed our file.

THAT on or about 25 October 2004, I was retained by Mr. Matthews following his gaining knowledge that a web site, made a series of allegations against him relating to my having sex with a girl of approximately 12 years old through to an approximate age of 15 years old. It also accused him of being a father of one of her children and accused him of having raped that girl. Upon checking the web site I saw that Byron Prior, the Defendant, had been identified as the author of the material on the site.

THAT Mr. Matthews instructed me to write Mr. Prior, to remind him of the fact that the allegations had been admitted to being false through a 16 May 2002 Affidavit to advise him of Mr. Matthews’ intentions to commence legal proceedings if the comments were not removed from the web site. A copy of my letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit “4" to this Affidavit.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “5" a transcript from a 5 November 2004 voicemail left by David Amos, identified in the voicemail as a friend of Mr. Prior.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “6" a portion of a 6 November 2004 e-mail from Mr. Amos.

THAT until I received his voicemail and e-mail, I had never heard of Mr. Amos.

THAT Mr. Amos has continued to send me e-mail since his 5 November e-mail. Including his 6 November 2004 e-mail, I have received a total of 15 e-mails as of 23 January 2005. All do not address Mr. Matthews’ claim or my involvement as Mr. Matthews’ solicitor. I attach as Exhibit “7" a portion of a 12 January 2005 e-mail that Mr. Amos sent to me but originally came to my attention through Ms. Lois Skanes whose firm had received a copy. This e-mail followed the service of the Statement of Claim on 11 January 2005 on Mr. Prior. I also attach as Exhibit “8" a copy of a 19 January 2005 e-mail from Mr. Amos.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “9" a copy of a 22 November 2004 letter addressed to me from Edward Roberts, the Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador covering a 2 September 2004 letter from Mr. Amos addressed to John Crosbie, Edward Roberts, in his capacity as Lieutenant Governor, Danny Williams, in his capacity as Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Brian F. Furey, President of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. I requested a copy of this letter from Government House after asking Mr. Roberts if he had received any correspondence from Mr. Amos during his previous representation of Mr. Matthews. He advised me that he received a letter since becoming Lieutenant Governor, portions of which involved his representation of Mr. Matthews. Mr. Roberts’ letter also covered his reply to Mr. Amos.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “10" an e-mail from Mr. Amos received on Sunday, 23 January 2005.

THAT I swear this Affidavit in support of the Application to strike Mr. Prior’s counterclaim.

SWORN to before me at
St. John’s, Province of Newfoundland
and Labrador this 24th day of
January, 2005.

Signed by Della Hart STEPHEN J. MAY Signature
A Commissioner for Oaths in and for
the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
My commission expires on December 31, 2009.

# posted by Anonymous : 11:43 PM

Dear Mr. Amos,

On behalf of Ms. McLellan I would like to thank you for your email message concerning the current federal election. I regret that the volume of messages prevented me from responding sooner.

Your message has been brought to Ms. McLellan`s attention, as she is always pleased to receive comments, both positive and negative.

Again, thank you for bringing this matter to Ms. McLellan`s attention.

Kirsten Odynski
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

# posted by Anonymous : 11:47 PM

Hey Mr. Costello
Need I say I was not impressed by you yesterday. At least you confessed that you knew who I was but so much for a jealous defense of your client’s interests. EH? That said there is no need to send you hard copy of my material. Your associates within McInnes Cooper already have enough to review and confer with you about.
Perhaps you should call the dudes or ladies (: Tell them how I chuck rocks will ya? from Patterson Palmer in Halifax that merged with your firm or better yet Lenny Hoyt and Franky Boy McKenna. In my humble opinion your little buddy Franky Boy as Canadian Ambassador should have tried to stop NB Power’s malicious lawsuit against Venezeula in the USA before it picked up steam. But what do I know. EH? I think the dudes from Venezeula were wise to bring the issues back to the Maritimes and into the Irvings’ lap. I think it was a hoot that they employed your firm to do so. What say you? Whereas you do not wish to speak to me I will speak to these dudes about you, Embassy of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, 32 Range Rd Ottawa Ontario K1N 8J4, Phone: 613 235-5151 and then send them what I sent Allan Rock Franky Boy Mckenna and the FBI almost one year ago. Perhaps you should call some of your friends mentioned below that I served my stuff upon yesterday after I talked to you and ask them what the Hell I am up to if you don’t already know.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

P.S. the following was an interesting article to come out in the local paper just as Humpty Dumpty had the Governor Gerneral drop the Writ on the last election. It certainly seems to me that the Irving’s and Bernie Lord were trying hard to help Stevey Boy Harper’s government and John Wallace get elected in order to protect their own selfish interests. EH? If he won’t tell ya then ask me why Franky Boy does not want to be the liberal leader right now. I Double Dog Dare Ya. As I said in closing yesterday you have my number but maybe the dudes from Venezeula lost it so here it is again 506 434 1379. Your problem is do I want to talk to you now. Whilst I am talking to your clients about your incompetance I will explain to them why I am preparing to sue your whole god damned law firm.

November 25, 2005
Liberal leader ‘jeopardizing’ NB Power’s chances in lawsuit over failed Orimulsion deal: Tory MLA
New Brunswickers should question whether Liberal Leader Shawn Graham is fighting for them or for Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, says a Tory MLA. Jody Carr, MLA for Oromocto-Gagetown, made the stinging indictment against Mr.Graham Thursday during a heated committee hearing where the Liberal leader took repeated swipes at David Hay, NB Power’s president and chief executive officer, for failing to answer legal questions regarding the utility’s Orimulsion lawsuit. Mr. Graham questioned some of the tactics being advanced by NB Power’s legal staff and demanded to know how much the power corporation budgeted for the legal battle against the Venezuelan government and its state-owned oil company.
Mr. Carr said the Liberal leader crossed the line in Thursday’s committee hearing and could endanger NB Power’s lawsuit. “The issue is complicated and it shows the issue is far over his head to what he can comprehend,” Mr. Carr said in an interview later."He was in effect working on the side of the Venezuelan government by jeopardizing the court proceedings."He was jeopardizing the chances of government and NB Power recouping the $2.2 billion in savings and therefore, in essence, that put him on the other side.” NB Power restarted its lawsuit on Sept. 1, when it filed a statement of claim looking for $2.2 billion in financial damages, which equates to the price difference between purchasing heavy fuel oil to burn at the Coleson Cove Generation Station and Orimulsion, a cheap water-and-bitumen mixture patented by Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA).
NB Power has hired Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales to quarterback the lawsuits filed in Fredericton and New York along with Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP to serve as their U.S. counsel. Mr. Hay estimated that the corporation has already spent as much as $600,000 on legal bills relating to the Orimulsion lawsuit.The Liberal leader grew increasingly frustrated when Mr. Hay stonewalled his attempt to get a firm answer on NB Power’s budget for Orimulsion-related legal fees. “For the life of me I can’t understand how it could jeopardize the court proceedings in saying how much we are thinking this court challenge may cost,” Mr. Graham said.Throughout the committee session, Mr. Hay assured the Liberal leader that the power corporation was evaluating the risk-reward ratio at each legal “fork in the road.” Mr. Hay said he cannot disclose any details that could tip the utility’s legal hand considering the Venezuelans are keeping a close eye on the proceedings."We are dealing with people with extremely deep pockets. And if you go to a poker game “... and you say, I have my $1,000 here or whatever it is you are playing with, that gives an advantage to the other side,” Mr. Hay said.
Mr. Carr also accused Mr. Graham of misleading Saint John residents about the Orimulsion costs during the recent byelection campaign in Saint John Harbour. Mr. Carr said he found it disconcerting that Liberal campaign signs said the Conservative government lost $2.2 billion through the bungled Orimulsion fuel deal but now Mr. Graham admits the money was a “potential loss of savings.”
- Daniel McHardie - Canadaeast News Service Source: Telegraph-Journal | page A5 on Nov. 25, 2005

# posted by Anonymous : 11:57 PM

From: “Steve Erickson”
To: motomaniac
Subject: from Steve Erickson from Masschusetts
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 19:26:32 +0000

Mr. David Amos,
we talked about 2 years ago. My cell that we talked on is [Boston area code cellphone # snipped]

Much has happened good for me since then.

Are you in Canada, in Parliment, or are you still in the Boston area?

-Steve Erickson

Does this stuff answer your question Stevey Baby? I read what you said of me within your long winded Blogs. I told you the truth years ago and now I will tell you a little bit more. To me you are just another greedy sneaky Yankee now. But to be fair to you I must admit that we have our share of bull___ing bloggers and crooked politicians in the Maritimes as well One of them is a Frenchie named Charlie Leblanc and another named Bernie Lord. Please allow me to introduce them and some of their cohorts to you. Their emails are wittin and his Blog and yours is below. How dare you bastards imply that I am a one percenter in order to promote yourselves.


This is obvious Bull__ supported by Charlie Leblanc for his old buddy the malevolent Sergreant at Arms Danny Boy Bussieres were talking two years ago. Now that he has lost his trusted staus he files a human rights compalint after he laughed at my false imprisonment in a Yankee jail?

Original article is at http://maritimes.indymedia.org/news/2004/06/7980.php Print comments.
by Charles LeBlanc Friday, Jun. 25, 2004 at 10:56 AM

updates from Charles

I got a few late stories that I want to bring up.
They had a protest at the Legislature on Wednesday
and I would say about 400 people showed up. I made my
own little investigation in the crowd and I soon found
out that many people from the Northern Part of the
Province knew about my protest.
These Acadians read about my protest in L’Acadie
Nouvelle! A few weeks earlier, I found out that the
English Population from the Miramichi area didn’t know
about my fight so this shows me that it’s so important
to have the media covering your issues.
During the protest, I felt like I was in a police
state. There were cops are over the place. I
approached three of them and said - My God? We need
violence, bricks going through windows, people being
shot and tear gas!!!
This is the only way that the Government will
One cop said - If I have to use my gun? I know
exactly where my first bullet is going to go!! Pretty
Speaking of violence?
That guy from the Sackville area who went to
Toronto with his vehicle full of guns! Very scary
What did I tell you people in the past? Someone is
going to crack up one of these days and I know for a
fact the area targeted is going to be the Legislature.

There’s always undercovers cops around but only
when the House is in session.
As God as my witness I hope nothing happens but
it’s just a matter of time till someone is push over
the edge.
I guess a guy name David Amos was shown the door
yesterday at the Legislature. This guy is running as
an Independent candidate in the riding of Fundy Royal.
I met the guy over the net and he has a beef with our
political bureaucrats.
I admire people fighting for what they believe in
but you can’t get carried away. I guess in this case?
He wanted to speak from the Gallery and that’s a big
faux pas!

# posted by Anonymous : 12:04 AM

After Stevey Boy Harper gets sworn in I will call Washington to see if Spectre got the wiretap tapes and then start forwarding this email everywhere. In an ethical effort to impeach Bush and his lapdog Harper myself.
What did Lamrock, Burke, Murphy, McGuinley and you think of the copy of # 139? Scared the shit out of you EH? Whereas you little local liberal lawyers would not help me unseat Premier Lord and stop Stevey Boy Harper in h9s tracks i will through in the same lawsuits with him. It is hard to get good help these days. The word integrity does not fit in the job discription of a lawyer or a Parliamentian. EH?
The fact that Emerson just crossed the floor and the Dastardly Dave Dingwall story broke yesterday kinda sends your wicked little party down the tubes EH? From my point of view it looks good on you dudes. Say Hey to Franky Boy McKenna for me will ya? I hope to argue you all very soon in court.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006
Senator Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Committee on the Judiciary
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr. Specter:

I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wiretap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.

Very truly yours,
Barry A. Bachrach
Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003

David Amos wrote

To Whom it may concern
I know Petey Baby MacKay don't love me so there is no sense in wasting my dime calling him. Hell he has refused to answer my letters or call me back even after Belinda Baby dumped him, so I do not expect him to do the right thing as Minister of Foreign Affairs other than to accept nasty little Franky Boy McKenna's resignation ASAP. Tell me is Franky Boy entitled to severance pay like his fellow Malawyer ritime buddy Dingwall is? Whereas the liberals Wayne Easter and Landslide Annie refused to protect my dumb arse over the years in their capacity as Solicitor General/Minister of Public Safety. I guess I should be fair and allow it Mr. Day's to try to act ethically on my behalf for a day or so, before I sue the Crown. EH?
Rest assured that I ain't holding my breath waiting for Mr. Day to call me back. Like many of the rest of you Stockwell Day has known of my troubles ever since Harper was elected as his latest boss in 2004 when he sat in the 37th Parliament
In the meantime in answer to Andrew Kyrstal's very dumb question on the radio just now.,methinks I should inform the NHL dudes that are being prosecuted by corrupt Yankees how I can help them.I know Andrew Kystral and all the Rogers dudes never will. What the New Jersey Dudes are up to right now is merely a case of the big bad pot calling a minor little kettle black to me and Andrew Kyrtal knows it too. Just like the Lord Conrad Black versus FitzGerald matter in Chicago everybody is trying to play dumb and it was to funny that Peter C. Newman apologized after I sent his lawyers some of my stuff..
Tell me something honestly if any you can find it in your soul to do so. Do you really think that the Conservatives thought that I didn't notice that Mulroney's right hand man Dereck Burney set up your Cabinet or that Michael Fortier was not a partner in his law firm?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 12:12 AM

As a little reward Frenchie Here is the reason Franky Boy McKenna, Allan Rock, John Manley, and Brian Tobin will not run for leader of the liberal party.
Call them and ask them or the FBI to sse if they wish to call me a liar. Better yet call the Yankee Senators Arlen Spevter or Russ Feingold. Nitey night Chucky. The clock clicked past midnight and the blog has not turned into a pumpkin yet. I am impressed with your your Newfound sense of integrity but quit the wise cracks and try to say something about this crap I have posted that really matters. Will ya? A polite argument in public in front of many witnesses would be nice.

May 11th, 2005

Ambassador: H.E. Mr. Allan Rock
One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
885 Second Avenue , 14th Floor
New York , NY 10017

Ambassador Franky McKenna
Canadian Embassy
501 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20001

Assistant Director Louis M. Reigel III
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001

Special Agent David Price
FBI Minneapolis
Suite 1100
111 Washington Avenue, South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2176

RE: Rampant Public Corruption in Canada and the USA
Now that Paul Martin has finally set the date for his confidence vote, methinks its time to pack my bags and head for home. I must raise some serious political hell in the Maritimes before the Commonwealth of Massachusetts does its worst to bankrupt my wife and put my kids on the street before I can expose the rampant public corruption. This is also a very good day to prove within the USA that we are well aware of each other and of my concerns and allegations in order to stress test the integrity of the US Mail. It and the Canada Post have failed me big time in recent years particularly just before the Yankees falsely imprisoned me last year for the benefit of George W. Bush, John Kerry and Paul Martin to name a few. I have no doubt whatsoever each of you dudes know more about me than I do about you. However that does not mean that I have not studied each of you a lot more than the ordinary layman. Just so we are clear, I have no respect for any of you. I know that all of you are as crooked as Chief Mearn, his cops and the lawyers who are coming into our home tomorrow without a warrant. This mail should prove your malice and willingness to support crime and public corruption.
Pursuant to my many emails, phone calls and faxes etc., you will find enclosed as promised exactly the same material I served upon the Solicitor Generals Teddy Olson and landslide Annie McLellan last year before I ran for Parliament last year. The CD of the copy of wiretap tape # 139 is served upon you as officers of the court and FBI Agents in order that it may be properly investigated. Franky got this stuff and more last year. The FBI got even more the year before. Perhaps they should go find the original tapes that the Suffolk County District Attorney and Special Agent in Charge Ken Kaiser have been playing dumb about for far too long. This material was good enough to impeach George W. Bush last year and cause many people to quit or lose their jobs. It is every bit as valuable today and you all know it. Ask the many people whose names can be found within these documents or Franky Boy or Claude Richer, Allan Rock’s lawyer buddy in the RCMP about this stuff before you call me a liar. As you all know I am out of jail on bail pending my upcoming criminal trial in front of a jury of my peers. I have the right to remain silent in the USA. I will employ different rights in Canada and say a lot.
What I choose to say while stumping for a seat in Parliament in Canada is of my concern not yours. If you dudes do your jobs here and I act ethically and legally up home with luck the world will be far better off in short order. I have already checked the rules with the people working for Elections Canada. We agree it is perfectly legal for an innocent man to run for Parliament while being prosecuted with false charges in the wrong jurisdiction and venue in the USA. Everybody knows I can secure my personal freedom quicker in a political forum in Canada rather than argue crooked judges in the USA. They have already imprisoned me on bull**** charges without even reading me my rights or telling me why I was in jail. The crooks are not going to have a sudden fit of ethical behavior now without it becoming a matter of political will. We all know it is high time for a change, the sooner the better for the Maritimes as well as the rest of the world. What better politician to argue with than a right wing lawyer named Rob Moore?
As you all no doubt know I have been talking to many people within the UN and have sent many much of my stuff. You all must have laughed as hard as I did when the Cubans were afraid to talk about my stuff. I must agree with George Bush about one thing. The UN is certainly in need of an overhaul. Yet we all know that nasty dudes like Maurice Strong’s buddy, Paul A. Volcker, the Former North American Chairman of the Trilateral Commission and Karl Rove’s puppet, John Bolton are just going to make matters worse. The same holds true with the turncoat Robert C. Pozen. He now offers advice to Bush on how to fix Social Security simply because I sent him running for cover with my Putnam Investment concerns and the malevolent media control of Global Corporations. Feel free to argue me or act ethically. You choose. I don’t care. Franky Boy knows he is way past too late. I am just rubbing his nose it before I talk a lot about him and his failure to uphold the public trust in our old stomping grounds up home. I can’t help but wonder how he explained his “Harper is a lapdog for Bush” dogma to Karl Rove and his nasty cohorts. I suspect it was an allowed comment from an insider of the Carlyle Group. Don’t you? We all know Stephen Harper would never fit in that group. He is as dumb as a post. All of his successes playing at politicking have just been a matter of luck and playing on the PC and Liberal scandals. Harper is kinda scary to me. He has a truly awful agenda in store for all Canadians like evil old T. Alex Hickman and Johnny Crosbie did for our Newfys.
Sometimes less is more. So in conclusion I will just quote former Inspector General of the DHS Clark Kent Irwin and simply say it would have benefited all if he had taken his own advice way back in November of 2003 when he had an important job.
POGO: “Any advice for your fellow public servants?”
Irwin: “Well, just do your job and let the political chips fall where they may. Unless you’re willing to do that, it seems to me you shouldn’t take the job in the first place.” What say you?

Cya’ll in Court:)
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton MA. 02186

They got their mail now. Check for yourself

USPS Track & Confirm

Current Status

You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6592

We attempted to deliver your item at 6:58 am on May 14, 2005 in MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 and a notice was left. It can be redelivered or picked up at the Post Office. If the item is unclaimed, it will be returned to the sender. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

Here is what happened earlier:
ACCEPTANCE, May 12, 2005, 9:30 am, QUINCY, MA 02169

Current Status

You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6608

We attempted to deliver your item at 8:04 am on May 14, 2005 in NEW YORK, NY 10017 and a notice was left. It can be redelivered or picked up at the Post Office. If the item is unclaimed, it will be returned to the sender. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

Here is what happened earlier:
ACCEPTANCE, May 12, 2005, 9:32 am, QUINCY, MA 02169

Current Status

You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6615

We attempted to deliver your item at 4:03 am on May 14, 2005 in WASHINGTON, DC 20535 and a notice was left. It can be redelivered or picked up at the Post Office. If the item is unclaimed, it will be returned to the sender. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

Here is what happened earlier:
ARRIVAL AT UNIT, May 14, 2005, 4:01 am, WASHINGTON, DC 20022
ACCEPTANCE, May 12, 2005, 9:31 am, QUINCY, MA 02169

Current Status

You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6707

Your item was accepted at 9:32 am on May 12, 2005 in QUINCY, MA 02169. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later

# posted by Anonymous : 12:21 AM

So charlie what papers did he ask you to deliver to brad Green?

And why didn't you complete the task?

# posted by Anonymous : 9:26 AM

Hey David Amos you complain about Chucky's pictures. He posts many pictures of himself so you fall in love with him. He really likes you.

Chucky really needs you.

# posted by Anonymous : 9:58 AM

I am impressed with Chucky's newfound sense of ethics the blog still stands this morning. If anyone would like to view the material and listen to a copy of a wiretap tape that Chucky and his buddy Vaughn are so afraid of all they have to do is call me and meet me in public somewhere before I leave Fredericton. I am sitting in town right now and trying to write my first complaint to file in Federal Court ASAP. Here is my cell number again 506 434 1379
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 10:44 AM

Methinks Mr Amos is a wacko

# posted by Anonymous : 12:22 PM

Mr. Amos is in good company with Charlie though. They will get along fine. They seem to have a lot in common.

# posted by Anonymous : 12:39 PM

Methinks too but Mr. Amos is in good company with Charlie though. They will get along fine. They seem to have a lot in common.

# posted by Anonymous : 12:39 PM

Oh ye critics with no names why not pick up the phone tomorrow and call your Ombudsman and Chucky's buddy Bernie Richard mention my name and ask him whether or not he received this email on August 11th, 2004 at 3.11 pm two weeks before he met my family in his office. Then if you grow up and get a name and an emaiul address watch me prove to you I am no friend of Charles Leblanc

Hey Bernard
Thanks for your response though. I didn't believe you on the phone the instant that you tried to make an issue about not receiving the email to Wayne Steeves. I figured that you were covering for Brad Green because that would mean that you knew the CISNB was involved. I laughed when you repeated it in the email. Do you think me dumb?The Fredericton PD guard the legislature correct? Ask Sgt. Kelly or Chief Carlisle if they had jurisdiction over me when they threw me out. The Crown always has jurisdiction over a Canadian citizen particularly when he is on native soil. I figured out it was Dan that threw mw out. He should have taken the stuff in the yard just as soon as he affirmed that he and the cops had jurisdiction over me as he ordered me away from the legislative building. They did watch me go into 710 Queen St to serve TJ Burke and come out without the stuff. They know I did it. Over Two hundred people watched me serve Leroy.Armstrong once he stuck his nose in my affairs. Anne McLellan and Brad Green both suggested that I give this stuff to cops that claim jurisdiction. Go argue Bruce Noble. .I don't need any luck Uncle Franky has been dead for two months even though no one has notified my wife I know it. Watch me turn the worm on the Secret Service, the FBI and the RCMP
There is no way you could have known about Connie Fogal without getting Wayne Steeves' email as well. He should have sent the CISNB out to do their job by now. Obviously that is not the case. Maybe Elizabeth Weir will have more luck making you understand. As for me I simply don't trust you. I will be calling you to court. We can argue about integrity and jurisdiction there. In the mean time perhaps you should go find Leroy Armstrong or T J Burke or Brad Green or Premier Lord or Bruce Noble and ask to see the documents and the copy of the wiretape tape I sent them before I compel you to argue about them with me. There is another fella running around Fredericton with the same stuff. His name is Vaughn Barnett. If the politicians won't talk to you, maybe he will. his number is 457-4559 But he is likely out in the front yard protesting something. I don't trust him either because he and Charles Leblanc are buddies and I know he is a liar.

Cya'll in Court
David R. Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 1:21 PM

I still can't understand what this guy is trying to say. His posts/letters or whatever are WAYYYYYY too long! I still have no idea what his beef is or who it's with.

# posted by Anonymous : 2:52 PM

I sent the email I promised I would to Chucky and many of his buddies. I will forward it on to anyone else. All you have to do is ask. Again my email address motomaniac_02186 (at) yahoo.com

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 2:59 PM

My beef is what all politicians talk about but do nothing about because they are the ones who practice it. In a nutshell it is called Public Corruption Get it? If not so be it. I have said enough for now.

# posted by Anonymous : 3:03 PM

All I know is that David and Chucky make great friends. They are heavenly made couple. They think alike and behave alike.
Only difference is that David rights a little better English when Chucky sucks.

# posted by Anonymous : 3:27 PM


# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 4:03 PM

Ok "writes" smart a**.

# posted by Anonymous : 4:55 PM

Charlie you've been leaving comments since someone above asked you what papers you were supposed to deliver to brad green for this guy?
and #2 why didn't you complete the task?

# posted by Anonymous : 6:03 PM

Thanks for asking that question again but rest assured Chucky will never answer it?

# posted by Anonymous : 7:25 PM

> by Charles LeBlanc Saturday, Jun. 12, 2004 at 11:26
> AM
> oldmaison@yahoo.com Fredericton
> Thursday morning, I showed up at the Legislature to
> use the computer at the Library.
> I was told by security that two rough looking
> individuals walked through the doors and asked for a
> Charles Leblanc?
> They described the guys as rough looking and one of
> them had a long gray beard with a leather jacket!
> At first, I believe it was the Hell Angels coming
> down from Montreal for a hit on Charles.
> Hours later, I seen my bigot buddy Matthew Glenn and
> he was in front of the Legislature with his
> blowhorn.
> For you people who don’t know the bigot? He’s the
> one who started the Anglo Society. I seen him
> preaching to three young kids and of course I butt
> in and said - Hey Bigot??? Why don’t you bigot go
> home?
> Minutes later, we were approached by two guys and
> they asked politely –Where can we locate a Charles
> LeBlanc???
> In a matter of seconds, the bigot quickly pointed at
> me.
> I said to myself - Ohhh?? Thanks a lot Bigot!!!
> At the end? It was a guy named David Amos and I
> guess that he’s running at an independent in the
> riding of Fundy Royal. The guy have been living in
> the area of Boston and he's been following my
> updates on the internet. I'm telling you that the
> information highway is a great way to spread the
> message to the rest of the world!
> We talked for around 30 minutes and it was nice to
> see the bigot, me and David Amos together debating
> our own little concern issue. We all have our own
> issues and it’s too bad that we cannot unite and
> fight but that’s the way Canadians do things.
> They remind silent until the Government really
> pissed them all and go out and vote the party in
> power out of office

# posted by Anonymous : 7:40 PM

From: charles leblanc
Subject: Re: This is David Amos
To: moto maniac

I don't know what you're talking about but I gace your
info to Vaughn...Maybe he can explain to me what your
papers are all about...lol

--- moto maniac wrote:

> Hey Charles
> I just found out a simple truth about you. You
> are a liar. Not only did you not give my stuff to
> Brad Green as you promised. You did not give it to
> the man from Minto that you enjoy calling a bigot. I
> just had a little talk with him and he affrimed what
> I had suspected about you and denied receiving the
> documents etc. from you as you claimed.
> Perhaps you should get honest and give the
> stuff to Vaughn Barnett. (I just called him 506
> 457-4559 and left him a message to assure him that I
> am sincere and this is not spam I have not been to
> Fredericton lately but I plan to come soon if you
> don't give him the documents and CD I will) I am
> certain he will understand them and know what to do
> with them. Rest assured that I will tell him you
> have them. (In fact I just did didn't I) You can
> explain your own actions to your friends. I
> understand you well enough already.
> I always suspected that you were all about
> Charles LeBlanc and in the self promotion game. But
> I thought you may at least be ethical. Turns out you
> are just a liar and a chickenshit like all the rest.
> By the way I did figure out who threw me out of the
> legislature it was a french fella by the name of
> Dan. I have no idea why he would claim that his name
> was Jean Claude but it does explain to me why he did
> not show me his ID. I ain't no Hells Angel as you
> and the fellas in the legislature like to claim that
> I am. However I am a plenty pissed off boy from
> Dorchester who just had another French asshole show
> me his ass. Ask me why I am not surprised? Don't you
> think I asked around about you? Never forget you
> were raised just up the road from me. I told you
> that out of the gate when I first called you from
> Boston. Remember? That should have been a little
> clue to you. You should have done the same before
> slandering me and adding to the offense by proving
> to me that you are a liar. I
> gave you the benefit of my doubt but you proved for
> me once more first impressions are seldom wrong. I
> have now thrown you in the same boat with your
> frienf the Sergeant at Arms(Even that has acquired a
> french spelling for an English Queen) I don't hate
> french folks but I do find french bullshit very
> contemptable. I have many Cajun friends that share
> the same opinion about french Canadians. In fact I
> was the first Canadian that a lot of them ever met
> that they actually saw eye to eye with. We quickly
> put the english/french stuff in the proper corner
> and went on with our pursuit of happiness We just
> laughed at your snotty attitudes about culture.
> everybody knows it ain't about that at all. It is
> about money and power as usual. Wave all the flags
> you want, you can't fool me. I am too stupid. What
> you and all my other fellow maritmers seem to be
> overlooking is that while we can't see the forest
> for the trees because of our petty squabbles, the
> evil Global dudes have been raping our
> forest primeval. They playing us like a fiddle
> while you dance their jig out of your own self
> interest. Do you want a job in the media or do you
> wish to be like Michael Moore and become famous
> byway of notoriety? Do you really think anyone in
> the media owned by the rich and powerful takes you
> seriously? Can anyone take you seriously once they
> find you to be a liar? At least I do what I say and
> say what I mean. What say you now Chucky Baby?
> Better yet wait until I turn up and say it to me in
> front of your friends. Premier Lord know I love to
> argue with Frenchmen we can talk about it on his
> front lawn. You buddy Dan and the CISNB can listen
> in.
> The following are your words about me. I find
> that you are so full of yourself it is ridculous
> particularly in light of the fact that I consider
> you to be full of shit. Watch how easily I prove
> that fact about you the next time I am in
> Fredericton. Which maybe sooner that you think. Rest
> arrured I will be telling your friends what I think
> of you. Feel free to argue with me. It should prove
> interesting to see who they believe.
> David R.
> Amos
> 506
> 434-1379

# posted by Anonymous : 7:44 PM

Vaughn did you get my material as Leblanc claims? You are the third guy he says he gave it to. If not I know I will be the last. I have had enough of him and his funny ways at my expense. He whined and complained that he had no computer so I gave him one. But he failed to even say Thanks. Now the liar wants people to buy him a Bull Horn so he can bother more people with his Bullshit. Well Fredericton has already met a real legal and social activist and i did it all without a whisper or any press coverage. Soon Ottawa will receive the same stuff and much much more before I return to the USA to argue the bastards pulling the strings up here in our old houses. The folks working there seem to care more what language the liars are speaking in rather than what they are actually saying. Charles LeBlanc spoke with a forked tongue when he claimed his Scottish heritage. He made my blood boil and my ancestors bones rattle when he went on and on about his roots. First the frenchy wants his flag on the government houses then he wants to wave it wearing our kilts? I am of the Keith Clan and founded my own. My ancestors were fine and noble warriors. Read their motto on the beer bottle Chucky and tell me if you believe it or not. Rest assured I do. Neither my Septs nor I would accept such a man as Charles Leblanc as a trusted friend.

# posted by Anonymous : 7:45 PM


Yes, Charles gave me the material - although I must admit that I was not able to make much sense of it. Because of that, and because it appears to be out of my area of expertise, I doubt that I can help you very much. Also, unfortunately, your clash with Charles, and your low opinion of him (which I feel is unwarranted) has created a conflict of interests, as Charles is a friend of mine and a fellow activist. Since I doubt I can assist you much anyway, perhaps that doesn't matter. In any event, good luck with your cause.


# posted by Anonymous : 7:47 PM

Chucky finally met his match in David Amos. Chucky deserves it. He messes with good people. Someone is speaking out.

# posted by Anonymous : 8:09 PM

I must admit that you have lots of guts to condenm me in my blog site.

Anyway? I tried to read those papers and I can honestly say that I don't uderstand what your battle is all about?

I never told you that I would give those papers to any MLA's. Why the hell do I want to be involded in your issues anyway.

I got enough on my own plate.

Ok...you got a little blog because a good supporter of this blog asked me to let you post your views.

Don't blow it!!!!

Is you wish to smear and used bad words? I'll delete the whole blog.

Try to be nice. Not too many websites allowso you to post your views so be nice in here.....

Watch the language....is not??? Well? Why don't you start a new blog????

Is easy to do.....

I really don't understand your point of view.

All the activists are trying to bring important issues to the public and you wish to condenm the same people.

Why burn all those bridges?

Oh well c'est la vie.....

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 8:46 PM

Lets get this straight Chucky so there is no misunderstanding. You only allowed my words to stand this time around because other people read them and asked you to? Hmmm some ethics EH?

As for guts not only is my belly bigger than you my balls are as big as basketballs compared to yours. I ain't afraid of Count Peter Hans Klovenbach so why would I be afraid of you? You and your wannbe lawyer friend know full well I have been trying to impeach George W. Bush byway of the courts since 2002. Long before that nonsense in Iraq began. You hate me because if you had even glanced at the papers you just confessed you read then you know I sued Cardinal Law and caused him to quit his job on Dec 13th, 2002. It had nothing to do with child abuse like the media claims. It was merely filthy lucre that is all. Well my wife's cousin the exbanker turned priest Robert T. Kickham is still around around and cooking the books for the brand new Cardinal in Beantown. You know the dude in named O'Malley.

Furthmore Chucky you offer no argument to anything I state other than lie about not promising to serve Brad Green or falsely claiming that the computer I gave you was no good? The best you can is make jokes or critize my choice of words whilst I point out your serious lack of integrity?

In my law books it is not illegal to have poor manners or use the words I have employed thus far(as of yet anyway) I believe it falls under something that can be found in the Charter

However to slander someone and tell ouright lies about them for one's own gain is more than offensive. I have been falsely imprisoned because of the perjury of people like you who choose to support public corruption for their own gain. Methinks I should seek relief in court in fredericton particularly when I can prove it. Furthermore you know you have told several lies within the very blog.

I will wager if I posted something that you can never refute this blog will evporate immediately. Perhaps I should seal its fate and let your friends wonder why you erased me so quickly after I busted you in front of everybody. Never fear though I saved this blog in its entirety already. However you really should check you email and press print on the tif file that I just sent you and yoy hard copy of the proof that I keep wonderful records. Some of your buddies and adversaries may be reading it already. At the end of the day you may realize that I just may turn out to be the honest man that you ever met.

# posted by Anonymous : 9:11 PM

I give up....I'm just going to continue bloggling away.....Bonne Chance...

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 9:27 PM

Don't you think you should hire a lawyer too? That last email was hell in a hand basket wasn't it? Why not call Cleveland Allaby (your know Tanker's lawyer) he hates both Bernie Lord and me but he won't demand any sort of apology from me. Hell he won't even whisper my name. Just maybe Cleveland Allaby will help Vaughn and you to understand my material and then ask you two dudes why you didn't call the RCMP years ago. Yea I know I am pipe dreaming. Honest cops and lawyers don't exist. That is pure Hollywood all the way and a long long way from the Maritimes EH? Ask my Newfy buddy Byron Prior how bad things really are around here. I Double Dog Dare Ya too Chucky.
Que Sera Sera and
Cya'll in Court
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 9:42 PM

Chucky giving advice to David Amos to not burn bridges? That is funny. Chucky is good at burning bridges himself. He has no bridge left to burn. How can give advice to others to not do the same.

# posted by Anonymous : 8:04 AM

Subject: Fwd: Sue me Eddy Baby I double Dog Dare Ya I telling Lord Black on you

Everybody loves a mystery. A lot of folks were no doubt wondering why the big talking old fart named Petey Newman apologized to Lord Conrad Black not long after he and Mikey Levine laughed off his lawsuit at the big party in Toronto. Didn't it seem strange to anyone that the Tory's law firm wrote the crooked old Lord a fat cheque as well? It seems that the Torys, a dude named Mr. Moate, Levine, Greenspan, Newman and I may be the only ones to know the true reason why and I am the only one who will tell the tale. Here is your clue see if you can figure it out. I know of two Maritimers who will never have a hope in hell of figuring it out because they do not have two clues between them and if the did they would not know what to do with them. One dude everybody calls Tanker and the other I call Frenchie. They know who they are do you
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 11:02 AM

Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 06:36:11 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos
To: Eddy Greenspan
Subject: Sue me Eddy Baby I double Dog Dare Ya I telling Lord Black on you

Say hey to your buddies the old fart Peter C. Newman and and the corrupt Yankee FitzGerald for me will ya?

"Edward L. Greenspan, Q.C." wrote:

Subject: RE: Since Susan Prosnitz and her boss Fynn would not answer Hard Copy
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 08:10:13 -0500
From: "Edward L. Greenspan, Q.C." To: "David Amos"

Please delete my name from your emails

Greenspan, White
144 King Street East
Toronto, Ontario M5C 1G8
Tel: 416-366-3961
Fax: 416-366-7994

# posted by Anonymous : 11:11 AM

Subject: RE: Sue me Eddy Baby I double Dog Dare Ya I telling Lord Black on you

"Cleveland J. Allaby" wrote:

Please do not email, write, copy or send anything to me in the future.

# posted by Anonymous : 11:14 AM

Bingo You Mr. Cleveland Allaby win the cake baked by Bernie Lord.

Cya'll in Court . Thanks for finally responding to me. Your timing is perfect. One hour before or so before the 39th Parliament begins and just in time before I polish off my first complaint to file in Federal court in Fredericton. Was it done so quickly after I blogged my letter to you in Chucky LeBlanc's web page? Did the gossip about my blogging in his website reach you first thing this morning? In my book you are as dumb as the Frenchie is. Wise or dumb I will call you as a witness to testify in Federal Court before I get around to suing you. Perhaps your lawyer and I should talk now. Hostile or not you will make an important witness not only on because of your lawsuits concernining Native Aboriginal matters (Remember Barry Bachrach represents me in the USA right now) but more importantly because Bernie Lord paid you a lot of money years ago to study the Justice Dept. (Wasn't it 112,000 grand or so?)
Obviously Cleveland you are no wiser than Eddy Greenspan. Clearly you think your status as a well known lawyer allows you not only to ignore and not uphold the law but break it if you wish. Should you have contacted the RCMP as soon as you listened the the CD I provided you with. Guess what I told them you got it already. My next calls are to the General Counsel of the SIRC and the old lawyer who represent the following folks. He has played dumb with me for way past to long.

Suite 200, 394 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1X4
phone: 416-363-0321
fax: 416-861-1291

Cleveland did you really think your email will scare me off? Look how fast I bounced it back and forwarded it to many others. When a man has been diligently attempting to impeach George W. Bush for over three years despite the attacks from crooked Feds etc nothing scares him anymore. A threat of litigation coming from the email box of a lawyer into mine is like manna from heaven to me. Didn't I slam Eddy Greenspan the same way? Man you are dumb if you though that I would not do the same thing with you. You just proved for me that every body else got my email and hard copy too. you asgin the same question I asked you on February 23rd. Whois your god damned lawyer maybe I know him already. If not tell him he has a fool for a client. Will ya?

Tell me honestly, Cleveland if you can find it in your your soul to do so. Why Didn't you sue Bernie Lord as you threatened to do particularly after you and I talked the day before I gave my material to your buddy Tom Young and the New Brunswick Securities Commission? I heard of no apology from him and I laughed when I saw Tanker being trundled down to the Speakers chair arm in arm with two crooks. I figured another backroom deal went down and Tanker needed a smarter lawyer because I had heard nothing from you and I made certain that you knew the score with Hard Copy of my material before that shit went down. Something definitely smells rotten in New Brunswick EH?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

The question still remains who is the April Fool and will Chucky evict me for Blogging?

chucky leblanc wrote:

You can add this note to all the millions of other
notes but I feel that I have to send ya this note.

We allowed you to have your own little blog. I believe
it's a good way for you to spread your message.

I'm still trying to figure out exactly what the
message is???...lol

Anyway, there's no need to condenm the people who are
activists like Vaugh.

I believe it attracts new visitors that search the
names you mention.

But once that blog is delete? It's too fini.

I too had problems at the Legislature and it's in
front of the Human Rights Commission.

It takes time.....

All I'm asking is that you try to be nice and don't
condenm people like Vaugh who an activist also.

Just try to be nice.....

Lets try to spread our message in a nice way!

What do you think???

# posted by Anonymous : 11:20 AM

What, specifically, are all these people being sued for? You rant and rave and nobody can make heads or tails out of what you are talking about.

We know you ran for office. We know that you try to impeach Bush (and anybody who does that certainly gets good marks from me!) We know that for some reason they held you in jail? Is that correct?

I'm assuming its under the new terrorism laws, since you say they wouldn't let you see evidence. That also is not surprising the way the US is functioning.

But what are all the lawsuits about? There is something about wiretap evidence that for some reason you are sending to canadian politicians and lawyers..why is that?

What exactly are all these law firms doing? If they are crooked, then specifically what evidence do you have? That lawyers are crooks also doesn't surprise most people, I"m mostly surprised we continue to elect so many of them.

But if you could explain point by point what the grievances are against these people, then people may understand. Perhaps you don't care and just want to let off steam, that's fine too, that's what blogs are for. However, many people would like to know what you are suing these people for?

# posted by Anonymous : 12:37 PM

Good day to ye with no name. thanks for the question. Methinks by your questions you must be Vaughn.I stated the reason for my first lawsuit clearly live on CTV news to that Murphy character at suppertime just before I was allowed to debate Andy Scot in Oromocto.
My first lawsuit will be to seek relief for the offense against my rights under the Charter because I was falsely imprisoned without being charged, held without bail and it was all done without even being read my rights. Then I was denied my right to a trial after met the Canadian Consulate in jailand came screaming out. I had tried to remove the matter to the proper jurisdiction and venue in order to prove the malicious prosecution to no avail. the bastarsds in the USA will never give a jury of my peers and Federal Court in Canada does not employ a jury. Thus I must make my issues well known locally before I file so that the Judges will not dismiss my complaints so easily as they have done in the past. Give me a call if you are not Vaughn and I will meet you show you the evidence.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.S. My next posting is quite a rant. I explain things in greater detail to say the least but my manners are slipping fast. It will be the maximum stress test of Chucky's newfound sense of ethics.

# posted by Anonymous : 1:17 PM

So you are suing the canadian government for being held in jail in the US? Is that right, or were you held in Canada? How does that even work?

Why go on a lengthy rant to 'test' Charles? Take a break if your manners are slipping. Having your messages deleted on the last place your story can be told hardly seems helpful.

"Then I was denied my right to a trial after met the Canadian Consulate in jailand came screaming out"

That makes no sense whatsoever. People don't need long rants, they need clarity. You are suing the canadian government because they refused to help you while in US custody, is that correct?

# posted by Anonymous : 1:43 PM

Bingo. Vaughn

# posted by Anonymous : 1:57 PM

Wouldn't it be funny if you are not Vaughn but actually Clevelans Allaby or Bras Green or Jeff Mockler or beter yet David Lutz or Vaughn's buddy Brucy Baby Noble. that can't be though because Vaughn must be Chucky's only legal minded friend

# posted by Anonymous : 2:00 PM

I am typing to fast because I am upt to something far more important right now involving J. Division. Mean old Zach's old stomping grounds.

# posted by Anonymous : 2:03 PM

You know what? I am am gonna take you advice and take a break from Chucky's little sideshow and go downtown to see what condition my condition is in Fredericton. I will be the ugly guy grinning and smoking a lot but not saying a damned think. From now on i want everything i say recorded. One must do such things when one sues the Crown.
EH Vaughn?

# posted by Anonymous : 2:09 PM

Well, that makes some sense anyway. So how are these New Brunswick lawyers involved? Are you saying that none of them will represent you or what? You are sending them this wiretap evidence for what reason? If it's federal court why are you even in New Brunswick, all the lawyers in this province are idiots and irving lackeys. Why not go to Toronto where there are at least some civil liberties lawyers.

The trouble is, I don't know of any legal grounds that 'forces' the canadian government to intervene in a foreign country's legal system. If somebody plants coke on you in columbia and you get caught, then plead with canada to help you out, you'll be out of luck.

Under the charter canadians have fewer rights than americans. Our 'terror laws' are the mirror image of the US's, but never even had moranda rights or anything ike that. In Canada, you are simply f&&&&& if you cross the state, as any native, environmentalist, protestor, or civil rights attorney will tell you.

I don't know of a single case where somebody successfully sued, even David Milgaard was given a settlement since it was dragging out so long. Natives have tried suing for years.

However, it's easy to talk from the outside. But if Ernst Zundel couldn't sue for being held for almost a decade with no charges against him in Canada, I don't see how far a lawsuit against Canada for not intervening in a foreign country will go.

# posted by Anonymous : 2:15 PM

Civil rights? Where do you think you ar?? Lok at th e blog. A woman can't panhandel to make life a little bettre. Boarding house residents can't do anything. This was a joke, but if that owner wanted to, he could toss Charles for just that reason. Hell, owners could show up at their apartments and tell them they want a blowjob, any body who said no would be told to get out. Welcome to New Brunswick.

# posted by Anonymous : 2:53 PM

I am back in more ways than one.
It is half past quitting time and all the corrupt politicians are out getting drunk or laid or both. Tis time for bloggers to come out and play maybe with luck what the smiling bastards read in the morning will give a few of them a stroke and Lord can call some more snap by elections EH?
"Welcome to New Brunswick?" Jeez I was born and raised here i have lived here for over forty years of my life. I am older than Chucky and lived just down the road from where he was brought up in Dorchester NB. I went to High School and UNB in Fredericton when most of the snots that are screwing us did. Why do you think I am so pissed off? You don't think I know the score. If someone claims that I am a Yankee again I think I may hunt them down. If because a man lives somewhere else for awhile makes him a man of that place then how come a Newfy is always a Newfy everywhere he goes.
Here is a God's moment for Chucky:
Wht did God tell the Newfys?
Play dumb til I get back Will ya?
that joke seems to hold true here to. since I left the room nothing further was said. How come. cat got you tongue chucky or could it be the emails I sent ya?
Love and Kisses

# posted by Anonymous : 6:52 PM

Can ya tell I am fishing?
If you speak of the devil he is sure to appear particularly when you jerk his chain and piss him off.
Dave again

# posted by Anonymous : 6:55 PM

Nobody called you a yankee, but starting threatening people is sure to get you deleted, as well as guaranteeing no court in the country will give you the time of day except to prosecute. As was said, there is virtually zero chance of suing the government for your claim. At least Charles is being constructive and taking it to the human rights people and doing his part to get more rights for new brunswickers. But good luck getting to court.

# posted by Anonymous : 7:25 PM

I see that you are watching Vaughn. Spoken just like a lawyer you wish to be. "Hunt you down" is an expression. But it brought you out of the woods didn't it. Perhaps you should read your next email real slow. Before I go I must ask you are you trying to intimadate me by making false allegations against me?
Love and Kisses
(hows that for nice Chucky?)

# posted by Anonymous : 7:34 PM

"As was said, there is virtually zero chance of suing the government for your claim."
Hmm maybe I will ask Vaughn under oath in court someday why he has formed that opinion of my pending lawsuit. Clearly he knows more of my matters than what I or Chucky have given him. I am still human don't you know. Fredericton does not have the only courts in this old World. I except them crooked judges here to try hard to dismiss my matters. Why to you think I am raising hell first. If anyone should understand what I am up to it is an actvist.
Love and Kisses

# posted by Anonymous : 7:48 PM

You certainly ain't Bruce Noble because he represents the Fredericton PD if you choose to send them to hassle me. He already know I have a few bones to pick with him in court. I would welcome more false charges. Here is the obvious question. Are you Chucky's buddy Vaughn or are you not? If not who are you?
Love and Kisses

# posted by Anonymous : 7:53 PM

Thirty minutes have passed and still no comment. Come on now the email was not all that long Vaughn.
Love and Kisses

# posted by Anonymous : 8:02 PM

I have noticed that Chucky hit counter has picked up a little speed. His count is starting to appraoch Byron Prior's website. Here it is if anybody cares. I know I do. Byron is human too and he has been far more offended than Chucky ever was.


I was bored waiting and check to see if it clicked over a big milestone for him.

80 grand was how many viewers he had when the MP Billy Matthews intmadted him into taking it down.

Chucky is appraoching that number for the first time. this is Byron second kick at the can of worms of injustice.

Love and Kisses

# posted by Anonymous : 8:10 PM

Tick tick tick Methinks when the count get to 100 I will evict myself before I get the bum's rush. It is getting kinda boring here anyway. I wil just safe the posts and go about my evening knowing nobody will miss me here.
Hell I was even being kinda sorta nice:)
Love and Kisses

# posted by Anonymous : 8:16 PM

Your silence is deafening Vaughn i must be coorect at you or are you to busy trying to revive Chucky with mouth to mouth. Did I give you two too much information in the last email and it overloaded you little minds? What gives Chuckys other blogs barely have any comments at all he can't be that busy. I will leave the comment after 99 for Chucky to fill in or delete. He always likes to have the last word. EH? I will post this look for a comment and then be gone to leave you to wonder when and where we will cross paths again.
Love and Kisses

# posted by Anonymous : 8:38 PM

Now I don't even make sense to myself. I will consider myself evicted and save the blog in its entirety to argue about later.
Cya'll in court or in Hell.
C'est la meme chose n'est pas?
Bon nuit ma petite chou chous.
(Aren't I nice)

Veritias Vincit
(check the Keiths beer bottle)
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 8:48 PM

I don't know who Vaughn is, I was interested in the story because I couldn't decide whether you were crazy or just very angry. I still don't know.

I know there are constructive uses for anger, Charles has accomplished quite a bit with his. I'd hate to see ANYBODY spend all that time and energy in a fruitless cause such as trying to sue the government. The mention of being an 'activist' was heartening. Charles has been an activist and he and Tim Smith have almost single handedly got the rights of tenants on the map, and soon an injustice there 'may' be rectified, one that is a hundred years overdue.

Yet he and Tim accomplished it in less than two months, albeit with the help of a byelection.

Being imprisoned in the states is no crime in my book, their entire federal system is an illegal entity. Manlin Chee has been a public defender for over twenty years, won many awards, and now sits in jail because she sat on a panel that argued against the patriot act. While Canada isn't MUCH better, it is SOME better.

But like I said, the courts will give no recourse, as the courts have clearly stated that Canada's own terrorist act does not infringe on civil liberties. Anybody who thinks highly of civil liberties in Canada just needs to remember Oka, or Quebec, where thousands of french were rounded up without charge just so Trudeau could pretend to be macho.

There are lots of organizations that are attacking these things, and personally I think its a shame that those who have virtually identical claims against the government can't seem to get along. If there were a dozen Charles Leblanc's in the province we could literally turn the province upside down. YOu seem to have the passion, but maybe a little too much, as often you are incomprehensible. That's unfortunate because those who are victims of the aggression of the state are those whose stories most deserve to be heard.

Just a recommendation, but when you mentioned all those lawyers then you definitely got my interest. These guys work in a shroud of secrecy and somebody with the guts to air their dirty laundry would definitely accomplish more good with political activism than with lawsuits. Courts were designed to put undesirables in jail, not mete out justice. Hell, New Brunswick doesn't even allow class action lawsuits!

I don't always agree with Charles, and often his views and how he states them make me cringe, but I'm glad that he does what he does, and NB is a province that NEEDS more 'activism'. I'd just suggest doing it in a way that's guaranteed to get the most results. But that's just my opinion-not Vaughns.

# posted by Anonymous : 10:50 PM

What planet in cyber space are you from oh yet with noname who claims not to be Vaughn? The first thing you should do when you touch down on mother earth is get a name. Then learn to read BEFORE you write. I ain't no god damned activist. GET IT? However I am a very fierce political animal. GET IT? I am just a very pissed off Maritimer with way bigger balls than you.

Some activist you are with only half a mind to say something like this to me. Go to jail sometime in Yankee Doodleland and then come back home and tell me that crap again.
"Being imprisoned in the states is no crime in my book,"

After you figure out the nonsense that you just wrote in support of a liar. Why not get an email account and a telephone too and learn how to use them BEFORE you attack a man who understands more about what you are yapping about than you could ever dream. I have no doubt that you are clever and you may be well on your way to being just another lawyer but you cannot learn to be ethical in any law school. You must be born with the genes. It seems that you and Chucky are a couple bricks shy of that load.

On the other hand in reading some of your words about what Chucky has done I think you may be the political science student at the homeless shelter that the lady that was on Tom Young's show spoke of when I called her afterwards. Either way I don't care. i don't want to know you.
Ask you buddy Chucky sometime to share his emails from me with you if you are truly are not his buddy Vaughn. Better yet go on a mission with your mouse and go through Chuckys many blogs and figure out who he is for yourself. Then ask Vaughn if you can view the hard copy of the material he admited having BEFORE I was falsely imprisoned in 2004. Activists have a lot to learn about listening to folks before there is trouble. It seems they allow things to happen just so they can protest about it later. I was challenging the FBI etc and arguing crooked US Attorneys about other matters in Federal Court in Boston months before that nonsense in Iraq began. whereas you seem to have a love of lucre Vaughn should tell ya that in two matters I was awarded judgements by default for 32 million bucks and I laughed and told them to shove it up their arse because the judgement came from the wrong court. It is all about jurisdiction venue and justice. I cannot demand integrity of others without proving my own first. When the crooked lawyers filed motions to remove the defaults and file their answers late I did not oppose them. It so shocked the hell out of the Yankee bastards they were not long sending the Secret Service to try to take a man away who would rather argue the awful truth than take a pay off.
In my book false imprisonment is definite illegal and when I look at your writing and Chuckys I cannot forget what I was taught. There are NO degrees of honesty either you are or your are NOT. Go kiss Chucky good night. Will ya? I have had enough of both of you oh ye who may be Vaughn. I so not feel sorry that I do not believe you.(Damned for a little Damned for at lot)
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 11:57 PM

One last ting before I sign off that I forgot to say. Yankee lawyers swear an oath before the Bar before they are allowed to practice law for a fee. Part of it goes something like this. "I will not delay or deny any man for lucre or malice" the politicians and lawyers I am arguing ignore their oath for lucre which far easier to understand than the malice you and Chucky wish against me. i tried to help Chucky and even gave him a computer because he whined that he did not have one. The only thing I asked in return was for him to go to Brad Green's office and give him a pile of documents and one CD in an unsealed envelope so that every one could see that there was nothing harmful inside.The liar claimed many things and slammed me six ways to Sunday while blocking my protests. I was getting even on April fools and draging him into a place where most lawyer fear to go. An ethical argument in public view. Like Tom Young on the radio he keep threatening to press the delete button when things were not going his way. Charles Leblanc is all about Charles LeBlanc no less no more.
Veritas Vincit

# posted by Anonymous : 12:13 AM
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 10:01 PM
Post a Comment


#24 – Jane Taber
Perhaps someone can explain how on earth a news organization such as CTV/The Globe and Mail continues to employ Taber as a “journalist”? Her “stories” are often full of bias as she attempts to lead the reader/viewer in a direction she wishes. If her employers were passing her off as a columnist, well okay, but the stuff she pumps out is supposed to be journalism without bias.

Supposed to be.

The examples are plentiful and show up pretty much every week. Here are just a few.

Here are a couple from just one of the episodes of CTV’s Question Period last year.

During an interview with recently rejected Appointments Commissioner Gwynn Morgan, Taber began the interview with this; “Mr. Morgan are you a bigot?”

It’s pretty much up there with, “When did you stop beating your wife?” but it actually got better with questions such as;

"You were considered a patronage appointment Mr. Morgan.....you're the bagman for the Tories."


Then; “Are you still in favor of the process? It's something the Tories seem to like... this transparent or “congressional” (yes Taber even did the quotation gesture) type of process?”

So during that interview Taber attempted to paint Morgan as a racist, corrupt akin to the mafia and desiring some American type system.

Heck the same day, she decided to do a little more editorializing with then Environment Minister Rona Ambrose with, "Is it not hypocritical and dishonest of you to continue as chair of these talks in Bonn when your strategy is to basically kill Kyoto?" Wow, opening question she calls Ambrose a liar. Classy journalism.

Last month, the National Post’s Lorne Gunter caught a Taber faux pas over the story about Liberal Leader Stephane Dion and Green Party Leader Elizabeth May making a pact to not run in the other’s riding next election in a bid to oust Conservative Peter MacKay (#98 by the way). Taber wrote in the Globe and Mail that, “The agreement between Mr. Dion and Ms. May appears to have been well received by voters looking for a fresh approach to politics.”

In fact the opposite was coming out of MacKay’s riding and even from Liberal circles. Gunter pointed out that it appeared to be, “wishful thinking on Taber's part. Or transference: Projecting one's own personal version of events onto the mindset of the public as a whole. Jane may like the deal. Perhaps she thinks it shows courage and out-of-the-box thinking. Maybe most of the people she associates with at and outside work think that, too. So she assumes millions of voters believe as she does, rather than just her and small group of friends and colleagues.”

That kind of writing is a little more acceptable if you’re a columnist but not when you’re purporting to be a journalist who is supposed to be presenting the facts and letting the reader decide.

But never fear Taber seems to be lining herself up to be the next Governor General if Paul Martin ever comes back as Liberal Leader. This was Taber's take as a journalist about the appointment of GG Michaëlle Jean. “The rationale for a Quebec woman is that, with the minority government Liberals substantially behind the Bloc Québécois in the polls, the appointment of a high-profile Quebecker as the Queen's representative could be politically beneficial. Plus, history has shown that women by and large have a better feel for the job — either as governor-general or provincial lieutenant-governor — than men.”

What was Taber’s basis for making that unattributed statement? Who knows? Maybe its’ true, maybe it isn’t. But just like most of Taber’s “reporting” (quotes mine) it’s hard to tell fact from her wishful thinking.
Posted by Spinks on Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 8:20 AM | Permalink
Re: "... GG Michaëlle Jean."

The Governor General of Canada is a “corporation sole”, according to Elizabeth II in this document. A “corporation sole” is defined and recognized as being a corporation.

It is a fiction that a corporation is a person.

“A corporation is a fiction, by definition, ...”, according to Patrick Healy in a statement found here.

“A corporation is a 'fiction' as it has no separate existence, no physical body and no 'mind'”, according to this presentation by Joanne Klineberg.
Posted by David Wozney | 11:46 PM
“reporting” (quotes mine)

When you typed this, did you stop and make the curly fingers quotes sign?
Posted by RkBall | 12:16 AM
Jane Taber is a Liberal shill. She hosted Mike Duffy Live while he was recovering from bypass surgery. She was so Liberally biased it boggled my mind. Her interviewing skills are non-existent, and as mentioned, she manages to smear a guest before they have a chance to answer the question. Rosemary Thompson replaced her toward the end of last session, perhaps because Taber's bias was showing.
Posted by KRF | 1:09 PM
Well, all reporters are a bit biased. That's human nature. She's just not shy about it. It's just unfortunate that there isn't enough reporting on reporters and their reporting.
Posted by whatigotsofar | 8:53 PM
If Jane's made it into your Top Thirty I've got a nomination for your Final Five: "Neil MacDonald" (quotes mine).
Posted by ...cultural snafu. | 1:02 AM
Gee, I thought it was just me. I can't stand the woman! Good choice spinks! good arguments too.
Posted by Awareness | 8:48 PM
"Gidget goes to Ottawa" - Taber in a nutshell.
Posted by Candace | 3:40 PM
How about some true news spinksy baby Everybody know that all newsmen are everybi as dumb and crooked as you are. I proved that simple fact in Yankee Courts on the public record five goddamned years ago.

Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2007 15:19:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Does Frontline remember all the documents I gave them in Beantown years ago before I ran for a seat in Parliament the first time?
To: mmcphee@wtkk.com, Daniel.Conley@state.ma.us, tfinneran@wrko.com, ccma@commoncause.org

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 11:39:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Does Frontline remember all the documents I gave them in Beantown years ago before I ran for a seat in Parliament the first time?
To: frontline@wgbh.org, newshour@pbs.org, now@thirteen.org, atvnews@ctv.ca,
ir@telus.com, greg.porter@telus.com, maria.preovolos@telus.com,
audrey.ho@telus.com, andras.vagvolgyi@telus.com,
martine.turcotte@bell.ca, michel.lalande@bell.ca

Press print on the attached tiff file to jog your memory will ya?

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 16:34:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: This is too funny many other newsmen will gossip sooner or later
To: jack cram thespur@hotmail.com
CC: gina zanetti ginaz@sprint.ca, Warmerdam warmerdampow@telus.net,
jade valley jadevalley@hotmail.com, Monika Ullmann proword@shaw.ca,
TPN tpni@telus.net, Debra Thomas shuswapsunburst@hotmail.com,
"Jeff K. Swanson" jeffswanson@shaw.ca,
Jeff Swanson jeff@swansoncreative.com,
Frank Stromotich frank_stromotich@telus.net,
bill & Verena stirling stirlinginvest@uniserve.com,
spryke spryke@nanaimo.ark.com, kari simpson citizens@direct.ca,
richardwright_8@hotmail.com, evan nicholson choosetruth@shaw.ca,
lawyer@canadalawcourts.com, "J. D. Kuntz" kuntz@telus.net,
JMTwigg jmtwigg@oberon.ark.com, Robert Jackson rsjackson69@telus.net,
IntegrityBC@yahoogroups.com, John Harvey joharv@vcn.bc.ca,
glen glowinski glen@gotoglen.com, foxy1@uniserve.com,
karl-heintz eisbrenner eisbrennerlaw@yahoo.com,
"Rain Coast Water Corp." rcwc@telus.net,
joe & donna conroy jdconroy@telus.net,
bev collins bev_collins@hotmail.com,
lippy hippy chick lippyhippychick@yahoo.com,
John Carten cartenjohn@hotmail.com,
John Bjornstrom bushman_57@msn.com, barb lerick@telus.net

Note: forwarded message attached.

To: newsroom@globeandmail.ca
CC: lavoie.luc@quebecor.com,
"moto maniac" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com,
Subject: This is too funny many other newsmen will gossip sooner or later
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 19:16:14 -0400

To explain this a little to the newsmen that get this next. Please notice that Brian Mulroney's buddies buried their heads in the sand and had shown me their arse once I had busted their boss in front of his friends. Meanwhile all the fellas under Bell Canada's wing are all still playing dumb, even though everybody knows Obama is scum. Just like his adversaries, Mulroney's chums.

To top it all off Frontline knows absolutely every goddamned thing since the time I was running for Parliament. I am not smart enough to make this up and it is too funny not to share. But first I must give it to the French fellas at Quebecor byway of Bill Gates because that is the kind of guy that I am. Somebody has to make Mulroney pay for his sins. :)

Message from yahoo.com.
Unable to deliver message to the following address(es).

Connected to but sender was rejected.
Remote host said: 554 Mail from motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com rejected for policy reasons.

--- Original message follows.

Return-Path: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com

The original message is over 5k. Message truncated to 1K.

Message-ID: 20041014220302.48007.qmail@web20025.mail.yahoo.com
Received: from [] by web20025.mail.yahoo.com via HTTP; Thu, 14 Oct 2004 15:03:02 PDT

Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 15:03:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Another kettle of Fish
To: newsroom@globeandmail.ca
Cc: lavoie.luc@quebecor.com, michel.lalande@bell.ca,
jean-francois.legault@bell.ca, christopher.ginther@bell.ca, atvnews@ctv.ca,
bcecomms@bce.ca, info@obamaforillinois.com, newsroom@globeandmail.ca
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="0-1404269537-1097791382=:45856"

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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Note: forwarded message attached.
Brian Mulroney
c/o Luc Lavoie
Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs
Quebecor Media Inc.
(514) 380-1974
(514) 236-8742 (cell)


I just called Luc Lavoie's office and left a message but not my phone number. From now on I want hard copy. Lets just say Mulroney should have done the Right and Honourable thing a long time ago, particularly as soon as
I notified the lawyers working at Cendant Corporation. I served them once in person and once by confiremd US Mail.

Maybe Belinda should have had him call me when I contacted her. I know I am the reason he did not speak at the Conservative leadership convention. I also know Mulroney, Arthur Hamiliton
and John Crosbie were likely some the lawyers who advised Harper to shut up about what he knew about the Arar Commission.

I had a great laugh to see the spit and chew between Senator Kerry and Mulroney but I also know that Mulroney is the reason that Forbes and Sun Media has not reported my doings with the SEC in the USA or even my of run for Parliament. Ain't it funny how everyone said Fundy was a riding to watch but no one whispered my name.

I know I do not have to be redundant and send the same documents and wiretap tape to you that I sent to Mulroney and his many associates long ago before I complain of all the various companies and lawyesr he is in bed with. Title 18 in the USA will make all the lawyers fall on their own sword.

Hell even you guys claim the merits of the internet and email is just as efective as the US Mail in the litigation process. Ask
Frank Quatronne or Martha Stewart about that before you disagree. Bill Gates' lawyer offered no comment so I sent that bastard US Mail just to rub it in.

IF you think I am pissed off you are right. Brian Mulroney could have easily stopped the distruction of my Clan's beloved Beach House but he would
rather have stood with his corrupt friends than me. Or is it simpler than that? Did Mulroney just want his peice of the action in the fraudulent Real Estate transaction by Coldwell Bankers because he thought I had no hope of
stopping it myself? We all know how Mulroney loves money. Airplane deals proved that.

What say you J. Serge Sasseville do you stand with your boss and his peers or me? I know Lavoie will hang with Mulroney until the bitter end. Perhaps you may wish to confer with Martine Turcotte or Robert C. Pozen,
they have just received the most recent hard copy of material. Proof of my contact with Mulroney can be found within the stuff if perchance he tries to call me a liar. There is still time for you three folks to act in a ethical
manner and uphold the law according to the Rules of Professional Conduct.

After Sept 3rd your are too late. that is the day Massachusetts Trail Court tries to call me a criminal and I demand a jury of my peers.

This is not an offer to settle before I file mycomplaints. That came along ago to Mulroney and his buddies. Now I lookforward to arguing the bastard or any lawyer he chooses to send against me. I had offered to settle with BCE before I complained of them but the deal was off the instant they tried to puill a fast one in an effort to delay me in the hope no doubt that some bad acting Yankee might put a stop to me when I return to the USA.

Their silence since has spoken volumes. Martine should have contacted me the instant ATV got the hard copy like i told her they would. I will forward you some of our email exhange so that we may all get to know each other quite
well. these emails will be forwarded to many others but I ain't telling you who. My next emails come byway of Yahoo as a double check in case you choose
to block me.

Say hey to Mulroney for me and I will try to say hey to Kerry for you. Maybe Ms. Turcotte will share with you what she knows about Kerry and Mulroney will tell her what he knows about William Cohen and why he quit Cendant Corp so fast. Maybe Joe Day will tell you about Barack Obama and me.
I am about to tell Obama about Day. Turn about is fair play. Obama used my stuff against Senators Edwards and Kerry to become a big wig in Beantown
last month.

I can use a Senator from Canada to take the wind out of his sails the following month. An Alliance dude once called Sun Media a bunch of
scumbags. I would have to agree and laugh because it was a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Cya'll in Court :)
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton MA. 02186

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: moto maniac
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 10:00 PM
Subject: Fw: Ron Show this to Joyce this is too funny

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: Romina Sestito
Cc: cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; tor_news@tor.sunpub.com ; martine.turcotte@bell.ca ; corp.website@sunlife.com ; kcarmichael@bloomberg.net ; davies.carl@nbpub.com ; news@timestranscript.com ; oldmaison@yahoo.com ; nbombud@gnb.ca ; advocacycollective@yahoo.com ; brad.green@gnb.ca ; dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca ; dan.bussieres@gnb.ca ; slevin@mail.house.gov ; Layton.J@parl.gc.ca ; Efford.J@parl.gc.ca ; Easter.W@parl.gc.ca ; Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca ; scotta@parl.gc.ca ; Brison.S@parl.gc.ca ; davidorchard@sasktel.net ; rosent@math.toronto.edu ; Comartin.J@parl.gc.ca ; pm@pm.gc.ca ; Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca ; Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca ; Valeri.T@parl.gc.ca ; Dosanjh.U@parl.gc.ca ; randall.shafer@comcast.net ; cei@nbnet.nb.ca ; Moore.R@parl.gc.ca ; alltrue@nl.rogers.com ; caomc@nb.aibn.com ; jeffrey.rudman@wilmerhale.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 8:56 PM
Subject: Ron Show this to Joyce this is too funny


What are you trying to do sucker me? I am telling my own tale in court. I am suing your company, Bell Canada. Get it?

May I suggest that you talk to your own lawyer, Martine Turcotte and decide what planet you all come from. I just got out of a jail after being put there by the bastards your lawyers assisted to cover up the crimes practiced against me. Discuss my troubles with Robert C, Pozen or Martine Turcotte not me.

If you or any of your company wish to communicate with me, address your concerns to my attorney, Joyce Richardson. Turcotte should have her number.

If Sunlife ain't figured it out yet as to why I am about to sue them. They had best check with Jeff Carp about the stuff I sent him at MFS and his prior association with Hale and Dorr. Jeff Rudman would be good fella to start with but defintely not the last within the aforesaid law firm.

David R. Amos

----- Original Message -----
From: Romina Sestito
To: 'David Amos'
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 4:01 PM
Subject: RE: My turn to tell a tale.

Dear David,

I would like to thank you for your recent email to W-FIVE. We review every story idea that we receive and give it serious consideration.

At W-FIVE we have a limited number of stories to complete in a year, and although we do not plan to pursue your suggestion at this time, your letter will remain on file for consideration at a later date.

We do feel your story is an important one and we appreciate your input.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos mailto:motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 1980 2:07 PM
To: W-Five@ctv.ca
Cc: bcecomms@bce.ca; oldmaison@yahoo.com
Subject: My turn to tell a tale.

I think is time to let a little something out of the bag for the benefit of a few Maritimers who think they know something about the Media.I did notify CBC, the Rogers crowd and Harry Steele's folks that I knew a little bit about the Media and that I had written a book about it. Problem is I need an editor and I believe I may have found one.He comes in the form of a disenchanted newspaper man. But the thing is I want to put it on the web for all to read for free so there is no money in it for him. So I guess I wiil sue some big company with a Prima Facia complaint and settle for a lesser amount out of court. Lets just say I am looking hard at you dudes. I had zeroed in on the Yankee media long ago and I am certain folks within the Ottawa Citizen and Democracy Watch had checked my work(Hey Duff say hey to Dan for me) I have crossed paths with many of Globemedia's people many times for many reasons and I can easily prove it.

What I haven't bothered to tell them that I knew the reason Gobal etc never mentioned me was Frank McKenna and the Irving influence because basically that was a no brainer anyway. However If Globemedia and all their cohorts didn't think I knew about the influence Robert Pozen in Boston, you had best think again. then give Mr. Spitzer, Mr. Galvin, Mr. Shelby and Mr. Donaldson a call and drop my name along with Mr. Nesters and Mr. Koski's and tell them my stuff is off to the Arar Commission I am heading back to the USA to call Mr. Pozen and many folks he calls friends to court. Perhaps in Ottawa Bill Rowe will truly speak for the common man after all if the worm turns on his buddies. How do you people sleep at night? What say you? Why not get honest with the world and I will settle cheap?

I will give one of your lawyers something real soon before I serve Mr. Pozen his just due byway of this lawyer

Jeffrey N Carp
MFS Investment Management
500 Boylston Street
Boston MA 02116-3741

Perhaps he should call Putnam investments or the Brookline Savings bank and say hey to Mr Chapman and Mr Tripp for me. I just called Bob Pozen at 617 954-5707 and introduced myself so that he can never say that he never heard my name.

MFS set to agree to second settlement

00:00 EST Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Sun Life Financial Inc.'s Boston-based mutual fund arm will agree to a $50-million (U.S.) settlement today with U.S. regulators over allegations the firm directed trading commissions to brokerages in exchange for preferential treatment, according to people familiar with the matter.
Sources said Massachusetts Financial Services Co. will announce a deal with the Securities and Exchange Commission this morning that will also include "compliance reforms," in addition to a token $1 disgorgement penalty.
Eric Morse, a spokesman for MFS, declined to comment. A spokesman for the SEC refused to discuss any talks with the firm.

The embattled fund company is hoping this settlement will enable it to move beyond the intense public and regulatory scrutiny it has endured in the past several months.

In early February, MFS agreed to a $350-million settlement with the SEC and New York State Attorney-General Eliot Spitzer for allegedly permitting improper trades in some of its bigger funds. That figure included $225-million in penalties and restitution to investors, along with $125-million in fee reductions spread out over the next five years.

The fallout within MFS, which manages about $140-billion in assets, was also considerable. Its two highest-ranking officials -- chief executive officer John Ballen and president Kevin Parke -- were each fined and slapped with temporary suspensions by the SEC, leading to their departures from the firm. Long-serving chairman Jeffrey Shames also retired in the aftermath of MFS's problems, and was replaced by Robert Pozen, formerly a senior executive at Fidelity Investments and onetime associate general counsel at the SEC.

Mr. Pozen has been charged with cleaning up the mess, and tightening the firm's internal controls.

He has already hired new legal and compliance officers, added monitoring staff, and imposed a ban on so-called "soft dollar" transactions. The firm also prohibited the practice of directing trading fees to brokerages in exchange for being placed on a preferred list of customers and receiving better visibility for its funds.

This latter arrangement, known in industry circles as "pay for play," is at the centre of MFS's pending settlement with the SEC. Sources said the current settlement talks advanced fairly quickly because of the voluntary compliance improvements MFS has undertaken.

In a recent interview with The Globe and Mail, Mr. Pozen attacked the basis of the regulator's case as "very weak" and said it should have raised this as a problem when it conducted audits of the company.
Nevertheless, he said he hoped to settle the matter quickly, in large part to avoid a costly legal battle and prevent nervous investors from pulling their money out of MFS funds. So far, the damage has been contained to one major client, the Illinois Teachers Retirement System, which fired MFS last month as lead manager on a $664-million portfolio.

The SEC is investigating about a dozen other fund companies for directed brokerage, although sources say MFS will settle individually, rather than as part of a group.

Last fall, brokerage powerhouse Morgan Stanley agreed to pay $50-million to settle charges it failed to tell investors it was promoting funds with which the firm had a special arrangement. Morgan Stanley had a "Partners Program" of 14 funds, including MFS, that paid "substantial" fees in return for the brokerage steering their funds to investors, the SEC claimed.

The regulator indicated a few months ago it would begin investigating a number of fund companies for directing commissions, but did not say which firms it would target.

Sun Life revealed in a filing that MFS was under investigation for this practice just a couple of weeks after its first settlement with the SEC and Mr. Spitzer. The news came as a surprise to most observers, some of whom criticized the insurer's CEO, Donald Stewart, for not disclosing this probe earlier.

MFS is hoping to recoup some of the $175-million it must repay investors under the terms of the first settlement by suing firms and individuals that engaged in market timing and late trading of its funds. Market timing involves making frequent trades in and out of funds in order to cash in on minor pricing discrepancies. It is not illegal, but is usually prohibited by many fund companies, since the quick trading can raise administrative costs and undermine returns to investors.

----- Original Message -----
From: R. S. Webb
To: Amos David
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 12:50 AM
Subject: Fw: possble story

----- Original Message -----
From: R. S. Webb
To: Amos David
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 9:15 PM
Subject: Fw: possble story

----- Original Message -----
From: W-FIVE Viewer Mail
To: 'R. S. Webb'
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 3:03 PM
Subject: RE: possble story

Dear Mr. Amos,

I would like to thank you for your email to W-FIVE, sorry for the delay in responding.

We review every email and story idea that we receive here at W-FIVE and give it serious consideration. Your email has been forwarded to our executive and senior producer for review. If we are interested in pursuing your idea further, you will be contacted by one of our researchers.

Thanks again for your input. Your interest in our program is much appreciated.

Production Coordinator

-----Original Message-----
From: R. S. Webb
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 2:28 PM
To: W-FIVE@ctv.ca
Subject: possble story

I am a Canadian Citizen who thus far, as a plaintiff, has two Lawsuits in the US District Court of Massachucetts they are numbered 02-11686- RGS and 02-11687-RGS. They were removed to that Court from the Norfolk Superior Court by the US Attorney Michael J. Sullivan very improperly. However they shall remain there because of my status as a Canandian Citizen. Judge Sterns has not even held a Conference about the matters because he likely does not want to hear the matter because I have presented all Members of the Bar with their worst fear of a catch 22 problem. Accordinging to law he is late. I have complained of 47 defendants 34 of whom are State Defendants( the Attorney General, The Commission of Judicial Conduct Board of Bar Overseers etc) and 3 are Federal Treasury Agents.

Some of the defendants are over two months late in their answer to the Summons. The smallest suit amounts to 188 million dollars in the form of relief. There is a lot to these matters and too much to briefly explain. But in a nutshell my wife's Aunt, who is buried beside Rose Kennedy, left my wife some money. It was stolen by her relatives in executing the estate. No news there. But the crooks are very well connected politically and every part of the old crony network in Boston covered for them.

The crook and our cousin, Charles J. Kickham Jr of the Kickham Law Office on Beacon St, has been past President of Bar Associations. He has sat on the Board of Governors of Harvard Law School etc. I have given much information to many members of the press who have simply ignored some interesting facts. What should be somewhat newsworthy is how far a wild colonial boy has come in prosecuting Pro Se the most profund Yankee carpetbaggers.

My next two lawsuits Under title 18 are wickedly righteous. I have left one copy of much information in Saint John New Brunswick at a lawyer's Office, Mosher and Chedore 33 Charlotte St if some one wishes to view them. I can be reached at this Cell number 506 434- 1379

David R. Amos

Canadian Media Deregulation Provides Insight Into FCC Proposal

Critics of consolidation say the integrity of the news is being undermined by the effects of concentrated ownership

Editor's Note: This story has been updated to correct inaccuracies. Please see the corrected version here.
The original version of this story (see below) posted on May 29, 2003 incorrectly stated that Canada's two national newspapers, The Globe and Mail and the National Post, recently laid off their online editorial staffs. According to globeandmail.com editor Angus Frame, there have been no recent editorial layoffs at globeandmail.com; the site's 18-person staff continues to write and edit stories that are published exclusively online. The National Post did not have dedicated online editorial staff, and did not have online editorial layoffs. The story also failed to acknowledge that the country's largest newspaper, the Toronto Star, also has a significant online operation.
The Federal Communications Commission is poised to unveil new media ownership rules June 2 that some experts believe may change the face of American journalism.
The new rules would allow media companies to own television stations and newspapers in the same cities.
The FCC barred companies from owning newspapers and TV stations in the same market in 1975, but big media owners like the Tribune Co., Knight Ridder, MediaNews Group and the New York Times say it's time to lift that ban.
They argue that cross-ownership makes for better journalism: Staffers working for companies that own newspapers and TV stations in the same market can work together to create richer, multimedia news reports that can then run in the company's paper and on their stations and Web sites.
Advocates say the synergies of convergence lead to cost savings, increased advertising revenues and greater efficiencies.
Cross-ownership already exists in some markets: The FCC granted about 40 exemptions to the cross-ownership rule in cases where a company already had television or radio stations and a newspaper in a single city. The FCC also granted exemptions in larger markets after media mergers produced cross-ownership situations.
'The concentration of ownership in a lot of major Canadian cities is of interest for a lot reasons, but mainly because it provides too much news coming through one pipeline.'
--Russ Mills, former publisher of the Ottawa Citizen
The Tribune Co., for example, owns television stations and newspapers in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and Miami.
How further media consolidation and convergence would play out if the FCC does lift the ban on cross-ownership has been the subject of hot debate in the weeks leading up to the commission's June 2 vote.
Experts familiar with the rapid consolidation of media in Canada say the U.S. should look northward for some lessons on what loosening cross-ownership restrictions could mean to journalism in the U.S.
In Canada, the deregulation of cross-media ownership occurred gradually over the last 20 years. Within the past eight years, it has led to massive consolidation of media companies.
Most of Canada's news media -- including newspapers and broadcast stations in all of its major cities -- are in the hands of two media giants: CanWest Global Communications Inc., and Bell Globemedia -- a division of the country's largest telephone company, Bell Canada.
The rapid media consolidation in Canada has inspired an often-acrimonious debate over whether Canadian journalists are able to report objectively on social and political issues and whether the country's corporate media has allowed business interests to undermine the role of journalism in a modern democracy.
"Based on the experience in Canada, dropping restrictions on cross-ownership certainly hasn't worked out well," said Russ Mills, former publisher of the Ottawa Citizen in Canada's capital city, who was fired by CanWest in a fight over editorial independence.
"The concentration of ownership in a lot of major Canadian cities is of interest for a lot of reasons, but mainly because it provides too much news coming through one pipeline," he said. "When companies use ownership to control the news, and they do have the ability to do so, it hurts everyone."
Though the two media conglomerates said cross-media consolidation would improve online journalism, many media observers say online journalism at local papers has gone downhill in the wake of consolidation.
The country's two national newspapers, the National Post, half-owned by CanWest, and The Globe and Mail, owned by Bell Canada's media wing, Globemedia, have laid off the online reporters and editors at the two papers that once produced copy separate from print editions.
The two papers, former online staffers said, were the only ones in Canada that were doing something other than simply repurposing content from newspaper pages into newspaper Web sites.
Executives at Bell Globemedia and CanWest have defended the cutbacks, saying they were a result of cost-cutting efforts and consolidations undertaken after spending billions of dollars to acquire newspaper and broadcasting properties.

Consolidation accelerated in 1990s
Canada's restrictions on cross-media ownership were carved largely from regulatory decisions on broadcasting licenses made since the 1950s by the Canadian Radio-Television Commission -- Canada's version of the FCC.
By the mid-1980s, Canadian media experts say, exceptions to cross-media ownership rules had eroded the cross-ownership ban to the point that it was unenforcable and largely ignored.
By the mid-1990s, consolidation of Canadian media companies had accelerated on the strength of dot.com economics. And in 2000, CanWest, the second largest broadcaster in the country, announced a $3.5-billion deal to purchase a majority of the nation's newspapers -- including papers in the nation's 12 largest cities.
Within weeks, Jean Monty, Bell Canada's CEO at the time, announced that Canada's largest phone company had set its sights on owning both content and the multimedia pipelines into consumers' homes.
The decision prompted Bell Globemedia to purchase the Globe and Mail and the nation's largest TV network, CTV, in 2001.
Despite the rising consolidation of media outlets, the massive purchases of newspapers by CanWest Global and Bell Globemedia took many Canadian journalists and media-watchers by surprise.
CanWest and Bell executives convinced Canada's CRTC that convergence was necessary to attract advertising revenue and reduce costs if newspapers in many Canadian communities were to survive. And they promised that resources from new revenues would be devoted to improving the quality and reach of journalism through the Internet.
When questions about convergence arose during CRTC hearings on both companies' broadcast licenses shortly after their newspaper purchases, they promised regulators that they would separate management of news-gathering operations by their television stations and newspapers.
Officials from the Canada National Newspaper Guild complained that keeping management separate would not prevent companies from forcing journalists to perform work for both newspapers and television, to the detriment of journalistic independence.
Critics -- including journalism professors, journalists, newspaper and broadcast union officials, and some government officials -- have argued that the quality of journalism has gone down, not up, as a result of convergence.
Joyce Smith, an assistant professor at Canada's Ryerson University, teaches online journalism and worked on the online staff at the Globe and Mail before those employees were laid off last year.
She said the one opportunity to see convergence succeed might have been missed by Bell Globemedia in its efforts to cut costs to recoup some of what it spent on media acquisitions.
"What I found interesting was that the actual idea of convergence wasn't a hit with people working with just the newspaper or just television," Smith said. "Where it really happened was with the online news team. There were things the TV folks could clearly do much better with the online newspaper. By pooling resources, it all did work much better.
"But in the tradition of journalism," she said, "reporters were asking, 'What does this mean for me? Does it mean that I have to file stories to the Web and then do stand-ups in newsroom, while doing my piece for the deadline at the end of the day?'
"Basically, (owners) wanted reporters to be one-man bands," Smith said. "That has been played and replayed here. It made sense from a business model, but journalists, especially those who have been around for a while, went into newspapers and TV for a reason. Some are great at doing both, but not everyone has the same aptitude. And no one has the time in the day to do it all. Some of the expectations were outrageous."
Canada reexamining changes
While U.S. media critics and media executives have been testifying over the past few weeks in Senate hearings on the proposed changes in the FCC's media ownership rules, Canada is busy reexamining what has come of its own cross-media consolidations.
Two inquiries are underway by Canadian government officials to explore the impact of cross-media ownership and consolidation on journalistic integrity and media responsibility.
The Canadian Senate's Committee on Transport and Communication began taking testimony at the end of April on those issues and is expected to report its findings within the next year.
A House of Commons committee on Canadian heritage is expected to release an 800-page report next month on its own yearlong investigation into the impact of media concentration and political efforts by corporations to ease restrictions on foreign ownership of Canadian media.
But media-watchers, who have a ringside seat on Canada's great media debate, say they are doubtful that government investigations will produce any new regulation on media conglomerates.
"The horse is out of the barn," said Arnold Amber, director of the National Newspaper Guild of Canada. "But the good news is that this has at least inspired a vigorous national debate on press freedom and responsibility."
Amber and other critics of media convergence said promises of more stories and better information from combining print and broadcast news staffs have largely failed in Canada.
"Bell Globemedia is talking about restructuring and selling off its media wing," Amber said. "The failure of convergence to bring in revenues was primarily responsible for the resignation of Bell Canada's CEO, Jean Monty," who stepped down in April 2002.
Geoffrey Elliot, vice-president of corporate affairs for CanWest, said that convergence has not led to revenues, or the reduced costs, the company had hoped for.
But Elliot, and other supporters of cross-media ownership, argues that all sides have benefited from consolidation.
"We are a family-owned business that saw an opportunity in which the whole was greater than the sum of the parts," Elliot said. "We saw substantial potential synergies on the sales side by putting television and newspaper assets together, since they both serve primarily advertising clients as sources of revenue, and serve a combination of local and national markets."
Amber said the companies likely saw their primary financial advantages from a convergence of back-office technologies -- combining circulation, sales, printing and management operations.
But it was something else that brought issues to a head in Canada over media consolidation and sharing newsroom resources: The loss of diversity of voices within the Canadian media took on new importance, observers say, after a series of events that led to accusations of censorship and political bias by CanWest's owners.
In December 2001, CanWest -- which owns 11 major dailies and 22 smaller papers in Canada -- issued a directive to its newspaper editors that they would be expected to run three editorials per week that reflected the position of CanWest's owners on political or social issues.
The decision was met with a spate of criticism -- especially when editors were told that other local editorials were not to contradict those from corporate headquarters.
A byline strike ensued at the Montreal Gazette, and inquiries by the newspaper guild there led to findings that work by columnists and cartoonists was spiked when it conflicted with opinions from corporate headquarters.
Several journalists quit; some staffers published a protest Web site.
The furor finally boiled over into the public arena last June when Russ Mills, the publisher of the Ottawa Citizen, was fired by CanWest for running a series of stories and an editorial that outlined alleged political and financial irregularities in the administration of Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien.
Elliot, the CanWest vice president, said the controversy arose because Mills failed to let CanWest's owners know in advance of the series or the editorial -- which called on Chretien, a friend of CanWest patriarch Israel Asper, to resign.
Mills said he had not sought permission for either the investigative series, or the editorial, because he believed in preserving "editorial independence."
The problem, Mills said, was that the new owners were trying to dictate local editorial policy from corporate headquarters.
Elliot described the concern over attempts at a national editorial policy -- which has since been largely abandoned -- as a tempest without substance.
He said CanWest's owners were "well within their rights to propose national editorials," and that their actions were no different that those of other newspaper ownership groups prior to media consolidation.
"There has never been any effort to control what was published in news stories," he said.
Since his firing, Mills has become an outspoken critic of media consolidation in Canada, and he testified in April before the Canadian Senate committee conducting media hearings. He was also awarded a Neiman Fellowship at Harvard University and is the incoming dean of the journalism program at Algonquin College in Ottawa.
Meanwhile, Mills' firing prompted a public opinion poll by Canada's largest media union that found that the incident had caused the public to lose confidence in the media's editorial independence.
The results, union officials said, showed that Canadians were concerned about press freedom and wanted the government to look into problems associated with media concentration.
Peter Murdock, then vice-president of the communications union, told Canada Newswire that the poll "demonstrates that Canadians want their journalists protected from the whims and prejudice of media barons. It is a grim warning to media corporations and government that Canadians believe that the very integrity of the news that feeds our democracy is being undermined by the effects of concentrated media ownership."
It is clear that online journalism at Canada's newspapers has changed dramatically under CanWest's corporate control.
The company replaced independent newspaper Web sites with a common site, Canada.com, which allows consumers to access local news by clicking on the community they are interested in.
Elliot said community news on the Web site comes from local newspapers and television stations, and said that consolidating that information on a single Web site provides consumers better access to local news across the country -- as well as reduces costs.
Bruce MacCormack, former head of interactive media at CanWest, said supplementing newspaper and television content with a common Web site has made access to news more efficient and allowed the corporation to serve consumers better.
"The consumers of online media ... were also television viewers and newspaper readers, and at different points in the day, different media were the best way to reach those people," MacCormack said.
"Someone watching television in the evening could be told about stories being developed for the next day's newspaper, which is read on the commuter train as people go to work," he said. "Then, during working hours, the Internet was the most effective way to get them up to date on news, and tease them for television use at night."
"These were handoff mechanisms that worked to reach people, so consumers and the public were able to access services in the most appropriate media, for whatever method they could best be served."
CanWest recently filed testimony with the FCC to support the relaxation of cross-media regulations in the U.S. That testimony challenges media critics on their central objections to cross-media ownership.
"Today's media market is the richest and most diverse in the history of modern media," the document says. "Cross-ownership has strengthened media companies and encouraged greater diversity and more sources of information.
"Experience," it adds, "simply does not support the contention of some opponents of cross-media ownership, that consumers would have access to fewer point of view, or would see only repackaged versions of the same content across multimedia platforms."
Smith, the Ryerson professor -- despite her criticisms of the handling of online media opportunities in Canada -- said she sees differences between media ownership consolidation in Canada and in the United States.
"In the U.S., because of the size of the market, the chance of one or two owners gobbling up everything, I think, would be less than in Canada," she said. "But there is some caution in that.
"If you are thinking about journalists, there are wonderful things about operating in a converged environment. It was really exciting thinking we could potentially have video, and it may be good for news consumers in the sense that (online video) will be a faster way of converging types of media.
"But you get a lot of the same stuff. There is no alternative. You are going to lose some (editorial) voices in the process."
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 10:26 PM
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#25 - Phil Fontaine
Here's a brief rundown of life for an aboriginal living on a First Nation in Canada.

The life expectancy is 7 years lower for aboriginals than other Canadians. The suicide rate for young women is eight times higher than the national rate and five times higher for young men.

Aboriginal people are more likely than other Canadians to have hearing, sight and speech disabilities.

62% of First Nations people say alcohol abuse is a problem on First Nations and 48% say drug abuse is an issue. Solvent abuse which by comparison is almost non-existent in the non-aboriginal population is rampant among aboriginal youth particularly in isolated communities.
Poverty is incredible for a wealthy country like Canada. Although comparisons to a Third World country may be a slight stretch, on some First Nations it’s not far from the truth.

Yet there are two solitudes. With rare exception on First Nations there is virtually no middle class. There are the haves and the have-nots. If your family happens to be in power, life is good, if not you’re often out of luck. Most are out of luck.

Clearly the system as it stands doesn’t work. The problem is no one really wants to fix it and while governments obviously have a responsibility so does the aboriginal leadership. However significant change doesn’t seem to be on the menu.

Which brings me to Phil Fontaine, the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations.

Fontaine is often the public face on a host of native issues in Canada. He is the leader voted for by the Chiefs to assist on a host of issues. However he’s not delivering much in the way of leadership. His solution to all of these problems? Throw money at it without offering any other changes.

In this interview with Canada AM’s Beverly Thomson, at least he was honest that that is all he’s looking for.

Fontaine : But we’ve been severely under-funded now for the last decade, uh, there’s ...

Thomson: But it can’t be that money is the only answer. I mean, when you talk about the billions of dollars that have already been committed and spent. Some would say though that the issue is more accountability and transparency. It can’t all be about money if the situation isn’t getting any better.

Fontaine: But it … it is about money. In fact there’s a myth about the 9 billion dollars that’s allocated by the federal government for aboriginal people. Actually, 5.4 – only 5.4 billion of that 9 billion – actually is delivered or transferred to … as grants and contributions to First Nations governments. And that represents … because we’ve operated with a 2% cap for the last decade, that represents a loss of, in real dollar terms over this decade, of 14 billion dollars. That’s a significant issue of under funding First Nation governments, and …

Thomson: But even if it is under funded, 5.4 billion dollars still. Where are the improvements? Where did the money go?

Good question but Fontaine really doesn’t have any answers, however that isn't stopping him from demanding billions anyway.

While he does that anger continues to rise on First Nations regarding the current situation. Illegal blockade after illegal blockade, and threats of violence and sometimes real violence.

Fontaine has further stoked those fires calling for a national day of action on June 29 of this year against the federal budget. What does that mean? Fontaine says he is not calling for cross-country blockades, but many First Nations are already planning just that, possibly targeting key infrastructure, from rails to roads. That type of action should be condemned but Fontaine is staying virtually silent.

That type of confrontational stance is one many aboriginal people have realized over the past several years just isn’t productive. More often than not it ends up turning off non-native supporters putting the brakes on any progress.

A solution is a joint one. A willingness by non-native governments to work with First Nations and provide the necessary tools to effect real change. At the same time there needs to be a willingness in native communities to want to change and accept personal responsibility for making those changes take place. There also needs to be a native leadership that recognizes those things so that life can be made better for their own people. That's type of accountability is something Phil Fontaine and far too many First Nations Chiefs have either forgotten or choose to ignore. Throwing only money at the problem clearly isn’t the answer…neither is illegally blocking roads but it does screw up Canada.
Posted by Spinks on Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 6:31 PM | Permalink
The money goes the same places that our community funding goes: To pay the Council, staff and local services such as roads, water, etc. and for them also education, health, and other necessities.

Do the math!
$5.4b for 633 First Nations is an average of $8.5m for each community, though it varies according to population.

Six Nations, the largest reserve in Canada with over 20,000 residents has a budget of $60m.

Caledonia right next door with only 10,000 people has a budget of $75m.

Oh ... and one business at Six Nations pays $140m/yr in federal taxes, so Six Nations contributes $80m net to Canada every year.

Next time you interview someone ... do your homework first!!
Posted by granny | 11:48 PM
I agree with much of your article but you have left out much more. This whole system is messed up and is illegal. The Indian Act" is not only illegal it is paternalistic, racist and out of date.

INAC or Indian and Northern Affairs does not have a good track record to say the least. Even their name is out of date : ) .

Just recently (&this is only 1 instance) an internal document was found and I did bring this to the attention of the national chief and never heard a peep from him. http://www.newtfn.com/ridinacnow.html

A well documented article by Prof. Andrea Bear Nicholas should be taught in schools at www.newtfn.com/poverty . But will it?

According to the world bank over 80% of Indigenous live in poverty. And the biggest part you left out is that we never surrendered, ceded or sold any of our land.

If someone stole your land, polluted your air and water and tried everything in the book to silence you and keep you down wouldnt you be a little pissed off?

You're not too far from the tree.
Posted by Indigent Vagabond | 12:23 PM
Amen, Spinks! Actually, I think you're understated in your condemnation of Fontaine and his fellow leeches. As I said in my e-mail to you back in March (my real-life initials are J.H. and I live in Toronto), "In my not-so-humble opinion, an enormous chunk of what's wrong with this country is embodied in the paternalistic treatment of natives by our governments and the consequent failure of the natives to take any kind of responsibility for their own lives. I don't know which is more sickening. Beyond that, natives get to flout the laws without consequences, as politicans just wring their hands and look at their shoes. Can you imagine if a group of non-natives had occupied someone else's private property? Would they still be sitting there a year later, with off-duty police being paid overtime, not to arrest the trespassers but rather to hold back the justifiably angry local non-native population, as is currently the case in Caledonia, Ontario?" Natives need to step up to adult responsibilities and the rest of us need to stop treating them like children, including an end to tolerating their bad behaviour. As for the nonsense spouted by the commentator above who bleats that "we never surrendered, ceded or sold any of our land": history is written by the victors; you lost; get over it. Join Canadian society as fully-functioning members, with all the rights and responsibilities that entails.
Posted by Fed-Up Anglo Canadian | 10:48 AM
First off, the term "non-native" is very offenceive to me. I am a natuaral born citizen in this country, I didn't have a choice where or when I was born, as didn't any 'Indian/Native/First nation' citizen of this country. I am JUST as native of this country as any of them. Get over it!

Second, The billions of dollars spent on the 'indian problem' is a problem that rests solely on the native leadership. They have turned the whole process into a money-laundering scam, where-by "they" control the monies, and are in charge of how it is distributed.

They have fought tooth-and-nail to be exempt from any kind of financial accountability, and that is because they don't want anybody to catch them stealing from their own people, Why else would they be so affraid of Bill 63, the proposed law removing the exemption of native's living on reserves from filing complaints to the Human Right Council? With that abhorent exemption removed, the individual citizens of the worst First Nations can legally 'go after' their very own chiefs that have been lining their own pockets at the expense of the very people that the federal monies are supposed to be helping.

You can't tell me, or anybody else that can count higher than 10, that 9 billion dollars per year hasn't started to make a very visible difference in the lives of the natives of this country.

If any small community, hamlet or village anywhere had that kind of bottemless pit of money given to it, there would be gold-plated fire hydrants and community centre on every corner. The 'catch' would be that those same small towns and villages would have to NOT be admisitrated by an Indian Chief and council.

I live daily among Natives at the Reserve level....I see it everyday. The nepotism is rampant; the graft, corruption and individual greed-lust is highly visible. Travel to far-off places for 'conferrences and meetings' is wasting huge sums of money that is needed for improved housing and economic developement.

Anybody that has any doubts as to what I am saying.....do a Google-search for a heredity Chief from the Osoyoos, BC Indian Band named Clarence Louie. Wanna see what the other 'alternative' can be?.... Chief Louie sets an example for all First Nations everywhere. He took over a Band that was bankrupt, rampant with all the usual social ill's that are common throughout Canada. The Osoyoos Band is now a Fortune 500 "company to watch" Mr Louie is also a frequent speaker at these infamous native gatherings and he doesn't pull his punches when it comes to telling his peers what the problens are, and what needs to be done to fix them. Go ahead, I DARE you!
Posted by arctic_front | 2:03 PM
Indians with power over their peers speak with mean forked tongues just like my fellow white men who are cops or lawyers or politicians or priests or bankers do. In my humble opinion they deserve each other. It is the ordinary Indian folk like me that I pity because they should lean not to trust their spokepersons. This greedy glory seeking woman and my former Yankee lawyer are fine examples.

"David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com, lisa.carrier@international.gc.ca, oec-bce@parl.gc.ca, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, police@fredericton.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, cityadmin@fredericton.ca, bill.corby@gnb.ca, Sandra.Conlin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, orakwa@paulcomm.ca, "Hon.Jim Prentice, Q.C., M.P." prentice.j@parl.gc.ca, "Andy Scott, M.P" scotta@parl.gc.ca, MacKay.P@parl.gc.ca, nicho.r@parl.gc.ca, info@web.resist.ca, kahentinetha2@yahoo.com, Katenies20@yahoo.com, timpila99@yahoo.com, fabienpeters_355@msn.com, michael.rowan.book@gmail.com, mtigar@wcl.american.edu, BBACHRACH@bowditch.com, delaney_bruce@hotmail.com, rburnett@leonardpeltier.org, mranfinson@aol.com, cartercamp@megapipe.net, george@haveyouthought.com
CC: Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Graham.B@parl.gc.ca, andrew.holland@nb.aibn.com, caseyb@parl.gc.ca, warren.tolman@hklaw.com, howiecarr@wrko.com, barnicle@969fmtalk.com, cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, cotlei@parl.gc.ca, Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us, Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, fbinhct@leo.gov, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, Linda.Dorcenaforry@state.ma.us, kelly.ayotte@doj.nh.gov
Subject: Re: Fwd: This was not pleasant at all
From: "fabien peters" mrecho@rogers.blackberry.net
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2007 23:38:10 +0000 GMT

Listen buster I do not know what the fuck your problem is but I have bigger issues I have to deal

If you can not show respect with your fucking attitude then do not bother me. I do not know who you are and you do not know who I am and maybe we should keep it like that for now because I really do not have any patience with anyone that has not respect with others especially wiith my People.

You have your personel issues to deal with and I wish luck, in the meantime leave me out of your circus, this is not a game for us.


Ps; my husband does not appreciate your attitude towards me or my position buster.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2007 16:07:36
To:fabien peters mrecho@rogers.blackberry.net,
oec-bce@parl.gc.ca, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca,
Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, police@fredericton.ca,
cityadmin@fredericton.ca, bill.corby@gnb.ca,
orakwa@paulcomm.ca, Prentice.J@parl.gc.ca,scotta@parl.gc.ca,MacKay.P@parl.gc.ca,nicho.r@parl.gc.ca, info@web.resist.ca,
kahentinetha2@yahoo.com, Katenies20@yahoo.com,timpila99@yahoo.com,fabienpeters_355@msn.com,
michael.rowan.book@gmail.com, mtigar@wcl.american.edu, BBACHRACH@bowditch.com,
mranfinson@aol.com, cartercamp@megapipe.net, george@haveyouthought.com,
Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, derek.strong@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,Roger.Gillies@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,John.DeWinter@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca,
oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca,premier@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca,
t.j.burke@gnb.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca,jonesr@cbc.ca,whistleblower@ctv.ca,
tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com,dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com
Cc:Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Graham.B@parl.gc.ca,
scotta@parl.gc.ca, caseyb@parl.gc.ca,
howiecarr@wrko.com, barnicle@969fmtalk.com,
wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, fbinhct@leo.gov,
bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca,
day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca,
Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca,
moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca,
Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca,
Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca,
Linda.Dorcenaforry@state.ma.us, kelly.ayotte@doj.nh.gov,
jbarthelmes@safety.state.nh.us,rep.paul@mail.house.gov, info@massgop.com,
wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, HistorysMsStory@aol.com,
dhill@leonardpeltier.org, trellenwood@leonardpeltier.org, ironlodgesky@charter.net
Subject: Re: Fwd: This was not pleasant at all

Yankees should not try to talk of respect to me when you folks know nothing of it. As far as Canadian Indians go, if you think your plate is full, Lady, you should see mine sometime. Hell it
was really quite funny to me when the bureaucrats in Amherst locked you out of the very building built to serve you.

Why do you think i included you in the circus after you ignosed my personal contact? You had lots of time to call me before that shit went down in Amherst and I could have given you the key.

Simply put you don't want to know me because my shit is too heavy and you think me amonstous loser and don't want involved. You certainly talked tough on the phone though and when you claimed that you may find yourself in jail
soon, I liked you style and said so. But then talk ischeap EH Lady?

So I proved to you that I am as
serious as hell about my concerns byway ofintroducing you to many others. Jimmy Prentice is of course at the top of the list with Andy Scott comingin a close second.

I will send some of you Indians in two countries Hard Copy of some of my material. Then and you crooks can have a lawyer find sometime to
talk to me with respect someday in court.

Cya'll in Court or hell C'est La Meme chose N'est Pas? in the "Mean" time I will leave you
in the dark as you request. Get your info about my doings from the Mail or other indians or the
lawyers Barry Bachrach or Jimmy Prentice. Say your expression Hoka Hey to them for me will ya?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2007 14:47:22 -0700
From: george@haveyouthought.com
Subject: RE: Fwd: This was not pleasant at all
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com:
Will you please respect my wishes and remove me from your email listings please.

The shear volume of your emails takes up a great deal of my small email capacity and is beginning to block other emails from coming in that I need to receive for my business. I'd appreciate your respect in this matter.
Thanks in advance,


fabien peters mrecho@rogers.blackberry.net

I have to much on my plate right now So please do not send anymore

Thank you
Fabien peters

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2007 14:37:21
To:fabien peters
Subject: Re: Fwd: This was not pleasant at all

How come you did not call me back?

fabien peters wrote:

Could you please stop sending email to me its to much email for me
Thank you,
Fabien peters

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2007 13:43:07
oec-bce@parl.gc.ca, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca,
Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, police@fredericton.ca,
carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, cityadmin@fredericton.ca,
bill.corby@gnb.ca, Sandra.Conlin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, orakwa@paulcomm.ca,
Prentice.J@parl.gc.ca, scotta@parl.gc.ca,
MacKay.P@parl.gc.ca, nicho.r@parl.gc.ca,
info@web.resist.ca, kahentinetha2@yahoo.com,
Katenies20@yahoo.com, timpila99@yahoo.com,
mtigar@wcl.american.edu, BBACHRACH@bowditch.com,
rburnett@leonardpeltier.org, mranfinson@aol.com,
samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca,
oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca,
premier@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca,
t.j.burke@gnb.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca,
jonesr@cbc.ca, whistleblower@ctv.ca,tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com,
John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com,
dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com
Cc:Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Graham.B@parl.gc.ca,
andrew.holland@nb.aibn.com, scotta@parl.gc.ca,
caseyb@parl.gc.ca, warren.tolman@hklaw.com,
howiecarr@wrko.com, barnicle@969fmtalk.com,
cotlei@parl.gc.ca, Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us,
wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, fbinhct@leo.gov,
Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com,
days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca,
jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca,
Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca,
Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca,
Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca,
Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca,
rep.paul@mail.house.gov, info@massgop.com,
info@mittromney.com, thomas.gatzunis@state.ma.us,
wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, HistorysMsStory@aol.com,
Interloch@aol.com, dhill@leonardpeltier.org,
Subject: Fwd: This was not pleasant at all

"David R. Amos" wrote: From: "David R. Amos"
To: "Bachrach, Barry A." ,
, , ,
, ,
"moto maniac"
Subject: This was not pleasant at all
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 17:50:27 -0400

But don't get mad Barry get even for Jean. It is high time for Jean to sue some of the bastards in federal court. This gets more and moreridiculous every day.

Not long after you and I talked
today. The bastards pulled into our back yard without the cops. I think they thought I was in jail
and Jean was at work. When I surprised them by being home, they kept on coming in anyway, climbed
up the side of the house and proceeded to break in while Jean was on the phone to the local Milton Cops. The cops said it was ok for them to break in because Troccoli and her buddy Kerstein saidso. However when they were inside the house, they overheard me telling the Colonel's office of the State troopers where to get off and the bastards split ASAP before finishing the job of trying to lock us out of our own home.

The DA does not want you to contact Troccoli for me. So be it. Besides I never asked you to anyway. I asked you to contact her on Jean's behalf not mine. I will sue Troccoli and Kerstein myself on my own behalf and that of my minor children. The courts treat us a separate so that is how they must deal with us from now on.. If you wish you should contact Troccoli and Kerstein on Jean's
behalf and tell them that you have beeninstructed to sue for Jean only.

However you may wish to inform them of something they no doubt already know. Their troubles
with my pending lawsuits in federal court are just beginning to unfold, They are far more serious matters than just break and enter, theft, forgey, perjury and fraud. Never forget I accurately predited the murder of the ex FBI agenet H. Paul Rico in jail and men such as David Price and his bosses know it.

Thus far you only speak for me in
defence of my criminal matter involving emails to Troccoli and you. In that matter alone I have
already been falsely imprisoned without being arrested or read my rights and thus no charges have
ever been explained to me. When I bring out my knowledge of murder and the FBI's knowledge of it as
well, Alicia McDonnell will not know what to say or do about it all. After all she got rid of the
first wiretap tapes I gave her. Didn't she? In my opinion she is now an accomplice to the cover up
of the murder of H. Paul Rico and Whitey Bulger's victims as well.

Remember my wife's uncle William J. Kickham is an ex FBI agent as well. the Bastards you see breaking into our home are doing so
because that mean old bastard paid them off to go against us. They think they can do anything they
want because he and his son belong the MASS Chiefs Association. I took on their lawyer Jack Collins last year and Colonel Foley immediately quit his job. Now I am talking on his replacement nose
to nose.

----- Original Message -----
From: Bachrach, Barry A.:
To: 'David R. Amos':
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 6:40 PM
Subject: FW:


-----Original Message-----
From: McDonnell, Alicia (SUF)
mailto:Alicia.Mcdonnell@state.ma.usSent: Monday, June 13, 2005 5:52 PM
To: Bachrach, Barry A.
Subject: RE:

Attorney Bachrach- i understand kate mcintyre
agreed to this continuance but she did so without
my consent and i would have objected- i am not
aware of the next date and will find out tomorrow
but just so you know if it is not scheduled to be
heard again in the next 30 days i will make a
motion to the court to have it moved up within 30
days- there are outstanding issues that need
immediate attention from the judge- first, the
commonwealth's motion for a competency evaluation;
second, the defendant's continuing contact of the
complaining witness in violation of the court
order; and three: the complaining witness, angela
troccoli, has informed me that she does not want to
be contacted by you or any other attorney
representing Mr. Amos.

I will contact you to discuss another date if it
is not within the next 30 days- thank you-
Alicia McDonnell

-----Original Message-----
From: Bachrach, Barry A.
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 1:56 PM
To: 'McDonnell, Alicia (SUF)'
Subject: RE:

so we're all set for tomorrow. thanks. i think
the presence of an atty will help this case.

-----Original Message-----
From: McDonnell, Alicia (SUF)
mailto:Alicia.Mcdonnell@state.ma.usSent: Monday, June 13, 2005 8:42 AM
To: Bachrach, Barry A.
Subject: RE:

Attorney Bachrach-
I am standing in for ADA McDonnell this week in
her absence. I am reading her e-mails to assist
her and saw this. If you advance and continuance
the case, we would just ask that the time be
excluded under R. 36.

Kate McIntyre

-----Original Message-----
From: Bachrach, Barry A.
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 11:25 PM
To: 'Alicia McDonnell
Cc: 'David Amos'; 'David Amos'

Alicia, since we have not been able to talk, I
feel it important that Mr. Amos have representation
in the criminal matter. Hence I will enter an
appearance Monday.however, I need to reschedule the
status hearing scheduled for 6/14 because I will
be travelling to a major hearing I have in
fargo, nd, for leonard peltier. Could you please give
me the name of the da taking your place Tuesday
so I can reschedule. Thanks, barry.

This e-mail message is generated from the law
firm of Bowditch & Dewey, LLP and contains
information that is confidential and may be privileged as
an attorney/client communication or as attorney
work product. The information is intended to be
disclosed solely to the addressee(s). If you are
not the intended recipient, be aware that any
disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the
contents of this email information is prohibited. If
you have received this email in error, please
notify the sender by return email and delete it from
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Posted by David Raymond Amos | 11:03 PM
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#26 – Conrad Black
Lots of people probably have different reasons for placing Conrad Black on a list like this one. For me there’s only one.

Black’s decision to flip off Canada.

In 1999, Black’s name was put forward for a seat among the unelected Lords in the British Parliament by then British Tory party leader William Hague.

Originally the Canadian government said it was okay if Black, a Canadian citizen, became a lord, as long as he didn’t use the title in Canada and became a British citizen, which he did in 2000.
But not long after Black was named to the British upper chamber, then Prime Minister Jean Chrétien weighed in using a rarely used power that bars Canadians from receiving foreign titles, thereby stopping Black from accepting the Lordship title.

Black fought hard through the courts. Chrétien ended up spending $170,000 taxpayer dollars to battle Black. In the end Black lost.

Was Chrétien being a petty jerk? Sure he was. While I’m kind of iffy on dual loyalties, I don’t for one minute believe that if it was a Liberal being bestowed a Lordship that Chrétien would have made a peep. Besides Liberals these days have a leader who thinks its just dandy to ask Canadians to vote for him as Prime Minister of Canada when he holds at the same time a citizenship in France.

However I digress, this entry isn’t about Jean Chrétien or Stéphane Dion, this is about Conrad Black.

When Black lost his battle, he figured he would still have the final word and he renounced his Canadian citizenship, "Having opposed for 30 years precisely the public policies that have caused scores of thousands of educated and talented Canadians to abandon their country every year, it is at least consistent that I should join this dispersal."

This was poor, poor, poor behaviour. I understand the frustration and wanting to try to stick it to Chrétien but in the end this was nothing more than the antics of a spoiled child who didn’t get his own way. For a leader in this country to think so little of his Canadian citizenship, something millions take great pride in, that he would act so selfish was to say the least unbecoming.

However it appears we might get the last laugh after all. Last year Black began the process to gain his Canadian citizenship back. As Rick Mercer said during one of his rants about the subject last year, we should let Conrad back in but, “we never ever let him forget it.”
Posted by Spinks on Monday, May 07, 2007 at 6:52 PM | Permalink
Let him back in?? Hell, no! Screw him and the horse he rode out on....
Posted by Anonymous | 10:31 PM
He only wants back in to help his case in Chicago and possibly serve his term (should he be found guilty) here in Canada.
Posted by whatigotsofar | 8:17 AM
This is an impressive list and you have done a heck of a job.

But I disagree with your comments on Black.

Scores of thousands of educated and talented Canadians have left Canada. Heck every one of the guys I did my Ph.D. with are no longer living in Canada, and have gone elsewhere for much better opportunities than what they could find in Canada.

And believe me they did try sticking around. But in the end why let your career limp along in a country that cannot use you?

Does that make them bad Canadians?

I don't blame Black one bit for leaving Canada. Chretien was a petty ass, and were I Black I would have left too.
Posted by Anonymous | 1:40 AM
Nobody in his right mind takes "pride" in Canadian citizenship. If there are such mental defectives cluttering the streets, then it's the people who let them into the country who are doing the screwing up. Meanwhile, Lord Black has been a great benefactor to this country. He's certainly never done it any harm. He's totally inappropriate here.
Posted by ebt | 1:21 PM
Whatever one thinks of Black personally, the whole business of his giving up his Canadian citizenship was phony and based upon the court's ruling that the Queen of Canada must abide by the advice of the PM of Canada even if it is silly, petty, and clearly unjust.

Black didn't give up Canada...Canada, through Chretien, gave up Black in a catch-22.
Posted by Pidd | 3:43 PM
Wow. I'm surprised to see Conrad's name here. To me that is akin to blaming the kid who is teased by a petty bully, and to everyone's surprise, ends up popping the jerk in the face. Black has been a model Canadian citizen, and behaved with amazing composure despite his sham trial in the States led by a media-seeking, self-aggrandizing Attorney General. I am sure there are many Canadians who do not take pride in being Canadian, but who certainly would prior to our failed socialist experiment.
Posted by Anonymous | 3:43 PM
Trust that i know a lot about the Black matter that many others could not. That said here is a small portion of one email email I just sent to you Spinks Baby and many of your pals. It is entitled Deja Vu N'est Pas?

OTTAWA, November 10, 2005

Right Hon. Paul Martin, P.C., M.P.
Prime Minister
Room 309-S, Centre Block
House of Commons

An Open Letter Re: Whistleblowers

Mr. Prime Minister

This is to convey my concern regarding the status of whistleblowers within our federal public service. Although Canadians value such persons highly for their willingness to stand up and speak out on injustices within the government, the response from management is almost invariably swift and severe punishment.
As we saw in the case of Allan Cutler, who almost lost his job and was shuffled around within his department, his attempt to reveal a scandal was ignored for considerable time. As far as I know, the only one who has ever thanked him for his good deed, besides Canadians generally, is Justice John Gomery. Does your government not believe he did the correct thing?

Although there has been some recognition of the difficulties faced by whistleblowers in their attempt to reveal unethical activity, Bill C-11 does not do even a barely adequate job. As Cutler himself points out in the October 17 issue of Hill Times – and he is one who is, as you know, more aware of the difficulties than you or I – C-11 is "still an ‘anti-whistleblower’ law and fundamentally and fatally flawed". He notes that, among other things, the burden of proof to prove that the retaliation was in response to the whistleblowing remains on the whistleblower; there is no public disclosure; the whistleblower is not assigned a lawyer by the government, while the ‘accused’ is; and most worryingly, there is no authority or responsibility to take corrective action.

Moreover, the case of Joanna Gualtieri – who is one of the very few public servants who has chosen to challenge publicly wrongdoing – demonstrates that the government is not interested in truth and justice but rather in using its vast resources to debilitate and wear down the truth-teller. During the past week, as your government publicly claimed that it will protect whistleblowers, the Department of Justice dragged Ms. Gualtieri back into court rather than consent to her request that she have a reprieve from the court proceedings for a few months to attend to and breastfeed her newborn child. Is this how you intend to "protect" whistleblowers?

Ms. Gualtieri's case has garnered significant public attention on account of the tax money squandered at the Foreign Affairs Department. Have you ever made any attempt to investigate the legitimacy of her claims of waste and harassment rather than spend much public money on lawyers to fight her? In my view, as a former Counsel with the Civil Litigation section with the Justice Department, it is tragic that such a capable civil servant should have had to spend the last ten years of her life defending her rights in a court case. With the treatment afforded Ms. Gualtieri, few public servants are likely to dare take on ‘the system’ in the public interest.

Why are the Allan Cutlers, Joanna Gualtieris, Brian McAdams and RCMP Cpl. Robert Reads not given more respect by their peers in the federal public service? Why do they lose their jobs or go into early retirement? What could their careers have been like? And why has no one offered repair, restitution and reinstatement? Our whistleblowers – so necessary, as we have seen, even in a democratic society such as Canada – need to be protected by a serious piece of legislation.

I’d be grateful if you would provide this matter your consideration, and reply to me in a form that can be shared.

David Kilgour, P.C., M.P.
Edmonton-Mill Woods-Beaumont
Office of Hon. David Kilgour, P.C., M.P.,
Edmonton-Mill Woods-Beaumont
163 East Block,
House of Commons,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6

Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2005 16:11:48 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: The Green Party has a new lawyer EH?
To: Stronach.B@parl.gc.ca, tag@gangegoodmanfrench.ca, greenweb@ca.inter.net,
CC: slabchuk@isn.net, nobleg@isn.net, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca


Perhaps he should ask Mr. Wright from BC about many wrongs. If Mr. Orton were wise and truly wished to be elected, perhaps he should ask me why Belinda Stronach crossed the floor last May before Lois Brown does. Rest assured Petey Baby MacKay will never tell ya Mulroney and his daddy would have him castrated.

The Tiff file is genuine and safe to open. If you do not beleieve me or Yahoo ask the very nasty Jon Cormier or Landslide Annie McLellan herself. Lets just say that the Green Party really pissed me off just like all the rest. You dudes figure out which of the ex lovebirds and their you wish to stand with against the likes of me as we all run for a seat in Parliament. There is no middle ground fpr ethical people to stand on now in my legal battles with lawyers such as Petey Boy MacKay and all those of his ilk.

Methinks things are not too Hunky Dory for the legal dudes Petey Baby and his old babe Belinda's lawyer Don Amos (no brother of mine) right about now. They must be nervous campers knowing full well their buddies in the USA who love to bet on Hoss Racing did not manage to keep me in jail. Pretty soon with any luck at all I will be considered the Dark Horse in the political rodeo brought on in a hurry by Stevey Boy Harper and the rest of the neo conservative western crowd. Rotten Ralphie from out in Alberta said a mouthful in Halifax when he spoke the truth about Harper being a loser. Read on to see why. It seems that Harper's computer knows more of ethics than he ever will. He can never say that he did not know the irrefuttable truth before Humpty Dumpy had the latest nasty lady who acts for our Queen drop the writ on the the latest three ring circus. Small wonder the Bloc Quebecois are laughing their arses off right now EH? This is an election of Dumb versus Dumber that they do not think they can lose. Wrong aks their lawyers if their is time to drink the Xmass cheer whilst I am still on the loose and still raising a little political Hell.

I truly wish that the Islanders Sharon Labchuk or George Noble had called me back.I liked what they said to me but I warned them that I was a very fierce political animal and for them not to blink. I gave them lots of time to check my work and ask me questions to stress test my ethics. Now I consider them both as just more politicians who wish to play dumb for their own personal gain. In my humble opinion they are no better than the dumb as a post farmer they seek to replace in the 39th Parliament in the New Year. Merry Xmass? Bah Humbug works better for me.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

"Harper, Stephen - M.P." Harper.S@parl.gc.ca wrote

Subject: RE: So it is Xmas EH? Say hey to the Maritimer Landslide Annie for me. Will ya?
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 11:54:47 -0500
From: "Harper, Stephen - M.P." Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com

Thank you for your e-mail message to Stephen Harper, Leader of the Opposition. Your views and suggestions are important to us. Once they have been carefully considered, you may receive a further reply.

*Remember to include your mailing address if you would like a response.

If you prefer to send your thoughts by regular mail, please address them to:

Stephen Harper, M.P.
Leader of the Opposition
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

Mail may be sent postage free to any Member of Parliament.

You can also reach Mr. Harper by fax at: (613) 947-0310

Merci d'avoir écrit à Stephen Harper, le chef de l'opposition officielle. Votre opinion est importante pour nous. Lorsque nous l'aurons étudiée avec soin, nous pourrons vous faire parvenir une réponse.

*N'oubliez pas d'inclure votre adresse postale si vous voulez recevoir une réponse.

Si vous préférez nous écrire en utilisant les services postaux régulièrs, veuillez le faire au :

Stephen Harper, député
Chef de l'opposition officielle
Chambre des communes
Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0A6

Vous pouvez écrire sans affranchissement à tous les députés fédéraux.

Vous pouvez également joindre M. Harper par fax au (613) 947-0310.

Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2005 12:29:44 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Attn Mr. Jim Balsillie and Deborah Allan
To: peter@loisbrown.ca

Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2005 11:58:45 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Attn Mr. Jim Balsillie and Deborah Allan
To: davidamos@bsn1.net

Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 12:31:50 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Attn Mr. Jim Balsillie and Deborah Allan
To: info@marijuanaparty.ca, info@cpc-pcc.ca, office@cpcml.ca

Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 09:24:18 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Attn Mr. Jim Balsillie and Deborah Allan
To: investor_relations@rim.com, deborah_allan@otpp.com
CC: psparkes@bellglobemedia.com, pierre.leclerc@bell.ca,
thane.fotopoulos@bell.ca, dholland@torstar.ca, harmstrong@torstar.ca,

I just called your offices and attempted to introduce myself the attached Tiff file proves what i am trying to inform you of is true. I will lay odds that the General Counsels of Thomson Corp and BCE Ms. Stanley and Ms Turrcotte will not dare to call me a liar.

Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 14:33:57 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: I am on the phone to you two right now may I suggest that you not ignore me anymore
To: lmcquaig@sympatico.ca.

Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 12:40:17 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: I am on the phone to you two right now may I suggest that you not ignore me anymore
To: joe.hueglin@pcparty.org, michael_ignatieff@ksg.harvard.edu,
CC: jim.love@pcparty.org, tracy.parsons@pcparty.org, Mike.allen@nb.aibn.com,
burttscorner49@yahoo.com, millett@canoemail.com

Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 07:31:06 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: I am on the phone to you two right now may I suggest that you not ignore me anymore
To: jlaskin@torys.com, jterry@torys.com.
CC: atinfo@torys.com, ggartner@torys.com, jscheine@torys.com

416.865.7380 John A. Terry
416.865.7317John B. Laskin

Law firm set to pay $30M settlement to Hollinger

CTV.ca News Staff
One of Canada's most prominent law firms has tentatively agreed to pay at least $30 million US in a settlement to Hollinger International Inc. for its role in deals that saw Conrad Black and some of his deputies pocket millions of dollars.

The Globe and Mail reports that Tory's LLP could be about to make one of the largest payments ever made by a law firm to settle allegations that it failed to act in a client's best interests.
Sources told The Globe that the two sides are working on drafting documents for the agreement and that Hollinger International could announce the lucrative settlement as early as next week.
A spokesman for Chicago-based Hollinger International declined to comment and a spokesman for Torys did not return phone calls, The Globe reports.

Torys has 330 lawyers in Toronto and New York. It's unclear whether the firm's partners will have to personally contribute to the payout.

Torys is a member of a private insurance exchange that is funded by a number of other major Canadian law firms and reinsured by a variety of insurance companies.

It is believed that the exchange, called the Canadian Lawyers Liability Assurance Society, has enough funds and insurance coverage to absorb most of the settlement costs.

The payout will be a huge public relations blow for Torys, but rival law firms said the firm's strong reputation and blue-chip corporate clients, including Brookfield Asset Management Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. and Thomson Corp., should help it pull through.

"This settlement allows the firm to put all the controversy behind it so that it can carry on," a senior official with a rival law firm told The Globe.
It's believed that Hollinger International notified Torys in writing of its intention to launch a suit against the firm on the grounds that it failed to act in the company's best interests during transactions that enriched Black.

Torys was Hollinger International's chief law firm from 1999 until Black resigned from the company in 2003, when the company parted ways with the law firm.

The allegations centre on the multiple roles Torys played as an adviser to Hollinger International and two of Black's holding companies when Hollinger International sold $2.1 billion US of assets to CanWest Global Communications Corp. in 2000.
It's very unusual for law firms to simultaneously advise separate parties during a transaction, without client consent, because of the perceived difficulties in demonstrating undivided loyalty to more than one client.
Sources told The Globe that Torys allegedly failed to inform Hollinger International that it was also advising Black's companies, Ravelston Corp. and Hollinger Inc., during the CanWest transaction.

Hollinger International has criticized Torys for not alerting them that $51.8-million of proceeds from the CanWest sale was transferred to Black, his private holding company and three of his deputies.

The personal payments are the subject of criminal charges levelled against Black and some of his former colleagues by the U.S. Department of Justice earlier this month.

It is also understood that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is reviewing Torys' role in the CanWest transaction as part of a broader examination of Hollinger International's disclosure practices.

Large personal payments are usually required to be disclosed to shareholders on a timely basis.
But the $51.8 million US of transfers to Black and his executives were only publicly revealed when a U.S. law firm spotted the unusual transfers in 2002 -- six months after the CanWest deal was completed.
In a report last year, a special committee of Hollinger International directors criticized Torys and the company's auditor KPMG for failing to alert the board about a number of questionable transactions involving Black.

Torys has also been named in a Canadian class-action suit that alleges Torys, Black, KPMG and others failed in their duty to protect the interests of Hollinger International shareholders.

Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 17:41:39 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: So it is Xmas EH? Say hey to the Maritimer Landslide Annie for me. Will ya?
To: Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, Thompson.M@parl.gc.ca, Sorenson.K@parl.gc.ca,
Richardson.L@parl.gc.ca, Prentice.J@parl.gc.ca, Penson.C@parl.gc.ca,
Obhrai.D@parl.gc.ca, Mills.B@parl.gc.ca, Kenney.J@parl.gc.ca,
Merrifield.R@parl.gc.ca, Menzies.T@parl.gc.ca, Johnston.D@parl.gc.ca,
Jean.B@parl.gc.ca, Hanger.A@parl.gc.ca, Goldring.P@parl.gc.ca,
Chatters.D@parl.gc.ca, Casson.R@parl.gc.ca, Benoit.L@parl.gc.ca,
Anders.R@parl.gc.ca, Ablonczy.D@parl.gc.ca, INFO7@elections.ca
CC: Fletcher.S@parl.gc.ca, Bezan.J@parl.gc.ca, Mark.I@parl.gc.ca,
Pallister.B@parl.gc.ca, Smith.J@parl.gc.ca, Toews.V@parl.gc.ca,
Tweed.M@parl.gc.ca, davidamos@bsn1.net, webb@caut.ca, pilon@caut.ca,
morgan@caut.ca, National@cbc.ca, lcampenella@ledger.com,
McKnight.Gisele@kingscorecord.com, ombudsman@cbc.ca, duffy@ctv.ca,
martine.turcotte@bell.ca, news@ctv.ca, am@ctv.ca, diane.bourque@flsc.ca,
jcrosbie@pattersonpalmer.ca, Mayor@ci.boston.ma.us, Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca

So it is Xmas EH? Say hey to the Maritimer Landslide Annie for me. Will ya?

As your Boss and his Deputy Dog brag and Landslide Annie squeaks and bitches on Cpac right now. I press send and prepare to run again. Methinks Landslide Annie will never get elected again. Do you. I know for a fact that I am the one that has got her so upset. It is all over but the crying now. Read on then press print on the attached Tiff file and the light may dawn on your Marbleheads out west. She talks of a Global connected world and asks us to choose between to crooks. The money grubbing lawyer Paul Martin or your evil Bush supporting right wing boss Harper. I sincerely hope that not one of you gets to take a seat in the New Year in the 39th Parliament.

In my humble opinion you lapdogs for Bush all have failed the Canadian people in your obligation to uphold the public trust and protect our common interests. Harper proved to all he was willing to make backroom deals with Humpty Dumpty as soon as he had Clarkson, the Queen’s malevolent spendthrift alter her speech from the throne in order to have Martin agree to the Yankee missile defence scheme.

The 38th Parliament should never have taken its seat if any Member of Parliament had used the evidence of crime I provided them. You Conservative MPs who demand integrity of liberals should have helped me to impeach George Bush and Paul Martin out of the gate last year. Stevey Boy Harper should not have been surprised when the old lawyer Martin went back on his word after he got his way and was allowed to buy as many favours as possible with the hard earned taxpayer dime. Even the nasty Connie Rice got huffy about that. Petey Baby MacKay proved to all the PC’s and the Westerner David Orchard years ago that a lawyer’s words ain’t worth a damn even when he puts them in writing. Didn’t he? Not all Maritimers are honourable. However not all Maritimers are defeatists either as your Boss Harper likes to suggest. Many Maritimers know better than to trust lawyers especially ones such as Petey Baby MacKay and Johnny Crosbie particularly when they seek the counsel of the crook, Brian Mulroney.

All that said I must thank you for the opportunity to run for Parliament again and speak about your malice whilst I sue the Crown. You fine and fancy folks are one year too later but better late than never EH?

Should I say Merry Xmass to all and to all a Good Night? Naw. Bah humbug works better for me I sincerely hope to Cya’ll in Court real soon. In a court of law each and everyone of you can be held accountable. The Canadian government certainly needs to be changed but none of you have earned the right to bring it about. None of you should feel blessed to follow a leader such as Harper. I hope it is a wash and many other people will fill your seats. Many amongst them there will be an ethical few. Here’s hoping I am allowed to prove in court in the New Year what I know to be true about all of you.

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 9:15 PM
You are slow on the draw of deleting me Spinksy Baby. Did my last email make you stop and think for a minute?

Well if so then this posting should make you shit yourself. If you had check my blog lately you would have known that the very snobby Fast Eddy Greenspan has answered this letter and Conrad Black's latest fast talking Yankee lawyer, Andy Baby Frey received my same material and has been reading my blog as well.

You are gonna love reading the letter I sent to Andy Frey, two big talking Yankee presidential wannabes and another fella whom you think (rightly I might add) is screwing up our native land.

Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2007 18:16:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Round One
To: Rhonda.GODIN@gnb.ca, george.chiasson@nb.ca, glen.abbott@gnb.ca, linda.bertrand@gnb.ca, jocelyn.colburn@gnb.ca, kim.morin@gnb.ca, amy.reagon@gnb.ca, iain.hollett@gnb.ca, bill.corby@gnb.ca, Pierre.castonguay@gnb.ca, Gabriel.BOURGEOIS@gnb.ca, nicole.poirier@gnb.ca, bill.richards@gnb.ca, carol.hill@gnb.ca, Bill.Wister@gnb.ca, TRENT.WILSON@gnb.ca, linda.hunter@gnb.ca, CYNTHIA.HOWIE@gnb.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca, ken.oliver@gnb.ca, JAMES.MCAVITY@gnb.ca, kimberly.monteith@gnb.ca, ANTHONY.ALLMAN@gnb.ca, brad.woodside@fredericton.ca, mrichard@lawsociety-barreau.nb.ca, police@fredericton.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com
CC: martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca, dcoon@conservationcouncil.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, news957@rci.rogers.com, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, pierre_nollet@cbc.ca, dan_goodyear@cbc.ca, alan_white@cbc.ca, mclaughlin.heather@dailygleaner.com, jonesr@cbc.ca, susan_king@cbc.ca, Andrew.MacKinnon@canadaeast.com, cumby.meghan@dailygleaner.com, wGilmour@ProuseDash.ca, dohertylaw@rogers.com, premier@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, t.j.burke@gnb.ca, execdir@nblib.nb.ca, mleger@stu.ca, jwalker@stu.ca, plee@stu.ca, carleton@stu.ca, kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca, John.Foran@gnb.ca, kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca, whistleblower@ctv.ca, staples.michael@dailygleaner.com, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, andrew.holland@nb.aibn.com, scotta@parl.gc.ca, caseyb@parl.gc.ca, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, norm.mcfarlane@saintjohn.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, btaylor@nbnet.nb.ca, pat.bonner@saintjohn.ca, Ivan.court@saintjohn.ca, eamacleod@cbrmps.cape-breton.ns.ca, doralee.smith@pwgsc.gc.ca, MacKay.P@parl.gc.ca



August 7th, 2007

Interim Commissioner, Pierre Martel
Public Sector Integrity Canada
60 Queen St. Suite 605,
Ottawa,ON. K1P 6Y7
Phone 1 866 941-6400

Senior Counsel, Marian McGrath
Security Intelligence Review Committee
P.O. Box 2430, Station "D"
Ottawa, Ontario KlP 5W5
Phone 1 613 990-5866

Lord Conrad Black
C/o Eddy Greenspan
144 King St.East
Toronto,ON M5C 1G8

Capital Towing
C/o Alan MacPhee and Andy Aker
29 Cityview Ave
Fredericton, NB E5A 1S9

RE: Public Corruption

Hoka Hey,

Out of the gate I must ask you all the obvious question. Why did you play dumb instead of just trying to do your jobs byway of simply calling me back to ask me few legitimate questions to stress test my integrity and understand the gravity of my concerns if you do not support public corruption?

Pursuant to my many phone calls and emails etc, your demands for hard copy plus the invitation of Alan MacPhee to sue his company in order to reclaim my old Harley, please find enclosed the material that I promised to send to you before we may meet in a court someday soon. The list of the material and a brief explanation as to why I am providing it to you is listed as follows:

1. I have attached directly to this letter copies of nine letters of mine, three from me that were cover letters to my material from the USA that is enclosed with this letter and listed in paragraph # 2 of this list. Six letters were sent to me in response to it. The first letter attached was delivered in hand to the office of Andy Scott MP after I ran in the election of the 38th Parliament. Eddy Greenspan should make note that I mentioned his client, Lord Conrad Black. The second is a response from his liberal associate Shawn Murphy MP after I ran in the next election against Andy Scott. The third is a copy of my letter to Murphy and several others that prompted his very dumb response. Obviously I am not shy about what I think of unethical Canadian bureaucrats and law enforcement authorities. N’est Pas?

The fourth letter attached is a copy of one I received from an Inspector General of the US Treasury Dept. It was sent to me while I as running for a seat in the 39th Parliament. It came at about the same time that Marion McGrath and I were talking about my concerns about the severe lack of integrity of the RCMP and CSIS and of their wrongful assistance to many corrupt Yankees acting against me. The fifth letter is dated October 6th, 2003 from the office of the US Attorney in Northern Illinois, Patrick J. Fitzgerald. It was sent to me in response to the material that I sent to every US Attorney in the USA on the same day. It is a dandy of a Catch 22 for any lawyer acting in the best interests of a former Canadian who gave up his citizenship to become the first British Lord of a subway stop and who is now a convicted criminal in the USA. The same holds true for any of his codefendant’s attorneys. EH?

The last two letters attached are from January of 2004. The sixth letter was sent to many lawyers concerned with Martha Stewart’s prosecution and Frank Quattone’s lawyer, John Keker. For my Clan’s benefit, I made certain that many Yankee law enforcement authorities and lawyers were given sufficient evidence to support my opinion that the criminal charges against Quattrone and Stewart were ridiculous in light of the malicious actions by the very same Feds against me in order to cover up their own wrongs. Clearly I warned Keker that the US Attorney would prosecute his client again if Stewart were convicted. The seventh letter is Keker’s incompetent answer in an effort to play dumb at the expense of the freedom of his client and mine. I learned to treat Lord Conrad Black’s lawyers somewhat differently. Eh Eddy?

2. The eight and ninth letters hereto attached should be of the greatest concern to the bureaucrats, Marian McGrath and Pierre Martel more than anyone else. The first person McGrath should call is William J. S. Elliott, the latest political lawyer/bureaucrat from the Mulroney days to be politically appointed to a very high post much to the chagrin of the RCMP this time around. N’est Pas? That nasty lawyer in particular has been ducking me for years and there is no way he can deny it. The eighth letter from the first Minister of Public Safety and the former Deputy Prime Minister, Anne McLellan and my many emails to her Conservative replacement, Stockwell Day proves it. Hell I even called the PMO office and thanked Harper’s people for their latest wicked appointment. I promised to begin my long delayed legal actions shortly. The last letter is from the Public Service Integrity Office. Perhaps Martel should call them and ask how he or the new Commissioner Elliott could act with integrity ASAP. EH?

More importantly on behalf of all their clients commonly known as Canadian citizens and one snobby British Lord, the bureaucrats and the Lord’s lawyer will find enclosed the material that one proud pigheaded Maritimer promised to send to their offices in Upper Canada. The material is exact copies of the same document I brought to Canada from the USA and a CD that contains a digital copy of a Yankee police wiretap tape # 139 that I mentioned in the previous paragraph. I served this material upon the Canadian Border Services, the Fredericton Police Dept., the RCMP and the Attorney General in New Brunswick amongst many others in the summer of 2004. I did just as the former Minister of Public Safety suggested I do while I ran against her political party for a seat in the 38th Parliament. If any of you wish to pretend that you do not understand the significance of the material I have just listed as sent to you, shame on you. It also follows that as you read on, I must ask you who is the dumber of two Martimers, Alan MacPhee or I? Who are the defeatist Maritimers under the thumb of the current Prime Minister Stevey Boy Harper and who is not, the Fredericton cops, Premier Danny Williams or I?

I am not sending the aforesaid documents and CD relating to my affairs in USA to Alan MacPhee.
He is not a lawyer or a law enforcement authority of any sort. His many friends within the Fredericton Police certainly are and they have had this material and a great deal more for three years and have done nothing to investigate it for the same political reasons that they continue to harass me to this very day. Furthermore MacPhee should still have my Harley that is titled in the USA within his questionable custody. That old bike is important to me and is also important evidence against the cops, the Crown and MacPhee in and of itself. Whether the Crown admits it or not pursuant to the Constitution of the USA no law enforcement authority anywhere should invade the privacy of my saddlebags on my bike without a US Federal Court Order first being served upon me. If perchance that were to happen, rest assured I would take the Yankee court order with glee and demand that the cops finally do their job.

3. In lieu of the material from the USA and in support of a lawsuit or a settlement about the illegal seizure of my old Harley by the Crown, the Fredericton Police, MacPhee and his towing company. I am providing to MacPhee copies of some the documents that Cpl. Randy Reilly of the Fredericton Police did examine and then refused in front of his underling, Mike Maclean and MacPhee’s tow truck driver on May 9th, 2007. MacPhee or his lawyer should confer with the Fredericton Police and get back to me ASAP or prepare to deal with me in court in short order in order for me to recover my rightful property and seek relief from their deliberate malice.

The cops did steal my property with MacPhee’s knowledge and assistance. It was done without due process of law. After Cpl. Randy Reilly briefly examined my documents he talked to his HQ. The cops opted to ignore my rights under the Charter and the US Constitution, the Police Act of New Brunswick and the Criminal Code of Canada that they swore to uphold and invited me to sue them as they seized my private property. The cops failed to quote one law that entitled them to do so. They failed to give me a receipt for my property or put in writing in any rule of law to support the ridiculous conditions that Alan MacPhee stated to me in order to recover it. Three months later the Crown has not pressed the malicious traffic charges of the local cops or arrest warrants would exist. The clerks and the cops have affirmed that no records of warrants for my arrest exist caused by unpaid fines or false allegations of criminal harassment or anything else.

4. I am also providing MacPhee with copies of correspondences of mine from 2004 that were sent to
and received from many lawyers and cops etc in the Fredericton area that he obviously stands with and against me. MacPhee will find enclosed exact copies of letters to and from his associates the Fredericton Police Dept, the RCMP, the Police Commission, the Ombudsman, the Law Society and the Judicial Council of New Brunswick amongst several other local lawyers, three of whom have been recently appointed to be judges. Go figure.

5. To prove what I said to MacPhee and the rest of you is true about what I have sent and received, I
have enclosed true copies of many letters of mine, some selected copies of documents that were filed in the public records of the docket of Dorchester District Court in Boston, MA beginning nearly three years ago and hard copy of one email exchange at the same point in time. The letters are to and from many highly placed Canadian public officials at a provincial, federal and royal level. I am more than prepared to argue every single word with anyone in open court on the record. No more of the so called confidence games of lawyers and cops for me. I have a great many more material that the Maritimer in me is rather proud of, but this material will do for now in order to prove my concerns about public corruption to people who really don’t want to know the awful truth anyway.

Four of the letters you are now looking at are to and from Bernard Lord the former NB Premier, Brad Green his ex Attorney General, Rick Hancox of the New Brunswick Securities Commission that reports to T.J. Burke in his capacity as the Minister of Justice, Jeff Mockler a lawyer who continues to be an Attorney General’s assistant after the recent election and another far more notable local lawyer Franky Boy McKenna who was appointed the Canadian Ambassador to the USA just as the corrupt Yankees were trying hard to be rid of me by selling my Clan’s home without warrants or due process of law in a desperate attempt to break our backs and our hearts. That malice only served to make me even more determined to prove that there is no Truth or Justice within the Canadian or American Way.

Four other letters consist of three responses to largely the same material from Adrienne Clarkson, a former Governor General and her Lieutenant Governors of New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador and one letter of mine that caused quite a Royal tizzy indeed before her Speech from the Throne allowed the 38th Parliament to begin. Please make note that the Newfy Lt. Governor admitted that Danny Boy Williams, the Newfoundland Law society and Johnny “Never Been Good “ Crosbie had received my material. Never forget Crosbie was Harper’s Atlantic caucus co-chair along with the aptly named little Newfy lawyer Rob Moore whom I had just ran against for Herron’s seat. Notice that Eddy Roberts forwarded the stuff I sent him to the former Attorney General and Minister of Justice Tommy Marshall three years ago to be investigated? What do you suppose happened next? Please don’t try to tell me that corrupt politicians don’t make crooked backroom deals all day long at the expense of the public trust and interests. You can’t fool me because I am too stupid. Correct? The media knows what I say is true and won’t even say my name even when I run for public office. The newsmen know nothing of ethical conduct. Lord Conrad Black is a fine example to prove my point.

The email exchange enclosed is between Stevey Boy Harper’s computer and I before I was falsely imprisoned in the USA and he was allowed to sit in opposition by the Governor General after he had his way about American missile defence scheme for a little while in October of 2004. At least Harper’s computer even though it is dumb as I am is at least ethical enough to respond to what it knows to be true. I hope Harper allowed it to keep good records like I do in mine. However I doubt it. Don’t you? Please notice by the email addresses recorded that I made Harper and many other politicians (Danny Boy Williams in particular) and bureaucrats well aware that my mail in Canada to the RCMP and in the USA to the Canadian Consulate disappeared before the corrupt Yankees pounced on me. With regards to Harper’s comment years ago about Maritimers being defeatists and all of Premier Danny Boy Williams bullshit rhetoric against the Feds, just study my work and ask yourself what you would think about it all if you were I. Why not become a rather fierce but ethical political animal?

6. The last three sets of correspondences of mine that I am providing to all of you deserve immediate attention from the bureaucrat, Pierre Martel before my lawsuits in Federal Court begin. First is the letter of mine from 2004 to Elections Canada, the lawyers working within the Arar Inquiry, the Upper Canadian lawyer, Peter Rosenthal and the Maritime MP Petey Baby MacKay who is now the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Please notice that Elections Canada answered my concerns in a rather incompetent fashion twice, then read it real slow. Perhaps Mr. Martel should give the lawyers Dianne Davidson and Holly McManus a call. EH? Rest assured that I did not long before writing this letter. After that maybe Martel should ask me why the election of the 39th Parliament was not legal. In fact I Double Dog Dare You To. Your clue is what would Stevey Boy Harper do if a District Returning Officer threatened to call the Fredericton Police on him in order to have him evicted from a polling station on election day because the DRO did not believe that he was the candidate named on the ballot even after he had shown the DRO his drivers licence? Then after the election, the Commissioner of Elections Canada or Kingsley himself would not discuss the obvious wrong no matter how many times they were called and emailed? Would Stevey Boy sue? Am I any lesser of a man or Canadian citizen than Harper or anyone else is? I don’t think so. Do you? What would you say if I have the proof of the malice in writing signed by the DRO himself and another candidate willing to testify as to what he witnessed? Pretty justifiable lawsuit EH? What would be the ramifications if I am successful?

The next two letters prove that I was covering my bases big time after a very questionable federal election and long before I decide to darken the door of Federal Court and file my lawsuits. This letter serves the same purpose. Mr. Martel should read the letters I sent to the Privy Council Office, the Commissioner of Federal Court, Senator Kinsella, the Independent MP Andre Author, an Assistant Attorney General in New Brunswick Michael Comeau and to the Dean of Osgoode Hall. Then read two of the responses I have provided and give a lot of bureaucrats a call. Perhaps he should ask them if they wish to blow the whistle for their benefit if not mine. Better yet why don’t you blow the whistle yourself Mr. Martel? Rest assured the newly Independent MP Bill Casey received this material and a great deal more last year when I was running against his friend, Murray Scott, the Attorney General of Nova Scotia. Watch out, the Maritime politicians such as Bill Casey or Elizabeth May or Yvon Godin to name but a few just might start saying my name and speaking of things they know to be true in order to appear ethical and protect their personal pocketbooks from litigation.

I cannot deny the pissed off tone of this letter. I make no apologies whatsoever as I poke fun at you all. Sue me if you wish. I promise not to file a motion to dismiss. I would want to prove my justifiable words to you people very quickly. The now convicted Lord Conrad Black may make my rage towards the deliberate incompetence of lawyers pale in comparison once he finds out about the call I got from the FBI in Chicago while his trial was in progress. It came at about the same time that MacPhee and the Fat Fred City Finest stole my old Harley. Immediately after the FBI called me I called MacPhee, the Fat Fred City Finest, the RCMP and you, Eddy Greenspan. I told you all to pay attention. Didn’t I? Greenspan and the cops etc. should not deny my recent calls and emails. If you, Greenspan are half as clever as you think you are then you should have studied our email exchange from quite a while ago that I sent to you again after I saw that Andrew Frey’s law firm was checking my work in my blog. Anyone can have a good giggle if they understand the ramifications of the letter hereto attached from the US Attorney, Patrick Fitzgerald on October the 6th, 2003. It is a case of the pot calling the kettle Black if there ever was one EH?

Quite frankly, Eddy I am surprised that you have not called me back yet. What are you going to do once I start faxing and emailing Fitzgerald’s letter and few other relevant documents everywhere? What if the other fellas who were prosecuted alongside Lord Conrad Black become aware of my concerns about the lack of integrity displayed to me by their lawyers, Fitzgerald and you? If you do finally decide to call me someday, why should I bother to pick up the phone? Methinks it is better for you and I to only confer in writing if at all from now on. EH? I am tired of that nonsense of false allegations of criminal harassment being made against me by crooked lawyers and tow truck drivers etc.

For the record Mr Martel, I gave your contact information to many Canadian public servants I have talked with as soon as I became aware of it months ago. I do not know if anyone has contacted you yet in order to blow the whistle on their behalf and mine but I do know that I am tired of waiting for some ethical bureaucrat to burst upon the scene. I will remain true to my word to them and insert your contact info in the text of my first complaint in Federal Court. I will do as I promised. I will give the portion of the Crown’s possible future settlement with me that I promised ($1,000,000.00) as a reward to first whistleblower who sprouts enough balls to make my name and concerns known along with theirs in a wide public forum. The only qualification I have is that the Crown must settle for at least three times that sum first. My Clan deserves to have their homes and property replaced. I do not care if a future whistleblower is a Yankee or Canadian bureaucrat or even a crooked RCMP officer now working with the Upper Canadian lawyer I have named, Wee Willy Gilmour as the cops whine about wanting to blow a whistle or two themselves.

To put it simply I am very tired of being the man with no name as every crook in two goddamned purportedly profound democracies tries hard to falsely imprison me in order to cover up their own wrongs. As a whistleblower, I definitely do deserve whatever protection the mandate of your new office in the Canadian government affords particularly after I went to considerable expense and trouble in order to prove to you what I say is true as your office demanded of me. The fact that your sneaky bureaucratic lawyers would not speak me and the fact that your help tried to imply that you dudes only wished to investigate the concerns of public servants, grates on my savage Maritime soul.

Ms. McGrath, you should not deny that I had a long talk with you when I was running for a seat in the 39th Parliament. I made certain you knew the score. I also had several talks with Cpl. Delaney-Smith of the RCMP before the Speech from the Throne on April 4th, 2006 and afterwards. On the very day the three ring circus of Stevey Boy Harper was allowed to begin in the house on the hill in faraway Upper Canada where the common sense of the common man has been lost to all, you called me back and laughed at me? Didn’t that just piss me off EH? I had gone out of my way to introduce you to Cpl. Delaney-Smith and you should never deny it. I saw that the lawyer Richard Bell was involved with the Arar Inquiry just like one of the lawyers working with Sierra Legal was. I was not surprised when Cpl. Delaney-Smith called me not long after Harper picked her lawyer to be a judge and she refused to send my material anywhere in order to have it properly investigated. Stockwell Day had just announced the Air India Inquiry and I had sent my material to Bob Rae too. As you must know by now, I saved your voicemail to me and Cpl. Delaney-Smith’s voicemail as well and forwarded them to anyone I wished for the benefit of my little Clan and I. I figured it was high time you spoke up even if it were in a strange fashion. Your silence and that of Cpl. Delaney-Smith’s for over a year spoke volumes to me about the fact that I was in the pursuit of defending our rights and freedoms alone.

Well lady, try calling me back and laughing at me again now that you have received some of my material directly from me byway of the registered mail. I truly believe your time would be better spent acting within the scope of your employment and giving dudes such as the politician Bob Rae or the cop Norm Plourde of the RCMP (506 452-3724) and Special Agent Don Mcgosy (312 907 8082) of the FBI in Chicago a call. Then say Hoka Hey to Stockwell Day or his new bureaucratic Commissioner of the RCMP William J.S. Elliott for me. I could not believe my luck the day Elliott was appointed by Stockwell Day to be the first bureaucrat to become a RCMP Commissioner. I sent many emails before he was sworn into his new job just to tell everyone of my joy. I was not a bit surprised that the RCMP blocked every email to Elliott’s new underlings. I just waited until they were sleeping at their post and sent them twenty-five blistering emails in another fashion. You should ask Elliott to whom I sent them.

MacPhee, I do require an answer from you good, bad or indifferent. For the benefit of my old bike I would have to say the sooner the better. If you behave as a proper Maritimer and convince me that that you screwed up by believing in the words of corrupt cops and lawyers, I will allow you to keep your pride intact and leave you to your own devices. If you ain’t serious about settling, don’t bother to call me to try to piss me off some more. My little rant after this proves that you succeeded already.

How is this for a response to the fight that you picked with me, MacPhee? I have no recollection of meeting you in 1978 or at any other time. If we did back then, you were just a kid. I had no idea why you behaved so poorly towards me because of some perceived offence. As soon as you said it and seemed pretty cocky in your attitude and insults, I made inquiries. I soon saw that your father was a lawyer. When I mentioned him to some friends of mine, his memory did not garner much respect. It did not take me long to see your sister’s association the very corrupt lawyer/clerk, Michael Bray and everything you said made sense then. With regards to your last repetitive statements on Friday the 13th of July about your saying that you were not aware of anything, I suspect that you were adhering some misbegotten principle that likely means “Ignorance is bliss”. I believe that your last words to me were quite likely dreamed up by a crooked lawyer. Perhaps your father taught you to talk like that. By your many other words to me, I suspect that you do know a great deal about my matters. What you don’t know I have no doubt that your sister can soon find out for you. Thus I suspect that you will stick with the crook T.J. Burke and the Fat Fred City Finest until the bitter end. Feel free to prove me wrong. If nothing else I have proven that I am not shy about my opinion of you and your actions. My documents if nothing else should make your lawyer and cop buddies somewhat less blissful today. EH?

For my benefit not yours, MacPhee I will tell you something no brother of the bar such as Brucy Baby Noble would dare to tell you openly. Did you know that you could have made a profit from losing a lawsuit to me about your theft of my bike because of what the cops told you to do? However, I doubt that you can do so now because I brought up that point first. If in the future you tried to sue Fat Fred City in order to recoup any losses to me about this matter, Brucy Baby Noble is smart enough to point to this paragraph and suggest that you had this plan all along. In a wink of the eye one of his judge pals would make sure that you lost. That is how the corrupt justice system works in our so-called purportedly profound democracy. N’est Pas?

I do declare that I am grinning like the Cheshire Cat was I wonder if you are even man enough sign your name to the postal receipt for this material. Need I say as a proper Maritimer, that I do love a righteous scrap? I fight with the written word these days, not my fists. I am getting too old and slow for such nonsense of youth. Because of my encounters with you on the phone, I doubt that you are man enough to put what you want to say against me in writing. Once again feel free to prove me wrong. I also know that you are not as stupid as Robert F. O’Meara, my Yankee brother in law, whom I love to call Depupty Dog. Nobody could be that dumb. Like you, I will say something snide but unlike you it will be oh so true just to piss Depupty Dog off to get him running off at the mouth. I do it so that he can hang himself and his cohorts who had me falsely imprisoned with their own false allegations of criminal harassment. For shits and giggles just in case you are as dumb an arsehole as he is I Double Dog Dare You to put your malicious words towards me in writing.

MacPhee, you should have allowed me to pick up my bike and pay your towing charges the first day you were ordered to take it from me by the cops. You had the right to your fees that day only. The delay after that point in time was your fault and that of the cops, not mine. Yet you are not a cop and they gave you or me nothing in writing to back up your obvious and often stated malice towards me.

It should be obvious to you that you do have a way out of this battle. Get honest and properly blame the cops for their bad instructions. It is just that simple. The cops are now claiming the problem is only between you and I as they direct all my calls to you. Remember when a friend of mine asked you for something in writing? Your answer to him proved to us that you and the cops knew that you definitely did not have any right whatsoever to order me to do anything not found in a law book within the jurisdiction of New Brunswick. That is why the cops and the Crown would never speak to me about the matter and why they dropped their malicious charges. You and the cops should not have made matters worse byway of attempting to press more false charges of criminal harassment against me on your behalf merely because I would not comply with your baseless demands. In the phone conversations that I had with you I responded to you in a like fashion after you insulted me and threatened to make criminal charges against me if I ever called you again. Get it yet? Read on.

I was never belligerent as you have claimed to others. In fact you were the one to fit that label. You would hardly let me get a word in edgewise as you ask your redundant questions pretending to be Eddy Greenspan no doubt. Just about the only thing that I was allowed to say was “Fuck you “ just before I hung up right after you claimed that you would make your false allegations about my so called criminal behaviour. As far as I know those two fine old words put together and properly applied that are not illegal in private as of yet even if some snobby folks consider it rude. Even if they were a crime to mouth, they definitely were a very proper Maritime rebuttal to your false allegations despite what any Upper Canadian lawyer or bureaucrat may think about me writing them as well. I am no lawyer or liar, MacPhee. However you certainly are the latter as your try hard to act like the former.

Your demands of me to come to your place of business all pissed off and pick up my bike in person was so that your cop buddies could have a reason to arrest me as you accused me of something I didn’t do. I just shook my head at the nonsense and that you could possibly think I was that dumb. I am very proud of the fact that I played your wicked little game as cool as a cucumber and stayed out of the jurisdiction of the Fat Fred City Finest for my benefit not yours. Everybody knows I have dealt with a lot of nasty bastards in an ethical fashion byway of hard copy, phone calls, emails and then lawsuits. Ask the Board of Bar Overseers in Beantown how I went about suing them over five goddamned years ago. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks but now and then he changes his style so it looks like he learned something new. Hell most people do not even know what I look like excepting of course the corrupt politicians tough talking buddy, Danny Boy Bussieres and some of the Fat Fred City Finest. The fact that they posted my photo inside the Legislative Building for years is too ridiculous for words. It seems that the smiling bastards don’t have a good grip on what slander can entail. It is still a crime.

MacPhee did you know I came to Fredericton to file some lawsuits in Federal Court and the cops are trying hard to stop me? The cops in Fredericton (both local and RCMP) that you are assisting for reasons of your own gain, assisted in my illegal banishment from the Legislative Buildings for the benefit of many a corrupt local politician. The die was caste between the corrupt local cops and I the instant they threatened to arrest me without legal documentation to support their malice towards me way back in 2004. When the Police Commission asked the Fredericton cops to investigate themselves, that in my face insult and obvious conflict of interest was truly offensive. I have not backed away from any wrongful intimidation and I quite likely never will. The Fredericton cops must continue their harassment of me because they quite simply cannot back up either. If any one of them acts ethically now, many a big fat head will roll. Watch that they make Cpl Randy Reilly and you the fall guys if I manage to make the truth of the matter well known.

The latest attempt at false allegations of criminal harassment made against me by a very desperate Attorney General, T.J. Burke are far beyond contemptible. As the Attorney General, Burke should well know I have no criminal record whatsoever. The fact that I continue to hold legal permanent resident status in the USA proves it. The US Department of Homeland Security is far stricter in dealing with aliens with a criminal history than what the current corrupt Attorney General of New Brunswick could ever dream up about the words and deeds of an honest Canadian citizen. The Yankee Feds do not take anyone at their word like the Law Society does just because the dude wants to be a liar and a lawyer too. T.J. Burke cannot say the same about his own criminal record. He has yet to explain how his criminal record allowed him to become a lawyer in the first place. Whether he was pardoned or not the Yankees would know it and pardon holds no water with the DHS. Burke should not be allowed into to the USA because of that fact. I am still wondering if he joined the American military before or after he pled guilty to a crime in Canada and did he lie to them too. Most important of all is, who is Burke and the Sergeant at Arms Danny Bussieres to label me a criminal stalker and post my photo inside the legislative building while I ran for public office four times in the Maritimes in three years? That is slander and that is a crime according to the Criminal Code of Canada. N’est Pas?

Well, MacPhee now you just got my registered letter and material that you laughed about as I promised it to you. You get first kick at the can to sue me or settle with me for chump change. You choose. If you had the balls to accept this registered mail and read thus far you showed more sand and sense than I expected. Maybe there is hope for you yet to redeem yourself. You should understand that the ball is now in your park. If you even glance at the material I sent you then you should understand that any arsehole with half a mind could see that you are way out of your league, kid. If you don’t, then ask me to send your lawyer the motherload of information byway of email or get yourself an email address. They are free don’t ya know or was that another lie? I will waste no more paper on you. My emails will contain enough evidence about my legal doings down in Yankee Doodleland to support what I say is true if your lawyer makes an appearance. Trust that it will cost you a lot of dough for your lawyer to read it all as he prepares to argue every word. It would be far cheaper just to settle. You have nothing invested in my bike except a tow and a small spot on your lot yet you have a lot to lose.

Jokes and insults aside, you must realize that I am as serious as a heart attack and that you are the man who is in possession of my property that you held onto very illegally despite my legit protests. Your money and the old bike I love under my arse as I ride away from the Fat City that you love for awhile will prove to me the depth of your sincerity. Your silence or your lawyer will prove you are not. You must realize by now that I am not crazy or a Hells Angel or any sort of criminal despite what the RCMP and many others may wish to claim I am in their vicious attempts to impeach my character. I am “Just Dave”, your friends with computers will find this letter posted @ davidamos.blogspot.com

If you do decide to settle, give me a call ASAP. Here is my number again (506 434 1379) Despite whatever you may wish say on the phone in faint-hearted effort to be nice, I cannot afford to trust you. I do not ever wish to meet you in person except in a court if need be. Be reasonable on the phone and I will send a trusted friend to settle my business with you. If you wish to take me on in court, just have your lawyer send me a response in writing to my friend Werner Bock’s address or an email directly to me at motomaniac_02186 AT yahoo Dot com and I will deal with your lawyer just like I did with the other lawyers named in this letter. Hell I may already know who your lawyers is, N’est Pas?

If you do opt to settle with me, MacPhee, I will reserve the right to call you to testify about your association with the Fat Fred City Cops. You can argue me all you wish then on the public record. I know that I would enjoy grilling a hostile witness. I can get to pretend that I am Eddy Greensapan for a bit and probably have more fun than that Upper Canadian lawyer did a couple of months ago in a Yankee city that is far from my kind of town. Methinks honesty is always the best policy. Too bad for us all that the cops, lawyers and quite likely even you won’t agree with me. EH?

I will give my last words on this matter as a word to your not so wise business partner, Andy Aker because I hear he rides a bike too. He should understand my rage about your malicious actions and why I will hold him accountable too. He should make certain that my old Harley remains safe and sound until this matter is resolved. Failing that he should inform anyone who attempts to purchase my bike from your towing company of my pending lawsuit. If you dudes try to sell my old bike before due process of law, I will sue everyone involved in order to get it back. My word is my bond and it is far more reliable than any bond of a crooked banker or document a corrupt bureaucratic lawyer dreams up.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
121 McLaughlin Rd.
Acworth, NH 03607
506 434 1379

C/o Werner Bock
3345 Route 890
Hillgrove, NB E4Z 5W3
506 756 8687
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 11:20 PM
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#30 - 266 Members of Parliament
First up, I like the province of Quebec. Just like the other nine provinces and three territories I want it to remain a part of Canada. The parts really do make the whole stronger. Sure, Quebec is unique in the second biggest country in the world but in their own ways so are every other region of this country. In the end though, we’re all supposed to be Canadians first and foremost working towards the same goals.

266 Members of Parliament thought otherwise on November 27, 2006 when they passed a motion introduced by Prime Minister Stephen Harper that defines the Quebecois as "a nation within a united Canada." The definition can differ depending on who you ask but generally, Quebecois doesn’t mean all those people who live in Quebec. It means French speaking Quebec residents and then usually only those who were born there. An Acadian who moved from Nova Scotia to Quebec doesn’t count.

Those 266 MP’s included a majority of Conservative and Liberal MPs, along with the Bloc Quebecois and the New Democrats. (Here’s some 101 people trivia for you, #50 – Garth Turner and #69 Ken Dryden were among those who voted against the motion).

What does the motion mean?

Politically it’s said to be brilliant and seemed to appease a great number of French speaking Quebeckers but does the end justify the means?

Conservative MP Michael Chong who resigned from Cabinet in order to vote against the motion said it best, that the motion, "…is nothing else but the recognition of ethnic nationalism, and that is something I cannot support. It cannot be interpreted as the recognition of a territorial nationalism, or it does not refer to the geographic entity, but to a group of people."

In other words, where does the line get drawn? What’s stopping another region or another culture from demanding, and based on precedence, receiving the same thing?

Very little.

There are a lots of people in Canada who love to slam the United States for just about everything. However there’s one lesson we could learn from our neighbours to the south. They have great pride in their country. When they sing the Star Spangled Banner, they mean it. Their Pledge of Allegiance is clear that they are “One Nation under God”. We need to start taking some pride in being Canadians, not being “insert your title here” Canadians but simply Canadians. When we start dividing and creating little nations, figuring out what being a Canadian is all about becomes a whole lot harder.
Posted by Spinks on Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 7:05 PM | Permalink
I frequently have arguments with my family because I call myself "Canadian, just Canadian."

I have for a long time argued that Canada is a nation of people who don't want to be Canadian.

Thank you for this wonderful post. I agree with every word.
Posted by whatigotsofar | 9:35 AM
Members of Parliament also prefer to have the courts do their moral thinking for them.

A feisty, self-confident democracy would not hesitate to use the notwithstanding clause when morally lobotomized courts seek to impose their will -- which includes the quashing of a child's natural right to a mother and a father -- on the country.
Posted by Anonymous | 11:43 PM
I think you should probably take another look at our "neighbors to the south", for instance, take a look at Hawaii. A NATION that was taken by force by America and the majority of which despise the fact that they are American citizens. I do not know a lot about their history but I do know after visiting and speaking with many natives, that anti=American sentiment runs high on those Islands. America is hardly "One nation under god". And most Hawaiians' cring at the thought of singing the Star Spangled Banner.

Posted by Josh | 12:06 AM
It's interesting to me that in hindsight the famous nation motion seems to have had no negative affect at all. Seperatists are at an all time low in popular support and this simple step of admitting the Quebecois are a nation seems to have been fairly well received by most and at worst ignored by others.

I never really saw why it was a big deal, we've been calling Aboriginals "First Nations" for years and when you look at some of the definitions of the word it really does work better for a people group than a country.

Maybe in the long term this might come back to haunt Prime Minister Harper but so far it sure hasn't seemed to. A lot of journalists predicted the sky would fall and they have all lost a little bit of credibility at this point.
Posted by petri striko | 2:56 PM
If you want to live like an American, go live in the U.S. If you can't satisfy the demands of U.S. immigration, be a man and accept defeat. Don't try to impose your cheap fake Yank predilections on the rest of us. Canada is not a nation, and never will be. The French Canadians clearly are a nation, and to recognize that is simple sanity. Call me old-fashioned, but I think being sane is more important than being Canadian. And that, if those goals conflict, then there's something wrong with Canadian.
Posted by ebt | 1:27 PM
After you blocked me Spinks Baby, I called National Sercurity once again and proved that I was still a Proud Pigheaded Ethical Maritimer. No matter how far Frenchmen lead the rest of us down the garden path of good and evil for their own gain, The Frenchy's nor you can't fool me because I am too stupid. EH?

I called the INSET Agent Norm Plourde again now that Porky Prick crawled back under a rock.

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Tue, Mar 13, 2007 at 6:21 PM
To: aurena.murray@gnb.ca, denise.scott@gnb.ca, vall2@rogers.com, Ed.Doherty@gnb.ca, l.catalli.sonier@gnb.ca, saintjohnfundy@hotmail.com, roly.macintyre@gnb.ca, Chris.Baker@gnb.ca, Colette.Beaulieu@gnb.ca, Lise.Bellefleur@gnb.ca, maurice.bernier@gnb.ca, Judy.Wagner@gnb.ca, Deborah.ROUSE@gnb.ca, Christine.Smith@gnb.ca, gerin.girouard@gnb.ca, sylvia.ferguson@gnb.ca, Shianne.Doucette@gnb.ca
Cc: pcmemb@gnb.ca, chad.peters@gnb.ca, bernard.hache@gnb.ca, graham.little@gnb.ca, holly.smith2@gnb.ca, diane.mercier-allain@gnb.ca, coi@gnb.ca, Jacqueline.Boyer@gnb.ca, brad.green@gnb.ca, rodney.weston@gnb.ca, marie-berthe.losier@gnb.ca, jack.carr@gnb.ca, kathy.cormier@gnb.ca, ljiljana.dabic@gnb.ca, mel.vincent@gnb.ca, b.roy@gnb.ca, rita.savoie-awad@gnb.ca, julie.root@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com

I must say it was good fun talking to the liar Plourde again this time. Trudeau made a big mistake when most RCMP officers had to be bilingual. It weeded out a lot of smart decent men that could do a far better job than Plourde. He ain't even smart enough to protect his own dumb arse from litigation. How the hell could he protect the public interests is what I would like to know.

I would not be one bit surprised if Norm Plourde, the nasty RCMP officer in Fredericton who has been dogging me for years is the little piggy I call Porky Prick are one and the same man. Only National Sercurity Agents etc and not your run of the mill cop or politician warrant Blachole IP addresses from ICANN. Now that the Tory law firm's old buddy the very crooked Lord Conrad Black whom they wrote a fat check to in private to last year is about to be prosecuted by an even more corrupt US Attorney in Chicago, Patrick Fitzgerald, I can do nothing but laugh at the nonsense of it all as Bush tries hard to start another War.

The crazy old world is just too frustrating as the old song goes. Thus methinks I must do my part to make the circus entertaining for my fellow common man. As the Ides of March fast approaches methinks it is High Time to start a little circus or two in courts north of the 49th in order to embarass many a nasty Yankee and the Canadian crooks who supported their malice in a sincere effort to see a little relief and more imporantly try to stop more War.

For the record I will send once again the letter to Irwin before I was falsely imprisoned in 2004 before I blog it as well. Porky Prick covertly asked me many questions. I answered him openly and honestly and he crawkled under a rock. Today the Secret Agent Norm Plourde was just one of many corrupt cops who invited me to sue the Crown Corp known as the RCMP. Their wish is my command.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 10:35:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: I just called you Mr. Power.
To: gerard.power@canadapost.ca, jlaskin@torys.com, jterry@torys.com
CC: admin@ccla.org, shawn.graham@gnb.ca, kinsella@stu.ca, mcomeau@stu.ca,
michael.comeau@gnb.ca, lbouchard@dwpv.com, Christian.Whalen@gnb.ca,
sarina.mckinnon@gnb.ca, mikemurphymla@hotmail.com,
telegram@thetelegram.com, dany.meloul@transcontinental.ca,
cfleming@hfxnews.ca, pramsay@amherstdaily.com, infocom@psc-cfp.gc.ca,

Lets just say I was not impressed nor surprised by your response. Now I will send the hard copy to you at the Canada Post as your lawyers at Torys have instructed I do. It will be exactly the same material I sent eight Attorney Generals and several others on August 2nd of this year byway of the US Mail. Only the dudes in Quebec refused to accept it but that was no surprise to me at all. It should be interesting to see if the Canada Post is willing to deliver its own mail to itself.

I will send you and the lawyers at Torys a few other emails as well because in the past the email I send has proven to be more reliable than either the US Mail or Canada Post. The emails are also more effective in order to prove to you all and the Canadian Public as a whole that I am as serious as a heart attack about the lack of integrity within government service. It should also be interesting to see if the Torys law firm are willing to defend the Canada Post against me. Say hey to Ms. Longo for me. Will ya? Methinks that the Gerneral Counsel of the RCMP, another Crown Corporation has ignored me way past too long. Don't you?

Whom do you people think you work for anyway, the Canadian Government or the people it serves? While I was in jail last year the Canadian Consulate people in Beantown told me that they thought it was the former and I was compelled to inform them it is the latter and that diplomatic immunity in the USA ain't worth beans when I sue them as civil servants who refused to act within the the scope of their employment in Canada. I will wager that they are very nervous campers now that I am home again in my native land and many fellow Canadians will be reading the mail I sent to them before they and the Canada Post assisted in my false imprisonment in the USA.

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 7:05 PM
Subject: Hey Mr . Irwin why not do the right thing and take your mail?

It seems that CSIS is messing with my mail

Sent by last Thursday by Canada Post to RCMP General Counsel Liliana Longo
c/o Ast. Commissioner Gerry Lynch in NFLD. I have now called NFLD and gave Gerry
the tracking number and told him if he wants to read his mail he should send someone
to find it. afterall he is one of the second in Command of the RCMP and Longo is his lawyer.
Canada Post won't say dick to me about it.

To track and confirm delivery of your item, enter the Item number, Reference number, or Delivery Notification Card number in the corresponding field provided below, then click the Submit button.

No records found for specified search criteria: 46227406901

Sent US Mail Saturday in Beantown all it had to do was go about a half a mile to the Canadin Consulate.
Obviously I informed them but the thing is they don't know who else I told. Kinda of a double check one by phone
and one by email.

Track & Confirm

Shipment Details

You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 5717

Your item was forwarded to a different address at 2:22 pm on September 21, 2004 in BOSTON, MA 02108. This was because of forwarding instructions or because the address or ZIP Code on the label was incorrect. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

Here is what happened earlier:
ACCEPTANCE, September 17, 2004, 10:30 pm, BOSTON, MA 02205

Anyway it ain't no matter to me now Their mail is filed in court for the public to view.
If they want to piss and moan about it they can argue me later in court. They are public servants they should read their god damned mail. The Postal Service has a little explaining to do anyway over the Attorney General Robb Quinan and his Mail fraud anyway. I will just add this shit to it. I knew old man Ronald Irwin would duck and run but arguing Longo should be fun,

What I did in Norfolk Probate Court today was way beyond fun it went way better than I dreamed it could. October 1st should prove to be quite a hoot after meeting Angie in court today. I wonder if Longo is a pretty as she is. She looks good in her picture anyway I am certain that she is a damn sight smarter than Angie. Angie is so stupid I almost feel ashamed for making her show me her ass. (Not really I am an ass man)

Now it appears all the Canadian Boobs have shown me their ass a well. Time to talk to the right Yankees just before the November Election and then head out as planned. I finally got the tape from the New Brunswick Police Commission and I will send a copy of it your way someday Byron. I made sure I mentioned you several times and showed them the documents but I didn't speak of what it was about but everybody will know they got something really kinda big. I did to protect ya buddy.

I also mentioned Barry once. I hope Barry called you today. I know the FEDS are likely listening and reading our emails so I recorded it here to protect the both of you and Collen Rowley as well. I cannot afford the time to wait for her to retire she is more valuable to me as an honest lawyer within the FBI before the Yankee federal election, not afterwards. I also hear Jean and Joyce on the tape so it should protect their butts as well. I will order a copy of the Probate Court tape as soon as we can afford it. But it will likely be edited anyway.

moto maniac motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2004 15:56:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: moto maniac motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Round 2
To: Julian.P@parl.gc.ca
CC: Siksay.B@parl.gc.ca, Blaikie.B@parl.gc.ca, Desjarlais.B@parl.gc.ca,
Wasylycia-Leis.J@parl.gc.ca, Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca,

David Amos motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com wrote:

From: "David Amos"
Subject: Fw: Round 2
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2004 11:36:01 -0300

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
Cc: premier@gov.nl.ca ; tedcardwell@mail.gov.nf.ca ; rarespade@nfld.net
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 10:53 AM
Subject: Fw: Round 2

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: pierrebl@apex.gc.ca
Cc: cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; florence.ievers@swc-cfc.gc.ca ; mskinner@cmhc-schl.gc.ca ; donna.achimov@sdc-dsc.gc.ca ; line.lacombe-laurin@ccra-adrc.gc.ca ; marie-josee.martel@ccra-adrc.gc.ca ; brian.keirstead@gnb.ca ; Byron Prior
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 8:45 AM
Subject: Round 2

September 17th, 2004

Ronald A. Irwin and Cynthia Merlini.
C/o Josie Maguire
Canadian Consulate
3 Copley Place,
Boston, MA. 02108

Corruption, you folks and the scope of your employment.

Remember me? I am the guy that has been calling you and emailing you for the last couple of weeks. Well now I have just come to your office with a witness in order to prove later that I delivered this promised material in person. I do not wish to discuss these matters with any of your people within your offices. Simply put, I do not trust any of you. I fear that you will just be another bunch of lawyers like B.J. Johnson, Angela Troccoli. Clayton Ruby and several others who would attempt to charge me with criminal harassment in order that Ashcroft or CSIS may sweep me under the carpet of corruption and protect the interests of many a low man in high places. I would prefer all words between us to be said in a public forum either in open court in front of a jury of my peers or elsewhere. I realize that you can claim that you did not read or listen to the material that I sent to your boss byway of your office last year but merely forwarded it to Anne McLellan and her cohorts. I understand that you can escape criminal prosecution in the USA because of your right to immunity here but I am not certain the rules apply to one Canadian against another in a civil action. No matter though, I can certainly complain of you in Canada. I will not hesitate to do so in the very near future.

I can vividly remember contacting your office in August of 2003 after the RCMP were hassling my friends up home while the Secret Service and many cops were hassling me down here. Now it appears they are up to their same old tricks again. The other night someone claiming to be a RCMP officer by the name of Cst. Plourde called a lady friend of mine with many questions as to my whereabouts and plans. Whoever called knew much about the contents of a package I had given in person to another RCMP officer, Graham Milner. The person called would not give my friend his number in order for me to return his call. This did not seem like proper conduct for a RCMP officer and I suspected foul play. I called Norm Plourde yesterday at 506 452-3724 and asked him what he wanted to know about me. He claimed to have no idea as to what I was talking about. I believed him because his English was far better than that of the Frenchman that called my friend. With my suspicions affirmed I then called J Division in Hampton at 506 832-5566 and managed to speak to Cst. Dave Hanson to report the impersonation of a RCMP officer. We shall see where his investigation leads if anywhere at all. Methinks whoever called was merely on a fishing expedition after I questioned the actions of the RCMP officer John deWinter on Sept 9th.

I did so before a hearing had started in Provincial Court and in front of many witnesses in order to make many people start asking the former Town clowns a few questions. Obviously the cops are confused by the fact that I was nowhere to be found and had left behind my Lincoln Towncar that they had been following around all summer. I need it to remain in Canada to use as evidence against the malice of the Massachusetts Dept. of Motor Vehicle Registry and others involved in Insurance Fraud and Taxation issues within our probate matters. I do not want that car destroyed like all the others were that were taken from our property at 37 Pond Ave in Plymouth without due process of law. Within one day of the MA Registry sticker on my car expiring Cst. Belliveau of the Sussex RCMP pounced on me and questioned me as to why it had not been renewed. I immediately served upon him in front of witnesses the reasons why I could not. I had explained to Graham Milner the same reasons in person earlier but that did not stop the harassment within an hour or so.

On October 1st the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will refuse to renew my wife’s drivers license or the stickers on other cars because she and I refuse to pay the excise taxes on a vehicles that the State helped steal from us. She had owned her truck since new in 1986 and we had always paid our taxes. However when the Plymouth Police Dept. expect us to pay for their services in order to stop me from preventing criminals from stealing and destroying our property we are greatly offended. We had made the Registry’s Legal Dept. well aware of our troubles and yet they continued to act against us. On Oct 3rd, my wife’s birthday I will begin our legal actions to make the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and many others pay much relief for the personal injury it has caused us.

Recently I have received quite a flood of documents either dated on or about Sept 3rd or sent much later and backdated to that date. It appears that my adversaries were certain that either my goose was cooked on that date or they realized it was not and were trying to cover their butts. A good example would be the following: As you can I have finally received my answer from the Acadian Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick. His malice is obvious. He sent his answer on September 13th but he backdated it to Sept3rd. Byron Prior had already served the Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and I had mailed his boss Adrienne Clarkson the same stuff myself on Sept 2nd because he had not answered me. Obviously he was trying to cover his butt but he can’t fool me. I am too stupid. Unless many Canadians act ethically and quickly, I shall sue the Queen for his actions alone.

I remember talking to some woman in your office who appeared to be taking notes and giving me false hope that she would get back to me. Clearly she never did but Josie Maguire did over one year later after I had declared to Cynthia Merlini’s voicemail machine that I had given up on you folks and your ethics. I returned Ms. Maguire’s call but I just got another machine so I sent an email.

I had called you folks the same day last year that I had contacted the RCMP in Ottawa. The RCMP officers had just been to a friend of mine’s house two weekends in a row investigating something that was not true within minutes of my calling him and asking him what he recalled about the cops harassing us twice in the same evening in Massachusetts the year before. I was also aware that the local RCMP had charged a well know friend of mine with the most ridiculous criminal charge while they had ignored me concerns for years. I had just talked to some woman who refused to identify herself at the RCMP HQ in Ottawa. She claimed that she knew all about my matters but hung up on me the second I mentioned the wiretap tapes so I called the Consulate to protect my butt.

Your people should remember the confirmed mail that I sent to your boss in Washington byway of your offices last year. If not you will find it enclosed and attached to the document I served upon the new Member of Parliament Rob Moore during our political campaigns in June of this year. At least Anne McLellan responded to the aforesaid correspondence but she wasn’t long blaming Wayne Easter for his failures while neglecting to mention her own inability to read.

Much to Mr. Ashcroft’s chagrin and without your assistance clearly I made it back to the USA to stand in Dorchester District Court on Sept 3rd and then to return to Canada in order to appear in New Brunswick Provincial Court on Sept 9th.

It is also obvious that I also made it back again to the USA in order to stand in Norfolk Probate Court on Sept 13th and Sept 21st in order to protect my family’s interests. Some of the original wiretap tapes mentioned within these documents and to you last year have been on file in the Public Record in Dorchester District Court since Sept. 3rd. There are six others floating around Canada either in the hands of CSIS or the RCMP. I have kept the original of tape numbered 139 to give to the people recorded upon it so that they may use it in their own complaints.

I have yet to make a pleading in the Criminal Complaint against me by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in Dorchester District Court. I will wait until the Judge decides on Oct 1st as to whether or not the court has jurisdiction to hear the matter. It has been over three months since I first tried to speak to the Suffolk County District Attorney about the matter and now over two weeks since I met his ADA in court. I have heard nothing from them and I likely will not before Oct 1st. I regard the Suffolk DA as just another political lawyer who is more than willing to prosecute me with false allegations in order to protect his friends from their own wrongs. The Suffolk County DA has had long enough to get honest. Now it is my to try to see him prosecuted. His delay is for reasons of lucre and malice.I will file a motion as the judge suggested in order to allow the DA the prescribed time to answer it. However I see no reason for the judge not to apply sanctions against the DA in light of the fact that he never disclosed any notice of any evidence to be used against me before I was compelled to answer the malicious complaint. Nor was the DA willing to discuss the matter before compelling me to file a motion in order to expose his wrongs. This letter with all of its enclosures will be amongst the exhibits filed with the aforesaid motion in order to prove the matter falls under the jurisdiction of federal court. It is also filed in this fashion because I strongly doubt the DA would pot the material I sent him into the Public Record. It is too late for the DA to withdraw the complaint in an ethical fashion. Either he prosecutes me or I sue him. It is just that simple. I demand my right to trial in front of a jury in federal court or see the DA prosecuted for his malice.

I also have a Motion to Dismiss the Probate matter started by the Shulman law firm in Norfolk Probate Court. It has been marked to be heard on Oct 12th .It appears that she is now attempting to separate her actions from that of the Shulman law firm however she still calls my wife from that law firm’s phone number. The very same Trial Court system that failed to give us any notice whatsoever of a Trial concerning our interests on Sept 9th in Plymouth Probate Court expects me to have a Pretrial Conference on Sept. 21st with the very lawyer that made false allegations against me in Dorchester District Court. All the while the entire Membership of the Massachusetts State House from the Governor on down has known the truth from before the time he was elected Governor and I have made certain that every Senator and Representative as well as many government lawyers have been made well aware since. Whereas I strongly doubt that the DA will file the evidence that he will attempt to use against me in the public record by Oct 1st, I find it necessary for me to do so. It is enclosed for you and the Canadian Justice System to review.

As you can see since the time that I first contacted you I have also made many politicians and other lawyers in Canada and the USA well aware of my concerns but to no avail. All I have received in return for my diligence in the pursuit of justice has been more harassment and further proof of corruption.

Please find enclosed exactly the same material sent to the General Counsel of the RCMP today and the local office of the FBI over one year ago. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you Mr. Irwin in confidence as an officer of the court in order that it may be properly investigated. As use can see it is not evidence for any probate matter as a US Attorney and a MA DA claim. Perhaps you should discuss with any FED you choose the death of H. Pail Rico.

Please never forget that I told your office last year that my wife’s Uncle William J. Kickham is a very bad bastard. I have no doubt he may have once known H. Paul Rico. It certainly explains why my brother in laws Billy bobby and Brian are so scared of him and more than willing to go against their sister. Why Canadians would stand with the Kickhams and against me is beyond my understanding.

Please note that attached directly to this letter is what I consider the most important document of all. On October 15th 2002, the day before I proved Tax Fraud myself in Probate Court without saying a word and all the while being harassed by the Treasury Dept., a FBI agent who refused to identify herself told me they did not care about my stuff because they were too busy going to War with Iraq. Within one week I did inform my Clan’s Senator John Kerry immediately before he was reelected my Clan’s US Senator.

One year later after I had embarrassed the Attorney General in Court Senator Kerry had someone try to call me and talk off the record. Of the dudes that also represent us only Bass. Lynch and Kennedy have at least answered me with double talk and I never even contacted Bass because I did not wish to send a non lawyer a wiretap tape and deliberately offend the Fourth Amendment Rights of others. Six months later the Secret Service came to my door one month after they left the Treasury Dept to go under the wing of the DHS to stop me from proving the Bank Fraud of the Brookline Savings Bank. I truly believe the only reason the FEDS quit messing with me is because they know that I have many incriminating wiretap tapes well hidden. The people that concern me now are mobsters and bad acting FEDS.

With respect to my pending criminal trial I maintain the venue is correct because the tapes were found in Suffolk County. However matters involving the RCMP and so many federal employees, lawyers and politicians within two separate countries should be heard in a federal court. What say you Mr. Irwin? Clearly you know quite well many of the people mentioned within these documents. I can easily prove that you have been aware of my concerns for almost a year. What I want to know from you is why did you fail to even contact me to see if you could help. From my point of view you were hoping along with Argeo P. Cellucci, President Bush, Senator Kerry and many others that I would just melt away. Methinks you all have underestimated my tenacity and luck. Feel free to prove me wrong in court.

Mr. Irwin,I have given up trying to talk sense to you. It is time to argue. If for no other reason, to protect your own interests may I suggest that you send some honest Canadian lawyer to Norfolk Probate and Superior Courts to check the Public Records and again to Dorchester District Oct 1st to speak to me about these matters. I will be the hairy guy in the Black Watch kilt. It was given to me to wear by one of the last surviving Forty-Eighth Highlanders from World War Two. He understands the reason that I found it necessary to become such a political animal. Clearly you do not have much interest in protecting a fellow Canadian’s rights and interests. I made it pretty clear to you in an email the other day that this letter would be coming and that I was looking into how to have you removed from your post. Please fell free to surprise me act in my interests as well as your own. Although I will question your motives I will be nonetheless grateful for the long delayed assistance of your office.

Just in case you don’t know I am making a very diligent effort to inspire a confidence vote against the Martin Government on Oct 6th. As my friend Byron Prior states, it is quite likely the only day that Canadians may have a Democracy for a quite a while at least. I sincerely hope the Governor General asks the right questions and says the right words the day before.

Mr. Irwin, if you choose to do nothing as you have in the past on Oct 3rd I will consider the Queen and all her servants to be adversaries of mine in litigation that will no doubt go on for years. For your benefit and the benefit of the Canadian Public I have included a copy of a CD that contains the scanned documents from all courts that I had been involved in actions in before I came home to run for Parliament. Please forward it to the Department of Justice for their review. As you can see the lawyers for Bell Canada were quite busy printing my stuff from the web for awhile but then fell strangely silent just before Sept 3rd. No doubt the lawyers like Robert Pozen working for MFS. and the new General Counsel for UBS. David Aufhauser are very nervous campers now that I have survived and their ethics may come under public scrutiny. Study the CD and you will see that this is just the tip of a very big and malevolent iceberg. Paul Martin and John Crosbie both should have known that no ship has proven to be unsinkable. Add my evidence to the present scandals and the newly elected Canadian minority government should have its days numbered by just three. Oct 5th should be a telling day for us all if the Queen acts ethically in her subject’s best interests. Governor General Adrienne Clarkson has lived high of the hog socializing at the taxpayer expense. It is high time that she did her job.

The date and time of the delivery of this letter is no mistake. I must not allow my adversaries any time to stop me before I email this letter around the world in my best effort to expose the truth before the next federal election in the USA. I see no need to explain to you why. Laymen will understand this letter. I don’t care if a lawyer pretends not to. I have made it clear that I have no respect for your profession and I have gone about the business of proving it. I simply don’t even care about my grammar or spelling anymore. The gist and sincerity of this letter is far more important than the format or manners. All things considered I don’t give a shit. There is no one able to proof read this stuff today because my wife is in the hospital.

I will do all that I have promised to the best of my ability because of the fact that too many very well paid civil servants in two countries are past too late to act within the scope of their employment. My family has already lost a great deal of our interests though no fault of our own. I am true to my word and it is my Clan that I answer to first for my actions. The task falls upon me to make all the smiling bastards pay for their illegal actions or inaction in order to willfully assist the criminals acting against my Clan.

I will argue anyone I choose with the proper summons Ask Rob Moore or John Herron how hard I am to argue with. Rob Moore edited my smiling face from his website until after he won. Now that is funny. My ethical torture of Herron buddy the god damned Carpetbagging Yankee David Lutz was just to souuth my own savage breast. Rest assured I look forward to meeting you or anyone you send. At the very least you Mr. Irwin and your above named assistants now undeniable witnesses to the rampant corruption. I truly hope that in the future some Royal Commission calls you all back to Canada to testify for the benefit of all Canadians. That is your job.

On the subway yesterday my wife overheard some pretty young lady lawyers discussing litigation with a colorful Pro Se character. She giggled as she continued to read her book. She knew they were speaking of me when she saw what T stop they got off at. She will recognize them if we ever see them again but I bet they won’t remember her. However they will have a very hard time forgetting me once I know their names. This little story reminds me of Andy Scott yapping too much on an airplane awhile back and then losing the job that Anne McLellan now has. Truth is stranger than fiction.

Here hoping that October 6th is a great day for Canadian Democracy and that the ramifications of the day will have a positive effect on Democracy in the USA. People that cherish their Rights and Freedom deserve far better governments to serve them than the ones that now exist. I believe in Jimmy Carter’s words and his sincerity last July. It is too bad his help never told him about me. As for Barack Obama I must say if he is thought to be the future of a democratic Party then someone should check my work. It looks like I figured him out correctly a month before I went home to become a politician of a different sort.

Nobody can say that I didn’t make it fun to listen to a political debate. Too bad the media owned by the elite didn’t let my message be heard. Lets see if I can do it alone byway of the internet. Guess who gets this letter in an email first? Their initials are APEX. They delayed their big meeting to the same day Paul Martin starts his circus. The fact that Margaret Bloodworth is one of the Co Chairs of the Symposium does not leave me much hope for the integrity of the organization of Bureaucrats. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if they invited me to speak or argue Ms. McLellan?

At least I can still dream impossible dreams while I deal with the harsh realities of the moment. I have no doubt that APEX will live up to the letter of their mandate for their own benefit but they will likely do so at the expense of their stated principles. It seems the first order of business for the elite even in government service is to look after their own pocket books rather than the Public Trust placed in them. However with any luck at all many ordinary people will be contacting you, Mr. Irwin in an effort to view what I have sent you. Can you and your friends afford to ignore them all forever?

I will leave you all to ponder what I will do next as you all argue with your own consciences and self-interests. You all know as well as I that there is no honour amongst thieves. I may have a fool for a client but I am the only person that I can trust to speak for me. If you trust a lawyer then you are more foolish than I. I have proved that fact beyond a shadow of a doubt and so has my friend Byron Prior. It is too bad that I do not respect you half as much as his little toe. To me the Title of Honourable is earned it should not be awarded so frequently to lawyers or politicians such as you Mr. Irwin or Byron adversary T. Alex Hickman. Why the Governor General would even wish to be in the same room with that bastard is beyond me and many others. Mr. Irwin you have already proven to me over a year ago that you are far from Honourable. Please prove me wrong or get off your ass and sue me. You are a lawyer aren’t ya? Lawyer defend thyself or act with integrity.
Cya’ll in Court:)
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton, MA. 02186

On September 17th, 2004 I, David R. Amos with a witness served the enclosed material to the office of Ronald A. Irwin at the Canadian Consulate at 3 Copley Place in Boston, MA. 02108. If the Consulate is closed by the time I get there I will send it confirmed US Mail the same day. It depends on when my wife is released from the hospital today. It is too bad and so sad that I find it necessary to make such a service on Public Servants that are paid to defend the rights of Canadian’s in the USA. If anyone one thinks the simple truth is corny, shame on you. If anyone thinks I am joking please call me a liar in writing. I dare ya.

David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton, MA. 02186
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 7:30 PM
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#31 – Marc Emery
Marc Emery is often referred to in the media as the “Prince of Pot”. It’s a handle he wears proudly since he is probably one of, if not the most visible proponents of making marijuana legal in Canada.

The crux of his argument is that cannabis is no worse than tobacco or alcohol so why is it a banned substance? On that point proponents of marijuana are right. It isn’t any worse but it’s hardly harmless.

Generally you smoke it although it’s eaten too. Smoke in the lungs from anything isn’t a good idea health wise and marijuana contains some of the same cancer causing substances found in tobacco. In some ways it’s a bigger health threat because people inhale deeply and hold the smoke in their lungs as long as possible to achieve maximum high. It also impairs judgement. Drugged driving is on the rise and the results can be and have been just as deadly as drunk driving. To try to purport that marijuana use is no big deal is misleading and dishonest.

But those are the facts Emery doesn’t delve into. He ran a business called Marc Emery Direct Marijuana Seeds until it was shut down in a raid by Vancouver Police in 2005 who were acting on a request from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. The U.S. is currently trying to extradite him where Emery faces a possible life sentence for his activities.

Those activities include not just selling marijuana seeds but being what Emery himself describes as a major financial backer of almost every pro-pot effort in North America and many more around the world. He was a member of the Marijuana Party of Canada, and is leader and founder of the British Columbia Marijuana Party.

Emery has travelled throughout Canada blatantly lighting up joints in public places in an effort to get charged and be taken to court. His reasoning is that eventually he can find a liberal judge who will rule that marijuana should be legalized (he’s probably right).

Controversial statements along the way from Emery have been the norm. In 2004 he said about then Liberal Minister of Justice, Irwin Cotler, "Cotler was a life-long human rights advocate, and as Justice Minister, he has presided over a record number of prosecutions of marijuana possession, prosecutions of marijuana cultivation, and marijuana selling. I thought the term Jewish-Nazi, or Nazi-Jew, was an oxymoron until Cotler became the Injustice Minister. What a disgrace he is to his Jewish roots."

In addition to making pot readily available to all, Emery is also against spending tax money for health care for anyone over 70. (wanna bet he changes his tune in a few years?) . "We spend far too much of our taxpayers' money on a rapidly growing population of old people. We're spending lots of money keeping many many millions of old people alive when it would be much more honourable to let them die in a dignified way".

In 2005, he had nothing nice to say about residents of Langley, British Columbia. During the provincial election he referred to many in the riding as, "old people who are intolerant and bigoted and hate young people". No Marc, but you certainly united them against you.

Emery is also a big fan of the NDP since leader Jack Layton favours the decriminalization of marijuana. Yet another reason to question your local NDP candidate when they come to your door during the next election.

Emery would like to see marijuana readily available and out in the open. Part of the argument is that the billions spent fighting the drug war is a waste because it will never be won. True, illicit drugs will always be available but normalizing something else known to have detrimental effects on society isn’t the answer either. Saying it's no more harmful than tobacco or alcohol also doesn’t cut it. We’d all be a lot better off with less booze and less tobacco given the social and health problems the two things cause. Adding marijuana to that mix would only make things worse. Teenagers are one of the main target markets of drug dealers, but with that being said, more teenagers don’t smoke pot than do. The goal should be to increase the number of teenagers who don’t do drugs not make it more readily available. Emery clearly doesn’t care about that (nor arguably do the political parties who would like to see the drug out in the open).

Emery’s supporters often say his critics are trying to infringe on his free speech. Let me be clear that Emery is free to say whatever he wants. In fact I encourage it. It helps the rest fo us know what he’s up to and what he would turn this country into if he was given the chance; a nation of potheads who don’t care about the health of senior citizens, teenagers...or even their own.
Posted by Spinks on Sunday, April 22, 2007 at 7:01 PM | Permalink
So, presumably we'll see the brewers of Canada, some distillers, and hopefully some tobacco corporate execs on this list at some point, too?

I know I'll have to wait and see... but I hope some entrenched vices will make the list as well...as opposed to the ones that are allegedly trying to redraw your idea of "morality" in Canada.
Posted by ha! | 8:16 PM
It's about time someone called Emery on his actions. The media love-in with this pothead is ridiculous. Then again the media is not so secretly pushing that marijuana is as harmless as chocolate so what can one expect. Good call!
Posted by Johanna | 9:22 PM
Excellent Spinks! Based on my own experience writingabout this individual, you may end up with more repsonses than the Nelly Furtado thread.

The bottom line is that civil disobedience carries a price and Mr Emery should have gone into it knowing full well that the day might come when he would have to answer to authorities.

However, after repeated slaps on the wrist from Canadian authorities, he decided to test the Americans' resolve. He sold illegal substances in the USA, and they don't wink a it like Canada dies, moreover, when some arrogant foreigner tries to tweak their noses while hiding behind a computer, they are going to seize the opportunity to make an example of him.

Good. I've seen enough in my life to know that Marijuana and drugs in general are not something to be legalized. I would even go so far as to advocate manadatory life senstences with no chance of parole on those involved in the trade, from the importer-kingpin, to the street corner dealer.

Alcohol is the road to ruin, but Marijuana, and the drugs to which it leads later are the superhighway to hell.

I think Emery deserves everything that's coming to him down in the US of A.
Posted by Smok Wawelski | 12:41 PM
Alcohol is the road to ruin, but Marijuana, and the drugs to which it leads later are the superhighway to hell.

Oh, puh-lease. Drunk driving, ruined families, abused children, accidents involving alcohol, lost productivity etc. etc. does not make alcohol virtuous at all.

Anyway, like the first commenter, I hope we'll be seeing tobacco execs and military-industrialist "death merchants" make this list. Or does screwing up Canada really only apply to people who know one much cares about?
Posted by Anonymous | 12:56 PM
Many consume safely, using a vaporizer.

Prohibition: Didn't work then, doesn't work now.

Posted by Anonymous | 11:47 AM
If I were to encounter someone like him on a cursade smoking pot in public just cause they want to find a liberal enough to set him free I'd be aweful tempted to punch them in the gut.

I'm allergic to the smell of the stuff, that and tobacco (to a lesser extent), that being said someone smoking it in their own home is different than lighting up in public are completely different.

Such an idiot should be sent to Europe
Posted by JKH | 8:41 PM
Blogger wrote' ". Smoke in the lungs from anything isn’t a good idea health wise and marijuana contains some of the same cancer causing substances found in tobacco. In some ways it’s a bigger health threat because people inhale deeply and hold the smoke in their lungs as long as possible to achieve maximum high."

GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. You are misinformed, study from UCLA.
"The largest study of its kind has unexpectedly concluded that smoking marijuana, even regularly and heavily, does not lead to lung cancer.

The new findings "were against our expectations," said Donald Tashkin of the University of California at Los Angeles, a pulmonologist who has studied marijuana for 30 years.

"We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use," he said. "What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect."

Posted by Anonymous | 6:44 PM
That's one study friend and I never wrote that it did. I only wrote that it has some of the same cancer causing substances as tobacco (it does). Regardless, putting smoke into your lungs from ANYTHING is not healthy. There are many other lung diseases out there besides cancer. Once again, to try to purport that marijuana use is no big deal (as Marc Emery does)is misleading and dishonest.
Posted by Spinks | 7:21 PM
More on the note about criminalizing certain antisocial behaviors I think the common values that we can all agree with are more important is finding a solution to this problem.

Can we all agree that marijuana is the least important use of canabis?

Can we all agree that prohibition of any antisocial behavior has ever stopped antisocial behavior, ie. prostitution, spitting in public, burning garbage, bad fashion, etc?

I think it is a common fear that legallizing a commonly abused substance will increase its availability and consumption.

It is here and easily acquired. The "War on Drugs" is the Drug-on War with no possible victory. It is consuming vast resources and creating criminals out of good people who seek freedom, as well as making very bad people very wealthy and powerful.

It is more an issue of accepting that Prohibitionists seek to change the behavior of others with fear of punishment for behaviors that are already a punishment, and just compounds the problem. I can see no justice in choosing which vices are legal, or any virtue in profiting from the destruction of our most valuable resource, people.

Education seems like a great alternative for all the spending on law enforcement and imprisonment. Will it work? What we are doing is worsening a problem that has always been with us. The more we throw money at it the bigger it gets. The erosion of trust in government, the profiteering, the corruption, the poisoning of our youth are only necisary to point out our failures.
We need not fail. The truth is more important than control.

There is a part of me that wishes to prohibbit most of what I see on TV, bad beer, bad food, bad drugs, greed, lawns, or anything I find distastful. Thank God for mirth and grace and forgiveness and wisdom. These things are here to teach us virtue.

Eric Donovan Lester
Posted by Lericerest | 12:05 PM
Many people do safely consume marijuana through eating or vaporizing. And even if they didn't, the taxing we could do on it would make legalization WELL worth it.
I absolutely disagree.
Posted by Lynzie | 8:24 PM
Wow, that is one lame case against marijuana. There are some many reasons for people of all political stripes to advocate decriminalization and legalization of pot. Mark Emery may be an asshat, but that doesn't lessen his cause.

I encourage you to investigate the number of deaths caused by alcohol compared to those by marijuana (a substance which, though illegal, is readily available to anybody who wants it). How about comparing the impact on the healthcare system of tobacco and pot? How about the wasted billions on policing the relatively trivial effects of marijauna consumption? How about the lost tax revenue by not legalizing another such substance?

Lines were once drawn where substances A, B, and C are legal, while substances X, Y and Z are not. That doesn't make those lines eternally accurate, particularly considering the amount of new data we have.

Our government benefits from and approves of the more addictive tobacco and alcohol. Why not add a less addictive, less harmful substance and add to the coffers?
Posted by Darren | 8:11 AM
I smoke weed and am quite successful, productive, healthy, physically fit and in a happy marriage.

I don't drink or smoke cigarettes because they are so unhealthy and I don't like lung cancer of hangovers.
Posted by Jutratest | 11:23 AM
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 11:17:12 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: I just tried to call you all in order to introduce myself. Good luck with your conscience now.
To: svend@svendrobinson.com, garth@garth.ca, anwarnaqvi@ndp.ca,
edchudak@ndp4me.ca, ghubbers@greenparty.ca, krice@greenparty.ca,
info@cindysilver.ca, jpal@telus.net, NationalVP@chp.ca,
jevans@greenparty.ca, editor@cannabisculture.com

For the record Lois called me back I spoke on Andrew Kyrtal's Radio Show, returned Lucy at Cpac call, I called Garth, sent these emails and then tried to call you all beginning with Marc emery who heard me speak three hours ago. In my calls I was trying to tell you all what Lois Brown knows to keep everyone on an even keel.

I sincerely hope that all incumbents are unseated and replaced with those who understand the meaning of the word integrity. All of you are running against corrupt liberals. the most notable of all is the turncoat Belinda Stronach. She dumped Stevey Boy Harper and his Deputy Dog Petey Baby MacKay like hot potatoes as soon as I gave her lawyer Don Amos a call. Ask him why and then perhaps you should too. Your parties are sinking in the polls anyway tis time to save ourselves before you are embarassed by your own leaders. Need I say i am a very joyful Independent?

Please be aware of my fair warning I will hold all lawyers amongst your political crowds accountable in a court of law whether or not you get elected. There should be no need to explain to any of you why. The tiff file attached makes my reasons evident to all. the Arar and Gomery Inquirys do not hold a candle to my concerns and allegations. Call me a liar and put it in writing I double Dog Dare Ya.

That said the likes of the fancy pants lawyer Svend Robinson should be a glaring example to all just how bad things really are when it comes to public corruption being ignored. I would like to know what planet the NDP come from. Did Robinson not prove himself to be a thief whilst he was an MP? Please correct me if I am wrong but has that lawyer proven to all that not only does he not uphold the law he broke it as a common thief. He did this all whilst being employed as a Member as a Parliament who had sworn to uphold the public trust? Why the hell would the Canadian people want such a person seated in the House of Commons again particularly in a place where no matter what they say or do on our behalf they cannot be held accountable for? Is anyone paying attention to the nonsense of it all?

In closing after I heard the dope smoking Marc Emery endorse such a lawyer of this on air in Halifax I just shook my head and said my two bits worth on Live Radio too. The pothead does not realize that the world of George W. Bush is on his shoulders because of political lawyers such as his buddy Svend Robinson. I wish Emery luck in finding an ethical lawyer to keep him out of Yankee prison. Rest assured I will check that smiling bastard's work closely. If I see that he acts with integrity, I will offer him the best job he ever had. He will never need another client just more assistants. Methinks if the lawyer, Tony Fogarassy were a really wise guy he would sit up, pay attention, ignore the idiot Stevey Boy Harper and the rest of his cohorts and give me a call. (Yea I know I am a dreamer but my phone number is inserted in the next email) Perhaps you should give a call back in order for me to assist you so the Humpty Dumpty's government falls in such a fashion that that all the Queen's Horses and all the Queen's men can not put Humpty Dumpty's govenment back together again just like what happened to Brian Mulroney's long dead party not too long ago.

Merry Xmass? Bah Humbug!!! See you on the Campaign Trail. I am running for Parliament just one last time whilst I sue the Crown because of my own false imprisonment in the USA . Get IT?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 1:58 AM
Post a Comment


#45 – Brian Mulroney
Even after 15 years of being out of office, there aren’t too many corners in this country that former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney’s name is spoken of positively.

And who can blame them?

The Mulroney negotiated Meech Lake accord to try and bring Quebec into the Constitution failed miserably. It’s failure resulted in Lucien Bouchard leaving the Progressive Conservatives and forming the seperatist Bloc Quebécois, a political party with the sole goal of breaking the country up and they’re still at it today.

The Reform Party was also spawned during Mulroney’s Reign, also a largely regional party with a prime focus on Western Canada and further splitting the vote for years to come.

Mulroney brought in the hated 7% GST. Polls at the time had 80% of Canadians disagreeing with the tax. Ironically today a Conservative government has reduced it and promises to reduce it further while the Liberals who said they’d eliminate it are defending it tooth and nail. (More on that later here at 101)

In an attempt to achieve a zero rate of inflation, Mulroney allowed the Bank of Canada to raise interest rates, prolonging the recession, making mortgages for many unaffordable and causing many to lose their jobs.

He finally said he would step down as leader but he did it too late. The PC’s were decimated keeping just two seats after the 1993 election. Today the Progressive Conservative party as it was no longer exists.

If all that wasn’t bad enough, for years he foolishly let Peter Newman tape conversations with him over the years and came across looking well…foolish when Newman published a book about it. To make things worse we were subjected to a CBC special about it. Ugh.

For you die-hard Conservatives out there who still love the guy, at least think about this. Due to Mulroney, Canada had a Liberal government for almost 13 years. Based on that and everything else, certainly we can get some unanimous agreement that Brian Mulroney screwed this country up.
Posted by Spinks on Tuesday, March 20, 2007 at 6:49 PM | Permalink
Always thought BM got a bums rap.I read Camerons assasination book,still thought it was BS.Now a decade & a half later I find myself despising this man.Thats 2 Pm's in a lifetime.Guess who the other one is?
Posted by greyburr | 7:18 PM
Brain fart,meant to add the bastards dead!
Posted by greyburr | 7:33 PM
Back in the day, a bunch of white guys got together in Charlottetown to talk about a Canadian confederation. This booze fest ended in Montreal with 4 of the 7 groups drunk enough to make a go of it. Sir J. A. scored just a 57% success rate.

Later, a bunch of white guys got together and in that booze fest, 9 of the 10 groups agreed with Trudeau's vision. Pierre scored a 90%, but loses marks for not being able to convince his own province.

Later, a bunch of white guys get together for yet booze another fest, led by Brian Mulroney. This guy was Irish, and he drank everyone under the table. At the end of this Meech Lake round everyone left in agreement. That's 100% success. Granted when the hang-over evaporated, so did the agreement.

A few years later, BM leads another pub crawl in Charlottetown. His Irish drinking ability shines through again and all 10 groups leave in agreement. Another resounding 100% initial success. The problem this time was the Canadian population who didn't find the endless parties all that amusing. Kill joys.

BM ranks up there as one of the best true politicians in Canadian history and as a student of politics I don't have to agree with him to recognise that feat and his rightfully deserved place in our history books. No one can disgree with that, however I can see where there might be disagreement on his role as either the antagonist or protagonist.
Posted by Monctonite | 6:45 AM
I still curse every time that GST hits me in the face at the cash. While the manufacturer's tax, which was hiden was removed, and replaced with the hated GST, which was supposed to cost us less, don't tell me I'm the only one who didn't notice a reduction in prices.
I hate that tax with every fibre of my being, as much today as the day it was brought in.
What I never undrstood is why merchants, who are required to collect this loathesome tax, and do reams of paperwork without compensation, didn't just band together and refuse to implement it. It cost them fortunes for new equipment, programming etc... but then again, business doesn;t give a rat's backside. they just pass the costs on to you and I.
I fully believe that the GST is the reason why the PCs were wiped out to the pointof two seats rather than 55-70 in 1993.
Mulroney also campaigned as a pro-lifer in '84, then tossed abortion to the courts, and we all know what happened there.
I think, however, that had he not spent his political cpaital on the hated GST, he might have pulled off the Charlottetown acord, and we may never have had to have a Bloc Quebecois, nor a 1995 referendum. And Meech would have killed separation longe before if not for Clyde Wells. I hope he's on this list.
Posted by Smok Wawelski | 9:14 AM
Very clear analysis.

BM decimated the conservative movement and damaged conservative MPs from winning the same way that George Bush is doing it in the US ( Republicans lost both Congress and Senate and it does not appear any better in 2008):

Running as a conservative but governing as a liberal ( higher taxes, unsympathetic to the people, appearing as an elite with a dim looking wife).

But when do we see Chretien and Paul Martin in your list - the top 10 at least. You should make this a pay for view site, once the number hits 25. You will make a fortune
Posted by JBurke | 8:44 PM
I feel the need to spit when I say or type his name, so won't.

I'm going to move BACK to my old riding because I don't like the guy (a lawyer who has been an AB MLA under Klein) who won the candidacy for my (new to me) riding due to a retirement, and his second-runner-up was a Mulroney Tory that got punted by a Reformer (now CPoC). Ick.

Good call. I get the heeby-jeebies when I hear his name.
Posted by Candace | 4:03 AM
"When Irish eyes are smiling,
Sure, 'tis like the morn in Spring.
In the lilt of Irish laughter
You can hear the angels sing.
When Irish hearts are happy,
All the world seems bright and gay.
And when Irish eyes are smiling,
Sure, they steal your heart away. "

Brian Mulroney is welcome at my house anyday......
Posted by Awareness | 9:09 PM
Although I don't like new or higher taxes any more than the next person, I really have no major problem with the GST. Where I have the problem is that income taxes weren't reduced to off-set the GST. Besides, there are very few tax dodges to a sales tax....every one pays it up front, and the more expensive an item you can afford, the more GST you pay. I don't criticize Mr. Mulroney for the GST....but for not going far enough.
Posted by Conrad | 8:50 PM
I watched the CBC Mulroney special, custom designed to smear the Conservatives, and deliberately aired just before the January 2006 election. I was surprised at how much Mulroney was able to accomplish during his two terms, despite the goal of the show, which was simply to highlight his profanities. The show allowed the viewers a full recap of the many accomplishments of this much maligned PM if you can possibly see beyond the colourful language.

It's clear that Pierre Trudeau's jealousy was the undoing of the Meech lake accord, though Trudeau did it through his intermediary, Clyde Wells. That act alone made Trudeau a gutless, bitter, vindictive, meddling, destructive, egomaniacal wretch who is undeserving of the platitudes heaped upon him since.

Mulroney did the unpopular, and had the guts to do it. He thought the good of the country was more important than personal popularity. How many Liberal PMs can claim what they did was for the good of the country? Certainly not Martin, or Chretien, or especially Trudeau. And get over the GST already. It's a fact of life in every industrialised country. Like so many other issues, the Liberals get a free pass, even though they have done exactly nothing about it. Ten years with Kyoto, or thirteen years with the GST. Zero results.
Posted by Kevin | 11:18 AM
back in 1991 i was told that the GST was a big conjob, nothing to do with a consumer tax. Mulroney and the govt solicited US busineses to come into Canada as a land of opportunity. they did, and after a few profitable years they began to take tax free dividends out of the country at the rate of about 30 billion a year! all Canadians got stuck with the GST taxes to try to stop the blood flow.
Posted by Anonymous | 1:53 AM
A commenter above wrote: "I still curse every time that GST hits me in the face at the cash."

That's the whole point of the GST and one reason why it was appropriate. A hidden tax like the Manufacturers Sales Tax is the worst kind of tax. From what I've read, most economists favoured some form of consumption tax over an increase of income tax.

This also raises one of the chief failings of Mulroney, he never really attacked the problem of overspending by governments in Canada and hence, was unable to reduce taxes. Martin was forced to cut spending, but the only way to cut overall government spending was to cut transfer payments to the provinces and then let the provincial governments take the heat
Posted by John B | 4:24 PM
Methinks I mad myself faily clear to the miserable bastard and his crooked mouthed buddy before I returned to the USA and found myself falsely imprisoned in solitary conefinement with no bail and held under the charges of "other". If you had gone to such a place you would have shit your pampers bigtime Spinksy Baby.

September 10th, 2004

Brian Mulroney
Ogilvy Renault
1981 McGill College Avenue
Suite 1100
Montréal,Quebec H3A 3C1

Jean Chrétien
Heenan Blaikie
81 Metcalfe Street
Suite 700
Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6K7

RE: Me suing you and your little dogs too.

Hey you two Evil Old Smiling Bastards,

Today Coldwell Bankers showed me their ass so I kick yours. You didn’t really think I would leave you two out of the circus. Did ya? I was just waiting for something you can’t take back. Methinks that in Canada you should be the stars of the show. Although all the other crooks won’t mind that you steal the show. Paul Martin and Steven Harper should make for fair rivals as the clowns as they point back and forth at each other and then at you two dudes. After all you fellas did seem to get away with the most lucre. If that is how lawyers measure successful lawyers methinks you two Quebecers take the cake. Everybody knows what I am talking about I am just making it my business to prove it.

Jean, you should never forget that you were Wayne Easter’s boss when he allowed Ashcroft and his cohorts to keep trying to have their way with me last November. As soon as landslide Annie got his job, she was quick to finger him to blame. What say you Frenchie? If you can simply prove to me the priest Bill Elliot acted according to his conscience after I enlightened him about Cardinal Law and Paul Zed, I will eat your hat and let you off the hook but you will still have a little explaining to do to the people recorded on the wiretap tapes. Ottawa is all abuzz these days with sponsorship money.

My, my how quick we forget the dead. I truly believe there are many ghosts killed by tainted blood that have yet to hear the truth of their demise. If anyone were to ask me the dude you appointed by the name of Howard Wilson did a shitty job of covering up for your friend Paul Martin’s ethics. If I were you wouldn’t seek the counsel of your little dog Frank McKenna. He was raised down the road from my old bike shop. It seems he knows more as politician about how to help pig farmers get ahead than as a lawyer on how to help pigheaded layman find justice. Trust me, he will never understand mutts.

As for you Brian, everybody knows I am the reason that you chose not to speak at the Conservative Convention. My emails to Belinda and all the others did the trick and you know it as well as I. Ain’t it too funny how Brian Tobin just quit Belinda and her big daddy’s company. Ask him why. I dare ya. But never forget that he is a layman sitting in the catbird seat. What he squawks about may hang you all. There are many ghosts lingering about the Ocean Ranger that would like to hear the truth of their demise. Before you argue me give my friend Byron Prior a call after he stops filling your ear about your friends John Crosbie and T. Alex Hickman maybe he will tell you what you already know. While you are at it ask him about the MP Bill Matthews and his sister.

Brian, what everybody doesn’t seem to know is how many times we have crossed paths in the USA in recent years because of your associations with all the other crooked lawyers and their assorted companies down there. Cendant Corp is the finest example of me versus you but then there are the Forbes dudes as well. I will wager you are shocked that I am still alive, Aren’t ya? I allowed the bastards in Coldwell Bankers to sell the Beach House just so I could sue your fat ass in the USA. That matter is far from over. Call Francis Galvin if you don’t believe me. The only men smart even to realize I just might pull this off were William Cohen and David Aufhauser. Too bad for them they couldn’t be smart and ethical. I bet Cohen screamed at you when I served him in his office in Washington. Watch UBS scream at their new General Counsel. I find it hilarious how Aufhauser also joined an organization called CSIS in the USA. Do you think Jack Hooper will get the joke?

Please find enclosed exactly the same material sent to Adrienne Clarkson. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated. I have also enclosed a copy of an affidavit of mine that was discussed in New Brunswick Provincial Court today. I will leave it to you to ask your Yankee Carpet bagging buddy David Lutz to scurry about and figure out how to cover your arses. By the time you read this letter I will be back in the USA and talking a lot in court on the public record about you and many others in Canada. I you disagree, sue me. I double dog dare ya to. But I bet I sue you first. Trust that I won’t settle. I want a public hearing in order to properly shame you.

When we finally do meet in court, my first questions will likely be how do all the ghosts of your past allow you to sleep at night. No amount of money could appease the conscience of an ethical man. Apparently lawyers know something I don’t. One thing you don’t know is that I can’t see any reason why I should not sue your law firms too. I consider them Bernard Lord and Frank McKenna all to be your little dogs. Can you trust your crooked little pets not to settle with me and tell the truth about you? I would love to know what the Queen and Adrienne are talking about right now. Should Paul Martin’s shaky government be allowed to stand? If not what sort of new government could rise from the evil rubble. Would the Public Trust be upheld next time around by many independent candidates such as me? It wouldn’t hurt to have a bunch of pigheaded laymen not affiliated to any party asking a lot of questions and stressing the ethics of political lawyers everyday. Even if the dead can’t speak. all living Canadians should hate you bastards for NAFTA alone. Why we all don’t speak up on behalf of the unborn is beyond my understanding. Perhaps we should dig up Louis Riel and ask him why that is.

Oh ye who claim to be so right and honourable, what say you now?

Cya’ll in Court:)

David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave
Milton, MA. 02186
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 12:55 AM
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#50 – Garth Turner
Oh Garth, it didn’t have to be like this. You shouldn’t even be anywhere near this list. You were setting yourself up as the crusader of the downtrodden; standing up for what is right and staking out territory unseen by so many politicians…a politician with integrity.

…and then you threw it all away.

Turner was one of the most vocal people regarding politicians crossing the floor to join another party. His reasoning was sound. Sure, voters may have voted for their local candidate but just as likely is the fact that many voters base their choice on the political party that candidate is running for. If a politician decides to change parties for whatever reason, Turner believed that person should have to resign his/her seat and run under their new party’s banner in a by-election. He’s right and I couldn’t agree more, but when it came time for Turner to walk the talk, he weaseled out.

Last year, the Conservative caucus suspended Turner and while the reasons have never been made official, it’s safe to say there was some kind of falling out between Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Turner. Turner then began to sit as an Independent and although rumours swirled that he might become the Green Party’s first MP, he ended up eventually joining the Liberals.

I always found it odd that an MP who advocated so strongly for things like income splitting would join a party deadset against such notions, but he’s free to join whatever party he wants;

After the voters say they’re okay with it.

Or at least that’s what Turner always said.

When David Emerson crossed the floor from the Liberals to join the Conservatives, Turner denounced Emerson saying, “Anyone who crosses the floor ultimately should go back to the people for ratification and I stick by it and hopefully in this case that will happen."

But when Turner joined the Liberals, he said sure he’d run in a by-election IF Stephen Harper called it and IF other MP’s who had crossed the floor but not faced the voters resigned and ran in by-elections as well.

I don’t recall Turner making conditions when he called on other MP’s to have to go to the voters if they switched parties. Oh that’s right, he didn’t.

It’s politicians like Turner who don’t do what they say they’ll do that give politicians a bad name. Is it any wonder so many people don’t trust politicians when people like Garth Turner who claim to have integrity are then given the chance to prove it and fail to walk the talk?
Posted by Spinks on Friday, March 09, 2007 at 6:54 PM | Permalink
Surprise...youve been linked!

Good job!
Posted by RepoCreepo | 8:32 PM
I'm surprised you didn't bring up his public refusal to move offices.
I think his behaviour here is just as atrocious as his hypocritical stance on party switching (do as I say, not as I do).
Posted by Jennifer | 6:03 PM
Good call on this one. For a guy who acted like he was above dirty politics, he sunk low pretty fast by doing what he so strongly advocated against, all to get re-elected.
Posted by Dan | 11:16 AM
Funny. For a list you say was compiled before you launched the site, this one is very particular. Considering he hadn't joined the Liberals and was a fairly popular independent MP.
Posted by fred | 12:05 PM
The names were in place Fred but the writing is done as I go. He was actually originally on the list for calling Christian Political Activists “Taliban” and “Flowers of Evil”. However I only have so much space.
Posted by Spinks | 12:11 PM
Maybe Mr. Turner deserves his ranking for past sins, I'm not sure but anyone having held office in Mulroney's government is undoubtedly suspect.

As far as changing parties, aren't you all looking at this case like a man blind in one eye and holding his hand over the other?

As I see it, it was nothing like Emmerson or Stronach. They both walked away from their party for outright personal gain. Turner on the other hand was sitting as an independent as a result of rowing with Harper.

Two different things entirely . Like many, I think it would have been great if he had chosen Green, but let's take a moment to reflect on the mentality of those once firmly in the loop.

More importantly I suspect, is how long a period of time would have passed between his resigning his seat and a by-election being held.
Posted by Anonymous | 9:41 AM
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 11:17:12 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: I just tried to call you all in order to introduce myself. Good luck with your conscience now.
To: svend@svendrobinson.com, garth@garth.ca, anwarnaqvi@ndp.ca,
edchudak@ndp4me.ca, ghubbers@greenparty.ca, krice@greenparty.ca,
info@cindysilver.ca, jpal@telus.net, NationalVP@chp.ca,
jevans@greenparty.ca, editor@cannabisculture.com

For the record Lois called me back I spoke on Andrew Kyrtal's Radio Show, returned Lucy at Cpac call, I called Garth, sent these emails and then tried to call you all beginning with Marc emery who heard me speak three hours ago. In my calls I was trying to tell you all what Lois Brown knows to keep everyone on an even keel.

I sincerely hope that all incumbents are unseated and replaced with those who understand the meaning of the word integrity. All of you are running against corrupt liberals. the most notable of all is the turncoat Belinda Stronach. She dumped Stevey Boy Harper and his Deputy Dog Petey Baby MacKay like hot potatoes as soon as I gave her lawyer Don Amos a call. Ask him why and then perhaps you should too. Your parties are sinking in the polls anyway tis time to save ourselves before you are embarassed by your own leaders. Need I say i am a very joyful Independent?

Please be aware of my fair warning I will hold all lawyers amongst your political crowds accountable in a court of law whether or not you get elected. There should be no need to explain to any of you why. The tiff file attached makes my reasons evident to all. the Arar and Gomery Inquirys do not hold a candle to my concerns and allegations. Call me a liar and put it in writing I double Dog Dare Ya.

That said the likes of the fancy pants lawyer Svend Robinson should be a glaring example to all just how bad things really are when it comes to public corruption being ignored. I would like to know what planet the NDP come from. Did Robinson not prove himself to be a thief whilst he was an MP? Please correct me if I am wrong but has that lawyer proven to all that not only does he not uphold the law he broke it as a common thief. He did this all whilst being employed as a Member as a Parliament who had sworn to uphold the public trust? Why the hell would the Canadian people want such a person seated in the House of Commons again particularly in a place where no matter what they say or do on our behalf they cannot be held accountable for? Is anyone paying attention to the nonsense of it all?

In closing after I heard the dope smoking Marc Emery endorse such a lawyer of this on air in Halifax I just shook my head and said my two bits worth on Live Radio too. The pothead does not realize that the world of George W. Bush is on his shoulders because of political lawyers such as his buddy Svend Robinson. I wish Emery luck in finding an ethical lawyer to keep him out of Yankee prison. Rest assured I will check that smiling bastard's work closely. If I see that he acts with integrity, I will offer him the best job he ever had. He will never need another client just more assistants. Methinks if the lawyer, Tony Fogarassy were a really wise guy he would sit up, pay attention, ignore the idiot Stevey Boy Harper and the rest of his cohorts and give me a call. (Yea I know I am a dreamer but my phone number is inserted in the next email) Perhaps you should give a call back in order for me to assist you so the Humpty Dumpty's government falls in such a fashion that that all the Queen's Horses and all the Queen's men can not put Humpty Dumpty's govenment back together again just like what happened to Brian Mulroney's long dead party not too long ago.

Merry Xmass? Bah Humbug!!! See you on the Campaign Trail. I am running for Parliament just one last time whilst I sue the Crown because of my own false imprisonment in the USA . Get IT?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 2:04 AM
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#53- Jean Daniel Lafond
You just have to feel a bit sorry for Michaëlle Jean.

Our Governor General has weathered enough controversy in her own right but that pales in comparison to her husband, “His Excellency” Jean Daniel Lafond.

You just have to wonder about a guy who’s very loyalties to Canada constantly are questioned.

Right after Jean was chosen to be the next G-G, the questions began from members of parliament, and even some premiers about Lafond (and in fact Jean at the time) on whether they supported a united Canada. Then Prime Minister Paul Martin said yes they did and the couple confirmed Martin’s assertions (eventually) but with Lafond, one still has to wonder.

In his book, La manière nègre (The Black Way), he wrote, "So, a sovereign Quebec? An independent Quebec? Yes, and I applaud with both hands."

In a 2005 interview with Radio-Canada, he recanted a bit, saying he fought for the "cultural independence" of Quebec, but that was it. However he also said he was a Quebecois before he was a Canadian. Hmmm, not exactly a ringing endorsement for “I Am Canadian” is it?

That aside, you still have to wonder what’s going on in Lafond’s head.

In Lafond's 2006 film "American Fugitive:The Truth About Hassan", and the accompanying book he co-authoured with Fred A. Reed called, “Conversations in Tehran”, Lafond calls David Belfield a, “passionate, outspoken seeker after truth.” Belfield was an American who converted to radical Islam and in 1980 shot a former Iranian Diplomat and then fled the United States. The man Lafond fawns over in his book says he has “no problem” with the 9/11 attacks but he would have picked the “White House” as a target. Delightful.

There are lots of people in this country and in fact around the world who like to bash America for just about everything. That’s their opinion and that criticism can even be legitimate sometimes. However cozying up to terrorists and terrorist sympathizers is unacceptable particularly when you're in a role (by marriage or not) like the Governor General’s office.
Posted by Spinks on Thursday, March 01, 2007 at 8:39 PM | Permalink

Put Allison Brewer on your list.

Tory MLA David Alward has brought a bill before the Legislature that civil servants who perform marriages should be allowed to refuse to perform same-sex marriages on moral grounds. TJ Burke supports the bill.

Allison Brewer has said it's a "slap in the face" of homosexuals and would discourage young people from coming to New Brunswick. What a nutcase! I'm all for "The State Has No Business in the Bedrooms of the Nation" but She wants to deny people the right to their moral principles??? That's going too far!
Posted by Anonymous | 12:28 PM
What next? Jehovah witness refusing to perfom blood transfusion. Pharmacist refusing to dispense the pill.
Trauma surgeon refusing to save the life of jews.

I'm using the good old conservative logics. Slope, Slope, Slope.
Posted by Slope | 9:51 PM
I don't see what either of these comments has to do with Jean lafond... However I agree with the first one, that Alison Brewer should be on this list somewhere.

Hoever the second interlocutor is out to lunch.

Phrmacists should be under no obligation to dispense birth control, be it the pill , condoms or god forbid the "morning after pill". anyone who doesn't like it can just go to the competitor down the street.

As for JW doctors,this is a non-sequitur. while himself could refuse a transfusion,as a doctor he'd be required to administer a transfusion to a non JW who needed one.

The difference is that in one case we are talking about saving a life, while in the case of brith control, especially abortifascients, you are talking about TAKING a life, which no-one should be required to do.
Posted by Smok Wawelski | 10:05 PM
I think it absolutely disgraceful that someone occupy the Governor Generals post having a spouse who is nothing more than another vicious malcontent from the Province of Quebec.

Neither have the moral fortitude to end their charade, but prefer to continue as parasites.

This is simply outrageous!

Is it any wonder people show such apathy toward politics and new age politicians?
Posted by Anonymous | 1:18 PM
Why not ask this dude's nasty wife who used to work for the CBC why both she and the other CBC wench have been ignoring me for years?

September 11th, 2004

Dear Mr. Amos,

On behalf of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, I acknowledge receipt of two sets of documents and CD regarding corruption, one received from you directly, and the other forwarded to us by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick.
I regret to inform you that the Governor General cannot intervene in matters that are the responsibility of elected officials and courts of Justice of Canada. You already contacted the various provincial authorities regarding your concerns, and these were the appropriate steps to take.

Yours sincerely.
Renee Blanchet
Office of the Secretary
to the Governor General
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 7:44 PM
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#54 – Wendy Cukier
I’ve never owned a gun, I don’t own a gun and I don’t want a gun but I do know the Canadian Firearms Registry has been one big boondoggle costing Canadian taxpayers BILLIONS and Wendy Cukier wants to keep shoveling money into it.

The Ryerson University Professor is the President and co-founder of the Coalition for Gun Control and on the Board of the International Action Network on Small Arms.

Her involvement in gun control certainly appeared to have started with good intentions. Following Marc Lepine’s shooting rampage in 1989 at École Polytechnique in Montreal, Cukier became a crusader against guns.

Her efforts however have resulted in little tangible except a massive costs to taxpayers for the Firearms Registry, money which arguably could have been used to actually catch criminals.

Last year when Sharon Gregson, a British Columbia mother of four and school board trustee who also happens to have a handgun permit in the state of Utah spoke publicly that she thought Canadians should reconsider their stand on handgun ownership, Cukier went…well nuts.

Gregson mused on a radio program that she thought it should be easier to carry a concealed gun, especially for women who feel threatened. She suggested that the outcome for Lepine’s victims might have been different if one of them had been packing heat.

Not sure if I agree but an interesting point and worthy of debate unless of course you're Wendy Cukier.

Opposing point of views don’t get debated with Ms. Cukier, they get trashed. "It's an absurd comment,” said Cukier about Gregson. “It's completely contrary to Canadian traditions. It has no basis in fact, and for someone who is associated with schools to be making those comments is particularly alarming, especially a woman."

Especially a woman? Okay coming up at 101 we’re going to get into this odd groupthink that to be a woman you have to think a certain way or you’re betraying your gender but that’s for another day.

The bottom line is that there are lots of facts Ms. Cukier conveniently dismisses such as…

…the use of so called longarm guns in crimes began dropping BEFORE the registry came into effect. Today, handguns account for 2/3 of firearm homicides, up from ½ in the 90’s and 1/3 before that.

…of all the handguns used to commit homicide that were recovered by police since 1997, 72 per cent were not registered.

…gang related homicides are twice as likely to involve firearms as those not involving gangs. Rest assured, the gang members aren’t registering their weapons of choice.

Then there’s the Auditor General’s report.

The report questioned the effectiveness of the gun registry, and if it even improves public safety. The report said, “The Centre does not show how these activities help minimize risks to public safety with evidence-based outcomes such as reduced deaths, injuries and threats from firearms."

The report also showed that 86% of firearms used in homicides are unregistered and 80% of the murderers were unlicenced firearm owners making the gun registry well virtually useless.

If criminals would obey the law, then perhaps Cukier’s strategies would work but well, they don’t, that’s why they’re criminals.

Ms. Cukier is pushing a certain agenda and that’s fine, she is entitled to her opinion. However for Cukier there is no other opinion on this issue worth hearing…and there are facts Canadians should be aware of and which should be presented in a fair, open debate without being called “contrary to Canadian traditions” (whatever that means), “absurd” or that a woman shouldn’t say it.

There’s compelling evidence to the old adage that when you outlaw guns only the outlaws have guns. After Britain outlawed handguns in 1997, the criminal use of handguns shot up 40% in 3 years and has continued to climb ever since. Don’t bother telling Wendy Cukier that though, because well…it’s apparently not Canadian to do so.
Posted by Spinks on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 7:46 PM | Permalink
Sometimes I doubt Wendy is a woman, as she denies the women any possibility of self defense. Women, being much more vulnerable to violent attacks, must be allowed to carry concealed in the first place. There is even a provision in Canadian law for that - Type 3 ATC - but no one has ever been approved. Wendy should be kept personally liable for the sufferings of every victim of a violent crime in Canada.
Posted by Anonymous | 1:42 PM
Culkier should be ashamed of herself for promoting the diverting $2billion in funds that could otherwise have saved lives or benefitted society in some way. Instead it vanished into the ether making Liberal connected IT firms RICH and doing NOTHING to protect society.
Posted by Anonymous | 3:35 PM
Well when I go on a homocidal rampage I always look for the weapon that can be traced... NOT.

You shoud lhave heard my father when the gun regestry was introuced. He's a hunter's Ed teacher and between he, myself and my step mother we owned almost 15 long guns (no hand guns). At 25$ a pop... that's a lot. Why anyone would push an agenda like that is beyond me. It's a money grab. We never did register our weapons.
Posted by JKH | 1:05 AM
JKH. You own firearms NOT weapons.

Wendy's shrill and blatant falsehoods only serve one purpose; her self-serving and selfish personal interests. She doesn't care who gets hurt along the way.

I wish I could sit down with her over a couple of cheeseburgers and debate the issue, but having an intelligent debate with a mushroom is more appealing to me.
Posted by Anonymous | 1:22 AM
Not only did she waste all the taxpayers money by promoting the registry, but what about all the funding and grants she got from the government? Where did that money go and what did she use it for. She it totally useless in todays society.
Posted by Anonymous | 8:07 PM
Cukier is so full of crap. Nothinhg but a man-hating hoplophobe who will use victims and distorted stats to further her own agenda. I am disappointed she isn't higher up on the list.
Posted by B | 10:17 PM
I think most of you are missing the real reasons behind the "Wendy". It's not about hating other women, it's not about guns...

It's about self promotion.

Without the gun control schtik Wendy would still be a typing teacher. She'd have never had the chance to represent the Canadian people at UN events, or rubbed shoulders with ministers and premiers and she'd have never traveled the world at taxpayer's expense.
Wendy is FAMOUS, and if Canada suddenly got all rational and evidence-based firearms laws, she'd disappear, and for people like Wendy, once they've had a taste of that sort of fame, they will do anything they can to hold onto it.
Posted by Albert 4 | 11:37 AM
Cukier was a candidate for the position of Dean of the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University. Her candidacy was considered and rejected. Dr. Sanjay Sharma was selected to be the new Dean. He has an impressive academic record and is well-qualified for the position, unlike Cukier. I suspect that Cukier was included as a candidate because of sexual politics. It is likely she started to believe her own public relations too. Getting passed over for the position of Dean at the John Molson School of Business, one hopes, may have been a much needed serving of humble pie for this kooky woman.
Posted by Pongo | 11:36 AM
Further to all the figures posted here, roughly 80% of murders in Canada are committed with something other than a gun.

Kitchen knife registry anyone? That should provide lots of funds with which to reward the party faithful.

It's surprising this woman hasn't choked on her own regurgitated rhetoric!

Spending the 2 billion to catch criminals is, unfortunately too logical for the University Think Tank mentality.

Seems she is a victim of "my mind is made up, don't confuse me with the facts" syndrome.

And who gave her the authority to redefine Canadian tradition? In my traditional home there was a 303 hunting rifle, a 410 bolt action bird gun and 22 calibre cooey for hunting wabbits...hehehhhe
Posted by Anonymous | 1:38 PM
I said my opinion on guns on the record a long time ago. In fact before I believe it was long before you became a blogger EH Spinks Baby?

"I was raised with a gun," Amos said in response to the question of thenational gun registry. "Nobody's getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it."

Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd

By Erin Hatfield
"If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it? If your world is all screwed up, rearrange it."

The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if unofficial, theme song for the debate.

The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn. Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron's Liberalswent left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty, mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat.

The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the Kings County Record and Lisa Spencer of CJCW.

Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices. Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each other on their answers and criticizing eachothers’ party leaders. Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic relief with quirky answers. "I was raised with a gun," Amos said in response to the question of thenational gun registry. "Nobody's getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it."

Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his party'splatform with regard to gun control. "It was ill advised but well intentioned," Herron said. "No matter what side of the house I am on, I'm voting against it." Pat Hanratty agreed there were better places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters shouldn't have been penalized by this gun registry," he said.

The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in front of Moore. "Read that," Herron said to Moore, referring to the voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second readings of the bill in 1995. "He voted against it when it counted, at final count," Moore said. "We needa government with courage to register sex offenders rather than register the property of law abiding citizens."

The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and women heckling from the Conservative side. "Shut up John," one woman yelled. "How can you talk about selling out?" a man yelled whenHerron spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out.

Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy Armstrong weighed in at one point. "You’re out of touch," Armstrong yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged Armstrong to a public debate of their own. "Talk is cheap. Any time, anyplace," Armstrong responded.

As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate, candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making process for the June 28 vote.

Cutline – David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his favourite possessions—motorcycles.

The Unconventional Candidate

David Amos Isn’t Campaigning For Your Vote, But….

By Gisele McKnight

FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."

Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos.
The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from running for office in Canada.

One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail to meet Elections Canada requirements.

When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his favourite place to do so—Fundy.
Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his dissatisfaction with politicians.
"I’ve become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."

The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in 1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he needed to change his life.

"I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that sometimes in midlife."
So Amos, who’d lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952 Panhead motorcycle.
"Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact) experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you renew your faith in mankind – you help anyone you can, you never ask for anything, but you take what they offer."

For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs and conversation all over North America.

Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son and a daughter and become a house-husband – Mr. Mom, as he calls himself.
He also describes himself in far more colourful terms—a motorcyclist rather than a biker, a "fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud Canadian and a "wild colonial boy."

Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life.
"But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said. "It’s alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?"

Amos has no intention of actively campaigning.
"I didn’t appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can call me. I’m not going to drive my opinions down their throats."

And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one.
"I won’t take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It’s not about money. It goes against what I’m fighting about."
What he’s fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood, the exploitation of the Maritimes’ gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to name a few.

"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing, farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I’m death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it (NAFTA) out the window.

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico.

Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote.
"There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me, especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right. Don’t necessarily vote for me, but vote."

Although…if you’re going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have your X by his name.
"I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and say, ‘what the hell.’"
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 7:57 PM
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#57 – Michael Sabia
These days Michael Sabia is the CEO of Bell Canada. It’s a big job. BCE Stock is the most widely held in Canada and millions of people receive their phone service, Internet, cell phones, satellite TV, television stations, newspaper, etc. from Bell.

Those customers also pay a handsome price for Bell’s products.

Let’s just look at Bell ExpressVu. At the end of 2000, a basic programming package would run you $8.95 a month. As of February 1, 2007, it is now $31.00 a month. That’s a 289% price increase in 6 years. Just a wee bit more than the cost of inflation. Sure there are a few more channels to be had, but mostly BCE is blowing smoke when customers ask why the increases have been so exorbiant. Other Bell services (short of long distance) have also seen lots of increases over the same time although admittedley not quite as blatant as ExpressVu.

Hey but those hikes are needed, to make sure Bell still exists right?

After all, it was a year ago that BCE announced it would be laying off 3-4000 employees by the end of the year. Those rising customer rates and job cuts were needed to keep BCE competitive and profitable, so the company said.

But less than 3 months after announcing the layoffs, BCE announced that CEO Michael Sabia would receive a 555% pay increase. A salary increase from $1.21 million a year to $6.71 million a year. *cough*

I have no problem with the big guys making money and lots of it, but if you’re asking your customers to swallow big rate hikes and your employees to lose their jobs for the betterment of the company, well…lead by example. A 555% raise isn’t leading by example, it’s corporate greed.

Oh and if that’s not enough for you, Sabia was also the Director-General of Tax Policy in the Department of Finance when the GST was brought in in the early 90’s. He may not have driven it but he was one of the key architects behind the political scene. If you’re wondering why he’s on this list, come back after the next time you pay GST/HST or your Bell bill and then ask again.
Posted by Spinks on Monday, February 19, 2007 at 8:40 PM | Permalink
Don't forget how he lined his pockets in the CN privatization deal
Posted by Anonymous | 11:52 AM
Let's also not forget the retirement benefits that were removed from employee's Total Compensation without warning or assistance to replace them.
This answers the question; why the Employee Value Index has no target until 2008.

I can say first hand, this company is issuing pink slips and then looking for the needed efficiencies. Any normal company not facing extinction would do this the other way around. This behaviour should reflect the company’s attitude toward their employees and customers, we’re near the bottom of the list, if on it at all.
Posted by Anonymous | 3:57 PM
Don't blame him. He is just getting his. You would do the same given the opportunity. The problem is with the Board of Directors that approve all this crap.
Posted by Anonymous | 8:11 AM
You blogger buddy Chucky leblanc must rember theses emails Spinks Baby.
One fella on the Directors on that Board at Bell who must answer a lot of questions to me in court someday is Georgey Boy Bush's favourite Democrat Robert C. Pozen ot my name ain't "Just Dave"

Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 21:35:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Here is one of the reasons Telus dropped out of the scene Rest assured that the Yankee Depupty Dog has no clue what this is about other than he has wiretap tapes
To: lisa.carrier@international.gc.ca, oec-bce@parl.gc.ca,
lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca,
Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca,
Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, police@fredericton.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca,
cityadmin@fredericton.ca, bill.corby@gnb.ca,
Sandra.Conlin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca,
orakwa@paulcomm.ca, Prentice.J@parl.gc.ca, scotta@parl.gc.ca,
MacKay.P@parl.gc.ca, nicho.r@parl.gc.ca, info@grahamdefense.org,
kahentinetha2@yahoo.com, Katenies20@yahoo.com, timpila99@yahoo.com,
fabienpeters_355@msn.com, michael.rowan.book@gmail.com,
mtigar@wcl.american.edu, BBACHRACH@bowditch.com,
delaney_bruce@hotmail.com, rburnett@leonardpeltier.org,
mranfinson@aol.com, cartercamp@megapipe.net, george@haveyouthought.com,
warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, derek.strong@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Roger.Gillies@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, John.DeWinter@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca,
forest@conservationcouncil.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca,
premier@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, t.j.burke@gnb.ca,
jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, whistleblower@ctv.ca,
tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca,
wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com
CC: Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Graham.B@parl.gc.ca, andrew.holland@nb.aibn.com,
scotta@parl.gc.ca, caseyb@parl.gc.ca, warren.tolman@hklaw.com,
howiecarr@wrko.com, barnicle@969fmtalk.com,
cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, cotlei@parl.gc.ca,
Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us, Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us,
wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, fbinhct@leo.gov, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca,
bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca,
jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca,
moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca,
Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca,
Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, Sandra.Conlin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, Linda.Dorcenaforry@state.ma.us,
kelly.ayotte@doj.nh.gov, jbarthelmes@safety.state.nh.us,
rep.paul@mail.house.gov, info@massgop.com, info@mittromney.com,
thomas.gatzunis@state.ma.us, Daniel.Conley@state.ma.us,
wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, HistorysMsStory@aol.com, Interloch@aol.com,
dhill@leonardpeltier.org, trellenwood@leonardpeltier.org,

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 11:27:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: FW: Re: I am curious
To: ir@telus.com, greg.porter@telus.com, maria.preovolos@telus.com,
audrey.ho@telus.com, andras.vagvolgyi@telus.com,
martine.turcotte@bell.ca, michel.lalande@bell.ca

moto maniac motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com wrote: From: "moto maniac"

To: cwhite@wob.nf.ca
CC: michel.lalande@bell.ca, jean-francois.legault@bell.ca, christopher.ginther@bell.ca, atvnews@ctv.ca, bcecomms@bce.ca, newsroom@globeandmail.ca, p.macewan@balmoralfarm.ns.ca, dean.macdonald@actwu.ns.ca, elizabeth.macpherson@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca, brenda.reid@aliant.ca, martine.turcotte@bell.ca, info@hoeyassociates.ca, motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: FW: Re: I am curious
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 01:18:04 -0400

From: "David Amos"
Subject: Re: I am curious
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 00:01:35 -0300

Ms. Turcotte

Great. Thanks for the response. It saves time and unnecessary expense and redundancy because as I said, your local ATV Station is getting a hard copy and Mr. Pozen will receive his upon my return to the USA. I will attach hardcopy of this email to those documents so they will understand that I am serious about my complaints. But I will remain true to my word and not forward this email to anyone outside of your company.

Trust that I am seeking friends not more foes. I truly believe that CTV should capitalize on this story but I am somewhat dubious after I saw how Bell Canada employed its media to slam the people striking against Aliant last night. Please never forget I have been compelled to play the wicked political game and I do understand the argument at the bottom of this email. I am very much against the huge mergers at the Global Level. I am certain every lawyer and politician knows why.

Best Regards
David R. Amos

----- Original Message -----
From: martine.turcotte@bell.ca
To: motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
Cc: bcecomms@bce.ca ; W-Five@ctv.ca
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 10:28 AM
Subject: RE: I am curious

Mr. Amos, I confirm that I have received your documentation. There is no need to send us a hard copy. As you have said yourself, the
>documentation is very voluminous and after 3 days, we are still in the process of printing it. I have asked one of my lawyers to review it in my absence and report back to me upon my return in the office. We will then provide you with a reply.

Martine Turcotte
Chief Legal Officer / Chef principal du service juridique
BCE Inc. / Bell Canada
1000 de La Gauchetière ouest, bureau 3700
Montréal (Qc) H3B 4Y7

Tel: (514) 870-4637
Fax: (514) 870-4877
email: martine.turcotte@bell.ca

Executive Assistant / Assistante à la haute direction: Diane Valade

Tel: (514) 870-4638
email: diane.valade@bell.ca

-----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 6:12 AM
> To: Turcotte, Martine (EX05453)
> Cc: bcecomms@bce.ca; W-Five@ctv.ca
> Subject: I am curious
> Madam
> I did not receive a response from you to the last email so I am
>not certain if you received it. I must inform you that I will be closing my
>briefcase in Yahoo for public view at the end of the week. I have a great
>deal of material to add and I only wish certain parties to view it. I
>opened it for you the other day as an act of good faith. Mr. Pozen can
>check my work in the dockets of the various courts around Boston they are a
>matter of Public Record my files are not. As you can see by this and some
>following emails. I am very busy dealing with criminal matters first before
>filing civil complaints in the USA. As I told you when you called a lot has
>been happening. I have made a lot of cops mad at me and I don't trust them
>a bit particularly after the Police Commission is willing to check their
>work so i have been busy watching my back and covering my butt. However
>that does not mean that I have not thought about our conversation and was
>curious about a few things.
> I was glad to receive your call and impressed by the fact that
>you were more than willing to receive the material and a copy of the
>wiretap tape in particular. Your stated willingness to uphold the law was a
>rare statement to me. However I was curious why you only mentioned my
>voicemail to Mr. Pozen and not the email to your company and the news
>program that it owns. Did they not inform you as well? If they didn't I am
>not surprised because I have some other rather interesting denials from the
>Media. the most interesting would have to be from the PBS program called
>Frontline when I introduced its producer Michael Sullivan to the US
>Attorney Michael J. Sullivan. Now that is a story well worth W5 telling.
>Too bad they showed me their ass. As a courtesy to you and a further act of
>good faith, I will not forward this email to anyone else until after I
>return to the USA and nothing has been resolved between BCE and I and I am
>compelled to name it in my complaint. I would find it very hard to believe
>that Mr, Pozen does not know everything he needs to know about me right
> I had also called a lawyer, Steven Skurka who had a week long
>little special on CTV . I had tried to inform him that I knew my rights his
>assistant hollered at me. You from speaking to me yourself that I am not a
>rude character. I found it too funny to be treated that way and I had
>resolved to serve him this stuff byway of the local ATV Station that had
>presented his smiling talking head to me. That is why I was telling you
>that you could get this stuff from the local ATV station. I found it quite
>strange that you did not rely on them to send it on to you. Thus I must
>make an extra copy to comply with your request.
> I know the date stamp on the forwarded email is incorrect but
>that is because my old laptop goes to the first year in it when I boot up
>and sometimes I am too busy or tired to bother changing it. However MSN
>tracks it with the true date. Brad Smith and I have a bone to pick as well
>and I have been checking his work rather closely since he ignored my letter
>to him last year. His boss Bill Gates is gonna be very angry and Brad Smith
>and Steve Balmer in the near future if I have anything to do with it. If
>you do act ethically and immediately I will settle with your company very
>cheaply in comparsion to the bottom lines of my first two complaints. In
>fact I will be so impressed I will immediatlely offer you a better job than
>the one you have now. Please study the material I will provide you closely
>and ask me any thing you wish.
> I will do as I promised and send the material you requested as
>soon as I can put it all together. Right now I am on the move and far away
>from my printer. Is the following your correct address? Perhaps you should
>consider sending someone to the my meeting with the Police Commission in
>Fredericton next week in order to hear me speak of these matters to law
>enforcement before I return to the USA. Once I do return there I will serve
>the Mr. Pozen the material as promised and call him to testify in my
>pending trial. The following emails should explain some of my concerns to
>you. My wife will be in Canada next week as well to pick up our kids. I
>will allow you to speak to her if you wish. She has had a nervous breakdown
>over the legal crap and I do have her Durable Power of Attorney pursuant to
>M.G.L. 201 B. Mr. Pozen can ask Robert S. Creedon Jr. about that document.
>I argued it with him before the entire Judicuary Commitee on Sept. 18th
> I will call you in a minute to make certain that you get this and
>the following emails.
> David R. Amos
> Martine Turcotte
> 1000 de la Gauchetiere Ouest
> Floor 41
> Montreal, Quebec H3B 58H Canada
> Tel: (514) 870-4637
> Fax: (514) 870-4877
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Amos
> To: W-Five@ctv.ca
> Cc: bcecomms@bce.ca ; oldmaison@yahoo.com
> Sent: Sunday, January 06, 1980 4:07 PM
> Subject: My turn to tell a tale.
> I think is time to let a little something out of the bag for the benefit
>of a few Maritimers who think they know something about the Media.I did
>notify CBC, the Rogers crowd and Harry Steele's folks that I knew a little
>bit about the Media and that I had written a book about it. Problem is I
>need an editor and I believe I may have found one.He comes in the form of a
>disenchanted newspaper man. But the thing is I want to put it on the web
>for all to read for free so there is no money in it for him. So I guess I
>wiil sue some big company with a Prima Facia complaint and settle for a
>lesser amount out of court. Lets just say I am looking hard at you dudes. I
>had zeroed in on the Yankee media long ago and I am certain folks within
>the Ottawa Citizen and Democracy Watch had checked my work(Hey Duff say hey
>to Dan for me) I have crossed paths with many of Globemedia's people many
>times for many reasons and I can easily prove it. What I haven't bothered
>to tell them that I knew the reason Gobal etc never mentioned me was Frank
>McKenna and the Irving influence because basically that was a no brainer
>anyway. However If Globemedia and all their cohorts didn't think I knew
>about the influence Robert Pozen in Boston, you had best think again. then
>give Mr. Spitzer, Mr. Galvin, Mr. Shelby and Mr. Donaldson a call and drop
>my name along with Mr. Nesters and Mr. Koski's and tell them my stuff is
>off to the Arar Commission I am heading back to the USA to call Mr. Pozen
>and many folks he calls friends to court. Perhaps in Ottawa Bill Rowe will
>truly speak for the common man after all if the worm turns on his buddies.
>How do you people sleep at night? What say you? Why not get honest with the
>world and I will settle cheap? I will give one of your lawyers something
>real soon before I serve Mr. Pozen his just due byway of this lawyer
>Jeffrey N Carp MFS Investment Management
> 500 Boylston Street Boston MA 02116-3741 617-954-5747 Perhaps he should
>call Putnam investments or the Brookline Savings bank and say hey to Mr
>Chapman and Mr Tripp for me. I just called Bob Pozen at 617 954-5707 and
>introduced myself so that he can never say that he never heard my name.
> MFS set to agree to second settlement
> · MFS set to agree to second settlement
> 00:00 EST Wednesday, March 31, 2004
> 00:00 EST Wednesday, March 31, 2004
> Sun Life Financial Inc.'s Boston-based mutual fund arm will agree to a
>$50-million (U.S.) settlement today with U.S. regulators over allegations
>the firm directed trading commissions to brokerages in exchange for
>preferential treatment, according to people familiar with the matter.
> Sources said Massachusetts Financial Services Co. will announce a deal
>with the Securities and Exchange Commission this morning that will also
>include "compliance reforms," in addition to a token $1 disgorgement
> Eric Morse, a spokesman for MFS, declined to comment. A spokesman for
>the SEC refused to discuss any talks with the firm.
> The embattled fund company is hoping this settlement will enable it to
>move beyond the intense public and regulatory scrutiny it has endured in
>the past several months.
> In early February, MFS agreed to a $350-million settlement with the SEC
>and New York State Attorney-General Eliot Spitzer for allegedly permitting
>improper trades in some of its bigger funds. That figure included
>$225-million in penalties and restitution to investors, along with
>$125-million in fee reductions spread out over the next five years.
> The fallout within MFS, which manages about $140-billion in assets, was
>also considerable. Its two highest-ranking officials -- chief executive
>officer John Ballen and president Kevin Parke -- were each fined and
>slapped with temporary suspensions by the SEC, leading to their departures
>from the firm. Long-serving chairman Jeffrey Shames also retired in the
>aftermath of MFS's problems, and was replaced by Robert Pozen, formerly a
>senior executive at Fidelity Investments and onetime associate general
>counsel at the SEC.
> Mr. Pozen has been charged with cleaning up the mess, and tightening the
>firm's internal controls.
> He has already hired new legal and compliance officers, added monitoring
>staff, and imposed a ban on so-called "soft dollar" transactions. The firm
>also prohibited the practice of directing trading fees to brokerages in
>exchange for being placed on a preferred list of customers and receiving
>better visibility for its funds.
> This latter arrangement, known in industry circles as "pay for play," is
>at the centre of MFS's pending settlement with the SEC. Sources said the
>current settlement talks advanced fairly quickly because of the voluntary
>compliance improvements MFS has undertaken.
> In a recent interview with The Globe and Mail, Mr. Pozen attacked the
>basis of the regulator's case as "very weak" and said it should have raised
>this as a problem when it conducted audits of the company.
> Nevertheless, he said he hoped to settle the matter quickly, in large
>part to avoid a costly legal battle and prevent nervous investors from
>pulling their money out of MFS funds. So far, the damage has been contained
>to one major client, the Illinois Teachers Retirement System, which fired
>MFS last month as lead manager on a $664-million portfolio.
> The SEC is investigating about a dozen other fund companies for directed
>brokerage, although sources say MFS will settle individually, rather than
>as part of a group.
> Last fall, brokerage powerhouse Morgan Stanley agreed to pay $50-million
>to settle charges it failed to tell investors it was promoting funds with
>which the firm had a special arrangement. Morgan Stanley had a "Partners
>Program" of 14 funds, including MFS, that paid "substantial" fees in return
>for the brokerage steering their funds to investors, the SEC claimed.
> The regulator indicated a few months ago it would begin investigating a
>number of fund companies for directing commissions, but did not say which
>firms it would target.
> Sun Life revealed in a filing that MFS was under investigation for this
>practice just a couple of weeks after its first settlement with the SEC and
>Mr. Spitzer. The news came as a surprise to most observers, some of whom
>criticized the insurer's CEO, Donald Stewart, for not disclosing this probe
> MFS is hoping to recoup some of the $175-million it must repay investors
>under the terms of the first settlement by suing firms and individuals that
>engaged in market timing and late trading of its funds. Market timing
>involves making frequent trades in and out of funds in order to cash in on
>minor pricing discrepancies. It is not illegal, but is usually prohibited
>by many fund companies, since the quick trading can raise administrative
>costs and undermine returns to investors.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: R. S. Webb
> To: Amos David
> Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 12:50 AM
> Subject: Fw: possble story
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: R. S. Webb
> To: Amos David
> Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 9:15 PM
> Subject: Fw: possble story
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: W-FIVE Viewer Mail
> To: 'R. S. Webb'
> Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 3:03 PM
> Subject: RE: possble story
> Dear Mr. Amos,
> I would like to thank you for your email to W-FIVE, sorry for the delay
>in responding.
> We review every email and story idea that we receive here at W-FIVE and
>give it serious consideration. Your email has been forwarded to our
>executive and senior producer for review. If we are interested in pursuing
>your idea further, you will be contacted by one of our researchers.
> Thanks again for your input. Your interest in our program is much
> Sincerely,
> Lisa-Marie
> Production Coordinator
> -----Original Message-----
> From: R. S. Webb [mailto:cei@nbnet.nb.ca]
> Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 2:28 PM
> To: W-FIVE@ctv.ca
> Subject: possble story
> I am a Canadian Citizen who thus far, as a plaintiff, has two Lawsuits
>in the US District Court of Massachucetts they are numbered 02-11686- RGS
>and 02-11687-RGS. They were removed to that Court from the Norfolk Superior
>Court by the US Attorney Michael J. Sullivan very improperly. However they
>shall remain there because of my status as a Canandian Citizen. Judge
>Sterns has not even held a Conference about the matters because he likely
>does not want to hear the matter because I have presented all Members of
>the Bar with their worst fear of a catch 22 problem. Accordinging to law he
>is late. I have complained of 47 defendants 34 of whom are State
>Defendants( the Attorney General, The Commission of Judicial Conduct Board
>of Bar Overseers etc) and 3 are Federal Treasury Agents. Some of the
>defendants are over two months late in their answer to the Summons. The
>smallest suit amounts to 188 million dollars in the form of relief. There
>is a lot to these matters and too much to briefly explain. But in a
>nutshell my wife's Aunt, who is buried beside Rose Kennedy, left my wife
>some money. It was stolen by her relatives in executing the estate. No news
>there. But the crooks are very well connected politically and every part of
>the old crony network in Boston covered for them. The crook and our cousin,
>Charles J. Kickham Jr of the Kickham Law Office on Beacon St, has been past
>President of Bar Associations. He has sat on the Board of Governors of
>Harvard Law School etc. I have given much information to many members of
>the press who have simply ignored some interesting facts. What should be
>somewhat newsworthy is how far a wild colonial boy has come in prosecuting
>Pro Se the most profund Yankee carpetbaggers. My next two lawsuits Under
>title 18 are wickedly righteous. I have left one copy of much information
>in Saint John New Brunswick at a lawyer's Office, Mosher and Chedore 33
>Charlotte St if some one wishes to view them. I can be reached at this Cell
>number 506 434- 1379
> David R. Amos
> Canadian Media Deregulation Provides Insight Into FCC Proposal
> Critics of consolidation say the integrity of the news is being
>undermined by the effects of concentrated ownership
> Editor's Note: This story has been updated to correct
>inaccuracies. Please see the corrected version here.
> The original version of this story (see below) posted on May 29,
>2003 incorrectly stated that Canada's two national newspapers, The Globe
>and Mail and the National Post, recently laid off their online editorial
>staffs. According to globeandmail.com editor Angus Frame, there have been
>no recent editorial layoffs at globeandmail.com; the site's 18-person staff
>continues to write and edit stories that are published exclusively online.
>The National Post did not have dedicated online editorial staff, and did
>not have online editorial layoffs. The story also failed to acknowledge
>that the country's largest newspaper, the Toronto Star, also has a
>significant online operation.
> The Federal Communications Commission is poised to unveil new
>media ownership rules June 2 that some experts believe may change the face
>of American journalism.
> The new rules would allow media companies to own television
>stations and newspapers in the same cities.
> The FCC barred companies from owning newspapers and TV stations
>in the same market in 1975, but big media owners like the Tribune Co.,
>Knight Ridder, MediaNews Group and the New York Times say it's time to lift
>that ban.
> They argue that cross-ownership makes for better journalism:
>Staffers working for companies that own newspapers and TV stations in the
>same market can work together to create richer, multimedia news reports
>that can then run in the company's paper and on their stations and Web
> Advocates say the synergies of convergence lead to cost savings,
>increased advertising revenues and greater efficiencies.
> Cross-ownership already exists in some markets: The FCC granted
>about 40 exemptions to the cross-ownership rule in cases where a company
>already had television or radio stations and a newspaper in a single city.
>The FCC also granted exemptions in larger markets after media mergers
>produced cross-ownership situations.
> 'The concentration of ownership in a lot of major Canadian
>cities is of interest for a lot reasons, but mainly because it provides too
>much news coming through one pipeline.'
> --Russ Mills, former publisher of the Ottawa Citizen
> The Tribune Co., for example, owns television stations and
>newspapers in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and Miami.
> How further media consolidation and convergence would play out
>if the FCC does lift the ban on cross-ownership has been the subject of hot
>debate in the weeks leading up to the commission's June 2 vote.
> Experts familiar with the rapid consolidation of media in Canada
>say the U.S. should look northward for some lessons on what loosening
>cross-ownership restrictions could mean to journalism in the U.S.
> In Canada, the deregulation of cross-media ownership occurred
>gradually over the last 20 years. Within the past eight years, it has led
>to massive consolidation of media companies.
> Most of Canada's news media -- including newspapers and
>broadcast stations in all of its major cities -- are in the hands of two
>media giants: CanWest Global Communications Inc., and Bell Globemedia -- a
>division of the country's largest telephone company, Bell Canada.
> The rapid media consolidation in Canada has inspired an
>often-acrimonious debate over whether Canadian journalists are able to
>report objectively on social and political issues and whether the country's
>corporate media has allowed business interests to undermine the role of
>journalism in a modern democracy.
> "Based on the experience in Canada, dropping restrictions on
>cross-ownership certainly hasn't worked out well," said Russ Mills, former
>publisher of the Ottawa Citizen in Canada's capital city, who was fired by
>CanWest in a fight over editorial independence.
> "The concentration of ownership in a lot of major Canadian
>cities is of interest for a lot of reasons, but mainly because it provides
>too much news coming through one pipeline," he said. "When companies use
>ownership to control the news, and they do have the ability to do so, it
>hurts everyone."
> Though the two media conglomerates said cross-media
>consolidation would improve online journalism, many media observers say
>online journalism at local papers has gone downhill in the wake of
> The country's two national newspapers, the National Post,
>half-owned by CanWest, and The Globe and Mail, owned by Bell Canada's media
>wing, Globemedia, have laid off the online reporters and editors at the two
>papers that once produced copy separate from print editions.
> The two papers, former online staffers said, were the only ones
>in Canada that were doing something other than simply repurposing content
>from newspaper pages into newspaper Web sites.
> Executives at Bell Globemedia and CanWest have defended the
>cutbacks, saying they were a result of cost-cutting efforts and
>consolidations undertaken after spending billions of dollars to acquire
>newspaper and broadcasting properties.
> Consolidation accelerated in 1990s
> Canada's restrictions on cross-media ownership were carved
>largely from regulatory decisions on broadcasting licenses made since the
>1950s by the Canadian Radio-Television Commission -- Canada's version of
>the FCC.
> By the mid-1980s, Canadian media experts say, exceptions to
>cross-media ownership rules had eroded the cross-ownership ban to the point
>that it was unenforcable and largely ignored.
> By the mid-1990s, consolidation of Canadian media companies had
>accelerated on the strength of dot.com economics. And in 2000, CanWest, the
>second largest broadcaster in the country, announced a $3.5-billion deal to
>purchase a majority of the nation's newspapers -- including papers in the
>nation's 12 largest cities.
> Within weeks, Jean Monty, Bell Canada's CEO at the time,
>announced that Canada's largest phone company had set its sights on owning
>both content and the multimedia pipelines into consumers' homes.
> The decision prompted Bell Globemedia to purchase the Globe and
>Mail and the nation's largest TV network, CTV, in 2001.
> Despite the rising consolidation of media outlets, the massive
>purchases of newspapers by CanWest Global and Bell Globemedia took many
>Canadian journalists and media-watchers by surprise.
> CanWest and Bell executives convinced Canada's CRTC that
>convergence was necessary to attract advertising revenue and reduce costs
>if newspapers in many Canadian communities were to survive. And they
>promised that resources from new revenues would be devoted to improving the
>quality and reach of journalism through the Internet.
> When questions about convergence arose during CRTC hearings on
>both companies' broadcast licenses shortly after their newspaper purchases,
>they promised regulators that they would separate management of
>news-gathering operations by their television stations and newspapers.
> Officials from the Canada National Newspaper Guild complained
>that keeping management separate would not prevent companies from forcing
>journalists to perform work for both newspapers and television, to the
>detriment of journalistic independence.
> Critics -- including journalism professors, journalists,
>newspaper and broadcast union officials, and some government officials --
>have argued that the quality of journalism has gone down, not up, as a
>result of convergence.
> Joyce Smith, an assistant professor at Canada's Ryerson
>University, teaches online journalism and worked on the online staff at the
>Globe and Mail before those employees were laid off last year.
> She said the one opportunity to see convergence succeed might
>have been missed by Bell Globemedia in its efforts to cut costs to recoup
>some of what it spent on media acquisitions.
> "What I found interesting was that the actual idea of
>convergence wasn't a hit with people working with just the newspaper or
>just television," Smith said. "Where it really happened was with the online
>news team. There were things the TV folks could clearly do much better with
>the online newspaper. By pooling resources, it all did work much better.
> "But in the tradition of journalism," she said, "reporters were
>asking, 'What does this mean for me? Does it mean that I have to file
>stories to the Web and then do stand-ups in newsroom, while doing my piece
>for the deadline at the end of the day?'
> "Basically, (owners) wanted reporters to be one-man bands,"
>Smith said. "That has been played and replayed here. It made sense from a
>business model, but journalists, especially those who have been around for
>a while, went into newspapers and TV for a reason. Some are great at doing
>both, but not everyone has the same aptitude. And no one has the time in
>the day to do it all. Some of the expectations were outrageous."
> Canada reexamining changes
> While U.S. media critics and media executives have been
>testifying over the past few weeks in Senate hearings on the proposed
>changes in the FCC's media ownership rules, Canada is busy reexamining what
>has come of its own cross-media consolidations.
> Two inquiries are underway by Canadian government officials to
>explore the impact of cross-media ownership and consolidation on
>journalistic integrity and media responsibility.
> The Canadian Senate's Committee on Transport and Communication
>began taking testimony at the end of April on those issues and is expected
>to report its findings within the next year.
> A House of Commons committee on Canadian heritage is expected to
>release an 800-page report next month on its own yearlong investigation
>into the impact of media concentration and political efforts by
>corporations to ease restrictions on foreign ownership of Canadian media.
> But media-watchers, who have a ringside seat on Canada's great
>media debate, say they are doubtful that government investigations will
>produce any new regulation on media conglomerates.
> "The horse is out of the barn," said Arnold Amber, director of
>the National Newspaper Guild of Canada. "But the good news is that this has
>at least inspired a vigorous national debate on press freedom and
> Amber and other critics of media convergence said promises of
>more stories and better information from combining print and broadcast news
>staffs have largely failed in Canada.
> "Bell Globemedia is talking about restructuring and selling off
>its media wing," Amber said. "The failure of convergence to bring in
>revenues was primarily responsible for the resignation of Bell Canada's
>CEO, Jean Monty," who stepped down in April 2002.
> Geoffrey Elliot, vice-president of corporate affairs for
>CanWest, said that convergence has not led to revenues, or the reduced
>costs, the company had hoped for.
> But Elliot, and other supporters of cross-media ownership,
>argues that all sides have benefited from consolidation.
> "We are a family-owned business that saw an opportunity in which
>the whole was greater than the sum of the parts," Elliot said. "We saw
>substantial potential synergies on the sales side by putting television and
>newspaper assets together, since they both serve primarily advertising
>clients as sources of revenue, and serve a combination of local and
>national markets."
> Amber said the companies likely saw their primary financial
>advantages from a convergence of back-office technologies -- combining
>circulation, sales, printing and management operations.
> But it was something else that brought issues to a head in
>Canada over media consolidation and sharing newsroom resources: The loss of
>diversity of voices within the Canadian media took on new importance,
>observers say, after a series of events that led to accusations of
>censorship and political bias by CanWest's owners.
> In December 2001, CanWest -- which owns 11 major dailies and 22
>smaller papers in Canada -- issued a directive to its newspaper editors
>that they would be expected to run three editorials per week that reflected
>the position of CanWest's owners on political or social issues.
> The decision was met with a spate of criticism -- especially
>when editors were told that other local editorials were not to contradict
>those from corporate headquarters.
> A byline strike ensued at the Montreal Gazette, and inquiries by
>the newspaper guild there led to findings that work by columnists and
>cartoonists was spiked when it conflicted with opinions from corporate
> Several journalists quit; some staffers published a protest Web
> The furor finally boiled over into the public arena last June
>when Russ Mills, the publisher of the Ottawa Citizen, was fired by CanWest
>for running a series of stories and an editorial that outlined alleged
>political and financial irregularities in the administration of Canadian
>Prime Minister Jean Chretien.
> Elliot, the CanWest vice president, said the controversy arose
>because Mills failed to let CanWest's owners know in advance of the series
>or the editorial -- which called on Chretien, a friend of CanWest patriarch
>Israel Asper, to resign.
> Mills said he had not sought permission for either the
>investigative series, or the editorial, because he believed in preserving
>"editorial independence."
> The problem, Mills said, was that the new owners were trying to
>dictate local editorial policy from corporate headquarters.
> Elliot described the concern over attempts at a national
>editorial policy -- which has since been largely abandoned -- as a tempest
>without substance.
> He said CanWest's owners were "well within their rights to
>propose national editorials," and that their actions were no different that
>those of other newspaper ownership groups prior to media consolidation.
> "There has never been any effort to control what was published
>in news stories," he said.
> Since his firing, Mills has become an outspoken critic of media
>consolidation in Canada, and he testified in April before the Canadian
>Senate committee conducting media hearings. He was also awarded a Neiman
>Fellowship at Harvard University and is the incoming dean of the journalism
>program at Algonquin College in Ottawa.
> Meanwhile, Mills' firing prompted a public opinion poll by
>Canada's largest media union that found that the incident had caused the
>public to lose confidence in the media's editorial independence.
> The results, union officials said, showed that Canadians were
>concerned about press freedom and wanted the government to look into
>problems associated with media concentration.
> Peter Murdock, then vice-president of the communications union,
>told Canada Newswire that the poll "demonstrates that Canadians want their
>journalists protected from the whims and prejudice of media barons. It is a
>grim warning to media corporations and government that Canadians believe
>that the very integrity of the news that feeds our democracy is being
>undermined by the effects of concentrated media ownership."
> It is clear that online journalism at Canada's newspapers has
>changed dramatically under CanWest's corporate control.
> The company replaced independent newspaper Web sites with a
>common site, Canada.com, which allows consumers to access local news by
>clicking on the community they are interested in.
> Elliot said community news on the Web site comes from local
>newspapers and television stations, and said that consolidating that
>information on a single Web site provides consumers better access to local
>news across the country -- as well as reduces costs.
> Bruce MacCormack, former head of interactive media at CanWest,
>said supplementing newspaper and television content with a common Web site
>has made access to news more efficient and allowed the corporation to serve
>consumers better.
> "The consumers of online media . were also television viewers
>and newspaper readers, and at different points in the day, different media
>were the best way to reach those people," MacCormack said.
> "Someone watching television in the evening could be told about
>stories being developed for the next day's newspaper, which is read on the
>commuter train as people go to work," he said. "Then, during working hours,
>the Internet was the most effective way to get them up to date on news, and
>tease them for television use at night."
> "These were handoff mechanisms that worked to reach people, so
>consumers and the public were able to access services in the most
>appropriate media, for whatever method they could best be served."
> CanWest recently filed testimony with the FCC to support the
>relaxation of cross-media regulations in the U.S. That testimony challenges
>media critics on their central objections to cross-media ownership.
> "Today's media market is the richest and most diverse in the
>history of modern media," the document says. "Cross-ownership has
>strengthened media companies and encouraged greater diversity and more
>sources of information.
> "Experience," it adds, "simply does not support the contention
>of some opponents of cross-media ownership, that consumers would have
>access to fewer point of view, or would see only repackaged versions of the
>same content across multimedia platforms."
> Smith, the Ryerson professor -- despite her criticisms of the
>handling of online media opportunities in Canada -- said she sees
>differences between media ownership consolidation in Canada and in the
>United States.
> "In the U.S., because of the size of the market, the chance of
>one or two owners gobbling up everything, I think, would be less than in
>Canada," she said. "But there is some caution in that.
> "If you are thinking about journalists, there are wonderful
>things about operating in a converged environment. It was really exciting
>thinking we could potentially have video, and it may be good for news
>consumers in the sense that (online video) will be a faster way of
>converging types of media.
> "But you get a lot of the same stuff. There is no alternative.
>You are going to lose some (editorial) voices in the process."
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 8:25 PM
Post a Comment


#58 – Edward Greenspan
If I’m ever guilty as sin of a crime, I’m calling Edward Greenspan. It seems every guilty as sin criminal flocks to him. The more high profile the case the better for this Toronto criminal lawyer.

A few of the high profile cases Greenspan has been involved in are;

Garth Drabinsky for a whole bunch of fraud charges adding up to half a billion dollars in Canada alone;

Steven Williams who blatantly violated a publication ban to write about the horrors of the Paul Bernardo/Karla Homolka case;

Michael Rose, a member of the Hells Angels in Quebec charged with seven counts of murder;

Robert Latimer who killed his disabled daughter;

…and the current case involving Conrad Black.

Look, everyone deserves a fair trial and if they’re innocent, I’m glad there are people like Greenspan who are willing to defend them. If guilty, they should receive no more or less a punishment than they deserve for that particular crime.

Greenspan however is a showman. He’s happy to do media interviews about the cases he’s involved in ad nauseum and explain why his client is in fact innocent or at the very least justified in their actions. The media eats it up because often Greenspan may be the only one talking about the case and he is almost always accomodating. Saying those things is fine in the courtroom. That’s to be expected. It’s not fine when he shows up on television saying the same things. That only serves to cause more hardship for those who are victims of the crimes his clients are accused of.

The victims have been tortured enough without having to relive it every time they open a paper, turn on the radio or watch the TV. There’s enough of that already without Edward Greenspan adding to the mix.
Posted by Spinks on Saturday, February 17, 2007 at 1:29 PM | Permalink
Whatever you think of Greenspan, I do recommed his book (although now dated) - The Case for the Defense.
Posted by John B | 4:32 PM
Spinks Baby you are right about Greenspan but you forgot to name somebody in your list. How about your not so alter ego Brent Taylor?

FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006

Senator Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Committee on the Judiciary
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr. Specter:

I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.

Very truly yours,
Barry A. Bachrach
Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com


Posted by David Raymond Amos | 1:30 PM


#65 - Andy Scott
Despite what some may believe, simply driving me nuts isn’t a good enough reason for someone to end up here on the 101 list. If that’s all it took, Fredericton Liberal MP Andy Scott would be a lot closer to the top.

No, to make the list you have to actually exhibit a behaviour that cheapens this country. Enter Andy Scott.

Mr. Scott is a self-described “career politician”. When that is your career you do whatever it takes to save it, something Scott has proven time and time again and he’s a great salesman. He’s convinced the people of Fredericton to return him to office five times.He’s done this despite proving himself untrustworthy time and time again and hey, nice work on his part because he hasn't made it easy on himself.

Like…“We will abolish the GST,” Andy Scott, 1993

In fairness, all Liberals said that but there’s still my personal favourite that the voters of Fredericton have an extremely short memory for…

"None of it is true.” Andy Scott in 1998 speaking inside the House of Commons regarding NDP member Dick Procter overhearing a conversation between Scott and a friend on a plane, talking about confidential information about the RCMP investigation into the APEC affair.

Later that same day…

Reporter : Who were you speaking too?
Scott : I don’t remember.
Reporter : Was it a man or a woman?
Scott : I don’t remember.
Reporter : What did you talk about?
Scott : I don’t remember.

Next day:

Scott : It was Frederick Toole. (They’d known each other for 15 years. I’ve seen better amnesia acting on soap operas.)

Eight weeks later Scott resigned (finally), but never really admitted any wrongdoing or apologized for so obviously lying to the Canadian People.

In 1999, he voted to preserve the institution of marriage between one man and one woman. A short four years later his vote set the stage for overhauling marriage as an institution without studying the possible ramifications. Government will study the mating habits of the northern wombat to death, but apparently this issue wasn’t important enough for Scott to at least request a study. (We’ve never had one by the way.)

In 2002, Scott voted against a motion to raise the age of sexual consent in Canada to 16 from 14 and prohibit the "creation or use of sexually explicit materials exploiting children.” Some things are no-brainers like this one which protects children from sexual predators. This was a good idea if the Marxist-Leninist Party had raised it. Oops, a Conservative did, so Scott voted it down.

After implying repeatedly to the New Brunswick Provincial Government that federal money would flow to refurbish the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station in southern New Brunswick, in 2005, Scott said the Feds would not fund it because…well, it really wasn’t their area of responsibility. However, if you live in the Fredericton riding you’ll often receive Scott’s mail outs which contain him taking credit for all kinds of stuff that isn’t in the Feds area of responsibility.

Scott redeemed himself slightly this past year by pushing for a National Autism Strategy and giving credit where credit is due, kudos for that but in the end I don’t trust the guy and he’s never given me any reason to trust him.

Andy Scott is the stereotypical politician who gives politicians who are in it for the right reasons a bad name. Scott’s done lots of things to end up on this list but lying during the plane incident is without a doubt the worst. If he admitted he had lied and asked for forgiveness I could let it go. However, he manipulated the truth to make it unrecognizable and the voters let him get away with it. Hopefully next time they don’t.
Posted by Spinks on Saturday, February 03, 2007 at 10:26 AM | Permalink
Fredericton can do better. We certainly couldn't do any worse. My cat could warm the back benches better. Time for a change.
Posted by Kit | 5:22 PM
Spinks, it is your list but I disagree with the addition of Andy Scott to the list. If I had a list of 101 people who were helping Canada Andy Scott would be high on that list.

Andy has worked hard to secure passage of a commons motion, endorsed by the Conservative government, putting in place elements of a national autism strategy. As someone who has been involved with autism advocacy for several years I know that this accomplishment was far from easy. Andy is still hard at work pushing the strategy further. The autism community could not ask for a better champion on the federal scene.

He has also been an MP who can be reached by his constituents and who works hard at securing public input through his public policy forums.

At the end of the day the voters of the Fredericton area have now voted Andy to office several times. To say that Andy Scott is screwing up Canada amounts to saying that the people of Fredericton are screwing up Canada since we have repeatedly chosen him as our representative.

Fun list but hey, even Spinks can get it wrong sometimes?
Posted by Autism Reality NB | 5:47 AM
"Fun list but hey, even Spinks can get it wrong sometimes?"

Cripes - you say that like it's the exception as opposed to the rule!
Posted by laughin to the bank... | 4:23 PM
unfortunately, voters have a short attention span. His flying faux pas was too distant to have any more lingering effects on election day (as noted by the fact that he won last time.......though that may be because of the calibre of his previous opponent....)

I think his waffling over our role in Afghanistan etc......the whole 'i suport our troops, but well, I don't support our role in Afghanistan....blahblah' is more the issue with this guy. He is the representative in Ottawa for a riding that has CFB GAGETOWN in it!! How does his mixed message read there??

I agree...........he should be on the list........... :)
Posted by Awareness | 9:26 PM
Update! Andy Scott Quits Politics!!!

Veteran Liberal MP Andy Scott to quit politics

Updated Mon. Mar. 5 2007 11:41 PM ET

Canadian Press

FREDERICTON -- Longtime Fredericton MP Andy Scott says he's getting out of federal politics.

Scott, who has represented the New Brunswick capital region since 1993, announced Monday night he will not be running in the next federal election, which could come this spring.

He told his riding association he will not run again due to family considerations and a desire to pursue other interests, which he did not specify.

Scott and his wife, Denise, have a one-year-old son, Noah. His two oldest sons, Nathan and Nicholas, are in their early 20s.

"I have been truly blessed to have family members who are very patient, supportive and understanding of this job and the demands it places on one's time,'' he said.

"However, with a new young family member and my wife having increasing professional responsibilities of her own, this seemed like the appropriate time for me to step aside.''

Scott said he will finish his current term until a new member has been elected.

During his time on the federal Liberal benches, Scott served as minister of Indian affairs, minister for infrastructure and housing, solicitor general and regional minister for New Brunswick.

His most difficult time came during his days as solicitor general. In 2001, NDP MP Dick Proctor told the Commons he overheard Scott discussing the inquiry into the RCMP handling of protests during the 1997 APEC conference with his seatmate on an airplane.

Scott ultimately resigned amid charges of bias.

He was back in the federal Liberal cabinet under former prime minister Paul Martin, serving as minister of Indian affairs.

Scott said Monday he told Liberal Leader Stephane Dion in January that he was probably going to leave federal politics.

"Mr. Dion will continue to have my complete confidence and support,'' Scott said.

"Our leader brings all the qualities and characteristics most people look for in politicians; he's earnest, has an incredible work ethic, an intelligent public-policy mind and a respect for Canadians and Canadian institutions.''
Posted by Smok Wawelski | 8:08 PM
Hey Spinks both you and the sneaky Harold L Doherty (Your pal Chucky Leblanc's Ironhorse) are so full of it I can't stand it. All three of you NB bloggers know why I ran against Andy Baby Scott and yet you all try hard not to admit I even exist N'est Pas? We Maritimers should all ask you dudes why you act like you do but I doubt that this posting will even stand for one day. EH?
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 1:41 PM
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#85 - Santa Claus
Yes, I know, Santa Claus is probably the most famous Canadian of all time, his residence being in the North Pole and all. Other countries may try to claim him but c’mon he dresses in the Canadian colours, red and white, this guy is a Canuck.

So how on earth could a man who brings toys to boys and girls all over the world be on the list of 101 people screwing up Canada?

Well it’s simple.

If I have to be on his list, well he should be on mine.

But, it’s not just me. How many of you have done your best as children to be so good to get that special toy you were looking for and then find out Santa brought you socks instead?

For me it was Christmas 1976 – I really did my best wanting the coolest toy ever made – the Six-Million Dollar Man action figure. You could rip pieces off his arms and leg to check out the cool bionics and look through a hole in the back of his head to have bionic vision. Way cool.

Alas, it was not to be and I know all of you have had similar dealings with the jolly old elf. Well, I’m fighting back and putting him on this list to tell him enough is enough. STOP playing games with us.

…although Santa if you were to bring me that action figure I might reconsider. They’re selling for $450 on eBay.

Merry Christmas everyone!
Posted by Spinks on Saturday, December 23, 2006 at 4:21 PM | Permalink
Merry Christmas to you as well!
Posted by harrap | 4:40 PM
Merry Christmas Spinks!
Posted by Anonymous | 7:40 PM
LOL! I hear you on this one spinks, my older brother begged Santa for the Kenner Smash Up Derby Setâ„¢ only to be given some pale immitation of a plane [hooked to a string] that you could land like a pilot. The funny thing is he ended up liking it just as much. Ahhh, that Santa, he likes to throw monkey wrenches into a kids Christmas, deosn't he? LOL

Merry Christmas buddy!!

Oh yeah, one more thing, if I happen to find Steve Austin [who at the moment is in four pieces in a box with old Archie comics and hotwheels somewhere], I'll be sure to put him back together with some crazy glue and send him off to freddy for monday. lol
Posted by scott | 8:27 PM
For me, it was Super City (http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-1967-Ideal-Super-City-Town-Country-Building_W0QQitemZ320064246722QQihZ011QQcategoryZ19011QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) that the Old Guy let me down on.
Posted by Anonymous | 4:07 PM
Santa is too busy to help big business to sell,sell and sell some more. He is too busy to give gifts himself anymore. Good luck.

Merry Christmas.
Posted by Anonymous | 5:38 PM

Spinks my Bro, that is indeed an inspired choice, with intresting reasoning behind it.......LOL

I hate to brag but I had a Six Million Dollar Man........I think G.I. Joe and Stretch Armstrong kicked his butt, spread his "bionic" parts all over the yard and burried him in the back 40........crap.....

$450 bucks eh......it's not if you know but when huh??

All the best Bro....

Wish I'd have seen this one on Christmas!! :-)
Posted by PoliticsNB | 8:57 PM
OMG! $450 ...?? My brother had the 6 Million Dollar Man and I had his counterpart... the Bionic Woman! I actually think I still have her... somewhere... if I can find her... she'll be on Ebay for sure! Cheers!
Posted by Anonymous | 6:49 PM
I said Bah Humbug to your hero Stevey Boy Harper four years in a row now Spinksy Baby. Ya think after awhile you dumb bastards would figure out that I am a serious man. EH?

"Harper, Stephen - M.P." Harper.S@parl.gc.ca wrote

Subject: RE: So it is Xmas EH? Say hey to the Maritimer Landslide Annie for me. Will ya?
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 11:54:47 -0500
From: "Harper, Stephen - M.P." Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com

Thank you for your e-mail message to Stephen Harper, Leader of the Opposition. Your views and suggestions are important to us. Once they have been carefully considered, you may receive a further reply.

*Remember to include your mailing address if you would like a response.

If you prefer to send your thoughts by regular mail, please address them to:

Stephen Harper, M.P.
Leader of the Opposition
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

Mail may be sent postage free to any Member of Parliament.

You can also reach Mr. Harper by fax at: (613) 947-0310

Merci d'avoir écrit à Stephen Harper, le chef de l'opposition officielle. Votre opinion est importante pour nous. Lorsque nous l'aurons étudiée avec soin, nous pourrons vous faire parvenir une réponse.

*N'oubliez pas d'inclure votre adresse postale si vous voulez recevoir une réponse.

Si vous préférez nous écrire en utilisant les services postaux régulièrs, veuillez le faire au :

Stephen Harper, député
Chef de l'opposition officielle
Chambre des communes
Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0A6

Vous pouvez écrire sans affranchissement à tous les députés fédéraux.

Vous pouvez également joindre M. Harper par fax au (613) 947-0310.
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 12:12 AM
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#90 – Steve MacKinnon

Remember all that talk about arrogant Liberals during the last election. If you want to put an actual face to that, look no further than Steve MacKinnon. He was one of the kings.

Or at least he was until recently.

The National Director of the Liberal Party resigned shortly after Stephane Dion took the reigns. (not a bad thing for Dion IMHO).

MacKinnon was one of former New Brunswick Premier Frank McKenna’s golden boys. The man is the King of rhetoric. The frequent commentator on Mike Duffy Live would often refer to the Conservatives as not just conservatives, no, they’re “ultra-conservatives,” with a great hidden agenda that we all need to be running for the hills over (hey whatever it takes to get the attention off the sponsorship scandal, I suppose).

This type of rhetoric (that was being used right up until Mackinnon resigned this month) shouldn’t come as any surprise After all MacKinnon was the chief Liberal campaign strategist in the last election. Remember the series of ads with Stephen Harper’s face that were made fun of on every comedy show, “Stephen Harper drinks dragon blood, etc.” Oh, and it included the one about soldiers on our streets that ticked off pretty much every veteran of the military. Mackinnon said oops, that wasn’t supposed to go out to media or be put on the Liberal website. However he obviously didn’t have a problem with it being produced.

If the Liberals are out of power for a while, there are lots of people they can point the blame at, but one of those is at Steve MacKinnon.

MacKinnon doesn’t care for blogs once saying that they’re overvalued, overrated and that bloggers are opinionated (unlike certain national directors of the Liberal Party.) At #90 he has one more reason to unlike blogs. He takes voters for idiots and believes the Liberals have the God-given right to govern this country however they see fit.

He’s gone for the moment but MacKinnon has always been active behind the scenes of the Liberal Party. At 40, we’re certain to see his handiwork again. If I were the Liberals, I’d lock the door when he comes knocking.
Posted by Spinks on Sunday, December 17, 2006 at 8:02 AM | Permalink
He was the reason that Camille lost the election. He was a guest on a political panel. It was a panel on CBC television. < Yours favorite Spinks! >

He was very ignorant.
Posted by Charles LeBlanc | 4:59 PM
I think the same could be said for Jason Kenney during the 2000 election fiasco. He wasn't necessarily arrogant, but many socons still wanted him locked up in a basement for good after suggesting to the press that a two-tier healthcare system and a flat tax would be workable without even studying it first. Ahh, the joys ans spoils of policy on the fly. It's not for everyone, especially tories, but I'm sure the Graham liberals would be nowhere without it.

However, he [Kenney] seems to have recovered just fine from that election. Which may suggest that everyone gets a second chance at some point in their life [politically], possibly even Steve MacKinnon?
Posted by scott | 4:21 PM
Hey Spinks don't you and Chucky's buddy's in the Fat Fred City Finest remember this email about me and the liberal Stevey Boy?

Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 08:36:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: The one true thing Stevy Boy MacKinnon said yesterday in Fredericton was that the boys were back town
To: info@liberal.ca, Dick.HOLLIES@gnb.ca, porcupine007@gmail.com, greg.byrne@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, brad.woodside@fredericton.ca, police@fredericton.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, Deb_Nobes@cbc.ca, William.Gould@gnb.ca, broy@pattersonpalmer.ca
CC: spinks08@hotmail.com, ndpnpd@nbnet.nb.ca, PoliticsNB@hotmail.com, dchafe@atlanticbusinessmagazine.com, cjcw@nbnet.nb.ca, news@kingscorecord.com, news@dailygleaner.com, kcarmichael@bloomberg.net, davies.carl@nbpub.com, urquhart.mia@telegraphjournal.com, bmosher@mosherchedore.ca, jturner@millerthomson.com

That includes little old me.and I took pictures to prove it was true. Ask porcupine. While all the liberals dogs were sniffing and licking each other's arses in front of the Legislature buildings, I was having a rather intersting conversation with Bernie Lord in front of several witnesses beside the Centenial Building where my father used to work for many Finance Ministers in the past. Rest assured my father's ghost was laughing at the nonsense of it all. However my son is not.

Alas my poor father I knew him well. I have had a thousand times more fun than he ever did. I have no doubt whatsoever that he is impressed at how far his wild child had come in his efforts at poking holes in the stuffed shirts he had to obey. My father toiled in an ethical fashion for a corrupt government in order to put supper on the table and keep a roof over our heads. I do the same but against the public corruption. My father knew me well as well. He knew I would never follow orders and was far too dumb to know fear yet just clever enough to do exactly what I wished in my own personal pursuit of happiness. On his death bed my father admitted he was jealous of my chosen lifestyle and sometimes wished he had chosen that path as well. I thanked him for his blessing and for being a very honourable father. Even though my father and argued tooth and nail most of our lives, he held a great respect for each other despite it all. My father left this wonderful old world knowing he had the respect and love of a very different man whom he had raised as a son and friend. All men should be so lucky EH?

My father, Max had five sons. I have only one I named him after my father. I know him well as well I raised him as a Mr. Mom. My son, Max is more clever than my father and I put together. I made my son my best friend out of the gate because that is the way it should always be even though I am his boss for 18 years. Methinks my boy is on the right path and he has witnessed and understands much already. I do all of this for him in a simliar fashion as what my father did for me. (In case you haven't figured this out this was personal note to my he is in the USA and the Bcc line of this email. He checks my work and stress test my ethics all the time and I am proud that he does. We argue a lot as well but with repsect and joy. they say sons of strange fathers go far in life EH? If my boy can ethically deal with me with success, it follows that he will have an easy time with the likes of you N'est Pas?

Whereas you all claim to know so much, why should I brag of my prowess at connecting dots? Why not just save the fun for court? Sometimes less is more so I will prove to Hollies and his boss why Johnnny Crosbie needs to sing for more more booze because his powers to smooze are fading fast. Press print on the attachment Mr. Hollies look your ne boss in the eye and talk of his pal and your the Newfy lawyer Crosbie. Perhaps you have some interesting pillow talk with your wife ASAP. She has already displayed to me that she does not understand the meaning of the expression "non partisan" tell me honestly do you think she will remain as Chief electoral officer now that the liberal boys are back in town or will Barabara Laundry get her old post back. I hhave not forgotten the tricks that that woman pulled on me in the last federal election. Do you think the new Commissioner Mr Corbet ( I believe that is his name)will overlook just as the other Laundry dude did? If I confuse you please understyand that I am kinda sorta apeaking in riddles as any court jester or fool worth his sand would. Why let the cat out of the bag too soon EH? I am still busy lining up my ducks. Never forget yesterday was only the second day of duck season around home. I still have a whole month before the Yankkee federal el;lection is a matter of important history. Perhaps the Maritimer in Stevy Boy MacKinnon will explain the following poem to the very dumb porcupine. He don't understand that he is the goose the doesn't matter right now as he tries hard to pick a fight with me. I know my son will understand because he longs to come to Canada to come hunting with me. After that perhaps you dudes should give Greg Byrne's former law firm partner the Newfy lawyer Stevey Boy May a call and ask him to explain the following affidavit he wrote about a fool taking on Jonny Crosbie's crowd of goofy Newfy's. Perhaps my fellow loser in this past election Mr. Brunno Roy can explain the folloing emal to y'all. Rest assured your pal Mr Turner never will.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos


----- Original Message -----
From: "May, Steve" smay@pattersonpalmer.ca&ggt;
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:32 PM
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Dan and Tom Remember me

Mr. May is out of the office till 11 April 2005. He will not be checking his e-mail. Please contact Della Hart at 709-570-5527 or dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca if you require immediate assistance.

2005 01 T 0010










SUMMARY OF CURRENT DOCUMENTCourt File Number(s):2005 01 T 0010
Date of Filing of Document:25 January 2005Name of Filing Party or Person:Stephen J. MayApplication to which Document being filed relates:Amended Application of the Plaintiff/Defendant by Counterclaim to maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in it’s entirety, and to refer this proceeding to case management.Statement of purpose in filing:To maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in its entirety and refer this proceeding to case management.

I, Stephen J. May, of the City of St. John’s, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Barrister and Solicitor, make oath and say as follows:

THAT I am a Partner in the St. John’s office of PATTERSON PALMER solicitors for William Matthews, the Member of Parliament for Random-Burin-St. George’s in the Parliament of Canada.

THAT Mr. Matthews originally retained Mr. Edward Roberts, Q.C. on or about 30 April 2002 after Mr. Byron Prior, the Defendant/Plaintiff by Counterclaim, had made allegations against Mr. Matthews in a publication called “My Inheritance - The truth - Not Fiction: A Town with a Secret”. In that publication, the allegation was made that Mr. Matthews had had sex with a girl who had been prostituted by her mother. That girl was alleged to have been Mr. Prior’s sister.

THAT upon being retained, Mr. Edward Roberts wrote a letter to Mr. Prior. That letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit “1" to my Affidavit.

THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts’ letter to Mr. Prior, Mr. Roberts received a 1 May 2002 e-mail from Mr. Prior. That e-mail is attached as Exhibit “2".

THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts receipt of the e-mail, Mr. Prior swore an Affidavit acknowledging that what had been said in that publication was false. That Affidavit is attached as Exhibit “3" to my Affidavit. Following Mr. Roberts’ receipt of that Affidavit, Mr. Matthews advised that he was satisfied not to pursue the matter any further and our firm closed our file.

THAT on or about 25 October 2004, I was retained by Mr. Matthews following his gaining knowledge that a web site, made a series of allegations against him relating to my having sex with a girl of approximately 12 years old through to an approximate age of 15 years old. It also accused him of being a father of one of her children and accused him of having raped that girl. Upon checking the web site I saw that Byron Prior, the Defendant, had been identified as the author of the material on the site.

THAT Mr. Matthews instructed me to write Mr. Prior, to remind him of the fact that the allegations had been admitted to being false through a 16 May 2002 Affidavit to advise him of Mr. Matthews’ intentions to commence legal proceedings if the comments were not removed from the web site. A copy of my letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit “4" to this Affidavit.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “5" a transcript from a 5 November 2004 voicemail left by David Amos, identified in the voicemail as a friend of Mr. Prior.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “6" a portion of a 6 November 2004 e-mail from Mr. Amos.

THAT until I received his voicemail and e-mail, I had never heard of Mr. Amos.

THAT Mr. Amos has continued to send me e-mail since his 5 November e-mail. Including his 6 November 2004 e-mail, I have received a total of 15 e-mails as of 23 January 2005. All do not address Mr. Matthews’ claim or my involvement as Mr. Matthews’ solicitor. I attach as Exhibit “7" a portion of a 12 January 2005 e-mail that Mr. Amos sent to me but originally came to my attention through Ms. Lois Skanes whose firm had received a copy. This e-mail followed the service of the Statement of Claim on 11 January 2005 on Mr. Prior. I also attach as Exhibit “8" a copy of a 19 January 2005 e-mail from Mr. Amos.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “9" a copy of a 22 November 2004 letter addressed to me from Edward Roberts, the Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador covering a 2 September 2004 letter from Mr. Amos addressed to John Crosbie, Edward Roberts, in his capacity as Lieutenant Governor, Danny Williams, in his capacity as Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Brian F. Furey, President of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. I requested a copy of this letter from Government House after asking Mr. Roberts if he had received any correspondence from Mr. Amos during his previous representation of Mr. Matthews. He advised me that he received a letter since becoming Lieutenant Governor, portions of which involved his representation of Mr. Matthews. Mr. Roberts’ letter also covered his reply to Mr. Amos.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “10" an e-mail from Mr. Amos received on Sunday, 23 January 2005.

THAT I swear this Affidavit in support of the Application to strike Mr. Prior’s counterclaim.

SWORN to before me at
St. John’s, Province of Newfoundland
and Labrador this 24th day of
January, 2005.

Signed by Della Hart STEPHEN J. MAY Signature
A Commissioner for Oaths in and for
the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
My commission expires on December 31, 2009

I guess at least eight hundred ducks have fallen to my gun,
And Charlie’s always been right there retrieving every one.
But somehow, try as we might,no matter what our ruse,
We failed, that old Black Lab and I, to ever get a goose.

The vet had said it must be done, so bring him in on Monday.
His eyesight’s weak and he’s too old to brave the Bay of Fundy.
I’d picked him from the litter even though his was the runt.
And now fourteen years later, this would be our final hunt.
And so I asked a friend that night, who grew some corn and barley
If I could hunt his field next day, to get a goose for Charlie.

No bird came to our blind, alas, because of bluebird weather,
But still we enjoyed the day, because we were together,
While driving home with heavy heart, I rubbed the grizzled head,
And looking in those big brown eyes, to him, I softly said,
"You know a man can only do the best that he is able,
It don’t appear there’ll be a roasted honker on our table,
But Charlie, we’ll have porkchops, since that is your favourite treat,
And you’ll not just have one or two, but all that you can eat"

And so that night, by lantern light, we shared our final meal,
I talked to him of days gone by, of Mallards, Scaup and Teal,
Old Charlie wagged his tail with joy, beside his heaping platter,
And missing from the menu was, a goose - that didn’t matter.

Bill Foster
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 1:55 PM
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#97 – Giuliano Zaccardelli
RCMP Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli (make that former as of Dec. 15) was on this list before things went down yesterday and he did the right thing (eventually) and resigned.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is a proud institution in Canada. The Mountie is known around the world as an icon of Canada. When something or someone tarnishes that reputation it needs to be dealt with quickly and the problem rectified.

This week, Zaccardelli admitted he got his facts wrong when he testified at a Commons committee in September about when he first knew the RCMP had passed erroneous information to U.S. authorities.

The question was when the RCMP Commissioner first learned that the force had passed the wrong information to U.S. authorities inaccurately describing Maher Arar as an Islamic extremist with possible terrorist ties.

Zaccardelli said during his September testimony that he knew of that mistake shortly after Arar was deported by the U.S. to Syria.

This week the Commissioner said, oops he got it wrong.

It’s been a rough year or so with stories of problems within the RCMP, documented perhaps best by a series of articles within MacLean’s magazine about internal morale problems and a number of questions regarding the police force.

A lot of those questioned rested with Zaccaredlli. Although I have no doubt his intentions were good, his methods have been in question and it was time for him to go several months ago.

His successor has some bridges to mend.
Posted by Spinks on Thursday, December 07, 2006 at 7:35 PM | Permalink
So, just because Mr. Zaccardelli is the "topic de jour" means he merits the #97 place on your list? Sorry, this does not cut it.
Posted by Anonymous | 3:59 PM
I have to take issue with anon 11:59. It is obvious that Zaccardelli was topic de jour for very important reasons. His role in the Arar scandal which saw an innocent Canadian deported to be tortured. And his back and forth recounting of when he knew of the RCMP's shameful role in the scandal. He was in arguably the most powerful police position in the country and helped befoul the RCMP as a national institution, betrayed a Canadian citizen and Canadian Consitutional principles and principles of decency. And he appears to have played fast and loose with the truth. #97?? I would have put in in the top 3 of people screwing up Canada.
Posted by Anonymous | 6:19 PM
Spinks Baby I had lots to say about the RCMP before you began blocking me. Here is an example of what you already knew to be true that was sent out after the RCMP shit hit the fan even further.

Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 11:15:25 -0400 (EDT)
From: David Raymond Amos davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: Attn Sandra Conlin of the far from ethical RCMP That is not me posting in Google etc it is Dean Roger Ray and his pal Deputy Dog
To: Sandra.Conlin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com,
warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net,
Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca,
bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, days1@parl.gc.ca,
day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca,
Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca,
Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca,
wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, louiselorefice@ndp.ca,
leader@greenparty.ca, defence@sen.parl.gc.ca,
Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, Clabchuk@greenparty.ca,
maychair@dal.ca, kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca, juan.behrend@europeangreens.org,
fbinhct@leo.gov, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
CC: whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com,
Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca,
wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com,
bill.corby@gnb.ca, samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca,
alltrue@nl.rogers.com, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca,
Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca,
Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca,
forest@conservationcouncil.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca,
abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, derek.strong@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Roger.Gillies@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,

When are you going to get around to calling me back lady? 506 434 1379 just in case your help lost the number. At least the crook Rod Smith talked to me before he quit. If you wish to avoid me why not ask Cpl Warren MacBeath why he supports this nonsense of Dean Roger Ray and Depupty Dog? He is now in Ottawa. Correct? If he decides to blow the whistle no matter quietly you shoud hear it N'est Pas?

In the end all any man has left is his name to carve upon a rock. Correct? You corrupt cops etc supported Depupty Dog and his band of Yankee thieves to steal my everything and allow him to brag of it. Now you allow the nutbag Dirty Dicky Dean to steal my name as he threatens others with it? WHY?

I have already proven several times that the Commission of Public complaints Against the RCMP are as useless as tits on a bull. Now Stockwell Day can deny the liberals lament about a public inquiry all he wishes. You miserable bastards will have to at least answer me in court or hell someday or my name ain't "Just Dave" I am gonna start blogging like hell today after all the interesting calls I got yesterday maybe the public will take more interest in my affairs now. I must tell ya there are some very nervous Yankees inside the Beltway below the 49th if you don't already know. Check inside the comments of my blog sometime dummies perhap you will find yourself mentioned a time or two with some pretty interesting company.

After I stress tested Dion's integrity to the max and he failed miserably it is time to remaind him of last year when everybody thought he did not have a hope in hell of being leader. Need I also remind you all that I showed Sgt Jacques Boucher (who is in Ottawa now as well EH?) my first Yankee Whistleblower form 211 in January of 2002 while my kids sat in the back of his cop car and that he later witnessed my affidavit in April of 2002 which was argued twice in US District Court in Beantown is Sept of 2002. this was all said and done after I ran Depupty Dog off from my home the first time when I caught him and his nasty bitch, Wicked Wanda Willard redhanded stealing my Clan's property in August of 2002. It was immediately after I stopped a fraudulent real estate sale that one of Mulroney's companies Cendant Corp later profited from. now you know why i began inserting mulruny in the email forwards EH? All of this afterall is merely a matter of public record start searching the public records of many Yankee court dockets or one New Brunswick Provincial Court if you don't believe me. here is you first clue Norfolks superior Court Dedham Massachusetts docket # 2002-01070. There are many more. Look at the first page off the FBI Tif file. That is a Yankeedoodle dandy EH?

For those amongst you who are to chicken to print the attached documents or too dumb to read them I will send you some more pictures of mine later to ponder. Dean Roger Ray's hero Chucky Leblanc likes pictures better anyway and his own most of all. N'est Pas? Thus have a look Chucky. I do declare that you should keep up with the times. Videos are far better than audios files anyday. Ask your hero Robert Jones of the CBC why.

The pictures of yours that I have attached, Chucky are of the woman who received my material last summer in Sussex. It was when She and I and two of my friends of mine went to meet and greet Dion at Sgt Johnny Dewinter's daddy's motel. she did promise to give my material to Dion just like you promised to do for me with Brad Green years ago. Dion refused refused to hang around in Sussx long when not many folks came to meet him out of the gate that night. Now that snobby Frenchman who stll holds a French passport wants to lead our Country? He is no better than Harper and that ain't saying nothing at all. I do remember his local supporter. After all I went to High School with her and the nomind, Andy Scott and Dave Morrell and a host of other snotty bastards after I moved up from Dorchester when Louie centralized the govenment to many a poor man's chagrin years ago.

Chucky, have a look at Dean Roger Ray aka Dirty Dicky Dean whilst others check his malevolent work.





Bob O'Meara Says:
June 7th, 2007 at 10:27 am

DazzlinDino,,,,,,,,great response to David Amos. I can provide quite a bit of info on Dave. I am sorry to say that I have been his brother in law since 1991 and have known him since 1982. He has lost his mind. He has threatened to sue hundreds of people. He has not been able to sue any one of them. The courts just throw him out. Actually, some of his rantings are humorous. He is nothing but a bag of wind. Don’t worry about him seeking you out. He spends most of his time trying to find some other sap who he can mooch off of. I think he is running out of generous Canadians.

I must say Depupty Dog should give up on trying to impeach my character ahd start packing his bags to get out of dodge or lubing his arse for jail. He really should have asked his lawyer pals why the following company has taken a sudden interest in the old Beach House. perhaps he can blame them for all his wrongs. After all his not so dear to him old daddy, Francis is still dead and his estate has yet to be closed EH? Depupty Dog's incompetennt and malicious lawyers should have studied what his Mama filed about about old Francis before she died before they entered the fray on his side. It is all a matter of Public Record after all. I know one thing for certain the FBI should have checked my work a long long time ago. I know I went to see them several times after I first met Sgt Jacques Boucher in Canada. Hell the US Attorney even complained of it in Sept of 2002 within his own wicked Memorandums of Law N'est Pas?

The truly sick and sad part of this all is quite likely the only two people who will liekely answer this email are Dirty Dicky dean and his pal Depupty Dog. Yet as usual despite their insults they will at least prove that the crooks who support them got the same email too.
Veritas Vincit
David Rayond Amos
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 2:09 PM


#98 – Peter MacKay
Well, while we’re on the subject of Belinda Stronach’s boyfriends (Tie Domi at #100) how about Peter MacKay? Truth be told I generally like the guy but his faux pas are stacking up.

During the 2003 Progressive Conservative leadership race, MacKay made the infamous deal with candidate David Orchard to (among other things) not merge the PC’s with the Canadian Alliance. It wasn’t long after that MacKay entered talks with Stephen Harper and the CA to merge the two parties. Frankly this was a good idea but MacKay’s credibility (and rightly so) took a bit of a wallop.

Then there’s the dog comment.

Hansard may not have it and the Speaker of the House may not have noticed anything but I along with most Canadians frankly don’t believe MacKay’s story. In October of this year, Liberal David McGuinty asked MacKay an environment question and said, "What about your dog?", then according to some Liberals, MacKay made some sort of reference to Belinda Stronach’s empty chair and said, "You have her."

MacKay says he didn’t call Stronach a dog and I do believe that. He probably didn’t say those exact words but I have little doubt that MacKay made some kind of reference that meant the same thing. The Liberals cried great indignation and Stronach said it was refelective of all Conservatives attitude towards women. Uh, riiiggghhhttt. I don’t even think Belinda believes that but nice try.

Only the most ideological with a hate-on for the Conservatives would even pretend to believe that. It was an inappopriate, off the cuff gesture by MacKay about a former girlfriend who publicly humiliated him. It was still inappropriate. MacKay could have made it all go away and just addressed it by saying, “Yeah, I made an inappropraite statement. It was personal and I shouldn’t have done that. I am sorry.” Most Canadians would understand and likely forgive and forget. By spinning it as he did, the story remained a firestorm for weeks instead of being a done deal within less than a day.

Then as blogger jajakoom points out MacKay appears on This Hour has 22 Minutes joking about it. Peter, give your head a shake. Think before you act and don’t pull any more stunts.
Posted by Spinks on Wednesday, December 06, 2006 at 7:56 PM | Permalink
I used to think that Peter MacKay would make a better Tory leader than Harper - as MacKay would have a broader appeal to the electorate than Harper.

However, after the kind of stunts and gaffes he's been pulling I've changed that opinion.
Posted by Harrap | 7:22 AM
I disagree with this choice, Spinks. If it weren't for his courage in signing a deal that united the right, who knows what type of government we would still be getting?

Methinks possibly one that would continue with the deviant path of stealing hard earned taxpayers money while laughing at the fact that the opposition is useless and divided.
Posted by scott | 8:23 PM
I also disagree with your choice. He should have been higher up.
I too, once believed that MacKay would have made a better Tory leader than Harper. Then I realized that MacKay is a tool...a tool for Harper.
Posted by Anonymous | 12:23 PM
Actually, Although I agree Mackay is tool. He is not a tool of Harper. Think. Harper was the head of a growing Reform, anti-corruptionand possible Western sepratist movement party that was upseting the balance of power in Ottawa. So they were stratigically digested by the Conservatives (Blue Liberals) in one big gulp. Not Reform taking over Conservatives as the media spins it.
Needless to say the Conservatives are now doing the Liberal/Freemason buisness as usual with anti-corruption movment put to sleep by putting in token Westerner Harper as a figurehead. Note how he has turned his back on all the ideals he has been preaching for the past 15 years.
Harper was duped and now he is in too deep to get out.
Those Freemasons are pretty darn slick..No?
There is a reason the Liberals have been in power so long. BTW, Liberals are not planning on winning the next election (Dion?! figure it out.) Things will "have" be done over the next 5 years they don't want associated with their brand.
Posted by A real Conservative | 7:48 PM
I recall a pro firearms rally of sporting groups in Alberta that Peter attended and gave a speech.

In that speech ( as a PC super star trying to pull PC votes from Reform/CA) he stated he was with our principled constitutional stand against registration of long guns and to prove it he said he did not intend to register his old pump shotgun by the deadline and deal with any fallout in court...as registry resistors would do.

He later repeated this to the media.

I also recall that at the PC leadership race he promised Joe Clark he would register his gun to show support for the registry ( which old red Joe loved) and in return Joe would back his leadership...well out went the promise to the registry resisters and Peter appeared at the PC leadership convention with a shiney new registration certificate for his old scattergun...and Orchard got pooched by Peter that day too.

Now I see Peter dating Sophie Desmarais, heiress to the Canadian king making Powercor clan.

Things that make ya go hmmmmm about "Elmer's boy" Peter
Posted by Fly on the Wall | 3:17 PM
You just said what ya did about MacKay way back when because not only was he a threat to replace your hero, Stevey Boy Harper but he was fast becoming a bit embarassment to the rest of his party because of his bitchy comments.

Now that Harper has given him an impossible job so that if he screws this up only he will go down in flames the die is caste on Petey Baby's politcal future. N'est Pas?

Wouldn't it be a hoot if he follows a dog he once fell hard for across the floor and trys to run as a rebel liberal against Dion's orders against Dizzy Lizzy May? Quite a pipe dream EH?

Ask Bill Casey if he had dreamed of quitting on Harper last year when I served him my first round of material.

Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2007 14:42:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Looks like I will have to run against the NDP, Dizzie Lizzie May and you EH Petey Baby MacKay because Dion is to chicken to commit his troops against you?
To: mackay.p@parl.gc.ca, moore.r@parl.gc.ca, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca, wally.stiles@gnb.ca, kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca, Joan.MACALPINE@gnb.ca, bruce.northrup@gnb.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, mike.olscamp@gnb.ca, Jeannot.VOLPE@gnb.ca, politicsnb@hotmail.com, news@fredfm.ca, Percy.Mockler@gnb.ca, kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca, Jody.CARR@gnb.ca, Keith.ASHFIELD@gnb.ca, David.ALWARD@gnb.ca, aleblanc.mla@nb.aibn.com, Trevor.HOLDER@gnb.ca, stuart.jamieson@gnb.ca, Margaret-Ann.BLANEY@gnb.ca, Wayne.STEEVES@gnb.ca, brad.green@gnb.ca, eugene.mcginley2@gnb.ca, bev.harrison@gnb.ca, T.J.Burke@gnb.ca, roly.macintyre@gnb.ca, Ed.Doherty@gnb.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, martine.turcotte@bell.ca, premier@gov.ns.ca, McCallum.J@parl.gc.ca, Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca, smurphy@ctv.ca, Eyking.M@parl.gc.ca, Keddy.G@parl.gc.ca, Regan.G@parl.gc.ca, Savage.M@parl.gc.ca, news-tips@nytimes.com, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, akrystal@rogers.blackberry.net, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, jonesr@cbc.ca, DannyWilliams@gov.nl.ca, dcole@amherstdaily.com
CC: oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, btaylor@nbnet.nb.ca, Bill.Fraser@gnb.ca, mary.schryer@gnb.ca, rick.miles@gnb.ca, jack.keir@gnb.ca, Bernard.LeBlanc@gnb.ca, greg.byrne@gnb.ca, john.foran@gnb.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, Deb_Nobes@cbc.ca, spinks08@hotmail.com, PoliticsNB@hotmail.com, oldmaison.wcie@gmail.com, advocacycollective@yahoo.com, Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca, Martin.Paul@parl.gc.ca, Ignatieff.M@parl.gc.ca, Brison.S@parl.gc.ca, dchafe@atlanticbusinessmagazine.com, cjcw@nbnet.nb.ca, news@kingscorecord.com, news@dailygleaner.com, desserud@unbsj.ca, brad.woodside@fredericton.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca, Keddy.G@parl.gc.ca, Allen.M@parl.gc.ca, Manning.F@parl.gc.ca, Cannon.L@parl.gc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, lunnmp@garylunn.com, lunng@parl.gc.ca, Murphy.B@parl.gc.ca, ottawa@chuckstrahl.com, riding@chuckstrahl.com, jchretien@heenan.ca, rheenan@heenan.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, governorlynch@nh.gov, mayor@ci.boston.ma.us, mcomeau@stu.ca, ruby@ruby-edwardh.com, Stoffer.P@parl.gc.ca, McDonough.A@parl.gc.ca, david.allgood@rbc.com, stronach.b@parl.gc.ca

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Elizabeth May Results and Reaction in LNC By-Election
Just for the record...The Green Party of Canada comes close to electing its first MP!

London North Centre By-Election Results
Party/Candidate/Votes/% of Votes

Canadian Action Will Arlow 53 0.1
Independent Robert Ede 77 0.2
Conservative Dianne Haskett 9,309 24.4
PC Party Steve Hunter 145 0.4
Green Party Elizabeth May 9,864 25.9
Liberal Glen Pearson 13,287 34.9
N.D.P. Megan Walker 5,388 14.1
Total number of valid votes: 38,123
Polls reporting: 253/253
Voter turnout: 38,123 of 89,139 registered electors (42.8%)
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 3:11 PM


#101 – Ben Mulroney
You can thank fellow New Brunswick blogger Harrap for this one.

Even those who like the show Canadian Idol generally agree that Ben Mulroney is the weak link in the show. The guy is on just about EVERYTHING CTV produces. Why? Good question.

Although he comes off as a sycophant, he’s no idiot. Mulroney has two degrees, one in history and one in law although nothing in journalism. He’s also parlayed his last name (dad is former PM Brian Mulroney in case you’ve been living under a rock) into a pretty successful career.

Anyone who thinks Mulroney got all of these gigs from CTV on anything but his name is dreaming. There are lots of capable people Canada can send to the Oscars and can probably ask a better question than, “Jamie Foxx! Canada wants to know... now that you've been doubly nominated for best actor, are you doubly nervous?"

Mulroney isn’t responsible for crappy journalism and programming (more on that in this list later, I'm looking at you CTV execs) but he’s helped lower the standards. I don’t blame him. A man has to earn a living but that’s not enough to keep him off the list.
Posted by Spinks on Saturday, December 02, 2006 at 2:24 PM | Permalink
lol great one Spinks :D
Posted by Harrap | 9:36 PM
*self-promotion, shameless
Posted by KingBee | 1:27 AM
I like the kid. His father might have screwed Canada and Harper is doing the same but not Ben.
Posted by Anonymous | 2:54 PM
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
Posted by Harrap | 9:47 PM
What do you mean anon? Ben Mulroney eats baby kittens - lol ;)
Posted by Harrap | 9:48 PM
He seems pretty benign to me, but doesn't exactly "showcase" Canadian talent. I'd rather see the guy from the "I AM CANADIAN" commericals strolling the red carpet, personally!
Posted by Anonymous | 10:22 AM
It just goes to show what you can do with money, a name, and connections. Naomi Klein used hers to write some amazing books and make a real difference in the world. This idiot hosts a TV show.
Posted by The Pedgehog | 2:24 AM
Hey Brent Baby oops I mean Spinks

You only posted this one about Big Bad Brian's Bouncing Baby Boy so that you would appear non paritsan out of the gate
Love and Kisses
Davey Baby
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 2:19 PM
Post a Comment

Posted by David Raymond Amos to Just Dave at Sunday, August 26, 2007
Just Dave

2005 01 T 0010

Court File Number(s):2005 01 T 0010
Date of Filing of Document:25 January 2005
Name of Filing Party or Person:Stephen J. May Application to which Document being filed relates:
Amended Application of the Plaintiff/Defendant by Counterclaim to maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in it’s entirety, and to refer this proceeding to case management.

Statement of purpose in filing:
To maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in its entirety and refer this proceeding to case management.


I, Stephen J. May, of the City of St. John’s, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Barrister and Solicitor, make oath and say as follows:

THAT I am a Partner in the St. John’s office of PATTERSON PALMER solicitors for William Matthews, the Member of Parliament for Random-Burin-St. George’s in the Parliament of Canada.

THAT Mr. Matthews originally retained Mr. Edward Roberts, Q.C. on or about 30 April 2002 after Mr. Byron Prior, the Defendant/Plaintiff by Counterclaim, had made allegations against Mr. Matthews in a publication called “My Inheritance - The truth - Not Fiction: A Town with a Secret”. In that publication, the allegation was made that Mr. Matthews had had sex with a girl who had been prostituted by her mother. That girl was alleged to have been Mr. Prior’s sister.

THAT upon being retained, Mr. Edward Roberts wrote a letter to Mr. Prior. That letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit “1" to my Affidavit.

THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts’ letter to Mr. Prior, Mr. Roberts received a 1 May 2002 e-mail from Mr. Prior. That e-mail is attached as Exhibit “2".

THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts receipt of the e-mail, Mr. Prior swore an Affidavit acknowledging that what had been said in that publication was false. That Affidavit is attached as Exhibit “3" to my Affidavit. Following Mr. Roberts’ receipt of that Affidavit, Mr. Matthews advised that he was satisfied not to pursue the matter any further and our firm closed our file.

THAT on or about 25 October 2004, I was retained by Mr. Matthews following his gaining knowledge that a web site, made a series of allegations against him relating to my having sex with a girl of approximately 12 years old through to an approximate age of 15 years old. It also accused him of being a father of one of her children and accused him of having raped that girl. Upon checking the web site I saw that Byron Prior, the Defendant, had been identified as the author of the material on the site.

THAT Mr. Matthews instructed me to write Mr. Prior, to remind him of the fact that the allegations had been admitted to being false through a 16 May 2002 Affidavit to advise him of Mr. Matthews’ intentions to commence legal proceedings if the comments were not removed from the web site. A copy of my letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit “4" to this Affidavit.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “5" a transcript from a 5 November 2004 voicemail left by David Amos, identified in the voicemail as a friend of Mr. Prior.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “6" a portion of a 6 November 2004 e-mail from Mr. Amos.

THAT until I received his voicemail and e-mail, I had never heard of Mr. Amos.

THAT Mr. Amos has continued to send me e-mail since his 5 November e-mail. Including his 6 November 2004 e-mail, I have received a total of 15 e-mails as of 23 January 2005. All do not address Mr. Matthews’ claim or my involvement as Mr. Matthews’ solicitor. I attach as Exhibit “7" a portion of a 12 January 2005 e-mail that Mr. Amos sent to me but originally came to my attention through Ms. Lois Skanes whose firm had received a copy. This e-mail followed the service of the Statement of Claim on 11 January 2005 on Mr. Prior. I also attach as Exhibit “8" a copy of a 19 January 2005 e-mail from Mr. Amos.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “9" a copy of a 22 November 2004 letter addressed to me from Edward Roberts, the Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador covering a 2 September 2004 letter from Mr. Amos addressed to John Crosbie, Edward Roberts, in his capacity as Lieutenant Governor, Danny Williams, in his capacity as Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Brian F. Furey, President of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. I requested a copy of this letter from Government House after asking Mr. Roberts if he had received any correspondence from Mr. Amos during his previous representation of Mr. Matthews. He advised me that he received a letter since becoming Lieutenant Governor, portions of which involved his representation of Mr. Matthews. Mr. Roberts’ letter also covered his reply to Mr. Amos.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “10" an e-mail from Mr. Amos received on Sunday, 23 January 2005.

THAT I swear this Affidavit in support of the Application to strike Mr. Prior’s counterclaim.

SWORN to before me at
St. John’s, Province of Newfoundland
and Labrador this 24th day of
January, 2005.

Signed by Della Hart STEPHEN J. MAY Signature
A Commissioner for Oaths in and for
the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
My commission expires on December 31, 2009.

The Conservatives in Canada have very Punky Dory EH Tommy Boy?

Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:26 PM

The Cato dudes ain't got nothin on me when it comes to letter writing. Here is where I am teasing abunch of dumb Yankees. The whole world calls our Newfys dumb. So what does that say of Danny williams the Premier? He is a Rhodes Scholar that works for free. Is he dumb or evil? I will have to ask the Aspen Dudes have I attend Tommy's little hoe down EH?

Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:38 PM

HMMM no link we will try this way ok?
Posted by: David R. Amos at March 30, 2005 05:40 PM

I'm very proud to have had such a person as David Amos, help us with our fight and the legal work. I will never be able to repay him.Thank you David.
Byron Prior

Posted by: Byron Prior at August 21, 2005 10:59 PM
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 1:43 AM
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Number Ten – The National (Parliamentary) Press Gallery
Last year when Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced he was finished with having to deal with the National Press Gallery, I stood up and cheered.

It was about bloody time. Finally someone with the guts to put the elitist journalists of this country in their place.

This country has a lot of really decent journalists and I suspect there are a few even within the National Press Gallery but they’re harder to come by there. Most are used to getting their own way and have the equivalent of a temper tantrum when they don’t.

For example, May 2006 when a number of national press gallery members walked out of a news conference with Harper because he refused to take their questions.

Okay I understand the reporters perhaps being a bit ticked off personally but here’s the thing, it’s not the media’s news conference. The person or organization holding the news conference makes the rules and that’s the case with any type of news conference. If the news organization doesn’t like the rules that is their choice, but this was a lesson in humble pie for many of them. Their importance was brought into question by many and most Canadians just plain didn't care about the National Press Gallery...at all.

The problem is the National Press Gallery has been spoiled rotten over the years. Many members are used to being spoon fed the news and being handed leaks from political operatives. Following this spat, Harper didn’t say he wouldn’t deal with the media as many members of the National Press Gallery tried to portray. He simply said he wouldn’t deal with THEM. “Unfortunately the press gallery has taken the view they are going to be the opposition to the government," said Harper. "They don't ask questions at my press conferences now. We'll just take the message out on the road. There's lots of media who do want to ask questions and hear what the government is doing." That of course would leave the National Press Gallery having to actually start working to dig up the stories, depend on local media sources and probe the different angles instead of being spoon fed scrum after scrum. Oooh the horror.

And really who can blame Harper for being a little cautious with this crew.

The blog The Black Rod described the spat well with the following write-up.

During the race for the Liberal leadership, Yves Malo, a director the president of the Parliamentary Press Gallery was expressing his joy about the Liberal Party. "We are very happy," Malo, a reporter with the French news network TVA said. "I think that it's good news that the one who may be the next prime minister won't hold a list."

Then there was the very “grown up” actions of our finest journalists.

CBC's Julie Van Dusen running past security guards and hammering on the door of the Prime Minister's office disrupting a private meeting of cancer-stricken children with the Canadian Cancer Society giving daffodils to Stephen Harper.

CBC's Terry Milewski (#93) calling Harper a liar ("with respect") at a news conference in Vancouver and falsely denied that the Press Gallery had shouted down a reporter who wanted to ask the PM a question.

Marie-Paul Rouleau from Radio-Canada swearing at Stephen Harper's press secretary at a photo-op in Vietnam.

The CBC's Larry Zolf (yes I sense a CBC theme too) wrote that "Harper's treatment of the media is that of an ingrate." The media made Harper, said Zolf. They also made Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney and eventually made their parties suffer at the polls. "A similar fate awaits Harper"

The media plays an important role in this country and around the world. However the National Press Gallery often think its exempt from any rules and any criticism. Therein lies the problem. The PM’s office and Press Gallery have since decided to more or less make nice and hopefully it is a wake up call for the media. Check the biases and egos at the door and start reporting the news...in a balanced way. Otherwise expect Canadians by and large to tune you out again the next time you start whining that you didn't get your own way.
Posted by Spinks on Wednesday, July 04, 2007 at 8:46 PM | Permalink
Wow! My views are 180 degrees apart from yours on this one.

I want the press to be 'allowed' to ask any questions--not just 'approved' ones. And I don't care who is in power at the time.
Posted by Anonymous | 12:21 AM
I think you're reading what you want to read in here anon. They can ask whatever they want and should but if an outlet or reporter is using their position as an outlet to push an agenda or carry a grudge, forget it. When you get people like Larry Zolf saying we make people and we can break them, there's a problem.
Posted by Spinks | 5:45 AM
I disagree too. You should have put those egomaniacs higher.
Posted by Anonymous | 5:37 PM
The problem with the PPG is that many of its members will do whatever necessary to get close to the party in power. The so-called limelight effect. Just look at Bob Fife and Mike Duffy as examples.

As soon as they saw an opening to break ties with Martin's press people in the PMO, they did. Doing a dramatic (however, very phony to me) about face on national television near the final stretch of the 2006 campaign.

Let me tell you, a lot of this type of reporting really does help sink a candidate. However, in Martin's case, he did help it along. ;-)
Posted by NB taxpayer | 4:05 PM
I was a regular "blue pass" reporter back in the 90's -- the blue pass was the Parliament Hill Press Day-Pass, the yellow's were the lifers. The post-QP scrums were always fun to watch as theatre but they were essentially meangingless, while the press conferences themselves were were boring and pre-scripted garbage. The material was always pre-leaked to friendly reporters (re: all the yellow passes), and the questions from reporters were always so guarded -- so as to not give away their lede -- I could never see the purpose of the press conference at all...

I've never heard one item come from a press conference on Parliament Hill or from the Press Gallery -- even the few that were/are done from a podium in front of a nice banner -- that would have made any difference to the next days headline if the entire event had been replaced with a press release.

Conrad was right, reporters are lazy, and with the possible exception of the smirking Martin/Stronach announcement most press conferences are just easy opportunities to ask the Press Secretaries for some one-on-one time with their MP.
Posted by Gabriel... | 5:34 PM
Press should be allowed to ask whatever they want and get the honest answer. Not spin.

They should also keep their hands out of spin as well.

Everyone's a dick in this situation.
Posted by Anonymous | 3:59 PM
If you include the whole journalistic race at this position, I think they should be #1. I mean, all the other screwuppers need their complicity to do their thing. Leftist, immoral journalism the root cause of the rot in all of the Western world. #1, #2 and #3.
Posted by EM | 1:21 PM
Try puttin you Conservative spin on this one Spinks Baby

Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 17:07:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Hey Mr. Genson caught you peeking whilst the jury is still out.. In the "Mean" time (corrected)why not say hey to Patrick Fitzgerald and Eddy Greenspan for me?
To: btaylor@nbnet.nb.ca, spinks08@hotmail.com, Duane.Rousselle@unb.ca,
oldmaison.wcie@gmail.com, pat.bonner@saintjohn.ca,
norm.mcfarlane@saintjohn.ca, Ivan.court@saintjohn.ca,
eamacleod@cbrmps.cape-breton.ns.ca, doralee.smith@pwgsc.gc.ca,
MacKay.P@parl.gc.ca, stronach.b@parl.gc.ca, ottawairc@state.gov,
zedp@parl.gc.ca, leo@primetimecrime.com, Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca,
McDonough.A@parl.gc.ca, Stoffer.P@parl.gc.ca, gemerson@tor.fasken.com,
garth@garth.ca, rmooremp@nb.sympatico.ca, thompg@nb.sympatico.ca,
Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca, smay@pattersonpalmer.ca, news957@rci.rogers.com,
cnichols@norwellpolice.com, Freeman.C@parl.gc.ca, comartin.j@parl.gc.ca,
Brown.G@parl.gc.ca, Hawn.L@parl.gc.ca, Menard.S@parl.gc.ca,
scarpinelli@publicintegrity.org, Norlock.R@parl.gc.ca,
MacKenzie.D@parl.gc.ca, Chan.R@parl.gc.ca, Bevilacqua.M@parl.gc.ca,
Batters.D@parl.gc.ca, Siksay.B@parl.gc.ca, Anderson.Da@parl.gc.ca,
CC: info@pco-bcp.gc.ca, bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Oda.B@parl.gc.ca,
hemccand@shaw.ca, dwatch@web.net, president@utoronto.ca,
chris.cunningham@utoronto.ca, ottawa@chuckstrahl.com,
riding@chuckstrahl.com, solberg.m@parl.gc.ca, thompson.g@parl.gc.ca,
toews.v@parl.gc.ca, ruby@ruby-edwardh.com, patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov,
Russell_Feingold@feingold.senate.gov, olived@sen.parl.gc.ca,
bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, broy@ogilvyrenault.com,
cumby.meghan@dailygleaner.com, day.s@parl.gc.ca, iwhitehall@heenan.ca,
jchretien@heenan.ca, rheenan@heenan.ca, duffy@ctv.ca,
tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, mikemurphymla@hotmail.com,

This should upset Lord Conrad Black's old buddy Jean Chretien before he gets his Order of Canada and not long after it was announced that the RCMP is still digging for old dirt on him. N'est Pas?

For the record I called Petey Baby MacKay again today about my affairs. It was bad luck for me because I called just as the CBC was announcing more fallen soldiers overseas. Even Petey Baby's chickenshit lawyer Marg was too afraid to talk to me and Rob Nicholson's assistant merely hung up on me as soon as I said my name. I guess Harper had everybody locked down into the no comment phase as usual before the shit hit the fan EH?

In my humble opinion all you greedy Parliamentarians should be very ashamed of yourselves and not just because Canada lost six more very honourable souls again today. What of the others who were lost since Harper ordered old people into a combat role instead of peace keeping?

All I heard today was that idiot, Jackie Boy Layton trying too make political brownie points off of the demise of decent people. What a crow EH Petey Baby Stoffer? Would you follow the dumb Upper Canadian who claims to have Maritime roots straight to Hell just so that you could keep your seat in Stevey Boy Harper's Parliament a while longer? What about the folks that are crying tonight about the loss their loved ones lost over there? What would it have cost anyone of you to were stand in Parliament and ask Harper or Toews or Nicholson or Day or MacKay or Oda or a host of other corrupt Conservatives if they knew who I was and if so was I crazy or not?

You smiling bastards in the NDP should have said at least said my name in May one year ago if not before you voted against extending the Mandate in Afghanistan certainly afterwards. Did you forget that the dummy, Paul Dewar answered me? The ghosts of Capt Goddard and Cpl. Anthony Boneca in particular still haunt me now and then because I felt like a slacker last year. But my conscience is clear about the souls of the rest after our Minister of Attack Gordon O'Conner attacked me and made false allegations against me to the RCMP so that he could protect his nasty arse. At least I knew I was still on the right side of things and that I had the corrupt bastards afraid that just maybe I could stop wars or at least impeach a crook or two. EH?

In closing I hope all you greedy miserable bastards never forget your bullshit that caused our Peacekeepers to create enemies for us who won't be so quick to forget an offense. it appears to me that you are under Stevey Boy Harper's orders because he knows too much shit about the rest of you. If you point to his wrongs he will point right back at you N'est Pas? I know we need a change all right and so does everybody else. The heathen in me prays that there may never be another Parliament serving Canada in our future as the one that is seated right now and may no encumbent from it ever be reelected to public office anywhere. If there were a god, he should have damned you all by now. Thus far it appears it is only I who curses you but at least your god has not struck me dead or dumb just yet. N'est Pas? You smiling bastards in Parliament can go on and on licking Stevey Boy Harper's fat nasty arse. I am gonna take him up on his challenge to sue him. However I am no longer in a rush. I will do it it in my own good time. What is happening to his hero Geogey Boy Bush is far more interesting to me theses days.

In the "mean" time what are you Parlaimentarians gonna do if I get lucky and some greedy whistleblower says my name in a public forum? Shit your fancy pants? I certainly hope so. I need a good laugh.

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 4:43 PM
Post a Comment


#12 – Danny Williams
I’m about to become one unpopular guy among a majority of people from Newfoundland and Labrador but folks, it can’t be helped. Danny Williams is screwing up Canada.

Let’s be clear. Williams is the proverbial big man on campus on The Rock. His approval rating at home is huge. One poll in 2005 pegged it at 86% but it’s consistently around the 75% level. Williams paints himself as the guy fighting for Newfoundland and trying to get the best deal for his province. I can’t fault him for that but his methods leave a bit to be desired.

Right now Williams (and in fairness Nova Scotia Premier Rodney MacDonald) are locked in a dispute over Prime Minister Stephen Harper over the details of the Atlantic Accord. Who’s right and who’s wrong will probably end up being a matter for the courts but this fact is certain, Newfoundland and Labrador will not lose any money.

Will they get as much as they would like? Probably not but who does? We’re in this together as a country. The theory of equalization is so that each province (and territory) can deliver roughly the same services. The key word is of course roughly. Some things are better in some provinces than others but generally it’s all the same. We don't have third word service in one and top notch in the other no matter what the anarchists will tell you. When a province prospers, the others get to share the wealth (at least eventually). With that being said I understand Williams wanting the best deal possible so that’s fine.

However the method used by Williams to get his message from the province desperately seeking cash to the rest of the country was to spend $250,000 on newspaper ads across the country slamming the federal government. The federal government retaliated with the same low brow tactic, also using taxpayer dollars. Shame all around.

If that was it, well Williams might not be on this list but big displays of grandeur are his calling card and it’s a pattern of behaviour which leads one to wonder what he’ll do next. Although easily the worst was during Christmas 2004.

It was then that Williams ordered all Canadian flags removed from provincial buildings in a dispute with then Prime Minister Paul Martin (#19) over really the same thing he’s in a dispute with Stephen Harper right now; offshore oil resources.

All of them were ordered down by one man.

Look, duke it out all you want with the federal government but when you haul down the Canadian flags, you’re saying you have no respect for this country and that was exactly the message Williams sent out. The flags eventually went back up and Martin cut a deal.

While Williams did tell reporters earlier this year he has no “thirst for separation”, he added “the fans of sovereignty are here” although he did say he was trying to dampen them. Forgive me for finding it difficult to believe a guy who uses the Canadian flag as a bargaining tool. Canada needs another Quebec situation or even the threat of a Quebec situation like a hole in the head. It looks like we might need Danny Williams even less.
Posted by Spinks on Monday, June 25, 2007 at 6:29 PM | Permalink
And to think I thought it was a good thing when the Liberals were presented "the Order of the boot"!!

This guy is definitely a high ranking member of the Canadian "termite" society.... rotting the country out from within.
Posted by Neal Ford | 2:00 PM
Who does Danny Williams think he is, the Premier of Quebec?
Posted by RkBall | 7:51 PM
I couldn't help but notice you don't have Rene Levesque on here?? Giving the separatist a free pass???
Posted by Anonymous | 5:49 PM
Rene Levesque is six feet under and has been for 20 years....

Although his LEGACY is worth dishonourable mention.
Posted by Neal Ford | 9:35 PM
Danny's idea of "dampening the flames of separatism" is a Throne Speech written by André Laurendeau, a separatist mythology worthy of Léandre Bergeron or Pierre Vallières, and a throwback to Ches Crosbie's musings from the 1940s about union with the United States.
Posted by WJM | 6:35 PM
Spinks, I'm a newfie and I totally agree with your assessment on Danny Millions.

IMO Danny's flag tantrum did him irreparable harm in Ottawa where his actions were seen as appalling. His lack of respect goes a level deeper, though, as realized in his incessant use of Prime Minister Harper's first name; whenever he refers to him, he calls him "Steve". Not so bad if you're off fishing together, but in the media and in government you ALWAYS use terms of respect when referring to elected leaders.

Williams is being marginalized on the equalization talks due to his belligerence within and without the negotiating room.

Another small point that isn't publicized much in the media: the business community in NL are up-in-arms but terrified of Danny Williams. Danny's bullying tactics at the business table have resulted in the postponement of multiple oil project developments and the loss of millions, perhaps billions, of spin-off business dollars in NL. Big Oil is prepared to wait out Danny's tenure and negotiate with more reasonable persons, and until that time NL will have to wait to reap further offshore oil royalties and associated business development.

Keep up the good work. Love the list.
Posted by Mark | 8:06 AM
Totally agree with the Newfoundland Mark. I am also a Newfoundlander. Went to Corner Brook this summer and couldn't believe the money spent on the sidewalks and not the streets. The sidewalks were for the most part made of interlocking bricks and it covered many, many blocks and very, very wide. What is with this? Surely the streets can be upgraded and maybe use a cheaper form for the sidewalks - like cement. Money foolishly spent in Newfoundland and we saw much more of this in a city of 20,000 people.
Posted by Anonymous | 12:09 PM
You can't talk about Danny's mess without mentioning his feat of driving away the oil companies during a long sustained period of high energy prices. Like his moronic predecessors who retarded the progress of the Voisey's Bay mining operation, causing it and the province to miss out on huge resource revenues during the present commodity boom, Danny has kiboshed free money so that his province can continue to suck tax money. He's not alone -- for sure British Columbia has also needlessly foregone major mining and petroleum revenues because of red-green socialism -- but he's #1 on the stuck-on-stupid hit parade right now.
Posted by Anonymous | 7:44 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mariitime and Yankee Arseholes":

Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 10:30:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Oh Danny Boy Williams I heard through the grapeline ol Sully may soon have grandbaby whose pipes my be calling you Papa
To: DannyWilliams@gov.nl.ca, Manning.F@parl.gc.ca, tommarshall@gov.nl.ca, nking@gov.nl.ca, jnoseworthy@gov.nl.ca, CharlesFurey@gov.nl.ca, eddiejoyce@nf.aibn.com, nl@greenparty.ca, nb@greenparty.ca, TOsborne@gov.nl.ca, hynesa@gov.nl.ca, JHickey@gov.nl.ca, mstewart@theaurora.ca, editor@theaurora.ca, tomhann@hotmail.com, bdunphy@nf.sympatico.ca, vmills@nf.sympatico.ca, gerryreid@gov.nl.ca, keithsimonwhite@hotmail.com, msnfld@cfibmail.com, averillbakerlaw@nl.rogers.com, msnb@cfibmail.com, Byrne.G@parl.gc.ca, greg@currentmag.ca, locke@straylight.ca, ed_hollett@hotmail.com, mgeist@uottawa.ca, Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca, Simms.S@parl.gc.ca, Russell.T@parl.gc.ca, Moore.R@parl.gc.ca
CC: Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, andrew.holland@nb.aibn.com, scotta@parl.gc.ca, caseyb@parl.gc.ca, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, forest@conservationcouncil.ca, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, premier@gnb.ca, info@pco-bcp.gc.ca, bakerg@sen.parl.gc.ca, HHodder@gov.nl.ca, Doyle.N@parl.gc.ca, Hearn.L@parl.gc.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, "Byron" alltrue@nl.rogers.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com

True or False Danny Boy?

Would you do a blood test someday if a new baby Newfy were to burst upon the scene? Or would you be like the nasty Newfy Turncoats mean old T. Alex Hickman or Big Bad Billy Matthews who never would and sued or prosectuted anyone who dared to talk about it?

Wanna have your little Crown lawyers try to prosecute me for slander for asking the tough questions to you first in front of your many political buddies? Can I pick one for you that I would like to argue? I will check your lawyers out when I am called to tesify at a couple of pending criminal trials you inspired about slander.i will stres test their integrity out of the gate before I sue you personally.

Rember the material that was delivered in hand to your office three goddamned years ago? Tis time to dig it out Danny Boy and start boning up on the law and leave the boning of young ladies alone for a bit EH?

All ya got to do is deny it or affirm it. Either about my questions about young ladies you may have poked alittle fun with or about my material of years ago will do. How tough a questions could these be for an ethical lawyer to answer? Your profound silence speaks volumes to me about the truthfullness of my deep throated source of Newfy gossip. I know for a fact that the evidence of crime that I sent you three years ago was absolutely true so methinks I will Cya'll in Court someday anyway. Eh Danny Boy?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 9:44 PM
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#14 – Svend Robinson
In Bernard Goldberg’s 100 people who are screwing up America (which this blog pays homage to), there are several entries for pioneers.

Svend Robinson is a pioneer for screwing up Canada. He’s been doing it for a very long time.

I’ve been trying to think for the past few months what to write about Svend Robinson but it always come back to the December 19, 2005 issue of MacLeans with its cover headline, “Svend him Packing.” I can’t say it any better all that’s wrong with Svend Robinson so here it is from MacLeans.

"Despite his affection for grandstands and public office -- he served 25 years as MP for Burnaby, B.C. -- Robinson has never shown much respect for the law or the conventions of Parliament. He was fined $750 for his part in an anti-logging blockade in the Queen Charlotte Islands in 1985. He embarrassed himself and earned a reprimand from his leader, Ed Broadbent, by heckling U.S. President Ronald Reagan in Parliament in 1987. His defiance of a court order prohibiting the obstruction of forestry practices at Clayoquot Sound brought him a two-week jail sentence for criminal contempt in 1994. That same year he witnessed the illegal assisted suicide of Sue Rodriguez and attended a press conference to discuss it. In 1999, NDP leader Alexa McDonough demoted him to the backbenches for petitioning to have the word "God" stricken from the preamble of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In 2001, he joined the mob that tussled with police during the Quebec City free-trade summit. In 2002, he resigned as NDP foreign policy critic after making intemperate remarks about the state of Israel. The ring theft occurred in 2004.

Yet however much he behaves as a law unto himself, Robinson has been quick to appeal to the justice system when it suits his purposes. After being tear-gassed and having his pants ripped in Quebec City, he encouraged anyone who had been "illegally attacked" to sue the RCMP. This year he received $10,000 for "general damages, pain and suffering" from the Mounties as a result. He also sued a newspaper that ridiculed his performance at the Quebec summit. He is currently suing a Vancouver radio station for comments made on-air.

Is it too much to ask that a Canadian legislator revere and uphold the law in all circumstances, not picking and choosing when to play by the rules? Yes, principled dissent is fine. Civil disobedience, too, has its place. But that's not what Robinson is about. He's a self-aggrandizing lout with a disdain for parliamentary and judicial institutions.

Forgive us for also doubting Robinson's handling of the ring theft. He turns himself in to the authorities only after the deed has been caught on tape. He resigns his seat. He enters a guilty plea but argues that a mental illness and the effects of a 1997 hiking accident made the incident less a theft than a cry for help (he was fit to be NDP deputy House leader in '03). The judge grants a conditional discharge, meaning Robinson does not have a criminal record. He is given a year's probation and ordered to continue psychiatric counselling and perform 100 hours of community work. The moment his probation is over, Robinson declares his mental illness under control and talks of a political comeback. Unfit for prison in '04. Ready for Parliament in '05. Will wonders never cease.

The presence of Svend Robinson in an election that has government ethics as a key issue is a blight on the New Democratic Party and an insult to the public at large. The voters of Vancouver Centre are obviously free to elect whomever they please. We trust them to see Svend Robinson's opportunism for what it is and make a stand for higher standards of political, ethical, and legal behaviour. In other words, to send him packing." MacLean's Editorial - Dec. 19, 2005

The voters of Vancouver Centre during the 2006 election were really between a rock and a hard place. Hedy Fry (#37) or Svend Robinson. Granted they picked the lesser of two evils.

A few years ago Svend Robinson would have sailed into the top 5 here at 101 with flying colours but his influence has waned in recent years (thank goodness). Still he’s musing about running provincially in British Columbia. Hopefully the voters there also, “Svend him packing” if given the chance.
Posted by Spinks on Sunday, June 17, 2007 at 8:36 PM | Permalink
Glad to see that you chose the one time darling of the left and "friend" of Yasser Arafat.

Maybe more than friends. With those two you never can tell.

BTW, the ring apparently cost $64,000.
Posted by James Burke | 5:36 PM
Man, spinks, that Macleans editorial is BANG ON! Thanks.
Posted by Mark | 8:11 AM
Sounds like you don't enjoy people who challenge existing systems and push the limits.

Shame on you. Is television and passive acceptance all you're interested in?

May capitalism run you over. Then we'll see who wants to fight for the right.
Posted by Anonymous | 4:02 PM
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 11:17:12 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: I just tried to call you all in order to introduce myself. Good luck with your conscience now.
To: svend@svendrobinson.com, garth@garth.ca, anwarnaqvi@ndp.ca,
edchudak@ndp4me.ca, ghubbers@greenparty.ca, krice@greenparty.ca,
info@cindysilver.ca, jpal@telus.net, NationalVP@chp.ca,
jevans@greenparty.ca, editor@cannabisculture.com

For the record Lois called me back I spoke on Andrew Kyrtal's Radio Show, returned Lucy at Cpac call, I called Garth, sent these emails and then tried to call you all beginning with Marc emery who heard me speak three hours ago. In my calls I was trying to tell you all what Lois Brown knows to keep everyone on an even keel.

I sincerely hope that all incumbents are unseated and replaced with those who understand the meaning of the word integrity. All of you are running against corrupt liberals. the most notable of all is the turncoat Belinda Stronach. She dumped Stevey Boy Harper and his Deputy Dog Petey Baby MacKay like hot potatoes as soon as I gave her lawyer Don Amos a call. Ask him why and then perhaps you should too. Your parties are sinking in the polls anyway tis time to save ourselves before you are embarassed by your own leaders. Need I say i am a very joyful Independent?

Please be aware of my fair warning I will hold all lawyers amongst your political crowds accountable in a court of law whether or not you get elected. There should be no need to explain to any of you why. The tiff file attached makes my reasons evident to all. the Arar and Gomery Inquirys do not hold a candle to my concerns and allegations. Call me a liar and put it in writing I double Dog Dare Ya.

That said the likes of the fancy pants lawyer Svend Robinson should be a glaring example to all just how bad things really are when it comes to public corruption being ignored. I would like to know what planet the NDP come from. Did Robinson not prove himself to be a thief whilst he was an MP? Please correct me if I am wrong but has that lawyer proven to all that not only does he not uphold the law he broke it as a common thief. He did this all whilst being employed as a Member as a Parliament who had sworn to uphold the public trust? Why the hell would the Canadian people want such a person seated in the House of Commons again particularly in a place where no matter what they say or do on our behalf they cannot be held accountable for? Is anyone paying attention to the nonsense of it all?

In closing after I heard the dope smoking Marc Emery endorse such a lawyer of this on air in Halifax I just shook my head and said my two bits worth on Live Radio too. The pothead does not realize that the world of George W. Bush is on his shoulders because of political lawyers such as his buddy Svend Robinson. I wish Emery luck in finding an ethical lawyer to keep him out of Yankee prison. Rest assured I will check that smiling bastard's work closely. If I see that he acts with integrity, I will offer him the best job he ever had. He will never need another client just more assistants. Methinks if the lawyer, Tony Fogarassy were a really wise guy he would sit up, pay attention, ignore the idiot Stevey Boy Harper and the rest of his cohorts and give me a call. (Yea I know I am a dreamer but my phone number is inserted in the next email) Perhaps you should give a call back in order for me to assist you so the Humpty Dumpty's government falls in such a fashion that that all the Queen's Horses and all the Queen's men can not put Humpty Dumpty's govenment back together again just like what happened to Brian Mulroney's long dead party not too long ago.

Merry Xmass? Bah Humbug!!! See you on the Campaign Trail. I am running for Parliament just one last time whilst I sue the Crown because of my own false imprisonment in the USA . Get IT?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 1:54 AM
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#19 – Paul Martin
Let’s be fair.

I think Paul Martin was a pretty decent Finance Minister. He had to make some shrewd decisions to finally stop the deficit and start actually paying some money on Canada’s enormous debt. Sure he could have done more. Who couldn’t, but all in all not bad and that keeps him from being higher on this list.

However Paul Martin as Prime Minister? The record isn’t as good.

Politicians love to be politically correct but Martin took it to brand new heights during his short tenure. It was difficult to find if he believed in anything as he tried to please everybody...kind of. Sounds great but when you believe in everything, you essentially believe in nothing and he took it to some silly extremes.

Just one example.

When you can’t call a Christmas Wreath a Christmas Wreath or a Christmas Tree a Christmas Tree because of…well Martin never actually said why he couldn’t bring himself to do so when he was Prime Minister. However it certainly had the appearance of political correctness run amok. His political correctness had a whole bunch of government offices second guessing themselves on whether they should even use the word Christmas. Crazy stuff.

However, most political watchers agree that it was the legalization of same-sex marriage that Martin will be most remembered for. Martin opposed the idea when it was put to a vote in 1999 but changed his mind in 2004 when courts began weighing in on the issue.

I have to admit same-sex marriage on the surface has a romantic notion. If two people want to be married even if they’re the same gender than why not? That was certainly the logic of Paul Martin and a majority of MP’s when they voted to legalize SSM in 2005.

Here’s the problem.

Anytime you tinker with an institution like marriage which is essential to the well being of children there are ramifications. As with anything, some of those outcomes are good and some are bad. A responsible government needs to weigh the pluses and minuses to arrive at a decision which is fair, just and ensures the well being of society.

Paul Martin didn’t do that.

He shut down the Parliamentary Committee on Same Sex Marriage ending virtually any debate or the gathering of information on what the ramifications might be. They put on a brave face but the Liberals themselves were concerned if this would begin a slippery slope, so concerned that they asked for reports on what the ramifications could be including the possibility of legalized polygamy.

By contrast, France, arguably one of the most liberal countries in the world put the brakes on SSM when they studied it and determined that SSM was not in the best interest of children. France instead has civic unions for homosexual couples and common-law heterosexual couples.

Are the issues the same in Canada as France?

Who knows? A government may study the mating habits of a beetle for decades but Paul Martin’s Liberals refused to hear the debate at all, making their decision solely on the rulings from a handful of judges.

I can appreciate that those who were for same-sex marriage were happy about the decision but to think that this decision would have no negative impact and required no study was incredibly arrogant of Paul Martin. France found a balance by actually studying the issue as any responsible government should. Paul Martin did not.
Posted by Spinks on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 at 7:24 PM | Permalink
Even if gay marriage were good for society the greater issue is that Martin and the Liverals used this as a means to fake being progressive. Instead of helping the poor, the sick or the needy they put up a rainbow flag and said they were being "liberal."
Posted by Anonymous | 11:03 PM
You know I disagree with you on same sex marriage. Tell me how can you design a study that will tell you that homosexual are bad parents. Define bad parent.

Also you assume that people get married to have kids. Come on you truly believe that in 2007. Your argument fell apart right there. Because People do not get married to raise kid. They get married to share their love and affirmed it to society.

IF you truly think france is progressive then you never watch the news. France like to think they are but they are not. Like Quebec, they think they are progressive but they are the guy who champion the two tier system in health care. They have more private school then the rest of Canada.

France are xenophobic. Hell! they hate change. They voted the same kind of stupid dinosaur for 50 years.

Do you even know why gay people want to get married? They want to say to us that their love is the freakin same.

What is next some morality police that license people to get kids because if we followed your argument to the end this would be the ideal solution. Society telling people who can and cannot have kid.

About Paul, I think you could have put him lower. Like you said, he was a great finance minister but he was a shitty Prime Minister. Come on, nobody can tell what he did.

Liberals need to pull their collective ass and elect a leader. But they choose to use that stupid system for their party election instead of each member deciding which leader they wanted.

I hope you put the whole liberal party in the top 5.
Posted by Paulin | 12:18 PM
I have to agree with the other posters. Paul Martin wasn't a great PM but he wasn't that bad either. He did try to shine some light on the sponsorship scandal (although not too much light). While I agree with most of your other choices, I would have put Mr. Martin up in the 90s somewhere.
Posted by Owen | 1:13 PM
I think this one is on the money although I would have put him higher. To make such a radical change without considering all the possibilities was shortsighted and as you wrote arrogant.
Posted by Julia S. | 6:17 PM
When you think that all PRIME MINISTER Paul Martin will be remembered for is ramming through the SSM bill, that's a pretty poor legacy. he is without a doubt the worst Prime Minister we've had in my living memory, anyway. Leaving aside the purely political pandering that was the SSM bill. (the whole matter could have been resolved to the greater satisfaction of most, by getting government OUT of the marriage business in the first place. Interesting howeverytone shouts about keeping the govt. out of the bedrooms of the nation, that is, unless one is "maried")
The problem stemmed from the fact that while he served as a competent finance minister, political ambition consumed him completely, and instead of concentrating on policy and ideas, he focussed in on pure gutter politics, starting with the attempted coup in August 2000 which prompted Chretien to knock him into line with the Nov. 2000 election. It wasn't really about stopping Stockwell Day as it was about teaching Martin a lesson.
Result notwithstanding, the chicanery behind the scenes continued as the Martin juggernaut picked up steam. He was a man running on past laurels, and had built up so much momentum and support that the succession was his, would he have been patient. Nobody, not Manley, not Copps, not even McKenna could have stopped him.Once he was relieved of the finance portfolo, instead of digging in and building up strong policies to implement his ideas (he must have had some, at one time)he made sure he'd win in a coronation. he didn't even deign to capaign against the other contenders to stay sharp, thus the result was an arroagnt empty suit, with nothing but a shopworn bag of political tricks left.
The result was the man who could have and should have steamrolled to power with one of the largest majorities in history, including a sweep of Quebec found himself clinging to power with the slimmest of minorities, and losing more than half the Quebec seats that Chretien had bequeathed him. And unlike Mr Harper who has striven to accomplish something with the cards he'd been dealt, the only things Mr Martin could do was ram through same sex marriage without proper debate, only a short time after he, himself, rose in parliament to cast his vote in defense of the traditional one-mam-one-woman definition of marriage.
Paul Martin was a failure at home, and a failure on the world stage.
The only things i remember about his regime were Adscam and same sex marriage. imagine staking your legacy on something as peripheral as that! The first poster "anonymous" said it well. He ignored issues that mattered to the electorate, and then covered himself in the rainbow flag to hoodwing "progressive" voters.
The culmination of his career had to a failed attempt to look cool toward the end of the 2006 campaign, getting up onstage with that guitar. He looked almost as comical as Gilles Duceppe did after donning that hairnet at the cheese factory.
Posted by Neal Ford | 2:58 PM
Yes, I am very upset that Paul Martin pushed through SSM, but I suppose one could argue that other MPs are also responsible... no backbone to stand up for the beliefs of those who elected them, nor for their own conscience in many cases.

However, I also despise Paul Martin for changing Canadian laws for the profit of his steamship company. I can't understand how as Prime Minister he could ship under another country's flag in order to avoid Canadian taxes... his own salary, for pete's sake. And on top of it, he didn't hire Canadians because he would have to pay them too much. For a Prime Minister, you would think he would feel too ashamed to do that. And then, "in order to avoid conflict of interest" he handed his company over to his sons. Give me a break!! What a total lack of loyalty to one's country. I don't understand either why the media hasn't made a bigger deal of this.
Posted by Anonymous | 9:30 AM
Paul Martin gave the appearance of being a decent finance minister but the truth is a bit nastier. Martin ended deficit spending by increasing taxation. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to do that.

Martin also paid down on the nation debt by raiding the Employment Insurance fund. All employers and employee pay into this fund and theoretically it's not taxation but that didn't stop Martin from using it like taxation.

Finally, Martin worked some "Liberal Magic" by raiding the pension funds of the Armed Forces and RCMP. Both organizations have sued to recover the billions of dollars which were taken.

Like the EI fund raid, this pension raid represented employee and employer contributions to superannuation funds to provide indexing on pensions. Martin's position on this was the fund contained more money than was necessary to fulfil it's obligations. Martin described it as being "numbers on a page" as in these funds don't really exist and only represent a liability (in accounting terms) to the gov't.

The problem with Martin's theory is this means the gov't is deliberately over-charging for superannuation since that money is collected and dedicated to that purpose only. If there's excess funds, that means employee contributions should be reduced and that hasn't ever happened.

Lawyers from employee associations from both the Armed Forces and the RCMP are currently before the Supreme Court, suing the government to recover those raided funds.

Yes, Paul Martin screwed up Canada.
Posted by Mac | 10:31 AM
Neal, I believe my memory must go further back than yours....while he was no doubt pathetic as a Prime Minister, Paul Martin is not the worst, or even the second worst that we have had. Jean Chretien is second only to Pierre Trudeau in the worst Prime Minister sweepstakes.
Posted by Conrad | 10:37 PM
Good Catholic, that Paul Martin!
Posted by B | 10:14 PM
If you think same sex marriage was the worst thing Paul Martin did to Canada, you have your head in the sand. He did far more damage than that.

I am only up to here (19) in the list, and there are some that should have come long before this twit.

Worst PM - John George Diefenbaker. His solid sucker punch the national solar plexus knocked the wind out of an enthusiastic post-war Canada, convinced Canadians from Ontario east that 'the west' was made up of needy whiners, convinced English Canada it was nothing but a poor version of the US and gave French Canada pause to remember.

Second Worst PM - Brian Mulroney. A total American wannabe (a sycophantic trait he seems to have passed on to his son) he ensured that any national pride we might have built up over non-involvement in American misadventures was replaced with a demoralizing inferiority complex, and any thoughts of cooperation with our fellow citizens should be replaced by the greed necessary to compete with each other until we can all become losers. He began the 'deep integration' that is so swiftly eroding government by the people.

Third Worst - Pierre Trudeau. Invited us to watch him as he transformed the country. Trudeau seemed to resent both Anglophone and Francophone traditions, contributions and constituencies. He was likely the last kid chosen for any team or group as he grew up. Taking advantage of the ennui and angst created by Diefenbaker, his drive for anarchy and chaos radicalized Canadian political debate, and set us one against the other.

Tied for Fourth - Paul Martin and Stephen Harper. (Though Harper has time in hand to prove his 'worseness'.) Both should be hanged for Treason. (Normally I don't believe in capital punishment , but...) Martin, a cowardly traitor, did most of his work behind closed doors. Harper, a pompous traitor does quite a bit openly. It is not that the United States is our enemy - Americans, too, are losing their country, rights and identity to the same imperialist tyrants as are we. But NAFTA the WTO treaties, the SPP and all similar agreements yield up sovereignty to a moneyed few who are not necessarily citizens or even people. Citizens' rights to redress wrongs have been moved out of the national court systems; citizens' rights to control their environment have been moved out of the national political arenas; citizens' rights to set standards such as product, working and wage standards, to unionize or not, to know what is in your food, to be treated fairly by an employer, to compensation for expropriation are now in the hands of arbitrators operating under and enforcing trade regulations rather than legislation.

Summary Diefenbaker made it emotionally possible, Trudeau set the political stage, Mulroney put the wheels in motion, Martin and Harper continue the process.

"A mari usque ad mare" will fade with the nation and be replaced with "Je me souviens" by those aging few who remember Canada as a proud, capable and caring sovereign nation.
Posted by Don | 6:49 PM
Here is a Dilly to Delete ASAP EH Spinksy Baby?

Date: Sun, 6 May 2007 17:45:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: What the National Post reported of RCMP whistleblowers is no doubt true but wiill they tell it all?
To: Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Roger.Gillies@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, John.DeWinter@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 06:59:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: What the National Post reported of RCMP whistleblowers is no doubt true but wiill they tell it all?
To: yvon.leblanc3@gnb.ca, nicole.robichaud2@gnb.ca, michael.comeau@gnb.ca,
pleisnb@web.ca, debbie.hackett@gnb.ca, jim.burns@gnb.ca,
robert.penney@gnb.ca, Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, jsbrown@unb.ca

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 14:28:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: What the National Post reported of RCMP whistleblowers is no doubt true but wiill they tell it all?
To: rod.smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
premier@gnb.ca, kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca, greg.byrne@gnb.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca,
mleger@stu.ca, jwalker@stu.ca, plee@stu.ca, DannyWilliams@gov.nl.ca,
davies.carl@nbpub.com, bruce.northrup@gnb.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca,
info@pco-bcp.gc.ca, org@erc-cee.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca,
mikemurphymla@hotmail.com, dykstrafarms@hotmail.com,
Dykstra.R@parl.gc.ca, Oda.B@parl.gc.ca, solberg.m@parl.gc.ca,
thompson.g@parl.gc.ca, toews.v@parl.gc.ca, Daniel.Conley@state.ma.us,
ruby@ruby-edwardh.com, fbinhct@leo.gov, patrick.fitzgerald@usdoj.gov,
CC: oda.b@parl.gc.ca, Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, paul.dube@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
cumby.meghan@dailygleaner.com, stronach.b@parl.gc.ca,
jchretien@heenan.ca, duffy@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com,
dwatch@web.net, bob.fogarty@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, macormie@vac-acc.gc.ca,
field_c@jud.state.ma.us, josee.touchette@justice.gc,
pierrette.lacroix@elections.ca, rricher@scics.gc.ca,
gsmith@chrt-tcdp.gc.ca, stella.deacon@chrc-ccdp.ca,

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 13:22:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Anybody think that I am April Fooling Now?
To: dmartin@nationalpost.com

Whistles blew on RCMP months ago
Pension fund scandal; Committee suppressed accusations


Don Martin
National Post

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

OTTAWA - It was all an act. The shock and horror displayed by MPs after whistle-blowers implicated RCMP brass in an alleged pension fund scandal last week was indignation faked for the cameras.
Unless they were willfully ignorant, the MPs knew everything months ago. All of them.
RCMP whistle-blowers had been trying since the fall to drop their bombshell on the public record, but the public accounts committee voted repeatedly to keep them off the witness stand and their documents suppressed from the public record.

A one-vote margin of victory on a last-ditch in-camera motion finally allowed RCMP officers to spill the beans in public last week to trigger a national ruckus and an independent investigation. Had the vote gone the other way, the code of RCMP silence would have covered Parliament Hill indefinitely.

And if you're looking for the most bizarre acts of obstruction and interference, look no further than Conservative MPs, possibly acting under orders from above, who voted as a block to sweep the accusations under the rug.

It's incredible and inexplicable why a government under Prime Minister Stephen Harper, which wraps itself in the uniform of aggressive law and order, would vote repeatedly to deny RCMP officers access to the spotlight when they were willing to risk their careers telling the disquieting truth.

But all committee members were hand-delivered the evidence by RCMP whistle-blowers last fall, carefully indexed and the most damning evidence redflagged, and even after they were given a preview of their testimony, MPs still stonewalled the push to bring the RCMP scandal out of the shadows.

"Every colleague I spoke to said, 'Are you sure we want to go there? Remember, this is the RCMP'," says Liberal MP Borys Wrzesnewskyj. "At every key point when the committee voted to deal with the issue, they [Conservatives] blocked it or tried to block it."

The second-term Etobicoke MP is credited by RCMP whistleblowers for doggedly pursuing the file and leading the charge to secure their hearing.

Mr. Wrzesnewskyj demanded reports used by the Auditor-General be brought forward last December. His motion was rejected by all five Conservative members. He asked to take the matter behind closed doors. He was voted down again.
After hearing from a number of witnesses previewing the allegations in mid-February, he put forward a motion to grant the whistle-blowers parliamentary immunity to testify. He was voted down by the Conservative members and a lone New Democrat.

Finally, after submitting stacks of damning documents, including e-mails showing nine RCMP brass trying to hide their golf fees on hotel bills during a pension fund meeting, Mr. Wrzesnewskyj felt he had enough evidence to secure unanimous support to call in the whistle-blowers. Even so, it only squeaked by on a single vote with all five Tories voting against the motion.

Retired Staff Sergeant Ron Lewis, the most tenacious of the whistle-blowers, said he mailed a full package of allegations to all committee members last Nov. 6.
"All the Conservatives voted against having us testify, even after what was revealed when the brass came in on the 21st of February. I couldn't believe when they were all flabbergasted, acting like they couldn't have been more shocked. I guess I can't figure out politics."

Join the club, but attempts to get a government explanation have not been satisfactory.

The PMO insists it did not have advance notice of the allegations and has no comment on the committee behaviour of its MPs.
Former committee chair John Williams is away and could not respond to requests for why he was "shocked" by the revelations at the committee after voting against bringing them forward.
Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre lamely insists he never received the package from Mr. Lewis and insists he received no insight from staff who met with initial whistle-blower Denise Revine on three occasions.

(Revine says she gave a sketch of the allegations to a former Poilievre aide.)

There's no sensible explanation for why Conservatives, who usually act in unison in committees, would circle the wagons against RCMP insiders seeking to blow the whistle on behaviour that took place under a Liberal reign.
Nor is it readily clear why Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day would order up a flaccid investigation without subpoena powers and limited to calling current RCMP staff.

But this much is clear as day. Thanks to the actions of a few, deeply troubling allegations have been pushed into the light, defying the unfathomable efforts of others to keep Canadians in the dark.


Just Dave
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David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 19:23:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Anybody think that I am April Fooling Now?
To: leader@atlanticaparty.ca, lymeqween@yahoo.com

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 17:57:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Anybody think that I am April Fooling Now?
To: police@ci.milford.ct.us, jrw@johnwilliams.com,
joconnell@ci.milford.ct.us, jperreault@ci.milford.ct.us, mail@baym.org,
hsakari@aol.com, bdimauro@bridresmilford.org, ctacorn@acorn.org,
CityClerk@ci.milford.ct.us, dkane40922@aol.com, dsephens02@earthlink.com,
dstephens02@earthlink.com, stevengerickson@yahoo.com,
ehesselberg@ctcentral.com, kjst.99@yahoo.com, McEvoyNYPD@aol.com,
thecrawf12550@yahoo.com, jim.amann@cga.ct.gov, jobiochem03@yahoo.com,
thecrawf12550@netzero.net, milfordweekly@ctcentral.com, revja@aol.com,
SMaloney@SBHCS.com, mlevin@levinlegalgroup.com, Mayor@ci.milford.ct.us
CC: Hermenegilde.Chiasson@gnb.ca, aleblanc.mla@nb.aibn.com, mail@ccla.org,
advocacycollective@yahoo.com, frederictonartsalliance@yahoo.ca,
wassef@nb.sympatico.ca, Premier@gnb.ca, Shawn.GRAHAM@gnb.ca,
smcready@nbnet.nb.ca, socialsciences@mta.ca, fdykeman@mta.ca,
roly.macintyre@gnb.ca, Ed.Doherty@gnb.ca, rosemay.poirier@gnb.ca,
Jody.CARR@gnb.ca, Keith.ASHFIELD@gnb.ca, Wayne.STEEVES@gnb.ca,
wally.stiles@gnb.ca, brad.green@gnb.ca, eugene.mcginley2@gnb.ca,

Just Dave
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Time Zone UTC-5:00
Visitor's Time Apr 2 2007 12:58:38 pm
Visit Number 643

Clearly Thomson Corp Yankees employed by them in the Big Apple are taking me seriously EH?

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2007 10:11:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Anybody think that I am April Fooling Now?
To: jack.e.mackay@gnb.ca, patrick.murphy@gnb.ca, dorothy.sercerchi2@gnb.ca,
tjbconstituency@hotmail.com, david.alward@gnb.ca, kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca,
oldmaison@yahoo.com, mlanewmaryland@nb.aibn.com, seheult@nbnet.nb.ca,
PDC@ProuseDash.ca, Graham.B@parl.gc.ca, Scott.A@parl.gc.ca,
jbaillie@torys.com, Masse.B@parl.gc.ca, Blaikie.B@parl.gc.ca,
comartin.j@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Nicholson.R@parl.gc.ca,
Cannon.L@parl.gc.ca, Williams.J@parl.gc.ca, Epp.K@parl.gc.ca,
CC: Kahentinetha2@yahoo.com, katenies20@yahoo.com, info@politicswatch.com,
Flaherty.J@parl.gc.ca, Baird.J@parl.gc.ca, Dewar.P@parl.gc.ca,
McGuinty.D@parl.gc.ca, Dhalla.R@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca,
Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, Hubbard.C@parl.gc.ca,
Martin.Pat@parl.gc.ca, Guergis.H@parl.gc.ca, Mark.I@parl.gc.ca,
Turner.G@parl.gc.ca, Chong.M@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca,
warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, John.Foran@gnb.ca, Fry.H@parl.gc.ca,
Emerson.D@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca

Woodstock Feds

The Crown

Alward and Allen

Davey Baby Alward



Saturday, April 01, 2006


Picture 064, originally uploaded by Oldmaison.

It has been bought to my attention that you have been bloggling too much and taking too many pictures without consent of individuals.

You must leave the premises in one houe as of this time and date. 7:15am April 2/06


Millie and Jim

# posted by Charles LeBlanc @ 10:35 AM
You are being evicted for blogging?

# posted by Anonymous : 10:45 AM

Methinks it is because of our little spit and chew EH Frenchie? Did ya notice the CT Yankee put back my work and a great deal more?
Give me a call at(506 434 1379) and try to call me a liar. I Double Dog Dare Yaa Too. Say Hey to your wannabe lawyer buddy Vaughn for me will ya.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 11:13 AM

April Fool's

# posted by Anonymous : 11:13 AM

Way ahead of ya Frenchie I was already laughing at the joke
Verita Vincit
David Raymon Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 11:24 AM

You ain't as quick on the draw all of a sudden. Did you fall asleep Frenchie or have a stroke?

# posted by Anonymous : 11:45 AM

who the heck is David Amos?

# posted by City Under Siege The Fight for Saint John : 12:47 PM

is this for real. he is a good person, he trys to help people out. i hope he is not evioted because he is a good person

# posted by Anonymous : 12:58 PM

The obvious answer is: You see my phone number why not call me and ask me direct? I ain't shy.It is not my fault you never heard of me. I ran for a Seat in Parliament twice with no hope of getting elected if you are so concerned about LNG whay not ask me what i know of the crap. Furthermore I sent you some emails to prove my integrity. Didn't so it I before I tried to post my comments in your blog? Why did you block them? My question Mikey MacDonald is who the hell are you?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

Watch Frenchie prove his malice shaortly by making this blog melt as he always does however As a double check I just emailed it to you and Chucky in order to prove that it once existed.

# posted by Anonymous : 1:24 PM

Mr Amos when I tore apart Mr Chases article I sent it to him with my full name .I don't care that you know who I am.

I may soon have a pipeline running through my back yard which is going to change the quality of life of my family.I am a citizen who got fed up with one sided journalism.There is no smoke and mirrors with me.I am calling them as I see them.If you don't like the blog .I guess all I can say is don't blog or blog away .Thats what it is there for.I don't expect everyone to agree with me.Thats democracy.
If you are trying to intimidate me with your rants.think again.

# posted by City Under Siege The Fight for Saint John : 2:35 PM

No you think again Mikey Baby. USE your telephone as I challenged you to do. The simple truth should not intimadate an honest man. It was you who struck my words. If you had bothered to read my so called rants before you ignored them and then asked the world you the Hell I am, you would have noticed I agree with you and in fact know about this crap than you can dream of.

# posted by Anonymous : 2:48 PM

Now stayed tuned to this particular blog and watch Frenchie make it melt. He is the liar not me. He labelled me as a Hells Angel when I ran against the aptly named lawyer Rob Moore in Fundy in 2004. There is no denying that I am a vindictive son of a bitch with a long memory but even you must admit that i am fair. Although both Chucky and Indymedia erased their blogs when I protested their obvious malice, like you they erased everything I attemped to post. Ask yourself why Mikey Baby and the cry me a river again about what Irving is having crammed through your backyard. Guess who saves every word I write or what is said of me to use in litigation? In answer to your question in your own blog. Yes the people in Saint John should sue somebody in order to put a stop to the evil Empires control. Good luck finding a lawyer that ain't afraid of Irvings. You took a picture down as soon as you got a phone call. In my book that makes you a chickenshit. You talk the talk but do not walk the walk. You should have let them sue you in order to meet them in court and make you issues well known and recorded in the public record. I have been begging someone to sue me for years if they think they can prove what I say is untrue because whenever I sue them the corrupt courts meerely see it dismissed and stricken from the record. Look up Byron Prior sometime in Google and then tell me again that you
Obviously you used my phone number now I know yours. Clearly you just pissed me off Lets see you apology ya bastard.

# posted by Anonymous : 3:09 PM

ok...I just came back from moving someone. I see that David is debating his issues again.

Listen David? I'll let a debate your issues in this blog here.

I must delete the blog that has emails.

As long you don't swear and smear anyone? You should be ok!!

Everyone has their different style of sending out their message.

I got mine and you got yours.

By the way? Evicted??? It was a April Fool joke from Millie and Jim but I didn't bite!...lol

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 3:35 PM

This is weird! What in the hell is going on here?

# posted by Anonymous : 3:38 PM

Hey David??? Why don't you start your own blog?

You got that email list and you could invite people to your site like I do!!!!

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 3:56 PM

THere's no site like Charles!!! Entertaining as all hell! I have no idea what all these people are talking about, but it's more entertaining than anything on television! God bless the loonies!

# posted by Anonymous : 4:01 PM

February 24th, 2006

Rick Hancox Executive Director
c/o Suzanne Ball Senior
Legal Counsel
and Manon Losier General Counsel
and Secretary to the New Brunswick
Securities Commission
85 Charlotte Street, Suite 300
Saint John, NB E2L 2J2
RE: Securities Fraud and Public Corruption
Pursuant to our conversation today please find enclosed exactly the same material sent to the eight other provincial Attorney Generals in Canada before I returned to my native land again this year. Obviously the AGs Brad Green and Tom Marshall have known the truth of my matters since the summer of 2004. They have maliciously ignored my false imprisonment in the USA for their own political benefit. The tapes enclosed are exactly the same copies that were served upon the lawyers acting for Rogers Media byway of their newsman Tom Young today. As you listen to the tape you will hear that I mentioned your Commission on air in Saint John weeks ago. Methinks you should have called me then instead of waiting for me to contact you again today.
The tapes and the CD of wiretap tape #139 are served upon the Commission's lawyers Ms. Ball and Ms. Losier as in confidence as officers of the court in order that my allegations of illegal wiretaps by crooked law enforcement authorities may be finally properly investigated ASAP by ethical law enforcement authorities. Hopefully this will be done before I sue the Crown about my false imprisonment but I am not holding my breath. April 3rd is coming fast. Upon your study of these documents you will see that I have not yet given the Yankee SEC all of my evidence of Securities Fraud. However every Attorney General in Canada has been made well aware of it for quite sometime before the SEC declared it was willing to investigate the actions of the former Minister of Finance Ralph Goodale. To date not one person has responded me nor did me the simple courtesy of returning my calls or emails as you finally did today.
Clearly I must complain of the Crown myself without delay before further harm is done to my Clan. Rest assured I will be calling you, Mr. Hancox and the lawyers within your Commission to testify at a trial of my matters in Federal Court in Fredericton. A very pigheaded yet ethical Maritimer knows that justice has been delayed way past too long for the benefit of public corruption and not the public trust. I will not wait for anyone on public service to act within the scope of their employment anymore. To put it simply, after our conversation today I had no faith that you were willing to do your job.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.O. Box 234
Apohaqui, NB E5P 3G2

# posted by Anonymous : 4:05 PM

Nope the first question should be Chucky where is the computer I gave you in 2004 Yopu know the one the Anglo due from Minto took home for you. You claimed it was no good yea well I would like to have it back

# posted by Anonymous : 4:09 PM

The next question is does your buddy Vaughn Burnett still have the material that you promised you would serve upon Brad Green in June of 2004 for me? Has he listened to the CD which is a copy of police surveilance tape # 139? I will call hinm and you as witnesses to testify in Federal Court in Fredericton. The wannabe lawyer and you buddy Bernard Richard both admitted to me that they had the evidence before I was falsely imprisoned in the Yankee jail in 2004. So much for etyhical EH?

# posted by Anonymous : 4:14 PM

What do you do with a computer that don't work?

You know the answer!

Papers? to deliver to the Justice Minister? Sorry...I'm not a Sheriff!!!!

Remember be nice in this blog....

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 4:16 PM

What's everybody talking or fighting about ?

Always read your site Charles.

The person is right. More entertaining the TV, and I mean that as Big Compliment :>)

# posted by Anonymous : 4:22 PM

As far as blogging goes I do have one but do not post much. Because unlike you I feel that less is moreI do not need a blog I employ other people's blogs and only deal with the issues they raise first then take them down the path of the garden of good and evil just like I did with you years ago when they call me a liar. Check with your associate Mikey. He did not allow even my first comment. Just like your buddies in Indymedia. However they certainly allowed you to slam me. Didn't they Chucky?
Just in case anyone cares about the spelling I am typing quickly because Methinks Chucky will soon erase this stuff just like he always does. However here is my phone number again call me and I will show anyone the proof of what I is true and I will even allow them to listen to a wiretap tape or two.

# posted by Anonymous : 4:22 PM

Your said the computer didn't work but I know that it did and I brought it all the way from Boston because you were crying poor mouth on the phone. Furthermore I have to witnesses that heard you say you would love to take on Brad Green. the Anglo dude from Minto is one. you the one you call a bigot. I was looking for you in the legislature library to witness me serving the liberal lawyers Burke and Lamrock next door at 710 Queen St when your buddy Dannyboy Bussieres and the Fredericton cops threw me out on June 24th 2004. I was not talking from the gallery as you falsely claim. I have a witness to that fact to . In fact he is a Deputy Minister you was on the floor at the time. the Commisssioners you have befriended made false allegations about me.

# posted by Anonymous : 4:29 PM

Charles? Friends with the commissioners?? That's funny! Sounds like you two guys should be getting along great-two peas in a pod of crazy. Nobody even knows what you guys are talking about.

# posted by Anonymous : 4:41 PM

C'mon keep it going

# posted by Anonymous : 4:44 PM

Anonymous said...

Mr. David Raymond Amos,

We respectfully invite you to consider a Letter to the Editor, i.e.., How Free Trade undermines Maritime Economic Development. We had heard you make some representation about a U.S. company which truck out Maritime 'wealth', as a result of not having similar .provincial resources rights as Alberta, Many Maritimes would be potentially interested in such an editorial.


Office of John Stokes

The Canadian National Newspaper
internet site: http://www.agoracosmopolitan.com

# posted by Anonymous : 4:48 PM

Hey Mr. Stokes
Thanks for the suggestion. As you should know the most glaring example of a company that has been raping the Maritimes with abandon for many years is obviously the Irving Empire. However lately there are some very nasty new players on the scene such a PCS and Corridor Resourses etc etc. I am very busy these days and I am not a journalist. You people are though yet it seems you would rather me say the awlful truth than yourselves because of some possible lawsuit EH?
So be it. I will because it is not slander if one's words are true. Perhaps you should consider checking my work and then come to court sometime in order to listen to me argue all the smiling bastards. You can have much of my work in a click of the button of my mouse. But first please allow me to introduce you to the New Brunswick Securities Commission. I got a rather interesting response from them today whilst I was in Fredericton. They have ignored my concerns for almost a year but now that Bernie Lord's government is getting tipsy, it appears all the bad actors want to show me their arse just in time for me to boot it.
It is Securities Commissions such as this that allow many publicly held companies such as Corridor Resources or Magna Entertainment etc to get away with many things rather than remind them of the law and on how they should conduct business in an ethical fashion. That said, these Commisssions have no say whatsoever over the Irving Empire and that is truly bad. It is a privately held corporation that knows very well the power of money and on how to pay off greedy politicians in order to get anything they want. In the nutshell of the Maritimes that is quite simply everything. It seems that I am the only Maritimer who is not afraid of the ghost of mean old KC Irving and his monoply game. It has always been hard times in the Maritimes. We lament about it all the time but our apathy and fear of the Irvings etc gives us the govenments we deserve.
Print this if you wish. You are off the hook that Irving's lawyers threaten ordinary folks with. I am fearless yet never reckless with the truth. I stand by my own words and invite anyone to sue me if they think I am a liar and wish to argue me. I hate it when the chickenshits send crooked cops against me bearing false allegations in a faint hearted effort to shut me up. It does the smiling bastards no good and only serves to make matters worse.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 4:52 PM

March 24, 2006

Michael “Tanker” Malley
C/o Cleveland Allaby
480 Queen Street
Suite # 200
Fredericton NB. E3B 1B6

Simpson Thacher & Barlett LLP
C/o Derek Burney
Chair of the Board of Directors of NB Power
515 King Street Fredricton, NB E3B 4X1

Jody Carr
C/o Paul Blackmore
Chestnut Complex
470 York Street
Fredericton, NBE3B 3P7

Patrick A.A. Ryan
Edgecombe House
736 King Street
Fredericton, NB E3B 1G2
Re: Public Corruption

Pursuant to my many phone calls and email to your offices please find enclosed the material I promised to you before I file my complaints in Federal Court in Fredericton. The CD which is a true copy of wiretap tape number 139 is served upon you all in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be investigated byway of my suing the Crown.
While Norm Betts and Derek Burney’s buddy Stevey Boy Harper is busy in New Brunswick today trying hard to shore up the shaky government of Jody Carr’s buddy, Bernie Lord with long delayed federal tax dollars. I am polishing off my promises to crooked lawyers in the hope that the very corrupt House crumbles ASAP. If not maybe President Chavez will help me bankrupt the crooks working within NB Power within a crooked government’s blessing. Methinks Tanker will need another lawyer if the one he has now continues to play dumb. Lord paid Allaby a lot of money to study the doings of the Justice Dept a long time ago. He should understand the scene.
Shame on you all for forcing me to go to such lengths to protect my rights under the Charter. Methinks you have underestimated my diligence EH? Now ask yourselves why I don’t sue you after I sue the Crown? I fail to see any reason not to. That is the only way I know of to hold such people as you accountable. Stevey Boy Harper never will even though he talks the talk of such things. Everybody knows what I served upon his party’s lawyer Arthur Hamilton before I was falsely imprisoned in the USA in 2004.
Despite whatever Act our latest Prime Minister wishes to introduce to the Canadian people that he claims will compel our government to act with integrity, he can never deny my right to drag anyone into court. In fact he has done so himself in the past and I am no less of a man than he. Even a simple pigheaded Maritimer has the right to argue the law even with people who think themselves above it. How you all have failed to uphold the law and the public trust placed in your public office is either a matter of public record or soon shall be or my name ain’t Dave. There is no Democracy without Truth and Justice. It is just that simple.
Thats all for now fellas. I look forward to seeing you all in court someday or I will die trying to make it happen in an ethical fashion. It is just another one of those things I do that lawyers fail to appreciate. Ask your friends why that is if you don’t already know.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.O. Box 234
Apohaqui, NB. E5P 3G2

# posted by Anonymous : 5:15 PM

Everybody received hard copy in hand to their offices except of course what the UPS dudes are bringing to Paul Shuttle and Andre Arthur. Obviously Yankees ain't as quick as me even when I give them two days head start. I have signatures and pictures to prove that all the New Brunswickers named below got their material today as I promised last week except for the sneaky Conflict of Interest Commmissioner Mr. Patrick who hides behind locked doors. He just sent the Sergeant at Arms who tried to run me off again.
However the Frenchman Danny Boy Bussieres had to accept my material on behalf of the Commissioner and our Queen whom he represents no matter how much he wishes to ban me from the Legislature. He didn't sign anything but what transpired between us was witnessed by a man who was not involved. I gave the crooked Quebecer hard copy in hand. Somebody speaking for the Queen should answer me ASAP. EH? If Danny Boy wishes to attempt to ban me from the Legislature again he really should put it in writng. EH? Perhaps he should clearly state the reasons behind his malice and who is accusing me of what. Otherwise I will ignore him until we meet in court. Then I will have many questions for him on the public record. I repeat, I have never threatened or harassed anyone. The next time he and I meet I hope to have many witnesses watching our exchange of words instead of just one man.The Sergeant at Arms Danny Boy Brouseirres lake most lawyers and politicians is a liar.
I will leave you all to wonder who receives this email next but lets just say I was very correct about my assessment of the Public Utilities Board and the New Brunswick Securoties Commission. corrupt Maritimers act just like crookedYankees. After all most of them are lawyers and their brotherhood practices their malice across borders all day long every day. The thing is can they trust each other when the politiking gets down and dirty. Methinks there is no honour amongst theives no matter how powerful they are. What say you? I know your answer already and that only time will tell the tale to prove what I say is true. Until then I will simply remain a man of my word and hope for justice to prevail. It is your job to uphold the Public Trust not mine.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 5:28 PM

March 24, 2006

Bernard Shapiro
Ethics Commissioner
C/o Andre Arthur MP
325 de l'Eglise
Donnacona, Québec G3M 2A2

Jean T. Fournier
Senate Ethics Officer
C/o Senator Noel Kinsella and Michael Comeau
Holy Cross House Rm. 206
St. Thomas University
Fredericton NB

Kevin Lynch Clerkc/o Paul Shuttle
Director of Legal Operations
Privy Council Office
59 Sparks Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A3

David Gourdeau
Commissioner for FederalJudicial Affairs
c/o Willa Doyle
District Administrator
Suite 100
82 Westmorland Street
Fredericton, NB E3B 3L3

Re: Public Corruption

Pursuant to my many phone calls and email to your offices please find enclosed the material I promised to you before I file my complaints in Federal Court in Fredericton. The CD which is a true copy of wiretap tape number 139 is served upon you all in confidence as officers of the court and or Parliamentarians in order that it may be investigated byway of my suing the Crown.
While Stevey Boy Harper is busy in New Brunswick today trying hard to shore up the shaky government of his little buddy, Bernie Lord with long delayed federal tax dollars. I am polishing off all my promises to crooked lawyers in the hope that the very corrupt House crumbles ASAP.
Shame on you all for forcing me to go to such lengths to protect my rights under the Charter. Methinks you have underestimated my diligence EH? Now ask yourselves why I don’t sue you after I sue the Crown? I fail to see any reason not to. That is the only way I know of to hold such people as you accountable. Stevey Boy Harper never will even though he talks the talk of such things. Everybody knows what I served upon his party’s lawyer Arthur Hamilton before I was falsely imprisoned in the USA in 2004.
Despite whatever Act our latest Prime Minister wishes to introduce to the Canadian people that he claims will compel our government to act with integrity, he can never deny my right to drag anyone into court. In fact he has done so himself in the past and I am no less of a man than he. Even a simple pigheaded Maritimer has the right to argue the law even with people who think themselves above it. How you all have failed to uphold the law and the public trust placed in your public office is either a matter of public record or soon shall be or my name ain’t Dave. There is no Democracy without Truth and Justice. It is just that simple.
Thats all for now fellas. I look forward to seeing you all in court someday or I will die trying to make it happen in an ethical fashion. It is just another one of those things I do that lawyers fail to appreciate. Ask your friends why that is if you don’t already know.

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
PO Box 234
Apohaqui, NB. E5P 3G2

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# posted by Anonymous : 5:32 PM

David Amos is mentally ill folks. just ignore him and maybe he will go away. he is a criminal and a liar. he rants and raves like a lunatic. he makes charlie seem like a choir boy. he is one sick s.o.b.

# posted by Anonymous : 6:20 PM

Well I must say I am not surprised. I am in fact delighted to introduce some folks in the Martimes to the man most responsible for my false imprisonment in the USA. I have been fishing for him to make his usual appearance within a Blog. If one speaks of the devil long enough he is sure to appear. EH Chucky? This crook's name is Deputy Dog Robert F. O'Meara of the Norfolk County sheriffs Dept. A bigger snake in Massachusetts there never was. Right now it is suppertime and I ain't goona let it grow cool worrying about what he may say of me but rest assured I will relish and save every word of it. Stay tuned and I will post many of his words that have been deleted from many other blogs in order to protect him and the crooks who have covered up his many crimes.
At least I have a name EH Deputy Dog? Even on the internet you use girlfriend's Wicked Wanda Willard's ID

# posted by Anonymous : 7:07 PM

Hey? As long he leaves his view in this little blog and not others? I don't have a problem with the guy.

He's pretty mellow with his words compare to past emails.

Hey? We might have a second Spinks here???...lol

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 7:11 PM

David is a less of lunatic compared to Chucky.

# posted by Anonymous : 7:15 PM


# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 8:48 PM

Now that I finally see one vote of confidence.It is time to stress Chucky's words to the max. Lets see if this post stands the test of time. I am posting something that only a few politicians have seen. Whereas Chucky's buddy Danny Boy Brussieres had banned me from the Legislature and Chucky did not have the balls to deliver the material to Brad Green I and my son, Max delivered in hand the matereial to both of the following dudes offices in Moncton right after Canada Day and Paul Martin's boat had been caught in Sidney with more coke than coal on board. We then went home to where I was raised in Dorchester Nb and I laughed at the thought of Charles LeBlanc as I drove through his hometown. If he had had the sand to deliver this letter and the material I had given him to Brad when he promised to so. He would be my hero, Bernie Lord's government would have fallen, my adversary Deputy Dog Robert F. O'Meara would have gone to jail instead of me and most importantly my little Clan would be still in their home today. If Brad Green Bernie Lord and Franky Boy McKenna had acted with integrity I would not have to sue the Crown in order to have a fraudulent warrant for my arrest revoked in the USA. Anyone should feel free to print or email the text of this letter with abandon simply because Brad Green answered it. I can email anyone a copy of his response in a tif file. In fact I will email one to Frenchie and Deputy Dog Robert F. O'Meara, Brad Green and his buddies first first. You will know that Chucky got it first and can never play dumb no more. I will forward it on to anyone who asks and they can decide you is crazy and who is not and who is a liar and who is not. My email address is motomaniac_02186 at yahoo.com and my phone number is 506 434 1379 I do not call people collect as Chucky does.

July 1st, 2004

Brad Green
c/oBernard Lord
132 Mill Road
Moncton, NB. E1A 4A5

Frank McKenna
c/o McInnis Cooper
655 Main St.
Moncton NB E1C 8T6
RE: Corruption
Hey Fellas,
Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon Paul Zed before he met Paul Martin at the airport last weekend. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated. As you review the material it should be painfully obvious to you why I have no respect for your chosen profession of lawyer/politician. I must say that both Mr. Lord and Mr. McKenna were clever to keep some distance from the recent federal election but I don’t think it was very wise for Mr. Lord to have me expelled from the Legislature Building for political reasons rather than legal reasons.
I have done as the Sargent at Arms ordered on June 24th and stayed away from the Legislature and waited for it to take its summer break so that no more bullshit about me can be said. I have now delivered this material to your constituency office Mr. Lord so that you may deal with this at a personal level with Mr. Green. I will complain of you Mr. Lord and your friends Mr. Green, Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Burke to court along with the Fredericton Police Dept. and the Sargent at Arms if I do not receive a satisfactory response very quickly and convince me of your ethics and stand with me. I have not heard from the Fredericton Police Dept. thus I suspect that Corporal Ross has done as he threatened and thrown this material in the trash for the benefit of his fellow police officer, Mr. LeBlanc.
Mr. Green may I suggest that you study every word and listen to the CD closely and prepare to argue every word if you disagree with the fact that a fellow Canadian has the right to seek justice and relief for the many wrongs practiced against him. What would you do if the Men in Black had appeared at your door and were willing to take you away to Cuba without counsel because of false allegations were made against you in order to stop you from defending your family’s interests? As you can see I have come home to protest these actions in a political and legal fashion. I have done only as the Solicitor General Anne McLellan has suggested and given the evidence to those who claim to have jurisdiction over me. You speak for the Sargent at Arms and the Fredericton Police. They dropped the ball the instant they pulled me outside the building for no reason. They claimed jurisdiction but refused to investigate. I have seen it reported that I had tried to speak from the gallery and the Sargent at Arms falsely claimed that I had attempted to serve someone within the legislature building. Both statements are untrue. I left materials at the door in the custody of the security guard as he requested. I was only looking to find Charles Leblanc in order that he may witness me delivering the enclosed materials to T.J. Burke’s office. This was necessary for me to do because as you know most lawyers are reckless with the truth. I will let your fellow politician/lawyer. Peter McKay, explain to you the reason why that is. However it was no longer necessary to require a witness because the Sargent at Arms and the Fredericton Police had watched me go into 710 Queen St and come out without the material they had just refused after harassing me. They are my witnesses as you are now.
As for you, Mr. McKenna, I expect you and your fellow lawyers at McInnes Cooper to uphold the law and conduct yourselves in a professional manner according to the rules that allow you to practice law for a fee. Don’t you think you should act ethically rather quickly and report your newfound knowledge of crime? At the very least I have made you witnesses to my complaints and rest assured I will be asking you many questions in court if the RCMP doesn’t ask you first. Mr. McKenna, I read your recent speech about how you likened the actions of federal political leaders to various purebred dogs. I must add my two bits worth to your comments. Those fancy dogs don’t hunt like the mangy old mutt that is the guard dog of my little Clan. I don’t bark but I am quick to bite. If you turn around you will see me sniffing at your heels. If any lawyer makes one false move, I make every effort to rip his nuts off. Check my work before you call me a liar.
I have followed the money home to the Maritimes. I find that you and many other liberals have been in pursuit of filthy lucre every bit as much as Mr. Mulroney, Mr. Crosbie and their many cohorts. The Maritime Provinces have suffered the most from the many years of political abuse by greedy lawyers and their bosses. Mr. Harper called Maritimers defeatists but he failed to say who was beating us up. Obviously it was federal politicians on both sides of the fence. The last thing Mr. Martin is to me is noble. In my opinion he is a fine example of a very crooked lawyer aspiring to be an adept politician like his daddy. I view your speech about dogs simply as a little dog licking a big dog’s nuts in a stylish way in order to win the Alfa male’s favor and someday win his position amongst a pack of political thieves. Feel free to argue me after you explain to me real slow how Cardinal Law was legally removed from my complaint and what right the Men in Black had to try to take me away because I am exposing the awful truth about bad acting bankers and Feds. Please don’t pretend that you guys don’t know a few very well heeled Yankees that have helped you along in your own personal pursuit of happiness. Mr. Tobin got a great job working for an interesting Conservative. Eh? Should Belinda listen to Mr. Mulroney and Mr. Harper or to her new CEO? What do you think? How much time do you think I may have left on the planet for asking such questions as this? What do you think may cause my demise? In the end I will rest assured that someday my ghost will be very vindictive against lawyers that failed to uphold the law. At this point in time it would be very easy for some lawyer to act ethically and become the people’s political hero. What say you? Can you trust your legal and political friends to not turncoat and stand with me? Interesting dilemma, eh?

Cya’ll in Court:)
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton. MA. 02186

Certificate of Service

I, David R. Amos on July 2, 2004, I served the enclosed materials in hand to the offices of Frank McKenna at McInnis Cooper 655 Main St. Moncton NB E1C 8T6 and Bernard Lord at 132 Mill Road. Moncton, NB.E1A 4A5

David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton, MA. 02186

# posted by Anonymous : 8:54 PM

"WOW" What a guy.Where did all that come from. Sounds like this guy has a problem.NO maybe a lot of problems.Too bad.

# posted by Anonymous : 9:32 PM

He just goes on and on doesn't he?

# posted by Anonymous : 9:34 PM

yeah it's not pretty. it's like a car wreck that just keeps happening. kinda scary knowing he is in our back yard again. Mr.Amos you need professional help man. i can give you some numbers. you don't have to live with your paranoia. there is help if you seek it.

# posted by Anonymous : 9:48 PM

Before I can even begin to believe that you are for real Why not crawl out of cyber space and into the real world. It stars by proving to all that you have a name. Cheap shots under Anoymous in Chucky's ain't worth squat to me unless you are man enough to look me in the eye and stand by your words. I do What say you got a name and a set of balls or just a mouth like Chucky?

# posted by Anonymous : 10:01 PM

Only the crooks are scared that I am back in the Maritimers. A lot of ordinary folks like me are laughing at how I am poking holes in their stuffed shirts. This letter is wickedly funny, Both Adrienne Clarkson and Herménégilde Chiasson answered this one after my wife and I and a lawyer who wanted Rob Moore's seat in parliament visited the Police Commission in New Brunswick. Bev Harrison would not answer this letter or even return my calles even though he has represented me from my spot on the hill since I landed home last year. His assistants have affirmed to me several times that they received it. I am demanding an answer from Tanker now tha old Bev's assistant Bill Oliver refused to call me back for the last time on Friday. I do not care what the tough talking Danny Boy Bussieres says only the Speaker can authorize the Sergeant at Arms to ban a man from the legislature. Besides that the Governor General his ultimate boss told me I was doing the right thing before I returned to the USA and into Deputy Dog's buddy's jail. I wiil put this letter and the responses in the same email to Chucky and Deputy Dog

August 24th, 2004

Lieutenant-Governor of
New Brunswick,
Herménégilde Chiasson
Old GovernmentHouse
51 Woodstock Road
Fredericton, NB E3B 9L8
Phone (506) 453-2505
Fax (506) 444-5280

Speaker of the Legislative Assembly,
Bev Harrison
Constituency Office: Hampton-Belleisle
Room: Unit 4, 46 Keirstead Avenue
Hampton, NB E5N 5A4
Phone (506) 832-6464
Fax (506) 832-6466
RE: Corruption
Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon Premier Lord and Frank McKenna on the day after Canada Day and a copy of Brad Green’s response. I have also enclosed a letter to Senator Joe Day that was to be forwarded to the Arar Commission. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as the Queen’s representatives of in order that it may be properly investigated. I ask New Brunswick’s Lieutenant-Governor of, Herménégilde Chiasson to forward this material to the Governor General of Canada. I have already emailed her notice to expect this material and I will email her the text of this letter as well.
Whereas the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick stands adjourned until Tuesday, December 14, 2004, at 1 o'clock p.m, perhaps you fellas can find a little time to answer me before I sue the Queen in the USA. My questions are as follows: Why did Sergeant-at-Arms, Dan Bussieres and the Fredericton Police Dept. ask me to step outside the Legislature Building and then forever ban me from re-entering the premises on June 24th, 2004? What will you do with your newfound knowledge of crime?
It is only fair that I ask these questions. After all I am a Canadian Citizen and I do have the right to ask any question to those who represent me. Whether they are born to the position or elected or appointed or merely hired, they all must uphold the law and the public trust. The Queen of Canada, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, is the official Head of State and is represented in New Brunswick by the Lieutenant-Governor. Therefore, the Lieutenant-Governor is the nominal Head of State at the provincial level, empowered with the responsibility of representing the Queen in the province. Thus I have asked him the aforesaid questions before I leave the jurisdiction of New Brunswick.
The Ombudsman, Bernard Richard told me to take my matter up the Speaker of the House and thus far Mr. Harrison has ignored my phone calls and emails. Bev Harrison did have the opportunity to ask me any question he wished before he decided not to vote for me. It seems he would rather have the lawyer, Rob Moore speak for him in Parliament. I would not be surprised to learn that Bev Harrison was the same man I had spoken to months ago or that he had attended the debate in Hampton. I have no doubt that Mr Harrison knows exactly who I am and why I was in Fredericton that day. I am not a rebel just because I make inquiries and demand that people in public service uphold the law.
The problem is that on June 24th I was a candidate for the 38th Parliament. I was busy challenging those still in public service such as John Herron to do their jobs and uphold the law. I was merely in the legislative building looking for the Frenchman Charles Leblanc so he could witness me serve this material upon the lawyer, T J Burke next door. I had made certain that many politicians were made well aware of my concerns and allegations before coming home to run for a seat in the next Parliament. The local liberal, Leroy Armstrong was willing to debate me so I was giving this material to his liberal lawyer friends to review. Dan Bussieres offended me for political reasons not legal reasons. The Speaker of the House should not have allowed the Sergeant’s actions or at least responded to my inquiry. These must be irrefutable facts because after almost two months of asking everyone imaginable about the actions of the Sergeant-at-Arms, no one would even tell me his name let alone explain his actions, It appears that the Government of Canada would rather assist corrupt politicians within a country that had rebelled against the Queen than assist one of her subjects to escape their harassment.
I must return to the USA because I have been summoned to court to argue more false allegations made against me. Whereas my country is willing to throw me back into Ashcroft’s clutches, I must complain of the Crown. It seems the Yankees may have been right long ago when they refused to pay taxes without proper representation. Perhaps Canada should follow suit. We all know what has been said about the evils of longstanding governments. What say you sirs? Am I speaking sedition or common sense?
I have heard that Louis Riel once said that the French would take over Canada without firing a shot. Now many of the French wish to separate. Maybe true Canadians can reunite our country in the same fashion. There is no need of the cartridge box as long as we properly employ the soap box and ballot box. The tools of bloodless revolutions are the laws of the land. They are in the hands of people begging us for our vote every so often. Canada does not need to pay homage to a Queen who will not check the work of the people representing her and us. We need a new form of government. I agree with Louis Riel’s thinking when he proclaimed that the Metis were “loyal subjects of Her Majesty the Queen of England’. If we are rebels, we are rebels against the Company that sold us” Although he was labelled a rebel, Louis Riel was a Canadian patriot who did stop Western Canada from being absorbed by the USA. He was also elected to Parliament twice. He would abhor NFTA as much as I. The words in Riel’s diary are well worth heeding.
“O my God! Save me from the misfortune of getting involved with the United States. Let the United States protect us indirectly, spontaneously, through an act of Providence, but not through any commitment or agreement on our part.” Riel stated in his diary this as well: “God revealed to me that the government of the United States is going to become extraordinarily powerful.”

Cya’ll in Court:)
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton. MA. 02186

# posted by Anonymous : 10:20 PM

This letter really put Lizzy Weir's panties in a knot. Chucky's buddy Bernie Richard answered me immediately but she never did. When I got out of jail and jumped bail in the USA one year later and started demanding answers from the NDP she was not long taking a job from Bernie Lord and leaving her party in the toilet. Bernie Richard di the same thing years ago to save Lord nasty little minority. The problem is the liberals are no better ask the not so good Dr. Doherty if he wishes to argue me in public about it. In order to argue him and the pretty woman Bernie Lord had his eyes on I tried to run in Bernie's snap election in Saint John Harbour because in my opinion I caused Lizzy to quit and run off. I knew I would never be elected but the decent folks who always voted NDP deserved to know the score and my opinion of the LNG scene is worth listening to. However the not so non partison Anne Hollies and her yo yo underling Paddy Addison illegally refused me for the benefit of Bernie Lord.The Irvings and the Spanish dudes who have lost their popularity in other countries want to put such a dangerous thing right int the damned harbour and the crooked Mayor suppots it? What planet is he from I must ask. People with no names call me crazy. Well in retort I say if the politicians are sane then I am glad I am nuts.
However before they put me away anyone can have this letter and Bernie Richard's very dumb answer. I would not be surprised if this blog turns into a pumpkin by midnight EH Chucky? However if you leave it up I will post sometime a very wicked Cinderella Affadavit by Newfy Johnny Crosbie's law firm of Patterson Palmer that will explain why the liberal President in NB Greg Byrne has now gone solo.

August 24th, 2004

NDP Leader Elizabeth Weir
Constituency Office
39 King Square North
Saint John, NB E2L 1E6

Bernard Richard
Office of the Ombudsman
767 Brunswick Street
Fredericton, NB E3B 1H8

Re: Corruption

Sir and Madam,
Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon New Brunswick’s Lieutenant-Governor, Hermenegilde Chiasson and many others today. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated.
There is no need to be long winded with you two people. I can prove contact with each of you and your associates many times. I know that you are expecting this material and why I am providing it to you for your review. Not only will I be mentioning your names today to the Police Commission but your names can be found in various places within my documents. I feel that you are entitled to review the material and I am entitled to expect you to act ethically and with integrity as would befit an officer of the court. What you will do with your newfound knowledge of crime? Please send your response to this letter to the address below. I can no longer linger in New Brunswick and wait for politicians to find the time to uphold the Public Trust.

Cya’ll in Court:)
David R, Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton, MA. 02186


I, David R. Amos, of 153 Alvin Ave. Milton, MA. on August 25th, 2004, I delivered the enclosed material to the Office of the Ombudsman, Bernard Richard at 767 Brunswick Street, Fredericton, NB E3B 1H8. Whereas the Provincial office building at 710 Queen St. is no longer assessable to the public, I will provide these documents to Elizabeth Weir’s Constituency Office at 39 King Square North Saint John, NB E2L 1E6 as soon as possible.

David R, Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 10:57 PM

Some people sent me private emails asking me- Who the hell is that nut???

Well? As I said earlier in the day.

No swearing or smears and everything should be ok.

I can delete this particular blog in seconds but we'll keep it here.

So far so good....

Try to be nice....

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 11:18 PM

One no named dude lamented that I go on and on and I admit that that is true. On ther other hand earlier another fella ask for more and lamented that I was too slow posting. Rest assured I know most Maritimers do not give a damn about legal crap or politics. I fit in that boat as well it is just that the smiling bastards attacked me and my little clan and I must defend myself the best way I know how. I figure fire with fire so to speak so I went fiercely political and did not care about being elected. I just wanted to make my issues public for the benefit of my family first and foremost and the awful truth only hurts crooks. Most folks would find this crap boring yet lawyers and politicians like old women are gossips big time. They climb to the top pulling on the balls of others to get there. Trust that many would find this an interesting read. There is a lot to tell after being blocked in most places for years and I am trying hard to stay local to Fredericton only simply because that is the audience the Chucky draws. If the dude don't like to read my stuff click to another of Chucky's mindless blogs and look a pictures that take a long time to look at in dial up.
For ethical lawyers (if there is such athing) benefit here is something that will help explain the news today in a very funny light. McAllister answered me but Miller did not. Miller's (David Hache's too)law firm is merging with the rest of Patterson Palmer's outfit so it appears I have now crossed paths with the same bunch of bastards at least four times in various matters. Merging makes a firm more powerful but it also opens the door to the need to defend the bad actions of your many partners. Everybody knows you can't trust lawyer the that Patterson and palmer in Halifax went with Franky Boy McKenna's buddies i all to funny to me. The dudes in Turo are the only smart ones in the bunch. They said to hell with them all. Maybe I will give then a call. If you cannnot find an honest lawyer your might as well hire the wisest one EH? As i said Byron Priors complaint will prove to the Maritimes why. Look him up on the web or in front of Parliament next week.

August 24th, 2004

Gary A. Miller
371 Queen St. Suite 400,
Fredericton, NB E3B 4Y9

George A. McAllister
212 Queen St.
Fredericton, NB E3B 1A8

RE: Corruption
Please find enclosed exactly the same material served upon New Brunswick’s Lieutenant-Governor Hermenegilde Chiasson and many others. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated.
Months ago I contacted you, Mr. McAllister by phone and informed you that I wholeheartedly agreed with your standing that Insurance companies were making the consumers cover their losses in the stock market. Brad Green and Premier Lord played Ms. Weir and the Commission like a fiddle and were merely doing their part to assist the interests of the Insurance Companies at the expense of the public trust. Although you were happy to hear that your opinions had been read and understood, you definitely did not want my evidence supporting your claims. Pursuant to my last statement to you, Mr. McAllister I have now proved to you that I am a man of my word and I now expect you to obey the Code of Conduct that you must obey in order to practice law for a fee.
Mr. Miller, the same holds true for you. Within these documents you will find the name of a lawyer you know very well, David Lutz. I find this man to be a very poor example of an officer of the court and I don’t mind telling the world my opinion of him. Please read my letter to him and let me know as to whether or not you stand with him and against me. If anyone were to ask me, Mr. Lutz is a man in need of legal aid and has no right to charge others for his malicious assistance. Will you spring to his defence when I file a complaint against him? Whether you fellas like it or not I have now made you witnesses to my sad complaints before I returned to the USA.
If I survive the malicious prosecution that I am looking forward to in Boston next month, I will return to litigate in New Brunswick. There is no middle ground for any lawyer to stand on in this battle within two corrupt justice systems. All that I have demanded from any lawyer is simple ethical conduct. Why is that too much to ask for?
I have read your various spit and chews with Brad Green and I must admit I find them to be quite comical from my position as a layman in the catbird seat. Rest assured that I will endeavour to make my opinions widely known. Sue me if you wish. In fact I double dog dare ya to. Bring this material to court so that the jury can have something to read while we argue truth, justice and the Maritimes kowtowing to the American Way.
Cya’ll in Court:)
David R, Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton, MA. 02186

# posted by Anonymous : 11:26 PM

Even if you do delete it Chucky you know for a fact that I already saved it. With luck I will be showing you a printed copy of it in court someday. I will ask you many questions in public not private emails about what the hell you know about this crap. Why you lied about me called me names and didn't give Brad Green my material as you promised spoke volumes to me about your integrity. Don't even try to argue me about my manners. I know how to behave myself it is you who does not.

# posted by Anonymous : 11:32 PM

2005 01 T 0010










SUMMARY OF CURRENT DOCUMENTCourt File Number(s):2005 01 T 0010Date of Filing of Document:25 January 2005Name of Filing Party or Person:Stephen J. MayApplication to which Document being filed relates:Amended Application of the Plaintiff/Defendant by Counterclaim to maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in it’s entirety, and to refer this proceeding to case management.Statement of purpose in filing:To maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in its entirety and refer this proceeding to case management.

I, Stephen J. May, of the City of St. John’s, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Barrister and Solicitor, make oath and say as follows:

THAT I am a Partner in the St. John’s office of PATTERSON PALMER solicitors for William Matthews, the Member of Parliament for Random-Burin-St. George’s in the Parliament of Canada.

THAT Mr. Matthews originally retained Mr. Edward Roberts, Q.C. on or about 30 April 2002 after Mr. Byron Prior, the Defendant/Plaintiff by Counterclaim, had made allegations against Mr. Matthews in a publication called “My Inheritance - The truth - Not Fiction: A Town with a Secret”. In that publication, the allegation was made that Mr. Matthews had had sex with a girl who had been prostituted by her mother. That girl was alleged to have been Mr. Prior’s sister.

THAT upon being retained, Mr. Edward Roberts wrote a letter to Mr. Prior. That letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit “1" to my Affidavit.

THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts’ letter to Mr. Prior, Mr. Roberts received a 1 May 2002 e-mail from Mr. Prior. That e-mail is attached as Exhibit “2".

THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts receipt of the e-mail, Mr. Prior swore an Affidavit acknowledging that what had been said in that publication was false. That Affidavit is attached as Exhibit “3" to my Affidavit. Following Mr. Roberts’ receipt of that Affidavit, Mr. Matthews advised that he was satisfied not to pursue the matter any further and our firm closed our file.

THAT on or about 25 October 2004, I was retained by Mr. Matthews following his gaining knowledge that a web site, made a series of allegations against him relating to my having sex with a girl of approximately 12 years old through to an approximate age of 15 years old. It also accused him of being a father of one of her children and accused him of having raped that girl. Upon checking the web site I saw that Byron Prior, the Defendant, had been identified as the author of the material on the site.

THAT Mr. Matthews instructed me to write Mr. Prior, to remind him of the fact that the allegations had been admitted to being false through a 16 May 2002 Affidavit to advise him of Mr. Matthews’ intentions to commence legal proceedings if the comments were not removed from the web site. A copy of my letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit “4" to this Affidavit.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “5" a transcript from a 5 November 2004 voicemail left by David Amos, identified in the voicemail as a friend of Mr. Prior.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “6" a portion of a 6 November 2004 e-mail from Mr. Amos.

THAT until I received his voicemail and e-mail, I had never heard of Mr. Amos.

THAT Mr. Amos has continued to send me e-mail since his 5 November e-mail. Including his 6 November 2004 e-mail, I have received a total of 15 e-mails as of 23 January 2005. All do not address Mr. Matthews’ claim or my involvement as Mr. Matthews’ solicitor. I attach as Exhibit “7" a portion of a 12 January 2005 e-mail that Mr. Amos sent to me but originally came to my attention through Ms. Lois Skanes whose firm had received a copy. This e-mail followed the service of the Statement of Claim on 11 January 2005 on Mr. Prior. I also attach as Exhibit “8" a copy of a 19 January 2005 e-mail from Mr. Amos.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “9" a copy of a 22 November 2004 letter addressed to me from Edward Roberts, the Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador covering a 2 September 2004 letter from Mr. Amos addressed to John Crosbie, Edward Roberts, in his capacity as Lieutenant Governor, Danny Williams, in his capacity as Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Brian F. Furey, President of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. I requested a copy of this letter from Government House after asking Mr. Roberts if he had received any correspondence from Mr. Amos during his previous representation of Mr. Matthews. He advised me that he received a letter since becoming Lieutenant Governor, portions of which involved his representation of Mr. Matthews. Mr. Roberts’ letter also covered his reply to Mr. Amos.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “10" an e-mail from Mr. Amos received on Sunday, 23 January 2005.

THAT I swear this Affidavit in support of the Application to strike Mr. Prior’s counterclaim.

SWORN to before me at
St. John’s, Province of Newfoundland
and Labrador this 24th day of
January, 2005.

Signed by Della Hart STEPHEN J. MAY Signature
A Commissioner for Oaths in and for
the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
My commission expires on December 31, 2009.

# posted by Anonymous : 11:43 PM

Dear Mr. Amos,

On behalf of Ms. McLellan I would like to thank you for your email message concerning the current federal election. I regret that the volume of messages prevented me from responding sooner.

Your message has been brought to Ms. McLellan`s attention, as she is always pleased to receive comments, both positive and negative.

Again, thank you for bringing this matter to Ms. McLellan`s attention.

Kirsten Odynski
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

# posted by Anonymous : 11:47 PM

Hey Mr. Costello
Need I say I was not impressed by you yesterday. At least you confessed that you knew who I was but so much for a jealous defense of your client’s interests. EH? That said there is no need to send you hard copy of my material. Your associates within McInnes Cooper already have enough to review and confer with you about.
Perhaps you should call the dudes or ladies (: Tell them how I chuck rocks will ya? from Patterson Palmer in Halifax that merged with your firm or better yet Lenny Hoyt and Franky Boy McKenna. In my humble opinion your little buddy Franky Boy as Canadian Ambassador should have tried to stop NB Power’s malicious lawsuit against Venezeula in the USA before it picked up steam. But what do I know. EH? I think the dudes from Venezeula were wise to bring the issues back to the Maritimes and into the Irvings’ lap. I think it was a hoot that they employed your firm to do so. What say you? Whereas you do not wish to speak to me I will speak to these dudes about you, Embassy of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, 32 Range Rd Ottawa Ontario K1N 8J4, Phone: 613 235-5151 and then send them what I sent Allan Rock Franky Boy Mckenna and the FBI almost one year ago. Perhaps you should call some of your friends mentioned below that I served my stuff upon yesterday after I talked to you and ask them what the Hell I am up to if you don’t already know.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

P.S. the following was an interesting article to come out in the local paper just as Humpty Dumpty had the Governor Gerneral drop the Writ on the last election. It certainly seems to me that the Irving’s and Bernie Lord were trying hard to help Stevey Boy Harper’s government and John Wallace get elected in order to protect their own selfish interests. EH? If he won’t tell ya then ask me why Franky Boy does not want to be the liberal leader right now. I Double Dog Dare Ya. As I said in closing yesterday you have my number but maybe the dudes from Venezeula lost it so here it is again 506 434 1379. Your problem is do I want to talk to you now. Whilst I am talking to your clients about your incompetance I will explain to them why I am preparing to sue your whole god damned law firm.

November 25, 2005
Liberal leader ‘jeopardizing’ NB Power’s chances in lawsuit over failed Orimulsion deal: Tory MLA
New Brunswickers should question whether Liberal Leader Shawn Graham is fighting for them or for Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, says a Tory MLA. Jody Carr, MLA for Oromocto-Gagetown, made the stinging indictment against Mr.Graham Thursday during a heated committee hearing where the Liberal leader took repeated swipes at David Hay, NB Power’s president and chief executive officer, for failing to answer legal questions regarding the utility’s Orimulsion lawsuit. Mr. Graham questioned some of the tactics being advanced by NB Power’s legal staff and demanded to know how much the power corporation budgeted for the legal battle against the Venezuelan government and its state-owned oil company.
Mr. Carr said the Liberal leader crossed the line in Thursday’s committee hearing and could endanger NB Power’s lawsuit. “The issue is complicated and it shows the issue is far over his head to what he can comprehend,” Mr. Carr said in an interview later."He was in effect working on the side of the Venezuelan government by jeopardizing the court proceedings."He was jeopardizing the chances of government and NB Power recouping the $2.2 billion in savings and therefore, in essence, that put him on the other side.” NB Power restarted its lawsuit on Sept. 1, when it filed a statement of claim looking for $2.2 billion in financial damages, which equates to the price difference between purchasing heavy fuel oil to burn at the Coleson Cove Generation Station and Orimulsion, a cheap water-and-bitumen mixture patented by Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA).
NB Power has hired Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales to quarterback the lawsuits filed in Fredericton and New York along with Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP to serve as their U.S. counsel. Mr. Hay estimated that the corporation has already spent as much as $600,000 on legal bills relating to the Orimulsion lawsuit.The Liberal leader grew increasingly frustrated when Mr. Hay stonewalled his attempt to get a firm answer on NB Power’s budget for Orimulsion-related legal fees. “For the life of me I can’t understand how it could jeopardize the court proceedings in saying how much we are thinking this court challenge may cost,” Mr. Graham said.Throughout the committee session, Mr. Hay assured the Liberal leader that the power corporation was evaluating the risk-reward ratio at each legal “fork in the road.” Mr. Hay said he cannot disclose any details that could tip the utility’s legal hand considering the Venezuelans are keeping a close eye on the proceedings."We are dealing with people with extremely deep pockets. And if you go to a poker game “... and you say, I have my $1,000 here or whatever it is you are playing with, that gives an advantage to the other side,” Mr. Hay said.
Mr. Carr also accused Mr. Graham of misleading Saint John residents about the Orimulsion costs during the recent byelection campaign in Saint John Harbour. Mr. Carr said he found it disconcerting that Liberal campaign signs said the Conservative government lost $2.2 billion through the bungled Orimulsion fuel deal but now Mr. Graham admits the money was a “potential loss of savings.”
- Daniel McHardie - Canadaeast News Service Source: Telegraph-Journal | page A5 on Nov. 25, 2005

# posted by Anonymous : 11:57 PM

From: “Steve Erickson”
To: motomaniac
Subject: from Steve Erickson from Masschusetts
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 19:26:32 +0000

Mr. David Amos,
we talked about 2 years ago. My cell that we talked on is [Boston area code cellphone # snipped]

Much has happened good for me since then.

Are you in Canada, in Parliment, or are you still in the Boston area?

-Steve Erickson

Does this stuff answer your question Stevey Baby? I read what you said of me within your long winded Blogs. I told you the truth years ago and now I will tell you a little bit more. To me you are just another greedy sneaky Yankee now. But to be fair to you I must admit that we have our share of bull___ing bloggers and crooked politicians in the Maritimes as well One of them is a Frenchie named Charlie Leblanc and another named Bernie Lord. Please allow me to introduce them and some of their cohorts to you. Their emails are wittin and his Blog and yours is below. How dare you bastards imply that I am a one percenter in order to promote yourselves.


This is obvious Bull__ supported by Charlie Leblanc for his old buddy the malevolent Sergreant at Arms Danny Boy Bussieres were talking two years ago. Now that he has lost his trusted staus he files a human rights compalint after he laughed at my false imprisonment in a Yankee jail?

Original article is at http://maritimes.indymedia.org/news/2004/06/7980.php Print comments.
by Charles LeBlanc Friday, Jun. 25, 2004 at 10:56 AM

updates from Charles

I got a few late stories that I want to bring up.
They had a protest at the Legislature on Wednesday
and I would say about 400 people showed up. I made my
own little investigation in the crowd and I soon found
out that many people from the Northern Part of the
Province knew about my protest.
These Acadians read about my protest in L’Acadie
Nouvelle! A few weeks earlier, I found out that the
English Population from the Miramichi area didn’t know
about my fight so this shows me that it’s so important
to have the media covering your issues.
During the protest, I felt like I was in a police
state. There were cops are over the place. I
approached three of them and said - My God? We need
violence, bricks going through windows, people being
shot and tear gas!!!
This is the only way that the Government will
One cop said - If I have to use my gun? I know
exactly where my first bullet is going to go!! Pretty
Speaking of violence?
That guy from the Sackville area who went to
Toronto with his vehicle full of guns! Very scary
What did I tell you people in the past? Someone is
going to crack up one of these days and I know for a
fact the area targeted is going to be the Legislature.

There’s always undercovers cops around but only
when the House is in session.
As God as my witness I hope nothing happens but
it’s just a matter of time till someone is push over
the edge.
I guess a guy name David Amos was shown the door
yesterday at the Legislature. This guy is running as
an Independent candidate in the riding of Fundy Royal.
I met the guy over the net and he has a beef with our
political bureaucrats.
I admire people fighting for what they believe in
but you can’t get carried away. I guess in this case?
He wanted to speak from the Gallery and that’s a big
faux pas!

# posted by Anonymous : 12:04 AM

After Stevey Boy Harper gets sworn in I will call Washington to see if Spectre got the wiretap tapes and then start forwarding this email everywhere. In an ethical effort to impeach Bush and his lapdog Harper myself.
What did Lamrock, Burke, Murphy, McGuinley and you think of the copy of # 139? Scared the shit out of you EH? Whereas you little local liberal lawyers would not help me unseat Premier Lord and stop Stevey Boy Harper in h9s tracks i will through in the same lawsuits with him. It is hard to get good help these days. The word integrity does not fit in the job discription of a lawyer or a Parliamentian. EH?
The fact that Emerson just crossed the floor and the Dastardly Dave Dingwall story broke yesterday kinda sends your wicked little party down the tubes EH? From my point of view it looks good on you dudes. Say Hey to Franky Boy McKenna for me will ya? I hope to argue you all very soon in court.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006
Senator Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Committee on the Judiciary
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr. Specter:

I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wiretap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.

Very truly yours,
Barry A. Bachrach
Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003

David Amos wrote

To Whom it may concern
I know Petey Baby MacKay don't love me so there is no sense in wasting my dime calling him. Hell he has refused to answer my letters or call me back even after Belinda Baby dumped him, so I do not expect him to do the right thing as Minister of Foreign Affairs other than to accept nasty little Franky Boy McKenna's resignation ASAP. Tell me is Franky Boy entitled to severance pay like his fellow Malawyer ritime buddy Dingwall is? Whereas the liberals Wayne Easter and Landslide Annie refused to protect my dumb arse over the years in their capacity as Solicitor General/Minister of Public Safety. I guess I should be fair and allow it Mr. Day's to try to act ethically on my behalf for a day or so, before I sue the Crown. EH?
Rest assured that I ain't holding my breath waiting for Mr. Day to call me back. Like many of the rest of you Stockwell Day has known of my troubles ever since Harper was elected as his latest boss in 2004 when he sat in the 37th Parliament
In the meantime in answer to Andrew Kyrstal's very dumb question on the radio just now.,methinks I should inform the NHL dudes that are being prosecuted by corrupt Yankees how I can help them.I know Andrew Kystral and all the Rogers dudes never will. What the New Jersey Dudes are up to right now is merely a case of the big bad pot calling a minor little kettle black to me and Andrew Kyrtal knows it too. Just like the Lord Conrad Black versus FitzGerald matter in Chicago everybody is trying to play dumb and it was to funny that Peter C. Newman apologized after I sent his lawyers some of my stuff..
Tell me something honestly if any you can find it in your soul to do so. Do you really think that the Conservatives thought that I didn't notice that Mulroney's right hand man Dereck Burney set up your Cabinet or that Michael Fortier was not a partner in his law firm?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 12:12 AM

As a little reward Frenchie Here is the reason Franky Boy McKenna, Allan Rock, John Manley, and Brian Tobin will not run for leader of the liberal party.
Call them and ask them or the FBI to sse if they wish to call me a liar. Better yet call the Yankee Senators Arlen Spevter or Russ Feingold. Nitey night Chucky. The clock clicked past midnight and the blog has not turned into a pumpkin yet. I am impressed with your your Newfound sense of integrity but quit the wise cracks and try to say something about this crap I have posted that really matters. Will ya? A polite argument in public in front of many witnesses would be nice.

May 11th, 2005

Ambassador: H.E. Mr. Allan Rock
One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
885 Second Avenue , 14th Floor
New York , NY 10017

Ambassador Franky McKenna
Canadian Embassy
501 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20001

Assistant Director Louis M. Reigel III
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001

Special Agent David Price
FBI Minneapolis
Suite 1100
111 Washington Avenue, South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401-2176

RE: Rampant Public Corruption in Canada and the USA
Now that Paul Martin has finally set the date for his confidence vote, methinks its time to pack my bags and head for home. I must raise some serious political hell in the Maritimes before the Commonwealth of Massachusetts does its worst to bankrupt my wife and put my kids on the street before I can expose the rampant public corruption. This is also a very good day to prove within the USA that we are well aware of each other and of my concerns and allegations in order to stress test the integrity of the US Mail. It and the Canada Post have failed me big time in recent years particularly just before the Yankees falsely imprisoned me last year for the benefit of George W. Bush, John Kerry and Paul Martin to name a few. I have no doubt whatsoever each of you dudes know more about me than I do about you. However that does not mean that I have not studied each of you a lot more than the ordinary layman. Just so we are clear, I have no respect for any of you. I know that all of you are as crooked as Chief Mearn, his cops and the lawyers who are coming into our home tomorrow without a warrant. This mail should prove your malice and willingness to support crime and public corruption.
Pursuant to my many emails, phone calls and faxes etc., you will find enclosed as promised exactly the same material I served upon the Solicitor Generals Teddy Olson and landslide Annie McLellan last year before I ran for Parliament last year. The CD of the copy of wiretap tape # 139 is served upon you as officers of the court and FBI Agents in order that it may be properly investigated. Franky got this stuff and more last year. The FBI got even more the year before. Perhaps they should go find the original tapes that the Suffolk County District Attorney and Special Agent in Charge Ken Kaiser have been playing dumb about for far too long. This material was good enough to impeach George W. Bush last year and cause many people to quit or lose their jobs. It is every bit as valuable today and you all know it. Ask the many people whose names can be found within these documents or Franky Boy or Claude Richer, Allan Rock’s lawyer buddy in the RCMP about this stuff before you call me a liar. As you all know I am out of jail on bail pending my upcoming criminal trial in front of a jury of my peers. I have the right to remain silent in the USA. I will employ different rights in Canada and say a lot.
What I choose to say while stumping for a seat in Parliament in Canada is of my concern not yours. If you dudes do your jobs here and I act ethically and legally up home with luck the world will be far better off in short order. I have already checked the rules with the people working for Elections Canada. We agree it is perfectly legal for an innocent man to run for Parliament while being prosecuted with false charges in the wrong jurisdiction and venue in the USA. Everybody knows I can secure my personal freedom quicker in a political forum in Canada rather than argue crooked judges in the USA. They have already imprisoned me on bull**** charges without even reading me my rights or telling me why I was in jail. The crooks are not going to have a sudden fit of ethical behavior now without it becoming a matter of political will. We all know it is high time for a change, the sooner the better for the Maritimes as well as the rest of the world. What better politician to argue with than a right wing lawyer named Rob Moore?
As you all no doubt know I have been talking to many people within the UN and have sent many much of my stuff. You all must have laughed as hard as I did when the Cubans were afraid to talk about my stuff. I must agree with George Bush about one thing. The UN is certainly in need of an overhaul. Yet we all know that nasty dudes like Maurice Strong’s buddy, Paul A. Volcker, the Former North American Chairman of the Trilateral Commission and Karl Rove’s puppet, John Bolton are just going to make matters worse. The same holds true with the turncoat Robert C. Pozen. He now offers advice to Bush on how to fix Social Security simply because I sent him running for cover with my Putnam Investment concerns and the malevolent media control of Global Corporations. Feel free to argue me or act ethically. You choose. I don’t care. Franky Boy knows he is way past too late. I am just rubbing his nose it before I talk a lot about him and his failure to uphold the public trust in our old stomping grounds up home. I can’t help but wonder how he explained his “Harper is a lapdog for Bush” dogma to Karl Rove and his nasty cohorts. I suspect it was an allowed comment from an insider of the Carlyle Group. Don’t you? We all know Stephen Harper would never fit in that group. He is as dumb as a post. All of his successes playing at politicking have just been a matter of luck and playing on the PC and Liberal scandals. Harper is kinda scary to me. He has a truly awful agenda in store for all Canadians like evil old T. Alex Hickman and Johnny Crosbie did for our Newfys.
Sometimes less is more. So in conclusion I will just quote former Inspector General of the DHS Clark Kent Irwin and simply say it would have benefited all if he had taken his own advice way back in November of 2003 when he had an important job.
POGO: “Any advice for your fellow public servants?”
Irwin: “Well, just do your job and let the political chips fall where they may. Unless you’re willing to do that, it seems to me you shouldn’t take the job in the first place.” What say you?

Cya’ll in Court:)
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton MA. 02186

They got their mail now. Check for yourself

USPS Track & Confirm

Current Status

You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6592

We attempted to deliver your item at 6:58 am on May 14, 2005 in MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 and a notice was left. It can be redelivered or picked up at the Post Office. If the item is unclaimed, it will be returned to the sender. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

Here is what happened earlier:
ACCEPTANCE, May 12, 2005, 9:30 am, QUINCY, MA 02169

Current Status

You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6608

We attempted to deliver your item at 8:04 am on May 14, 2005 in NEW YORK, NY 10017 and a notice was left. It can be redelivered or picked up at the Post Office. If the item is unclaimed, it will be returned to the sender. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

Here is what happened earlier:
ACCEPTANCE, May 12, 2005, 9:32 am, QUINCY, MA 02169

Current Status

You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6615

We attempted to deliver your item at 4:03 am on May 14, 2005 in WASHINGTON, DC 20535 and a notice was left. It can be redelivered or picked up at the Post Office. If the item is unclaimed, it will be returned to the sender. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

Here is what happened earlier:
ARRIVAL AT UNIT, May 14, 2005, 4:01 am, WASHINGTON, DC 20022
ACCEPTANCE, May 12, 2005, 9:31 am, QUINCY, MA 02169

Current Status

You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 6707

Your item was accepted at 9:32 am on May 12, 2005 in QUINCY, MA 02169. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later

# posted by Anonymous : 12:21 AM

So charlie what papers did he ask you to deliver to brad Green?

And why didn't you complete the task?

# posted by Anonymous : 9:26 AM

Hey David Amos you complain about Chucky's pictures. He posts many pictures of himself so you fall in love with him. He really likes you.

Chucky really needs you.

# posted by Anonymous : 9:58 AM

I am impressed with Chucky's newfound sense of ethics the blog still stands this morning. If anyone would like to view the material and listen to a copy of a wiretap tape that Chucky and his buddy Vaughn are so afraid of all they have to do is call me and meet me in public somewhere before I leave Fredericton. I am sitting in town right now and trying to write my first complaint to file in Federal Court ASAP. Here is my cell number again 506 434 1379
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 10:44 AM

Methinks Mr Amos is a wacko

# posted by Anonymous : 12:22 PM

Mr. Amos is in good company with Charlie though. They will get along fine. They seem to have a lot in common.

# posted by Anonymous : 12:39 PM

Methinks too but Mr. Amos is in good company with Charlie though. They will get along fine. They seem to have a lot in common.

# posted by Anonymous : 12:39 PM

Oh ye critics with no names why not pick up the phone tomorrow and call your Ombudsman and Chucky's buddy Bernie Richard mention my name and ask him whether or not he received this email on August 11th, 2004 at 3.11 pm two weeks before he met my family in his office. Then if you grow up and get a name and an emaiul address watch me prove to you I am no friend of Charles Leblanc

Hey Bernard
Thanks for your response though. I didn't believe you on the phone the instant that you tried to make an issue about not receiving the email to Wayne Steeves. I figured that you were covering for Brad Green because that would mean that you knew the CISNB was involved. I laughed when you repeated it in the email. Do you think me dumb?The Fredericton PD guard the legislature correct? Ask Sgt. Kelly or Chief Carlisle if they had jurisdiction over me when they threw me out. The Crown always has jurisdiction over a Canadian citizen particularly when he is on native soil. I figured out it was Dan that threw mw out. He should have taken the stuff in the yard just as soon as he affirmed that he and the cops had jurisdiction over me as he ordered me away from the legislative building. They did watch me go into 710 Queen St to serve TJ Burke and come out without the stuff. They know I did it. Over Two hundred people watched me serve Leroy.Armstrong once he stuck his nose in my affairs. Anne McLellan and Brad Green both suggested that I give this stuff to cops that claim jurisdiction. Go argue Bruce Noble. .I don't need any luck Uncle Franky has been dead for two months even though no one has notified my wife I know it. Watch me turn the worm on the Secret Service, the FBI and the RCMP
There is no way you could have known about Connie Fogal without getting Wayne Steeves' email as well. He should have sent the CISNB out to do their job by now. Obviously that is not the case. Maybe Elizabeth Weir will have more luck making you understand. As for me I simply don't trust you. I will be calling you to court. We can argue about integrity and jurisdiction there. In the mean time perhaps you should go find Leroy Armstrong or T J Burke or Brad Green or Premier Lord or Bruce Noble and ask to see the documents and the copy of the wiretape tape I sent them before I compel you to argue about them with me. There is another fella running around Fredericton with the same stuff. His name is Vaughn Barnett. If the politicians won't talk to you, maybe he will. his number is 457-4559 But he is likely out in the front yard protesting something. I don't trust him either because he and Charles Leblanc are buddies and I know he is a liar.

Cya'll in Court
David R. Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 1:21 PM

I still can't understand what this guy is trying to say. His posts/letters or whatever are WAYYYYYY too long! I still have no idea what his beef is or who it's with.

# posted by Anonymous : 2:52 PM

I sent the email I promised I would to Chucky and many of his buddies. I will forward it on to anyone else. All you have to do is ask. Again my email address motomaniac_02186 (at) yahoo.com

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 2:59 PM

My beef is what all politicians talk about but do nothing about because they are the ones who practice it. In a nutshell it is called Public Corruption Get it? If not so be it. I have said enough for now.

# posted by Anonymous : 3:03 PM

All I know is that David and Chucky make great friends. They are heavenly made couple. They think alike and behave alike.
Only difference is that David rights a little better English when Chucky sucks.

# posted by Anonymous : 3:27 PM


# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 4:03 PM

Ok "writes" smart a**.

# posted by Anonymous : 4:55 PM

Charlie you've been leaving comments since someone above asked you what papers you were supposed to deliver to brad green for this guy?
and #2 why didn't you complete the task?

# posted by Anonymous : 6:03 PM

Thanks for asking that question again but rest assured Chucky will never answer it?

# posted by Anonymous : 7:25 PM

> by Charles LeBlanc Saturday, Jun. 12, 2004 at 11:26
> AM
> oldmaison@yahoo.com Fredericton
> Thursday morning, I showed up at the Legislature to
> use the computer at the Library.
> I was told by security that two rough looking
> individuals walked through the doors and asked for a
> Charles Leblanc?
> They described the guys as rough looking and one of
> them had a long gray beard with a leather jacket!
> At first, I believe it was the Hell Angels coming
> down from Montreal for a hit on Charles.
> Hours later, I seen my bigot buddy Matthew Glenn and
> he was in front of the Legislature with his
> blowhorn.
> For you people who don’t know the bigot? He’s the
> one who started the Anglo Society. I seen him
> preaching to three young kids and of course I butt
> in and said - Hey Bigot??? Why don’t you bigot go
> home?
> Minutes later, we were approached by two guys and
> they asked politely –Where can we locate a Charles
> LeBlanc???
> In a matter of seconds, the bigot quickly pointed at
> me.
> I said to myself - Ohhh?? Thanks a lot Bigot!!!
> At the end? It was a guy named David Amos and I
> guess that he’s running at an independent in the
> riding of Fundy Royal. The guy have been living in
> the area of Boston and he's been following my
> updates on the internet. I'm telling you that the
> information highway is a great way to spread the
> message to the rest of the world!
> We talked for around 30 minutes and it was nice to
> see the bigot, me and David Amos together debating
> our own little concern issue. We all have our own
> issues and it’s too bad that we cannot unite and
> fight but that’s the way Canadians do things.
> They remind silent until the Government really
> pissed them all and go out and vote the party in
> power out of office

# posted by Anonymous : 7:40 PM

From: charles leblanc
Subject: Re: This is David Amos
To: moto maniac

I don't know what you're talking about but I gace your
info to Vaughn...Maybe he can explain to me what your
papers are all about...lol

--- moto maniac wrote:

> Hey Charles
> I just found out a simple truth about you. You
> are a liar. Not only did you not give my stuff to
> Brad Green as you promised. You did not give it to
> the man from Minto that you enjoy calling a bigot. I
> just had a little talk with him and he affrimed what
> I had suspected about you and denied receiving the
> documents etc. from you as you claimed.
> Perhaps you should get honest and give the
> stuff to Vaughn Barnett. (I just called him 506
> 457-4559 and left him a message to assure him that I
> am sincere and this is not spam I have not been to
> Fredericton lately but I plan to come soon if you
> don't give him the documents and CD I will) I am
> certain he will understand them and know what to do
> with them. Rest assured that I will tell him you
> have them. (In fact I just did didn't I) You can
> explain your own actions to your friends. I
> understand you well enough already.
> I always suspected that you were all about
> Charles LeBlanc and in the self promotion game. But
> I thought you may at least be ethical. Turns out you
> are just a liar and a chickenshit like all the rest.
> By the way I did figure out who threw me out of the
> legislature it was a french fella by the name of
> Dan. I have no idea why he would claim that his name
> was Jean Claude but it does explain to me why he did
> not show me his ID. I ain't no Hells Angel as you
> and the fellas in the legislature like to claim that
> I am. However I am a plenty pissed off boy from
> Dorchester who just had another French asshole show
> me his ass. Ask me why I am not surprised? Don't you
> think I asked around about you? Never forget you
> were raised just up the road from me. I told you
> that out of the gate when I first called you from
> Boston. Remember? That should have been a little
> clue to you. You should have done the same before
> slandering me and adding to the offense by proving
> to me that you are a liar. I
> gave you the benefit of my doubt but you proved for
> me once more first impressions are seldom wrong. I
> have now thrown you in the same boat with your
> frienf the Sergeant at Arms(Even that has acquired a
> french spelling for an English Queen) I don't hate
> french folks but I do find french bullshit very
> contemptable. I have many Cajun friends that share
> the same opinion about french Canadians. In fact I
> was the first Canadian that a lot of them ever met
> that they actually saw eye to eye with. We quickly
> put the english/french stuff in the proper corner
> and went on with our pursuit of happiness We just
> laughed at your snotty attitudes about culture.
> everybody knows it ain't about that at all. It is
> about money and power as usual. Wave all the flags
> you want, you can't fool me. I am too stupid. What
> you and all my other fellow maritmers seem to be
> overlooking is that while we can't see the forest
> for the trees because of our petty squabbles, the
> evil Global dudes have been raping our
> forest primeval. They playing us like a fiddle
> while you dance their jig out of your own self
> interest. Do you want a job in the media or do you
> wish to be like Michael Moore and become famous
> byway of notoriety? Do you really think anyone in
> the media owned by the rich and powerful takes you
> seriously? Can anyone take you seriously once they
> find you to be a liar? At least I do what I say and
> say what I mean. What say you now Chucky Baby?
> Better yet wait until I turn up and say it to me in
> front of your friends. Premier Lord know I love to
> argue with Frenchmen we can talk about it on his
> front lawn. You buddy Dan and the CISNB can listen
> in.
> The following are your words about me. I find
> that you are so full of yourself it is ridculous
> particularly in light of the fact that I consider
> you to be full of shit. Watch how easily I prove
> that fact about you the next time I am in
> Fredericton. Which maybe sooner that you think. Rest
> arrured I will be telling your friends what I think
> of you. Feel free to argue with me. It should prove
> interesting to see who they believe.
> David R.
> Amos
> 506
> 434-1379

# posted by Anonymous : 7:44 PM

Vaughn did you get my material as Leblanc claims? You are the third guy he says he gave it to. If not I know I will be the last. I have had enough of him and his funny ways at my expense. He whined and complained that he had no computer so I gave him one. But he failed to even say Thanks. Now the liar wants people to buy him a Bull Horn so he can bother more people with his Bullshit. Well Fredericton has already met a real legal and social activist and i did it all without a whisper or any press coverage. Soon Ottawa will receive the same stuff and much much more before I return to the USA to argue the bastards pulling the strings up here in our old houses. The folks working there seem to care more what language the liars are speaking in rather than what they are actually saying. Charles LeBlanc spoke with a forked tongue when he claimed his Scottish heritage. He made my blood boil and my ancestors bones rattle when he went on and on about his roots. First the frenchy wants his flag on the government houses then he wants to wave it wearing our kilts? I am of the Keith Clan and founded my own. My ancestors were fine and noble warriors. Read their motto on the beer bottle Chucky and tell me if you believe it or not. Rest assured I do. Neither my Septs nor I would accept such a man as Charles Leblanc as a trusted friend.

# posted by Anonymous : 7:45 PM


Yes, Charles gave me the material - although I must admit that I was not able to make much sense of it. Because of that, and because it appears to be out of my area of expertise, I doubt that I can help you very much. Also, unfortunately, your clash with Charles, and your low opinion of him (which I feel is unwarranted) has created a conflict of interests, as Charles is a friend of mine and a fellow activist. Since I doubt I can assist you much anyway, perhaps that doesn't matter. In any event, good luck with your cause.


# posted by Anonymous : 7:47 PM

Chucky finally met his match in David Amos. Chucky deserves it. He messes with good people. Someone is speaking out.

# posted by Anonymous : 8:09 PM

I must admit that you have lots of guts to condenm me in my blog site.

Anyway? I tried to read those papers and I can honestly say that I don't uderstand what your battle is all about?

I never told you that I would give those papers to any MLA's. Why the hell do I want to be involded in your issues anyway.

I got enough on my own plate.

Ok...you got a little blog because a good supporter of this blog asked me to let you post your views.

Don't blow it!!!!

Is you wish to smear and used bad words? I'll delete the whole blog.

Try to be nice. Not too many websites allowso you to post your views so be nice in here.....

Watch the language....is not??? Well? Why don't you start a new blog????

Is easy to do.....

I really don't understand your point of view.

All the activists are trying to bring important issues to the public and you wish to condenm the same people.

Why burn all those bridges?

Oh well c'est la vie.....

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 8:46 PM

Lets get this straight Chucky so there is no misunderstanding. You only allowed my words to stand this time around because other people read them and asked you to? Hmmm some ethics EH?

As for guts not only is my belly bigger than you my balls are as big as basketballs compared to yours. I ain't afraid of Count Peter Hans Klovenbach so why would I be afraid of you? You and your wannbe lawyer friend know full well I have been trying to impeach George W. Bush byway of the courts since 2002. Long before that nonsense in Iraq began. You hate me because if you had even glanced at the papers you just confessed you read then you know I sued Cardinal Law and caused him to quit his job on Dec 13th, 2002. It had nothing to do with child abuse like the media claims. It was merely filthy lucre that is all. Well my wife's cousin the exbanker turned priest Robert T. Kickham is still around around and cooking the books for the brand new Cardinal in Beantown. You know the dude in named O'Malley.

Furthmore Chucky you offer no argument to anything I state other than lie about not promising to serve Brad Green or falsely claiming that the computer I gave you was no good? The best you can is make jokes or critize my choice of words whilst I point out your serious lack of integrity?

In my law books it is not illegal to have poor manners or use the words I have employed thus far(as of yet anyway) I believe it falls under something that can be found in the Charter

However to slander someone and tell ouright lies about them for one's own gain is more than offensive. I have been falsely imprisoned because of the perjury of people like you who choose to support public corruption for their own gain. Methinks I should seek relief in court in fredericton particularly when I can prove it. Furthermore you know you have told several lies within the very blog.

I will wager if I posted something that you can never refute this blog will evporate immediately. Perhaps I should seal its fate and let your friends wonder why you erased me so quickly after I busted you in front of everybody. Never fear though I saved this blog in its entirety already. However you really should check you email and press print on the tif file that I just sent you and yoy hard copy of the proof that I keep wonderful records. Some of your buddies and adversaries may be reading it already. At the end of the day you may realize that I just may turn out to be the honest man that you ever met.

# posted by Anonymous : 9:11 PM

I give up....I'm just going to continue bloggling away.....Bonne Chance...

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 9:27 PM

Don't you think you should hire a lawyer too? That last email was hell in a hand basket wasn't it? Why not call Cleveland Allaby (your know Tanker's lawyer) he hates both Bernie Lord and me but he won't demand any sort of apology from me. Hell he won't even whisper my name. Just maybe Cleveland Allaby will help Vaughn and you to understand my material and then ask you two dudes why you didn't call the RCMP years ago. Yea I know I am pipe dreaming. Honest cops and lawyers don't exist. That is pure Hollywood all the way and a long long way from the Maritimes EH? Ask my Newfy buddy Byron Prior how bad things really are around here. I Double Dog Dare Ya too Chucky.
Que Sera Sera and
Cya'll in Court
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 9:42 PM

Chucky giving advice to David Amos to not burn bridges? That is funny. Chucky is good at burning bridges himself. He has no bridge left to burn. How can give advice to others to not do the same.

# posted by Anonymous : 8:04 AM

Subject: Fwd: Sue me Eddy Baby I double Dog Dare Ya I telling Lord Black on you

Everybody loves a mystery. A lot of folks were no doubt wondering why the big talking old fart named Petey Newman apologized to Lord Conrad Black not long after he and Mikey Levine laughed off his lawsuit at the big party in Toronto. Didn't it seem strange to anyone that the Tory's law firm wrote the crooked old Lord a fat cheque as well? It seems that the Torys, a dude named Mr. Moate, Levine, Greenspan, Newman and I may be the only ones to know the true reason why and I am the only one who will tell the tale. Here is your clue see if you can figure it out. I know of two Maritimers who will never have a hope in hell of figuring it out because they do not have two clues between them and if the did they would not know what to do with them. One dude everybody calls Tanker and the other I call Frenchie. They know who they are do you
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 11:02 AM

Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 06:36:11 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos
To: Eddy Greenspan
Subject: Sue me Eddy Baby I double Dog Dare Ya I telling Lord Black on you

Say hey to your buddies the old fart Peter C. Newman and and the corrupt Yankee FitzGerald for me will ya?

"Edward L. Greenspan, Q.C." wrote:

Subject: RE: Since Susan Prosnitz and her boss Fynn would not answer Hard Copy
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 08:10:13 -0500
From: "Edward L. Greenspan, Q.C." To: "David Amos"

Please delete my name from your emails

Greenspan, White
144 King Street East
Toronto, Ontario M5C 1G8
Tel: 416-366-3961
Fax: 416-366-7994

# posted by Anonymous : 11:11 AM

Subject: RE: Sue me Eddy Baby I double Dog Dare Ya I telling Lord Black on you

"Cleveland J. Allaby" wrote:

Please do not email, write, copy or send anything to me in the future.

# posted by Anonymous : 11:14 AM

Bingo You Mr. Cleveland Allaby win the cake baked by Bernie Lord.

Cya'll in Court . Thanks for finally responding to me. Your timing is perfect. One hour before or so before the 39th Parliament begins and just in time before I polish off my first complaint to file in Federal court in Fredericton. Was it done so quickly after I blogged my letter to you in Chucky LeBlanc's web page? Did the gossip about my blogging in his website reach you first thing this morning? In my book you are as dumb as the Frenchie is. Wise or dumb I will call you as a witness to testify in Federal Court before I get around to suing you. Perhaps your lawyer and I should talk now. Hostile or not you will make an important witness not only on because of your lawsuits concernining Native Aboriginal matters (Remember Barry Bachrach represents me in the USA right now) but more importantly because Bernie Lord paid you a lot of money years ago to study the Justice Dept. (Wasn't it 112,000 grand or so?)
Obviously Cleveland you are no wiser than Eddy Greenspan. Clearly you think your status as a well known lawyer allows you not only to ignore and not uphold the law but break it if you wish. Should you have contacted the RCMP as soon as you listened the the CD I provided you with. Guess what I told them you got it already. My next calls are to the General Counsel of the SIRC and the old lawyer who represent the following folks. He has played dumb with me for way past to long.

Suite 200, 394 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1X4
phone: 416-363-0321
fax: 416-861-1291

Cleveland did you really think your email will scare me off? Look how fast I bounced it back and forwarded it to many others. When a man has been diligently attempting to impeach George W. Bush for over three years despite the attacks from crooked Feds etc nothing scares him anymore. A threat of litigation coming from the email box of a lawyer into mine is like manna from heaven to me. Didn't I slam Eddy Greenspan the same way? Man you are dumb if you though that I would not do the same thing with you. You just proved for me that every body else got my email and hard copy too. you asgin the same question I asked you on February 23rd. Whois your god damned lawyer maybe I know him already. If not tell him he has a fool for a client. Will ya?

Tell me honestly, Cleveland if you can find it in your your soul to do so. Why Didn't you sue Bernie Lord as you threatened to do particularly after you and I talked the day before I gave my material to your buddy Tom Young and the New Brunswick Securities Commission? I heard of no apology from him and I laughed when I saw Tanker being trundled down to the Speakers chair arm in arm with two crooks. I figured another backroom deal went down and Tanker needed a smarter lawyer because I had heard nothing from you and I made certain that you knew the score with Hard Copy of my material before that shit went down. Something definitely smells rotten in New Brunswick EH?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

The question still remains who is the April Fool and will Chucky evict me for Blogging?

chucky leblanc wrote:

You can add this note to all the millions of other
notes but I feel that I have to send ya this note.

We allowed you to have your own little blog. I believe
it's a good way for you to spread your message.

I'm still trying to figure out exactly what the
message is???...lol

Anyway, there's no need to condenm the people who are
activists like Vaugh.

I believe it attracts new visitors that search the
names you mention.

But once that blog is delete? It's too fini.

I too had problems at the Legislature and it's in
front of the Human Rights Commission.

It takes time.....

All I'm asking is that you try to be nice and don't
condenm people like Vaugh who an activist also.

Just try to be nice.....

Lets try to spread our message in a nice way!

What do you think???

# posted by Anonymous : 11:20 AM

What, specifically, are all these people being sued for? You rant and rave and nobody can make heads or tails out of what you are talking about.

We know you ran for office. We know that you try to impeach Bush (and anybody who does that certainly gets good marks from me!) We know that for some reason they held you in jail? Is that correct?

I'm assuming its under the new terrorism laws, since you say they wouldn't let you see evidence. That also is not surprising the way the US is functioning.

But what are all the lawsuits about? There is something about wiretap evidence that for some reason you are sending to canadian politicians and lawyers..why is that?

What exactly are all these law firms doing? If they are crooked, then specifically what evidence do you have? That lawyers are crooks also doesn't surprise most people, I"m mostly surprised we continue to elect so many of them.

But if you could explain point by point what the grievances are against these people, then people may understand. Perhaps you don't care and just want to let off steam, that's fine too, that's what blogs are for. However, many people would like to know what you are suing these people for?

# posted by Anonymous : 12:37 PM

Good day to ye with no name. thanks for the question. Methinks by your questions you must be Vaughn.I stated the reason for my first lawsuit clearly live on CTV news to that Murphy character at suppertime just before I was allowed to debate Andy Scot in Oromocto.
My first lawsuit will be to seek relief for the offense against my rights under the Charter because I was falsely imprisoned without being charged, held without bail and it was all done without even being read my rights. Then I was denied my right to a trial after met the Canadian Consulate in jailand came screaming out. I had tried to remove the matter to the proper jurisdiction and venue in order to prove the malicious prosecution to no avail. the bastarsds in the USA will never give a jury of my peers and Federal Court in Canada does not employ a jury. Thus I must make my issues well known locally before I file so that the Judges will not dismiss my complaints so easily as they have done in the past. Give me a call if you are not Vaughn and I will meet you show you the evidence.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
P.S. My next posting is quite a rant. I explain things in greater detail to say the least but my manners are slipping fast. It will be the maximum stress test of Chucky's newfound sense of ethics.

# posted by Anonymous : 1:17 PM

So you are suing the canadian government for being held in jail in the US? Is that right, or were you held in Canada? How does that even work?

Why go on a lengthy rant to 'test' Charles? Take a break if your manners are slipping. Having your messages deleted on the last place your story can be told hardly seems helpful.

"Then I was denied my right to a trial after met the Canadian Consulate in jailand came screaming out"

That makes no sense whatsoever. People don't need long rants, they need clarity. You are suing the canadian government because they refused to help you while in US custody, is that correct?

# posted by Anonymous : 1:43 PM

Bingo. Vaughn

# posted by Anonymous : 1:57 PM

Wouldn't it be funny if you are not Vaughn but actually Clevelans Allaby or Bras Green or Jeff Mockler or beter yet David Lutz or Vaughn's buddy Brucy Baby Noble. that can't be though because Vaughn must be Chucky's only legal minded friend

# posted by Anonymous : 2:00 PM

I am typing to fast because I am upt to something far more important right now involving J. Division. Mean old Zach's old stomping grounds.

# posted by Anonymous : 2:03 PM

You know what? I am am gonna take you advice and take a break from Chucky's little sideshow and go downtown to see what condition my condition is in Fredericton. I will be the ugly guy grinning and smoking a lot but not saying a damned think. From now on i want everything i say recorded. One must do such things when one sues the Crown.
EH Vaughn?

# posted by Anonymous : 2:09 PM

Well, that makes some sense anyway. So how are these New Brunswick lawyers involved? Are you saying that none of them will represent you or what? You are sending them this wiretap evidence for what reason? If it's federal court why are you even in New Brunswick, all the lawyers in this province are idiots and irving lackeys. Why not go to Toronto where there are at least some civil liberties lawyers.

The trouble is, I don't know of any legal grounds that 'forces' the canadian government to intervene in a foreign country's legal system. If somebody plants coke on you in columbia and you get caught, then plead with canada to help you out, you'll be out of luck.

Under the charter canadians have fewer rights than americans. Our 'terror laws' are the mirror image of the US's, but never even had moranda rights or anything ike that. In Canada, you are simply f&&&&& if you cross the state, as any native, environmentalist, protestor, or civil rights attorney will tell you.

I don't know of a single case where somebody successfully sued, even David Milgaard was given a settlement since it was dragging out so long. Natives have tried suing for years.

However, it's easy to talk from the outside. But if Ernst Zundel couldn't sue for being held for almost a decade with no charges against him in Canada, I don't see how far a lawsuit against Canada for not intervening in a foreign country will go.

# posted by Anonymous : 2:15 PM

Civil rights? Where do you think you ar?? Lok at th e blog. A woman can't panhandel to make life a little bettre. Boarding house residents can't do anything. This was a joke, but if that owner wanted to, he could toss Charles for just that reason. Hell, owners could show up at their apartments and tell them they want a blowjob, any body who said no would be told to get out. Welcome to New Brunswick.

# posted by Anonymous : 2:53 PM

I am back in more ways than one.
It is half past quitting time and all the corrupt politicians are out getting drunk or laid or both. Tis time for bloggers to come out and play maybe with luck what the smiling bastards read in the morning will give a few of them a stroke and Lord can call some more snap by elections EH?
"Welcome to New Brunswick?" Jeez I was born and raised here i have lived here for over forty years of my life. I am older than Chucky and lived just down the road from where he was brought up in Dorchester NB. I went to High School and UNB in Fredericton when most of the snots that are screwing us did. Why do you think I am so pissed off? You don't think I know the score. If someone claims that I am a Yankee again I think I may hunt them down. If because a man lives somewhere else for awhile makes him a man of that place then how come a Newfy is always a Newfy everywhere he goes.
Here is a God's moment for Chucky:
Wht did God tell the Newfys?
Play dumb til I get back Will ya?
that joke seems to hold true here to. since I left the room nothing further was said. How come. cat got you tongue chucky or could it be the emails I sent ya?
Love and Kisses

# posted by Anonymous : 6:52 PM

Can ya tell I am fishing?
If you speak of the devil he is sure to appear particularly when you jerk his chain and piss him off.
Dave again

# posted by Anonymous : 6:55 PM

Nobody called you a yankee, but starting threatening people is sure to get you deleted, as well as guaranteeing no court in the country will give you the time of day except to prosecute. As was said, there is virtually zero chance of suing the government for your claim. At least Charles is being constructive and taking it to the human rights people and doing his part to get more rights for new brunswickers. But good luck getting to court.

# posted by Anonymous : 7:25 PM

I see that you are watching Vaughn. Spoken just like a lawyer you wish to be. "Hunt you down" is an expression. But it brought you out of the woods didn't it. Perhaps you should read your next email real slow. Before I go I must ask you are you trying to intimadate me by making false allegations against me?
Love and Kisses
(hows that for nice Chucky?)

# posted by Anonymous : 7:34 PM

"As was said, there is virtually zero chance of suing the government for your claim."
Hmm maybe I will ask Vaughn under oath in court someday why he has formed that opinion of my pending lawsuit. Clearly he knows more of my matters than what I or Chucky have given him. I am still human don't you know. Fredericton does not have the only courts in this old World. I except them crooked judges here to try hard to dismiss my matters. Why to you think I am raising hell first. If anyone should understand what I am up to it is an actvist.
Love and Kisses

# posted by Anonymous : 7:48 PM

You certainly ain't Bruce Noble because he represents the Fredericton PD if you choose to send them to hassle me. He already know I have a few bones to pick with him in court. I would welcome more false charges. Here is the obvious question. Are you Chucky's buddy Vaughn or are you not? If not who are you?
Love and Kisses

# posted by Anonymous : 7:53 PM

Thirty minutes have passed and still no comment. Come on now the email was not all that long Vaughn.
Love and Kisses

# posted by Anonymous : 8:02 PM

I have noticed that Chucky hit counter has picked up a little speed. His count is starting to appraoch Byron Prior's website. Here it is if anybody cares. I know I do. Byron is human too and he has been far more offended than Chucky ever was.


I was bored waiting and check to see if it clicked over a big milestone for him.

80 grand was how many viewers he had when the MP Billy Matthews intmadted him into taking it down.

Chucky is appraoching that number for the first time. this is Byron second kick at the can of worms of injustice.

Love and Kisses

# posted by Anonymous : 8:10 PM

Tick tick tick Methinks when the count get to 100 I will evict myself before I get the bum's rush. It is getting kinda boring here anyway. I wil just safe the posts and go about my evening knowing nobody will miss me here.
Hell I was even being kinda sorta nice:)
Love and Kisses

# posted by Anonymous : 8:16 PM

Your silence is deafening Vaughn i must be coorect at you or are you to busy trying to revive Chucky with mouth to mouth. Did I give you two too much information in the last email and it overloaded you little minds? What gives Chuckys other blogs barely have any comments at all he can't be that busy. I will leave the comment after 99 for Chucky to fill in or delete. He always likes to have the last word. EH? I will post this look for a comment and then be gone to leave you to wonder when and where we will cross paths again.
Love and Kisses

# posted by Anonymous : 8:38 PM

Now I don't even make sense to myself. I will consider myself evicted and save the blog in its entirety to argue about later.
Cya'll in court or in Hell.
C'est la meme chose n'est pas?
Bon nuit ma petite chou chous.
(Aren't I nice)

Veritias Vincit
(check the Keiths beer bottle)
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 8:48 PM

I don't know who Vaughn is, I was interested in the story because I couldn't decide whether you were crazy or just very angry. I still don't know.

I know there are constructive uses for anger, Charles has accomplished quite a bit with his. I'd hate to see ANYBODY spend all that time and energy in a fruitless cause such as trying to sue the government. The mention of being an 'activist' was heartening. Charles has been an activist and he and Tim Smith have almost single handedly got the rights of tenants on the map, and soon an injustice there 'may' be rectified, one that is a hundred years overdue.

Yet he and Tim accomplished it in less than two months, albeit with the help of a byelection.

Being imprisoned in the states is no crime in my book, their entire federal system is an illegal entity. Manlin Chee has been a public defender for over twenty years, won many awards, and now sits in jail because she sat on a panel that argued against the patriot act. While Canada isn't MUCH better, it is SOME better.

But like I said, the courts will give no recourse, as the courts have clearly stated that Canada's own terrorist act does not infringe on civil liberties. Anybody who thinks highly of civil liberties in Canada just needs to remember Oka, or Quebec, where thousands of french were rounded up without charge just so Trudeau could pretend to be macho.

There are lots of organizations that are attacking these things, and personally I think its a shame that those who have virtually identical claims against the government can't seem to get along. If there were a dozen Charles Leblanc's in the province we could literally turn the province upside down. YOu seem to have the passion, but maybe a little too much, as often you are incomprehensible. That's unfortunate because those who are victims of the aggression of the state are those whose stories most deserve to be heard.

Just a recommendation, but when you mentioned all those lawyers then you definitely got my interest. These guys work in a shroud of secrecy and somebody with the guts to air their dirty laundry would definitely accomplish more good with political activism than with lawsuits. Courts were designed to put undesirables in jail, not mete out justice. Hell, New Brunswick doesn't even allow class action lawsuits!

I don't always agree with Charles, and often his views and how he states them make me cringe, but I'm glad that he does what he does, and NB is a province that NEEDS more 'activism'. I'd just suggest doing it in a way that's guaranteed to get the most results. But that's just my opinion-not Vaughns.

# posted by Anonymous : 10:50 PM

What planet in cyber space are you from oh yet with noname who claims not to be Vaughn? The first thing you should do when you touch down on mother earth is get a name. Then learn to read BEFORE you write. I ain't no god damned activist. GET IT? However I am a very fierce political animal. GET IT? I am just a very pissed off Maritimer with way bigger balls than you.

Some activist you are with only half a mind to say something like this to me. Go to jail sometime in Yankee Doodleland and then come back home and tell me that crap again.
"Being imprisoned in the states is no crime in my book,"

After you figure out the nonsense that you just wrote in support of a liar. Why not get an email account and a telephone too and learn how to use them BEFORE you attack a man who understands more about what you are yapping about than you could ever dream. I have no doubt that you are clever and you may be well on your way to being just another lawyer but you cannot learn to be ethical in any law school. You must be born with the genes. It seems that you and Chucky are a couple bricks shy of that load.

On the other hand in reading some of your words about what Chucky has done I think you may be the political science student at the homeless shelter that the lady that was on Tom Young's show spoke of when I called her afterwards. Either way I don't care. i don't want to know you.
Ask you buddy Chucky sometime to share his emails from me with you if you are truly are not his buddy Vaughn. Better yet go on a mission with your mouse and go through Chuckys many blogs and figure out who he is for yourself. Then ask Vaughn if you can view the hard copy of the material he admited having BEFORE I was falsely imprisoned in 2004. Activists have a lot to learn about listening to folks before there is trouble. It seems they allow things to happen just so they can protest about it later. I was challenging the FBI etc and arguing crooked US Attorneys about other matters in Federal Court in Boston months before that nonsense in Iraq began. whereas you seem to have a love of lucre Vaughn should tell ya that in two matters I was awarded judgements by default for 32 million bucks and I laughed and told them to shove it up their arse because the judgement came from the wrong court. It is all about jurisdiction venue and justice. I cannot demand integrity of others without proving my own first. When the crooked lawyers filed motions to remove the defaults and file their answers late I did not oppose them. It so shocked the hell out of the Yankee bastards they were not long sending the Secret Service to try to take a man away who would rather argue the awful truth than take a pay off.
In my book false imprisonment is definite illegal and when I look at your writing and Chuckys I cannot forget what I was taught. There are NO degrees of honesty either you are or your are NOT. Go kiss Chucky good night. Will ya? I have had enough of both of you oh ye who may be Vaughn. I so not feel sorry that I do not believe you.(Damned for a little Damned for at lot)
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 11:57 PM

One last ting before I sign off that I forgot to say. Yankee lawyers swear an oath before the Bar before they are allowed to practice law for a fee. Part of it goes something like this. "I will not delay or deny any man for lucre or malice" the politicians and lawyers I am arguing ignore their oath for lucre which far easier to understand than the malice you and Chucky wish against me. i tried to help Chucky and even gave him a computer because he whined that he did not have one. The only thing I asked in return was for him to go to Brad Green's office and give him a pile of documents and one CD in an unsealed envelope so that every one could see that there was nothing harmful inside.The liar claimed many things and slammed me six ways to Sunday while blocking my protests. I was getting even on April fools and draging him into a place where most lawyer fear to go. An ethical argument in public view. Like Tom Young on the radio he keep threatening to press the delete button when things were not going his way. Charles Leblanc is all about Charles LeBlanc no less no more.
Veritas Vincit

# posted by Anonymous : 12:13 AM
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 10:01 PM
Post a Comment


#24 – Jane Taber
Perhaps someone can explain how on earth a news organization such as CTV/The Globe and Mail continues to employ Taber as a “journalist”? Her “stories” are often full of bias as she attempts to lead the reader/viewer in a direction she wishes. If her employers were passing her off as a columnist, well okay, but the stuff she pumps out is supposed to be journalism without bias.

Supposed to be.

The examples are plentiful and show up pretty much every week. Here are just a few.

Here are a couple from just one of the episodes of CTV’s Question Period last year.

During an interview with recently rejected Appointments Commissioner Gwynn Morgan, Taber began the interview with this; “Mr. Morgan are you a bigot?”

It’s pretty much up there with, “When did you stop beating your wife?” but it actually got better with questions such as;

"You were considered a patronage appointment Mr. Morgan.....you're the bagman for the Tories."


Then; “Are you still in favor of the process? It's something the Tories seem to like... this transparent or “congressional” (yes Taber even did the quotation gesture) type of process?”

So during that interview Taber attempted to paint Morgan as a racist, corrupt akin to the mafia and desiring some American type system.

Heck the same day, she decided to do a little more editorializing with then Environment Minister Rona Ambrose with, "Is it not hypocritical and dishonest of you to continue as chair of these talks in Bonn when your strategy is to basically kill Kyoto?" Wow, opening question she calls Ambrose a liar. Classy journalism.

Last month, the National Post’s Lorne Gunter caught a Taber faux pas over the story about Liberal Leader Stephane Dion and Green Party Leader Elizabeth May making a pact to not run in the other’s riding next election in a bid to oust Conservative Peter MacKay (#98 by the way). Taber wrote in the Globe and Mail that, “The agreement between Mr. Dion and Ms. May appears to have been well received by voters looking for a fresh approach to politics.”

In fact the opposite was coming out of MacKay’s riding and even from Liberal circles. Gunter pointed out that it appeared to be, “wishful thinking on Taber's part. Or transference: Projecting one's own personal version of events onto the mindset of the public as a whole. Jane may like the deal. Perhaps she thinks it shows courage and out-of-the-box thinking. Maybe most of the people she associates with at and outside work think that, too. So she assumes millions of voters believe as she does, rather than just her and small group of friends and colleagues.”

That kind of writing is a little more acceptable if you’re a columnist but not when you’re purporting to be a journalist who is supposed to be presenting the facts and letting the reader decide.

But never fear Taber seems to be lining herself up to be the next Governor General if Paul Martin ever comes back as Liberal Leader. This was Taber's take as a journalist about the appointment of GG Michaëlle Jean. “The rationale for a Quebec woman is that, with the minority government Liberals substantially behind the Bloc Québécois in the polls, the appointment of a high-profile Quebecker as the Queen's representative could be politically beneficial. Plus, history has shown that women by and large have a better feel for the job — either as governor-general or provincial lieutenant-governor — than men.”

What was Taber’s basis for making that unattributed statement? Who knows? Maybe its’ true, maybe it isn’t. But just like most of Taber’s “reporting” (quotes mine) it’s hard to tell fact from her wishful thinking.
Posted by Spinks on Saturday, May 12, 2007 at 8:20 AM | Permalink
Re: "... GG Michaëlle Jean."

The Governor General of Canada is a “corporation sole”, according to Elizabeth II in this document. A “corporation sole” is defined and recognized as being a corporation.

It is a fiction that a corporation is a person.

“A corporation is a fiction, by definition, ...”, according to Patrick Healy in a statement found here.

“A corporation is a 'fiction' as it has no separate existence, no physical body and no 'mind'”, according to this presentation by Joanne Klineberg.
Posted by David Wozney | 11:46 PM
“reporting” (quotes mine)

When you typed this, did you stop and make the curly fingers quotes sign?
Posted by RkBall | 12:16 AM
Jane Taber is a Liberal shill. She hosted Mike Duffy Live while he was recovering from bypass surgery. She was so Liberally biased it boggled my mind. Her interviewing skills are non-existent, and as mentioned, she manages to smear a guest before they have a chance to answer the question. Rosemary Thompson replaced her toward the end of last session, perhaps because Taber's bias was showing.
Posted by KRF | 1:09 PM
Well, all reporters are a bit biased. That's human nature. She's just not shy about it. It's just unfortunate that there isn't enough reporting on reporters and their reporting.
Posted by whatigotsofar | 8:53 PM
If Jane's made it into your Top Thirty I've got a nomination for your Final Five: "Neil MacDonald" (quotes mine).
Posted by ...cultural snafu. | 1:02 AM
Gee, I thought it was just me. I can't stand the woman! Good choice spinks! good arguments too.
Posted by Awareness | 8:48 PM
"Gidget goes to Ottawa" - Taber in a nutshell.
Posted by Candace | 3:40 PM
How about some true news spinksy baby Everybody know that all newsmen are everybi as dumb and crooked as you are. I proved that simple fact in Yankee Courts on the public record five goddamned years ago.

Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2007 15:19:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Does Frontline remember all the documents I gave them in Beantown years ago before I ran for a seat in Parliament the first time?
To: mmcphee@wtkk.com, Daniel.Conley@state.ma.us, tfinneran@wrko.com, ccma@commoncause.org

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 11:39:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Does Frontline remember all the documents I gave them in Beantown years ago before I ran for a seat in Parliament the first time?
To: frontline@wgbh.org, newshour@pbs.org, now@thirteen.org, atvnews@ctv.ca,
ir@telus.com, greg.porter@telus.com, maria.preovolos@telus.com,
audrey.ho@telus.com, andras.vagvolgyi@telus.com,
martine.turcotte@bell.ca, michel.lalande@bell.ca

Press print on the attached tiff file to jog your memory will ya?

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 16:34:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: This is too funny many other newsmen will gossip sooner or later
To: jack cram thespur@hotmail.com
CC: gina zanetti ginaz@sprint.ca, Warmerdam warmerdampow@telus.net,
jade valley jadevalley@hotmail.com, Monika Ullmann proword@shaw.ca,
TPN tpni@telus.net, Debra Thomas shuswapsunburst@hotmail.com,
"Jeff K. Swanson" jeffswanson@shaw.ca,
Jeff Swanson jeff@swansoncreative.com,
Frank Stromotich frank_stromotich@telus.net,
bill & Verena stirling stirlinginvest@uniserve.com,
spryke spryke@nanaimo.ark.com, kari simpson citizens@direct.ca,
richardwright_8@hotmail.com, evan nicholson choosetruth@shaw.ca,
lawyer@canadalawcourts.com, "J. D. Kuntz" kuntz@telus.net,
JMTwigg jmtwigg@oberon.ark.com, Robert Jackson rsjackson69@telus.net,
IntegrityBC@yahoogroups.com, John Harvey joharv@vcn.bc.ca,
glen glowinski glen@gotoglen.com, foxy1@uniserve.com,
karl-heintz eisbrenner eisbrennerlaw@yahoo.com,
"Rain Coast Water Corp." rcwc@telus.net,
joe & donna conroy jdconroy@telus.net,
bev collins bev_collins@hotmail.com,
lippy hippy chick lippyhippychick@yahoo.com,
John Carten cartenjohn@hotmail.com,
John Bjornstrom bushman_57@msn.com, barb lerick@telus.net

Note: forwarded message attached.

To: newsroom@globeandmail.ca
CC: lavoie.luc@quebecor.com,
"moto maniac" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com,
Subject: This is too funny many other newsmen will gossip sooner or later
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 19:16:14 -0400

To explain this a little to the newsmen that get this next. Please notice that Brian Mulroney's buddies buried their heads in the sand and had shown me their arse once I had busted their boss in front of his friends. Meanwhile all the fellas under Bell Canada's wing are all still playing dumb, even though everybody knows Obama is scum. Just like his adversaries, Mulroney's chums.

To top it all off Frontline knows absolutely every goddamned thing since the time I was running for Parliament. I am not smart enough to make this up and it is too funny not to share. But first I must give it to the French fellas at Quebecor byway of Bill Gates because that is the kind of guy that I am. Somebody has to make Mulroney pay for his sins. :)

Message from yahoo.com.
Unable to deliver message to the following address(es).

Connected to but sender was rejected.
Remote host said: 554 Mail from motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com rejected for policy reasons.

--- Original message follows.

Return-Path: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com

The original message is over 5k. Message truncated to 1K.

Message-ID: 20041014220302.48007.qmail@web20025.mail.yahoo.com
Received: from [] by web20025.mail.yahoo.com via HTTP; Thu, 14 Oct 2004 15:03:02 PDT

Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 15:03:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Another kettle of Fish
To: newsroom@globeandmail.ca
Cc: lavoie.luc@quebecor.com, michel.lalande@bell.ca,
jean-francois.legault@bell.ca, christopher.ginther@bell.ca, atvnews@ctv.ca,
bcecomms@bce.ca, info@obamaforillinois.com, newsroom@globeandmail.ca
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="0-1404269537-1097791382=:45856"

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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Note: forwarded message attached.
Brian Mulroney
c/o Luc Lavoie
Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs
Quebecor Media Inc.
(514) 380-1974
(514) 236-8742 (cell)


I just called Luc Lavoie's office and left a message but not my phone number. From now on I want hard copy. Lets just say Mulroney should have done the Right and Honourable thing a long time ago, particularly as soon as
I notified the lawyers working at Cendant Corporation. I served them once in person and once by confiremd US Mail.

Maybe Belinda should have had him call me when I contacted her. I know I am the reason he did not speak at the Conservative leadership convention. I also know Mulroney, Arthur Hamiliton
and John Crosbie were likely some the lawyers who advised Harper to shut up about what he knew about the Arar Commission.

I had a great laugh to see the spit and chew between Senator Kerry and Mulroney but I also know that Mulroney is the reason that Forbes and Sun Media has not reported my doings with the SEC in the USA or even my of run for Parliament. Ain't it funny how everyone said Fundy was a riding to watch but no one whispered my name.

I know I do not have to be redundant and send the same documents and wiretap tape to you that I sent to Mulroney and his many associates long ago before I complain of all the various companies and lawyesr he is in bed with. Title 18 in the USA will make all the lawyers fall on their own sword.

Hell even you guys claim the merits of the internet and email is just as efective as the US Mail in the litigation process. Ask
Frank Quatronne or Martha Stewart about that before you disagree. Bill Gates' lawyer offered no comment so I sent that bastard US Mail just to rub it in.

IF you think I am pissed off you are right. Brian Mulroney could have easily stopped the distruction of my Clan's beloved Beach House but he would
rather have stood with his corrupt friends than me. Or is it simpler than that? Did Mulroney just want his peice of the action in the fraudulent Real Estate transaction by Coldwell Bankers because he thought I had no hope of
stopping it myself? We all know how Mulroney loves money. Airplane deals proved that.

What say you J. Serge Sasseville do you stand with your boss and his peers or me? I know Lavoie will hang with Mulroney until the bitter end. Perhaps you may wish to confer with Martine Turcotte or Robert C. Pozen,
they have just received the most recent hard copy of material. Proof of my contact with Mulroney can be found within the stuff if perchance he tries to call me a liar. There is still time for you three folks to act in a ethical
manner and uphold the law according to the Rules of Professional Conduct.

After Sept 3rd your are too late. that is the day Massachusetts Trail Court tries to call me a criminal and I demand a jury of my peers.

This is not an offer to settle before I file mycomplaints. That came along ago to Mulroney and his buddies. Now I lookforward to arguing the bastard or any lawyer he chooses to send against me. I had offered to settle with BCE before I complained of them but the deal was off the instant they tried to puill a fast one in an effort to delay me in the hope no doubt that some bad acting Yankee might put a stop to me when I return to the USA.

Their silence since has spoken volumes. Martine should have contacted me the instant ATV got the hard copy like i told her they would. I will forward you some of our email exhange so that we may all get to know each other quite
well. these emails will be forwarded to many others but I ain't telling you who. My next emails come byway of Yahoo as a double check in case you choose
to block me.

Say hey to Mulroney for me and I will try to say hey to Kerry for you. Maybe Ms. Turcotte will share with you what she knows about Kerry and Mulroney will tell her what he knows about William Cohen and why he quit Cendant Corp so fast. Maybe Joe Day will tell you about Barack Obama and me.
I am about to tell Obama about Day. Turn about is fair play. Obama used my stuff against Senators Edwards and Kerry to become a big wig in Beantown
last month.

I can use a Senator from Canada to take the wind out of his sails the following month. An Alliance dude once called Sun Media a bunch of
scumbags. I would have to agree and laugh because it was a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Cya'll in Court :)
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton MA. 02186

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: moto maniac
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 10:00 PM
Subject: Fw: Ron Show this to Joyce this is too funny

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: Romina Sestito
Cc: cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; tor_news@tor.sunpub.com ; martine.turcotte@bell.ca ; corp.website@sunlife.com ; kcarmichael@bloomberg.net ; davies.carl@nbpub.com ; news@timestranscript.com ; oldmaison@yahoo.com ; nbombud@gnb.ca ; advocacycollective@yahoo.com ; brad.green@gnb.ca ; dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca ; dan.bussieres@gnb.ca ; slevin@mail.house.gov ; Layton.J@parl.gc.ca ; Efford.J@parl.gc.ca ; Easter.W@parl.gc.ca ; Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca ; scotta@parl.gc.ca ; Brison.S@parl.gc.ca ; davidorchard@sasktel.net ; rosent@math.toronto.edu ; Comartin.J@parl.gc.ca ; pm@pm.gc.ca ; Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca ; Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca ; Valeri.T@parl.gc.ca ; Dosanjh.U@parl.gc.ca ; randall.shafer@comcast.net ; cei@nbnet.nb.ca ; Moore.R@parl.gc.ca ; alltrue@nl.rogers.com ; caomc@nb.aibn.com ; jeffrey.rudman@wilmerhale.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 8:56 PM
Subject: Ron Show this to Joyce this is too funny


What are you trying to do sucker me? I am telling my own tale in court. I am suing your company, Bell Canada. Get it?

May I suggest that you talk to your own lawyer, Martine Turcotte and decide what planet you all come from. I just got out of a jail after being put there by the bastards your lawyers assisted to cover up the crimes practiced against me. Discuss my troubles with Robert C, Pozen or Martine Turcotte not me.

If you or any of your company wish to communicate with me, address your concerns to my attorney, Joyce Richardson. Turcotte should have her number.

If Sunlife ain't figured it out yet as to why I am about to sue them. They had best check with Jeff Carp about the stuff I sent him at MFS and his prior association with Hale and Dorr. Jeff Rudman would be good fella to start with but defintely not the last within the aforesaid law firm.

David R. Amos

----- Original Message -----
From: Romina Sestito
To: 'David Amos'
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 4:01 PM
Subject: RE: My turn to tell a tale.

Dear David,

I would like to thank you for your recent email to W-FIVE. We review every story idea that we receive and give it serious consideration.

At W-FIVE we have a limited number of stories to complete in a year, and although we do not plan to pursue your suggestion at this time, your letter will remain on file for consideration at a later date.

We do feel your story is an important one and we appreciate your input.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos mailto:motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 1980 2:07 PM
To: W-Five@ctv.ca
Cc: bcecomms@bce.ca; oldmaison@yahoo.com
Subject: My turn to tell a tale.

I think is time to let a little something out of the bag for the benefit of a few Maritimers who think they know something about the Media.I did notify CBC, the Rogers crowd and Harry Steele's folks that I knew a little bit about the Media and that I had written a book about it. Problem is I need an editor and I believe I may have found one.He comes in the form of a disenchanted newspaper man. But the thing is I want to put it on the web for all to read for free so there is no money in it for him. So I guess I wiil sue some big company with a Prima Facia complaint and settle for a lesser amount out of court. Lets just say I am looking hard at you dudes. I had zeroed in on the Yankee media long ago and I am certain folks within the Ottawa Citizen and Democracy Watch had checked my work(Hey Duff say hey to Dan for me) I have crossed paths with many of Globemedia's people many times for many reasons and I can easily prove it.

What I haven't bothered to tell them that I knew the reason Gobal etc never mentioned me was Frank McKenna and the Irving influence because basically that was a no brainer anyway. However If Globemedia and all their cohorts didn't think I knew about the influence Robert Pozen in Boston, you had best think again. then give Mr. Spitzer, Mr. Galvin, Mr. Shelby and Mr. Donaldson a call and drop my name along with Mr. Nesters and Mr. Koski's and tell them my stuff is off to the Arar Commission I am heading back to the USA to call Mr. Pozen and many folks he calls friends to court. Perhaps in Ottawa Bill Rowe will truly speak for the common man after all if the worm turns on his buddies. How do you people sleep at night? What say you? Why not get honest with the world and I will settle cheap?

I will give one of your lawyers something real soon before I serve Mr. Pozen his just due byway of this lawyer

Jeffrey N Carp
MFS Investment Management
500 Boylston Street
Boston MA 02116-3741

Perhaps he should call Putnam investments or the Brookline Savings bank and say hey to Mr Chapman and Mr Tripp for me. I just called Bob Pozen at 617 954-5707 and introduced myself so that he can never say that he never heard my name.

MFS set to agree to second settlement

00:00 EST Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Sun Life Financial Inc.'s Boston-based mutual fund arm will agree to a $50-million (U.S.) settlement today with U.S. regulators over allegations the firm directed trading commissions to brokerages in exchange for preferential treatment, according to people familiar with the matter.
Sources said Massachusetts Financial Services Co. will announce a deal with the Securities and Exchange Commission this morning that will also include "compliance reforms," in addition to a token $1 disgorgement penalty.
Eric Morse, a spokesman for MFS, declined to comment. A spokesman for the SEC refused to discuss any talks with the firm.

The embattled fund company is hoping this settlement will enable it to move beyond the intense public and regulatory scrutiny it has endured in the past several months.

In early February, MFS agreed to a $350-million settlement with the SEC and New York State Attorney-General Eliot Spitzer for allegedly permitting improper trades in some of its bigger funds. That figure included $225-million in penalties and restitution to investors, along with $125-million in fee reductions spread out over the next five years.

The fallout within MFS, which manages about $140-billion in assets, was also considerable. Its two highest-ranking officials -- chief executive officer John Ballen and president Kevin Parke -- were each fined and slapped with temporary suspensions by the SEC, leading to their departures from the firm. Long-serving chairman Jeffrey Shames also retired in the aftermath of MFS's problems, and was replaced by Robert Pozen, formerly a senior executive at Fidelity Investments and onetime associate general counsel at the SEC.

Mr. Pozen has been charged with cleaning up the mess, and tightening the firm's internal controls.

He has already hired new legal and compliance officers, added monitoring staff, and imposed a ban on so-called "soft dollar" transactions. The firm also prohibited the practice of directing trading fees to brokerages in exchange for being placed on a preferred list of customers and receiving better visibility for its funds.

This latter arrangement, known in industry circles as "pay for play," is at the centre of MFS's pending settlement with the SEC. Sources said the current settlement talks advanced fairly quickly because of the voluntary compliance improvements MFS has undertaken.

In a recent interview with The Globe and Mail, Mr. Pozen attacked the basis of the regulator's case as "very weak" and said it should have raised this as a problem when it conducted audits of the company.
Nevertheless, he said he hoped to settle the matter quickly, in large part to avoid a costly legal battle and prevent nervous investors from pulling their money out of MFS funds. So far, the damage has been contained to one major client, the Illinois Teachers Retirement System, which fired MFS last month as lead manager on a $664-million portfolio.

The SEC is investigating about a dozen other fund companies for directed brokerage, although sources say MFS will settle individually, rather than as part of a group.

Last fall, brokerage powerhouse Morgan Stanley agreed to pay $50-million to settle charges it failed to tell investors it was promoting funds with which the firm had a special arrangement. Morgan Stanley had a "Partners Program" of 14 funds, including MFS, that paid "substantial" fees in return for the brokerage steering their funds to investors, the SEC claimed.

The regulator indicated a few months ago it would begin investigating a number of fund companies for directing commissions, but did not say which firms it would target.

Sun Life revealed in a filing that MFS was under investigation for this practice just a couple of weeks after its first settlement with the SEC and Mr. Spitzer. The news came as a surprise to most observers, some of whom criticized the insurer's CEO, Donald Stewart, for not disclosing this probe earlier.

MFS is hoping to recoup some of the $175-million it must repay investors under the terms of the first settlement by suing firms and individuals that engaged in market timing and late trading of its funds. Market timing involves making frequent trades in and out of funds in order to cash in on minor pricing discrepancies. It is not illegal, but is usually prohibited by many fund companies, since the quick trading can raise administrative costs and undermine returns to investors.

----- Original Message -----
From: R. S. Webb
To: Amos David
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 12:50 AM
Subject: Fw: possble story

----- Original Message -----
From: R. S. Webb
To: Amos David
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 9:15 PM
Subject: Fw: possble story

----- Original Message -----
From: W-FIVE Viewer Mail
To: 'R. S. Webb'
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 3:03 PM
Subject: RE: possble story

Dear Mr. Amos,

I would like to thank you for your email to W-FIVE, sorry for the delay in responding.

We review every email and story idea that we receive here at W-FIVE and give it serious consideration. Your email has been forwarded to our executive and senior producer for review. If we are interested in pursuing your idea further, you will be contacted by one of our researchers.

Thanks again for your input. Your interest in our program is much appreciated.

Production Coordinator

-----Original Message-----
From: R. S. Webb
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 2:28 PM
To: W-FIVE@ctv.ca
Subject: possble story

I am a Canadian Citizen who thus far, as a plaintiff, has two Lawsuits in the US District Court of Massachucetts they are numbered 02-11686- RGS and 02-11687-RGS. They were removed to that Court from the Norfolk Superior Court by the US Attorney Michael J. Sullivan very improperly. However they shall remain there because of my status as a Canandian Citizen. Judge Sterns has not even held a Conference about the matters because he likely does not want to hear the matter because I have presented all Members of the Bar with their worst fear of a catch 22 problem. Accordinging to law he is late. I have complained of 47 defendants 34 of whom are State Defendants( the Attorney General, The Commission of Judicial Conduct Board of Bar Overseers etc) and 3 are Federal Treasury Agents.

Some of the defendants are over two months late in their answer to the Summons. The smallest suit amounts to 188 million dollars in the form of relief. There is a lot to these matters and too much to briefly explain. But in a nutshell my wife's Aunt, who is buried beside Rose Kennedy, left my wife some money. It was stolen by her relatives in executing the estate. No news there. But the crooks are very well connected politically and every part of the old crony network in Boston covered for them.

The crook and our cousin, Charles J. Kickham Jr of the Kickham Law Office on Beacon St, has been past President of Bar Associations. He has sat on the Board of Governors of Harvard Law School etc. I have given much information to many members of the press who have simply ignored some interesting facts. What should be somewhat newsworthy is how far a wild colonial boy has come in prosecuting Pro Se the most profund Yankee carpetbaggers.

My next two lawsuits Under title 18 are wickedly righteous. I have left one copy of much information in Saint John New Brunswick at a lawyer's Office, Mosher and Chedore 33 Charlotte St if some one wishes to view them. I can be reached at this Cell number 506 434- 1379

David R. Amos

Canadian Media Deregulation Provides Insight Into FCC Proposal

Critics of consolidation say the integrity of the news is being undermined by the effects of concentrated ownership

Editor's Note: This story has been updated to correct inaccuracies. Please see the corrected version here.
The original version of this story (see below) posted on May 29, 2003 incorrectly stated that Canada's two national newspapers, The Globe and Mail and the National Post, recently laid off their online editorial staffs. According to globeandmail.com editor Angus Frame, there have been no recent editorial layoffs at globeandmail.com; the site's 18-person staff continues to write and edit stories that are published exclusively online. The National Post did not have dedicated online editorial staff, and did not have online editorial layoffs. The story also failed to acknowledge that the country's largest newspaper, the Toronto Star, also has a significant online operation.
The Federal Communications Commission is poised to unveil new media ownership rules June 2 that some experts believe may change the face of American journalism.
The new rules would allow media companies to own television stations and newspapers in the same cities.
The FCC barred companies from owning newspapers and TV stations in the same market in 1975, but big media owners like the Tribune Co., Knight Ridder, MediaNews Group and the New York Times say it's time to lift that ban.
They argue that cross-ownership makes for better journalism: Staffers working for companies that own newspapers and TV stations in the same market can work together to create richer, multimedia news reports that can then run in the company's paper and on their stations and Web sites.
Advocates say the synergies of convergence lead to cost savings, increased advertising revenues and greater efficiencies.
Cross-ownership already exists in some markets: The FCC granted about 40 exemptions to the cross-ownership rule in cases where a company already had television or radio stations and a newspaper in a single city. The FCC also granted exemptions in larger markets after media mergers produced cross-ownership situations.
'The concentration of ownership in a lot of major Canadian cities is of interest for a lot reasons, but mainly because it provides too much news coming through one pipeline.'
--Russ Mills, former publisher of the Ottawa Citizen
The Tribune Co., for example, owns television stations and newspapers in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and Miami.
How further media consolidation and convergence would play out if the FCC does lift the ban on cross-ownership has been the subject of hot debate in the weeks leading up to the commission's June 2 vote.
Experts familiar with the rapid consolidation of media in Canada say the U.S. should look northward for some lessons on what loosening cross-ownership restrictions could mean to journalism in the U.S.
In Canada, the deregulation of cross-media ownership occurred gradually over the last 20 years. Within the past eight years, it has led to massive consolidation of media companies.
Most of Canada's news media -- including newspapers and broadcast stations in all of its major cities -- are in the hands of two media giants: CanWest Global Communications Inc., and Bell Globemedia -- a division of the country's largest telephone company, Bell Canada.
The rapid media consolidation in Canada has inspired an often-acrimonious debate over whether Canadian journalists are able to report objectively on social and political issues and whether the country's corporate media has allowed business interests to undermine the role of journalism in a modern democracy.
"Based on the experience in Canada, dropping restrictions on cross-ownership certainly hasn't worked out well," said Russ Mills, former publisher of the Ottawa Citizen in Canada's capital city, who was fired by CanWest in a fight over editorial independence.
"The concentration of ownership in a lot of major Canadian cities is of interest for a lot of reasons, but mainly because it provides too much news coming through one pipeline," he said. "When companies use ownership to control the news, and they do have the ability to do so, it hurts everyone."
Though the two media conglomerates said cross-media consolidation would improve online journalism, many media observers say online journalism at local papers has gone downhill in the wake of consolidation.
The country's two national newspapers, the National Post, half-owned by CanWest, and The Globe and Mail, owned by Bell Canada's media wing, Globemedia, have laid off the online reporters and editors at the two papers that once produced copy separate from print editions.
The two papers, former online staffers said, were the only ones in Canada that were doing something other than simply repurposing content from newspaper pages into newspaper Web sites.
Executives at Bell Globemedia and CanWest have defended the cutbacks, saying they were a result of cost-cutting efforts and consolidations undertaken after spending billions of dollars to acquire newspaper and broadcasting properties.

Consolidation accelerated in 1990s
Canada's restrictions on cross-media ownership were carved largely from regulatory decisions on broadcasting licenses made since the 1950s by the Canadian Radio-Television Commission -- Canada's version of the FCC.
By the mid-1980s, Canadian media experts say, exceptions to cross-media ownership rules had eroded the cross-ownership ban to the point that it was unenforcable and largely ignored.
By the mid-1990s, consolidation of Canadian media companies had accelerated on the strength of dot.com economics. And in 2000, CanWest, the second largest broadcaster in the country, announced a $3.5-billion deal to purchase a majority of the nation's newspapers -- including papers in the nation's 12 largest cities.
Within weeks, Jean Monty, Bell Canada's CEO at the time, announced that Canada's largest phone company had set its sights on owning both content and the multimedia pipelines into consumers' homes.
The decision prompted Bell Globemedia to purchase the Globe and Mail and the nation's largest TV network, CTV, in 2001.
Despite the rising consolidation of media outlets, the massive purchases of newspapers by CanWest Global and Bell Globemedia took many Canadian journalists and media-watchers by surprise.
CanWest and Bell executives convinced Canada's CRTC that convergence was necessary to attract advertising revenue and reduce costs if newspapers in many Canadian communities were to survive. And they promised that resources from new revenues would be devoted to improving the quality and reach of journalism through the Internet.
When questions about convergence arose during CRTC hearings on both companies' broadcast licenses shortly after their newspaper purchases, they promised regulators that they would separate management of news-gathering operations by their television stations and newspapers.
Officials from the Canada National Newspaper Guild complained that keeping management separate would not prevent companies from forcing journalists to perform work for both newspapers and television, to the detriment of journalistic independence.
Critics -- including journalism professors, journalists, newspaper and broadcast union officials, and some government officials -- have argued that the quality of journalism has gone down, not up, as a result of convergence.
Joyce Smith, an assistant professor at Canada's Ryerson University, teaches online journalism and worked on the online staff at the Globe and Mail before those employees were laid off last year.
She said the one opportunity to see convergence succeed might have been missed by Bell Globemedia in its efforts to cut costs to recoup some of what it spent on media acquisitions.
"What I found interesting was that the actual idea of convergence wasn't a hit with people working with just the newspaper or just television," Smith said. "Where it really happened was with the online news team. There were things the TV folks could clearly do much better with the online newspaper. By pooling resources, it all did work much better.
"But in the tradition of journalism," she said, "reporters were asking, 'What does this mean for me? Does it mean that I have to file stories to the Web and then do stand-ups in newsroom, while doing my piece for the deadline at the end of the day?'
"Basically, (owners) wanted reporters to be one-man bands," Smith said. "That has been played and replayed here. It made sense from a business model, but journalists, especially those who have been around for a while, went into newspapers and TV for a reason. Some are great at doing both, but not everyone has the same aptitude. And no one has the time in the day to do it all. Some of the expectations were outrageous."
Canada reexamining changes
While U.S. media critics and media executives have been testifying over the past few weeks in Senate hearings on the proposed changes in the FCC's media ownership rules, Canada is busy reexamining what has come of its own cross-media consolidations.
Two inquiries are underway by Canadian government officials to explore the impact of cross-media ownership and consolidation on journalistic integrity and media responsibility.
The Canadian Senate's Committee on Transport and Communication began taking testimony at the end of April on those issues and is expected to report its findings within the next year.
A House of Commons committee on Canadian heritage is expected to release an 800-page report next month on its own yearlong investigation into the impact of media concentration and political efforts by corporations to ease restrictions on foreign ownership of Canadian media.
But media-watchers, who have a ringside seat on Canada's great media debate, say they are doubtful that government investigations will produce any new regulation on media conglomerates.
"The horse is out of the barn," said Arnold Amber, director of the National Newspaper Guild of Canada. "But the good news is that this has at least inspired a vigorous national debate on press freedom and responsibility."
Amber and other critics of media convergence said promises of more stories and better information from combining print and broadcast news staffs have largely failed in Canada.
"Bell Globemedia is talking about restructuring and selling off its media wing," Amber said. "The failure of convergence to bring in revenues was primarily responsible for the resignation of Bell Canada's CEO, Jean Monty," who stepped down in April 2002.
Geoffrey Elliot, vice-president of corporate affairs for CanWest, said that convergence has not led to revenues, or the reduced costs, the company had hoped for.
But Elliot, and other supporters of cross-media ownership, argues that all sides have benefited from consolidation.
"We are a family-owned business that saw an opportunity in which the whole was greater than the sum of the parts," Elliot said. "We saw substantial potential synergies on the sales side by putting television and newspaper assets together, since they both serve primarily advertising clients as sources of revenue, and serve a combination of local and national markets."
Amber said the companies likely saw their primary financial advantages from a convergence of back-office technologies -- combining circulation, sales, printing and management operations.
But it was something else that brought issues to a head in Canada over media consolidation and sharing newsroom resources: The loss of diversity of voices within the Canadian media took on new importance, observers say, after a series of events that led to accusations of censorship and political bias by CanWest's owners.
In December 2001, CanWest -- which owns 11 major dailies and 22 smaller papers in Canada -- issued a directive to its newspaper editors that they would be expected to run three editorials per week that reflected the position of CanWest's owners on political or social issues.
The decision was met with a spate of criticism -- especially when editors were told that other local editorials were not to contradict those from corporate headquarters.
A byline strike ensued at the Montreal Gazette, and inquiries by the newspaper guild there led to findings that work by columnists and cartoonists was spiked when it conflicted with opinions from corporate headquarters.
Several journalists quit; some staffers published a protest Web site.
The furor finally boiled over into the public arena last June when Russ Mills, the publisher of the Ottawa Citizen, was fired by CanWest for running a series of stories and an editorial that outlined alleged political and financial irregularities in the administration of Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien.
Elliot, the CanWest vice president, said the controversy arose because Mills failed to let CanWest's owners know in advance of the series or the editorial -- which called on Chretien, a friend of CanWest patriarch Israel Asper, to resign.
Mills said he had not sought permission for either the investigative series, or the editorial, because he believed in preserving "editorial independence."
The problem, Mills said, was that the new owners were trying to dictate local editorial policy from corporate headquarters.
Elliot described the concern over attempts at a national editorial policy -- which has since been largely abandoned -- as a tempest without substance.
He said CanWest's owners were "well within their rights to propose national editorials," and that their actions were no different that those of other newspaper ownership groups prior to media consolidation.
"There has never been any effort to control what was published in news stories," he said.
Since his firing, Mills has become an outspoken critic of media consolidation in Canada, and he testified in April before the Canadian Senate committee conducting media hearings. He was also awarded a Neiman Fellowship at Harvard University and is the incoming dean of the journalism program at Algonquin College in Ottawa.
Meanwhile, Mills' firing prompted a public opinion poll by Canada's largest media union that found that the incident had caused the public to lose confidence in the media's editorial independence.
The results, union officials said, showed that Canadians were concerned about press freedom and wanted the government to look into problems associated with media concentration.
Peter Murdock, then vice-president of the communications union, told Canada Newswire that the poll "demonstrates that Canadians want their journalists protected from the whims and prejudice of media barons. It is a grim warning to media corporations and government that Canadians believe that the very integrity of the news that feeds our democracy is being undermined by the effects of concentrated media ownership."
It is clear that online journalism at Canada's newspapers has changed dramatically under CanWest's corporate control.
The company replaced independent newspaper Web sites with a common site, Canada.com, which allows consumers to access local news by clicking on the community they are interested in.
Elliot said community news on the Web site comes from local newspapers and television stations, and said that consolidating that information on a single Web site provides consumers better access to local news across the country -- as well as reduces costs.
Bruce MacCormack, former head of interactive media at CanWest, said supplementing newspaper and television content with a common Web site has made access to news more efficient and allowed the corporation to serve consumers better.
"The consumers of online media ... were also television viewers and newspaper readers, and at different points in the day, different media were the best way to reach those people," MacCormack said.
"Someone watching television in the evening could be told about stories being developed for the next day's newspaper, which is read on the commuter train as people go to work," he said. "Then, during working hours, the Internet was the most effective way to get them up to date on news, and tease them for television use at night."
"These were handoff mechanisms that worked to reach people, so consumers and the public were able to access services in the most appropriate media, for whatever method they could best be served."
CanWest recently filed testimony with the FCC to support the relaxation of cross-media regulations in the U.S. That testimony challenges media critics on their central objections to cross-media ownership.
"Today's media market is the richest and most diverse in the history of modern media," the document says. "Cross-ownership has strengthened media companies and encouraged greater diversity and more sources of information.
"Experience," it adds, "simply does not support the contention of some opponents of cross-media ownership, that consumers would have access to fewer point of view, or would see only repackaged versions of the same content across multimedia platforms."
Smith, the Ryerson professor -- despite her criticisms of the handling of online media opportunities in Canada -- said she sees differences between media ownership consolidation in Canada and in the United States.
"In the U.S., because of the size of the market, the chance of one or two owners gobbling up everything, I think, would be less than in Canada," she said. "But there is some caution in that.
"If you are thinking about journalists, there are wonderful things about operating in a converged environment. It was really exciting thinking we could potentially have video, and it may be good for news consumers in the sense that (online video) will be a faster way of converging types of media.
"But you get a lot of the same stuff. There is no alternative. You are going to lose some (editorial) voices in the process."
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 10:26 PM
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#25 - Phil Fontaine
Here's a brief rundown of life for an aboriginal living on a First Nation in Canada.

The life expectancy is 7 years lower for aboriginals than other Canadians. The suicide rate for young women is eight times higher than the national rate and five times higher for young men.

Aboriginal people are more likely than other Canadians to have hearing, sight and speech disabilities.

62% of First Nations people say alcohol abuse is a problem on First Nations and 48% say drug abuse is an issue. Solvent abuse which by comparison is almost non-existent in the non-aboriginal population is rampant among aboriginal youth particularly in isolated communities.
Poverty is incredible for a wealthy country like Canada. Although comparisons to a Third World country may be a slight stretch, on some First Nations it’s not far from the truth.

Yet there are two solitudes. With rare exception on First Nations there is virtually no middle class. There are the haves and the have-nots. If your family happens to be in power, life is good, if not you’re often out of luck. Most are out of luck.

Clearly the system as it stands doesn’t work. The problem is no one really wants to fix it and while governments obviously have a responsibility so does the aboriginal leadership. However significant change doesn’t seem to be on the menu.

Which brings me to Phil Fontaine, the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations.

Fontaine is often the public face on a host of native issues in Canada. He is the leader voted for by the Chiefs to assist on a host of issues. However he’s not delivering much in the way of leadership. His solution to all of these problems? Throw money at it without offering any other changes.

In this interview with Canada AM’s Beverly Thomson, at least he was honest that that is all he’s looking for.

Fontaine : But we’ve been severely under-funded now for the last decade, uh, there’s ...

Thomson: But it can’t be that money is the only answer. I mean, when you talk about the billions of dollars that have already been committed and spent. Some would say though that the issue is more accountability and transparency. It can’t all be about money if the situation isn’t getting any better.

Fontaine: But it … it is about money. In fact there’s a myth about the 9 billion dollars that’s allocated by the federal government for aboriginal people. Actually, 5.4 – only 5.4 billion of that 9 billion – actually is delivered or transferred to … as grants and contributions to First Nations governments. And that represents … because we’ve operated with a 2% cap for the last decade, that represents a loss of, in real dollar terms over this decade, of 14 billion dollars. That’s a significant issue of under funding First Nation governments, and …

Thomson: But even if it is under funded, 5.4 billion dollars still. Where are the improvements? Where did the money go?

Good question but Fontaine really doesn’t have any answers, however that isn't stopping him from demanding billions anyway.

While he does that anger continues to rise on First Nations regarding the current situation. Illegal blockade after illegal blockade, and threats of violence and sometimes real violence.

Fontaine has further stoked those fires calling for a national day of action on June 29 of this year against the federal budget. What does that mean? Fontaine says he is not calling for cross-country blockades, but many First Nations are already planning just that, possibly targeting key infrastructure, from rails to roads. That type of action should be condemned but Fontaine is staying virtually silent.

That type of confrontational stance is one many aboriginal people have realized over the past several years just isn’t productive. More often than not it ends up turning off non-native supporters putting the brakes on any progress.

A solution is a joint one. A willingness by non-native governments to work with First Nations and provide the necessary tools to effect real change. At the same time there needs to be a willingness in native communities to want to change and accept personal responsibility for making those changes take place. There also needs to be a native leadership that recognizes those things so that life can be made better for their own people. That's type of accountability is something Phil Fontaine and far too many First Nations Chiefs have either forgotten or choose to ignore. Throwing only money at the problem clearly isn’t the answer…neither is illegally blocking roads but it does screw up Canada.
Posted by Spinks on Thursday, May 10, 2007 at 6:31 PM | Permalink
The money goes the same places that our community funding goes: To pay the Council, staff and local services such as roads, water, etc. and for them also education, health, and other necessities.

Do the math!
$5.4b for 633 First Nations is an average of $8.5m for each community, though it varies according to population.

Six Nations, the largest reserve in Canada with over 20,000 residents has a budget of $60m.

Caledonia right next door with only 10,000 people has a budget of $75m.

Oh ... and one business at Six Nations pays $140m/yr in federal taxes, so Six Nations contributes $80m net to Canada every year.

Next time you interview someone ... do your homework first!!
Posted by granny | 11:48 PM
I agree with much of your article but you have left out much more. This whole system is messed up and is illegal. The Indian Act" is not only illegal it is paternalistic, racist and out of date.

INAC or Indian and Northern Affairs does not have a good track record to say the least. Even their name is out of date : ) .

Just recently (&this is only 1 instance) an internal document was found and I did bring this to the attention of the national chief and never heard a peep from him. http://www.newtfn.com/ridinacnow.html

A well documented article by Prof. Andrea Bear Nicholas should be taught in schools at www.newtfn.com/poverty . But will it?

According to the world bank over 80% of Indigenous live in poverty. And the biggest part you left out is that we never surrendered, ceded or sold any of our land.

If someone stole your land, polluted your air and water and tried everything in the book to silence you and keep you down wouldnt you be a little pissed off?

You're not too far from the tree.
Posted by Indigent Vagabond | 12:23 PM
Amen, Spinks! Actually, I think you're understated in your condemnation of Fontaine and his fellow leeches. As I said in my e-mail to you back in March (my real-life initials are J.H. and I live in Toronto), "In my not-so-humble opinion, an enormous chunk of what's wrong with this country is embodied in the paternalistic treatment of natives by our governments and the consequent failure of the natives to take any kind of responsibility for their own lives. I don't know which is more sickening. Beyond that, natives get to flout the laws without consequences, as politicans just wring their hands and look at their shoes. Can you imagine if a group of non-natives had occupied someone else's private property? Would they still be sitting there a year later, with off-duty police being paid overtime, not to arrest the trespassers but rather to hold back the justifiably angry local non-native population, as is currently the case in Caledonia, Ontario?" Natives need to step up to adult responsibilities and the rest of us need to stop treating them like children, including an end to tolerating their bad behaviour. As for the nonsense spouted by the commentator above who bleats that "we never surrendered, ceded or sold any of our land": history is written by the victors; you lost; get over it. Join Canadian society as fully-functioning members, with all the rights and responsibilities that entails.
Posted by Fed-Up Anglo Canadian | 10:48 AM
First off, the term "non-native" is very offenceive to me. I am a natuaral born citizen in this country, I didn't have a choice where or when I was born, as didn't any 'Indian/Native/First nation' citizen of this country. I am JUST as native of this country as any of them. Get over it!

Second, The billions of dollars spent on the 'indian problem' is a problem that rests solely on the native leadership. They have turned the whole process into a money-laundering scam, where-by "they" control the monies, and are in charge of how it is distributed.

They have fought tooth-and-nail to be exempt from any kind of financial accountability, and that is because they don't want anybody to catch them stealing from their own people, Why else would they be so affraid of Bill 63, the proposed law removing the exemption of native's living on reserves from filing complaints to the Human Right Council? With that abhorent exemption removed, the individual citizens of the worst First Nations can legally 'go after' their very own chiefs that have been lining their own pockets at the expense of the very people that the federal monies are supposed to be helping.

You can't tell me, or anybody else that can count higher than 10, that 9 billion dollars per year hasn't started to make a very visible difference in the lives of the natives of this country.

If any small community, hamlet or village anywhere had that kind of bottemless pit of money given to it, there would be gold-plated fire hydrants and community centre on every corner. The 'catch' would be that those same small towns and villages would have to NOT be admisitrated by an Indian Chief and council.

I live daily among Natives at the Reserve level....I see it everyday. The nepotism is rampant; the graft, corruption and individual greed-lust is highly visible. Travel to far-off places for 'conferrences and meetings' is wasting huge sums of money that is needed for improved housing and economic developement.

Anybody that has any doubts as to what I am saying.....do a Google-search for a heredity Chief from the Osoyoos, BC Indian Band named Clarence Louie. Wanna see what the other 'alternative' can be?.... Chief Louie sets an example for all First Nations everywhere. He took over a Band that was bankrupt, rampant with all the usual social ill's that are common throughout Canada. The Osoyoos Band is now a Fortune 500 "company to watch" Mr Louie is also a frequent speaker at these infamous native gatherings and he doesn't pull his punches when it comes to telling his peers what the problens are, and what needs to be done to fix them. Go ahead, I DARE you!
Posted by arctic_front | 2:03 PM
Indians with power over their peers speak with mean forked tongues just like my fellow white men who are cops or lawyers or politicians or priests or bankers do. In my humble opinion they deserve each other. It is the ordinary Indian folk like me that I pity because they should lean not to trust their spokepersons. This greedy glory seeking woman and my former Yankee lawyer are fine examples.

"David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com, lisa.carrier@international.gc.ca, oec-bce@parl.gc.ca, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, police@fredericton.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, cityadmin@fredericton.ca, bill.corby@gnb.ca, Sandra.Conlin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, orakwa@paulcomm.ca, "Hon.Jim Prentice, Q.C., M.P." prentice.j@parl.gc.ca, "Andy Scott, M.P" scotta@parl.gc.ca, MacKay.P@parl.gc.ca, nicho.r@parl.gc.ca, info@web.resist.ca, kahentinetha2@yahoo.com, Katenies20@yahoo.com, timpila99@yahoo.com, fabienpeters_355@msn.com, michael.rowan.book@gmail.com, mtigar@wcl.american.edu, BBACHRACH@bowditch.com, delaney_bruce@hotmail.com, rburnett@leonardpeltier.org, mranfinson@aol.com, cartercamp@megapipe.net, george@haveyouthought.com
CC: Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Graham.B@parl.gc.ca, andrew.holland@nb.aibn.com, caseyb@parl.gc.ca, warren.tolman@hklaw.com, howiecarr@wrko.com, barnicle@969fmtalk.com, cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, cotlei@parl.gc.ca, Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us, Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, fbinhct@leo.gov, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, Linda.Dorcenaforry@state.ma.us, kelly.ayotte@doj.nh.gov
Subject: Re: Fwd: This was not pleasant at all
From: "fabien peters" mrecho@rogers.blackberry.net
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2007 23:38:10 +0000 GMT

Listen buster I do not know what the fuck your problem is but I have bigger issues I have to deal

If you can not show respect with your fucking attitude then do not bother me. I do not know who you are and you do not know who I am and maybe we should keep it like that for now because I really do not have any patience with anyone that has not respect with others especially wiith my People.

You have your personel issues to deal with and I wish luck, in the meantime leave me out of your circus, this is not a game for us.


Ps; my husband does not appreciate your attitude towards me or my position buster.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2007 16:07:36
To:fabien peters mrecho@rogers.blackberry.net,
oec-bce@parl.gc.ca, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca,
Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, police@fredericton.ca,
cityadmin@fredericton.ca, bill.corby@gnb.ca,
orakwa@paulcomm.ca, Prentice.J@parl.gc.ca,scotta@parl.gc.ca,MacKay.P@parl.gc.ca,nicho.r@parl.gc.ca, info@web.resist.ca,
kahentinetha2@yahoo.com, Katenies20@yahoo.com,timpila99@yahoo.com,fabienpeters_355@msn.com,
michael.rowan.book@gmail.com, mtigar@wcl.american.edu, BBACHRACH@bowditch.com,
mranfinson@aol.com, cartercamp@megapipe.net, george@haveyouthought.com,
Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, derek.strong@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,Roger.Gillies@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,John.DeWinter@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca,
oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca,premier@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca,
t.j.burke@gnb.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca,jonesr@cbc.ca,whistleblower@ctv.ca,
tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com,dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com
Cc:Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Graham.B@parl.gc.ca,
scotta@parl.gc.ca, caseyb@parl.gc.ca,
howiecarr@wrko.com, barnicle@969fmtalk.com,
wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, fbinhct@leo.gov,
bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca,
day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca,
Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca,
moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca,
Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca,
Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca,
Linda.Dorcenaforry@state.ma.us, kelly.ayotte@doj.nh.gov,
jbarthelmes@safety.state.nh.us,rep.paul@mail.house.gov, info@massgop.com,
wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, HistorysMsStory@aol.com,
dhill@leonardpeltier.org, trellenwood@leonardpeltier.org, ironlodgesky@charter.net
Subject: Re: Fwd: This was not pleasant at all

Yankees should not try to talk of respect to me when you folks know nothing of it. As far as Canadian Indians go, if you think your plate is full, Lady, you should see mine sometime. Hell it
was really quite funny to me when the bureaucrats in Amherst locked you out of the very building built to serve you.

Why do you think i included you in the circus after you ignosed my personal contact? You had lots of time to call me before that shit went down in Amherst and I could have given you the key.

Simply put you don't want to know me because my shit is too heavy and you think me amonstous loser and don't want involved. You certainly talked tough on the phone though and when you claimed that you may find yourself in jail
soon, I liked you style and said so. But then talk ischeap EH Lady?

So I proved to you that I am as
serious as hell about my concerns byway ofintroducing you to many others. Jimmy Prentice is of course at the top of the list with Andy Scott comingin a close second.

I will send some of you Indians in two countries Hard Copy of some of my material. Then and you crooks can have a lawyer find sometime to
talk to me with respect someday in court.

Cya'll in Court or hell C'est La Meme chose N'est Pas? in the "Mean" time I will leave you
in the dark as you request. Get your info about my doings from the Mail or other indians or the
lawyers Barry Bachrach or Jimmy Prentice. Say your expression Hoka Hey to them for me will ya?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2007 14:47:22 -0700
From: george@haveyouthought.com
Subject: RE: Fwd: This was not pleasant at all
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com:
Will you please respect my wishes and remove me from your email listings please.

The shear volume of your emails takes up a great deal of my small email capacity and is beginning to block other emails from coming in that I need to receive for my business. I'd appreciate your respect in this matter.
Thanks in advance,


fabien peters mrecho@rogers.blackberry.net

I have to much on my plate right now So please do not send anymore

Thank you
Fabien peters

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2007 14:37:21
To:fabien peters
Subject: Re: Fwd: This was not pleasant at all

How come you did not call me back?

fabien peters wrote:

Could you please stop sending email to me its to much email for me
Thank you,
Fabien peters

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2007 13:43:07
oec-bce@parl.gc.ca, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca,
Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, police@fredericton.ca,
carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, cityadmin@fredericton.ca,
bill.corby@gnb.ca, Sandra.Conlin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, orakwa@paulcomm.ca,
Prentice.J@parl.gc.ca, scotta@parl.gc.ca,
MacKay.P@parl.gc.ca, nicho.r@parl.gc.ca,
info@web.resist.ca, kahentinetha2@yahoo.com,
Katenies20@yahoo.com, timpila99@yahoo.com,
mtigar@wcl.american.edu, BBACHRACH@bowditch.com,
rburnett@leonardpeltier.org, mranfinson@aol.com,
samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca,
oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca,
premier@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca,
t.j.burke@gnb.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca,
jonesr@cbc.ca, whistleblower@ctv.ca,tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com,
John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com,
dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com
Cc:Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Graham.B@parl.gc.ca,
andrew.holland@nb.aibn.com, scotta@parl.gc.ca,
caseyb@parl.gc.ca, warren.tolman@hklaw.com,
howiecarr@wrko.com, barnicle@969fmtalk.com,
cotlei@parl.gc.ca, Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us,
wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, fbinhct@leo.gov,
Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com,
days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca,
jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca,
Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca,
Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca,
Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca,
Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca,
rep.paul@mail.house.gov, info@massgop.com,
info@mittromney.com, thomas.gatzunis@state.ma.us,
wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, HistorysMsStory@aol.com,
Interloch@aol.com, dhill@leonardpeltier.org,
Subject: Fwd: This was not pleasant at all

"David R. Amos" wrote: From: "David R. Amos"
To: "Bachrach, Barry A." ,
, , ,
, ,
"moto maniac"
Subject: This was not pleasant at all
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 17:50:27 -0400

But don't get mad Barry get even for Jean. It is high time for Jean to sue some of the bastards in federal court. This gets more and moreridiculous every day.

Not long after you and I talked
today. The bastards pulled into our back yard without the cops. I think they thought I was in jail
and Jean was at work. When I surprised them by being home, they kept on coming in anyway, climbed
up the side of the house and proceeded to break in while Jean was on the phone to the local Milton Cops. The cops said it was ok for them to break in because Troccoli and her buddy Kerstein saidso. However when they were inside the house, they overheard me telling the Colonel's office of the State troopers where to get off and the bastards split ASAP before finishing the job of trying to lock us out of our own home.

The DA does not want you to contact Troccoli for me. So be it. Besides I never asked you to anyway. I asked you to contact her on Jean's behalf not mine. I will sue Troccoli and Kerstein myself on my own behalf and that of my minor children. The courts treat us a separate so that is how they must deal with us from now on.. If you wish you should contact Troccoli and Kerstein on Jean's
behalf and tell them that you have beeninstructed to sue for Jean only.

However you may wish to inform them of something they no doubt already know. Their troubles
with my pending lawsuits in federal court are just beginning to unfold, They are far more serious matters than just break and enter, theft, forgey, perjury and fraud. Never forget I accurately predited the murder of the ex FBI agenet H. Paul Rico in jail and men such as David Price and his bosses know it.

Thus far you only speak for me in
defence of my criminal matter involving emails to Troccoli and you. In that matter alone I have
already been falsely imprisoned without being arrested or read my rights and thus no charges have
ever been explained to me. When I bring out my knowledge of murder and the FBI's knowledge of it as
well, Alicia McDonnell will not know what to say or do about it all. After all she got rid of the
first wiretap tapes I gave her. Didn't she? In my opinion she is now an accomplice to the cover up
of the murder of H. Paul Rico and Whitey Bulger's victims as well.

Remember my wife's uncle William J. Kickham is an ex FBI agent as well. the Bastards you see breaking into our home are doing so
because that mean old bastard paid them off to go against us. They think they can do anything they
want because he and his son belong the MASS Chiefs Association. I took on their lawyer Jack Collins last year and Colonel Foley immediately quit his job. Now I am talking on his replacement nose
to nose.

----- Original Message -----
From: Bachrach, Barry A.:
To: 'David R. Amos':
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 6:40 PM
Subject: FW:


-----Original Message-----
From: McDonnell, Alicia (SUF)
mailto:Alicia.Mcdonnell@state.ma.usSent: Monday, June 13, 2005 5:52 PM
To: Bachrach, Barry A.
Subject: RE:

Attorney Bachrach- i understand kate mcintyre
agreed to this continuance but she did so without
my consent and i would have objected- i am not
aware of the next date and will find out tomorrow
but just so you know if it is not scheduled to be
heard again in the next 30 days i will make a
motion to the court to have it moved up within 30
days- there are outstanding issues that need
immediate attention from the judge- first, the
commonwealth's motion for a competency evaluation;
second, the defendant's continuing contact of the
complaining witness in violation of the court
order; and three: the complaining witness, angela
troccoli, has informed me that she does not want to
be contacted by you or any other attorney
representing Mr. Amos.

I will contact you to discuss another date if it
is not within the next 30 days- thank you-
Alicia McDonnell

-----Original Message-----
From: Bachrach, Barry A.
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 1:56 PM
To: 'McDonnell, Alicia (SUF)'
Subject: RE:

so we're all set for tomorrow. thanks. i think
the presence of an atty will help this case.

-----Original Message-----
From: McDonnell, Alicia (SUF)
mailto:Alicia.Mcdonnell@state.ma.usSent: Monday, June 13, 2005 8:42 AM
To: Bachrach, Barry A.
Subject: RE:

Attorney Bachrach-
I am standing in for ADA McDonnell this week in
her absence. I am reading her e-mails to assist
her and saw this. If you advance and continuance
the case, we would just ask that the time be
excluded under R. 36.

Kate McIntyre

-----Original Message-----
From: Bachrach, Barry A.
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 11:25 PM
To: 'Alicia McDonnell
Cc: 'David Amos'; 'David Amos'

Alicia, since we have not been able to talk, I
feel it important that Mr. Amos have representation
in the criminal matter. Hence I will enter an
appearance Monday.however, I need to reschedule the
status hearing scheduled for 6/14 because I will
be travelling to a major hearing I have in
fargo, nd, for leonard peltier. Could you please give
me the name of the da taking your place Tuesday
so I can reschedule. Thanks, barry.

This e-mail message is generated from the law
firm of Bowditch & Dewey, LLP and contains
information that is confidential and may be privileged as
an attorney/client communication or as attorney
work product. The information is intended to be
disclosed solely to the addressee(s). If you are
not the intended recipient, be aware that any
disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the
contents of this email information is prohibited. If
you have received this email in error, please
notify the sender by return email and delete it from
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Posted by David Raymond Amos | 11:03 PM
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#26 – Conrad Black
Lots of people probably have different reasons for placing Conrad Black on a list like this one. For me there’s only one.

Black’s decision to flip off Canada.

In 1999, Black’s name was put forward for a seat among the unelected Lords in the British Parliament by then British Tory party leader William Hague.

Originally the Canadian government said it was okay if Black, a Canadian citizen, became a lord, as long as he didn’t use the title in Canada and became a British citizen, which he did in 2000.
But not long after Black was named to the British upper chamber, then Prime Minister Jean Chrétien weighed in using a rarely used power that bars Canadians from receiving foreign titles, thereby stopping Black from accepting the Lordship title.

Black fought hard through the courts. Chrétien ended up spending $170,000 taxpayer dollars to battle Black. In the end Black lost.

Was Chrétien being a petty jerk? Sure he was. While I’m kind of iffy on dual loyalties, I don’t for one minute believe that if it was a Liberal being bestowed a Lordship that Chrétien would have made a peep. Besides Liberals these days have a leader who thinks its just dandy to ask Canadians to vote for him as Prime Minister of Canada when he holds at the same time a citizenship in France.

However I digress, this entry isn’t about Jean Chrétien or Stéphane Dion, this is about Conrad Black.

When Black lost his battle, he figured he would still have the final word and he renounced his Canadian citizenship, "Having opposed for 30 years precisely the public policies that have caused scores of thousands of educated and talented Canadians to abandon their country every year, it is at least consistent that I should join this dispersal."

This was poor, poor, poor behaviour. I understand the frustration and wanting to try to stick it to Chrétien but in the end this was nothing more than the antics of a spoiled child who didn’t get his own way. For a leader in this country to think so little of his Canadian citizenship, something millions take great pride in, that he would act so selfish was to say the least unbecoming.

However it appears we might get the last laugh after all. Last year Black began the process to gain his Canadian citizenship back. As Rick Mercer said during one of his rants about the subject last year, we should let Conrad back in but, “we never ever let him forget it.”
Posted by Spinks on Monday, May 07, 2007 at 6:52 PM | Permalink
Let him back in?? Hell, no! Screw him and the horse he rode out on....
Posted by Anonymous | 10:31 PM
He only wants back in to help his case in Chicago and possibly serve his term (should he be found guilty) here in Canada.
Posted by whatigotsofar | 8:17 AM
This is an impressive list and you have done a heck of a job.

But I disagree with your comments on Black.

Scores of thousands of educated and talented Canadians have left Canada. Heck every one of the guys I did my Ph.D. with are no longer living in Canada, and have gone elsewhere for much better opportunities than what they could find in Canada.

And believe me they did try sticking around. But in the end why let your career limp along in a country that cannot use you?

Does that make them bad Canadians?

I don't blame Black one bit for leaving Canada. Chretien was a petty ass, and were I Black I would have left too.
Posted by Anonymous | 1:40 AM
Nobody in his right mind takes "pride" in Canadian citizenship. If there are such mental defectives cluttering the streets, then it's the people who let them into the country who are doing the screwing up. Meanwhile, Lord Black has been a great benefactor to this country. He's certainly never done it any harm. He's totally inappropriate here.
Posted by ebt | 1:21 PM
Whatever one thinks of Black personally, the whole business of his giving up his Canadian citizenship was phony and based upon the court's ruling that the Queen of Canada must abide by the advice of the PM of Canada even if it is silly, petty, and clearly unjust.

Black didn't give up Canada...Canada, through Chretien, gave up Black in a catch-22.
Posted by Pidd | 3:43 PM
Wow. I'm surprised to see Conrad's name here. To me that is akin to blaming the kid who is teased by a petty bully, and to everyone's surprise, ends up popping the jerk in the face. Black has been a model Canadian citizen, and behaved with amazing composure despite his sham trial in the States led by a media-seeking, self-aggrandizing Attorney General. I am sure there are many Canadians who do not take pride in being Canadian, but who certainly would prior to our failed socialist experiment.
Posted by Anonymous | 3:43 PM
Trust that i know a lot about the Black matter that many others could not. That said here is a small portion of one email email I just sent to you Spinks Baby and many of your pals. It is entitled Deja Vu N'est Pas?

OTTAWA, November 10, 2005

Right Hon. Paul Martin, P.C., M.P.
Prime Minister
Room 309-S, Centre Block
House of Commons

An Open Letter Re: Whistleblowers

Mr. Prime Minister

This is to convey my concern regarding the status of whistleblowers within our federal public service. Although Canadians value such persons highly for their willingness to stand up and speak out on injustices within the government, the response from management is almost invariably swift and severe punishment.
As we saw in the case of Allan Cutler, who almost lost his job and was shuffled around within his department, his attempt to reveal a scandal was ignored for considerable time. As far as I know, the only one who has ever thanked him for his good deed, besides Canadians generally, is Justice John Gomery. Does your government not believe he did the correct thing?

Although there has been some recognition of the difficulties faced by whistleblowers in their attempt to reveal unethical activity, Bill C-11 does not do even a barely adequate job. As Cutler himself points out in the October 17 issue of Hill Times – and he is one who is, as you know, more aware of the difficulties than you or I – C-11 is "still an ‘anti-whistleblower’ law and fundamentally and fatally flawed". He notes that, among other things, the burden of proof to prove that the retaliation was in response to the whistleblowing remains on the whistleblower; there is no public disclosure; the whistleblower is not assigned a lawyer by the government, while the ‘accused’ is; and most worryingly, there is no authority or responsibility to take corrective action.

Moreover, the case of Joanna Gualtieri – who is one of the very few public servants who has chosen to challenge publicly wrongdoing – demonstrates that the government is not interested in truth and justice but rather in using its vast resources to debilitate and wear down the truth-teller. During the past week, as your government publicly claimed that it will protect whistleblowers, the Department of Justice dragged Ms. Gualtieri back into court rather than consent to her request that she have a reprieve from the court proceedings for a few months to attend to and breastfeed her newborn child. Is this how you intend to "protect" whistleblowers?

Ms. Gualtieri's case has garnered significant public attention on account of the tax money squandered at the Foreign Affairs Department. Have you ever made any attempt to investigate the legitimacy of her claims of waste and harassment rather than spend much public money on lawyers to fight her? In my view, as a former Counsel with the Civil Litigation section with the Justice Department, it is tragic that such a capable civil servant should have had to spend the last ten years of her life defending her rights in a court case. With the treatment afforded Ms. Gualtieri, few public servants are likely to dare take on ‘the system’ in the public interest.

Why are the Allan Cutlers, Joanna Gualtieris, Brian McAdams and RCMP Cpl. Robert Reads not given more respect by their peers in the federal public service? Why do they lose their jobs or go into early retirement? What could their careers have been like? And why has no one offered repair, restitution and reinstatement? Our whistleblowers – so necessary, as we have seen, even in a democratic society such as Canada – need to be protected by a serious piece of legislation.

I’d be grateful if you would provide this matter your consideration, and reply to me in a form that can be shared.

David Kilgour, P.C., M.P.
Edmonton-Mill Woods-Beaumont
Office of Hon. David Kilgour, P.C., M.P.,
Edmonton-Mill Woods-Beaumont
163 East Block,
House of Commons,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6

Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2005 16:11:48 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: The Green Party has a new lawyer EH?
To: Stronach.B@parl.gc.ca, tag@gangegoodmanfrench.ca, greenweb@ca.inter.net,
CC: slabchuk@isn.net, nobleg@isn.net, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca


Perhaps he should ask Mr. Wright from BC about many wrongs. If Mr. Orton were wise and truly wished to be elected, perhaps he should ask me why Belinda Stronach crossed the floor last May before Lois Brown does. Rest assured Petey Baby MacKay will never tell ya Mulroney and his daddy would have him castrated.

The Tiff file is genuine and safe to open. If you do not beleieve me or Yahoo ask the very nasty Jon Cormier or Landslide Annie McLellan herself. Lets just say that the Green Party really pissed me off just like all the rest. You dudes figure out which of the ex lovebirds and their you wish to stand with against the likes of me as we all run for a seat in Parliament. There is no middle ground fpr ethical people to stand on now in my legal battles with lawyers such as Petey Boy MacKay and all those of his ilk.

Methinks things are not too Hunky Dory for the legal dudes Petey Baby and his old babe Belinda's lawyer Don Amos (no brother of mine) right about now. They must be nervous campers knowing full well their buddies in the USA who love to bet on Hoss Racing did not manage to keep me in jail. Pretty soon with any luck at all I will be considered the Dark Horse in the political rodeo brought on in a hurry by Stevey Boy Harper and the rest of the neo conservative western crowd. Rotten Ralphie from out in Alberta said a mouthful in Halifax when he spoke the truth about Harper being a loser. Read on to see why. It seems that Harper's computer knows more of ethics than he ever will. He can never say that he did not know the irrefuttable truth before Humpty Dumpy had the latest nasty lady who acts for our Queen drop the writ on the the latest three ring circus. Small wonder the Bloc Quebecois are laughing their arses off right now EH? This is an election of Dumb versus Dumber that they do not think they can lose. Wrong aks their lawyers if their is time to drink the Xmass cheer whilst I am still on the loose and still raising a little political Hell.

I truly wish that the Islanders Sharon Labchuk or George Noble had called me back.I liked what they said to me but I warned them that I was a very fierce political animal and for them not to blink. I gave them lots of time to check my work and ask me questions to stress test my ethics. Now I consider them both as just more politicians who wish to play dumb for their own personal gain. In my humble opinion they are no better than the dumb as a post farmer they seek to replace in the 39th Parliament in the New Year. Merry Xmass? Bah Humbug works better for me.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

"Harper, Stephen - M.P." Harper.S@parl.gc.ca wrote

Subject: RE: So it is Xmas EH? Say hey to the Maritimer Landslide Annie for me. Will ya?
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 11:54:47 -0500
From: "Harper, Stephen - M.P." Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com

Thank you for your e-mail message to Stephen Harper, Leader of the Opposition. Your views and suggestions are important to us. Once they have been carefully considered, you may receive a further reply.

*Remember to include your mailing address if you would like a response.

If you prefer to send your thoughts by regular mail, please address them to:

Stephen Harper, M.P.
Leader of the Opposition
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

Mail may be sent postage free to any Member of Parliament.

You can also reach Mr. Harper by fax at: (613) 947-0310

Merci d'avoir écrit à Stephen Harper, le chef de l'opposition officielle. Votre opinion est importante pour nous. Lorsque nous l'aurons étudiée avec soin, nous pourrons vous faire parvenir une réponse.

*N'oubliez pas d'inclure votre adresse postale si vous voulez recevoir une réponse.

Si vous préférez nous écrire en utilisant les services postaux régulièrs, veuillez le faire au :

Stephen Harper, député
Chef de l'opposition officielle
Chambre des communes
Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0A6

Vous pouvez écrire sans affranchissement à tous les députés fédéraux.

Vous pouvez également joindre M. Harper par fax au (613) 947-0310.

Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2005 12:29:44 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Attn Mr. Jim Balsillie and Deborah Allan
To: peter@loisbrown.ca

Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2005 11:58:45 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Attn Mr. Jim Balsillie and Deborah Allan
To: davidamos@bsn1.net

Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 12:31:50 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Attn Mr. Jim Balsillie and Deborah Allan
To: info@marijuanaparty.ca, info@cpc-pcc.ca, office@cpcml.ca

Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 09:24:18 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Attn Mr. Jim Balsillie and Deborah Allan
To: investor_relations@rim.com, deborah_allan@otpp.com
CC: psparkes@bellglobemedia.com, pierre.leclerc@bell.ca,
thane.fotopoulos@bell.ca, dholland@torstar.ca, harmstrong@torstar.ca,

I just called your offices and attempted to introduce myself the attached Tiff file proves what i am trying to inform you of is true. I will lay odds that the General Counsels of Thomson Corp and BCE Ms. Stanley and Ms Turrcotte will not dare to call me a liar.

Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 14:33:57 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: I am on the phone to you two right now may I suggest that you not ignore me anymore
To: lmcquaig@sympatico.ca.

Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 12:40:17 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: I am on the phone to you two right now may I suggest that you not ignore me anymore
To: joe.hueglin@pcparty.org, michael_ignatieff@ksg.harvard.edu,
CC: jim.love@pcparty.org, tracy.parsons@pcparty.org, Mike.allen@nb.aibn.com,
burttscorner49@yahoo.com, millett@canoemail.com

Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 07:31:06 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: I am on the phone to you two right now may I suggest that you not ignore me anymore
To: jlaskin@torys.com, jterry@torys.com.
CC: atinfo@torys.com, ggartner@torys.com, jscheine@torys.com

416.865.7380 John A. Terry
416.865.7317John B. Laskin

Law firm set to pay $30M settlement to Hollinger

CTV.ca News Staff
One of Canada's most prominent law firms has tentatively agreed to pay at least $30 million US in a settlement to Hollinger International Inc. for its role in deals that saw Conrad Black and some of his deputies pocket millions of dollars.

The Globe and Mail reports that Tory's LLP could be about to make one of the largest payments ever made by a law firm to settle allegations that it failed to act in a client's best interests.
Sources told The Globe that the two sides are working on drafting documents for the agreement and that Hollinger International could announce the lucrative settlement as early as next week.
A spokesman for Chicago-based Hollinger International declined to comment and a spokesman for Torys did not return phone calls, The Globe reports.

Torys has 330 lawyers in Toronto and New York. It's unclear whether the firm's partners will have to personally contribute to the payout.

Torys is a member of a private insurance exchange that is funded by a number of other major Canadian law firms and reinsured by a variety of insurance companies.

It is believed that the exchange, called the Canadian Lawyers Liability Assurance Society, has enough funds and insurance coverage to absorb most of the settlement costs.

The payout will be a huge public relations blow for Torys, but rival law firms said the firm's strong reputation and blue-chip corporate clients, including Brookfield Asset Management Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. and Thomson Corp., should help it pull through.

"This settlement allows the firm to put all the controversy behind it so that it can carry on," a senior official with a rival law firm told The Globe.
It's believed that Hollinger International notified Torys in writing of its intention to launch a suit against the firm on the grounds that it failed to act in the company's best interests during transactions that enriched Black.

Torys was Hollinger International's chief law firm from 1999 until Black resigned from the company in 2003, when the company parted ways with the law firm.

The allegations centre on the multiple roles Torys played as an adviser to Hollinger International and two of Black's holding companies when Hollinger International sold $2.1 billion US of assets to CanWest Global Communications Corp. in 2000.
It's very unusual for law firms to simultaneously advise separate parties during a transaction, without client consent, because of the perceived difficulties in demonstrating undivided loyalty to more than one client.
Sources told The Globe that Torys allegedly failed to inform Hollinger International that it was also advising Black's companies, Ravelston Corp. and Hollinger Inc., during the CanWest transaction.

Hollinger International has criticized Torys for not alerting them that $51.8-million of proceeds from the CanWest sale was transferred to Black, his private holding company and three of his deputies.

The personal payments are the subject of criminal charges levelled against Black and some of his former colleagues by the U.S. Department of Justice earlier this month.

It is also understood that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is reviewing Torys' role in the CanWest transaction as part of a broader examination of Hollinger International's disclosure practices.

Large personal payments are usually required to be disclosed to shareholders on a timely basis.
But the $51.8 million US of transfers to Black and his executives were only publicly revealed when a U.S. law firm spotted the unusual transfers in 2002 -- six months after the CanWest deal was completed.
In a report last year, a special committee of Hollinger International directors criticized Torys and the company's auditor KPMG for failing to alert the board about a number of questionable transactions involving Black.

Torys has also been named in a Canadian class-action suit that alleges Torys, Black, KPMG and others failed in their duty to protect the interests of Hollinger International shareholders.

Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 17:41:39 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: So it is Xmas EH? Say hey to the Maritimer Landslide Annie for me. Will ya?
To: Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, Thompson.M@parl.gc.ca, Sorenson.K@parl.gc.ca,
Richardson.L@parl.gc.ca, Prentice.J@parl.gc.ca, Penson.C@parl.gc.ca,
Obhrai.D@parl.gc.ca, Mills.B@parl.gc.ca, Kenney.J@parl.gc.ca,
Merrifield.R@parl.gc.ca, Menzies.T@parl.gc.ca, Johnston.D@parl.gc.ca,
Jean.B@parl.gc.ca, Hanger.A@parl.gc.ca, Goldring.P@parl.gc.ca,
Chatters.D@parl.gc.ca, Casson.R@parl.gc.ca, Benoit.L@parl.gc.ca,
Anders.R@parl.gc.ca, Ablonczy.D@parl.gc.ca, INFO7@elections.ca
CC: Fletcher.S@parl.gc.ca, Bezan.J@parl.gc.ca, Mark.I@parl.gc.ca,
Pallister.B@parl.gc.ca, Smith.J@parl.gc.ca, Toews.V@parl.gc.ca,
Tweed.M@parl.gc.ca, davidamos@bsn1.net, webb@caut.ca, pilon@caut.ca,
morgan@caut.ca, National@cbc.ca, lcampenella@ledger.com,
McKnight.Gisele@kingscorecord.com, ombudsman@cbc.ca, duffy@ctv.ca,
martine.turcotte@bell.ca, news@ctv.ca, am@ctv.ca, diane.bourque@flsc.ca,
jcrosbie@pattersonpalmer.ca, Mayor@ci.boston.ma.us, Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca

So it is Xmas EH? Say hey to the Maritimer Landslide Annie for me. Will ya?

As your Boss and his Deputy Dog brag and Landslide Annie squeaks and bitches on Cpac right now. I press send and prepare to run again. Methinks Landslide Annie will never get elected again. Do you. I know for a fact that I am the one that has got her so upset. It is all over but the crying now. Read on then press print on the attached Tiff file and the light may dawn on your Marbleheads out west. She talks of a Global connected world and asks us to choose between to crooks. The money grubbing lawyer Paul Martin or your evil Bush supporting right wing boss Harper. I sincerely hope that not one of you gets to take a seat in the New Year in the 39th Parliament.

In my humble opinion you lapdogs for Bush all have failed the Canadian people in your obligation to uphold the public trust and protect our common interests. Harper proved to all he was willing to make backroom deals with Humpty Dumpty as soon as he had Clarkson, the Queen’s malevolent spendthrift alter her speech from the throne in order to have Martin agree to the Yankee missile defence scheme.

The 38th Parliament should never have taken its seat if any Member of Parliament had used the evidence of crime I provided them. You Conservative MPs who demand integrity of liberals should have helped me to impeach George Bush and Paul Martin out of the gate last year. Stevey Boy Harper should not have been surprised when the old lawyer Martin went back on his word after he got his way and was allowed to buy as many favours as possible with the hard earned taxpayer dime. Even the nasty Connie Rice got huffy about that. Petey Baby MacKay proved to all the PC’s and the Westerner David Orchard years ago that a lawyer’s words ain’t worth a damn even when he puts them in writing. Didn’t he? Not all Maritimers are honourable. However not all Maritimers are defeatists either as your Boss Harper likes to suggest. Many Maritimers know better than to trust lawyers especially ones such as Petey Baby MacKay and Johnny Crosbie particularly when they seek the counsel of the crook, Brian Mulroney.

All that said I must thank you for the opportunity to run for Parliament again and speak about your malice whilst I sue the Crown. You fine and fancy folks are one year too later but better late than never EH?

Should I say Merry Xmass to all and to all a Good Night? Naw. Bah humbug works better for me I sincerely hope to Cya’ll in Court real soon. In a court of law each and everyone of you can be held accountable. The Canadian government certainly needs to be changed but none of you have earned the right to bring it about. None of you should feel blessed to follow a leader such as Harper. I hope it is a wash and many other people will fill your seats. Many amongst them there will be an ethical few. Here’s hoping I am allowed to prove in court in the New Year what I know to be true about all of you.

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 9:15 PM
You are slow on the draw of deleting me Spinksy Baby. Did my last email make you stop and think for a minute?

Well if so then this posting should make you shit yourself. If you had check my blog lately you would have known that the very snobby Fast Eddy Greenspan has answered this letter and Conrad Black's latest fast talking Yankee lawyer, Andy Baby Frey received my same material and has been reading my blog as well.

You are gonna love reading the letter I sent to Andy Frey, two big talking Yankee presidential wannabes and another fella whom you think (rightly I might add) is screwing up our native land.

Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2007 18:16:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Round One
To: Rhonda.GODIN@gnb.ca, george.chiasson@nb.ca, glen.abbott@gnb.ca, linda.bertrand@gnb.ca, jocelyn.colburn@gnb.ca, kim.morin@gnb.ca, amy.reagon@gnb.ca, iain.hollett@gnb.ca, bill.corby@gnb.ca, Pierre.castonguay@gnb.ca, Gabriel.BOURGEOIS@gnb.ca, nicole.poirier@gnb.ca, bill.richards@gnb.ca, carol.hill@gnb.ca, Bill.Wister@gnb.ca, TRENT.WILSON@gnb.ca, linda.hunter@gnb.ca, CYNTHIA.HOWIE@gnb.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca, ken.oliver@gnb.ca, JAMES.MCAVITY@gnb.ca, kimberly.monteith@gnb.ca, ANTHONY.ALLMAN@gnb.ca, brad.woodside@fredericton.ca, mrichard@lawsociety-barreau.nb.ca, police@fredericton.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com
CC: martin.gaudet@fredericton.ca, dcoon@conservationcouncil.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, news957@rci.rogers.com, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, pierre_nollet@cbc.ca, dan_goodyear@cbc.ca, alan_white@cbc.ca, mclaughlin.heather@dailygleaner.com, jonesr@cbc.ca, susan_king@cbc.ca, Andrew.MacKinnon@canadaeast.com, cumby.meghan@dailygleaner.com, wGilmour@ProuseDash.ca, dohertylaw@rogers.com, premier@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, t.j.burke@gnb.ca, execdir@nblib.nb.ca, mleger@stu.ca, jwalker@stu.ca, plee@stu.ca, carleton@stu.ca, kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca, John.Foran@gnb.ca, kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca, whistleblower@ctv.ca, staples.michael@dailygleaner.com, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, andrew.holland@nb.aibn.com, scotta@parl.gc.ca, caseyb@parl.gc.ca, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, norm.mcfarlane@saintjohn.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, btaylor@nbnet.nb.ca, pat.bonner@saintjohn.ca, Ivan.court@saintjohn.ca, eamacleod@cbrmps.cape-breton.ns.ca, doralee.smith@pwgsc.gc.ca, MacKay.P@parl.gc.ca



August 7th, 2007

Interim Commissioner, Pierre Martel
Public Sector Integrity Canada
60 Queen St. Suite 605,
Ottawa,ON. K1P 6Y7
Phone 1 866 941-6400

Senior Counsel, Marian McGrath
Security Intelligence Review Committee
P.O. Box 2430, Station "D"
Ottawa, Ontario KlP 5W5
Phone 1 613 990-5866

Lord Conrad Black
C/o Eddy Greenspan
144 King St.East
Toronto,ON M5C 1G8

Capital Towing
C/o Alan MacPhee and Andy Aker
29 Cityview Ave
Fredericton, NB E5A 1S9

RE: Public Corruption

Hoka Hey,

Out of the gate I must ask you all the obvious question. Why did you play dumb instead of just trying to do your jobs byway of simply calling me back to ask me few legitimate questions to stress test my integrity and understand the gravity of my concerns if you do not support public corruption?

Pursuant to my many phone calls and emails etc, your demands for hard copy plus the invitation of Alan MacPhee to sue his company in order to reclaim my old Harley, please find enclosed the material that I promised to send to you before we may meet in a court someday soon. The list of the material and a brief explanation as to why I am providing it to you is listed as follows:

1. I have attached directly to this letter copies of nine letters of mine, three from me that were cover letters to my material from the USA that is enclosed with this letter and listed in paragraph # 2 of this list. Six letters were sent to me in response to it. The first letter attached was delivered in hand to the office of Andy Scott MP after I ran in the election of the 38th Parliament. Eddy Greenspan should make note that I mentioned his client, Lord Conrad Black. The second is a response from his liberal associate Shawn Murphy MP after I ran in the next election against Andy Scott. The third is a copy of my letter to Murphy and several others that prompted his very dumb response. Obviously I am not shy about what I think of unethical Canadian bureaucrats and law enforcement authorities. N’est Pas?

The fourth letter attached is a copy of one I received from an Inspector General of the US Treasury Dept. It was sent to me while I as running for a seat in the 39th Parliament. It came at about the same time that Marion McGrath and I were talking about my concerns about the severe lack of integrity of the RCMP and CSIS and of their wrongful assistance to many corrupt Yankees acting against me. The fifth letter is dated October 6th, 2003 from the office of the US Attorney in Northern Illinois, Patrick J. Fitzgerald. It was sent to me in response to the material that I sent to every US Attorney in the USA on the same day. It is a dandy of a Catch 22 for any lawyer acting in the best interests of a former Canadian who gave up his citizenship to become the first British Lord of a subway stop and who is now a convicted criminal in the USA. The same holds true for any of his codefendant’s attorneys. EH?

The last two letters attached are from January of 2004. The sixth letter was sent to many lawyers concerned with Martha Stewart’s prosecution and Frank Quattone’s lawyer, John Keker. For my Clan’s benefit, I made certain that many Yankee law enforcement authorities and lawyers were given sufficient evidence to support my opinion that the criminal charges against Quattrone and Stewart were ridiculous in light of the malicious actions by the very same Feds against me in order to cover up their own wrongs. Clearly I warned Keker that the US Attorney would prosecute his client again if Stewart were convicted. The seventh letter is Keker’s incompetent answer in an effort to play dumb at the expense of the freedom of his client and mine. I learned to treat Lord Conrad Black’s lawyers somewhat differently. Eh Eddy?

2. The eight and ninth letters hereto attached should be of the greatest concern to the bureaucrats, Marian McGrath and Pierre Martel more than anyone else. The first person McGrath should call is William J. S. Elliott, the latest political lawyer/bureaucrat from the Mulroney days to be politically appointed to a very high post much to the chagrin of the RCMP this time around. N’est Pas? That nasty lawyer in particular has been ducking me for years and there is no way he can deny it. The eighth letter from the first Minister of Public Safety and the former Deputy Prime Minister, Anne McLellan and my many emails to her Conservative replacement, Stockwell Day proves it. Hell I even called the PMO office and thanked Harper’s people for their latest wicked appointment. I promised to begin my long delayed legal actions shortly. The last letter is from the Public Service Integrity Office. Perhaps Martel should call them and ask how he or the new Commissioner Elliott could act with integrity ASAP. EH?

More importantly on behalf of all their clients commonly known as Canadian citizens and one snobby British Lord, the bureaucrats and the Lord’s lawyer will find enclosed the material that one proud pigheaded Maritimer promised to send to their offices in Upper Canada. The material is exact copies of the same document I brought to Canada from the USA and a CD that contains a digital copy of a Yankee police wiretap tape # 139 that I mentioned in the previous paragraph. I served this material upon the Canadian Border Services, the Fredericton Police Dept., the RCMP and the Attorney General in New Brunswick amongst many others in the summer of 2004. I did just as the former Minister of Public Safety suggested I do while I ran against her political party for a seat in the 38th Parliament. If any of you wish to pretend that you do not understand the significance of the material I have just listed as sent to you, shame on you. It also follows that as you read on, I must ask you who is the dumber of two Martimers, Alan MacPhee or I? Who are the defeatist Maritimers under the thumb of the current Prime Minister Stevey Boy Harper and who is not, the Fredericton cops, Premier Danny Williams or I?

I am not sending the aforesaid documents and CD relating to my affairs in USA to Alan MacPhee.
He is not a lawyer or a law enforcement authority of any sort. His many friends within the Fredericton Police certainly are and they have had this material and a great deal more for three years and have done nothing to investigate it for the same political reasons that they continue to harass me to this very day. Furthermore MacPhee should still have my Harley that is titled in the USA within his questionable custody. That old bike is important to me and is also important evidence against the cops, the Crown and MacPhee in and of itself. Whether the Crown admits it or not pursuant to the Constitution of the USA no law enforcement authority anywhere should invade the privacy of my saddlebags on my bike without a US Federal Court Order first being served upon me. If perchance that were to happen, rest assured I would take the Yankee court order with glee and demand that the cops finally do their job.

3. In lieu of the material from the USA and in support of a lawsuit or a settlement about the illegal seizure of my old Harley by the Crown, the Fredericton Police, MacPhee and his towing company. I am providing to MacPhee copies of some the documents that Cpl. Randy Reilly of the Fredericton Police did examine and then refused in front of his underling, Mike Maclean and MacPhee’s tow truck driver on May 9th, 2007. MacPhee or his lawyer should confer with the Fredericton Police and get back to me ASAP or prepare to deal with me in court in short order in order for me to recover my rightful property and seek relief from their deliberate malice.

The cops did steal my property with MacPhee’s knowledge and assistance. It was done without due process of law. After Cpl. Randy Reilly briefly examined my documents he talked to his HQ. The cops opted to ignore my rights under the Charter and the US Constitution, the Police Act of New Brunswick and the Criminal Code of Canada that they swore to uphold and invited me to sue them as they seized my private property. The cops failed to quote one law that entitled them to do so. They failed to give me a receipt for my property or put in writing in any rule of law to support the ridiculous conditions that Alan MacPhee stated to me in order to recover it. Three months later the Crown has not pressed the malicious traffic charges of the local cops or arrest warrants would exist. The clerks and the cops have affirmed that no records of warrants for my arrest exist caused by unpaid fines or false allegations of criminal harassment or anything else.

4. I am also providing MacPhee with copies of correspondences of mine from 2004 that were sent to
and received from many lawyers and cops etc in the Fredericton area that he obviously stands with and against me. MacPhee will find enclosed exact copies of letters to and from his associates the Fredericton Police Dept, the RCMP, the Police Commission, the Ombudsman, the Law Society and the Judicial Council of New Brunswick amongst several other local lawyers, three of whom have been recently appointed to be judges. Go figure.

5. To prove what I said to MacPhee and the rest of you is true about what I have sent and received, I
have enclosed true copies of many letters of mine, some selected copies of documents that were filed in the public records of the docket of Dorchester District Court in Boston, MA beginning nearly three years ago and hard copy of one email exchange at the same point in time. The letters are to and from many highly placed Canadian public officials at a provincial, federal and royal level. I am more than prepared to argue every single word with anyone in open court on the record. No more of the so called confidence games of lawyers and cops for me. I have a great many more material that the Maritimer in me is rather proud of, but this material will do for now in order to prove my concerns about public corruption to people who really don’t want to know the awful truth anyway.

Four of the letters you are now looking at are to and from Bernard Lord the former NB Premier, Brad Green his ex Attorney General, Rick Hancox of the New Brunswick Securities Commission that reports to T.J. Burke in his capacity as the Minister of Justice, Jeff Mockler a lawyer who continues to be an Attorney General’s assistant after the recent election and another far more notable local lawyer Franky Boy McKenna who was appointed the Canadian Ambassador to the USA just as the corrupt Yankees were trying hard to be rid of me by selling my Clan’s home without warrants or due process of law in a desperate attempt to break our backs and our hearts. That malice only served to make me even more determined to prove that there is no Truth or Justice within the Canadian or American Way.

Four other letters consist of three responses to largely the same material from Adrienne Clarkson, a former Governor General and her Lieutenant Governors of New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador and one letter of mine that caused quite a Royal tizzy indeed before her Speech from the Throne allowed the 38th Parliament to begin. Please make note that the Newfy Lt. Governor admitted that Danny Boy Williams, the Newfoundland Law society and Johnny “Never Been Good “ Crosbie had received my material. Never forget Crosbie was Harper’s Atlantic caucus co-chair along with the aptly named little Newfy lawyer Rob Moore whom I had just ran against for Herron’s seat. Notice that Eddy Roberts forwarded the stuff I sent him to the former Attorney General and Minister of Justice Tommy Marshall three years ago to be investigated? What do you suppose happened next? Please don’t try to tell me that corrupt politicians don’t make crooked backroom deals all day long at the expense of the public trust and interests. You can’t fool me because I am too stupid. Correct? The media knows what I say is true and won’t even say my name even when I run for public office. The newsmen know nothing of ethical conduct. Lord Conrad Black is a fine example to prove my point.

The email exchange enclosed is between Stevey Boy Harper’s computer and I before I was falsely imprisoned in the USA and he was allowed to sit in opposition by the Governor General after he had his way about American missile defence scheme for a little while in October of 2004. At least Harper’s computer even though it is dumb as I am is at least ethical enough to respond to what it knows to be true. I hope Harper allowed it to keep good records like I do in mine. However I doubt it. Don’t you? Please notice by the email addresses recorded that I made Harper and many other politicians (Danny Boy Williams in particular) and bureaucrats well aware that my mail in Canada to the RCMP and in the USA to the Canadian Consulate disappeared before the corrupt Yankees pounced on me. With regards to Harper’s comment years ago about Maritimers being defeatists and all of Premier Danny Boy Williams bullshit rhetoric against the Feds, just study my work and ask yourself what you would think about it all if you were I. Why not become a rather fierce but ethical political animal?

6. The last three sets of correspondences of mine that I am providing to all of you deserve immediate attention from the bureaucrat, Pierre Martel before my lawsuits in Federal Court begin. First is the letter of mine from 2004 to Elections Canada, the lawyers working within the Arar Inquiry, the Upper Canadian lawyer, Peter Rosenthal and the Maritime MP Petey Baby MacKay who is now the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Please notice that Elections Canada answered my concerns in a rather incompetent fashion twice, then read it real slow. Perhaps Mr. Martel should give the lawyers Dianne Davidson and Holly McManus a call. EH? Rest assured that I did not long before writing this letter. After that maybe Martel should ask me why the election of the 39th Parliament was not legal. In fact I Double Dog Dare You To. Your clue is what would Stevey Boy Harper do if a District Returning Officer threatened to call the Fredericton Police on him in order to have him evicted from a polling station on election day because the DRO did not believe that he was the candidate named on the ballot even after he had shown the DRO his drivers licence? Then after the election, the Commissioner of Elections Canada or Kingsley himself would not discuss the obvious wrong no matter how many times they were called and emailed? Would Stevey Boy sue? Am I any lesser of a man or Canadian citizen than Harper or anyone else is? I don’t think so. Do you? What would you say if I have the proof of the malice in writing signed by the DRO himself and another candidate willing to testify as to what he witnessed? Pretty justifiable lawsuit EH? What would be the ramifications if I am successful?

The next two letters prove that I was covering my bases big time after a very questionable federal election and long before I decide to darken the door of Federal Court and file my lawsuits. This letter serves the same purpose. Mr. Martel should read the letters I sent to the Privy Council Office, the Commissioner of Federal Court, Senator Kinsella, the Independent MP Andre Author, an Assistant Attorney General in New Brunswick Michael Comeau and to the Dean of Osgoode Hall. Then read two of the responses I have provided and give a lot of bureaucrats a call. Perhaps he should ask them if they wish to blow the whistle for their benefit if not mine. Better yet why don’t you blow the whistle yourself Mr. Martel? Rest assured the newly Independent MP Bill Casey received this material and a great deal more last year when I was running against his friend, Murray Scott, the Attorney General of Nova Scotia. Watch out, the Maritime politicians such as Bill Casey or Elizabeth May or Yvon Godin to name but a few just might start saying my name and speaking of things they know to be true in order to appear ethical and protect their personal pocketbooks from litigation.

I cannot deny the pissed off tone of this letter. I make no apologies whatsoever as I poke fun at you all. Sue me if you wish. I promise not to file a motion to dismiss. I would want to prove my justifiable words to you people very quickly. The now convicted Lord Conrad Black may make my rage towards the deliberate incompetence of lawyers pale in comparison once he finds out about the call I got from the FBI in Chicago while his trial was in progress. It came at about the same time that MacPhee and the Fat Fred City Finest stole my old Harley. Immediately after the FBI called me I called MacPhee, the Fat Fred City Finest, the RCMP and you, Eddy Greenspan. I told you all to pay attention. Didn’t I? Greenspan and the cops etc. should not deny my recent calls and emails. If you, Greenspan are half as clever as you think you are then you should have studied our email exchange from quite a while ago that I sent to you again after I saw that Andrew Frey’s law firm was checking my work in my blog. Anyone can have a good giggle if they understand the ramifications of the letter hereto attached from the US Attorney, Patrick Fitzgerald on October the 6th, 2003. It is a case of the pot calling the kettle Black if there ever was one EH?

Quite frankly, Eddy I am surprised that you have not called me back yet. What are you going to do once I start faxing and emailing Fitzgerald’s letter and few other relevant documents everywhere? What if the other fellas who were prosecuted alongside Lord Conrad Black become aware of my concerns about the lack of integrity displayed to me by their lawyers, Fitzgerald and you? If you do finally decide to call me someday, why should I bother to pick up the phone? Methinks it is better for you and I to only confer in writing if at all from now on. EH? I am tired of that nonsense of false allegations of criminal harassment being made against me by crooked lawyers and tow truck drivers etc.

For the record Mr Martel, I gave your contact information to many Canadian public servants I have talked with as soon as I became aware of it months ago. I do not know if anyone has contacted you yet in order to blow the whistle on their behalf and mine but I do know that I am tired of waiting for some ethical bureaucrat to burst upon the scene. I will remain true to my word to them and insert your contact info in the text of my first complaint in Federal Court. I will do as I promised. I will give the portion of the Crown’s possible future settlement with me that I promised ($1,000,000.00) as a reward to first whistleblower who sprouts enough balls to make my name and concerns known along with theirs in a wide public forum. The only qualification I have is that the Crown must settle for at least three times that sum first. My Clan deserves to have their homes and property replaced. I do not care if a future whistleblower is a Yankee or Canadian bureaucrat or even a crooked RCMP officer now working with the Upper Canadian lawyer I have named, Wee Willy Gilmour as the cops whine about wanting to blow a whistle or two themselves.

To put it simply I am very tired of being the man with no name as every crook in two goddamned purportedly profound democracies tries hard to falsely imprison me in order to cover up their own wrongs. As a whistleblower, I definitely do deserve whatever protection the mandate of your new office in the Canadian government affords particularly after I went to considerable expense and trouble in order to prove to you what I say is true as your office demanded of me. The fact that your sneaky bureaucratic lawyers would not speak me and the fact that your help tried to imply that you dudes only wished to investigate the concerns of public servants, grates on my savage Maritime soul.

Ms. McGrath, you should not deny that I had a long talk with you when I was running for a seat in the 39th Parliament. I made certain you knew the score. I also had several talks with Cpl. Delaney-Smith of the RCMP before the Speech from the Throne on April 4th, 2006 and afterwards. On the very day the three ring circus of Stevey Boy Harper was allowed to begin in the house on the hill in faraway Upper Canada where the common sense of the common man has been lost to all, you called me back and laughed at me? Didn’t that just piss me off EH? I had gone out of my way to introduce you to Cpl. Delaney-Smith and you should never deny it. I saw that the lawyer Richard Bell was involved with the Arar Inquiry just like one of the lawyers working with Sierra Legal was. I was not surprised when Cpl. Delaney-Smith called me not long after Harper picked her lawyer to be a judge and she refused to send my material anywhere in order to have it properly investigated. Stockwell Day had just announced the Air India Inquiry and I had sent my material to Bob Rae too. As you must know by now, I saved your voicemail to me and Cpl. Delaney-Smith’s voicemail as well and forwarded them to anyone I wished for the benefit of my little Clan and I. I figured it was high time you spoke up even if it were in a strange fashion. Your silence and that of Cpl. Delaney-Smith’s for over a year spoke volumes to me about the fact that I was in the pursuit of defending our rights and freedoms alone.

Well lady, try calling me back and laughing at me again now that you have received some of my material directly from me byway of the registered mail. I truly believe your time would be better spent acting within the scope of your employment and giving dudes such as the politician Bob Rae or the cop Norm Plourde of the RCMP (506 452-3724) and Special Agent Don Mcgosy (312 907 8082) of the FBI in Chicago a call. Then say Hoka Hey to Stockwell Day or his new bureaucratic Commissioner of the RCMP William J.S. Elliott for me. I could not believe my luck the day Elliott was appointed by Stockwell Day to be the first bureaucrat to become a RCMP Commissioner. I sent many emails before he was sworn into his new job just to tell everyone of my joy. I was not a bit surprised that the RCMP blocked every email to Elliott’s new underlings. I just waited until they were sleeping at their post and sent them twenty-five blistering emails in another fashion. You should ask Elliott to whom I sent them.

MacPhee, I do require an answer from you good, bad or indifferent. For the benefit of my old bike I would have to say the sooner the better. If you behave as a proper Maritimer and convince me that that you screwed up by believing in the words of corrupt cops and lawyers, I will allow you to keep your pride intact and leave you to your own devices. If you ain’t serious about settling, don’t bother to call me to try to piss me off some more. My little rant after this proves that you succeeded already.

How is this for a response to the fight that you picked with me, MacPhee? I have no recollection of meeting you in 1978 or at any other time. If we did back then, you were just a kid. I had no idea why you behaved so poorly towards me because of some perceived offence. As soon as you said it and seemed pretty cocky in your attitude and insults, I made inquiries. I soon saw that your father was a lawyer. When I mentioned him to some friends of mine, his memory did not garner much respect. It did not take me long to see your sister’s association the very corrupt lawyer/clerk, Michael Bray and everything you said made sense then. With regards to your last repetitive statements on Friday the 13th of July about your saying that you were not aware of anything, I suspect that you were adhering some misbegotten principle that likely means “Ignorance is bliss”. I believe that your last words to me were quite likely dreamed up by a crooked lawyer. Perhaps your father taught you to talk like that. By your many other words to me, I suspect that you do know a great deal about my matters. What you don’t know I have no doubt that your sister can soon find out for you. Thus I suspect that you will stick with the crook T.J. Burke and the Fat Fred City Finest until the bitter end. Feel free to prove me wrong. If nothing else I have proven that I am not shy about my opinion of you and your actions. My documents if nothing else should make your lawyer and cop buddies somewhat less blissful today. EH?

For my benefit not yours, MacPhee I will tell you something no brother of the bar such as Brucy Baby Noble would dare to tell you openly. Did you know that you could have made a profit from losing a lawsuit to me about your theft of my bike because of what the cops told you to do? However, I doubt that you can do so now because I brought up that point first. If in the future you tried to sue Fat Fred City in order to recoup any losses to me about this matter, Brucy Baby Noble is smart enough to point to this paragraph and suggest that you had this plan all along. In a wink of the eye one of his judge pals would make sure that you lost. That is how the corrupt justice system works in our so-called purportedly profound democracy. N’est Pas?

I do declare that I am grinning like the Cheshire Cat was I wonder if you are even man enough sign your name to the postal receipt for this material. Need I say as a proper Maritimer, that I do love a righteous scrap? I fight with the written word these days, not my fists. I am getting too old and slow for such nonsense of youth. Because of my encounters with you on the phone, I doubt that you are man enough to put what you want to say against me in writing. Once again feel free to prove me wrong. I also know that you are not as stupid as Robert F. O’Meara, my Yankee brother in law, whom I love to call Depupty Dog. Nobody could be that dumb. Like you, I will say something snide but unlike you it will be oh so true just to piss Depupty Dog off to get him running off at the mouth. I do it so that he can hang himself and his cohorts who had me falsely imprisoned with their own false allegations of criminal harassment. For shits and giggles just in case you are as dumb an arsehole as he is I Double Dog Dare You to put your malicious words towards me in writing.

MacPhee, you should have allowed me to pick up my bike and pay your towing charges the first day you were ordered to take it from me by the cops. You had the right to your fees that day only. The delay after that point in time was your fault and that of the cops, not mine. Yet you are not a cop and they gave you or me nothing in writing to back up your obvious and often stated malice towards me.

It should be obvious to you that you do have a way out of this battle. Get honest and properly blame the cops for their bad instructions. It is just that simple. The cops are now claiming the problem is only between you and I as they direct all my calls to you. Remember when a friend of mine asked you for something in writing? Your answer to him proved to us that you and the cops knew that you definitely did not have any right whatsoever to order me to do anything not found in a law book within the jurisdiction of New Brunswick. That is why the cops and the Crown would never speak to me about the matter and why they dropped their malicious charges. You and the cops should not have made matters worse byway of attempting to press more false charges of criminal harassment against me on your behalf merely because I would not comply with your baseless demands. In the phone conversations that I had with you I responded to you in a like fashion after you insulted me and threatened to make criminal charges against me if I ever called you again. Get it yet? Read on.

I was never belligerent as you have claimed to others. In fact you were the one to fit that label. You would hardly let me get a word in edgewise as you ask your redundant questions pretending to be Eddy Greenspan no doubt. Just about the only thing that I was allowed to say was “Fuck you “ just before I hung up right after you claimed that you would make your false allegations about my so called criminal behaviour. As far as I know those two fine old words put together and properly applied that are not illegal in private as of yet even if some snobby folks consider it rude. Even if they were a crime to mouth, they definitely were a very proper Maritime rebuttal to your false allegations despite what any Upper Canadian lawyer or bureaucrat may think about me writing them as well. I am no lawyer or liar, MacPhee. However you certainly are the latter as your try hard to act like the former.

Your demands of me to come to your place of business all pissed off and pick up my bike in person was so that your cop buddies could have a reason to arrest me as you accused me of something I didn’t do. I just shook my head at the nonsense and that you could possibly think I was that dumb. I am very proud of the fact that I played your wicked little game as cool as a cucumber and stayed out of the jurisdiction of the Fat Fred City Finest for my benefit not yours. Everybody knows I have dealt with a lot of nasty bastards in an ethical fashion byway of hard copy, phone calls, emails and then lawsuits. Ask the Board of Bar Overseers in Beantown how I went about suing them over five goddamned years ago. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks but now and then he changes his style so it looks like he learned something new. Hell most people do not even know what I look like excepting of course the corrupt politicians tough talking buddy, Danny Boy Bussieres and some of the Fat Fred City Finest. The fact that they posted my photo inside the Legislative Building for years is too ridiculous for words. It seems that the smiling bastards don’t have a good grip on what slander can entail. It is still a crime.

MacPhee did you know I came to Fredericton to file some lawsuits in Federal Court and the cops are trying hard to stop me? The cops in Fredericton (both local and RCMP) that you are assisting for reasons of your own gain, assisted in my illegal banishment from the Legislative Buildings for the benefit of many a corrupt local politician. The die was caste between the corrupt local cops and I the instant they threatened to arrest me without legal documentation to support their malice towards me way back in 2004. When the Police Commission asked the Fredericton cops to investigate themselves, that in my face insult and obvious conflict of interest was truly offensive. I have not backed away from any wrongful intimidation and I quite likely never will. The Fredericton cops must continue their harassment of me because they quite simply cannot back up either. If any one of them acts ethically now, many a big fat head will roll. Watch that they make Cpl Randy Reilly and you the fall guys if I manage to make the truth of the matter well known.

The latest attempt at false allegations of criminal harassment made against me by a very desperate Attorney General, T.J. Burke are far beyond contemptible. As the Attorney General, Burke should well know I have no criminal record whatsoever. The fact that I continue to hold legal permanent resident status in the USA proves it. The US Department of Homeland Security is far stricter in dealing with aliens with a criminal history than what the current corrupt Attorney General of New Brunswick could ever dream up about the words and deeds of an honest Canadian citizen. The Yankee Feds do not take anyone at their word like the Law Society does just because the dude wants to be a liar and a lawyer too. T.J. Burke cannot say the same about his own criminal record. He has yet to explain how his criminal record allowed him to become a lawyer in the first place. Whether he was pardoned or not the Yankees would know it and pardon holds no water with the DHS. Burke should not be allowed into to the USA because of that fact. I am still wondering if he joined the American military before or after he pled guilty to a crime in Canada and did he lie to them too. Most important of all is, who is Burke and the Sergeant at Arms Danny Bussieres to label me a criminal stalker and post my photo inside the legislative building while I ran for public office four times in the Maritimes in three years? That is slander and that is a crime according to the Criminal Code of Canada. N’est Pas?

Well, MacPhee now you just got my registered letter and material that you laughed about as I promised it to you. You get first kick at the can to sue me or settle with me for chump change. You choose. If you had the balls to accept this registered mail and read thus far you showed more sand and sense than I expected. Maybe there is hope for you yet to redeem yourself. You should understand that the ball is now in your park. If you even glance at the material I sent you then you should understand that any arsehole with half a mind could see that you are way out of your league, kid. If you don’t, then ask me to send your lawyer the motherload of information byway of email or get yourself an email address. They are free don’t ya know or was that another lie? I will waste no more paper on you. My emails will contain enough evidence about my legal doings down in Yankee Doodleland to support what I say is true if your lawyer makes an appearance. Trust that it will cost you a lot of dough for your lawyer to read it all as he prepares to argue every word. It would be far cheaper just to settle. You have nothing invested in my bike except a tow and a small spot on your lot yet you have a lot to lose.

Jokes and insults aside, you must realize that I am as serious as a heart attack and that you are the man who is in possession of my property that you held onto very illegally despite my legit protests. Your money and the old bike I love under my arse as I ride away from the Fat City that you love for awhile will prove to me the depth of your sincerity. Your silence or your lawyer will prove you are not. You must realize by now that I am not crazy or a Hells Angel or any sort of criminal despite what the RCMP and many others may wish to claim I am in their vicious attempts to impeach my character. I am “Just Dave”, your friends with computers will find this letter posted @ davidamos.blogspot.com

If you do decide to settle, give me a call ASAP. Here is my number again (506 434 1379) Despite whatever you may wish say on the phone in faint-hearted effort to be nice, I cannot afford to trust you. I do not ever wish to meet you in person except in a court if need be. Be reasonable on the phone and I will send a trusted friend to settle my business with you. If you wish to take me on in court, just have your lawyer send me a response in writing to my friend Werner Bock’s address or an email directly to me at motomaniac_02186 AT yahoo Dot com and I will deal with your lawyer just like I did with the other lawyers named in this letter. Hell I may already know who your lawyers is, N’est Pas?

If you do opt to settle with me, MacPhee, I will reserve the right to call you to testify about your association with the Fat Fred City Cops. You can argue me all you wish then on the public record. I know that I would enjoy grilling a hostile witness. I can get to pretend that I am Eddy Greensapan for a bit and probably have more fun than that Upper Canadian lawyer did a couple of months ago in a Yankee city that is far from my kind of town. Methinks honesty is always the best policy. Too bad for us all that the cops, lawyers and quite likely even you won’t agree with me. EH?

I will give my last words on this matter as a word to your not so wise business partner, Andy Aker because I hear he rides a bike too. He should understand my rage about your malicious actions and why I will hold him accountable too. He should make certain that my old Harley remains safe and sound until this matter is resolved. Failing that he should inform anyone who attempts to purchase my bike from your towing company of my pending lawsuit. If you dudes try to sell my old bike before due process of law, I will sue everyone involved in order to get it back. My word is my bond and it is far more reliable than any bond of a crooked banker or document a corrupt bureaucratic lawyer dreams up.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
121 McLaughlin Rd.
Acworth, NH 03607
506 434 1379

C/o Werner Bock
3345 Route 890
Hillgrove, NB E4Z 5W3
506 756 8687
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 11:20 PM
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#30 - 266 Members of Parliament
First up, I like the province of Quebec. Just like the other nine provinces and three territories I want it to remain a part of Canada. The parts really do make the whole stronger. Sure, Quebec is unique in the second biggest country in the world but in their own ways so are every other region of this country. In the end though, we’re all supposed to be Canadians first and foremost working towards the same goals.

266 Members of Parliament thought otherwise on November 27, 2006 when they passed a motion introduced by Prime Minister Stephen Harper that defines the Quebecois as "a nation within a united Canada." The definition can differ depending on who you ask but generally, Quebecois doesn’t mean all those people who live in Quebec. It means French speaking Quebec residents and then usually only those who were born there. An Acadian who moved from Nova Scotia to Quebec doesn’t count.

Those 266 MP’s included a majority of Conservative and Liberal MPs, along with the Bloc Quebecois and the New Democrats. (Here’s some 101 people trivia for you, #50 – Garth Turner and #69 Ken Dryden were among those who voted against the motion).

What does the motion mean?

Politically it’s said to be brilliant and seemed to appease a great number of French speaking Quebeckers but does the end justify the means?

Conservative MP Michael Chong who resigned from Cabinet in order to vote against the motion said it best, that the motion, "…is nothing else but the recognition of ethnic nationalism, and that is something I cannot support. It cannot be interpreted as the recognition of a territorial nationalism, or it does not refer to the geographic entity, but to a group of people."

In other words, where does the line get drawn? What’s stopping another region or another culture from demanding, and based on precedence, receiving the same thing?

Very little.

There are a lots of people in Canada who love to slam the United States for just about everything. However there’s one lesson we could learn from our neighbours to the south. They have great pride in their country. When they sing the Star Spangled Banner, they mean it. Their Pledge of Allegiance is clear that they are “One Nation under God”. We need to start taking some pride in being Canadians, not being “insert your title here” Canadians but simply Canadians. When we start dividing and creating little nations, figuring out what being a Canadian is all about becomes a whole lot harder.
Posted by Spinks on Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 7:05 PM | Permalink
I frequently have arguments with my family because I call myself "Canadian, just Canadian."

I have for a long time argued that Canada is a nation of people who don't want to be Canadian.

Thank you for this wonderful post. I agree with every word.
Posted by whatigotsofar | 9:35 AM
Members of Parliament also prefer to have the courts do their moral thinking for them.

A feisty, self-confident democracy would not hesitate to use the notwithstanding clause when morally lobotomized courts seek to impose their will -- which includes the quashing of a child's natural right to a mother and a father -- on the country.
Posted by Anonymous | 11:43 PM
I think you should probably take another look at our "neighbors to the south", for instance, take a look at Hawaii. A NATION that was taken by force by America and the majority of which despise the fact that they are American citizens. I do not know a lot about their history but I do know after visiting and speaking with many natives, that anti=American sentiment runs high on those Islands. America is hardly "One nation under god". And most Hawaiians' cring at the thought of singing the Star Spangled Banner.

Posted by Josh | 12:06 AM
It's interesting to me that in hindsight the famous nation motion seems to have had no negative affect at all. Seperatists are at an all time low in popular support and this simple step of admitting the Quebecois are a nation seems to have been fairly well received by most and at worst ignored by others.

I never really saw why it was a big deal, we've been calling Aboriginals "First Nations" for years and when you look at some of the definitions of the word it really does work better for a people group than a country.

Maybe in the long term this might come back to haunt Prime Minister Harper but so far it sure hasn't seemed to. A lot of journalists predicted the sky would fall and they have all lost a little bit of credibility at this point.
Posted by petri striko | 2:56 PM
If you want to live like an American, go live in the U.S. If you can't satisfy the demands of U.S. immigration, be a man and accept defeat. Don't try to impose your cheap fake Yank predilections on the rest of us. Canada is not a nation, and never will be. The French Canadians clearly are a nation, and to recognize that is simple sanity. Call me old-fashioned, but I think being sane is more important than being Canadian. And that, if those goals conflict, then there's something wrong with Canadian.
Posted by ebt | 1:27 PM
After you blocked me Spinks Baby, I called National Sercurity once again and proved that I was still a Proud Pigheaded Ethical Maritimer. No matter how far Frenchmen lead the rest of us down the garden path of good and evil for their own gain, The Frenchy's nor you can't fool me because I am too stupid. EH?

I called the INSET Agent Norm Plourde again now that Porky Prick crawled back under a rock.

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Tue, Mar 13, 2007 at 6:21 PM
To: aurena.murray@gnb.ca, denise.scott@gnb.ca, vall2@rogers.com, Ed.Doherty@gnb.ca, l.catalli.sonier@gnb.ca, saintjohnfundy@hotmail.com, roly.macintyre@gnb.ca, Chris.Baker@gnb.ca, Colette.Beaulieu@gnb.ca, Lise.Bellefleur@gnb.ca, maurice.bernier@gnb.ca, Judy.Wagner@gnb.ca, Deborah.ROUSE@gnb.ca, Christine.Smith@gnb.ca, gerin.girouard@gnb.ca, sylvia.ferguson@gnb.ca, Shianne.Doucette@gnb.ca
Cc: pcmemb@gnb.ca, chad.peters@gnb.ca, bernard.hache@gnb.ca, graham.little@gnb.ca, holly.smith2@gnb.ca, diane.mercier-allain@gnb.ca, coi@gnb.ca, Jacqueline.Boyer@gnb.ca, brad.green@gnb.ca, rodney.weston@gnb.ca, marie-berthe.losier@gnb.ca, jack.carr@gnb.ca, kathy.cormier@gnb.ca, ljiljana.dabic@gnb.ca, mel.vincent@gnb.ca, b.roy@gnb.ca, rita.savoie-awad@gnb.ca, julie.root@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com

I must say it was good fun talking to the liar Plourde again this time. Trudeau made a big mistake when most RCMP officers had to be bilingual. It weeded out a lot of smart decent men that could do a far better job than Plourde. He ain't even smart enough to protect his own dumb arse from litigation. How the hell could he protect the public interests is what I would like to know.

I would not be one bit surprised if Norm Plourde, the nasty RCMP officer in Fredericton who has been dogging me for years is the little piggy I call Porky Prick are one and the same man. Only National Sercurity Agents etc and not your run of the mill cop or politician warrant Blachole IP addresses from ICANN. Now that the Tory law firm's old buddy the very crooked Lord Conrad Black whom they wrote a fat check to in private to last year is about to be prosecuted by an even more corrupt US Attorney in Chicago, Patrick Fitzgerald, I can do nothing but laugh at the nonsense of it all as Bush tries hard to start another War.

The crazy old world is just too frustrating as the old song goes. Thus methinks I must do my part to make the circus entertaining for my fellow common man. As the Ides of March fast approaches methinks it is High Time to start a little circus or two in courts north of the 49th in order to embarass many a nasty Yankee and the Canadian crooks who supported their malice in a sincere effort to see a little relief and more imporantly try to stop more War.

For the record I will send once again the letter to Irwin before I was falsely imprisoned in 2004 before I blog it as well. Porky Prick covertly asked me many questions. I answered him openly and honestly and he crawkled under a rock. Today the Secret Agent Norm Plourde was just one of many corrupt cops who invited me to sue the Crown Corp known as the RCMP. Their wish is my command.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 10:35:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: I just called you Mr. Power.
To: gerard.power@canadapost.ca, jlaskin@torys.com, jterry@torys.com
CC: admin@ccla.org, shawn.graham@gnb.ca, kinsella@stu.ca, mcomeau@stu.ca,
michael.comeau@gnb.ca, lbouchard@dwpv.com, Christian.Whalen@gnb.ca,
sarina.mckinnon@gnb.ca, mikemurphymla@hotmail.com,
telegram@thetelegram.com, dany.meloul@transcontinental.ca,
cfleming@hfxnews.ca, pramsay@amherstdaily.com, infocom@psc-cfp.gc.ca,

Lets just say I was not impressed nor surprised by your response. Now I will send the hard copy to you at the Canada Post as your lawyers at Torys have instructed I do. It will be exactly the same material I sent eight Attorney Generals and several others on August 2nd of this year byway of the US Mail. Only the dudes in Quebec refused to accept it but that was no surprise to me at all. It should be interesting to see if the Canada Post is willing to deliver its own mail to itself.

I will send you and the lawyers at Torys a few other emails as well because in the past the email I send has proven to be more reliable than either the US Mail or Canada Post. The emails are also more effective in order to prove to you all and the Canadian Public as a whole that I am as serious as a heart attack about the lack of integrity within government service. It should also be interesting to see if the Torys law firm are willing to defend the Canada Post against me. Say hey to Ms. Longo for me. Will ya? Methinks that the Gerneral Counsel of the RCMP, another Crown Corporation has ignored me way past too long. Don't you?

Whom do you people think you work for anyway, the Canadian Government or the people it serves? While I was in jail last year the Canadian Consulate people in Beantown told me that they thought it was the former and I was compelled to inform them it is the latter and that diplomatic immunity in the USA ain't worth beans when I sue them as civil servants who refused to act within the the scope of their employment in Canada. I will wager that they are very nervous campers now that I am home again in my native land and many fellow Canadians will be reading the mail I sent to them before they and the Canada Post assisted in my false imprisonment in the USA.

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 7:05 PM
Subject: Hey Mr . Irwin why not do the right thing and take your mail?

It seems that CSIS is messing with my mail

Sent by last Thursday by Canada Post to RCMP General Counsel Liliana Longo
c/o Ast. Commissioner Gerry Lynch in NFLD. I have now called NFLD and gave Gerry
the tracking number and told him if he wants to read his mail he should send someone
to find it. afterall he is one of the second in Command of the RCMP and Longo is his lawyer.
Canada Post won't say dick to me about it.

To track and confirm delivery of your item, enter the Item number, Reference number, or Delivery Notification Card number in the corresponding field provided below, then click the Submit button.

No records found for specified search criteria: 46227406901

Sent US Mail Saturday in Beantown all it had to do was go about a half a mile to the Canadin Consulate.
Obviously I informed them but the thing is they don't know who else I told. Kinda of a double check one by phone
and one by email.

Track & Confirm

Shipment Details

You entered 0302 1790 0001 6045 5717

Your item was forwarded to a different address at 2:22 pm on September 21, 2004 in BOSTON, MA 02108. This was because of forwarding instructions or because the address or ZIP Code on the label was incorrect. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

Here is what happened earlier:
ACCEPTANCE, September 17, 2004, 10:30 pm, BOSTON, MA 02205

Anyway it ain't no matter to me now Their mail is filed in court for the public to view.
If they want to piss and moan about it they can argue me later in court. They are public servants they should read their god damned mail. The Postal Service has a little explaining to do anyway over the Attorney General Robb Quinan and his Mail fraud anyway. I will just add this shit to it. I knew old man Ronald Irwin would duck and run but arguing Longo should be fun,

What I did in Norfolk Probate Court today was way beyond fun it went way better than I dreamed it could. October 1st should prove to be quite a hoot after meeting Angie in court today. I wonder if Longo is a pretty as she is. She looks good in her picture anyway I am certain that she is a damn sight smarter than Angie. Angie is so stupid I almost feel ashamed for making her show me her ass. (Not really I am an ass man)

Now it appears all the Canadian Boobs have shown me their ass a well. Time to talk to the right Yankees just before the November Election and then head out as planned. I finally got the tape from the New Brunswick Police Commission and I will send a copy of it your way someday Byron. I made sure I mentioned you several times and showed them the documents but I didn't speak of what it was about but everybody will know they got something really kinda big. I did to protect ya buddy.

I also mentioned Barry once. I hope Barry called you today. I know the FEDS are likely listening and reading our emails so I recorded it here to protect the both of you and Collen Rowley as well. I cannot afford the time to wait for her to retire she is more valuable to me as an honest lawyer within the FBI before the Yankee federal election, not afterwards. I also hear Jean and Joyce on the tape so it should protect their butts as well. I will order a copy of the Probate Court tape as soon as we can afford it. But it will likely be edited anyway.

moto maniac motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2004 15:56:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: moto maniac motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Round 2
To: Julian.P@parl.gc.ca
CC: Siksay.B@parl.gc.ca, Blaikie.B@parl.gc.ca, Desjarlais.B@parl.gc.ca,
Wasylycia-Leis.J@parl.gc.ca, Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca,

David Amos motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com wrote:

From: "David Amos"
Subject: Fw: Round 2
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2004 11:36:01 -0300

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
Cc: premier@gov.nl.ca ; tedcardwell@mail.gov.nf.ca ; rarespade@nfld.net
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 10:53 AM
Subject: Fw: Round 2

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: pierrebl@apex.gc.ca
Cc: cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; florence.ievers@swc-cfc.gc.ca ; mskinner@cmhc-schl.gc.ca ; donna.achimov@sdc-dsc.gc.ca ; line.lacombe-laurin@ccra-adrc.gc.ca ; marie-josee.martel@ccra-adrc.gc.ca ; brian.keirstead@gnb.ca ; Byron Prior
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2004 8:45 AM
Subject: Round 2

September 17th, 2004

Ronald A. Irwin and Cynthia Merlini.
C/o Josie Maguire
Canadian Consulate
3 Copley Place,
Boston, MA. 02108

Corruption, you folks and the scope of your employment.

Remember me? I am the guy that has been calling you and emailing you for the last couple of weeks. Well now I have just come to your office with a witness in order to prove later that I delivered this promised material in person. I do not wish to discuss these matters with any of your people within your offices. Simply put, I do not trust any of you. I fear that you will just be another bunch of lawyers like B.J. Johnson, Angela Troccoli. Clayton Ruby and several others who would attempt to charge me with criminal harassment in order that Ashcroft or CSIS may sweep me under the carpet of corruption and protect the interests of many a low man in high places. I would prefer all words between us to be said in a public forum either in open court in front of a jury of my peers or elsewhere. I realize that you can claim that you did not read or listen to the material that I sent to your boss byway of your office last year but merely forwarded it to Anne McLellan and her cohorts. I understand that you can escape criminal prosecution in the USA because of your right to immunity here but I am not certain the rules apply to one Canadian against another in a civil action. No matter though, I can certainly complain of you in Canada. I will not hesitate to do so in the very near future.

I can vividly remember contacting your office in August of 2003 after the RCMP were hassling my friends up home while the Secret Service and many cops were hassling me down here. Now it appears they are up to their same old tricks again. The other night someone claiming to be a RCMP officer by the name of Cst. Plourde called a lady friend of mine with many questions as to my whereabouts and plans. Whoever called knew much about the contents of a package I had given in person to another RCMP officer, Graham Milner. The person called would not give my friend his number in order for me to return his call. This did not seem like proper conduct for a RCMP officer and I suspected foul play. I called Norm Plourde yesterday at 506 452-3724 and asked him what he wanted to know about me. He claimed to have no idea as to what I was talking about. I believed him because his English was far better than that of the Frenchman that called my friend. With my suspicions affirmed I then called J Division in Hampton at 506 832-5566 and managed to speak to Cst. Dave Hanson to report the impersonation of a RCMP officer. We shall see where his investigation leads if anywhere at all. Methinks whoever called was merely on a fishing expedition after I questioned the actions of the RCMP officer John deWinter on Sept 9th.

I did so before a hearing had started in Provincial Court and in front of many witnesses in order to make many people start asking the former Town clowns a few questions. Obviously the cops are confused by the fact that I was nowhere to be found and had left behind my Lincoln Towncar that they had been following around all summer. I need it to remain in Canada to use as evidence against the malice of the Massachusetts Dept. of Motor Vehicle Registry and others involved in Insurance Fraud and Taxation issues within our probate matters. I do not want that car destroyed like all the others were that were taken from our property at 37 Pond Ave in Plymouth without due process of law. Within one day of the MA Registry sticker on my car expiring Cst. Belliveau of the Sussex RCMP pounced on me and questioned me as to why it had not been renewed. I immediately served upon him in front of witnesses the reasons why I could not. I had explained to Graham Milner the same reasons in person earlier but that did not stop the harassment within an hour or so.

On October 1st the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will refuse to renew my wife’s drivers license or the stickers on other cars because she and I refuse to pay the excise taxes on a vehicles that the State helped steal from us. She had owned her truck since new in 1986 and we had always paid our taxes. However when the Plymouth Police Dept. expect us to pay for their services in order to stop me from preventing criminals from stealing and destroying our property we are greatly offended. We had made the Registry’s Legal Dept. well aware of our troubles and yet they continued to act against us. On Oct 3rd, my wife’s birthday I will begin our legal actions to make the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and many others pay much relief for the personal injury it has caused us.

Recently I have received quite a flood of documents either dated on or about Sept 3rd or sent much later and backdated to that date. It appears that my adversaries were certain that either my goose was cooked on that date or they realized it was not and were trying to cover their butts. A good example would be the following: As you can I have finally received my answer from the Acadian Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick. His malice is obvious. He sent his answer on September 13th but he backdated it to Sept3rd. Byron Prior had already served the Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and I had mailed his boss Adrienne Clarkson the same stuff myself on Sept 2nd because he had not answered me. Obviously he was trying to cover his butt but he can’t fool me. I am too stupid. Unless many Canadians act ethically and quickly, I shall sue the Queen for his actions alone.

I remember talking to some woman in your office who appeared to be taking notes and giving me false hope that she would get back to me. Clearly she never did but Josie Maguire did over one year later after I had declared to Cynthia Merlini’s voicemail machine that I had given up on you folks and your ethics. I returned Ms. Maguire’s call but I just got another machine so I sent an email.

I had called you folks the same day last year that I had contacted the RCMP in Ottawa. The RCMP officers had just been to a friend of mine’s house two weekends in a row investigating something that was not true within minutes of my calling him and asking him what he recalled about the cops harassing us twice in the same evening in Massachusetts the year before. I was also aware that the local RCMP had charged a well know friend of mine with the most ridiculous criminal charge while they had ignored me concerns for years. I had just talked to some woman who refused to identify herself at the RCMP HQ in Ottawa. She claimed that she knew all about my matters but hung up on me the second I mentioned the wiretap tapes so I called the Consulate to protect my butt.

Your people should remember the confirmed mail that I sent to your boss in Washington byway of your offices last year. If not you will find it enclosed and attached to the document I served upon the new Member of Parliament Rob Moore during our political campaigns in June of this year. At least Anne McLellan responded to the aforesaid correspondence but she wasn’t long blaming Wayne Easter for his failures while neglecting to mention her own inability to read.

Much to Mr. Ashcroft’s chagrin and without your assistance clearly I made it back to the USA to stand in Dorchester District Court on Sept 3rd and then to return to Canada in order to appear in New Brunswick Provincial Court on Sept 9th.

It is also obvious that I also made it back again to the USA in order to stand in Norfolk Probate Court on Sept 13th and Sept 21st in order to protect my family’s interests. Some of the original wiretap tapes mentioned within these documents and to you last year have been on file in the Public Record in Dorchester District Court since Sept. 3rd. There are six others floating around Canada either in the hands of CSIS or the RCMP. I have kept the original of tape numbered 139 to give to the people recorded upon it so that they may use it in their own complaints.

I have yet to make a pleading in the Criminal Complaint against me by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in Dorchester District Court. I will wait until the Judge decides on Oct 1st as to whether or not the court has jurisdiction to hear the matter. It has been over three months since I first tried to speak to the Suffolk County District Attorney about the matter and now over two weeks since I met his ADA in court. I have heard nothing from them and I likely will not before Oct 1st. I regard the Suffolk DA as just another political lawyer who is more than willing to prosecute me with false allegations in order to protect his friends from their own wrongs. The Suffolk County DA has had long enough to get honest. Now it is my to try to see him prosecuted. His delay is for reasons of lucre and malice.I will file a motion as the judge suggested in order to allow the DA the prescribed time to answer it. However I see no reason for the judge not to apply sanctions against the DA in light of the fact that he never disclosed any notice of any evidence to be used against me before I was compelled to answer the malicious complaint. Nor was the DA willing to discuss the matter before compelling me to file a motion in order to expose his wrongs. This letter with all of its enclosures will be amongst the exhibits filed with the aforesaid motion in order to prove the matter falls under the jurisdiction of federal court. It is also filed in this fashion because I strongly doubt the DA would pot the material I sent him into the Public Record. It is too late for the DA to withdraw the complaint in an ethical fashion. Either he prosecutes me or I sue him. It is just that simple. I demand my right to trial in front of a jury in federal court or see the DA prosecuted for his malice.

I also have a Motion to Dismiss the Probate matter started by the Shulman law firm in Norfolk Probate Court. It has been marked to be heard on Oct 12th .It appears that she is now attempting to separate her actions from that of the Shulman law firm however she still calls my wife from that law firm’s phone number. The very same Trial Court system that failed to give us any notice whatsoever of a Trial concerning our interests on Sept 9th in Plymouth Probate Court expects me to have a Pretrial Conference on Sept. 21st with the very lawyer that made false allegations against me in Dorchester District Court. All the while the entire Membership of the Massachusetts State House from the Governor on down has known the truth from before the time he was elected Governor and I have made certain that every Senator and Representative as well as many government lawyers have been made well aware since. Whereas I strongly doubt that the DA will file the evidence that he will attempt to use against me in the public record by Oct 1st, I find it necessary for me to do so. It is enclosed for you and the Canadian Justice System to review.

As you can see since the time that I first contacted you I have also made many politicians and other lawyers in Canada and the USA well aware of my concerns but to no avail. All I have received in return for my diligence in the pursuit of justice has been more harassment and further proof of corruption.

Please find enclosed exactly the same material sent to the General Counsel of the RCMP today and the local office of the FBI over one year ago. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you Mr. Irwin in confidence as an officer of the court in order that it may be properly investigated. As use can see it is not evidence for any probate matter as a US Attorney and a MA DA claim. Perhaps you should discuss with any FED you choose the death of H. Pail Rico.

Please never forget that I told your office last year that my wife’s Uncle William J. Kickham is a very bad bastard. I have no doubt he may have once known H. Paul Rico. It certainly explains why my brother in laws Billy bobby and Brian are so scared of him and more than willing to go against their sister. Why Canadians would stand with the Kickhams and against me is beyond my understanding.

Please note that attached directly to this letter is what I consider the most important document of all. On October 15th 2002, the day before I proved Tax Fraud myself in Probate Court without saying a word and all the while being harassed by the Treasury Dept., a FBI agent who refused to identify herself told me they did not care about my stuff because they were too busy going to War with Iraq. Within one week I did inform my Clan’s Senator John Kerry immediately before he was reelected my Clan’s US Senator.

One year later after I had embarrassed the Attorney General in Court Senator Kerry had someone try to call me and talk off the record. Of the dudes that also represent us only Bass. Lynch and Kennedy have at least answered me with double talk and I never even contacted Bass because I did not wish to send a non lawyer a wiretap tape and deliberately offend the Fourth Amendment Rights of others. Six months later the Secret Service came to my door one month after they left the Treasury Dept to go under the wing of the DHS to stop me from proving the Bank Fraud of the Brookline Savings Bank. I truly believe the only reason the FEDS quit messing with me is because they know that I have many incriminating wiretap tapes well hidden. The people that concern me now are mobsters and bad acting FEDS.

With respect to my pending criminal trial I maintain the venue is correct because the tapes were found in Suffolk County. However matters involving the RCMP and so many federal employees, lawyers and politicians within two separate countries should be heard in a federal court. What say you Mr. Irwin? Clearly you know quite well many of the people mentioned within these documents. I can easily prove that you have been aware of my concerns for almost a year. What I want to know from you is why did you fail to even contact me to see if you could help. From my point of view you were hoping along with Argeo P. Cellucci, President Bush, Senator Kerry and many others that I would just melt away. Methinks you all have underestimated my tenacity and luck. Feel free to prove me wrong in court.

Mr. Irwin,I have given up trying to talk sense to you. It is time to argue. If for no other reason, to protect your own interests may I suggest that you send some honest Canadian lawyer to Norfolk Probate and Superior Courts to check the Public Records and again to Dorchester District Oct 1st to speak to me about these matters. I will be the hairy guy in the Black Watch kilt. It was given to me to wear by one of the last surviving Forty-Eighth Highlanders from World War Two. He understands the reason that I found it necessary to become such a political animal. Clearly you do not have much interest in protecting a fellow Canadian’s rights and interests. I made it pretty clear to you in an email the other day that this letter would be coming and that I was looking into how to have you removed from your post. Please fell free to surprise me act in my interests as well as your own. Although I will question your motives I will be nonetheless grateful for the long delayed assistance of your office.

Just in case you don’t know I am making a very diligent effort to inspire a confidence vote against the Martin Government on Oct 6th. As my friend Byron Prior states, it is quite likely the only day that Canadians may have a Democracy for a quite a while at least. I sincerely hope the Governor General asks the right questions and says the right words the day before.

Mr. Irwin, if you choose to do nothing as you have in the past on Oct 3rd I will consider the Queen and all her servants to be adversaries of mine in litigation that will no doubt go on for years. For your benefit and the benefit of the Canadian Public I have included a copy of a CD that contains the scanned documents from all courts that I had been involved in actions in before I came home to run for Parliament. Please forward it to the Department of Justice for their review. As you can see the lawyers for Bell Canada were quite busy printing my stuff from the web for awhile but then fell strangely silent just before Sept 3rd. No doubt the lawyers like Robert Pozen working for MFS. and the new General Counsel for UBS. David Aufhauser are very nervous campers now that I have survived and their ethics may come under public scrutiny. Study the CD and you will see that this is just the tip of a very big and malevolent iceberg. Paul Martin and John Crosbie both should have known that no ship has proven to be unsinkable. Add my evidence to the present scandals and the newly elected Canadian minority government should have its days numbered by just three. Oct 5th should be a telling day for us all if the Queen acts ethically in her subject’s best interests. Governor General Adrienne Clarkson has lived high of the hog socializing at the taxpayer expense. It is high time that she did her job.

The date and time of the delivery of this letter is no mistake. I must not allow my adversaries any time to stop me before I email this letter around the world in my best effort to expose the truth before the next federal election in the USA. I see no need to explain to you why. Laymen will understand this letter. I don’t care if a lawyer pretends not to. I have made it clear that I have no respect for your profession and I have gone about the business of proving it. I simply don’t even care about my grammar or spelling anymore. The gist and sincerity of this letter is far more important than the format or manners. All things considered I don’t give a shit. There is no one able to proof read this stuff today because my wife is in the hospital.

I will do all that I have promised to the best of my ability because of the fact that too many very well paid civil servants in two countries are past too late to act within the scope of their employment. My family has already lost a great deal of our interests though no fault of our own. I am true to my word and it is my Clan that I answer to first for my actions. The task falls upon me to make all the smiling bastards pay for their illegal actions or inaction in order to willfully assist the criminals acting against my Clan.

I will argue anyone I choose with the proper summons Ask Rob Moore or John Herron how hard I am to argue with. Rob Moore edited my smiling face from his website until after he won. Now that is funny. My ethical torture of Herron buddy the god damned Carpetbagging Yankee David Lutz was just to souuth my own savage breast. Rest assured I look forward to meeting you or anyone you send. At the very least you Mr. Irwin and your above named assistants now undeniable witnesses to the rampant corruption. I truly hope that in the future some Royal Commission calls you all back to Canada to testify for the benefit of all Canadians. That is your job.

On the subway yesterday my wife overheard some pretty young lady lawyers discussing litigation with a colorful Pro Se character. She giggled as she continued to read her book. She knew they were speaking of me when she saw what T stop they got off at. She will recognize them if we ever see them again but I bet they won’t remember her. However they will have a very hard time forgetting me once I know their names. This little story reminds me of Andy Scott yapping too much on an airplane awhile back and then losing the job that Anne McLellan now has. Truth is stranger than fiction.

Here hoping that October 6th is a great day for Canadian Democracy and that the ramifications of the day will have a positive effect on Democracy in the USA. People that cherish their Rights and Freedom deserve far better governments to serve them than the ones that now exist. I believe in Jimmy Carter’s words and his sincerity last July. It is too bad his help never told him about me. As for Barack Obama I must say if he is thought to be the future of a democratic Party then someone should check my work. It looks like I figured him out correctly a month before I went home to become a politician of a different sort.

Nobody can say that I didn’t make it fun to listen to a political debate. Too bad the media owned by the elite didn’t let my message be heard. Lets see if I can do it alone byway of the internet. Guess who gets this letter in an email first? Their initials are APEX. They delayed their big meeting to the same day Paul Martin starts his circus. The fact that Margaret Bloodworth is one of the Co Chairs of the Symposium does not leave me much hope for the integrity of the organization of Bureaucrats. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if they invited me to speak or argue Ms. McLellan?

At least I can still dream impossible dreams while I deal with the harsh realities of the moment. I have no doubt that APEX will live up to the letter of their mandate for their own benefit but they will likely do so at the expense of their stated principles. It seems the first order of business for the elite even in government service is to look after their own pocket books rather than the Public Trust placed in them. However with any luck at all many ordinary people will be contacting you, Mr. Irwin in an effort to view what I have sent you. Can you and your friends afford to ignore them all forever?

I will leave you all to ponder what I will do next as you all argue with your own consciences and self-interests. You all know as well as I that there is no honour amongst thieves. I may have a fool for a client but I am the only person that I can trust to speak for me. If you trust a lawyer then you are more foolish than I. I have proved that fact beyond a shadow of a doubt and so has my friend Byron Prior. It is too bad that I do not respect you half as much as his little toe. To me the Title of Honourable is earned it should not be awarded so frequently to lawyers or politicians such as you Mr. Irwin or Byron adversary T. Alex Hickman. Why the Governor General would even wish to be in the same room with that bastard is beyond me and many others. Mr. Irwin you have already proven to me over a year ago that you are far from Honourable. Please prove me wrong or get off your ass and sue me. You are a lawyer aren’t ya? Lawyer defend thyself or act with integrity.
Cya’ll in Court:)
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton, MA. 02186

On September 17th, 2004 I, David R. Amos with a witness served the enclosed material to the office of Ronald A. Irwin at the Canadian Consulate at 3 Copley Place in Boston, MA. 02108. If the Consulate is closed by the time I get there I will send it confirmed US Mail the same day. It depends on when my wife is released from the hospital today. It is too bad and so sad that I find it necessary to make such a service on Public Servants that are paid to defend the rights of Canadian’s in the USA. If anyone one thinks the simple truth is corny, shame on you. If anyone thinks I am joking please call me a liar in writing. I dare ya.

David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave.
Milton, MA. 02186
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 7:30 PM
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#31 – Marc Emery
Marc Emery is often referred to in the media as the “Prince of Pot”. It’s a handle he wears proudly since he is probably one of, if not the most visible proponents of making marijuana legal in Canada.

The crux of his argument is that cannabis is no worse than tobacco or alcohol so why is it a banned substance? On that point proponents of marijuana are right. It isn’t any worse but it’s hardly harmless.

Generally you smoke it although it’s eaten too. Smoke in the lungs from anything isn’t a good idea health wise and marijuana contains some of the same cancer causing substances found in tobacco. In some ways it’s a bigger health threat because people inhale deeply and hold the smoke in their lungs as long as possible to achieve maximum high. It also impairs judgement. Drugged driving is on the rise and the results can be and have been just as deadly as drunk driving. To try to purport that marijuana use is no big deal is misleading and dishonest.

But those are the facts Emery doesn’t delve into. He ran a business called Marc Emery Direct Marijuana Seeds until it was shut down in a raid by Vancouver Police in 2005 who were acting on a request from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. The U.S. is currently trying to extradite him where Emery faces a possible life sentence for his activities.

Those activities include not just selling marijuana seeds but being what Emery himself describes as a major financial backer of almost every pro-pot effort in North America and many more around the world. He was a member of the Marijuana Party of Canada, and is leader and founder of the British Columbia Marijuana Party.

Emery has travelled throughout Canada blatantly lighting up joints in public places in an effort to get charged and be taken to court. His reasoning is that eventually he can find a liberal judge who will rule that marijuana should be legalized (he’s probably right).

Controversial statements along the way from Emery have been the norm. In 2004 he said about then Liberal Minister of Justice, Irwin Cotler, "Cotler was a life-long human rights advocate, and as Justice Minister, he has presided over a record number of prosecutions of marijuana possession, prosecutions of marijuana cultivation, and marijuana selling. I thought the term Jewish-Nazi, or Nazi-Jew, was an oxymoron until Cotler became the Injustice Minister. What a disgrace he is to his Jewish roots."

In addition to making pot readily available to all, Emery is also against spending tax money for health care for anyone over 70. (wanna bet he changes his tune in a few years?) . "We spend far too much of our taxpayers' money on a rapidly growing population of old people. We're spending lots of money keeping many many millions of old people alive when it would be much more honourable to let them die in a dignified way".

In 2005, he had nothing nice to say about residents of Langley, British Columbia. During the provincial election he referred to many in the riding as, "old people who are intolerant and bigoted and hate young people". No Marc, but you certainly united them against you.

Emery is also a big fan of the NDP since leader Jack Layton favours the decriminalization of marijuana. Yet another reason to question your local NDP candidate when they come to your door during the next election.

Emery would like to see marijuana readily available and out in the open. Part of the argument is that the billions spent fighting the drug war is a waste because it will never be won. True, illicit drugs will always be available but normalizing something else known to have detrimental effects on society isn’t the answer either. Saying it's no more harmful than tobacco or alcohol also doesn’t cut it. We’d all be a lot better off with less booze and less tobacco given the social and health problems the two things cause. Adding marijuana to that mix would only make things worse. Teenagers are one of the main target markets of drug dealers, but with that being said, more teenagers don’t smoke pot than do. The goal should be to increase the number of teenagers who don’t do drugs not make it more readily available. Emery clearly doesn’t care about that (nor arguably do the political parties who would like to see the drug out in the open).

Emery’s supporters often say his critics are trying to infringe on his free speech. Let me be clear that Emery is free to say whatever he wants. In fact I encourage it. It helps the rest fo us know what he’s up to and what he would turn this country into if he was given the chance; a nation of potheads who don’t care about the health of senior citizens, teenagers...or even their own.
Posted by Spinks on Sunday, April 22, 2007 at 7:01 PM | Permalink
So, presumably we'll see the brewers of Canada, some distillers, and hopefully some tobacco corporate execs on this list at some point, too?

I know I'll have to wait and see... but I hope some entrenched vices will make the list as well...as opposed to the ones that are allegedly trying to redraw your idea of "morality" in Canada.
Posted by ha! | 8:16 PM
It's about time someone called Emery on his actions. The media love-in with this pothead is ridiculous. Then again the media is not so secretly pushing that marijuana is as harmless as chocolate so what can one expect. Good call!
Posted by Johanna | 9:22 PM
Excellent Spinks! Based on my own experience writingabout this individual, you may end up with more repsonses than the Nelly Furtado thread.

The bottom line is that civil disobedience carries a price and Mr Emery should have gone into it knowing full well that the day might come when he would have to answer to authorities.

However, after repeated slaps on the wrist from Canadian authorities, he decided to test the Americans' resolve. He sold illegal substances in the USA, and they don't wink a it like Canada dies, moreover, when some arrogant foreigner tries to tweak their noses while hiding behind a computer, they are going to seize the opportunity to make an example of him.

Good. I've seen enough in my life to know that Marijuana and drugs in general are not something to be legalized. I would even go so far as to advocate manadatory life senstences with no chance of parole on those involved in the trade, from the importer-kingpin, to the street corner dealer.

Alcohol is the road to ruin, but Marijuana, and the drugs to which it leads later are the superhighway to hell.

I think Emery deserves everything that's coming to him down in the US of A.
Posted by Smok Wawelski | 12:41 PM
Alcohol is the road to ruin, but Marijuana, and the drugs to which it leads later are the superhighway to hell.

Oh, puh-lease. Drunk driving, ruined families, abused children, accidents involving alcohol, lost productivity etc. etc. does not make alcohol virtuous at all.

Anyway, like the first commenter, I hope we'll be seeing tobacco execs and military-industrialist "death merchants" make this list. Or does screwing up Canada really only apply to people who know one much cares about?
Posted by Anonymous | 12:56 PM
Many consume safely, using a vaporizer.

Prohibition: Didn't work then, doesn't work now.

Posted by Anonymous | 11:47 AM
If I were to encounter someone like him on a cursade smoking pot in public just cause they want to find a liberal enough to set him free I'd be aweful tempted to punch them in the gut.

I'm allergic to the smell of the stuff, that and tobacco (to a lesser extent), that being said someone smoking it in their own home is different than lighting up in public are completely different.

Such an idiot should be sent to Europe
Posted by JKH | 8:41 PM
Blogger wrote' ". Smoke in the lungs from anything isn’t a good idea health wise and marijuana contains some of the same cancer causing substances found in tobacco. In some ways it’s a bigger health threat because people inhale deeply and hold the smoke in their lungs as long as possible to achieve maximum high."

GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. You are misinformed, study from UCLA.
"The largest study of its kind has unexpectedly concluded that smoking marijuana, even regularly and heavily, does not lead to lung cancer.

The new findings "were against our expectations," said Donald Tashkin of the University of California at Los Angeles, a pulmonologist who has studied marijuana for 30 years.

"We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use," he said. "What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect."

Posted by Anonymous | 6:44 PM
That's one study friend and I never wrote that it did. I only wrote that it has some of the same cancer causing substances as tobacco (it does). Regardless, putting smoke into your lungs from ANYTHING is not healthy. There are many other lung diseases out there besides cancer. Once again, to try to purport that marijuana use is no big deal (as Marc Emery does)is misleading and dishonest.
Posted by Spinks | 7:21 PM
More on the note about criminalizing certain antisocial behaviors I think the common values that we can all agree with are more important is finding a solution to this problem.

Can we all agree that marijuana is the least important use of canabis?

Can we all agree that prohibition of any antisocial behavior has ever stopped antisocial behavior, ie. prostitution, spitting in public, burning garbage, bad fashion, etc?

I think it is a common fear that legallizing a commonly abused substance will increase its availability and consumption.

It is here and easily acquired. The "War on Drugs" is the Drug-on War with no possible victory. It is consuming vast resources and creating criminals out of good people who seek freedom, as well as making very bad people very wealthy and powerful.

It is more an issue of accepting that Prohibitionists seek to change the behavior of others with fear of punishment for behaviors that are already a punishment, and just compounds the problem. I can see no justice in choosing which vices are legal, or any virtue in profiting from the destruction of our most valuable resource, people.

Education seems like a great alternative for all the spending on law enforcement and imprisonment. Will it work? What we are doing is worsening a problem that has always been with us. The more we throw money at it the bigger it gets. The erosion of trust in government, the profiteering, the corruption, the poisoning of our youth are only necisary to point out our failures.
We need not fail. The truth is more important than control.

There is a part of me that wishes to prohibbit most of what I see on TV, bad beer, bad food, bad drugs, greed, lawns, or anything I find distastful. Thank God for mirth and grace and forgiveness and wisdom. These things are here to teach us virtue.

Eric Donovan Lester
Posted by Lericerest | 12:05 PM
Many people do safely consume marijuana through eating or vaporizing. And even if they didn't, the taxing we could do on it would make legalization WELL worth it.
I absolutely disagree.
Posted by Lynzie | 8:24 PM
Wow, that is one lame case against marijuana. There are some many reasons for people of all political stripes to advocate decriminalization and legalization of pot. Mark Emery may be an asshat, but that doesn't lessen his cause.

I encourage you to investigate the number of deaths caused by alcohol compared to those by marijuana (a substance which, though illegal, is readily available to anybody who wants it). How about comparing the impact on the healthcare system of tobacco and pot? How about the wasted billions on policing the relatively trivial effects of marijauna consumption? How about the lost tax revenue by not legalizing another such substance?

Lines were once drawn where substances A, B, and C are legal, while substances X, Y and Z are not. That doesn't make those lines eternally accurate, particularly considering the amount of new data we have.

Our government benefits from and approves of the more addictive tobacco and alcohol. Why not add a less addictive, less harmful substance and add to the coffers?
Posted by Darren | 8:11 AM
I smoke weed and am quite successful, productive, healthy, physically fit and in a happy marriage.

I don't drink or smoke cigarettes because they are so unhealthy and I don't like lung cancer of hangovers.
Posted by Jutratest | 11:23 AM
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 11:17:12 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: I just tried to call you all in order to introduce myself. Good luck with your conscience now.
To: svend@svendrobinson.com, garth@garth.ca, anwarnaqvi@ndp.ca,
edchudak@ndp4me.ca, ghubbers@greenparty.ca, krice@greenparty.ca,
info@cindysilver.ca, jpal@telus.net, NationalVP@chp.ca,
jevans@greenparty.ca, editor@cannabisculture.com

For the record Lois called me back I spoke on Andrew Kyrtal's Radio Show, returned Lucy at Cpac call, I called Garth, sent these emails and then tried to call you all beginning with Marc emery who heard me speak three hours ago. In my calls I was trying to tell you all what Lois Brown knows to keep everyone on an even keel.

I sincerely hope that all incumbents are unseated and replaced with those who understand the meaning of the word integrity. All of you are running against corrupt liberals. the most notable of all is the turncoat Belinda Stronach. She dumped Stevey Boy Harper and his Deputy Dog Petey Baby MacKay like hot potatoes as soon as I gave her lawyer Don Amos a call. Ask him why and then perhaps you should too. Your parties are sinking in the polls anyway tis time to save ourselves before you are embarassed by your own leaders. Need I say i am a very joyful Independent?

Please be aware of my fair warning I will hold all lawyers amongst your political crowds accountable in a court of law whether or not you get elected. There should be no need to explain to any of you why. The tiff file attached makes my reasons evident to all. the Arar and Gomery Inquirys do not hold a candle to my concerns and allegations. Call me a liar and put it in writing I double Dog Dare Ya.

That said the likes of the fancy pants lawyer Svend Robinson should be a glaring example to all just how bad things really are when it comes to public corruption being ignored. I would like to know what planet the NDP come from. Did Robinson not prove himself to be a thief whilst he was an MP? Please correct me if I am wrong but has that lawyer proven to all that not only does he not uphold the law he broke it as a common thief. He did this all whilst being employed as a Member as a Parliament who had sworn to uphold the public trust? Why the hell would the Canadian people want such a person seated in the House of Commons again particularly in a place where no matter what they say or do on our behalf they cannot be held accountable for? Is anyone paying attention to the nonsense of it all?

In closing after I heard the dope smoking Marc Emery endorse such a lawyer of this on air in Halifax I just shook my head and said my two bits worth on Live Radio too. The pothead does not realize that the world of George W. Bush is on his shoulders because of political lawyers such as his buddy Svend Robinson. I wish Emery luck in finding an ethical lawyer to keep him out of Yankee prison. Rest assured I will check that smiling bastard's work closely. If I see that he acts with integrity, I will offer him the best job he ever had. He will never need another client just more assistants. Methinks if the lawyer, Tony Fogarassy were a really wise guy he would sit up, pay attention, ignore the idiot Stevey Boy Harper and the rest of his cohorts and give me a call. (Yea I know I am a dreamer but my phone number is inserted in the next email) Perhaps you should give a call back in order for me to assist you so the Humpty Dumpty's government falls in such a fashion that that all the Queen's Horses and all the Queen's men can not put Humpty Dumpty's govenment back together again just like what happened to Brian Mulroney's long dead party not too long ago.

Merry Xmass? Bah Humbug!!! See you on the Campaign Trail. I am running for Parliament just one last time whilst I sue the Crown because of my own false imprisonment in the USA . Get IT?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 1:58 AM
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#45 – Brian Mulroney
Even after 15 years of being out of office, there aren’t too many corners in this country that former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney’s name is spoken of positively.

And who can blame them?

The Mulroney negotiated Meech Lake accord to try and bring Quebec into the Constitution failed miserably. It’s failure resulted in Lucien Bouchard leaving the Progressive Conservatives and forming the seperatist Bloc Quebécois, a political party with the sole goal of breaking the country up and they’re still at it today.

The Reform Party was also spawned during Mulroney’s Reign, also a largely regional party with a prime focus on Western Canada and further splitting the vote for years to come.

Mulroney brought in the hated 7% GST. Polls at the time had 80% of Canadians disagreeing with the tax. Ironically today a Conservative government has reduced it and promises to reduce it further while the Liberals who said they’d eliminate it are defending it tooth and nail. (More on that later here at 101)

In an attempt to achieve a zero rate of inflation, Mulroney allowed the Bank of Canada to raise interest rates, prolonging the recession, making mortgages for many unaffordable and causing many to lose their jobs.

He finally said he would step down as leader but he did it too late. The PC’s were decimated keeping just two seats after the 1993 election. Today the Progressive Conservative party as it was no longer exists.

If all that wasn’t bad enough, for years he foolishly let Peter Newman tape conversations with him over the years and came across looking well…foolish when Newman published a book about it. To make things worse we were subjected to a CBC special about it. Ugh.

For you die-hard Conservatives out there who still love the guy, at least think about this. Due to Mulroney, Canada had a Liberal government for almost 13 years. Based on that and everything else, certainly we can get some unanimous agreement that Brian Mulroney screwed this country up.
Posted by Spinks on Tuesday, March 20, 2007 at 6:49 PM | Permalink
Always thought BM got a bums rap.I read Camerons assasination book,still thought it was BS.Now a decade & a half later I find myself despising this man.Thats 2 Pm's in a lifetime.Guess who the other one is?
Posted by greyburr | 7:18 PM
Brain fart,meant to add the bastards dead!
Posted by greyburr | 7:33 PM
Back in the day, a bunch of white guys got together in Charlottetown to talk about a Canadian confederation. This booze fest ended in Montreal with 4 of the 7 groups drunk enough to make a go of it. Sir J. A. scored just a 57% success rate.

Later, a bunch of white guys got together and in that booze fest, 9 of the 10 groups agreed with Trudeau's vision. Pierre scored a 90%, but loses marks for not being able to convince his own province.

Later, a bunch of white guys get together for yet booze another fest, led by Brian Mulroney. This guy was Irish, and he drank everyone under the table. At the end of this Meech Lake round everyone left in agreement. That's 100% success. Granted when the hang-over evaporated, so did the agreement.

A few years later, BM leads another pub crawl in Charlottetown. His Irish drinking ability shines through again and all 10 groups leave in agreement. Another resounding 100% initial success. The problem this time was the Canadian population who didn't find the endless parties all that amusing. Kill joys.

BM ranks up there as one of the best true politicians in Canadian history and as a student of politics I don't have to agree with him to recognise that feat and his rightfully deserved place in our history books. No one can disgree with that, however I can see where there might be disagreement on his role as either the antagonist or protagonist.
Posted by Monctonite | 6:45 AM
I still curse every time that GST hits me in the face at the cash. While the manufacturer's tax, which was hiden was removed, and replaced with the hated GST, which was supposed to cost us less, don't tell me I'm the only one who didn't notice a reduction in prices.
I hate that tax with every fibre of my being, as much today as the day it was brought in.
What I never undrstood is why merchants, who are required to collect this loathesome tax, and do reams of paperwork without compensation, didn't just band together and refuse to implement it. It cost them fortunes for new equipment, programming etc... but then again, business doesn;t give a rat's backside. they just pass the costs on to you and I.
I fully believe that the GST is the reason why the PCs were wiped out to the pointof two seats rather than 55-70 in 1993.
Mulroney also campaigned as a pro-lifer in '84, then tossed abortion to the courts, and we all know what happened there.
I think, however, that had he not spent his political cpaital on the hated GST, he might have pulled off the Charlottetown acord, and we may never have had to have a Bloc Quebecois, nor a 1995 referendum. And Meech would have killed separation longe before if not for Clyde Wells. I hope he's on this list.
Posted by Smok Wawelski | 9:14 AM
Very clear analysis.

BM decimated the conservative movement and damaged conservative MPs from winning the same way that George Bush is doing it in the US ( Republicans lost both Congress and Senate and it does not appear any better in 2008):

Running as a conservative but governing as a liberal ( higher taxes, unsympathetic to the people, appearing as an elite with a dim looking wife).

But when do we see Chretien and Paul Martin in your list - the top 10 at least. You should make this a pay for view site, once the number hits 25. You will make a fortune
Posted by JBurke | 8:44 PM
I feel the need to spit when I say or type his name, so won't.

I'm going to move BACK to my old riding because I don't like the guy (a lawyer who has been an AB MLA under Klein) who won the candidacy for my (new to me) riding due to a retirement, and his second-runner-up was a Mulroney Tory that got punted by a Reformer (now CPoC). Ick.

Good call. I get the heeby-jeebies when I hear his name.
Posted by Candace | 4:03 AM
"When Irish eyes are smiling,
Sure, 'tis like the morn in Spring.
In the lilt of Irish laughter
You can hear the angels sing.
When Irish hearts are happy,
All the world seems bright and gay.
And when Irish eyes are smiling,
Sure, they steal your heart away. "

Brian Mulroney is welcome at my house anyday......
Posted by Awareness | 9:09 PM
Although I don't like new or higher taxes any more than the next person, I really have no major problem with the GST. Where I have the problem is that income taxes weren't reduced to off-set the GST. Besides, there are very few tax dodges to a sales tax....every one pays it up front, and the more expensive an item you can afford, the more GST you pay. I don't criticize Mr. Mulroney for the GST....but for not going far enough.
Posted by Conrad | 8:50 PM
I watched the CBC Mulroney special, custom designed to smear the Conservatives, and deliberately aired just before the January 2006 election. I was surprised at how much Mulroney was able to accomplish during his two terms, despite the goal of the show, which was simply to highlight his profanities. The show allowed the viewers a full recap of the many accomplishments of this much maligned PM if you can possibly see beyond the colourful language.

It's clear that Pierre Trudeau's jealousy was the undoing of the Meech lake accord, though Trudeau did it through his intermediary, Clyde Wells. That act alone made Trudeau a gutless, bitter, vindictive, meddling, destructive, egomaniacal wretch who is undeserving of the platitudes heaped upon him since.

Mulroney did the unpopular, and had the guts to do it. He thought the good of the country was more important than personal popularity. How many Liberal PMs can claim what they did was for the good of the country? Certainly not Martin, or Chretien, or especially Trudeau. And get over the GST already. It's a fact of life in every industrialised country. Like so many other issues, the Liberals get a free pass, even though they have done exactly nothing about it. Ten years with Kyoto, or thirteen years with the GST. Zero results.
Posted by Kevin | 11:18 AM
back in 1991 i was told that the GST was a big conjob, nothing to do with a consumer tax. Mulroney and the govt solicited US busineses to come into Canada as a land of opportunity. they did, and after a few profitable years they began to take tax free dividends out of the country at the rate of about 30 billion a year! all Canadians got stuck with the GST taxes to try to stop the blood flow.
Posted by Anonymous | 1:53 AM
A commenter above wrote: "I still curse every time that GST hits me in the face at the cash."

That's the whole point of the GST and one reason why it was appropriate. A hidden tax like the Manufacturers Sales Tax is the worst kind of tax. From what I've read, most economists favoured some form of consumption tax over an increase of income tax.

This also raises one of the chief failings of Mulroney, he never really attacked the problem of overspending by governments in Canada and hence, was unable to reduce taxes. Martin was forced to cut spending, but the only way to cut overall government spending was to cut transfer payments to the provinces and then let the provincial governments take the heat
Posted by John B | 4:24 PM
Methinks I mad myself faily clear to the miserable bastard and his crooked mouthed buddy before I returned to the USA and found myself falsely imprisoned in solitary conefinement with no bail and held under the charges of "other". If you had gone to such a place you would have shit your pampers bigtime Spinksy Baby.

September 10th, 2004

Brian Mulroney
Ogilvy Renault
1981 McGill College Avenue
Suite 1100
Montréal,Quebec H3A 3C1

Jean Chrétien
Heenan Blaikie
81 Metcalfe Street
Suite 700
Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6K7

RE: Me suing you and your little dogs too.

Hey you two Evil Old Smiling Bastards,

Today Coldwell Bankers showed me their ass so I kick yours. You didn’t really think I would leave you two out of the circus. Did ya? I was just waiting for something you can’t take back. Methinks that in Canada you should be the stars of the show. Although all the other crooks won’t mind that you steal the show. Paul Martin and Steven Harper should make for fair rivals as the clowns as they point back and forth at each other and then at you two dudes. After all you fellas did seem to get away with the most lucre. If that is how lawyers measure successful lawyers methinks you two Quebecers take the cake. Everybody knows what I am talking about I am just making it my business to prove it.

Jean, you should never forget that you were Wayne Easter’s boss when he allowed Ashcroft and his cohorts to keep trying to have their way with me last November. As soon as landslide Annie got his job, she was quick to finger him to blame. What say you Frenchie? If you can simply prove to me the priest Bill Elliot acted according to his conscience after I enlightened him about Cardinal Law and Paul Zed, I will eat your hat and let you off the hook but you will still have a little explaining to do to the people recorded on the wiretap tapes. Ottawa is all abuzz these days with sponsorship money.

My, my how quick we forget the dead. I truly believe there are many ghosts killed by tainted blood that have yet to hear the truth of their demise. If anyone were to ask me the dude you appointed by the name of Howard Wilson did a shitty job of covering up for your friend Paul Martin’s ethics. If I were you wouldn’t seek the counsel of your little dog Frank McKenna. He was raised down the road from my old bike shop. It seems he knows more as politician about how to help pig farmers get ahead than as a lawyer on how to help pigheaded layman find justice. Trust me, he will never understand mutts.

As for you Brian, everybody knows I am the reason that you chose not to speak at the Conservative Convention. My emails to Belinda and all the others did the trick and you know it as well as I. Ain’t it too funny how Brian Tobin just quit Belinda and her big daddy’s company. Ask him why. I dare ya. But never forget that he is a layman sitting in the catbird seat. What he squawks about may hang you all. There are many ghosts lingering about the Ocean Ranger that would like to hear the truth of their demise. Before you argue me give my friend Byron Prior a call after he stops filling your ear about your friends John Crosbie and T. Alex Hickman maybe he will tell you what you already know. While you are at it ask him about the MP Bill Matthews and his sister.

Brian, what everybody doesn’t seem to know is how many times we have crossed paths in the USA in recent years because of your associations with all the other crooked lawyers and their assorted companies down there. Cendant Corp is the finest example of me versus you but then there are the Forbes dudes as well. I will wager you are shocked that I am still alive, Aren’t ya? I allowed the bastards in Coldwell Bankers to sell the Beach House just so I could sue your fat ass in the USA. That matter is far from over. Call Francis Galvin if you don’t believe me. The only men smart even to realize I just might pull this off were William Cohen and David Aufhauser. Too bad for them they couldn’t be smart and ethical. I bet Cohen screamed at you when I served him in his office in Washington. Watch UBS scream at their new General Counsel. I find it hilarious how Aufhauser also joined an organization called CSIS in the USA. Do you think Jack Hooper will get the joke?

Please find enclosed exactly the same material sent to Adrienne Clarkson. The copy of wiretap tape numbered 139 is served upon you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated. I have also enclosed a copy of an affidavit of mine that was discussed in New Brunswick Provincial Court today. I will leave it to you to ask your Yankee Carpet bagging buddy David Lutz to scurry about and figure out how to cover your arses. By the time you read this letter I will be back in the USA and talking a lot in court on the public record about you and many others in Canada. I you disagree, sue me. I double dog dare ya to. But I bet I sue you first. Trust that I won’t settle. I want a public hearing in order to properly shame you.

When we finally do meet in court, my first questions will likely be how do all the ghosts of your past allow you to sleep at night. No amount of money could appease the conscience of an ethical man. Apparently lawyers know something I don’t. One thing you don’t know is that I can’t see any reason why I should not sue your law firms too. I consider them Bernard Lord and Frank McKenna all to be your little dogs. Can you trust your crooked little pets not to settle with me and tell the truth about you? I would love to know what the Queen and Adrienne are talking about right now. Should Paul Martin’s shaky government be allowed to stand? If not what sort of new government could rise from the evil rubble. Would the Public Trust be upheld next time around by many independent candidates such as me? It wouldn’t hurt to have a bunch of pigheaded laymen not affiliated to any party asking a lot of questions and stressing the ethics of political lawyers everyday. Even if the dead can’t speak. all living Canadians should hate you bastards for NAFTA alone. Why we all don’t speak up on behalf of the unborn is beyond my understanding. Perhaps we should dig up Louis Riel and ask him why that is.

Oh ye who claim to be so right and honourable, what say you now?

Cya’ll in Court:)

David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave
Milton, MA. 02186
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 12:55 AM
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#50 – Garth Turner
Oh Garth, it didn’t have to be like this. You shouldn’t even be anywhere near this list. You were setting yourself up as the crusader of the downtrodden; standing up for what is right and staking out territory unseen by so many politicians…a politician with integrity.

…and then you threw it all away.

Turner was one of the most vocal people regarding politicians crossing the floor to join another party. His reasoning was sound. Sure, voters may have voted for their local candidate but just as likely is the fact that many voters base their choice on the political party that candidate is running for. If a politician decides to change parties for whatever reason, Turner believed that person should have to resign his/her seat and run under their new party’s banner in a by-election. He’s right and I couldn’t agree more, but when it came time for Turner to walk the talk, he weaseled out.

Last year, the Conservative caucus suspended Turner and while the reasons have never been made official, it’s safe to say there was some kind of falling out between Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Turner. Turner then began to sit as an Independent and although rumours swirled that he might become the Green Party’s first MP, he ended up eventually joining the Liberals.

I always found it odd that an MP who advocated so strongly for things like income splitting would join a party deadset against such notions, but he’s free to join whatever party he wants;

After the voters say they’re okay with it.

Or at least that’s what Turner always said.

When David Emerson crossed the floor from the Liberals to join the Conservatives, Turner denounced Emerson saying, “Anyone who crosses the floor ultimately should go back to the people for ratification and I stick by it and hopefully in this case that will happen."

But when Turner joined the Liberals, he said sure he’d run in a by-election IF Stephen Harper called it and IF other MP’s who had crossed the floor but not faced the voters resigned and ran in by-elections as well.

I don’t recall Turner making conditions when he called on other MP’s to have to go to the voters if they switched parties. Oh that’s right, he didn’t.

It’s politicians like Turner who don’t do what they say they’ll do that give politicians a bad name. Is it any wonder so many people don’t trust politicians when people like Garth Turner who claim to have integrity are then given the chance to prove it and fail to walk the talk?
Posted by Spinks on Friday, March 09, 2007 at 6:54 PM | Permalink
Surprise...youve been linked!

Good job!
Posted by RepoCreepo | 8:32 PM
I'm surprised you didn't bring up his public refusal to move offices.
I think his behaviour here is just as atrocious as his hypocritical stance on party switching (do as I say, not as I do).
Posted by Jennifer | 6:03 PM
Good call on this one. For a guy who acted like he was above dirty politics, he sunk low pretty fast by doing what he so strongly advocated against, all to get re-elected.
Posted by Dan | 11:16 AM
Funny. For a list you say was compiled before you launched the site, this one is very particular. Considering he hadn't joined the Liberals and was a fairly popular independent MP.
Posted by fred | 12:05 PM
The names were in place Fred but the writing is done as I go. He was actually originally on the list for calling Christian Political Activists “Taliban” and “Flowers of Evil”. However I only have so much space.
Posted by Spinks | 12:11 PM
Maybe Mr. Turner deserves his ranking for past sins, I'm not sure but anyone having held office in Mulroney's government is undoubtedly suspect.

As far as changing parties, aren't you all looking at this case like a man blind in one eye and holding his hand over the other?

As I see it, it was nothing like Emmerson or Stronach. They both walked away from their party for outright personal gain. Turner on the other hand was sitting as an independent as a result of rowing with Harper.

Two different things entirely . Like many, I think it would have been great if he had chosen Green, but let's take a moment to reflect on the mentality of those once firmly in the loop.

More importantly I suspect, is how long a period of time would have passed between his resigning his seat and a by-election being held.
Posted by Anonymous | 9:41 AM
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 11:17:12 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: I just tried to call you all in order to introduce myself. Good luck with your conscience now.
To: svend@svendrobinson.com, garth@garth.ca, anwarnaqvi@ndp.ca,
edchudak@ndp4me.ca, ghubbers@greenparty.ca, krice@greenparty.ca,
info@cindysilver.ca, jpal@telus.net, NationalVP@chp.ca,
jevans@greenparty.ca, editor@cannabisculture.com

For the record Lois called me back I spoke on Andrew Kyrtal's Radio Show, returned Lucy at Cpac call, I called Garth, sent these emails and then tried to call you all beginning with Marc emery who heard me speak three hours ago. In my calls I was trying to tell you all what Lois Brown knows to keep everyone on an even keel.

I sincerely hope that all incumbents are unseated and replaced with those who understand the meaning of the word integrity. All of you are running against corrupt liberals. the most notable of all is the turncoat Belinda Stronach. She dumped Stevey Boy Harper and his Deputy Dog Petey Baby MacKay like hot potatoes as soon as I gave her lawyer Don Amos a call. Ask him why and then perhaps you should too. Your parties are sinking in the polls anyway tis time to save ourselves before you are embarassed by your own leaders. Need I say i am a very joyful Independent?

Please be aware of my fair warning I will hold all lawyers amongst your political crowds accountable in a court of law whether or not you get elected. There should be no need to explain to any of you why. The tiff file attached makes my reasons evident to all. the Arar and Gomery Inquirys do not hold a candle to my concerns and allegations. Call me a liar and put it in writing I double Dog Dare Ya.

That said the likes of the fancy pants lawyer Svend Robinson should be a glaring example to all just how bad things really are when it comes to public corruption being ignored. I would like to know what planet the NDP come from. Did Robinson not prove himself to be a thief whilst he was an MP? Please correct me if I am wrong but has that lawyer proven to all that not only does he not uphold the law he broke it as a common thief. He did this all whilst being employed as a Member as a Parliament who had sworn to uphold the public trust? Why the hell would the Canadian people want such a person seated in the House of Commons again particularly in a place where no matter what they say or do on our behalf they cannot be held accountable for? Is anyone paying attention to the nonsense of it all?

In closing after I heard the dope smoking Marc Emery endorse such a lawyer of this on air in Halifax I just shook my head and said my two bits worth on Live Radio too. The pothead does not realize that the world of George W. Bush is on his shoulders because of political lawyers such as his buddy Svend Robinson. I wish Emery luck in finding an ethical lawyer to keep him out of Yankee prison. Rest assured I will check that smiling bastard's work closely. If I see that he acts with integrity, I will offer him the best job he ever had. He will never need another client just more assistants. Methinks if the lawyer, Tony Fogarassy were a really wise guy he would sit up, pay attention, ignore the idiot Stevey Boy Harper and the rest of his cohorts and give me a call. (Yea I know I am a dreamer but my phone number is inserted in the next email) Perhaps you should give a call back in order for me to assist you so the Humpty Dumpty's government falls in such a fashion that that all the Queen's Horses and all the Queen's men can not put Humpty Dumpty's govenment back together again just like what happened to Brian Mulroney's long dead party not too long ago.

Merry Xmass? Bah Humbug!!! See you on the Campaign Trail. I am running for Parliament just one last time whilst I sue the Crown because of my own false imprisonment in the USA . Get IT?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 2:04 AM
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#53- Jean Daniel Lafond
You just have to feel a bit sorry for Michaëlle Jean.

Our Governor General has weathered enough controversy in her own right but that pales in comparison to her husband, “His Excellency” Jean Daniel Lafond.

You just have to wonder about a guy who’s very loyalties to Canada constantly are questioned.

Right after Jean was chosen to be the next G-G, the questions began from members of parliament, and even some premiers about Lafond (and in fact Jean at the time) on whether they supported a united Canada. Then Prime Minister Paul Martin said yes they did and the couple confirmed Martin’s assertions (eventually) but with Lafond, one still has to wonder.

In his book, La manière nègre (The Black Way), he wrote, "So, a sovereign Quebec? An independent Quebec? Yes, and I applaud with both hands."

In a 2005 interview with Radio-Canada, he recanted a bit, saying he fought for the "cultural independence" of Quebec, but that was it. However he also said he was a Quebecois before he was a Canadian. Hmmm, not exactly a ringing endorsement for “I Am Canadian” is it?

That aside, you still have to wonder what’s going on in Lafond’s head.

In Lafond's 2006 film "American Fugitive:The Truth About Hassan", and the accompanying book he co-authoured with Fred A. Reed called, “Conversations in Tehran”, Lafond calls David Belfield a, “passionate, outspoken seeker after truth.” Belfield was an American who converted to radical Islam and in 1980 shot a former Iranian Diplomat and then fled the United States. The man Lafond fawns over in his book says he has “no problem” with the 9/11 attacks but he would have picked the “White House” as a target. Delightful.

There are lots of people in this country and in fact around the world who like to bash America for just about everything. That’s their opinion and that criticism can even be legitimate sometimes. However cozying up to terrorists and terrorist sympathizers is unacceptable particularly when you're in a role (by marriage or not) like the Governor General’s office.
Posted by Spinks on Thursday, March 01, 2007 at 8:39 PM | Permalink

Put Allison Brewer on your list.

Tory MLA David Alward has brought a bill before the Legislature that civil servants who perform marriages should be allowed to refuse to perform same-sex marriages on moral grounds. TJ Burke supports the bill.

Allison Brewer has said it's a "slap in the face" of homosexuals and would discourage young people from coming to New Brunswick. What a nutcase! I'm all for "The State Has No Business in the Bedrooms of the Nation" but She wants to deny people the right to their moral principles??? That's going too far!
Posted by Anonymous | 12:28 PM
What next? Jehovah witness refusing to perfom blood transfusion. Pharmacist refusing to dispense the pill.
Trauma surgeon refusing to save the life of jews.

I'm using the good old conservative logics. Slope, Slope, Slope.
Posted by Slope | 9:51 PM
I don't see what either of these comments has to do with Jean lafond... However I agree with the first one, that Alison Brewer should be on this list somewhere.

Hoever the second interlocutor is out to lunch.

Phrmacists should be under no obligation to dispense birth control, be it the pill , condoms or god forbid the "morning after pill". anyone who doesn't like it can just go to the competitor down the street.

As for JW doctors,this is a non-sequitur. while himself could refuse a transfusion,as a doctor he'd be required to administer a transfusion to a non JW who needed one.

The difference is that in one case we are talking about saving a life, while in the case of brith control, especially abortifascients, you are talking about TAKING a life, which no-one should be required to do.
Posted by Smok Wawelski | 10:05 PM
I think it absolutely disgraceful that someone occupy the Governor Generals post having a spouse who is nothing more than another vicious malcontent from the Province of Quebec.

Neither have the moral fortitude to end their charade, but prefer to continue as parasites.

This is simply outrageous!

Is it any wonder people show such apathy toward politics and new age politicians?
Posted by Anonymous | 1:18 PM
Why not ask this dude's nasty wife who used to work for the CBC why both she and the other CBC wench have been ignoring me for years?

September 11th, 2004

Dear Mr. Amos,

On behalf of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, I acknowledge receipt of two sets of documents and CD regarding corruption, one received from you directly, and the other forwarded to us by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick.
I regret to inform you that the Governor General cannot intervene in matters that are the responsibility of elected officials and courts of Justice of Canada. You already contacted the various provincial authorities regarding your concerns, and these were the appropriate steps to take.

Yours sincerely.
Renee Blanchet
Office of the Secretary
to the Governor General
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 7:44 PM
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#54 – Wendy Cukier
I’ve never owned a gun, I don’t own a gun and I don’t want a gun but I do know the Canadian Firearms Registry has been one big boondoggle costing Canadian taxpayers BILLIONS and Wendy Cukier wants to keep shoveling money into it.

The Ryerson University Professor is the President and co-founder of the Coalition for Gun Control and on the Board of the International Action Network on Small Arms.

Her involvement in gun control certainly appeared to have started with good intentions. Following Marc Lepine’s shooting rampage in 1989 at École Polytechnique in Montreal, Cukier became a crusader against guns.

Her efforts however have resulted in little tangible except a massive costs to taxpayers for the Firearms Registry, money which arguably could have been used to actually catch criminals.

Last year when Sharon Gregson, a British Columbia mother of four and school board trustee who also happens to have a handgun permit in the state of Utah spoke publicly that she thought Canadians should reconsider their stand on handgun ownership, Cukier went…well nuts.

Gregson mused on a radio program that she thought it should be easier to carry a concealed gun, especially for women who feel threatened. She suggested that the outcome for Lepine’s victims might have been different if one of them had been packing heat.

Not sure if I agree but an interesting point and worthy of debate unless of course you're Wendy Cukier.

Opposing point of views don’t get debated with Ms. Cukier, they get trashed. "It's an absurd comment,” said Cukier about Gregson. “It's completely contrary to Canadian traditions. It has no basis in fact, and for someone who is associated with schools to be making those comments is particularly alarming, especially a woman."

Especially a woman? Okay coming up at 101 we’re going to get into this odd groupthink that to be a woman you have to think a certain way or you’re betraying your gender but that’s for another day.

The bottom line is that there are lots of facts Ms. Cukier conveniently dismisses such as…

…the use of so called longarm guns in crimes began dropping BEFORE the registry came into effect. Today, handguns account for 2/3 of firearm homicides, up from ½ in the 90’s and 1/3 before that.

…of all the handguns used to commit homicide that were recovered by police since 1997, 72 per cent were not registered.

…gang related homicides are twice as likely to involve firearms as those not involving gangs. Rest assured, the gang members aren’t registering their weapons of choice.

Then there’s the Auditor General’s report.

The report questioned the effectiveness of the gun registry, and if it even improves public safety. The report said, “The Centre does not show how these activities help minimize risks to public safety with evidence-based outcomes such as reduced deaths, injuries and threats from firearms."

The report also showed that 86% of firearms used in homicides are unregistered and 80% of the murderers were unlicenced firearm owners making the gun registry well virtually useless.

If criminals would obey the law, then perhaps Cukier’s strategies would work but well, they don’t, that’s why they’re criminals.

Ms. Cukier is pushing a certain agenda and that’s fine, she is entitled to her opinion. However for Cukier there is no other opinion on this issue worth hearing…and there are facts Canadians should be aware of and which should be presented in a fair, open debate without being called “contrary to Canadian traditions” (whatever that means), “absurd” or that a woman shouldn’t say it.

There’s compelling evidence to the old adage that when you outlaw guns only the outlaws have guns. After Britain outlawed handguns in 1997, the criminal use of handguns shot up 40% in 3 years and has continued to climb ever since. Don’t bother telling Wendy Cukier that though, because well…it’s apparently not Canadian to do so.
Posted by Spinks on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 7:46 PM | Permalink
Sometimes I doubt Wendy is a woman, as she denies the women any possibility of self defense. Women, being much more vulnerable to violent attacks, must be allowed to carry concealed in the first place. There is even a provision in Canadian law for that - Type 3 ATC - but no one has ever been approved. Wendy should be kept personally liable for the sufferings of every victim of a violent crime in Canada.
Posted by Anonymous | 1:42 PM
Culkier should be ashamed of herself for promoting the diverting $2billion in funds that could otherwise have saved lives or benefitted society in some way. Instead it vanished into the ether making Liberal connected IT firms RICH and doing NOTHING to protect society.
Posted by Anonymous | 3:35 PM
Well when I go on a homocidal rampage I always look for the weapon that can be traced... NOT.

You shoud lhave heard my father when the gun regestry was introuced. He's a hunter's Ed teacher and between he, myself and my step mother we owned almost 15 long guns (no hand guns). At 25$ a pop... that's a lot. Why anyone would push an agenda like that is beyond me. It's a money grab. We never did register our weapons.
Posted by JKH | 1:05 AM
JKH. You own firearms NOT weapons.

Wendy's shrill and blatant falsehoods only serve one purpose; her self-serving and selfish personal interests. She doesn't care who gets hurt along the way.

I wish I could sit down with her over a couple of cheeseburgers and debate the issue, but having an intelligent debate with a mushroom is more appealing to me.
Posted by Anonymous | 1:22 AM
Not only did she waste all the taxpayers money by promoting the registry, but what about all the funding and grants she got from the government? Where did that money go and what did she use it for. She it totally useless in todays society.
Posted by Anonymous | 8:07 PM
Cukier is so full of crap. Nothinhg but a man-hating hoplophobe who will use victims and distorted stats to further her own agenda. I am disappointed she isn't higher up on the list.
Posted by B | 10:17 PM
I think most of you are missing the real reasons behind the "Wendy". It's not about hating other women, it's not about guns...

It's about self promotion.

Without the gun control schtik Wendy would still be a typing teacher. She'd have never had the chance to represent the Canadian people at UN events, or rubbed shoulders with ministers and premiers and she'd have never traveled the world at taxpayer's expense.
Wendy is FAMOUS, and if Canada suddenly got all rational and evidence-based firearms laws, she'd disappear, and for people like Wendy, once they've had a taste of that sort of fame, they will do anything they can to hold onto it.
Posted by Albert 4 | 11:37 AM
Cukier was a candidate for the position of Dean of the John Molson School of Business at Concordia University. Her candidacy was considered and rejected. Dr. Sanjay Sharma was selected to be the new Dean. He has an impressive academic record and is well-qualified for the position, unlike Cukier. I suspect that Cukier was included as a candidate because of sexual politics. It is likely she started to believe her own public relations too. Getting passed over for the position of Dean at the John Molson School of Business, one hopes, may have been a much needed serving of humble pie for this kooky woman.
Posted by Pongo | 11:36 AM
Further to all the figures posted here, roughly 80% of murders in Canada are committed with something other than a gun.

Kitchen knife registry anyone? That should provide lots of funds with which to reward the party faithful.

It's surprising this woman hasn't choked on her own regurgitated rhetoric!

Spending the 2 billion to catch criminals is, unfortunately too logical for the University Think Tank mentality.

Seems she is a victim of "my mind is made up, don't confuse me with the facts" syndrome.

And who gave her the authority to redefine Canadian tradition? In my traditional home there was a 303 hunting rifle, a 410 bolt action bird gun and 22 calibre cooey for hunting wabbits...hehehhhe
Posted by Anonymous | 1:38 PM
I said my opinion on guns on the record a long time ago. In fact before I believe it was long before you became a blogger EH Spinks Baby?

"I was raised with a gun," Amos said in response to the question of thenational gun registry. "Nobody's getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it."

Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd

By Erin Hatfield
"If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it? If your world is all screwed up, rearrange it."

The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if unofficial, theme song for the debate.

The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn. Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron's Liberalswent left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty, mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat.

The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the Kings County Record and Lisa Spencer of CJCW.

Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices. Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each other on their answers and criticizing eachothers’ party leaders. Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic relief with quirky answers. "I was raised with a gun," Amos said in response to the question of thenational gun registry. "Nobody's getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it."

Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his party'splatform with regard to gun control. "It was ill advised but well intentioned," Herron said. "No matter what side of the house I am on, I'm voting against it." Pat Hanratty agreed there were better places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters shouldn't have been penalized by this gun registry," he said.

The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in front of Moore. "Read that," Herron said to Moore, referring to the voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second readings of the bill in 1995. "He voted against it when it counted, at final count," Moore said. "We needa government with courage to register sex offenders rather than register the property of law abiding citizens."

The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and women heckling from the Conservative side. "Shut up John," one woman yelled. "How can you talk about selling out?" a man yelled whenHerron spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out.

Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy Armstrong weighed in at one point. "You’re out of touch," Armstrong yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged Armstrong to a public debate of their own. "Talk is cheap. Any time, anyplace," Armstrong responded.

As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate, candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making process for the June 28 vote.

Cutline – David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his favourite possessions—motorcycles.

The Unconventional Candidate

David Amos Isn’t Campaigning For Your Vote, But….

By Gisele McKnight

FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."

Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos.
The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from running for office in Canada.

One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail to meet Elections Canada requirements.

When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his favourite place to do so—Fundy.
Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his dissatisfaction with politicians.
"I’ve become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."

The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in 1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he needed to change his life.

"I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that sometimes in midlife."
So Amos, who’d lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952 Panhead motorcycle.
"Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact) experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you renew your faith in mankind – you help anyone you can, you never ask for anything, but you take what they offer."

For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs and conversation all over North America.

Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son and a daughter and become a house-husband – Mr. Mom, as he calls himself.
He also describes himself in far more colourful terms—a motorcyclist rather than a biker, a "fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud Canadian and a "wild colonial boy."

Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life.
"But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said. "It’s alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?"

Amos has no intention of actively campaigning.
"I didn’t appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can call me. I’m not going to drive my opinions down their throats."

And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one.
"I won’t take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It’s not about money. It goes against what I’m fighting about."
What he’s fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood, the exploitation of the Maritimes’ gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to name a few.

"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing, farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I’m death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it (NAFTA) out the window.

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico.

Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote.
"There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me, especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right. Don’t necessarily vote for me, but vote."

Although…if you’re going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have your X by his name.
"I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and say, ‘what the hell.’"
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 7:57 PM
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#57 – Michael Sabia
These days Michael Sabia is the CEO of Bell Canada. It’s a big job. BCE Stock is the most widely held in Canada and millions of people receive their phone service, Internet, cell phones, satellite TV, television stations, newspaper, etc. from Bell.

Those customers also pay a handsome price for Bell’s products.

Let’s just look at Bell ExpressVu. At the end of 2000, a basic programming package would run you $8.95 a month. As of February 1, 2007, it is now $31.00 a month. That’s a 289% price increase in 6 years. Just a wee bit more than the cost of inflation. Sure there are a few more channels to be had, but mostly BCE is blowing smoke when customers ask why the increases have been so exorbiant. Other Bell services (short of long distance) have also seen lots of increases over the same time although admittedley not quite as blatant as ExpressVu.

Hey but those hikes are needed, to make sure Bell still exists right?

After all, it was a year ago that BCE announced it would be laying off 3-4000 employees by the end of the year. Those rising customer rates and job cuts were needed to keep BCE competitive and profitable, so the company said.

But less than 3 months after announcing the layoffs, BCE announced that CEO Michael Sabia would receive a 555% pay increase. A salary increase from $1.21 million a year to $6.71 million a year. *cough*

I have no problem with the big guys making money and lots of it, but if you’re asking your customers to swallow big rate hikes and your employees to lose their jobs for the betterment of the company, well…lead by example. A 555% raise isn’t leading by example, it’s corporate greed.

Oh and if that’s not enough for you, Sabia was also the Director-General of Tax Policy in the Department of Finance when the GST was brought in in the early 90’s. He may not have driven it but he was one of the key architects behind the political scene. If you’re wondering why he’s on this list, come back after the next time you pay GST/HST or your Bell bill and then ask again.
Posted by Spinks on Monday, February 19, 2007 at 8:40 PM | Permalink
Don't forget how he lined his pockets in the CN privatization deal
Posted by Anonymous | 11:52 AM
Let's also not forget the retirement benefits that were removed from employee's Total Compensation without warning or assistance to replace them.
This answers the question; why the Employee Value Index has no target until 2008.

I can say first hand, this company is issuing pink slips and then looking for the needed efficiencies. Any normal company not facing extinction would do this the other way around. This behaviour should reflect the company’s attitude toward their employees and customers, we’re near the bottom of the list, if on it at all.
Posted by Anonymous | 3:57 PM
Don't blame him. He is just getting his. You would do the same given the opportunity. The problem is with the Board of Directors that approve all this crap.
Posted by Anonymous | 8:11 AM
You blogger buddy Chucky leblanc must rember theses emails Spinks Baby.
One fella on the Directors on that Board at Bell who must answer a lot of questions to me in court someday is Georgey Boy Bush's favourite Democrat Robert C. Pozen ot my name ain't "Just Dave"

Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 21:35:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Here is one of the reasons Telus dropped out of the scene Rest assured that the Yankee Depupty Dog has no clue what this is about other than he has wiretap tapes
To: lisa.carrier@international.gc.ca, oec-bce@parl.gc.ca,
lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca,
Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca,
Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, police@fredericton.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca,
cityadmin@fredericton.ca, bill.corby@gnb.ca,
Sandra.Conlin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca,
orakwa@paulcomm.ca, Prentice.J@parl.gc.ca, scotta@parl.gc.ca,
MacKay.P@parl.gc.ca, nicho.r@parl.gc.ca, info@grahamdefense.org,
kahentinetha2@yahoo.com, Katenies20@yahoo.com, timpila99@yahoo.com,
fabienpeters_355@msn.com, michael.rowan.book@gmail.com,
mtigar@wcl.american.edu, BBACHRACH@bowditch.com,
delaney_bruce@hotmail.com, rburnett@leonardpeltier.org,
mranfinson@aol.com, cartercamp@megapipe.net, george@haveyouthought.com,
warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, derek.strong@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Roger.Gillies@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, John.DeWinter@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca,
forest@conservationcouncil.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca,
premier@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, t.j.burke@gnb.ca,
jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, whistleblower@ctv.ca,
tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca,
wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com
CC: Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Graham.B@parl.gc.ca, andrew.holland@nb.aibn.com,
scotta@parl.gc.ca, caseyb@parl.gc.ca, warren.tolman@hklaw.com,
howiecarr@wrko.com, barnicle@969fmtalk.com,
cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, cotlei@parl.gc.ca,
Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us, Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us,
wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, fbinhct@leo.gov, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca,
bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca,
jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca,
moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca,
Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca,
Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, Sandra.Conlin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, Linda.Dorcenaforry@state.ma.us,
kelly.ayotte@doj.nh.gov, jbarthelmes@safety.state.nh.us,
rep.paul@mail.house.gov, info@massgop.com, info@mittromney.com,
thomas.gatzunis@state.ma.us, Daniel.Conley@state.ma.us,
wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, HistorysMsStory@aol.com, Interloch@aol.com,
dhill@leonardpeltier.org, trellenwood@leonardpeltier.org,

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 11:27:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: FW: Re: I am curious
To: ir@telus.com, greg.porter@telus.com, maria.preovolos@telus.com,
audrey.ho@telus.com, andras.vagvolgyi@telus.com,
martine.turcotte@bell.ca, michel.lalande@bell.ca

moto maniac motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com wrote: From: "moto maniac"

To: cwhite@wob.nf.ca
CC: michel.lalande@bell.ca, jean-francois.legault@bell.ca, christopher.ginther@bell.ca, atvnews@ctv.ca, bcecomms@bce.ca, newsroom@globeandmail.ca, p.macewan@balmoralfarm.ns.ca, dean.macdonald@actwu.ns.ca, elizabeth.macpherson@hrdc-drhc.gc.ca, brenda.reid@aliant.ca, martine.turcotte@bell.ca, info@hoeyassociates.ca, motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: FW: Re: I am curious
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 01:18:04 -0400

From: "David Amos"
Subject: Re: I am curious
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 00:01:35 -0300

Ms. Turcotte

Great. Thanks for the response. It saves time and unnecessary expense and redundancy because as I said, your local ATV Station is getting a hard copy and Mr. Pozen will receive his upon my return to the USA. I will attach hardcopy of this email to those documents so they will understand that I am serious about my complaints. But I will remain true to my word and not forward this email to anyone outside of your company.

Trust that I am seeking friends not more foes. I truly believe that CTV should capitalize on this story but I am somewhat dubious after I saw how Bell Canada employed its media to slam the people striking against Aliant last night. Please never forget I have been compelled to play the wicked political game and I do understand the argument at the bottom of this email. I am very much against the huge mergers at the Global Level. I am certain every lawyer and politician knows why.

Best Regards
David R. Amos

----- Original Message -----
From: martine.turcotte@bell.ca
To: motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
Cc: bcecomms@bce.ca ; W-Five@ctv.ca
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 10:28 AM
Subject: RE: I am curious

Mr. Amos, I confirm that I have received your documentation. There is no need to send us a hard copy. As you have said yourself, the
>documentation is very voluminous and after 3 days, we are still in the process of printing it. I have asked one of my lawyers to review it in my absence and report back to me upon my return in the office. We will then provide you with a reply.

Martine Turcotte
Chief Legal Officer / Chef principal du service juridique
BCE Inc. / Bell Canada
1000 de La Gauchetière ouest, bureau 3700
Montréal (Qc) H3B 4Y7

Tel: (514) 870-4637
Fax: (514) 870-4877
email: martine.turcotte@bell.ca

Executive Assistant / Assistante à la haute direction: Diane Valade

Tel: (514) 870-4638
email: diane.valade@bell.ca

-----Original Message-----
> From: David Amos [mailto:motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 6:12 AM
> To: Turcotte, Martine (EX05453)
> Cc: bcecomms@bce.ca; W-Five@ctv.ca
> Subject: I am curious
> Madam
> I did not receive a response from you to the last email so I am
>not certain if you received it. I must inform you that I will be closing my
>briefcase in Yahoo for public view at the end of the week. I have a great
>deal of material to add and I only wish certain parties to view it. I
>opened it for you the other day as an act of good faith. Mr. Pozen can
>check my work in the dockets of the various courts around Boston they are a
>matter of Public Record my files are not. As you can see by this and some
>following emails. I am very busy dealing with criminal matters first before
>filing civil complaints in the USA. As I told you when you called a lot has
>been happening. I have made a lot of cops mad at me and I don't trust them
>a bit particularly after the Police Commission is willing to check their
>work so i have been busy watching my back and covering my butt. However
>that does not mean that I have not thought about our conversation and was
>curious about a few things.
> I was glad to receive your call and impressed by the fact that
>you were more than willing to receive the material and a copy of the
>wiretap tape in particular. Your stated willingness to uphold the law was a
>rare statement to me. However I was curious why you only mentioned my
>voicemail to Mr. Pozen and not the email to your company and the news
>program that it owns. Did they not inform you as well? If they didn't I am
>not surprised because I have some other rather interesting denials from the
>Media. the most interesting would have to be from the PBS program called
>Frontline when I introduced its producer Michael Sullivan to the US
>Attorney Michael J. Sullivan. Now that is a story well worth W5 telling.
>Too bad they showed me their ass. As a courtesy to you and a further act of
>good faith, I will not forward this email to anyone else until after I
>return to the USA and nothing has been resolved between BCE and I and I am
>compelled to name it in my complaint. I would find it very hard to believe
>that Mr, Pozen does not know everything he needs to know about me right
> I had also called a lawyer, Steven Skurka who had a week long
>little special on CTV . I had tried to inform him that I knew my rights his
>assistant hollered at me. You from speaking to me yourself that I am not a
>rude character. I found it too funny to be treated that way and I had
>resolved to serve him this stuff byway of the local ATV Station that had
>presented his smiling talking head to me. That is why I was telling you
>that you could get this stuff from the local ATV station. I found it quite
>strange that you did not rely on them to send it on to you. Thus I must
>make an extra copy to comply with your request.
> I know the date stamp on the forwarded email is incorrect but
>that is because my old laptop goes to the first year in it when I boot up
>and sometimes I am too busy or tired to bother changing it. However MSN
>tracks it with the true date. Brad Smith and I have a bone to pick as well
>and I have been checking his work rather closely since he ignored my letter
>to him last year. His boss Bill Gates is gonna be very angry and Brad Smith
>and Steve Balmer in the near future if I have anything to do with it. If
>you do act ethically and immediately I will settle with your company very
>cheaply in comparsion to the bottom lines of my first two complaints. In
>fact I will be so impressed I will immediatlely offer you a better job than
>the one you have now. Please study the material I will provide you closely
>and ask me any thing you wish.
> I will do as I promised and send the material you requested as
>soon as I can put it all together. Right now I am on the move and far away
>from my printer. Is the following your correct address? Perhaps you should
>consider sending someone to the my meeting with the Police Commission in
>Fredericton next week in order to hear me speak of these matters to law
>enforcement before I return to the USA. Once I do return there I will serve
>the Mr. Pozen the material as promised and call him to testify in my
>pending trial. The following emails should explain some of my concerns to
>you. My wife will be in Canada next week as well to pick up our kids. I
>will allow you to speak to her if you wish. She has had a nervous breakdown
>over the legal crap and I do have her Durable Power of Attorney pursuant to
>M.G.L. 201 B. Mr. Pozen can ask Robert S. Creedon Jr. about that document.
>I argued it with him before the entire Judicuary Commitee on Sept. 18th
> I will call you in a minute to make certain that you get this and
>the following emails.
> David R. Amos
> Martine Turcotte
> 1000 de la Gauchetiere Ouest
> Floor 41
> Montreal, Quebec H3B 58H Canada
> Tel: (514) 870-4637
> Fax: (514) 870-4877
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Amos
> To: W-Five@ctv.ca
> Cc: bcecomms@bce.ca ; oldmaison@yahoo.com
> Sent: Sunday, January 06, 1980 4:07 PM
> Subject: My turn to tell a tale.
> I think is time to let a little something out of the bag for the benefit
>of a few Maritimers who think they know something about the Media.I did
>notify CBC, the Rogers crowd and Harry Steele's folks that I knew a little
>bit about the Media and that I had written a book about it. Problem is I
>need an editor and I believe I may have found one.He comes in the form of a
>disenchanted newspaper man. But the thing is I want to put it on the web
>for all to read for free so there is no money in it for him. So I guess I
>wiil sue some big company with a Prima Facia complaint and settle for a
>lesser amount out of court. Lets just say I am looking hard at you dudes. I
>had zeroed in on the Yankee media long ago and I am certain folks within
>the Ottawa Citizen and Democracy Watch had checked my work(Hey Duff say hey
>to Dan for me) I have crossed paths with many of Globemedia's people many
>times for many reasons and I can easily prove it. What I haven't bothered
>to tell them that I knew the reason Gobal etc never mentioned me was Frank
>McKenna and the Irving influence because basically that was a no brainer
>anyway. However If Globemedia and all their cohorts didn't think I knew
>about the influence Robert Pozen in Boston, you had best think again. then
>give Mr. Spitzer, Mr. Galvin, Mr. Shelby and Mr. Donaldson a call and drop
>my name along with Mr. Nesters and Mr. Koski's and tell them my stuff is
>off to the Arar Commission I am heading back to the USA to call Mr. Pozen
>and many folks he calls friends to court. Perhaps in Ottawa Bill Rowe will
>truly speak for the common man after all if the worm turns on his buddies.
>How do you people sleep at night? What say you? Why not get honest with the
>world and I will settle cheap? I will give one of your lawyers something
>real soon before I serve Mr. Pozen his just due byway of this lawyer
>Jeffrey N Carp MFS Investment Management
> 500 Boylston Street Boston MA 02116-3741 617-954-5747 Perhaps he should
>call Putnam investments or the Brookline Savings bank and say hey to Mr
>Chapman and Mr Tripp for me. I just called Bob Pozen at 617 954-5707 and
>introduced myself so that he can never say that he never heard my name.
> MFS set to agree to second settlement
> · MFS set to agree to second settlement
> 00:00 EST Wednesday, March 31, 2004
> 00:00 EST Wednesday, March 31, 2004
> Sun Life Financial Inc.'s Boston-based mutual fund arm will agree to a
>$50-million (U.S.) settlement today with U.S. regulators over allegations
>the firm directed trading commissions to brokerages in exchange for
>preferential treatment, according to people familiar with the matter.
> Sources said Massachusetts Financial Services Co. will announce a deal
>with the Securities and Exchange Commission this morning that will also
>include "compliance reforms," in addition to a token $1 disgorgement
> Eric Morse, a spokesman for MFS, declined to comment. A spokesman for
>the SEC refused to discuss any talks with the firm.
> The embattled fund company is hoping this settlement will enable it to
>move beyond the intense public and regulatory scrutiny it has endured in
>the past several months.
> In early February, MFS agreed to a $350-million settlement with the SEC
>and New York State Attorney-General Eliot Spitzer for allegedly permitting
>improper trades in some of its bigger funds. That figure included
>$225-million in penalties and restitution to investors, along with
>$125-million in fee reductions spread out over the next five years.
> The fallout within MFS, which manages about $140-billion in assets, was
>also considerable. Its two highest-ranking officials -- chief executive
>officer John Ballen and president Kevin Parke -- were each fined and
>slapped with temporary suspensions by the SEC, leading to their departures
>from the firm. Long-serving chairman Jeffrey Shames also retired in the
>aftermath of MFS's problems, and was replaced by Robert Pozen, formerly a
>senior executive at Fidelity Investments and onetime associate general
>counsel at the SEC.
> Mr. Pozen has been charged with cleaning up the mess, and tightening the
>firm's internal controls.
> He has already hired new legal and compliance officers, added monitoring
>staff, and imposed a ban on so-called "soft dollar" transactions. The firm
>also prohibited the practice of directing trading fees to brokerages in
>exchange for being placed on a preferred list of customers and receiving
>better visibility for its funds.
> This latter arrangement, known in industry circles as "pay for play," is
>at the centre of MFS's pending settlement with the SEC. Sources said the
>current settlement talks advanced fairly quickly because of the voluntary
>compliance improvements MFS has undertaken.
> In a recent interview with The Globe and Mail, Mr. Pozen attacked the
>basis of the regulator's case as "very weak" and said it should have raised
>this as a problem when it conducted audits of the company.
> Nevertheless, he said he hoped to settle the matter quickly, in large
>part to avoid a costly legal battle and prevent nervous investors from
>pulling their money out of MFS funds. So far, the damage has been contained
>to one major client, the Illinois Teachers Retirement System, which fired
>MFS last month as lead manager on a $664-million portfolio.
> The SEC is investigating about a dozen other fund companies for directed
>brokerage, although sources say MFS will settle individually, rather than
>as part of a group.
> Last fall, brokerage powerhouse Morgan Stanley agreed to pay $50-million
>to settle charges it failed to tell investors it was promoting funds with
>which the firm had a special arrangement. Morgan Stanley had a "Partners
>Program" of 14 funds, including MFS, that paid "substantial" fees in return
>for the brokerage steering their funds to investors, the SEC claimed.
> The regulator indicated a few months ago it would begin investigating a
>number of fund companies for directing commissions, but did not say which
>firms it would target.
> Sun Life revealed in a filing that MFS was under investigation for this
>practice just a couple of weeks after its first settlement with the SEC and
>Mr. Spitzer. The news came as a surprise to most observers, some of whom
>criticized the insurer's CEO, Donald Stewart, for not disclosing this probe
> MFS is hoping to recoup some of the $175-million it must repay investors
>under the terms of the first settlement by suing firms and individuals that
>engaged in market timing and late trading of its funds. Market timing
>involves making frequent trades in and out of funds in order to cash in on
>minor pricing discrepancies. It is not illegal, but is usually prohibited
>by many fund companies, since the quick trading can raise administrative
>costs and undermine returns to investors.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: R. S. Webb
> To: Amos David
> Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 12:50 AM
> Subject: Fw: possble story
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: R. S. Webb
> To: Amos David
> Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 9:15 PM
> Subject: Fw: possble story
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: W-FIVE Viewer Mail
> To: 'R. S. Webb'
> Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 3:03 PM
> Subject: RE: possble story
> Dear Mr. Amos,
> I would like to thank you for your email to W-FIVE, sorry for the delay
>in responding.
> We review every email and story idea that we receive here at W-FIVE and
>give it serious consideration. Your email has been forwarded to our
>executive and senior producer for review. If we are interested in pursuing
>your idea further, you will be contacted by one of our researchers.
> Thanks again for your input. Your interest in our program is much
> Sincerely,
> Lisa-Marie
> Production Coordinator
> -----Original Message-----
> From: R. S. Webb [mailto:cei@nbnet.nb.ca]
> Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 2:28 PM
> To: W-FIVE@ctv.ca
> Subject: possble story
> I am a Canadian Citizen who thus far, as a plaintiff, has two Lawsuits
>in the US District Court of Massachucetts they are numbered 02-11686- RGS
>and 02-11687-RGS. They were removed to that Court from the Norfolk Superior
>Court by the US Attorney Michael J. Sullivan very improperly. However they
>shall remain there because of my status as a Canandian Citizen. Judge
>Sterns has not even held a Conference about the matters because he likely
>does not want to hear the matter because I have presented all Members of
>the Bar with their worst fear of a catch 22 problem. Accordinging to law he
>is late. I have complained of 47 defendants 34 of whom are State
>Defendants( the Attorney General, The Commission of Judicial Conduct Board
>of Bar Overseers etc) and 3 are Federal Treasury Agents. Some of the
>defendants are over two months late in their answer to the Summons. The
>smallest suit amounts to 188 million dollars in the form of relief. There
>is a lot to these matters and too much to briefly explain. But in a
>nutshell my wife's Aunt, who is buried beside Rose Kennedy, left my wife
>some money. It was stolen by her relatives in executing the estate. No news
>there. But the crooks are very well connected politically and every part of
>the old crony network in Boston covered for them. The crook and our cousin,
>Charles J. Kickham Jr of the Kickham Law Office on Beacon St, has been past
>President of Bar Associations. He has sat on the Board of Governors of
>Harvard Law School etc. I have given much information to many members of
>the press who have simply ignored some interesting facts. What should be
>somewhat newsworthy is how far a wild colonial boy has come in prosecuting
>Pro Se the most profund Yankee carpetbaggers. My next two lawsuits Under
>title 18 are wickedly righteous. I have left one copy of much information
>in Saint John New Brunswick at a lawyer's Office, Mosher and Chedore 33
>Charlotte St if some one wishes to view them. I can be reached at this Cell
>number 506 434- 1379
> David R. Amos
> Canadian Media Deregulation Provides Insight Into FCC Proposal
> Critics of consolidation say the integrity of the news is being
>undermined by the effects of concentrated ownership
> Editor's Note: This story has been updated to correct
>inaccuracies. Please see the corrected version here.
> The original version of this story (see below) posted on May 29,
>2003 incorrectly stated that Canada's two national newspapers, The Globe
>and Mail and the National Post, recently laid off their online editorial
>staffs. According to globeandmail.com editor Angus Frame, there have been
>no recent editorial layoffs at globeandmail.com; the site's 18-person staff
>continues to write and edit stories that are published exclusively online.
>The National Post did not have dedicated online editorial staff, and did
>not have online editorial layoffs. The story also failed to acknowledge
>that the country's largest newspaper, the Toronto Star, also has a
>significant online operation.
> The Federal Communications Commission is poised to unveil new
>media ownership rules June 2 that some experts believe may change the face
>of American journalism.
> The new rules would allow media companies to own television
>stations and newspapers in the same cities.
> The FCC barred companies from owning newspapers and TV stations
>in the same market in 1975, but big media owners like the Tribune Co.,
>Knight Ridder, MediaNews Group and the New York Times say it's time to lift
>that ban.
> They argue that cross-ownership makes for better journalism:
>Staffers working for companies that own newspapers and TV stations in the
>same market can work together to create richer, multimedia news reports
>that can then run in the company's paper and on their stations and Web
> Advocates say the synergies of convergence lead to cost savings,
>increased advertising revenues and greater efficiencies.
> Cross-ownership already exists in some markets: The FCC granted
>about 40 exemptions to the cross-ownership rule in cases where a company
>already had television or radio stations and a newspaper in a single city.
>The FCC also granted exemptions in larger markets after media mergers
>produced cross-ownership situations.
> 'The concentration of ownership in a lot of major Canadian
>cities is of interest for a lot reasons, but mainly because it provides too
>much news coming through one pipeline.'
> --Russ Mills, former publisher of the Ottawa Citizen
> The Tribune Co., for example, owns television stations and
>newspapers in Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and Miami.
> How further media consolidation and convergence would play out
>if the FCC does lift the ban on cross-ownership has been the subject of hot
>debate in the weeks leading up to the commission's June 2 vote.
> Experts familiar with the rapid consolidation of media in Canada
>say the U.S. should look northward for some lessons on what loosening
>cross-ownership restrictions could mean to journalism in the U.S.
> In Canada, the deregulation of cross-media ownership occurred
>gradually over the last 20 years. Within the past eight years, it has led
>to massive consolidation of media companies.
> Most of Canada's news media -- including newspapers and
>broadcast stations in all of its major cities -- are in the hands of two
>media giants: CanWest Global Communications Inc., and Bell Globemedia -- a
>division of the country's largest telephone company, Bell Canada.
> The rapid media consolidation in Canada has inspired an
>often-acrimonious debate over whether Canadian journalists are able to
>report objectively on social and political issues and whether the country's
>corporate media has allowed business interests to undermine the role of
>journalism in a modern democracy.
> "Based on the experience in Canada, dropping restrictions on
>cross-ownership certainly hasn't worked out well," said Russ Mills, former
>publisher of the Ottawa Citizen in Canada's capital city, who was fired by
>CanWest in a fight over editorial independence.
> "The concentration of ownership in a lot of major Canadian
>cities is of interest for a lot of reasons, but mainly because it provides
>too much news coming through one pipeline," he said. "When companies use
>ownership to control the news, and they do have the ability to do so, it
>hurts everyone."
> Though the two media conglomerates said cross-media
>consolidation would improve online journalism, many media observers say
>online journalism at local papers has gone downhill in the wake of
> The country's two national newspapers, the National Post,
>half-owned by CanWest, and The Globe and Mail, owned by Bell Canada's media
>wing, Globemedia, have laid off the online reporters and editors at the two
>papers that once produced copy separate from print editions.
> The two papers, former online staffers said, were the only ones
>in Canada that were doing something other than simply repurposing content
>from newspaper pages into newspaper Web sites.
> Executives at Bell Globemedia and CanWest have defended the
>cutbacks, saying they were a result of cost-cutting efforts and
>consolidations undertaken after spending billions of dollars to acquire
>newspaper and broadcasting properties.
> Consolidation accelerated in 1990s
> Canada's restrictions on cross-media ownership were carved
>largely from regulatory decisions on broadcasting licenses made since the
>1950s by the Canadian Radio-Television Commission -- Canada's version of
>the FCC.
> By the mid-1980s, Canadian media experts say, exceptions to
>cross-media ownership rules had eroded the cross-ownership ban to the point
>that it was unenforcable and largely ignored.
> By the mid-1990s, consolidation of Canadian media companies had
>accelerated on the strength of dot.com economics. And in 2000, CanWest, the
>second largest broadcaster in the country, announced a $3.5-billion deal to
>purchase a majority of the nation's newspapers -- including papers in the
>nation's 12 largest cities.
> Within weeks, Jean Monty, Bell Canada's CEO at the time,
>announced that Canada's largest phone company had set its sights on owning
>both content and the multimedia pipelines into consumers' homes.
> The decision prompted Bell Globemedia to purchase the Globe and
>Mail and the nation's largest TV network, CTV, in 2001.
> Despite the rising consolidation of media outlets, the massive
>purchases of newspapers by CanWest Global and Bell Globemedia took many
>Canadian journalists and media-watchers by surprise.
> CanWest and Bell executives convinced Canada's CRTC that
>convergence was necessary to attract advertising revenue and reduce costs
>if newspapers in many Canadian communities were to survive. And they
>promised that resources from new revenues would be devoted to improving the
>quality and reach of journalism through the Internet.
> When questions about convergence arose during CRTC hearings on
>both companies' broadcast licenses shortly after their newspaper purchases,
>they promised regulators that they would separate management of
>news-gathering operations by their television stations and newspapers.
> Officials from the Canada National Newspaper Guild complained
>that keeping management separate would not prevent companies from forcing
>journalists to perform work for both newspapers and television, to the
>detriment of journalistic independence.
> Critics -- including journalism professors, journalists,
>newspaper and broadcast union officials, and some government officials --
>have argued that the quality of journalism has gone down, not up, as a
>result of convergence.
> Joyce Smith, an assistant professor at Canada's Ryerson
>University, teaches online journalism and worked on the online staff at the
>Globe and Mail before those employees were laid off last year.
> She said the one opportunity to see convergence succeed might
>have been missed by Bell Globemedia in its efforts to cut costs to recoup
>some of what it spent on media acquisitions.
> "What I found interesting was that the actual idea of
>convergence wasn't a hit with people working with just the newspaper or
>just television," Smith said. "Where it really happened was with the online
>news team. There were things the TV folks could clearly do much better with
>the online newspaper. By pooling resources, it all did work much better.
> "But in the tradition of journalism," she said, "reporters were
>asking, 'What does this mean for me? Does it mean that I have to file
>stories to the Web and then do stand-ups in newsroom, while doing my piece
>for the deadline at the end of the day?'
> "Basically, (owners) wanted reporters to be one-man bands,"
>Smith said. "That has been played and replayed here. It made sense from a
>business model, but journalists, especially those who have been around for
>a while, went into newspapers and TV for a reason. Some are great at doing
>both, but not everyone has the same aptitude. And no one has the time in
>the day to do it all. Some of the expectations were outrageous."
> Canada reexamining changes
> While U.S. media critics and media executives have been
>testifying over the past few weeks in Senate hearings on the proposed
>changes in the FCC's media ownership rules, Canada is busy reexamining what
>has come of its own cross-media consolidations.
> Two inquiries are underway by Canadian government officials to
>explore the impact of cross-media ownership and consolidation on
>journalistic integrity and media responsibility.
> The Canadian Senate's Committee on Transport and Communication
>began taking testimony at the end of April on those issues and is expected
>to report its findings within the next year.
> A House of Commons committee on Canadian heritage is expected to
>release an 800-page report next month on its own yearlong investigation
>into the impact of media concentration and political efforts by
>corporations to ease restrictions on foreign ownership of Canadian media.
> But media-watchers, who have a ringside seat on Canada's great
>media debate, say they are doubtful that government investigations will
>produce any new regulation on media conglomerates.
> "The horse is out of the barn," said Arnold Amber, director of
>the National Newspaper Guild of Canada. "But the good news is that this has
>at least inspired a vigorous national debate on press freedom and
> Amber and other critics of media convergence said promises of
>more stories and better information from combining print and broadcast news
>staffs have largely failed in Canada.
> "Bell Globemedia is talking about restructuring and selling off
>its media wing," Amber said. "The failure of convergence to bring in
>revenues was primarily responsible for the resignation of Bell Canada's
>CEO, Jean Monty," who stepped down in April 2002.
> Geoffrey Elliot, vice-president of corporate affairs for
>CanWest, said that convergence has not led to revenues, or the reduced
>costs, the company had hoped for.
> But Elliot, and other supporters of cross-media ownership,
>argues that all sides have benefited from consolidation.
> "We are a family-owned business that saw an opportunity in which
>the whole was greater than the sum of the parts," Elliot said. "We saw
>substantial potential synergies on the sales side by putting television and
>newspaper assets together, since they both serve primarily advertising
>clients as sources of revenue, and serve a combination of local and
>national markets."
> Amber said the companies likely saw their primary financial
>advantages from a convergence of back-office technologies -- combining
>circulation, sales, printing and management operations.
> But it was something else that brought issues to a head in
>Canada over media consolidation and sharing newsroom resources: The loss of
>diversity of voices within the Canadian media took on new importance,
>observers say, after a series of events that led to accusations of
>censorship and political bias by CanWest's owners.
> In December 2001, CanWest -- which owns 11 major dailies and 22
>smaller papers in Canada -- issued a directive to its newspaper editors
>that they would be expected to run three editorials per week that reflected
>the position of CanWest's owners on political or social issues.
> The decision was met with a spate of criticism -- especially
>when editors were told that other local editorials were not to contradict
>those from corporate headquarters.
> A byline strike ensued at the Montreal Gazette, and inquiries by
>the newspaper guild there led to findings that work by columnists and
>cartoonists was spiked when it conflicted with opinions from corporate
> Several journalists quit; some staffers published a protest Web
> The furor finally boiled over into the public arena last June
>when Russ Mills, the publisher of the Ottawa Citizen, was fired by CanWest
>for running a series of stories and an editorial that outlined alleged
>political and financial irregularities in the administration of Canadian
>Prime Minister Jean Chretien.
> Elliot, the CanWest vice president, said the controversy arose
>because Mills failed to let CanWest's owners know in advance of the series
>or the editorial -- which called on Chretien, a friend of CanWest patriarch
>Israel Asper, to resign.
> Mills said he had not sought permission for either the
>investigative series, or the editorial, because he believed in preserving
>"editorial independence."
> The problem, Mills said, was that the new owners were trying to
>dictate local editorial policy from corporate headquarters.
> Elliot described the concern over attempts at a national
>editorial policy -- which has since been largely abandoned -- as a tempest
>without substance.
> He said CanWest's owners were "well within their rights to
>propose national editorials," and that their actions were no different that
>those of other newspaper ownership groups prior to media consolidation.
> "There has never been any effort to control what was published
>in news stories," he said.
> Since his firing, Mills has become an outspoken critic of media
>consolidation in Canada, and he testified in April before the Canadian
>Senate committee conducting media hearings. He was also awarded a Neiman
>Fellowship at Harvard University and is the incoming dean of the journalism
>program at Algonquin College in Ottawa.
> Meanwhile, Mills' firing prompted a public opinion poll by
>Canada's largest media union that found that the incident had caused the
>public to lose confidence in the media's editorial independence.
> The results, union officials said, showed that Canadians were
>concerned about press freedom and wanted the government to look into
>problems associated with media concentration.
> Peter Murdock, then vice-president of the communications union,
>told Canada Newswire that the poll "demonstrates that Canadians want their
>journalists protected from the whims and prejudice of media barons. It is a
>grim warning to media corporations and government that Canadians believe
>that the very integrity of the news that feeds our democracy is being
>undermined by the effects of concentrated media ownership."
> It is clear that online journalism at Canada's newspapers has
>changed dramatically under CanWest's corporate control.
> The company replaced independent newspaper Web sites with a
>common site, Canada.com, which allows consumers to access local news by
>clicking on the community they are interested in.
> Elliot said community news on the Web site comes from local
>newspapers and television stations, and said that consolidating that
>information on a single Web site provides consumers better access to local
>news across the country -- as well as reduces costs.
> Bruce MacCormack, former head of interactive media at CanWest,
>said supplementing newspaper and television content with a common Web site
>has made access to news more efficient and allowed the corporation to serve
>consumers better.
> "The consumers of online media . were also television viewers
>and newspaper readers, and at different points in the day, different media
>were the best way to reach those people," MacCormack said.
> "Someone watching television in the evening could be told about
>stories being developed for the next day's newspaper, which is read on the
>commuter train as people go to work," he said. "Then, during working hours,
>the Internet was the most effective way to get them up to date on news, and
>tease them for television use at night."
> "These were handoff mechanisms that worked to reach people, so
>consumers and the public were able to access services in the most
>appropriate media, for whatever method they could best be served."
> CanWest recently filed testimony with the FCC to support the
>relaxation of cross-media regulations in the U.S. That testimony challenges
>media critics on their central objections to cross-media ownership.
> "Today's media market is the richest and most diverse in the
>history of modern media," the document says. "Cross-ownership has
>strengthened media companies and encouraged greater diversity and more
>sources of information.
> "Experience," it adds, "simply does not support the contention
>of some opponents of cross-media ownership, that consumers would have
>access to fewer point of view, or would see only repackaged versions of the
>same content across multimedia platforms."
> Smith, the Ryerson professor -- despite her criticisms of the
>handling of online media opportunities in Canada -- said she sees
>differences between media ownership consolidation in Canada and in the
>United States.
> "In the U.S., because of the size of the market, the chance of
>one or two owners gobbling up everything, I think, would be less than in
>Canada," she said. "But there is some caution in that.
> "If you are thinking about journalists, there are wonderful
>things about operating in a converged environment. It was really exciting
>thinking we could potentially have video, and it may be good for news
>consumers in the sense that (online video) will be a faster way of
>converging types of media.
> "But you get a lot of the same stuff. There is no alternative.
>You are going to lose some (editorial) voices in the process."
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 8:25 PM
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#58 – Edward Greenspan
If I’m ever guilty as sin of a crime, I’m calling Edward Greenspan. It seems every guilty as sin criminal flocks to him. The more high profile the case the better for this Toronto criminal lawyer.

A few of the high profile cases Greenspan has been involved in are;

Garth Drabinsky for a whole bunch of fraud charges adding up to half a billion dollars in Canada alone;

Steven Williams who blatantly violated a publication ban to write about the horrors of the Paul Bernardo/Karla Homolka case;

Michael Rose, a member of the Hells Angels in Quebec charged with seven counts of murder;

Robert Latimer who killed his disabled daughter;

…and the current case involving Conrad Black.

Look, everyone deserves a fair trial and if they’re innocent, I’m glad there are people like Greenspan who are willing to defend them. If guilty, they should receive no more or less a punishment than they deserve for that particular crime.

Greenspan however is a showman. He’s happy to do media interviews about the cases he’s involved in ad nauseum and explain why his client is in fact innocent or at the very least justified in their actions. The media eats it up because often Greenspan may be the only one talking about the case and he is almost always accomodating. Saying those things is fine in the courtroom. That’s to be expected. It’s not fine when he shows up on television saying the same things. That only serves to cause more hardship for those who are victims of the crimes his clients are accused of.

The victims have been tortured enough without having to relive it every time they open a paper, turn on the radio or watch the TV. There’s enough of that already without Edward Greenspan adding to the mix.
Posted by Spinks on Saturday, February 17, 2007 at 1:29 PM | Permalink
Whatever you think of Greenspan, I do recommed his book (although now dated) - The Case for the Defense.
Posted by John B | 4:32 PM
Spinks Baby you are right about Greenspan but you forgot to name somebody in your list. How about your not so alter ego Brent Taylor?

FEDERAL EXPRESS February 7, 2006

Senator Arlen Specter
United States Senate
Committee on the Judiciary
224 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr. Specter:

I have been asked to forward the enclosed tapes to you from a man named, David Amos, a Canadian citizen, in connection with the matters raised in the attached letter. Mr. Amos has represented to me that these are illegal FBI wire tap tapes. I believe Mr. Amos has been in contact with you about this previously.

Very truly yours,
Barry A. Bachrach
Direct telephone: (508) 926-3403
Direct facsimile: (508) 929-3003
Email: bbachrach@bowditch.com


Posted by David Raymond Amos | 1:30 PM


#65 - Andy Scott
Despite what some may believe, simply driving me nuts isn’t a good enough reason for someone to end up here on the 101 list. If that’s all it took, Fredericton Liberal MP Andy Scott would be a lot closer to the top.

No, to make the list you have to actually exhibit a behaviour that cheapens this country. Enter Andy Scott.

Mr. Scott is a self-described “career politician”. When that is your career you do whatever it takes to save it, something Scott has proven time and time again and he’s a great salesman. He’s convinced the people of Fredericton to return him to office five times.He’s done this despite proving himself untrustworthy time and time again and hey, nice work on his part because he hasn't made it easy on himself.

Like…“We will abolish the GST,” Andy Scott, 1993

In fairness, all Liberals said that but there’s still my personal favourite that the voters of Fredericton have an extremely short memory for…

"None of it is true.” Andy Scott in 1998 speaking inside the House of Commons regarding NDP member Dick Procter overhearing a conversation between Scott and a friend on a plane, talking about confidential information about the RCMP investigation into the APEC affair.

Later that same day…

Reporter : Who were you speaking too?
Scott : I don’t remember.
Reporter : Was it a man or a woman?
Scott : I don’t remember.
Reporter : What did you talk about?
Scott : I don’t remember.

Next day:

Scott : It was Frederick Toole. (They’d known each other for 15 years. I’ve seen better amnesia acting on soap operas.)

Eight weeks later Scott resigned (finally), but never really admitted any wrongdoing or apologized for so obviously lying to the Canadian People.

In 1999, he voted to preserve the institution of marriage between one man and one woman. A short four years later his vote set the stage for overhauling marriage as an institution without studying the possible ramifications. Government will study the mating habits of the northern wombat to death, but apparently this issue wasn’t important enough for Scott to at least request a study. (We’ve never had one by the way.)

In 2002, Scott voted against a motion to raise the age of sexual consent in Canada to 16 from 14 and prohibit the "creation or use of sexually explicit materials exploiting children.” Some things are no-brainers like this one which protects children from sexual predators. This was a good idea if the Marxist-Leninist Party had raised it. Oops, a Conservative did, so Scott voted it down.

After implying repeatedly to the New Brunswick Provincial Government that federal money would flow to refurbish the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station in southern New Brunswick, in 2005, Scott said the Feds would not fund it because…well, it really wasn’t their area of responsibility. However, if you live in the Fredericton riding you’ll often receive Scott’s mail outs which contain him taking credit for all kinds of stuff that isn’t in the Feds area of responsibility.

Scott redeemed himself slightly this past year by pushing for a National Autism Strategy and giving credit where credit is due, kudos for that but in the end I don’t trust the guy and he’s never given me any reason to trust him.

Andy Scott is the stereotypical politician who gives politicians who are in it for the right reasons a bad name. Scott’s done lots of things to end up on this list but lying during the plane incident is without a doubt the worst. If he admitted he had lied and asked for forgiveness I could let it go. However, he manipulated the truth to make it unrecognizable and the voters let him get away with it. Hopefully next time they don’t.
Posted by Spinks on Saturday, February 03, 2007 at 10:26 AM | Permalink
Fredericton can do better. We certainly couldn't do any worse. My cat could warm the back benches better. Time for a change.
Posted by Kit | 5:22 PM
Spinks, it is your list but I disagree with the addition of Andy Scott to the list. If I had a list of 101 people who were helping Canada Andy Scott would be high on that list.

Andy has worked hard to secure passage of a commons motion, endorsed by the Conservative government, putting in place elements of a national autism strategy. As someone who has been involved with autism advocacy for several years I know that this accomplishment was far from easy. Andy is still hard at work pushing the strategy further. The autism community could not ask for a better champion on the federal scene.

He has also been an MP who can be reached by his constituents and who works hard at securing public input through his public policy forums.

At the end of the day the voters of the Fredericton area have now voted Andy to office several times. To say that Andy Scott is screwing up Canada amounts to saying that the people of Fredericton are screwing up Canada since we have repeatedly chosen him as our representative.

Fun list but hey, even Spinks can get it wrong sometimes?
Posted by Autism Reality NB | 5:47 AM
"Fun list but hey, even Spinks can get it wrong sometimes?"

Cripes - you say that like it's the exception as opposed to the rule!
Posted by laughin to the bank... | 4:23 PM
unfortunately, voters have a short attention span. His flying faux pas was too distant to have any more lingering effects on election day (as noted by the fact that he won last time.......though that may be because of the calibre of his previous opponent....)

I think his waffling over our role in Afghanistan etc......the whole 'i suport our troops, but well, I don't support our role in Afghanistan....blahblah' is more the issue with this guy. He is the representative in Ottawa for a riding that has CFB GAGETOWN in it!! How does his mixed message read there??

I agree...........he should be on the list........... :)
Posted by Awareness | 9:26 PM
Update! Andy Scott Quits Politics!!!

Veteran Liberal MP Andy Scott to quit politics

Updated Mon. Mar. 5 2007 11:41 PM ET

Canadian Press

FREDERICTON -- Longtime Fredericton MP Andy Scott says he's getting out of federal politics.

Scott, who has represented the New Brunswick capital region since 1993, announced Monday night he will not be running in the next federal election, which could come this spring.

He told his riding association he will not run again due to family considerations and a desire to pursue other interests, which he did not specify.

Scott and his wife, Denise, have a one-year-old son, Noah. His two oldest sons, Nathan and Nicholas, are in their early 20s.

"I have been truly blessed to have family members who are very patient, supportive and understanding of this job and the demands it places on one's time,'' he said.

"However, with a new young family member and my wife having increasing professional responsibilities of her own, this seemed like the appropriate time for me to step aside.''

Scott said he will finish his current term until a new member has been elected.

During his time on the federal Liberal benches, Scott served as minister of Indian affairs, minister for infrastructure and housing, solicitor general and regional minister for New Brunswick.

His most difficult time came during his days as solicitor general. In 2001, NDP MP Dick Proctor told the Commons he overheard Scott discussing the inquiry into the RCMP handling of protests during the 1997 APEC conference with his seatmate on an airplane.

Scott ultimately resigned amid charges of bias.

He was back in the federal Liberal cabinet under former prime minister Paul Martin, serving as minister of Indian affairs.

Scott said Monday he told Liberal Leader Stephane Dion in January that he was probably going to leave federal politics.

"Mr. Dion will continue to have my complete confidence and support,'' Scott said.

"Our leader brings all the qualities and characteristics most people look for in politicians; he's earnest, has an incredible work ethic, an intelligent public-policy mind and a respect for Canadians and Canadian institutions.''
Posted by Smok Wawelski | 8:08 PM
Hey Spinks both you and the sneaky Harold L Doherty (Your pal Chucky Leblanc's Ironhorse) are so full of it I can't stand it. All three of you NB bloggers know why I ran against Andy Baby Scott and yet you all try hard not to admit I even exist N'est Pas? We Maritimers should all ask you dudes why you act like you do but I doubt that this posting will even stand for one day. EH?
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 1:41 PM
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#85 - Santa Claus
Yes, I know, Santa Claus is probably the most famous Canadian of all time, his residence being in the North Pole and all. Other countries may try to claim him but c’mon he dresses in the Canadian colours, red and white, this guy is a Canuck.

So how on earth could a man who brings toys to boys and girls all over the world be on the list of 101 people screwing up Canada?

Well it’s simple.

If I have to be on his list, well he should be on mine.

But, it’s not just me. How many of you have done your best as children to be so good to get that special toy you were looking for and then find out Santa brought you socks instead?

For me it was Christmas 1976 – I really did my best wanting the coolest toy ever made – the Six-Million Dollar Man action figure. You could rip pieces off his arms and leg to check out the cool bionics and look through a hole in the back of his head to have bionic vision. Way cool.

Alas, it was not to be and I know all of you have had similar dealings with the jolly old elf. Well, I’m fighting back and putting him on this list to tell him enough is enough. STOP playing games with us.

…although Santa if you were to bring me that action figure I might reconsider. They’re selling for $450 on eBay.

Merry Christmas everyone!
Posted by Spinks on Saturday, December 23, 2006 at 4:21 PM | Permalink
Merry Christmas to you as well!
Posted by harrap | 4:40 PM
Merry Christmas Spinks!
Posted by Anonymous | 7:40 PM
LOL! I hear you on this one spinks, my older brother begged Santa for the Kenner Smash Up Derby Set™ only to be given some pale immitation of a plane [hooked to a string] that you could land like a pilot. The funny thing is he ended up liking it just as much. Ahhh, that Santa, he likes to throw monkey wrenches into a kids Christmas, deosn't he? LOL

Merry Christmas buddy!!

Oh yeah, one more thing, if I happen to find Steve Austin [who at the moment is in four pieces in a box with old Archie comics and hotwheels somewhere], I'll be sure to put him back together with some crazy glue and send him off to freddy for monday. lol
Posted by scott | 8:27 PM
For me, it was Super City (http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-1967-Ideal-Super-City-Town-Country-Building_W0QQitemZ320064246722QQihZ011QQcategoryZ19011QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) that the Old Guy let me down on.
Posted by Anonymous | 4:07 PM
Santa is too busy to help big business to sell,sell and sell some more. He is too busy to give gifts himself anymore. Good luck.

Merry Christmas.
Posted by Anonymous | 5:38 PM

Spinks my Bro, that is indeed an inspired choice, with intresting reasoning behind it.......LOL

I hate to brag but I had a Six Million Dollar Man........I think G.I. Joe and Stretch Armstrong kicked his butt, spread his "bionic" parts all over the yard and burried him in the back 40........crap.....

$450 bucks eh......it's not if you know but when huh??

All the best Bro....

Wish I'd have seen this one on Christmas!! :-)
Posted by PoliticsNB | 8:57 PM
OMG! $450 ...?? My brother had the 6 Million Dollar Man and I had his counterpart... the Bionic Woman! I actually think I still have her... somewhere... if I can find her... she'll be on Ebay for sure! Cheers!
Posted by Anonymous | 6:49 PM
I said Bah Humbug to your hero Stevey Boy Harper four years in a row now Spinksy Baby. Ya think after awhile you dumb bastards would figure out that I am a serious man. EH?

"Harper, Stephen - M.P." Harper.S@parl.gc.ca wrote

Subject: RE: So it is Xmas EH? Say hey to the Maritimer Landslide Annie for me. Will ya?
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 11:54:47 -0500
From: "Harper, Stephen - M.P." Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com

Thank you for your e-mail message to Stephen Harper, Leader of the Opposition. Your views and suggestions are important to us. Once they have been carefully considered, you may receive a further reply.

*Remember to include your mailing address if you would like a response.

If you prefer to send your thoughts by regular mail, please address them to:

Stephen Harper, M.P.
Leader of the Opposition
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

Mail may be sent postage free to any Member of Parliament.

You can also reach Mr. Harper by fax at: (613) 947-0310

Merci d'avoir écrit à Stephen Harper, le chef de l'opposition officielle. Votre opinion est importante pour nous. Lorsque nous l'aurons étudiée avec soin, nous pourrons vous faire parvenir une réponse.

*N'oubliez pas d'inclure votre adresse postale si vous voulez recevoir une réponse.

Si vous préférez nous écrire en utilisant les services postaux régulièrs, veuillez le faire au :

Stephen Harper, député
Chef de l'opposition officielle
Chambre des communes
Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0A6

Vous pouvez écrire sans affranchissement à tous les députés fédéraux.

Vous pouvez également joindre M. Harper par fax au (613) 947-0310.
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 12:12 AM
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#90 – Steve MacKinnon

Remember all that talk about arrogant Liberals during the last election. If you want to put an actual face to that, look no further than Steve MacKinnon. He was one of the kings.

Or at least he was until recently.

The National Director of the Liberal Party resigned shortly after Stephane Dion took the reigns. (not a bad thing for Dion IMHO).

MacKinnon was one of former New Brunswick Premier Frank McKenna’s golden boys. The man is the King of rhetoric. The frequent commentator on Mike Duffy Live would often refer to the Conservatives as not just conservatives, no, they’re “ultra-conservatives,” with a great hidden agenda that we all need to be running for the hills over (hey whatever it takes to get the attention off the sponsorship scandal, I suppose).

This type of rhetoric (that was being used right up until Mackinnon resigned this month) shouldn’t come as any surprise After all MacKinnon was the chief Liberal campaign strategist in the last election. Remember the series of ads with Stephen Harper’s face that were made fun of on every comedy show, “Stephen Harper drinks dragon blood, etc.” Oh, and it included the one about soldiers on our streets that ticked off pretty much every veteran of the military. Mackinnon said oops, that wasn’t supposed to go out to media or be put on the Liberal website. However he obviously didn’t have a problem with it being produced.

If the Liberals are out of power for a while, there are lots of people they can point the blame at, but one of those is at Steve MacKinnon.

MacKinnon doesn’t care for blogs once saying that they’re overvalued, overrated and that bloggers are opinionated (unlike certain national directors of the Liberal Party.) At #90 he has one more reason to unlike blogs. He takes voters for idiots and believes the Liberals have the God-given right to govern this country however they see fit.

He’s gone for the moment but MacKinnon has always been active behind the scenes of the Liberal Party. At 40, we’re certain to see his handiwork again. If I were the Liberals, I’d lock the door when he comes knocking.
Posted by Spinks on Sunday, December 17, 2006 at 8:02 AM | Permalink
He was the reason that Camille lost the election. He was a guest on a political panel. It was a panel on CBC television. < Yours favorite Spinks! >

He was very ignorant.
Posted by Charles LeBlanc | 4:59 PM
I think the same could be said for Jason Kenney during the 2000 election fiasco. He wasn't necessarily arrogant, but many socons still wanted him locked up in a basement for good after suggesting to the press that a two-tier healthcare system and a flat tax would be workable without even studying it first. Ahh, the joys ans spoils of policy on the fly. It's not for everyone, especially tories, but I'm sure the Graham liberals would be nowhere without it.

However, he [Kenney] seems to have recovered just fine from that election. Which may suggest that everyone gets a second chance at some point in their life [politically], possibly even Steve MacKinnon?
Posted by scott | 4:21 PM
Hey Spinks don't you and Chucky's buddy's in the Fat Fred City Finest remember this email about me and the liberal Stevey Boy?

Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2006 08:36:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: The one true thing Stevy Boy MacKinnon said yesterday in Fredericton was that the boys were back town
To: info@liberal.ca, Dick.HOLLIES@gnb.ca, porcupine007@gmail.com, greg.byrne@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, brad.woodside@fredericton.ca, police@fredericton.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, Deb_Nobes@cbc.ca, William.Gould@gnb.ca, broy@pattersonpalmer.ca
CC: spinks08@hotmail.com, ndpnpd@nbnet.nb.ca, PoliticsNB@hotmail.com, dchafe@atlanticbusinessmagazine.com, cjcw@nbnet.nb.ca, news@kingscorecord.com, news@dailygleaner.com, kcarmichael@bloomberg.net, davies.carl@nbpub.com, urquhart.mia@telegraphjournal.com, bmosher@mosherchedore.ca, jturner@millerthomson.com

That includes little old me.and I took pictures to prove it was true. Ask porcupine. While all the liberals dogs were sniffing and licking each other's arses in front of the Legislature buildings, I was having a rather intersting conversation with Bernie Lord in front of several witnesses beside the Centenial Building where my father used to work for many Finance Ministers in the past. Rest assured my father's ghost was laughing at the nonsense of it all. However my son is not.

Alas my poor father I knew him well. I have had a thousand times more fun than he ever did. I have no doubt whatsoever that he is impressed at how far his wild child had come in his efforts at poking holes in the stuffed shirts he had to obey. My father toiled in an ethical fashion for a corrupt government in order to put supper on the table and keep a roof over our heads. I do the same but against the public corruption. My father knew me well as well. He knew I would never follow orders and was far too dumb to know fear yet just clever enough to do exactly what I wished in my own personal pursuit of happiness. On his death bed my father admitted he was jealous of my chosen lifestyle and sometimes wished he had chosen that path as well. I thanked him for his blessing and for being a very honourable father. Even though my father and argued tooth and nail most of our lives, he held a great respect for each other despite it all. My father left this wonderful old world knowing he had the respect and love of a very different man whom he had raised as a son and friend. All men should be so lucky EH?

My father, Max had five sons. I have only one I named him after my father. I know him well as well I raised him as a Mr. Mom. My son, Max is more clever than my father and I put together. I made my son my best friend out of the gate because that is the way it should always be even though I am his boss for 18 years. Methinks my boy is on the right path and he has witnessed and understands much already. I do all of this for him in a simliar fashion as what my father did for me. (In case you haven't figured this out this was personal note to my he is in the USA and the Bcc line of this email. He checks my work and stress test my ethics all the time and I am proud that he does. We argue a lot as well but with repsect and joy. they say sons of strange fathers go far in life EH? If my boy can ethically deal with me with success, it follows that he will have an easy time with the likes of you N'est Pas?

Whereas you all claim to know so much, why should I brag of my prowess at connecting dots? Why not just save the fun for court? Sometimes less is more so I will prove to Hollies and his boss why Johnnny Crosbie needs to sing for more more booze because his powers to smooze are fading fast. Press print on the attachment Mr. Hollies look your ne boss in the eye and talk of his pal and your the Newfy lawyer Crosbie. Perhaps you have some interesting pillow talk with your wife ASAP. She has already displayed to me that she does not understand the meaning of the expression "non partisan" tell me honestly do you think she will remain as Chief electoral officer now that the liberal boys are back in town or will Barabara Laundry get her old post back. I hhave not forgotten the tricks that that woman pulled on me in the last federal election. Do you think the new Commissioner Mr Corbet ( I believe that is his name)will overlook just as the other Laundry dude did? If I confuse you please understyand that I am kinda sorta apeaking in riddles as any court jester or fool worth his sand would. Why let the cat out of the bag too soon EH? I am still busy lining up my ducks. Never forget yesterday was only the second day of duck season around home. I still have a whole month before the Yankkee federal el;lection is a matter of important history. Perhaps the Maritimer in Stevy Boy MacKinnon will explain the following poem to the very dumb porcupine. He don't understand that he is the goose the doesn't matter right now as he tries hard to pick a fight with me. I know my son will understand because he longs to come to Canada to come hunting with me. After that perhaps you dudes should give Greg Byrne's former law firm partner the Newfy lawyer Stevey Boy May a call and ask him to explain the following affidavit he wrote about a fool taking on Jonny Crosbie's crowd of goofy Newfy's. Perhaps my fellow loser in this past election Mr. Brunno Roy can explain the folloing emal to y'all. Rest assured your pal Mr Turner never will.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos


----- Original Message -----
From: "May, Steve" smay@pattersonpalmer.ca&ggt;
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:32 PM
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Dan and Tom Remember me

Mr. May is out of the office till 11 April 2005. He will not be checking his e-mail. Please contact Della Hart at 709-570-5527 or dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca if you require immediate assistance.

2005 01 T 0010










SUMMARY OF CURRENT DOCUMENTCourt File Number(s):2005 01 T 0010
Date of Filing of Document:25 January 2005Name of Filing Party or Person:Stephen J. MayApplication to which Document being filed relates:Amended Application of the Plaintiff/Defendant by Counterclaim to maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in it’s entirety, and to refer this proceeding to case management.Statement of purpose in filing:To maintain an Order restricting publication, to strike portions of the Statement of Defence, strike the Counterclaim in its entirety and refer this proceeding to case management.

I, Stephen J. May, of the City of St. John’s, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Barrister and Solicitor, make oath and say as follows:

THAT I am a Partner in the St. John’s office of PATTERSON PALMER solicitors for William Matthews, the Member of Parliament for Random-Burin-St. George’s in the Parliament of Canada.

THAT Mr. Matthews originally retained Mr. Edward Roberts, Q.C. on or about 30 April 2002 after Mr. Byron Prior, the Defendant/Plaintiff by Counterclaim, had made allegations against Mr. Matthews in a publication called “My Inheritance - The truth - Not Fiction: A Town with a Secret”. In that publication, the allegation was made that Mr. Matthews had had sex with a girl who had been prostituted by her mother. That girl was alleged to have been Mr. Prior’s sister.

THAT upon being retained, Mr. Edward Roberts wrote a letter to Mr. Prior. That letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit “1" to my Affidavit.

THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts’ letter to Mr. Prior, Mr. Roberts received a 1 May 2002 e-mail from Mr. Prior. That e-mail is attached as Exhibit “2".

THAT subsequent to Mr. Roberts receipt of the e-mail, Mr. Prior swore an Affidavit acknowledging that what had been said in that publication was false. That Affidavit is attached as Exhibit “3" to my Affidavit. Following Mr. Roberts’ receipt of that Affidavit, Mr. Matthews advised that he was satisfied not to pursue the matter any further and our firm closed our file.

THAT on or about 25 October 2004, I was retained by Mr. Matthews following his gaining knowledge that a web site, made a series of allegations against him relating to my having sex with a girl of approximately 12 years old through to an approximate age of 15 years old. It also accused him of being a father of one of her children and accused him of having raped that girl. Upon checking the web site I saw that Byron Prior, the Defendant, had been identified as the author of the material on the site.

THAT Mr. Matthews instructed me to write Mr. Prior, to remind him of the fact that the allegations had been admitted to being false through a 16 May 2002 Affidavit to advise him of Mr. Matthews’ intentions to commence legal proceedings if the comments were not removed from the web site. A copy of my letter to Mr. Prior is attached as Exhibit “4" to this Affidavit.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “5" a transcript from a 5 November 2004 voicemail left by David Amos, identified in the voicemail as a friend of Mr. Prior.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “6" a portion of a 6 November 2004 e-mail from Mr. Amos.

THAT until I received his voicemail and e-mail, I had never heard of Mr. Amos.

THAT Mr. Amos has continued to send me e-mail since his 5 November e-mail. Including his 6 November 2004 e-mail, I have received a total of 15 e-mails as of 23 January 2005. All do not address Mr. Matthews’ claim or my involvement as Mr. Matthews’ solicitor. I attach as Exhibit “7" a portion of a 12 January 2005 e-mail that Mr. Amos sent to me but originally came to my attention through Ms. Lois Skanes whose firm had received a copy. This e-mail followed the service of the Statement of Claim on 11 January 2005 on Mr. Prior. I also attach as Exhibit “8" a copy of a 19 January 2005 e-mail from Mr. Amos.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “9" a copy of a 22 November 2004 letter addressed to me from Edward Roberts, the Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador covering a 2 September 2004 letter from Mr. Amos addressed to John Crosbie, Edward Roberts, in his capacity as Lieutenant Governor, Danny Williams, in his capacity as Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Brian F. Furey, President of the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador. I requested a copy of this letter from Government House after asking Mr. Roberts if he had received any correspondence from Mr. Amos during his previous representation of Mr. Matthews. He advised me that he received a letter since becoming Lieutenant Governor, portions of which involved his representation of Mr. Matthews. Mr. Roberts’ letter also covered his reply to Mr. Amos.

THAT I attach as Exhibit “10" an e-mail from Mr. Amos received on Sunday, 23 January 2005.

THAT I swear this Affidavit in support of the Application to strike Mr. Prior’s counterclaim.

SWORN to before me at
St. John’s, Province of Newfoundland
and Labrador this 24th day of
January, 2005.

Signed by Della Hart STEPHEN J. MAY Signature
A Commissioner for Oaths in and for
the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
My commission expires on December 31, 2009

I guess at least eight hundred ducks have fallen to my gun,
And Charlie’s always been right there retrieving every one.
But somehow, try as we might,no matter what our ruse,
We failed, that old Black Lab and I, to ever get a goose.

The vet had said it must be done, so bring him in on Monday.
His eyesight’s weak and he’s too old to brave the Bay of Fundy.
I’d picked him from the litter even though his was the runt.
And now fourteen years later, this would be our final hunt.
And so I asked a friend that night, who grew some corn and barley
If I could hunt his field next day, to get a goose for Charlie.

No bird came to our blind, alas, because of bluebird weather,
But still we enjoyed the day, because we were together,
While driving home with heavy heart, I rubbed the grizzled head,
And looking in those big brown eyes, to him, I softly said,
"You know a man can only do the best that he is able,
It don’t appear there’ll be a roasted honker on our table,
But Charlie, we’ll have porkchops, since that is your favourite treat,
And you’ll not just have one or two, but all that you can eat"

And so that night, by lantern light, we shared our final meal,
I talked to him of days gone by, of Mallards, Scaup and Teal,
Old Charlie wagged his tail with joy, beside his heaping platter,
And missing from the menu was, a goose - that didn’t matter.

Bill Foster
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 1:55 PM
Post a Comment


#97 – Giuliano Zaccardelli
RCMP Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli (make that former as of Dec. 15) was on this list before things went down yesterday and he did the right thing (eventually) and resigned.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is a proud institution in Canada. The Mountie is known around the world as an icon of Canada. When something or someone tarnishes that reputation it needs to be dealt with quickly and the problem rectified.

This week, Zaccardelli admitted he got his facts wrong when he testified at a Commons committee in September about when he first knew the RCMP had passed erroneous information to U.S. authorities.

The question was when the RCMP Commissioner first learned that the force had passed the wrong information to U.S. authorities inaccurately describing Maher Arar as an Islamic extremist with possible terrorist ties.

Zaccardelli said during his September testimony that he knew of that mistake shortly after Arar was deported by the U.S. to Syria.

This week the Commissioner said, oops he got it wrong.

It’s been a rough year or so with stories of problems within the RCMP, documented perhaps best by a series of articles within MacLean’s magazine about internal morale problems and a number of questions regarding the police force.

A lot of those questioned rested with Zaccaredlli. Although I have no doubt his intentions were good, his methods have been in question and it was time for him to go several months ago.

His successor has some bridges to mend.
Posted by Spinks on Thursday, December 07, 2006 at 7:35 PM | Permalink
So, just because Mr. Zaccardelli is the "topic de jour" means he merits the #97 place on your list? Sorry, this does not cut it.
Posted by Anonymous | 3:59 PM
I have to take issue with anon 11:59. It is obvious that Zaccardelli was topic de jour for very important reasons. His role in the Arar scandal which saw an innocent Canadian deported to be tortured. And his back and forth recounting of when he knew of the RCMP's shameful role in the scandal. He was in arguably the most powerful police position in the country and helped befoul the RCMP as a national institution, betrayed a Canadian citizen and Canadian Consitutional principles and principles of decency. And he appears to have played fast and loose with the truth. #97?? I would have put in in the top 3 of people screwing up Canada.
Posted by Anonymous | 6:19 PM
Spinks Baby I had lots to say about the RCMP before you began blocking me. Here is an example of what you already knew to be true that was sent out after the RCMP shit hit the fan even further.

Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 11:15:25 -0400 (EDT)
From: David Raymond Amos davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: Attn Sandra Conlin of the far from ethical RCMP That is not me posting in Google etc it is Dean Roger Ray and his pal Deputy Dog
To: Sandra.Conlin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com,
warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net,
Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca,
bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, days1@parl.gc.ca,
day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca,
Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca,
Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca,
wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, louiselorefice@ndp.ca,
leader@greenparty.ca, defence@sen.parl.gc.ca,
Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, Clabchuk@greenparty.ca,
maychair@dal.ca, kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca, juan.behrend@europeangreens.org,
fbinhct@leo.gov, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
CC: whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com,
Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca,
wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com,
bill.corby@gnb.ca, samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca,
alltrue@nl.rogers.com, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca,
Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca,
Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca,
forest@conservationcouncil.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca,
abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, derek.strong@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Roger.Gillies@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,

When are you going to get around to calling me back lady? 506 434 1379 just in case your help lost the number. At least the crook Rod Smith talked to me before he quit. If you wish to avoid me why not ask Cpl Warren MacBeath why he supports this nonsense of Dean Roger Ray and Depupty Dog? He is now in Ottawa. Correct? If he decides to blow the whistle no matter quietly you shoud hear it N'est Pas?

In the end all any man has left is his name to carve upon a rock. Correct? You corrupt cops etc supported Depupty Dog and his band of Yankee thieves to steal my everything and allow him to brag of it. Now you allow the nutbag Dirty Dicky Dean to steal my name as he threatens others with it? WHY?

I have already proven several times that the Commission of Public complaints Against the RCMP are as useless as tits on a bull. Now Stockwell Day can deny the liberals lament about a public inquiry all he wishes. You miserable bastards will have to at least answer me in court or hell someday or my name ain't "Just Dave" I am gonna start blogging like hell today after all the interesting calls I got yesterday maybe the public will take more interest in my affairs now. I must tell ya there are some very nervous Yankees inside the Beltway below the 49th if you don't already know. Check inside the comments of my blog sometime dummies perhap you will find yourself mentioned a time or two with some pretty interesting company.

After I stress tested Dion's integrity to the max and he failed miserably it is time to remaind him of last year when everybody thought he did not have a hope in hell of being leader. Need I also remind you all that I showed Sgt Jacques Boucher (who is in Ottawa now as well EH?) my first Yankee Whistleblower form 211 in January of 2002 while my kids sat in the back of his cop car and that he later witnessed my affidavit in April of 2002 which was argued twice in US District Court in Beantown is Sept of 2002. this was all said and done after I ran Depupty Dog off from my home the first time when I caught him and his nasty bitch, Wicked Wanda Willard redhanded stealing my Clan's property in August of 2002. It was immediately after I stopped a fraudulent real estate sale that one of Mulroney's companies Cendant Corp later profited from. now you know why i began inserting mulruny in the email forwards EH? All of this afterall is merely a matter of public record start searching the public records of many Yankee court dockets or one New Brunswick Provincial Court if you don't believe me. here is you first clue Norfolks superior Court Dedham Massachusetts docket # 2002-01070. There are many more. Look at the first page off the FBI Tif file. That is a Yankeedoodle dandy EH?

For those amongst you who are to chicken to print the attached documents or too dumb to read them I will send you some more pictures of mine later to ponder. Dean Roger Ray's hero Chucky Leblanc likes pictures better anyway and his own most of all. N'est Pas? Thus have a look Chucky. I do declare that you should keep up with the times. Videos are far better than audios files anyday. Ask your hero Robert Jones of the CBC why.

The pictures of yours that I have attached, Chucky are of the woman who received my material last summer in Sussex. It was when She and I and two of my friends of mine went to meet and greet Dion at Sgt Johnny Dewinter's daddy's motel. she did promise to give my material to Dion just like you promised to do for me with Brad Green years ago. Dion refused refused to hang around in Sussx long when not many folks came to meet him out of the gate that night. Now that snobby Frenchman who stll holds a French passport wants to lead our Country? He is no better than Harper and that ain't saying nothing at all. I do remember his local supporter. After all I went to High School with her and the nomind, Andy Scott and Dave Morrell and a host of other snotty bastards after I moved up from Dorchester when Louie centralized the govenment to many a poor man's chagrin years ago.

Chucky, have a look at Dean Roger Ray aka Dirty Dicky Dean whilst others check his malevolent work.





Bob O'Meara Says:
June 7th, 2007 at 10:27 am

DazzlinDino,,,,,,,,great response to David Amos. I can provide quite a bit of info on Dave. I am sorry to say that I have been his brother in law since 1991 and have known him since 1982. He has lost his mind. He has threatened to sue hundreds of people. He has not been able to sue any one of them. The courts just throw him out. Actually, some of his rantings are humorous. He is nothing but a bag of wind. Don’t worry about him seeking you out. He spends most of his time trying to find some other sap who he can mooch off of. I think he is running out of generous Canadians.

I must say Depupty Dog should give up on trying to impeach my character ahd start packing his bags to get out of dodge or lubing his arse for jail. He really should have asked his lawyer pals why the following company has taken a sudden interest in the old Beach House. perhaps he can blame them for all his wrongs. After all his not so dear to him old daddy, Francis is still dead and his estate has yet to be closed EH? Depupty Dog's incompetennt and malicious lawyers should have studied what his Mama filed about about old Francis before she died before they entered the fray on his side. It is all a matter of Public Record after all. I know one thing for certain the FBI should have checked my work a long long time ago. I know I went to see them several times after I first met Sgt Jacques Boucher in Canada. Hell the US Attorney even complained of it in Sept of 2002 within his own wicked Memorandums of Law N'est Pas?

The truly sick and sad part of this all is quite likely the only two people who will liekely answer this email are Dirty Dicky dean and his pal Depupty Dog. Yet as usual despite their insults they will at least prove that the crooks who support them got the same email too.
Veritas Vincit
David Rayond Amos
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 2:09 PM


#98 – Peter MacKay
Well, while we’re on the subject of Belinda Stronach’s boyfriends (Tie Domi at #100) how about Peter MacKay? Truth be told I generally like the guy but his faux pas are stacking up.

During the 2003 Progressive Conservative leadership race, MacKay made the infamous deal with candidate David Orchard to (among other things) not merge the PC’s with the Canadian Alliance. It wasn’t long after that MacKay entered talks with Stephen Harper and the CA to merge the two parties. Frankly this was a good idea but MacKay’s credibility (and rightly so) took a bit of a wallop.

Then there’s the dog comment.

Hansard may not have it and the Speaker of the House may not have noticed anything but I along with most Canadians frankly don’t believe MacKay’s story. In October of this year, Liberal David McGuinty asked MacKay an environment question and said, "What about your dog?", then according to some Liberals, MacKay made some sort of reference to Belinda Stronach’s empty chair and said, "You have her."

MacKay says he didn’t call Stronach a dog and I do believe that. He probably didn’t say those exact words but I have little doubt that MacKay made some kind of reference that meant the same thing. The Liberals cried great indignation and Stronach said it was refelective of all Conservatives attitude towards women. Uh, riiiggghhhttt. I don’t even think Belinda believes that but nice try.

Only the most ideological with a hate-on for the Conservatives would even pretend to believe that. It was an inappopriate, off the cuff gesture by MacKay about a former girlfriend who publicly humiliated him. It was still inappropriate. MacKay could have made it all go away and just addressed it by saying, “Yeah, I made an inappropraite statement. It was personal and I shouldn’t have done that. I am sorry.” Most Canadians would understand and likely forgive and forget. By spinning it as he did, the story remained a firestorm for weeks instead of being a done deal within less than a day.

Then as blogger jajakoom points out MacKay appears on This Hour has 22 Minutes joking about it. Peter, give your head a shake. Think before you act and don’t pull any more stunts.
Posted by Spinks on Wednesday, December 06, 2006 at 7:56 PM | Permalink
I used to think that Peter MacKay would make a better Tory leader than Harper - as MacKay would have a broader appeal to the electorate than Harper.

However, after the kind of stunts and gaffes he's been pulling I've changed that opinion.
Posted by Harrap | 7:22 AM
I disagree with this choice, Spinks. If it weren't for his courage in signing a deal that united the right, who knows what type of government we would still be getting?

Methinks possibly one that would continue with the deviant path of stealing hard earned taxpayers money while laughing at the fact that the opposition is useless and divided.
Posted by scott | 8:23 PM
I also disagree with your choice. He should have been higher up.
I too, once believed that MacKay would have made a better Tory leader than Harper. Then I realized that MacKay is a tool...a tool for Harper.
Posted by Anonymous | 12:23 PM
Actually, Although I agree Mackay is tool. He is not a tool of Harper. Think. Harper was the head of a growing Reform, anti-corruptionand possible Western sepratist movement party that was upseting the balance of power in Ottawa. So they were stratigically digested by the Conservatives (Blue Liberals) in one big gulp. Not Reform taking over Conservatives as the media spins it.
Needless to say the Conservatives are now doing the Liberal/Freemason buisness as usual with anti-corruption movment put to sleep by putting in token Westerner Harper as a figurehead. Note how he has turned his back on all the ideals he has been preaching for the past 15 years.
Harper was duped and now he is in too deep to get out.
Those Freemasons are pretty darn slick..No?
There is a reason the Liberals have been in power so long. BTW, Liberals are not planning on winning the next election (Dion?! figure it out.) Things will "have" be done over the next 5 years they don't want associated with their brand.
Posted by A real Conservative | 7:48 PM
I recall a pro firearms rally of sporting groups in Alberta that Peter attended and gave a speech.

In that speech ( as a PC super star trying to pull PC votes from Reform/CA) he stated he was with our principled constitutional stand against registration of long guns and to prove it he said he did not intend to register his old pump shotgun by the deadline and deal with any fallout in court...as registry resistors would do.

He later repeated this to the media.

I also recall that at the PC leadership race he promised Joe Clark he would register his gun to show support for the registry ( which old red Joe loved) and in return Joe would back his leadership...well out went the promise to the registry resisters and Peter appeared at the PC leadership convention with a shiney new registration certificate for his old scattergun...and Orchard got pooched by Peter that day too.

Now I see Peter dating Sophie Desmarais, heiress to the Canadian king making Powercor clan.

Things that make ya go hmmmmm about "Elmer's boy" Peter
Posted by Fly on the Wall | 3:17 PM
You just said what ya did about MacKay way back when because not only was he a threat to replace your hero, Stevey Boy Harper but he was fast becoming a bit embarassment to the rest of his party because of his bitchy comments.

Now that Harper has given him an impossible job so that if he screws this up only he will go down in flames the die is caste on Petey Baby's politcal future. N'est Pas?

Wouldn't it be a hoot if he follows a dog he once fell hard for across the floor and trys to run as a rebel liberal against Dion's orders against Dizzy Lizzy May? Quite a pipe dream EH?

Ask Bill Casey if he had dreamed of quitting on Harper last year when I served him my first round of material.

Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2007 14:42:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Looks like I will have to run against the NDP, Dizzie Lizzie May and you EH Petey Baby MacKay because Dion is to chicken to commit his troops against you?
To: mackay.p@parl.gc.ca, moore.r@parl.gc.ca, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca, wally.stiles@gnb.ca, kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca, Joan.MACALPINE@gnb.ca, bruce.northrup@gnb.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, mike.olscamp@gnb.ca, Jeannot.VOLPE@gnb.ca, politicsnb@hotmail.com, news@fredfm.ca, Percy.Mockler@gnb.ca, kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca, Jody.CARR@gnb.ca, Keith.ASHFIELD@gnb.ca, David.ALWARD@gnb.ca, aleblanc.mla@nb.aibn.com, Trevor.HOLDER@gnb.ca, stuart.jamieson@gnb.ca, Margaret-Ann.BLANEY@gnb.ca, Wayne.STEEVES@gnb.ca, brad.green@gnb.ca, eugene.mcginley2@gnb.ca, bev.harrison@gnb.ca, T.J.Burke@gnb.ca, roly.macintyre@gnb.ca, Ed.Doherty@gnb.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, martine.turcotte@bell.ca, premier@gov.ns.ca, McCallum.J@parl.gc.ca, Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca, smurphy@ctv.ca, Eyking.M@parl.gc.ca, Keddy.G@parl.gc.ca, Regan.G@parl.gc.ca, Savage.M@parl.gc.ca, news-tips@nytimes.com, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, akrystal@rogers.blackberry.net, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, jonesr@cbc.ca, DannyWilliams@gov.nl.ca, dcole@amherstdaily.com
CC: oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, btaylor@nbnet.nb.ca, Bill.Fraser@gnb.ca, mary.schryer@gnb.ca, rick.miles@gnb.ca, jack.keir@gnb.ca, Bernard.LeBlanc@gnb.ca, greg.byrne@gnb.ca, john.foran@gnb.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, Deb_Nobes@cbc.ca, spinks08@hotmail.com, PoliticsNB@hotmail.com, oldmaison.wcie@gmail.com, advocacycollective@yahoo.com, Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca, Martin.Paul@parl.gc.ca, Ignatieff.M@parl.gc.ca, Brison.S@parl.gc.ca, dchafe@atlanticbusinessmagazine.com, cjcw@nbnet.nb.ca, news@kingscorecord.com, news@dailygleaner.com, desserud@unbsj.ca, brad.woodside@fredericton.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca, Keddy.G@parl.gc.ca, Allen.M@parl.gc.ca, Manning.F@parl.gc.ca, Cannon.L@parl.gc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, lunnmp@garylunn.com, lunng@parl.gc.ca, Murphy.B@parl.gc.ca, ottawa@chuckstrahl.com, riding@chuckstrahl.com, jchretien@heenan.ca, rheenan@heenan.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, governorlynch@nh.gov, mayor@ci.boston.ma.us, mcomeau@stu.ca, ruby@ruby-edwardh.com, Stoffer.P@parl.gc.ca, McDonough.A@parl.gc.ca, david.allgood@rbc.com, stronach.b@parl.gc.ca

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Elizabeth May Results and Reaction in LNC By-Election
Just for the record...The Green Party of Canada comes close to electing its first MP!

London North Centre By-Election Results
Party/Candidate/Votes/% of Votes

Canadian Action Will Arlow 53 0.1
Independent Robert Ede 77 0.2
Conservative Dianne Haskett 9,309 24.4
PC Party Steve Hunter 145 0.4
Green Party Elizabeth May 9,864 25.9
Liberal Glen Pearson 13,287 34.9
N.D.P. Megan Walker 5,388 14.1
Total number of valid votes: 38,123
Polls reporting: 253/253
Voter turnout: 38,123 of 89,139 registered electors (42.8%)
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 3:11 PM


#101 – Ben Mulroney
You can thank fellow New Brunswick blogger Harrap for this one.

Even those who like the show Canadian Idol generally agree that Ben Mulroney is the weak link in the show. The guy is on just about EVERYTHING CTV produces. Why? Good question.

Although he comes off as a sycophant, he’s no idiot. Mulroney has two degrees, one in history and one in law although nothing in journalism. He’s also parlayed his last name (dad is former PM Brian Mulroney in case you’ve been living under a rock) into a pretty successful career.

Anyone who thinks Mulroney got all of these gigs from CTV on anything but his name is dreaming. There are lots of capable people Canada can send to the Oscars and can probably ask a better question than, “Jamie Foxx! Canada wants to know... now that you've been doubly nominated for best actor, are you doubly nervous?"

Mulroney isn’t responsible for crappy journalism and programming (more on that in this list later, I'm looking at you CTV execs) but he’s helped lower the standards. I don’t blame him. A man has to earn a living but that’s not enough to keep him off the list.
Posted by Spinks on Saturday, December 02, 2006 at 2:24 PM | Permalink
lol great one Spinks :D
Posted by Harrap | 9:36 PM
*self-promotion, shameless
Posted by KingBee | 1:27 AM
I like the kid. His father might have screwed Canada and Harper is doing the same but not Ben.
Posted by Anonymous | 2:54 PM
This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
Posted by Harrap | 9:47 PM
What do you mean anon? Ben Mulroney eats baby kittens - lol ;)
Posted by Harrap | 9:48 PM
He seems pretty benign to me, but doesn't exactly "showcase" Canadian talent. I'd rather see the guy from the "I AM CANADIAN" commericals strolling the red carpet, personally!
Posted by Anonymous | 10:22 AM
It just goes to show what you can do with money, a name, and connections. Naomi Klein used hers to write some amazing books and make a real difference in the world. This idiot hosts a TV show.
Posted by The Pedgehog | 2:24 AM
Hey Brent Baby oops I mean Spinks

You only posted this one about Big Bad Brian's Bouncing Baby Boy so that you would appear non paritsan out of the gate
Love and Kisses
Davey Baby
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 2:19 PM
Post a Comment

Sunday, August 26, 2007
Anonymous said...
Monday, September 10, 2007


Originally uploaded by Oldmaison

This is very serious stuff!!!! The Irvings are always printing lying stuff about me in their papers and now this???

I hope that Jamie Irving knows that I can continue a battle without a blog???

The Irvings use my ordeal in their paper and I can't blog it???

Old Germany again???

Here's the email-

Charles, I'm afraid you have been warned. We have repetitively asked you NOT to violate copyright laws by republishing articles from CanadEast without permission. At each warning you have thumbed your nose at our request and flagrantly continued to violate the law. At each instance we have kept detailed records and screen shots of your violations and your comments about them. There are no more chances.

We are now in contact with Goggle, who take copyright violation very seriously, and I'm afraid you can probably expect them to revoke your Blogger access. Please DO NOT even try to rant that its the Irvings out to bring you down again because you have nobody to blame but yourself. You have violated our copyrights over ten times in the past year and we simply cannot tolerate this unlawful behaviour anymore. You were politely warned and chose not to rectify the situation. Now you will have to suffer the consequences just like everybody else.

Scott Agnew
Web Services Manager
CanadaEast Interactive

# posted by Charles LeBlanc @ 12:58 PM
Go Scott Agnew.

It's about time someone takes this rude ignorant person off the internet. I am tired of being insulted by this guy. Taking a picture of me and calling me a beauricrat just because I wear a suit and tie to work. I don't even work for the government.
# posted by CJ : 1:04 PM
Must be nice making good money to read my blog all day????

I wish I had a good like that one???

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 1:09 PM
Thank you God. There is a justice. No more harassing people on the streets.
Go Scott Agnew go. Get rid of this nuisance.
# posted by Anonymous : 1:53 PM
Shut him down. That is the only language he may understand. Although nothing sinks in.
# posted by Anonymous : 1:54 PM
Don't worry Charles, if google decided to revoke a person's blogger account on the basis of cutting and pasting news article or for the omission of a quotation/hat tip/source, then they basically would have to revoke at least half the google accounts of North American bloggers as well as globally.

Let me tell you, if you've surfed blogs as long as I have, you realize that most bloggers don't even come close to understanding the intricacies of copyright rules or journalistic standards.

Keep blogging away buddy as the statement by Scott Agnew sounds like a very languorous threat to me.
# posted by free speech : 1:55 PM
For the record, taking Mr Leblanc "off the internet" is not my concern. What is my concern as Web Services Manager for the online division of Brunswick News Inc. is the protection of our copyrights. We have politely asked Mr. Leblanc to cease and desist from violating these copyright son a number of occasions. He has refused to remove offending articles and continues to violate our copyrights time and time again. Copyright laws exist for a reason and it is my obligation to enforce our rights under the law. As i said in my previous email, Mr. Leblanc has nobody to blame but himself. He was given ample opportunity to correct the problem. He chose to do nothing. And also, for the regard, Jamie Irving has nothing to do with this situation Mr. Leblanc. As publisher of the Telegraph Journal, Mr. Irving has little to do with the day to day operations at CanadaEast Interactive. I'm sure Mr. Irving has many more important issues to deal with on a daily basis.
# posted by CE : 2:05 PM
I see that all my fans are very happy.


This issue cannot be debated with the Irvings because they have blocked my email.

So therefore I can.t send them an email but it would be interesting to see if the Irvings who have bloggers on their payroll?

To see the Irvings go against Bloggers would be a great story for the CBC?

I wish the Irvings would do like they did during my trial in Saint John.

They ignore the story but picked it up once the story hit the New York Times-


But this is different. It's the information highway so lets see what Jamie Irving and lawyers will do?

This could be the start of a big story of freedom of speech in New Brunswick?

...and yes...Scott Agnew was very rude in his comment....

I met Jamie Irving a few months ago and he wasn[t rude like this guy.......

Hey? I don't have my glasses so maybe what I wrote just don't add up????

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 2:06 PM
It may sound like a "languorous threat" to you but I assure you, we are serious about protecting our copyrights. I would direct you and Mr. Leblanc to Google's own copyright policies as they relate to the Blogger service: http://www.google.com/blogger_dmca.html
We have followed those policies to the letter. I would have preferred it if Mr. Leblanc had done the same.

Scott Agnew
Web Services Manager
CanadaEast Interactive
# posted by CE : 2:09 PM
You better pray that Mr.Irving don't read comment because he just hates to be call - Mr.Irving.

He just wish to be part of the good old boys and be call- Jamie!!!

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 2:12 PM
Yeah, the Irvings are out to get all the bloggers! Try again Charles. The email is very clear to any semi-intelligent reader. They are not out to stifle free speech, they simply want you to stop stealing their articles. You copy and paste articles from their sites which is a clear violation of their terms of use and intellectual property laws. The Irvings are not out to shut down all bloggers. They have asked you to stop stealing and you told them to go %$#@& themselves. I hope Google does follow their own rules and shuts you down.
# posted by Anonymous : 2:14 PM
Google must understand that I copy and pasted a story done about ME ME ME!!!!

I will never lower myself to share a story from the Irving's papers?

This is all about ME ME ME!!!!

Get it????

The Irvings should be proud that I used a story to promote their rags!!!

Enough said!!!

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 2:18 PM
Hey it's nice to see that you finaly admit that this whole blog is agout YOU YOU YOU. You anything to get attention and nothing about ADHD or Political issues.
# posted by CJ : 2:33 PM
Oh really? Is this the "honest" Charles Leblanc speaking? If you'd like, I could probably do a quick search of your blog and pull out a dozen or more articles you cut and pasted from Irving papers that had nothing to do with the oh-so-important Charles. For someone who claims to be an honest "voice of the people", you sure do lie a lot.
# posted by Anonymous : 2:33 PM
Charles, Charles, Charles. Do yourself a favor and read up on copyright and intellectual property law. It makes no difference if you are the subject of a coyprighted story, you still have no right to steal it. Do you think Mohammed Ali has any rights to the movie based on his life? What about Queen Elizabeth? Do you think she should be able to screen the movie The Queen and charge admission to it because she's the subject of the movie. You have very clearly broken the law and Scott Agnew, along with many of your own commenter's, have told you so. You ignored them every time. Now you get what you deserve.
# posted by Anonymous : 2:47 PM
This is very unfortunate, since although its all about 'you', the world doesn't revolve that way.

It is too bad, but not unexpected. I and others told you on numerous cases to simply post the first paragraph or else write your own damn article using footnotes from their article. That's how everybody else does it.

The Irvings have money and clout, and why would google stand up for one blogger who constantly breaks copyright law? If I write a story about Irvings that doesn't mean they own it and can print it if they want to. And actually, the Irvings have been a model of restraint compared to many other corporations out there who will sue people at the drop of a hat. There are corporations that sue because some blogs just 'make them look bad and so are bad for their image'.

But Charles has been warned on numerous occasions. As the bible says, pride goes before destruction. Hopefully Charles will rethink this, what a stupid way to see the blog come to an end. Google takes this stuff very seriously-when they get complaints, which isn't that often.

Hopefully Google will give Charles another opportunity before shutting off the account, I urge Charles to take it. The articles are not even that interesting or integral, what a dumb way to lose an account.

I advise Charles to make a backup of all the articles just in case.
# posted by Anonymous : 2:53 PM
Shows the level of irving intelligence. It is repeatedly asked, not repetitively asked.
# posted by Anonymous : 2:55 PM
You never get it. Now you will say Irvings never warned you and shut you down.

Do other people have rights? You have harassed people at the legislature and they had to ban you. You have been warned not to harass people on the streets and you continue to do that. City of Fredericton must do something and get a pest like you off the streets. You have caused too much nuisance. You are crazy and a kook.
# posted by Anonymous : 2:55 PM
It doesn't matter what the article in the newspaper says...a copyright is a copyright. Charles, you have violated the law and there are consequences.
# posted by Why Bee? : 2:56 PM
A blog is like a diary!!! Of course it's about MOI MOI MOI!!!


On a serious note? This is a very small province and the Irvings owns all the newspapers.

Now? I believe the irvings might wish to use me as an example?

Who truly knows?

The story was about me me me and I blogged it.

Sorry...but this is news and the issue of freedom of speech is at risk.

I believe the Irvings should just ignore this blog and let me do what I have to do?

The Irvings shutting down the biggest blogger in this Province and also the biggest bullshitter speaks wonders???

It would be in the history books!!!!

Of course being Charles? I would have to make a trip to Saint John and protest with a huge bullhorn in front of the Golden Ball with a sign- IRVING GESTAPO????

Freedom of speech must remain alive in New Brunswick!

Stopping certain New Brunswickers from speaking to a talk show or cut them off from writing letters to the editor but shutting down blogs is like Old Germany all over again!!!
# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 3:11 PM
Charles said: "I believe the Irvings should just ignore this blog and let me do what I have to do?"

Dude are you for real? Why the hell would they, or anyone, do that? Why don't you turn that around and ask yourself the same question?

Why don't you ignore the Irvings and let them do what they have to do?
# posted by Anonymous : 3:25 PM
Get through your head. You harass ordinary folks. They do not own any newspaper. You just like violating other people's rights and you call it freedom of speech. Freedom of speech my balls.

You are just plain rude and ignorant nincompoop.
# posted by Anonymous : 3:34 PM
Yeah, cuz those Nazis sure had it in for bloggers. I think after the Jews, gypsies and homosexuals, bloggers were the next most numerous victims in the gas chambers!!

Give yer head a shake man! You have GOT to be the most self-centered person I've read.
# posted by Anonymous : 3:35 PM
Holy over-inflated-ego Batman! One for the history books??? Man, people won't remember this 2 days after your gone.
# posted by Anonymous : 3:49 PM
charles you can always turn to this site for you materials.

# posted by Anonymous : 4:42 PM

Monday, September 10, 2007
Anonymous said...
Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Irvings did a story on my arrest!!!!

Pictures 035
Originally uploaded by Oldmaison

I believe there's not many people who reads the Irving papers because I was told last night there was a story about my arrest in the Irving's paper.

It got printed last Monday and nobody told me about it during the week.

The reporter did email me for an interview but I can't comment on the issue until the investigation is officially over.

Trust me? I have many questions?

Stay tuned....

Probe will begin 'in short order'
Policing RCMP says staffing shortages holding up investigation of blogger's perjury allegation

Jeff Ducharme
Published Tuesday September 4th, 2007
Appeared on page C2
SAINT JOHN - The RCMP contends it is not foot-dragging on investigating an accusation of perjury levelled at the Saint John Police Force by blogger Charles LeBlanc. The charges stem from an incident at the Atlantica Conference held here in June 2006.

"In short order, we will be proceeding," said Sgt. Derek Strong, an RCMP spokesman. "It's a serious allegation."

The Mounties' major crime unit will handle the investigation into the actions of the Saint John force and determine if a criminal investigation should be launched.

Strong could offer few details, but said it will be months before any decision will be forthcoming.

"There's no heel-dragging," he said. "We're going to proceed on it like any other complaint."

Staffing shortages brought on by the summer holiday schedule had slowed down the process, Strong said.

LeBlanc contends a Saint John police officer perjured himself on the stand during his trial last November. LeBlanc was on trial for charges of obstructing a police officer and was acquitted.

LeBlanc charges the city police officer lied when he told a judge that he only deleted one image from the blogger's confiscated camera. There were, contends LeBlanc, some 200 images that were deleted by the officer.

Saint John Police Chief Al Bodechon said it's difficult to comment on the details of a complaint that he hasn't been privy to.

"We'd have to have the opportunity to review the complaint from Charles LeBlanc," the chief said when asked if he felt his officer crossed the line.

"It would only be appropriate that the RCMP make any comment with respect to the complaint," said Bodechon.

The Saint John Police Force is not naming the officer involved in the complaint and no disciplinary action has been taken.

Bodechon sent a letter of apology to LeBlanc in February.

"I wanted to apologize to you on behalf of the Saint John Police Force for inappropriately deleting your picture or pictures from your camera," Bodechon wrote.

The letter was written after the Cape Breton Regional Police Force initiated an investigation that was requested by Bodechon.

The chief's action was in response to the blogger's charges that the photos shouldn't have been deleted and the Saint John officers used excessive force.

The Cape Breton force sided with LeBlanc on the issue of the photos, but dismissed the charges of excessive force.

In response, LeBlanc filed a further complaint with the New Brunswick Police Commission charging perjury by the officer during his November trial.

Public Safety Minister John Foran then asked the RCMP to investigate in accordance with the province's Police Act.

Provincial court Judge William McCarroll ruled LeBlanc was clearly not part of the Atlantica protest.

He was simply taking photos for his blog, and there was no good reason to arrest him, the judge said.

The judge chastised the Saint John police officer for deleting at least one photograph of himself from LeBlanc's camera. A search warrant should have been attained to look through the images on the camera, which he did not have, said the judge.

With files from Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon

# posted by Charles LeBlanc @ 12:57 PM
Here we go again. You can expect another email from Irving Charles. Just because a story is about you doesn't mean you own and can post it all.

I'd really like to know what exactly takes so long that a 'manpower shortage' is the reason for the delay. It's all in the court record, the judge knows about it and commented on it...what exactly needs to be hashed out?

The question is, what discipline should be taken against an officer who breaks somebody's civil rights. There doesn't seem to be a need for an investigation, we already know what happened. What remains a question is what is to be done about it. That is, unfortunately, a civil case and Charles better brush up on his law or find an attorney. Or else start blogging exactly what he wants....the officer fired, demoted, censured, or money.
# posted by Anonymous : 1:13 PM
Too bad they did not keep you in the jail. Now citizens of Fredericton have to pay the price for the harassing you carry out.
# posted by Anonymous : 1:25 PM
Charles will sue and he will win.
He then will be awarded 2.4 million dollars.
He will move out of his rooming house and buy a big house and a big black cadilac.
He will be a big shot!
He will still be in the streets but he will have his own camera man and his own mike guy.
He will even hire Dan Bustier to be his body gard.

-- maurice the homeless guy --
# posted by Anonymous : 3:10 PM
...Dan Bustier will then sue him for harassment and diffamation of character and get the 2.4 million...
# posted by Anonymous : 6:04 PM
Officer fired! Ha Ha Ha! Really funny! Ha Ha Ha!
Hush Money for Charles,do you really think he can stay quiet?
# posted by Anonymous : 12:30 AM
Charles, I'm afraid you have been warned. We have repetitively asked you NOT to violate copyright laws by republishing articles from CanadEast without permission. At each warning you have thumbed your nose at our request and flagrantly continued to violate the law. At each instance we have kept detailed records and screen shots of your violations and your comments about them. There are no more chances.

We are now in contact with Goggle, who take copyright violation very seriously, and I'm afraid you can probably expect them to revoke your Blogger access. Please DO NOT even try to rant that its the Irvings out to bring you down again because you have nobody to blame but yourself. You have violated our copyrights over ten times in the past year and we simply cannot tolerate this unlawful behaviour anymore. You were politely warned and chose not to rectify the situation. Now you will have to suffer the consequences just like everybody else.

Scott Agnew
Web Services Manager
CanadaEast Interactive
# posted by CE : 10:44 AM
er...Scott? Isn't it G o o g l e - not Goggle...Duh...
# posted by Anonymous : 6:42 PM

LOL FYI Chucky Baby the Irvings suckered you bigtime. Methinks that you need better legal advice. They do have the right to bitch to Google and they just may get what they wish. In the real world it is easier to click the button in cyberspace on a dumb Maritimer than it is to argue with Irvings in house counsel.

However I proved to you long ago that that I emailed and called Scotty Boy Agnew and found him to be as dumb as a post. Quite possibly even dmber than you if that is possible. Perhaps you should have asked me about what I know of Jamie Irving.

That said with a click of a button you will be gone just like Yahoo tried to do to me today. That didn't work out to good for them EH?

The truly funny part of all this is that I am quite simply the only dude on the planet capable of defending your dumb arse if the government decides to prosecute you.

The big question is why should I bother at all? Justice may be served quicker on behalf of my own little Clan if you go to jail for criminal harassment because I am also one of the many people you slandered and whether you know it or not that is a criminal act. If you don't believe me ask the Newfys Paul Perrier or Byron Prior.

Love and Kisses

Monday, September 10, 2007
Anonymous said...
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 06:40:22 -0300
From: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
To: scott.agnew@canadaeast.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, atvnews@ctv.ca
Subject: Yo Scotty and Chucky I would love to me both of you and your Ironhorse of a lawyer too. Bring the material I gave you three years ago
CC: lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, John.Foran@gnb.ca, premier@gnb.ca, davidramos333@yahoo.ca, "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com

Scotty can bring the biggest legal team he can muster. the more the merrier for me N'est Pas?

After he checks my work in my blog he can see that I posted the same stuff and in fact this very email within my blog about you EH?.


Rest assured that I ain't afraid of all three of you or the Fat Fred City Finest either

What say we get Danny watters to witness the little hoe down with the Irving idiot?

OHHHH BOY!!!!!! I received two emails from this Scott gur. Here they are -

Nice language Mr. Leblanc. Perhaps I should publish your email on CanadaEast as you seem to want to publish every correspondence we send you on your blog.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of important work to do managing a network of news and information websites. Have a nice day sir.


K. Scott Agnew

Web Services Manager

CanadaEast Interactive

P: (506) 383-2597

F: (506) 859-4904

E: scott.agnew@canadaeast.com

BTW, Mr. Leblanc, I will be in Fredericton tomorrow, Sept 12, 2007 so if you'd care to repeat the content of your earlier email to my face please advise of a meeting time and place at your convenience.


K. Scott Agnew

Web Services Manager

CanadaEast Interactive

P: (506) 383-2597

F: (506) 859-4904

E: scott.agnew@canadaeast.com

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Anonymous said...
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 05:53:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: Fwd: So Says Depupty Dog about Chucky Leblanc so says you all?
To: scott.agnew@canadaeast.com

David Raymond Amos davidramos333@yahoo.ca wrote:

Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 05:50:32 -0400 (EDT)
From: David Raymond Amos davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: So Says Depupty Dog about Chucky Leblanc so says you all?
To: oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca,
deanr0032@hotmail.com, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca,
day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca,
Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca,
Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca,
wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, louiselorefice@ndp.ca,
leader@greenparty.ca, defence@sen.parl.gc.ca,
Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca,
Clabchuk@greenparty.ca, maychair@dal.ca, kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca,
juan.behrend@europeangreens.org, fbinhct@leo.gov, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca,
CC: whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com,
Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca,
wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com,
bill.corby@gnb.ca, samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca,
alltrue@nl.rogers.com, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca,
Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca,
Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca,
forest@conservationcouncil.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca

Bob O'Meara rfowlo@comcast.net wrote: From: "Bob O'Meara" rfowlo@comcast.net
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: Re: LOL Chucky Leblanc I put a nice little note to you at the bottom of my blog about you
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 08:53:24 -0400

Hoka Hey there, Loser. I'm still sitting here, waiting to be screwed. Chucky must be in deep shit, if you are the only one who is capable of defending him. You can't even defend yourself, against yourself. What a fucking clown. Oh,,,,,,,,,,,by the way,,,,,,,,I have plenty of space in my garage for the old Harley I'll be acquiring soon.
----- Original Message -----
From: David Raymond Amos
To: oldmaison@yahoo.com ; dan.bussieres@gnb.ca ; abel.leblanc@gnb.ca ; deanr0032@hotmail.com ; warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; wickedwanda3@adelphia.net ; Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca ; bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com ; days1@parl.gc.ca ; day.s@parl.gc.ca ; jonesr@cbc.ca ; Dion.S@parl.gc.ca ; Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca ; Layton.J@parl.gc.ca ; Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca ; Casey.B@parl.gc.ca ; Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca ; Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca ; Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca ; wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca ; moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca ; louiselorefice@ndp.ca ; leader@greenparty.ca ; defence@sen.parl.gc.ca ; Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca ; Clabchuk@greenparty.ca ; maychair@dal.ca ; kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca ; juan.behrend@europeangreens.org ; fbinhct@leo.gov ; Easter.W@parl.gc.ca ; Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
Cc: whistleblower@ctv.ca ; tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com ; Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca ; Holland.M@parl.gc.ca ; John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca ; wrscott@nbpower.com ; dhay@nbpower.com ; arsenault_chris@hotmail.com ; bill.corby@gnb.ca ; samperrier@hotmail.com ; lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca ; alltrue@nl.rogers.com ; lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca ; Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca ; Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca ; Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca ; Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca ; forest@conservationcouncil.ca ; jonesr@cbc.ca
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 9:23 PM
Subject: LOL Chucky Leblanc I put a nice little note to you at the bottom of my blog about you

Even you Frenchy must admit that I am a whole lot nicer and a ten thousand times more ethical on my worst day than one of your fans in his whole miserable existense. You must remember your fan and my soon to be screwed Yankee brother in law Norfolk County Sheriff Deputy Dog Robert F. O'Meara? Scroll down if all of your five brains forgot. His crooked little lawyer, Angela K. Troccoli is getting more popoular with each passing day.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

P.S. Your local heroes Danny Boy Bussieres and his buddy the RCMP Spook Normy Plourde must have noticed their fellow Quebers getting nervous today. N'est Pas?

Just Dave
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LOL FYI Chucky Baby the Irvings suckered you bigtime. Methinks that you need better legal advice. They do have the right to bitch to Google and they just may get what they wish. In the real world it is easier to click the button in cyberspace on a dumb Maritimer than it is to argue with Irvings in house counsel.

However I proved to you long ago that that I emailed and called Scotty Boy Agnew and found him to be as dumb as a post. Quite possibly even dmber than you if that is possible. Perhaps you should have asked me about what I know of Jamie Irving.

That said with a click of a button you will be gone just like Yahoo tried to do to me today. That didn't work out to good for them EH?

The truly funny part of all this is that I am quite simply the only dude on the planet capable of defending your dumb arse if the government decides to prosecute you.

The big question is why should I bother at all? Justice may be served quicker on behalf of my own little Clan if you go to jail for criminal harassment because I am also one of the many people you slandered and whether you know it or not that is a criminal act. If you don't believe me ask the Newfys Paul Perrier or Byron Prior.

Love and Kisses
Monday, September 10, 2007

Just Dave
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Visitor's Time Sep 10 2007 4:51:50 pm
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Bob rfowlo@comcast.net wrote:

From: "Bob" rfowlo@comcast.net
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: Re: Attn Sandra Conlin of the far from ethical RCMP That is not me posting in Google etc it is Dean Roger Ray and his pal Deputy Dog
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 13:28:53 -0400

That's right Dave,,,,,,,,,all your junk is gone. You ran no one off any property and the things that were being removed, belonged to me, not you. You never purchased a thing, your whole life. You mooched everything you have. Or should I say, everything you had. I don't have to work at soiling your character, you have no character. All your own bullshit you keep throwing out there has opened up peoples eyes as to what kind of a person you are. You never have and never will care what happens to your clan, as long as you can stay hiding in Canada. If you were any kind of a man, you would have faced up to all the wrongs you caused and done something about supporting your own family. It has just been much easier for a piece of shit like you to go around, yelling how everyone is screwing you. Ever ask yourself,,,,,,,,,,,,,why am I being screwed?? Because you deserve it. Yes, father is dead, and so is your dear, old dad. I'm happy to say, that if either one was still around, they would have gotten rid of you. Especially your own father. Disrespecting his clan, the way you have. My parents estate was settled long ago, and properly. We did exactly what we set out to do, and that was to get rid of you and all your trash. Bet those towing and storage charges are adding up as we speak. And let's not forget the un-registered, un-insured charges. There are fines with those, too.I think you should sue New Hampshire. What right did they have, giving you plates, when everyone knew you were lying to them about living there. Yep, Dave Arsehole Amoose is a liar. You and I both know, you never lived there. Thought you could get away with it, huh. Guess again. I bet you have all the local cops running scared from you. Just like they all did down here. What a loser.

----- Original Message -----
From: David Raymond Amos
To: Sandra.Conlin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; deanr0032@hotmail.com ; warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; wickedwanda3@adelphia.net ; Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca ; bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com ; bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; days1@parl.gc.ca ; day.s@parl.gc.ca ; jonesr@cbc.ca ; Dion.S@parl.gc.ca ; Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca ; Layton.J@parl.gc.ca ; Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca ; Casey.B@parl.gc.ca ; Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca ; Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca ; Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca ; wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca ; moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca ; louiselorefice@ndp.ca ; leader@greenparty.ca ; defence@sen.parl.gc.ca ; Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca ; Clabchuk@greenparty.ca ; maychair@dal.ca ; kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca ; juan.behrend@europeangreens.org ; fbinhct@leo.gov ; Easter.W@parl.gc.ca ; Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
Cc: whistleblower@ctv.ca ; tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com ; Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca ; Holland.M@parl.gc.ca ; John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca ; wrscott@nbpower.com ; dhay@nbpower.com ; arsenault_chris@hotmail.com ; bill.corby@gnb.ca ; samperrier@hotmail.com ; lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca ; alltrue@nl.rogers.com ; lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca ; Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca ; Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca ; Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca ; Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca ; forest@conservationcouncil.ca ; oldmaison@yahoo.com ; dan.bussieres@gnb.ca ; abel.leblanc@gnb.ca ; jonesr@cbc.ca ; PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; derek.strong@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; Roger.Gillies@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; John.DeWinter@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 11:15 AM
Subject: Attn Sandra Conlin of the far from ethical RCMP That is not me posting in Google etc it is Dean Roger Ray and his pal Deputy Dog

When are you going to get around to calling me back lady? 506 434 1379 just in case your help lost the number. At least the crook Rod Smith talked to me before he quit. If you wish to avoid me why not ask Cpl Warren MacBeath why he supports this nonsense of Dean Roger Ray and Depupty Dog? He is now in Ottawa. Correct? If he decides to blow the whistle no matter quietly you shoud hear it N'est Pas?

In the end all any man has left is his name to carve upon a rock. Correct? You corrupt cops etc supported Depupty Dog and his band of Yankee thieves to steal my everything and allow him to brag of it. Now you allow the nutbag Dirty Dicky Dean to steal my name as he threatens others with it? WHY?

I have already proven several times that the Commission of Public complaints Against the RCMP are as useless as tits on a bull. Now Stockwell Day can deny the liberals lament about a public inquiry all he wishes. You miserable bastards will have to at least answer me in court or hell someday or my name ain't "Just Dave" I am gonna start blogging like hell today after all the interesting calls I got yesterday maybe the public will take more interest in my affairs now. I must tell ya there are some very nervous Yankees inside the Beltway below the 49th if you don't already know. Check inside the comments of my blog sometime dummies perhap you will find yourself mentioned a time or two with some pretty interesting company.

After I stress tested Dion's integrity to the max and he failed miserably it is time to remaind him of last year when everybody thought he did not have a hope in hell of being leader. Need I also remind you all that I showed Sgt Jacques Boucher (who is in Ottawa now as well EH?) my first Yankee Whistleblower form 211 in January of 2002 while my kids sat in the back of his cop car and that he later witnessed my affidavit in April of 2002 which was argued twice in US District Court in Beantown is Sept of 2002. this was all said and done after I ran Depupty Dog off from my home the first time when I caught him and his nasty bitch, Wicked Wanda Willard redhanded stealing my Clan's property in August of 2002. It was immediately after I stopped a fraudulent real estate sale that one of Mulroney's companies Cendant Corp later profited from. now you know why i began inserting mulruny in the email forwards EH? All of this afterall is merely a matter of public record start searching the public records of many Yankee court dockets or one New Brunswick Provincial Court if you don't believe me. here is you first clue Norfolks superior Court Dedham Massachusetts docket # 2002-01070. There are many more. Look at the first page off the FBI Tif file. That is a Yankeedoodle dandy EH?

For those amongst you who are to chicken to print the attached documents or too dumb to read them I will send you some more pictures of mine later to ponder. Dean Roger Ray's hero Chucky Leblanc likes pictures better anyway and his own most of all. N'est Pas? Thus have a look Chucky. I do declare that you should keep up with the times. Videos are far better than audios files anyday. Ask your hero Robert Jones of the CBC why.

The pictures of yours that I have attached, Chucky are of the woman who received my material last summer in Sussex. It was when She and I and two of my friends of mine went to meet and greet Dion at Sgt Johnny Dewinter's daddy's motel. she did promise to give my material to Dion just like you promised to do for me with Brad Green years ago. Dion refused refused to hang around in Sussx long when not many folks came to meet him out of the gate that night. Now that snobby Frenchman who stll holds a French passport wants to lead our Country? He is no better than Harper and that ain't saying nothing at all. I do remember his local supporter. After all I went to High School with her and the nomind, Andy Scott and Dave Morrell and a host of other snotty bastards after I moved up from Dorchester when Louie centralized the govenment to many a poor man's chagrin years ago.

Chucky, have a look at Dean Roger Ray aka Dirty Dicky Dean whilst others check his malevolent work.





Bob O'Meara Says:
June 7th, 2007 at 10:27 am

DazzlinDino,,,,,,,,great response to David Amos. I can provide quite a bit of info on Dave. I am sorry to say that I have been his brother in law since 1991 and have known him since 1982. He has lost his mind. He has threatened to sue hundreds of people. He has not been able to sue any one of them. The courts just throw him out. Actually, some of his rantings are humorous. He is nothing but a bag of wind. Don’t worry about him seeking you out. He spends most of his time trying to find some other sap who he can mooch off of. I think he is running out of generous Canadians.

I must say Depupty Dog should give up on trying to impeach my character ahd start packing his bags to get out of dodge or lubing his arse for jail. He really should have asked his lawyer pals why the following company has taken a sudden interest in the old Beach House. perhaps he can blame them for all his wrongs. After all his not so dear to him old daddy, Francis is still dead and his estate has yet to be closed EH? Depupty Dog's incompetennt and malicious lawyers should have studied what his Mama filed about about old Francis before she died before they entered the fray on his side. It is all a matter of Public Record after all. I know one thing for certain the FBI should have checked my work a long long time ago. I know I went to see them several times after I first met Sgt Jacques Boucher in Canada. Hell the US Attorney even complained of it in Sept of 2002 within his own wicked Memorandums of Law N'est Pas? I suppose it is only right that I finally admit that Depupty Dog is right, I am a scum bag and will continue to mooch off people as long as I can.

The truly sick and sad part of this all is quite likely the only two people who will liekely answer this email are Dirty Dicky dean and his pal Depupty Dog. Yet as usual despite their insults they will at least prove that the crooks who support them got the same email too.
Veritas Vincit
David Rayond Amos

Just Dave
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Saturday, September 15, 2007
Anonymous said...
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 12:24:01 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: Hey Scotty Baby say Hoka Hey to Jamie Boy Irving. I caught him peeking at me.
To: scott.agnew@canadaeast.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, louiselorefice@ndp.ca, leader@greenparty.ca, defence@sen.parl.gc.ca, Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, Clabchuk@greenparty.ca, maychair@dal.ca, kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca, juan.behrend@europeangreens.org, fbinhct@leo.gov, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
CC: whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, bill.corby@gnb.ca, samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, alltrue@nl.rogers.com, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, forest@conservationcouncil.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca

Just Dave
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Visitor's Time Sep 13 2007 9:57:24 am
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You were a noshow at Tim's yesterday merely because you knew I may be there too and did not anyone witnessing me serving hard copy of my material upon you. Their is a code of conduct for Journalists lawyers and cops not for college kids as Barry McKnight, the idiot Chief of Fat fred city Finest suggests.. What Chucky says about it is oure bullshit and everybody knows it.

You have a little trouble with copyright laws if somebody is not making a buck off your work, Nest Pas? Free Speeh allows people to quote other people as long as no profit is involved. In my humble opinion many people who employ the airwaves of the commons people should have their licences revoked ASAP, beginnning with the Crown Corp commonly known as the CBC after all the bullshit I heard coming from them the past few years.

As you know your lawyers have already been served my material three god damned years ago ask one of the Ivrings former lawyers Joey Day or his snobby and liberal wife Georgey Girl in Hampton. Jamie Boy Irving is an editor for the Kings County Record. How come he didn't mind my posting his newspaper report of my run for a seat in the 38th Parliament all over the Internet?

Better yet howcome the Irvings didn't mind what I said about their Empire before I Intervened in the pipeline matter in Saint John and ran against their buddy Eddy Doherty while that nonsense was going on and tore a piece off their former son in law lawyer the MP Paul Zed at the same time? Better yet how come the far from ethical blogger Chucky Leblanc said nothing too paritcularly after I posted these words in his blog before he banished me from his own blog months before he found himself arrested and banished from the LEG? As my last statement in Chucky's place on cyberspace clearly states Chucky Leblanc is all about chucky Leblanc and the Irvings are all about the Ivrings it is the common folk who are not on welfare or who do not work for the government that are trully screwed. It is the working poor who pay more than their fair share of taxes that should beware of bullshitting bloggers and journalists who argue about who owns bullshit words written by and about themselves. How ridiculous is that I must ask?


Notice how Chucky edited my words so as not to offend the sensibilities of the Quebecer Newspaper? LOL N'est Pas?

Anonymous said...

Mr. David Raymond Amos,

We respectfully invite you to consider a Letter to the Editor, i.e.., How Free Trade undermines Maritime Economic Development. We had heard you make some representation about a U.S. company which truck out Maritime 'wealth', as a result of not having similar .provincial resources rights as Alberta, Many Maritimes would be potentially interested in such an editorial.


Office of John Stokes

The Canadian National Newspaper
internet site: http://www.agoracosmopolitan.com

# posted by Anonymous : 4:48 PM

Hey Mr. Stokes
Thanks for the suggestion. As you should know the most glaring example of a company that has been raping the Maritimes with abandon for many years is obviously the Irving Empire. However lately there are some very nasty new players on the scene such a PCS and Corridor Resourses etc etc. I am very busy these days and I am not a journalist. You people are though yet it seems you would rather me say the awlful truth than yourselves because of some possible lawsuit EH?

So be it. I will because it is not slander if one's words are true. Perhaps you should consider checking my work and then come to court sometime in order to listen to me argue all the smiling bastards. You can have much of my work in a click of the button of my mouse. But first please allow me to introduce you to the New Brunswick Securities Commission. I got a rather interesting response from them today whilst I was in Fredericton. They have ignored my concerns for almost a year but now that Bernie Lord's government is getting tipsy, it appears all the bad actors want to show me their arse just in time for me to boot it.

It is Securities Commissions such as this that allow many publicly held companies such as Corridor Resources or Magna Entertainment etc to get away with many things rather than remind them of the law and on how they should conduct business in an ethical fashion. That said, these Commisssions have no say whatsoever over the Irving Empire and that is truly bad. It is a privately held corporation that knows very well the power of money and on how to pay off greedy politicians in order to get anything they want. In the nutshell of the Maritimes that is quite simply everything. It seems that I am the only Maritimer who is not afraid of the ghost of mean old KC Irving and his monoply game. It has always been hard times in the Maritimes. We lament about it all the time but our apathy and fear of the Irvings etc gives us the govenments we deserve.

Print this if you wish. You are off the hook that Irving's lawyers threaten ordinary folks with. I am fearless yet never reckless with the truth. I stand by my own words and invite anyone to sue me if they think I am a liar and wish to argue me. I hate it when the chickenshits send crooked cops against me bearing false allegations in a faint hearted effort to shut me up. It does the smiling bastards no good and only serves to make matters worse.

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

# posted by Anonymous : 4:52 PM

Charles Leblanc is a Fake Left arsekissing pussy pick up the phone and talk to a real sincere and serious Maritimer the next time I call you and call me a liar I Double Dog Dare Ya To.

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

Yo Chucky as you can see your fan Depupty Dog's nasty little Yankee lawyer is getting real popular too. looks like I am gonna get her shitcanned from another law firm in short order N'est Pas? First say Hoka Hey to the local RCMP spook Norm Plourde. Want his phone number? Look it up on my blog if your fellow bible pounding ex cop Quebecer buddy Danny Boy Bussieres won't give it to you. LOL EH? He who LOL last LOL best N'est Pas?


Just Dave: Me and Bush

The fact is it was the Trail Court of Massachusetts on April 1st, ..... with the Fed Norm Plourde so I turned off my cell so they could not locate me. ...

davidamos.blogspot.com/2005/03/me-and-bush.html - 493k - Cached - Similar pages

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Saturday, September 15, 2007
Anonymous said...
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 13:49:22 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: First things first Scotty Baby. Pick up the phone who and tell me who is your lawyer. I will argue with him not you.
To: scott.agnew@canadaeast.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, louiselorefice@ndp.ca, leader@greenparty.ca, defence@sen.parl.gc.ca, Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, Clabchuk@greenparty.ca, maychair@dal.ca, kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca, juan.behrend@europeangreens.org, fbinhct@leo.gov, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
CC: whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, bill.corby@gnb.ca, samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, alltrue@nl.rogers.com, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, forest@conservationcouncil.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca

I have alredy been falsely imprisoned not long after the Record Wrote this bullshit about me. Iis you who is in hot water not I. this first thing I do want to argue with the Irvings in court is the sound file plaing in the email that I just you and your cohort Chucky Leblanc and his many buddies once again .

"Agnew, Scott" scott.agnew@canadaeast.com wrote:

Subject: RE: Hey Scotty Baby say Hoka Hey to Jamie Boy Irving. I caught him peeking at me.
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 14:33:15 -0300
From: "Agnew, Scott" scott.agnew@canadaeast.com
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca

Mr. Amos,

I would be very happy to discuss issues of concern with you if you could perhaps send me an email outlining your problem without rambling and ranting about issues varying from LNG terminals, copyright laws and running for public office.

In short, I have no idea what you are talking about nor do I see any clear question to me in your email . I will say this however, on your comment concerning copyright laws and fair use… you would be well advised to consult with a lawyer as it is very clear that you know not of which you speak.

There is no provision under Canadian and international copyright laws for the republication of copyrighted materials without consent whether it is for profit or not. The “fair use” does NOT cover the wholesale republication of intellectual property in its entirely (quotes or short examples yes, entire articles, no).

As I said, you would be well advised to contact a lawyer on this issue as you seem to be indicating that you intend to willfully steal copyrighted material. This is something that could land you in a lot of hot water legally; certainly more than simply having a blog account suspended.

K. Scott Agnew
Web Services Manager
CanadaEast Interactive
P: (506) 383-2597
F: (506) 859-4904
E: scott.agnew@canadaeast.com

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Anonymous said...
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 14:03:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: If perchance yiou manage to make Chucky fall out of cyberspace know that his work that I find relevant will not so easily dissappear
To: scott.agnew@canadaeast.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, louiselorefice@ndp.ca, leader@greenparty.ca, defence@sen.parl.gc.ca, Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, Clabchuk@greenparty.ca, maychair@dal.ca, kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca, juan.behrend@europeangreens.org, fbinhct@leo.gov, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
CC: whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, bill.corby@gnb.ca, samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, alltrue@nl.rogers.com, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, forest@conservationcouncil.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca

I keep pretty good records EH Scotty Baby? You should not have lied to me months ago. That only served to show me your nasty arse so that I could decide to boot it. It is you who needs to be knocked off your high horse and off the web as well. Chucky got the same email you did before I called you remember? In my humble opinion Jamie Baby Irving needs to hire far more clever crooks to do his bidding. Say hey to David Drummond of Google for me will ya? never mind I just did. He owes me a favour from years ago when I saved his fancy butt from the SEC and long before Google took over my blogger account.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos


David C. Drummond
Senior Vice President, Corporate Development and Chief Legal Officer
David Drummond became Google's vice president, Corporate Development in 2002. In this role, David works with the management team to evaluate and drive new strategic business opportunities, including strategic alliances and mergers and acquisitions.
David was first introduced to Google in 1998 as a partner in the corporate transactions group at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich and Rosati, one of the nation's leading law firms representing technology businesses. He served as Google's first outside counsel, and worked with Larry Page and Sergey Brin to incorporate the company and secure its initial rounds of financing. During his tenure at Wilson Sonsini, David worked with a wide variety of technology companies, advising them on all aspects of their business and financial activities and helping them manage complex transactions such as mergers, acquisitions and initial public offerings.

Immediately prior to joining Google, David served as executive vice president, finance and chief financial officer for SmartForce, where he helped transform the publicly-traded company into the world's largest e-learning company. David earned his bachelor of arts degree in history from Santa Clara University and his J.D. from Stanford Law School.

Thursday, September 29, 2005


# posted by Charles LeBlanc @ 3:14 PM
It is more like a mint for Bernie.

# posted by Anonymous : 4:37 PM

“I have to remind MLA Kenny that it was the former Liberal that cut the hourly pay for home support care workers by $2.” Tony Huntjens in a letter to editor in the Gleaner.

When will these idiots stop living in 90s and realize that 21st century is upon us. What kind of drug he is on?

# posted by Anonymous : 4:56 PM

John Hamm a man of great integrity resigned as a Premier of Nova Scotia. We have unscrupulous Bernard Lord who is still Premier. There is something wrong with us NBers to tolerate this man as our Premier

# posted by Anonymous : 7:04 PM

Here is the real reason Hamm quit it is at the very bottom of this particular blog. This email is also why the dudes in Fredericton are so nervous these days. Simply put I'm back. I can only wonder how long this Blog will remain before Chucky Leblanc deletes it in order to cover up the public corruption he secretly supports.

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: bsharpe@nl.rogers.com ; davidamos@bsn1.net ; duffy@ctv.ca ; martine.turcotte@bell.ca ; news@ctv.ca ; am@ctv.ca ; diane.bourque@flsc.ca ; jcrosbie@pattersonpalmer.ca ; gbyrne@pattersonpalmer.ca ; corp.website@sunlife.com ; cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; shickman@pattersonpalmer.ca ; lrikleen@Bowditch.com ; John.Conyers@mail.house.gov ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ; bmosher@mosherchedore.ca ; carterweb@emory.edu ; Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us ; Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us ; parkhill@stu.ca ; plee@stu.ca ; billestabrooks@navnet.net ; kentlib@nbnet.nb.ca ; police@fredericton.ca ; wickedwanda3@adelphia.net ; marno3@shaw.ca ; cmgstjohns@nf.aibn.net
Cc: guild@interlog.com ; ombudsman@cbc.ca ; lise@cmg.ca ; pacificpalate@telus.net ; ajehman@hotmail.com ; maureen_matthews@cbc.ca ; gerry@cmg.ca ; bvessey@pei.eastlink.ca ; sallypitt@hotmail.com ; garyparsons@nfld.net ; neilmac@vzw.blackberry.net ; deesdee@yahoo.com ; shawk_1999@yahoo.com ; cari_blanchard@yahoo.com ; cturner@nbnet.nb.ca ; briann@accesswave.ca ; mplaurin@sympatico.ca ; lebelb@nbnet.nb.ca ; slmsmbouchard@hotmail.com ; maurice10@rogers.com ; m.meldrum@ns.sympatico.ca ; twomech@nb.sympatico.ca ; dugasp28@hotmail.com ; embateman@hotmail.com ; sawebb@hotmail.com ; pgcastle@hotmail.com ; newschick@hotmail.com ; oldmaison@yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 1:19 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: This is who I am Bobby Baby. Read it and weep.

I had to respond to this. Brian Gaudet should have read my last email before bouncing it back to me with his insults. I was already gone. At least this Frenchman, sounds more like a proper Maritimer. Yet if he was going to spout off to me he should have been man enough to say it front of the rest of you too. Let us all see if he has truly Billy Gates blocking me after trying to pick a fight with me. Yahoo will tell the tale on that. That said, I do admire that he defends his wife's name and is willing to fight about it even if he does not understand the issues. That is honourable but dumb. I was confused that the email address said two mech so I suspect that he may be a mechanic just like me and not any sort of lawyer or newsman either. I like that as well.
It seems he has been raised on the four F's just like me. Only thing is I ain't hiding behind an electronic mask like he said. If he had bothered to read I had even inserted my phone number. I will be coming to Sackville very soon but by then your protests will likely be over and I would be met with the indifference that I was faced with last year. So I will bother you all no more even though I will be forwarding and blogging this email in many other places. It is the same methods that the locked out people employed to bring CBC to the table. they have no right to put down my actions against them. I do not wish to speak to the CBC or the employees about a lawsuit I am filing against the Crown because of their actions against me. That would be kinda dumb even for a Maritimer don't you think? I would rather have spoken to pissed off people CBC had locked out of work. It made far more sense to me.
I have many friends in the Sackville area. Perhaps Frenchy should ask around about me to some mechanics he may know to see if most folks who know me well think me to be a liar. He should not rely on CBC to find out the truth about me. To offset any confrontations from people he did not know, Frenchy should have told his wife not to use his email address. If he did not want to be bothered by people she and her other CBC buddies had ignored last year during the last federal election he should have told me out of the gate that he was not his wife. She could have gotten her own hotmail account like my eleven year old in Amherst just did. Instead she used her husband's email to tell the world on the internet that she was actively protesting being out of work? She was soliticiting our support for her plight but in the next electronic breath her husband proves that they care about nobody else? CBC and all of its reporters are the bullshitters in this matter not me. They are self centered greedy bastards also.
CBC does have a mandate to give all people running for a seat in Parliament equal time not just the people the reporters want to win. That is the law and their mandate as a Crown Corp. In case you are reading this Brian Gaudet talk tough all you wish. I don't scare easy because I am too dumb to know fear. Ask the Secret Service who tried to take me away to Cuba over two years ago or the jailers who threw me in the hole last year because I was pretty pissed off if I am a chickenshit or not. Because I display no fear people label me as crazy in order to make themselves feel better about their own cowardice. I have walked the walk for far too long to be frightened by anyone now. I live each day as my last. Only integrity surprises me now. It is a rare thing to find combined with age and power.
If you don't believe me or think I am harrassing you in any way why not call the RCMP or sue me French?. Bring along this email to prove how I have offended you. I will love to argue the Crown about it in court. I will bring along what I served upon the CBC in Saint John while I was running for Parliament last year. It should make for an interesting argument that CBC will not report. Their lawyers have not answered me yet but many others have and know tha CBC got my material too. It appears that i must sue to get an answer as to why the CBC ignored its mandate.
Frenchy I would prefer to meet your lawyer face to face in court in a civil lawsuit rather than duke it out on the street with you and inspire another criminal matter. Besides I have too much to lose even if I won such a senseless thing in court or in the street. You are another ordinary asshole like me. There is no need to battle with you. I am getting too old for such nonsense now but I will certainly defend myself from anyone. If you wish to pursue the matter be forewarned that I don't fight fair anymore. If perchance I lose I am very big on getting even. My battles are never over until that happens. What I teach my son also holds true for me. I tell him to never back down from anyone because it is too expensivee to one's own pride and you will have to run from bullies your whole life. In truth a brawl proves nothing at all except how dumb we can be. Nevertheless like hockey fighting can be a great sport sometimes. Confused? Me too. what do you teach your son Frenchy?
Like you Frenchy I prefer face to face confrontations but only in front of many witnesses these days so that nobody can accuse me of saying or doing anything wrong. If you wish to fight, call the cops first and announce your intentions then all that I ask of you is that you throw the first swing so that my actions will be in defence. Is that OK with you Frenchy??????
You are right about one thing though. Nobody cares. However it is not stupid of me to piss people off. It is merely one of those things I do that nobody seems to appreciate. It works like a charm to get others to prove to me that they are assholes. The big difference between an asshole like me and an asshole like you is that I care about what happens to others. You don't. If you disagree why not help another Maritimer by the name of Byron Prior. He needs all the help he can get. I don't. You don't even have to Google him. Read the portion of his his web site that was at the bottom of the second email I sent to you today. If you have any heart in you at all pick up the phone and call him to see if he is for real for yourself. I did the best I could to help him with his litigation against Billy Matthews and all his Newfy buddies while your wife's buddy Ian Hannamansing who is from Sackville only called Byron a liar while he was doing his big special in Newfoundland about justice last year.
If my memory of what Byron said about the show that night is correct, your wife's fellow CBC workers carefully edited Byron from any of their tapes shown on TV while the Attorney General Tommy Marshall's son sat right by his side and made it on TV. In my opinion the CBC dudes in Newfoundland should all be fired ASAP for that reason alone. That fact has nothing to do with me and my concerns whatsoever. All Canadians were denied the opportunity to hear what Byron Prior had to say about how justice is being served in the Maritimes. It should make no difference at all whether or not Hannamansing thought of Byron a lair. We all had the right to hear what he had to say after CBC had invited the public they work for to speak on TV. How else can we decide the truth about anything if we do not hear from all sides? This is a Democracy isn't it is free speech a myth on public TV? CBC does not have the right to to be judge and jury simply because they have the ability to edit tapes.
Get it Frenchy???????????
Here is my phone number again Frenchy 506 434 1379 if you wish to ask me any questions. I will not bother to look up yours. I do not care about you think anymore if you don't wish to speak man to man. I will do as you requested and merely leave you all alone just like I said in the last email I ever intended to send to any of the CBC crowd. Now that they are comfortably back at work editing the truth for Paul Martin's benefit not ours, I know it would be fruitless to approach them anymore.
Before you give me a call Frenchy, perhaps you should review email that you bounced back to me. For your education here is my face as well and an article about me in a local paper then ask yourself why the CBC reporters ignored an interesting little circus.
I ain't hiding and I ain't a lair. I am just another Maritime asshole just like you Frenchy. You should understand me as being a simple, sincere and serious asshole even if you do not believe that I am a man with some pretty serious beefs against the corrupt justice system and the CBC that helps it in its malice towards us all. It is late and my rambling rant is over. As I wrote this I kept remmbering my encounters with the Frenchy from the far side of my hometown of Dorchester last year. His name is Charles LeBlanc. Man that bastard is full of hot air. I had to get this off my chest. I will sleep better with you dismissed from my mind too. Good luck with your own conscience from now on. Say Hey to Chucky Leblanc for me will ya> Like you he is blocking my emails after sending me a flood of them last year. I will lay odds your wife knows of him. The Maritimes ain't that big a place and he is quite a bragger.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

----- Original Message -----
> > > > From: "McKnight, Gisele" McKnight.Gisele@kingscorecord.com
> > > > To: lcampenella@ledger.com
> > > > Cc:motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
> > > Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 2:53 PM
> > > > Subject: David Amos
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > Hello Lisa,
> > > > > David Amos asked me to contact you. I met him last June after he
> > became
> > > an
> > > > > independent (not representing any political party) candidate in our
> > > > federal
> > > > > election that was held June 28.
> > > > >
> > > > > He was a candidate in our constituency of Fundy (now called
> > > Fundy-Royal).
> > > > I
> > > > > wrote a profile story about him, as I did all other candidates. That
> > > story
> > > > > appeared in the Kings County Record June 22. A second story, written
> > by
> > > > one
> > > > > of my reporters, appeared on the same date, which was a report on
> the
> > > > > candidates' debate held June 18.
> > > > >
> > > > > As I recall David Amos came last of four candidates in the election.
> > The
> > > > > winner got 14,997 votes, while Amos got 358.
> > > > >
> > > > > I have attached the two stories that appeared, as well as a photo
> > taken
> > > by
> > > > > reporter Erin Hatfield during the debate. I couldn't find the photo
> > that
> > > > > ran, but this one is very similar.
> > > > >
> > > > > Gisele McKnight
> > > > > editor A1-debate A1-amos,David for MP 24.doc debate
> > > > > Kings County Record
> > > > > Sussex, New Brunswick
> > > > > Canada
> > > > > 506-433-1070
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
Raising a Little Hell- Lively Debate Provokes Crowd

By Erin Hatfield

"If you don't like what you got, why don't you change it? If your world is all screwed up, rearrange it."

The 1979 Trooper song Raise a Little Hell blared on the speakers at the 8th Hussars Sports Center Friday evening as people filed in to watch the Fundy candidates debate the issues. It was an accurate, if unofficial, theme song for the debate.

The crowd of over 200 spectators was dwarfed by the huge arena, but as they chose their seats, it was clear the battle lines were drawn. Supporters of Conservative candidate Rob Moore naturally took the blue chairs on the right of the rink floor while John Herron's Liberalswent left. There were splashes of orange, supporters of NDP Pat Hanratty, mixed throughout. Perhaps the loudest applause came from a row towards the back, where supporters of independent candidate David Amos sat.

The debate was moderated by Leo Melanson of CJCW Radio and was organized by the Sussex Valley Jaycees. Candidates wereasked a barrage of questions bypanelists Gisele McKnight of the Kings County Record and Lisa Spencer of CJCW.

Staying true to party platforms for the most part, candidates responded to questions about the gun registry, same sex marriage, the exodus of young people from the Maritimes and regulated gas prices. Herron and Moore were clear competitors,constantly challenging each other on their answers and criticizing eachothers’ party leaders. Hanratty flew under the radar, giving short, concise responses to the questions while Amos provided some food for thought and a bit of comic relief with quirky answers. "I was raised with a gun," Amos said in response to the question of thenational gun registry. "Nobody's getting mine and I'm not paying 10 cents for it."

Herron, a Progressive Conservative MP turned Liberal, veered from his party'splatform with regard to gun control. "It was ill advised but well intentioned," Herron said. "No matter what side of the house I am on, I'm voting against it." Pat Hanratty agreed there were better places for the gun registry dollars to be spent.Recreational hunters shouldn't have been penalized by this gun registry," he said.

The gun registry issues provoked the tempers of Herron and Moore. At one point Herron got out of his seat and threw a piece of paper in front of Moore. "Read that," Herron said to Moore, referring to the voting record of Conservative Party leader Steven Harper. According to Herron, Harper voted in favour of the registry on the first and second readings of the bill in 1995. "He voted against it when it counted, at final count," Moore said. "We needa government with courage to register sex offenders rather than register the property of law abiding citizens."

The crowd was vocal throughout the evening, with white haired men and women heckling from the Conservative side. "Shut up John," one woman yelled. "How can you talk about selling out?" a man yelled whenHerron spoke about his fear that the Conservatives are selling farmers out.

Although the Liberal side was less vocal, Kings East MLA Leroy Armstrong weighed in at one point. "You’re out of touch," Armstrong yelled to Moore from the crowd when the debate turned to the cost of post-secondary education. Later in the evening Amos challenged Armstrong to a public debate of their own. "Talk is cheap. Any time, anyplace," Armstrong responded.

As the crowd made its way out of the building following the debate, candidates worked the room. They shook hands with well-wishers and fielded questions from spectators-all part of the decision-making process for the June 28 vote.

Cutline – David Amos, independent candidate in Fundy, with some of his favourite possessions—motorcycles.


The Unconventional Candidate

David Amos Isn’t Campaigning For Your Vote, But….

By Gisele McKnight

FUNDY—He has a pack of cigarettes in his shirt pocket, a chain on his wallet, a beard at least a foot long, 60 motorcycles and a cell phone that rings to the tune of "Yankee Doodle."

Meet the latest addition to the Fundy ballot—David Amos.

The independent candidate lives in Milton, Massachusetts with his wife and two children, but his place of residence does not stop him from running for office in Canada.

One has only to be at least 18, a Canadian citizen and not be in jail to meet Elections Canada requirements.

When it came time to launch his political crusade, Amos chose his favourite place to do so—Fundy.

Amos, 52, is running for political office because of his dissatisfaction with politicians.

"I’ve become aware of much corruption involving our two countries," he said. "The only way to fix corruption is in the political forum."

The journey that eventually led Amos to politics began in Sussex in 1987. He woke up one morning disillusioned with life and decided he needed to change his life.

"I lost my faith in mankind," he said. "People go through that sometimes in midlife."

So Amos, who’d lived in Sussex since 1973, closed his Four Corners motorcycle shop, paid his bills and hit the road with Annie, his 1952 Panhead motorcycle.

"Annie and I rode around for awhile (three years, to be exact) experiencing the milk of human kindness," he said. "This is how you renew your faith in mankind – you help anyone you can, you never ask for anything, but you take what they offer."

For those three years, they offered food, a place to sleep, odd jobs and conversation all over North America.

Since he and Annie stopped wandering, he has married, fathered a son and a daughter and become a house-husband – Mr. Mom, as he calls himself.

He also describes himself in far more colourful terms—a motorcyclist rather than a biker, a "fun-loving, free-thinking, pig-headed individual," a "pissed-off Maritimer" rather than an activist, a proud Canadian and a "wild colonial boy."

Ironically, the man who is running for office has never voted in his life.

"But I have no right to criticize unless I offer my name," he said. "It’s alright to bitch in the kitchen, but can you walk the walk?"

Amos has no intention of actively campaigning.

"I didn’t appreciate it when they (politicians) pounded on my door interrupting my dinner," he said. "If people are interested, they can call me. I’m not going to drive my opinions down their throats."

And he has no campaign budget, nor does he want one.

"I won’t take any donations," he said. "Just try to give me some. It’s not about money. It goes against what I’m fighting about."

What he’s fighting for is the discussion of issues – tainted blood, the exploitation of the Maritimes’ gas and oil reserves and NAFTA, to name a few.

"The political issues in the Maritimes involve the three Fs – fishing, farming and forestry, but they forget foreign issues," he said. "I’m death on NAFTA, the back room deals and free trade. I say chuck it (NAFTA) out the window.

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement which allows an easier flow of goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico.

Amos disagrees with the idea that a vote for him is a wasted vote.

"There are no wasted votes," he said. "I want people like me, especially young people, to pay attention and exercise their right. Don’t necessarily vote for me, but vote."

Although…if you’re going to vote anyway, Amos would be happy to have your X by his name.

"I want people to go into that voting booth, see my name, laugh and say, ‘what the hell.’"

Brian Gaudet twomech@nb.sympatico.ca wrote:

From: "Brian Gaudet" twomech@nb.sympatico.ca
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: This is who I am Bobby Baby. Read it and weep.
Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 21:41:47 -0300

Listen, asshole.......This is not Suzanne's email it is her husband. I certainly don't care for the remarks that you are making about her. Having said that, I asked you once politely to remove us from your list. I will have blocked you by now, so I will not have to put up with your e-mails or bullshit any longer...................But I am not one for emails anyway.........I prefer to talk face to face............So you can't hide behind this electronic mask.............Do You get it???????????? I would not hide from a pathetic waste of oxygen such as you antway. People just don't care............Understand............No body cares about you and your stupidity..................Go AWAY...........
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: bsharpe@nl.rogers.com ; davidamos@bsn1.net ; duffy@ctv.ca ; martine.turcotte@bell.ca ; news@ctv.ca ; am@ctv.ca ; diane.bourque@flsc.ca ; jcrosbie@pattersonpalmer.ca ; gbyrne@pattersonpalmer.ca ; corp.website@sunlife.com ; cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; shickman@pattersonpalmer.ca ; lrikleen@Bowditch.com ; John.Conyers@mail.house.gov ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ; bmosher@mosherchedore.ca ; carterweb@emory.edu ; Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us ; Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us ; parkhill@stu.ca ; plee@stu.ca ; billestabrooks@navnet.net ; kentlib@nbnet.nb.ca ; police@fredericton.ca ; wickedwanda3@adelphia.net ; marno3@shaw.ca ; cmgstjohns@nf.aibn.net
Cc: guild@interlog.com ; ombudsman@cbc.ca ; lise@cmg.ca ; pacificpalate@telus.net ; ajehman@hotmail.com ; maureen_matthews@cbc.ca ; gerry@cmg.ca ; bvessey@pei.eastlink.ca ; sallypitt@hotmail.com ; garyparsons@nfld.net ; neilmac@vzw.blackberry.net ; deesdee@yahoo.com ; shawk_1999@yahoo.com ; cari_blanchard@yahoo.com ; cturner@nbnet.nb.ca ; briann@accesswave.ca ; mplaurin@sympatico.ca ; lebelb@nbnet.nb.ca ; slmsmbouchard@hotmail.com ; maurice10@rogers.com ; m.meldrum@ns.sympatico.ca ; twomech@nb.sympatico.ca ; dugasp28@hotmail.com ; embateman@hotmail.com ; sawebb@hotmail.com ; pgcastle@hotmail.com ; newschick@hotmail.com
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 3:00 PM
Subject: This is who I am Bobby Baby. Read it and weep.


To put it simply in answer to your dumb request Mr. Sharpe. My answer is HELL NO. That is a nice as I can put it. I just called Katie Nicholson and introduced myself. I will it leave you to wonder whom I will call next. Your clue is that you sent them greetings as a Locked-Out brother in sunny St. Johns.

To elaborate, I must say that I definitely will not go away. Look how you people act since you have been locked out of your jobs. You behave far worse tha I. In fact I may be coming to Newfoundland very soon to copy the material in the dockets of Newfoundland Supreme Court in the Billy Matthews versus Byron Prior matter as it pertains to me me. I need hard copy before I sue the CBC and the Crown. My question right now is hey Bobby Baby why don't I sue you too? Maybe I will come around and watch your people do their song and dance for their job. Perhaps you should try meeting me toe to toe and looking me in the eye if you want to meet a simple sincere and very serious man and then dare me to. I will be real easy to pick out. I am the hairy bastard in the Kilt once worn by a good friend of mine Ol Tom. He is one of the last of the Ladies from Hell. I wear it with his blessings. too many of his friends fought and died many years ago so that shit like this should not happen in our own nativeland. Even the Yankee bastard I call Deputy dog has met Ol Tom long before I dated the Yankee's sister. You bear the same first name as Deputy Dog Bobby Baby and you just forwarded all them your dumb little email that jerked this mangey old dog's chain bigtime. Need I say that my wife did not like receiving your response? She has warned me not to send out her email address anymore. Like her I do not listen real good sometimes but I did accomadate her on her birthday at least.

Bobby Baby if you want someone's shoulder to cry on give the lady Liza Frulla a call. She is a former sister of yours correct? I think she may have some job security issues when there is finally a federal election called. The sooner the better for me and the NDP. Frulla did not answer me so I must remain a man of my word and pass this email on as I promised her I would. Quite honestly I did not expect her to answer me. Everybody knows that she does whatever Paul Martin and the warroom dudes within PCO/PMO offices tell her to do. I needed the proof of contact thats all because I was banking on the fact the warroom will tell her to ignore me. I was just playing her like a fiddlewhile fishing for response from yo sos like you and hopefully an ehtical person or two. Paul Dugas who likes to play the fiddle in the town where I was born should certainly get my joke. On the one year anniversary of Ashcroft visiting Canada and Wayne Easter's office talking to me, he joined a forum to yap about violins. I found the coincidence strangely comical. If Paul Dugas or anyone within the CBC had elected to report my doings on that day instead of talking about fiddlin etc, we would all be better off right now. The CBC recived received my material July 16th 2002, the very same day Argeo P. Cellucci did. That was long before the War on Iraq had started. Have your conscience dwell on that sad fact for a minute or two before you answer a lot of ghosts in your Heaven or Hell someday. As you can see I study people a bit and I already have a pretty good idea who will be naughty and who may be nice. I learned long ago cops, lawyers, bankers, priests and newsmen never are. So I attack them out of the gate but only in an ethical fashion byway of the written word and carefully worded phone calls. Newsmen should know that the word is mightier than the sword. You make your living by it you should die by it as well. Please fall on it ASAP or use it to hang the rest of the corrupt bastards. How is that for a challenge?

Furthermore I like to do everything in threes just like they purportly do in Heaven and Hell. Now that Suzanne Gaudet, Paul Dugas from the town where I was born and you the Newfy Bobby Baby have responded to me you have sealed the fate of the Crown Corp of CBC for me. I need no more responses from the likes of you. Why spoil my own fun? I will likely not tell you anymore about what I am up to after I send the next email and print both of them as evidence to use in Federal Court. I will sue the Minister who oversees your conduct and none of you can ever say that you did not know the truth of my concerns before I did. The CRTC can go to Hell for all I care. Starting with their crooked little Minister many of the public servants under her supervision need to be replaced if the public trust in your profession is ever going to be upheld.

Even though the unethical people at CBC, CTV and all other media pretend to have no understanding of what I mean, a lot of Maritimers understand me quite well already. Blogging is truly the only way to go these days. Watch out. Ordinary folks will replace you in a New York minute. Why else has CBC locked you out I might ask? It appears to me that only the Frenchmen has job security EH? Why do you think that is? Better yet look how quick Bloggers embarrassed Dan Rather before you call me a dreamer. That said look to find the text of this email in many Blogs in the near future and you can study the work of a very fierce political animal. All you should have to do is Google your own name or email address. Turn about is fair play. EH? If you don't like please sue me just like Billy Matthews did with Byron Prior. Google that name some time then tell me all is well in Newfoundland.

It is my fellow Maritimers that I want pissed off at the CBC etc. and all the corrupt politicians they have chosen to support. I do not give two hoots about you as a man Bobby Baby. To me you are just a dumb little pawn in a big big game. I am taking on the Masters of War alone despite the laughter from the likes of you. IF you want some insight in to my character have Rudyard Kipling explain my nature to you within his wonderful poem called IF. I take his advice not your. thus you have the reason behind my simple answer of NO. What I would prefer though Newfy is for you to call me a liar in a public forum. I dare ya. You do not seem all that sharp to me so I will warn you I was raised to the F's of the Maritimes that your former Premier explained to the Yankees years ago. I found it funny the chickenshit named only three. So much for being politically correct EH? He came close but no cigar. Castro will get my joke someday soon. Here is me phone number 506 434-1379. Use it Newfy if you dare to use a phone with a caller ID. Otherwise do not bother at all. just find me in the Blogs.

On a personal note Bill, I liked your voicemail to me. You and I should have a long talk sometime. I think it would be best to do in public in front of many witnesses who have no idea what we are talking about. I am up against some pretty bad acting Feds right now. I am sorry to say that I cannot afford to trust anyone. A very busy Bar or Diner where ordinary folk like me hang out are my favorite haunts. I know of a few down your way. Maybe I will give ya call when I am heading to your town. Better yet for the benefit of your party why not come see me ASAP? I ain't hard to find ask the RCMP. They have been watching me like a hawk.

Veritas Vincit

David Raymond Amos

Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 06:00:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: ROBERT SHARPE bsharpe@nl.rogers.com
Subject: Re: Moma and Max and Happy Birthday Cards
To: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com,
davidamos@bsn1.net, duffy@ctv.ca, martine.turcotte@bell.ca, news@ctv.ca,
am@ctv.ca, diane.bourque@flsc.ca, jcrosbie@pattersonpalmer.ca,
gbyrne@pattersonpalmer.ca, corp.website@sunlife.com,
cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, shickman@pattersonpalmer.ca,
lrikleen@Bowditch.com, John.Conyers@mail.house.gov, smay@pattersonpalmer.ca,
bmosher@mosherchedore.ca, carterweb@emory.edu, Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us,
Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us, parkhill@stu.ca, plee@stu.ca,
kentlib@nbnet.nb.ca, police@fredericton.ca, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net
CC: guild@interlog.com, ombudsman@cbc.ca, lise@cmg.ca,
pacificpalate@telus.net, ajehman@hotmail.com, maureen_matthews@cbc.ca,
gerry@cmg.ca, bvessey@pei.eastlink.ca, sallypitt@hotmail.com,
garyparsons@nfld.net, neilmac@vzw.blackberry.net, deesdee@yahoo.com,
shawk_1999@yahoo.com, cari_blanchard@yahoo.com, cturner@nbnet.nb.ca,
briann@accesswave.ca, mplaurin@sympatico.ca, lebelb@nbnet.nb.ca,
slmsmbouchard@hotmail.com, maurice10@rogers.com, m.meldrum@ns.sympatico.ca,
twomech@nb.sympatico.ca, dugasp28@hotmail.com, embateman@hotmail.com,
sawebb@hotmail.com, pgcastle@hotmail.com, bsharpe@nl.rogers.com,

Who are you to have me on your list? Go away.

--- David Amos wrote:

> Yo Mama
> In lieu of a Birthday card or gift this year
> I figured sending you our Joy Boy Max will have to
> do to cheer you up and then later this email may
> give you some more joy at the thought that it may
> give Deputy Dog a serious stroke or a minor hat
> attack at the very least. I have been waiting awhile
> to repond to the bastard's blog for your benefit as

Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 09:49:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: RE Communications in the Public Interest
To: liza_frulla@pch.gc.ca, Frulla.L@parl.gc.ca
CC: betty.macphee@crtc.gc.ca, ocrdct@hotmail.com, davidamos@bsn1.net

From: "Paul Dugas" dugasp28@hotmail.com
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Moma and Max and Happy Birthday Cards
Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2005 12:36:14 -0300

Please remove me from your email list thank you

Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 22:51:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: So much for ethical reporters the town I was born in EH?
To: dugasp28@hotmail.com, m.meldrum@ns.sympatico.ca, maurice10@rogers.com

Suzanne Gaudet is just like Bill Hamilton, She plays the see no evil, hear no evil speak no evil game. While Maurice Doiron, Murray Meldrum and Paul Duhas just opt to play dumb. What must Liza Frulla think of all this. From my point of view you do nothing so why not replace you with nothing at at. It is cheaper for the Taxpayer to keep piping in the BBC. Bullshit is Bullshit no matter what the accent.

twomech@nb.sympatico.ca wrote:

From: twomech@nb.sympatico.ca
To: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Hey Duffy I know why Dr. Hamm quit and why dog MacKay don't hunt in Nova Scotia
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 20:00:42 -0400

Please remove me from your mailing list. Thank you.

> From: David Amos
> Date: 2005/09/30 Fri AM 08:40:44 EST
> To: duffy@ctv.ca, martine.turcotte@bell.ca, news@ctv.ca, am@ctv.ca,
> diane.bourque@flsc.ca, jcrosbie@pattersonpalmer.ca,
> gbyrne@pattersonpalmer.ca, corp.website@sunlife.com,
> cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, shickman@pattersonpalmer.ca,
> lrikleen@Bowditch.com, John.Conyers@mail.house.gov, smay@pattersonpalmer.ca,
> bmosher@mosherchedore.ca, carterweb@emory.edu, Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us,

Hey Lady Liza Frulla
I got the following response from the email I just sent to one of your underlings Ms. Macphee so I called the number she suggested and got the usual governmental voicemail from her help so I left a message. I got a call back just now from her assistant at 819 997-0313. I told her that I would send this email to you and she affirmed my right to do so. However when she attempted to lay down the law to me, I told her I would see her in court. I prefer to argue their lawyers in court rather than spit and chew with civil servants on the phone on my dime. More importantly to me is that I responded to you her Minister byway of email because I require hard copy for evidence to use during the pending arguments of the complaint against the Crown that I do intend to file in Federal Court in Fredericton New Brunswick soon. I am sending you two more emails after this one because my lawyer advised awhile ago to try hard to make my matters well none to the media. From this point forward as the Minister who oversees the CRTC who can never saw that you did not know what many other have known for quite sometime. For what is worth in my humble opinion if you play your political cards right you could be our first Lady Prime Minister.
I will give you Ms. Frulla the weekend to respond to me before I send this particular email to many others but many others will be receiving what Ms. Macphee aready got. I do not care what her assistant Ms Gable may think. She can gab to somebody else about what she wishes to inform me of. I have done my homework and need no advice from the likes of her. What Ms. Gable may not understand about me is that unlike Paul Martin I am a man of my word. I am just like him in one regard. I am also a very fierce political animal who is is equal and opposite in all things that define men. Martin is evil. I am not. Martin is a very wealthy lawyer. I am a just poor layman. Martin is labeled as Honourable and I am called as crazy as a loon. However I am a man Martin is not. He is a snake. I am indeed a very Proud Canadian who is definitely not proud of the people who speak for me. Get it Ms. Frulla?
As Minister Responsible for Status of Women, you really should make certain that the integrity of all women in government does not come into question. From my point of view some women such as the Yankee Judges, Sidney Hanlon, Paula Carey and Cristina Harms for example do much harm to the reputation of your gender. What they have done to my little family in the USA in order to support the rampant public corruption in Canada and the USA should offend anyone with half a mind at all. My wife is a woman too after all. She has never done any wrong at all. Her only offence to the justice system was to stand against the politcally connected family members who had stolen her interests because no lawyer would dare speak for her. When she had her breakdown I took up the fight as any proud husband and father should. It is not only my right but my duty to protect my little Clan. The biggest difference in our genders is that men are not so quick to cry or back down from any bully. My wife is a very tender soul while I can be as mean as a the snake Paul Martin is.
The New World of the Internet has afforded me quite a weapon to do battle with against the likes of Paul Martin and all his crooked cohorts. There is still a place in this Old World for a fierce ethical warrior such as I. Otherwise crooked men and women who are merely low people in high places to me will walk all over us common ordinary folk. I am no physical threat to anyone. I do battle with the word not the sword. It is mightier. Anyone who once worked for CBC should understand that simple fact.
Furthermore this email is definitely not Spam. I am greatly offended when the powers that be label it as such and block it to protect their own greedy interests. Whether you or anyone else believe me or not, my communications are in the best interest of the public. I feel confident that it is much to the chagrin of the people who have failed the public trust in their elected and politically appointed positions. I suspect that is why Nancy Gabler sounded so pissed off just like the tone of Hélène Lapointe's email to me . Rest assured many Canadians will be reading this email after I sent it to you. It is me on the phone to your office right now after that I am putting a bunch of material in the mail and serving many lawyers in hand. My phone call is an ethical effort to introduce myself in order to prove to you that I am sincere.
I know what I have sent to many Members of Parliament during the course of the past two years and I keep very good record to prove simple truths. For certain you just made my list of people who may be naughty or nice. After Xmas Martin must see that Gomery tells his tale and the Canadian people will decide once again who they think is naughty and nice. As as the freedom loving individual that I am I will decide long before then in the hope that my opinions become well known before an election is called. Whereas the people cannot depend on the CBC etc. to report all things of public interest, I will rely on the Blog.
I have no doubt whatsoever that your buddies within the CBC reported heavily your run for a seat in Parliament last year. As one of our newest Ministers besides Belinda Stronach ask them for your own education why the CBC failed in their mandate to report my bid for a seat as well. Better yet if you want to have fun take it out with the nasty dudes inside the warroom of the PCO/PMO offices. I will wager my name is the biggest curse word in Parliament right now. I am certain that is why it is not said over the airwaves or put in print. From now on at least you can never say that you did not know my name too.
I am begging ya, please do not be like two other women who once worked for the CBC Adrienne Clarkson and Michaelle Jean. Nobody is that dumb. They must have deliberatly ignored my laments because Paul Martin directed them to. May I suggest that you read this entire email from the point of view of an ethical Minister in charge of the public interest of the Canadian people? Please do the right thing despite what the leader of your party may wish. If not as you talk the talk on TV etc in the coming months about the doings of CBC and Parliament etc I will walk the walk and complain of many politicans in court. History has proven that in the end the truth usually wins out even if it is ignored in court in the present tense.
By the way guess who is campaigning hard for a fall election? To have an election on Boxing Day is righteously fine by me. I ain't religious. Ask the Holy See or George W. Bush why. I dare ya.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

Excerpt from CTV.ca, Canada on Sep 27, 2005 of news by the Canadian Press

"CBC employees in Quebec and Moncton, N.B., are not affected by the lockout.

Information pickets set up early in the day under pouring rain didn't try to stop Prime Minister Paul Martin or Adrienne Clarkson, the Governor General, as they headed in for a morning news conference on Parliament Hill.

Clarkson, who will be replaced Tuesday by Michaelle Jean, governor-general designate, leaned out of her car to speak with CBC pickets.

At the rally, locked-out workers presented petitions signed by thousands of CBC fans calling for an end to the labour dispute.

Heritage Minister Liza Frulla acknowledged the anger of the Canadian public, telling the rally that cabinet ministers have been hearing demands that something be done to get the network back in business.

"All summer, we had messages from the population out there, messages from all through Canada, saying how they miss you," she told the rally. "

I just had to insert the campaign manager for Oscar Doucet for Leader Hélène Lapointe's answer in comical font. It is too funny to do other wise. How is is that dor the local NDP trying hard to play dumb?

"Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 10:28:40 -0300
Subject: Re: Free Thinkers please feel free to blog this.
From: Hélène Lapointe helenel@nb.sympatico.ca
To: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com


Le vendredi, 30 sep 2005, à 10:30 Canada/Atlantic, David Amos a écrit :

> The CBC and all others in the media and governemnt will not relay
> this crap to the people. Perhaps we the people should all ask the
> politicians who were elected to speak for us why I have been compelled
> to sue the Queen and the Holy See along with the USA.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Amos
> To: duffy@ctv.ca ; martine.turcotte@bell.ca ; news@ctv.ca ; am@ctv.ca"

"Macphee, Betty" betty.macphee@crtc.gc.ca wrote:

Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Free Thinkers please feel free to blog this.
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 09:30:51 -0400
From: "Macphee, Betty" betty.macphee@crtc.gc.ca
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com

I will be away from the office until Friday, September 30th. If you have any urgency, please send your email to Nancy Gabler or contact her at 997-4319.
Je serai absente du bureau justqu'au vendredi le 30 septembre. Si vous avez des urgences, svp envoyer votre courriel à Nancy Gabler où téléphoner à 997-4319.

Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 06:30:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Free Thinkers please feel free to blog this.
To: sahara@free-thinkersclub.com, publiceye@cbs.com, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca,
Murphy.S@parl.gc.ca, dmitchell@irvingmitchell.com,
contact@citizenscentre.com, cbc@crimlaw.ca,
belanger.jean-daniel@psio-bifp.gc.ca, pgriffin@lsrsg.com,
jlaskin@torys.com, wbrock@dwpv.com, carley@lutz.nb.ca,
registerodonnell@norfolkdeeds.org, info@mwpc.org, Lliss@rubinrudman.com,
regbert@egbertlaw.com, has@harveysilverglate.com, lawald@web.apc.org,
ahamilton@casselsbrock.com, brad.green@gnb.ca,
gary.ostoich@mcmillanbinch.com, info.com@chrc-ccdp.ca,
Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca, Scott.A@parl.gc.ca, radionews@mpbc.org,
publisher@whatsup.nb.ca, kjamerson@wagmtv.com, kbabin@globaltv.ca,
jfoster@globaltv.ca, atvnews@ctv.ca, cmorris@cp.org, info@ccna.ca,
kbissett@broadcastnews.ca, bdnmail@bangordailynews.net,
ehutton@atlanticbusinessmagazine.com, argosy@mta.ca,
sylvain.martel@csn.qc.ca, events@cpac.ca, mmacdonald@cp.org,
crgeditor@yahoo.com, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca
CC: rmoir@unbsj.ca, suzanne.ball@nbsc-cvmnb.ca, manon.losier@nbsc-cvmnb.ca,
ottawacomments@state.gov, Stronach.B@parl.gc.ca, Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca,
elizabeth.weir@gnb.ca, ndpnpd@nbnet.nb.ca, mail@allisonbrewer.ca,
aj_titus2002@yahoo.ca, ken.ross@gnb.ca, nanluke@nb.sympatico.ca,
ericson@unb.ca, ocrdct@hotmail.com, helenel@nb.sympatico.ca,
coates2001ca@yahoo.ca, maryanne.bourque.pollack@gnb.ca,
harbourmla@nb.aibn.com, president@ndp.ca, info@gomery.ca,
lcampenella@ledger.com, AdamsoV@erc-cee.gc.ca, betty.macphee@crtc.gc.ca,
potterl@scc-csc.gc.ca, josee.touchette@justice.gc.ca,
renaudlp@oag-bvg.gc.ca, rdaoust@privcom.gc.ca, rod.smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
smorel@gg.ca, rraymond@lcc.gc.ca, execassistant@nafta-sec-alena.org,
caroline.whitby@transfair.ca, pbroder@imaginecanada.ca,
cforcese@uottawa.ca, David.Fewer@uOttawa.ca, Philippa.Lawson@uOttawa.ca,
Stephane.Emard-Chabot@uOttawa.ca, Chantale.Fore@uOttawa.ca,
exec@casis.ca, gkealey@unb.ca, dgollob@cna-acj.ca,
justicepourmohamedharkat@yahoo.ca, mail@ccla.org, info@amnesty.ca,
rocht@iclmg.ca, katiag@ccic.ca, admin@cbanb.com, info@cba.org

The CBC and all others in the media and governemnt will not relay this crap to the people. Perhaps we the people should all ask the politicians who were elected to speak for us why I have been compelled to sue the Queen and the Holy See along with the USA.
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: duffy@ctv.ca ; martine.turcotte@bell.ca ; news@ctv.ca ; am@ctv.ca ; diane.bourque@flsc.ca ; jcrosbie@pattersonpalmer.ca ; gbyrne@pattersonpalmer.ca ; corp.website@sunlife.com ; cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; shickman@pattersonpalmer.ca ; lrikleen@Bowditch.com ; John.Conyers@mail.house.gov ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ; bmosher@mosherchedore.ca ; carterweb@emory.edu ; Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us ; Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us ; parkhill@stu.ca ; plee@stu.ca ; kentlib@nbnet.nb.ca ; police@fredericton.ca ; davidamos@bsn1.net
Cc: guild@interlog.com ; ombudsman@cbc.ca ; lise@cmg.ca ; pacificpalate@telus.net ; ajehman@hotmail.com ; maureen_matthews@cbc.ca ; gerry@cmg.ca ; bvessey@pei.eastlink.ca ; sallypitt@hotmail.com ; garyparsons@nfld.net ; neilmac@vzw.blackberry.net ; deesdee@yahoo.com ; shawk_1999@yahoo.com ; cari_blanchard@yahoo.com ; cturner@nbnet.nb.ca ; briann@accesswave.ca ; mplaurin@sympatico.ca ; lebelb@nbnet.nb.ca ; slmsmbouchard@hotmail.com ; maurice10@rogers.com ; m.meldrum@ns.sympatico.ca ; twomech@nb.sympatico.ca ; dugasp28@hotmail.com ; embateman@hotmail.com ; sawebb@hotmail.com ; pgcastle@hotmail.com ; bsharpe@nl.rogers.com ; newschick@hotmail.com
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 8:40 AM
Subject: Hey Duffy I know why Dr. Hamm quit and why the little dog MacKay don't hunt in Nova Scotia(slightly edited DRA)

The sad part is so do you people. I am gonna tell everybody the truth about what CTV and CBC have refused to report for years for the benefit of the rampant public corruption you support for your own personal gain. Need I say that I am happy the crooked CBC dudes are locked out of work right now? It appears to me that blogging is the only way to go these days. What say you? Call me a liar after you hear me speak in Federal Court in Fredericton in the near future. I dare ya to have your lawyer Martine Turcotte explain why Robert C. Pozen has become George W. Bush's favorite Democrat. Better why not ask Sunlife's Yankee lawyer Jeffery Carp why a proud Maritimer smells a lot of rotten fish in Beantown.

Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 20:43:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Dr. Hamm you picked an interesting day to Quit
To: premier@gov.ns.ca, jdewolfe@ns.sympatico.ca,
michael.baker@ns.sympatico.ca, morse.mla@ns.sympatico.ca,
parentma@gov.ns.ca, rodneym@ns.sympatico.ca, rrussellmla@ns.sympatico.ca,
barnetbe@gov.ns.ca, ronchisholmmla@auracom.com,
bill.dooks@ns.sympatico.ca, elf@ns.sympatico.ca,
bill.langille@ns.sympatico.ca, btaylormla@rushcomm.ca,
chatawaymla@hfxeastlink.ca, mlaclarke@ns.sympatico.ca,
Peter.Christie@ns.sympatico.ca, dentreca@gov.ns.ca,
a.macisaac@ns.sympatico.ca, rhurlburt@auracom.com, hinesgb@gov.ns.ca,
educmin@gov.ns.ca, codonnellmla@ns.sympatico.ca,
kgmorashmla@ns.aliantzinc.ca, Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca
CC: john.macdonell@ns.sympatico.ca, mmacdonald@navnet.net,
mhraymondmla@eastlink.ca, wilsond@gov.ns.ca,
marilynmoremla@ns.aliantzinc.ca, jpye@ns.sympatico.ca,
joanmasseymla@ns.aliantzinc.ca, gaudetw@gov.ns.ca, mackinrv@gov.ns.ca,
macdonman@gov.ns.ca, gordiegosse@ns.aliantzinc.ca,
corbettmlacentre@ns.sympatico.ca, stephenmcneil@ns.aliantzinc.ca,
boudrebv@gov.ns.ca, billestabrooks@navnet.net,
davidawilsonmla@eastlink.ca, samsonmp@gov.ns.ca,
charlieparkermla@ns.aliantzinc.ca, Regan.G@parl.gc.ca

Looks like I am about to rain on your party. Perhaps the sneaky political/lawyers Regan and MacKay will tell you why if your own lawyer Mikey Baker won't do so.

"As premier, I am proud of our record,'' Hamm said.

Unlike many of his predecessors, the family doctor is leaving office without a cloud of controversy hanging over his head.

----- Original Message -----

From: David Amos
To: Sgro.J@parl.gc.ca ; legerv@sen.parl.gc.ca ; trenhm@sen.parl.gc.ca ; ringup@sen.parl.gc.ca ; losier@sen.parl.gc.ca ; Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca ; Poirier-Rivard.D@parl.gc.ca ; Picard.P@parl.gc.ca ; Lavallee.C@parl.gc.ca ; Guay.M@parl.gc.ca ; Gagnon.C@parl.gc.ca ; Faille.M@parl.gc.ca ; Deschamps.J@parl.gc.ca ; Demers.N@parl.gc.ca ; Brunelle.P@parl.gc.ca ; Bourgeois.D@parl.gc.ca ; Bonsant.F@parl.gc.ca ; oec-bce@parl.gc.ca
Cc: buckley@pol.state.ma.us ; steve@djflynn.com ; ombud@globe.com ; paul@djflynn.com ; dan@djflynn.com ; letter@globe.com ; publicrelations@cubanmission.com ; rusun@un.int ; france-presse@un.int ; uk@un.int ; contact@germany-un.org ; c103@c103.com ; general.info@thomson.com ; davidamos@bsn1.net
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 12:16 PM
Subject: I bet a man named Mr. Tax who works for the Justice Dept doubts that he will

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: scottmk@gov.ns.ca ; bev.harrison@gnb.ca ; ted.tax@justice.gc.ca ; graham@grahamsteele.ca ; hepstein@supercity.ns.ca ; deveaux.mla@ns.sympatico.ca ; ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca
Cc: davidamos@bsn1.net ; BBACHRACH@bowditch.com ; adams_sammon@msn.com ; fbinhct@leo.gov ; david@lutz.nb.ca ; HeafeyS@cpc-cpp.gc.ca ; alicia.mcdonnell@state.ma.us ; Scott.A@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 11:08 AM
Subject: Hey Ted Tax as soon as I saw that the Lt. Gov had honoured you

I figured you would do nothing to rock the Queen's boat for reasons of job security. However even you and your pension funds rely on the ethics of the Yankees employed by the SEC in the USA. Perhaps you should side with me ASAP. My kids need a roof over their heads. I am not above suing anyone to get one including the Queen and the Holy See. However it is your job to prosecute criminals not mine. Correct?

"Ted Tax and the Department's Atlantic Regional Office (ARO) were honoured at a Nova Scotia Lieutenant Governor's Awards Ceremony. Tax was presented with a Certificate of Recognition for "contribution to the Reserve Force by taking positive action to assist its employees who are reservists in maintaining their commitments to the Canadian Forces." Following September 11, 2001, there was an increase in the demand for military legal officers on operational deployments. Major John Smithers, a lawyer with the Tax Law Services Section of the ARO, was granted military leave to serve on an overseas mission."

For the record this is the text of the cover letter sent to Baker etc. Lets see what Mr. Speaker has to say now. I believe he is an ex cop ain't he? Lets see if he remembers how to uphold the law. If not don't you think it is high time that the lawyers in the NDP give the crooked Conservative Goverment the Boot? Everybody knows they are lapdogs for George W. Bush. Why else did he make it a point to fly down and see them last year and snub Paul Martin and his cohorts in Ottawa?

July 31st, 2005

Lt. Gov. J. Léonce Bernard Lt. Gov. Myra A. Freeman

Premier Pat G. Binns Premier John F. Hamm

c/o Att. Gen. Mildred A. Dover c/o Att. Gen. Michael Baker

Fourth Floor, Shaw Building, North Department of Justice 4th Floor
105 Rochford Street Room 5151 Terminal Road

P.O. Box 2000 P.O. Box 7
Charlottetown, PEI C1A 7N8 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2L6

Lt. Gov. Norman L. Kwong Lt. Gov. Iona V. Campagnolo

Premier Ralph Klein Premier Gordon Campbell

c/o Att. Gen. Ron Stevens c/o Att. Gen. Wally Oppal

208 Legislature Building Stn Prov Govt PO Box 9044

9E210800 - 97 Avenue Parliament Buildings East Annex

Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6 Victoria, BC V8V 1X4

RE: Public Corruption


Apparently everybody wanted to play dumb about my concerns and allegations so that Humpty Dumpty Martin’s minority government would not fall and they could party hardy while the Queen was in Canada. As you all know months ago, I began faxing, emailing and calling the eight other Lt. Governors I had yet to cross paths with. I fully informed them of my indignation towards the Governor General Clarkson and two of her other Maritime Lieutenants Roberts and Chaisson before the latest wave of bad acting Yankees invaded my home in the USA without warrants or due process if law.

I made certain all of the provincial Attorney Generals and Premiers can never deny the fact that I tried to make them well aware of my concerns and allegations in order to make everybody should sit up and pay attention. Not one person from any of your offices ever responded in any fashion at all. You can be certain that I expected the deliberate ignorance. It is one of the oldest tricks in the book that lawyers employ in order to play their wicked game of see no evil, hear no evil speak no evil. I knew it would happen particularly after Nova Scotia’s Conflict of Interest Commissioner Merlin Nunn had blocked my emails before I had contacted you. I have no doubt it helped to relieve him of his ethical dilemma before the NS NDP decided what to do about their chance to unseat the Conservatives. I have no doubt whatsoever many lawyers in Canada were praying that the Suffolk County District Attorney would have me back in the loony bin by April 28th and that all your troubles would go away. I opted to let you all have your way and did not bother you anymore until the Queen had left our shores and Parliament quit for the summer. Now it is my turn to have some fun and raise a little Political Hell.

While the Queen, Clarkson and Martin where all having a grand old time on the Canadian dime my little Clan went through living hell down here. Trust me, lawyers need to learn some new tricks. Ignorance is no excuse to the law or me. Making some Canadian Attorney Generals and their political buddies show me their arses is child’s play to me after all that I have experienced in the last few years. If you doubt me ask Michael J. Bryant and Yvon Marcoux why I am so pissed at their bosses and the DHS. Then check my work for yourself. If the tag team of John Ashcroft and Tom Ridge could not intimidate me, believe me you people don’t have a prayer. Both of those dudes have quit their jobs but I am still standing and squaring off against their replacements now. If it were not for all the decent folks I know, the snotty ones like you would make me feel ashamed to be a Canadian. There is no shortage of lawyers. It is just that ethical ones that are rare birds, that’s all. You must know how easily the Canadian people can replace you with other lawyers if it becomes widely known how willing you are to ignore crime if it means some fancy dude may be compelled to suffer for his own wrongs.

The justice system is supposed to be self-policing. It should clean up its own act rather than trying to maintain a false mask of integrity for lawyers that are obviously criminals. It is way beyond my understanding why you people would choose to support the likes of Paul Martin, Adrienne Clarkson, T. Alex Hickman and Billy Matthews if you are not all as crooked as hell as well. The deliberate ignorance and double-talk employed by the wealthy few to dodge simple truths is absolutely offensive to ordinary people blessed with the rare attribute called common sense. Not all folks are like sheep.

Paul Martin’s latest tricks make for a very fine example of truly how bad things are. Even amidst wholesale scandals breaking out hell, west and crooked everywhere lawyers and politicians just close ranks and stand together as thick as the thieves they are. I stress tested the ethics of the ladies of the Bloc Quebecois and the Gomery Inquiry immediately after Martin’s carefully orchestrated little circus in Parliament on May 19th was a matter of history. Lets just say I was not surprised to not hear one peep in response from anyone other than to get a call from an unidentified and very nervous but cocky Yankee lawyer claiming that Tony Blair was mad at me.

Pursuant to my phone calls, emails and faxes please find enclosed as promised exactly the same hard copy of what I sent to the Canadian Ambassadors Allan Rock and Franky Boy McKenna and a couple of nasty FBI agents on May 12th just before an interesting event in front of our home in Milton. I have also included a copy of four letters I have received in response since then that you may find interesting to say the least. I also sent you a copy of a letter sent to a lady Ms. Condolezza Rice whom our former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney considers to be the most powerful woman in the world. The CD of the copy of police surveillance tape # 139 is served upon all the above named Attorney Generals as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated.

I will not bother you with the details of what I am sending to you byway of the certified US Mail because I will be serving identical material to many other Canadian Authorities in hand and tell them I gave this stuff to you first and enclose a copy of this letter. All that is important to me right now is that I secure proof that this mail was sent before I make my way back home to the Maritimes. However I will say I am also enclosing a great deal more material than what Allan Rock had received in the UN. Some of it is in fact the same material the two maritime lawyers, Rob Moore and Franky Boy McKenna in particular received, while I was up home running for Parliament last year. Things have changed greatly in the past year so I have also included a few recent items to spice things up for you. I am tired of trying to convince people employed in law enforcement to uphold the law. So all I will say for now is deal will your own conscience and be careful how you respond to this letter. If you do not respond. Rest assured I will do my best to sue you some day. Ignorance is no excuse to the law or me.

Veritas Vincit

David R. Amos

153 Alvin Ave

Milton, MA. 02186

The enclosed letter from The Public Service Integrity Office, whose boss recently testified before the Gomery Inquiry and following quotes prove why I must speak out.

"Well what do you expect?" said Le Hir in reaction. "Anybody who had been involved in that kind of thing isn't going to admit readily, or willfully, to having participated." Asked why he's waited 10 years to come out with his allegations, Le Hir said he was "sworn to secrecy." "I'm breaking that oath, and the only way I could have been relieved by that oath was by a judge in a court saying, 'Mr. Lehir, I understand that you have made an oath of secrecy; and you're hereby relieved of that oath."

"Mr. Wallace added that police and the courts, not internal rules, are best-equipped to deal with bureaucrats who cross the line and break the law. But Judge Gomery did not appear satisfied. "It takes a major scandal to get the police involved," he said. "It is not in the nature of the public service to call in the police."

Everybody knows that in order to protect the rights and interests of my Clan and to sooth my own soul, I have proven many times over that all lawyers, law enforcement authorities, and politicians in Canada and the USA are not worthy of the public trust. I maintain that their first order of business is to protect the evil longstanding system they have created for their own benefit rather than the people they claim to serve. Call me a liar and put it in writing. I Double Dog Dare ya.

Baker got my material. So did everyone else. Only the Attorney General in Quecbec refused it. I bet our newest Governor General knows why. It is likely for the same reason she will not accept my emails. It should be obvious to anyone why I must sue the Crown.

USPS Track and Confirm

Label/Receipt Number: ED71 7170 440U S
Detailed Results:

Delivered Abroad, August 05, 2005, 9:23 am, CANADA

At Foreign Delivery Unit, August 05, 2005, 8:10 am, CANADA

Out of Foreign Customs, August 04, 2005, 2:52 pm, CANADA

Into Foreign Customs, August 04, 2005, 2:22 pm, CANADA

Arrived Abroad, August 04, 2005, 2:22 pm, CANADA

International Dispatch, August 03, 2005, 10:28 am, KENNEDY AMC

Enroute, August 03, 2005, 9:08 am, JAMAICA, NY 11499

Acceptance, August 02, 2005, 10:32 am, QUINCY, MA 02169

# posted by David R. Amos : 2:48 AM

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Anonymous said...
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 15:10:36 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: Scotty Baby.think about what your nasty little Irving rag said about me months ago on behalf of your hero T.J. Burke
To: canadaeastproduction@gmail.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, louiselorefice@ndp.ca, leader@greenparty.ca, defence@sen.parl.gc.ca, Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, Clabchuk@greenparty.ca, maychair@dal.ca, kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca, juan.behrend@europeangreens.org, fbinhct@leo.gov, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
CC: whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, bill.corby@gnb.ca, samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, alltrue@nl.rogers.com, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, forest@conservationcouncil.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca

Now you really pissed me off. Are you really that dumb? Quit calling my lady friends Scotty Baby. You have been warned. I won't hurt ya but she may hurt your ears. She is far more fierce than I am. If you wish to piss her off go ahead, in fact I Double Dog Dare You To. I will back her up in a heartbeat after she tells you where to go and what to do with your head. She has nothing to do with this nonsense of yours and Chucky's. I am am defending an idiot for the benefit of my own Clan and I. What Chucky writes is pure Bullshit just like the Irving rags but his photos are very enlightening indeed because obviously I ain't in Fat Fred City as you can see from my lady friend's phone number that you should lose ASAP. N'est Pas?

That said, does your lawyer whom I just informed you that I already knew his name, understand the term "expressed or implied" Everybody and even Chucky's dead dog dog knew that what your nasty little rag in Fat Fred City printed in May was not true and I called and emailed your nasty little buddy Stevey Boy LLewellyn and his new publisher as well immediately and protested bigtime. You bastards just laughed at me and pissed me off just after the Fat Fred City Finest stole my old Bike? It has been months and nothing was retracted and the Crown has dropped its malicious charges but where the hell is my goddamned bike?

If you Irving people ever had one ethical bone in your greedy little bodies you have reported what you knew to be true a long time ago not wrote about some unnamed dude who was definetely not stalking T. J. Burke but in fact was suffering from much criminal police harrassment on his behalf. T.J. Burke is the dude with a criminal record not I. He should not even be a lawyer let alone an Attorney General.

Today my biggest concern is that I want old Harley back ASAP before some corrupt cop in Fat Fred City opens my saddlebags and steals the Yankee wiretap tapes too. As I said introduce me to your god damned lawyer. I already know who he is and that chickenshit won't call me back after we had a little pow wow last year about the pipleine matter in Saint John remember?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

Subject: RE: If perchance yiou manage to make Chucky fall out of cyberspace know that his work that I find relevant will not so easily dissappear
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 15:41:11 -0300
From: "Agnew, Scott" scott.agnew@canadaeast.com
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca

OK, I looked at the emails to both this address and my gmail account. None if it appears to have anything to do with me or CanadaEast Interactive. Therefore, unless you have some reason to contact me concerning CanadaEast Interactive, please cease and desist from all communication with me relating to your crusade concerning some accusations of false arrest.

To be clear, unless you have something to discuss with me as it relates to CanadaEast Interactive, please do not waste my time with your personal matters. Should you have an issue to discuss relating to CanadaEast Interactive, you have my phone number.

Thank you.
K. Scott Agnew
Web Services Manager
CanadaEast Interactive
P: (506) 383-2597
F: (506) 859-4904
E: scott.agnew@canadaeast.com

David Raymond Amos davidramos333@yahoo.ca wrote:

Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 08:37:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: David Raymond Amos davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: Fwd: Now everybody and his dog knows TJ Burke and his cop buddies allegations against me are false and you had the proof all along EH Chucky?
To: gmason@globeandmail.com

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 19:01:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Now everybody and his dog knows TJ Burke and his cop buddies allegations against me are false and you had the proof all along EH Chucky?
To: oldmaison@yahoo.com, nbombud@gnb.ca, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca,
jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, news@dailygleaner.com, kcarmichael@bloomberg.net,
advocacycollective@yahoo.com, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Comartin.J@parl.gc.ca,
cityadmin@fredericton.ca, info@gg.ca, bmosher@mosherchedore.ca,
rchedore@mosherchedore.ca, police@fredericton.ca, chebert@thestar.ca,
Stoffer.P@parl.gc.ca, Stronach.B@parl.gc.ca, Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca,
alltrue@nl.rogers.com, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca,
Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca
CC: dgleg@nb.aibn.com, brad.woodside@fredericton.ca, whalen@fredericton.ca,
david.kelly@fredericton.ca, cathy.maclaggan@fredericton.ca,
stephen.kelly@fredericton.ca, tom.jellinek@fredericton.ca,
scott.mcconaghy@fredericton.ca, marilyn.kerton@fredericton.ca,
walter.brown@fredericton.ca, norah.davidson@fredericton.ca,
mike.obrien@fredericton.ca, bruce.grandy@fredericton.ca,
dan.keenan@fredericton.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca,
mrichard@lawsociety-barreau.nb.ca, cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca,
jlmockler@mpor.ca, scotta@parl.gc.ca, michael.bray@gnb.ca,







Methinks your liberal pals just made a major faux pas N'est Pas? Scroll down Frenchie and go down?.

Threat against Burke taken seriously

Published Thursday May 24th, 2007
Appeared on page A1
An RCMP security detail has been guarding Justice Minister and Attorney General T.J. Burke because of threats made against him recently.

Burke, the Liberal MLA for Fredericton-Fort Nashwaaksis, wouldn't explain the nature of the threats.

"I have had a particular individual or individuals who have made specific overtures about causing harm towards me," he told reporters Wednesday.

"The RCMP has provided security to me recently by accompanying me to a couple of public functions where the individual is known to reside or have family members in the area," said Burke. "It is nice to have some added protection and that added comfort."

The RCMP provides protection to the premier and MLAs with its VIP security unit.

Burke didn't say when the threat was made but it's believed to have been in recent weeks.

"When a threat is posed to you and it is a credible threat, you have to be cautious about where you go and who you are around," he said. "But again, I am more concerned about my family as opposed to my own personal safety."

Burke said he doesn't feel any differently and he has not changed his pattern of activity.

"It doesn't bother me one bit," he said. "It makes my wife feel awful nervous."

Burke served in an elite American military unit before becoming a lawyer and going into politics in New Brunswick.

"(I) have taken my own precautions and what I have to do to ensure my family's safety," he said. "I am a very cautious person in general due to my background and training.

"I am comfortable with defending myself or my family if it ever had to happen."

Burke said it is not uncommon for politicians to have security concerns.

"We do live unfortunately in an age and in a society now where threats have to be taken pretty seriously," he said.

Since the terrorism attacks in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, security in New Brunswick has been
beefed up.

Metal detectors were recently installed in the legislature and all visitors are screened.

The position of attorney general is often referred to as the province's "top cop."

Burke said sometimes people do not differentiate between his role as the manager of the justice system and the individual who actually prosecutes them.

"With the job sometimes comes threats," he said. "I have had numerous threats since Day 1 in office."

Burke said he hopes his First Nations heritage has nothing to do with it.

"I think it is more of an issue where people get fixated on a matter and they believe you are personally responsible for assigning them their punishment or their sanction," he said.

Is the threat from someone who was recently incarcerated?

"I probably shouldn't answer that," he replied.

Reporters asked when the threat would be over.

"I don't think a threat ever passes once it has been made," said Burke. "You have to consider the credibility of the source."

Bruce Fitch, former justice minister in the Conservative government, said "every now and again there would be e-mails that were not complimentary."

"I did have a meeting with the RCMP who are in charge of the security of the MLAs and ministers," said Fitch.

"They look at each and every situation."

Fitch said he never had bodyguards assigned to him although former premier Bernard Lord and former health minister Elvy Robichaud did have extra security staff assigned on occasion.

He said if any MLA felt threatened, he or she would discuss it with the RCMP.

charles leblanc oldmaison@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 19:56:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: charles leblanc oldmaison@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: I promised one of the Fat Fred City cop Randy Reilly that I would try to make him famous
To: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com

Where are ya living now???? Since the media seem to ignore ya? I'll sit down for a debate with a recorder for the blog...Now? Don't get all exicted and send this all over the world.....lol

Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 16:26:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: "moto maniac" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Perhaps we should talk before I begin litigation
To: nbombud@gnb.ca
CC: dan.bussieres@gnb.ca


Attached is a copy of an email sent to the office of Wayne Steeves this morning. I did call and all Mary Lou MacGregor wanted to know is who my lawyer is. I gave up on the New Brunswick legislature and began registering my complaints in Ottawa and elsewhere mentioning their names. Mr. Richard if you wish to view some of my concerns tomorrow, T. J. Burke, Leroy Armstrong or Premier Lord and Brad Green should provide you with lots of stuff for you to review. I can be reached at 506 434 1379.

What I would like to know for certain is what is the true and complete names of the persons that threw me out of the Legislature on June 24th, 2004. At the time the man who claimed to be the Sergeant at Arms said his name was Jean Claude something or other(he slurred it so I could not understand) it does not appear to be the name I find on roster as the Sergeant at Arms. Everyone from Charles Leblanc to Carl Davies does not seem to know who i am talking about. So I must ask you Bussieres was that you using a fake name or someone pretending to be you? One of the Fredericton Police Officers claimed that he was CST. Leblanc and the other did not state his name.

I will not approach the building again as ordered until i have resolved this matter to my satisfaction. Thus i may have to call Mr. Bussieres into court and hear under oath just who is who and who has the right to do what and who claims that I did something wrong. If i am barred from the legislature for a supposed criminal act, I should have the right to face and argue my accuser. What would Elizabeth Weir do? do you think i will do any less. Trust me i am more jealous and guarded with my Civil Rights than any ten lawyers including Elizabeth Weir. She was one of the first politicians in New Brunswick that I sought assistance from after Leroy Armstrong and Elsie Wayne ignored me.

If you don't think I am serious perhaps you should contact Fran McKenna, Rob Moore, Bruce Noble and David Lutz amongst others. I am about to file a formal complaint against them with Shirley McLean of the Law Society but I am not waiting for her answer like I did in Boston before beginning my own litigation process in the pursuit of justice. Someone must be ethical and at least keep his word if the ones that swore to uphold the law and the public trust placed in them won't do so. I know you are a lawyer Mr. Richard so I should not have to explain the Code of Professional Conduct I am just letting you know I have studied it as well. All though a layman can ignore it without suffering the pains and penalties a lawyer should, the advice holds true for us all. what say you Mr. Bussieres?

David R. Amos

From: "moto maniac" motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
To: brian.keirstead@gnb.ca
CC: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: FW: RE: David I have not heard from your lawyer buddy Connie
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 2004 09:12:31 -0400

Hey Brian

I am sending this email to you as a double check before I call your
office.(506) 453-7414 I am well aware that you tried to be my Conservative opponent in the recent federal election in Fundy
rather than Rob Moore.

However what you may not be aware of is that my secretary, David Mollins knows of your boss, Wayne Steeves because your boss knows his family very well. So we are doing you the courtesy of calling
you directly in order to explain my allegations and concerns in a personal manner.

With any luck there maybe a by election in Fundy in the near
future after I begin my litigation process against our new MP Rob Moore. He was a lawyer before the
election and his obligations towards the Public Trust have now increased by tenfold. I know he has failed me and left me to
the wolves and their lack of
mercy or ethics.

Perhaps you should get Mike Connolly of the CISNB(506-452-2048) when he gets off vacation to go find this dumb bastard's lawyer and get the stuff I gave him before it is destroyed. I will be
demanding to know that lawyer's
name. Apparently that lawyer is not aware of the the Rules of Professional Conduct that allow him to practice law for a fee.
They did go into effect on
January 1st of this year didn't they? Bruce Noble
and I will be arguing
about them alot in the near future.

the lawyer David Lutz who help Joh Herron in his campaign told me in
Provincial Court on July 29th that he had given this same stuff to law
enforment but he would not tell me whom. Every
cop in the court that day
just looked away and ignored me. Now i am
demanding to knowthey were and
when it was given.
As for Connie Fogal I will send her the
stuff myself. Mr. Szemerda is
simply a village idiot. It is Ms. Fogal that I
wish to argue. David
Szemerda's address is as follows:1 main st. Unit
4 St. George, NB E5C 3H9
phone 506 755-2799. I don't care if I ever speak
to him again outside of
court but my wife may want to tear him a new
asshole. He did call our
marriage some sort of a swinging deal.
Best Regards
David R. Amos

----- Original Message ----
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
To: brad.woodside@fredericton.ca; whalen@fredericton.ca; david.kelly@fredericton.ca; cathy.maclaggan@fredericton.ca; stephen.kelly@fredericton.ca; tom.jellinek@fredericton.ca; scott.mcconaghy@fredericton.ca; marilyn.kerton@fredericton.ca; walter.brown@fredericton.ca; norah.davidson@fredericton.ca; mike.obrien@fredericton.ca; bruce.grandy@fredericton.ca; dan.keenan@fredericton.ca; jeff.mockler@gnb.ca; mrichard@lawsociety-barreau.nb.ca; cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca; jlmockler@mpor.ca; scotta@parl.gc.ca; michael.bray@gnb.ca; jack.e.mackay@gnb.ca
Cc: news@dailygleaner.com; kcarmichael@bloomberg.net; oldmaison@yahoo.com; advocacycollective@yahoo.com; Easter.W@parl.gc.ca; Comartin.J@parl.gc.ca; cityadmin@fredericton.ca; info@gg.ca; bmosher@mosherchedore.ca; rchedore@mosherchedore.ca; police@fredericton.ca; chebert@thestar.ca; Stoffer.P@parl.gc.ca; Stronach.B@parl.gc.ca; Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca; alltrue@nl.rogers.com; Harper.S@parl.gc.ca; Layton.J@parl.gc.ca; Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca; Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 10:37:04 PM
Subject: I promised one of the Fat Fred City cop Randy Reilly that I would try to make him famous


A man is only as good as his word EH? To bad priests, bankers, politicians, lawyers and cops can't claim the same N'est Pas



Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 02:35:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Advocacy Collective" advocacycollective@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: This is David Amos
To: "moto maniac" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
CC: oldmaison@yahoo.com


Yes, Charles gave me the material -although I must admit that I was not able to make much sense of it. Because of that, and because it appears to be out of my area of expertise, I doubt that I can help you very much.

Also, unfortunately, your clash with Charles, and your low opinion of him (which I feel is unwarranted) has created a conflict of interests, as Charles is a friend of mine and a fellow activist.

Since I doubt I can assist you much anyway, perhaps that doesn't matter. In any event, good luck with your cause.


moto maniac motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Vaughn did you get my material as Leblanc claims? You are the third guy he says he gave it to. If not I know I will be the last. I have had enough of him and his funny ways at my expense. He whined and complained that he had no computer so I gave him one. But he failed to even say Thanks.

Now the liar wants people to buy him a Bull Horn so he can bother more people with his Bullshit. Well Fredericton has already met a real legal and social activist and i did it all without a whisper or any press coverage.

Soon Ottawa will receive the same stuff and much much more before I return to the USA to argue the bastards pulling the strings up here in our old houses. The folks working there seem to care more what language the liars are speaking in rather than what they are actually saying.

Charles LeBlanc spoke with a forked tongue when he claimed his Scottish heritage. He made my blood boil and my ancestors bones rattle when he went on and on about his roots. First the frenchy wants his flag on the government houses then he wants to wave it wearing our kilts? I am of the Keith Clan and founded my own. My ancestors were fine and noble warriors. Read their motto on the beer bottle Chucky and tell me if you believe it or not. Rest assured I do. Neither my Septs nor I would accept such a man as Charles Leblanc as a trusted friend.

Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2004 06:50:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: charles leblanc
Subject: Re: This is David Amos
To: moto maniac

I don't know what you're talking about but I gace your
info to Vaughn...Maybe he can explain to me what your
papers are all about...lol

--- moto maniac wrote:

>Hey Charles
I just found out a simple truth about you. You are a liar. Not only did you not give my stuff to
Brad Green as you promised. You did not give it to the man from Minto that you enjoy calling a bigot. I just had a little talk with him and he affrimed what I had suspected about you and denied receiving thedocuments etc. from you as you claimed. Perhaps you should get honest and give the stuff to Vaughn Barnett. (I just called him 506 457-4559 and left him a message to assure him that I
am sincere and this is not spam I have not been to Fredericton lately but I plan to come soon if you don't give him the documents and CD I will) I am certain he will understand them and know what to do with them. Rest assured that I will tell him you have them. (In fact I just did didn't I) You can
explain your own actions to your friends. I understand you well enough already. I always suspected that you were all about Charles LeBlanc and in the self promotion game. But I thought you may at least be ethical. Turns out you
are just a liar and a chickenshit like all the rest. By the way I did figure out who threw me out of the legislature it was a french fella by the name of Dan. I have no idea why he would claim that his name was Jean Claude but it does explain to me why he did
not show me his ID. I ain't no Hells Angel as you and the fellas in the legislature like to claim that I am. However I am a plenty pissed off boy from Dorchester who just had another French asshole show me his ass. Ask me why I am not surprised? Don't you think I asked around about you? Never forget you were raised just up the road from me. I told you that out of the gate when I first called you from Boston. Remember? That should have been a little
clue to you. You should have done the same before slandering me and adding to the offense by proving to me that you are a liar. I gave you the benefit of my doubt but you proved for me once more first impressions are seldom wrong. I
have now thrown you in the same boat with your frienf the Sergeant at Arms(Even that has acquired a
french spelling for an English Queen) I don't hate french folks but I do find french bullshit very
contemptable. I have many Cajun friends that share the same opinion about french Canadians. In fact I was the first Canadian that a lot of them ever met that they actually saw eye to eye with. We quickly put the english/french stuff in the proper corner and went on with our pursuit of happiness We just laughed at your snotty attitudes about culture.
everybody knows it ain't about that at all. It is about money and power as usual. Wave all the flags
you want, you can't fool me. I am too stupid. What you and all my other fellow maritmers seem to be overlooking is that while we can't see the forest for the trees because of our petty squabbles, the
evil Global dudes have been raping our forest primeval. They playing us like a fiddle while you dance their jig out of your own self interest. Do you want a job in the media or do you wish to be like Michael Moore and become famous
byway of notoriety? Do you really think anyone in the media owned by the rich and powerful takes you
seriously? Can anyone take you seriously once they find you to be a liar? At least I do what I say and say what I mean. What say you now Chucky Baby?
Better yet wait until I turn up and say it to me in front of your friends. Premier Lord know I love to argue with Frenchmen we can talk about it on his front lawn. You buddy Dan and the CISNB can listen in. The following are your words about me. I find that you are so full of yourself it is ridculous particularly in light of the fact that I consider you to be full of shit. Watch how easily I prove that fact about you the next time I am in Fredericton. Which maybe sooner that you think. Rest arrured I will be telling your friends what I think of you. Feel free to argue with me. It should prove interesting to see who they believe.

David R. Amos
506 434-1379

by Charles LeBlanc Saturday, Jun. 12, 2004 at 11:26 AM
oldmaison@yahoo.com Fredericton
Thursday morning, I showed up at the Legislature touse the computer at the Library. I was told by security that two rough looking
> individuals walked through the doors and asked for a
> Charles Leblanc?
> They described the guys as rough looking and one of
> them had a long gray beard with a leather jacket!
> At first, I believe it was the Hell Angels coming
> down from Montreal for a hit on Charles.
> Hours later, I seen my bigot buddy Matthew Glenn and
> he was in front of the Legislature with his
> blowhorn.
> For you people who don’t know the bigot? He’s the
> one who started the Anglo Society. I seen him
> preaching to three young kids and of course I butt
> in and said - Hey Bigot??? Why don’t you bigot go
> home?
> Minutes later, we were approached by two guys and
> they asked politely –Where can we locate a Charles
> LeBlanc???
> In a matter of seconds, the bigot quickly pointed at
> me.
> I said to myself - Ohhh?? Thanks a lot Bigot!!!
> At the end? It was a guy named David Amos and I
> guess that he’s running at an independent in the
> riding of Fundy Royal. The guy have been living in
> the area of Boston and he's been following my
> updates on the internet. I'm telling you that the
> information highway is a great way to spread the
> message to the rest of the world!
> We talked for around 30 minutes and it was nice to
> see the bigot, me and David Amos together debating
> our own little concern issue. We all have our own
> issues and it’s too bad that we cannot unite and
> fight but that’s the way Canadians do things.
> They remind silent until the Government really
> pissed them all and go out and vote the party in
> power out of office
> by Charles LeBlanc Friday, Jun. 25, 2004 at 10:56 AM
> Fredericton
> "During the protest, I felt like I was in a police
> state. There were cops are over the place. I
> approached three of them and said - My God? We need
> violence, bricks going through windows, people being
> shot and tear gas!!!
> This is the only way that the Government will
> listen.
> One cop said - If I have to use my gun? I know
> exactly where my first bullet is going to go!!
> Pretty
> scary…lol….
> Speaking of violence?
> That guy from the Sackville area who went to
> Toronto with his vehicle full of guns! Very scary
> Stuff!!!
> What did I tell you people in the past? Someone is
> going to crack up one of these days and I know for a
> fact the area targeted is going to be the
> Legislature.
> There’s always undercovers cops around but only
> when the House is in session.
> As God as my witness I hope nothing happens but
> it’s just a matter of time till someone is push over
> the edge.
> I guess a guy name David Amos was shown the door
> yesterday at the Legislature. This guy is running as
> an Independent candidate in the riding of Fundy
> Royal.
> I met the guy over the net and he has a beef with
> our
> political bureaucrats.
> I admire people fighting for what they believe in
> but you can’t get carried away. I guess in this
> case?
> He wanted to speak from the Gallery and that’s a big
> faux pas! "

Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 08:51:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: "moto maniac" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Welcome to the Real World Frenchy
To: oldmaison@yahoo.com

Perhaps you and Vaughn Barnett should call Carl Davies and then go see Bernard Richard and show him all the stuff of mine that you don't understand and whine about it to him before I spill the Beans in Beantown.

From: "moto maniac" motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
To: Grant.GARNEAU@gnb.ca
CC: BBACHRACH@bowditch.com, brian.keirstead@gnb.ca, wayne.steeves@gnb.ca, bev.harrison@gnb.ca, Brad.Green@gnb.ca, nbombud@gnb.ca, motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com, inquiry.admin@bellnet.ca, cei@nbnet.nb.ca
Subject: Thanks for the response I would be happy to meet you next week.
Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2004 14:55:31 -0400

Bolduc Clement, Executive Director
Chairman / New Brunswick Police Commission
435 King Street
Fredericton, New Brunswick
E3B 1E5
Phone: (506) 453-2069
Fax: (506) 457-3542

I will call before I send this email so that we can set a date. (The time is Wednesday at ten thirty in the morning and I plan to bring two witnesses and it was agreed to) As you can see by
the nature of my complaints, I cannot afford to trust anyone and
the police in particular. I
must bring a couple of witnesses to attest to everything I say and do. I have no idea as to why Wayne Steeves or his assistant have not responded to me. But I have just called his office and asked
that his Assistant Paul
Keirsted attend the meeting as well. I request that Mr. Keirstead ask for the material that Brad Green has acknowledged the
receipt of in a letter to
me dated August 3rd. and in which he claims that he has no jurisdiction over me.

Obviously i have notified Brad Green of this request. I also ask that he send someone to speak with me as well. I also notified Bev Harrison of my concerns about the actions of the Sergeant of Arms and he has yet to respond. I have no understanding as to why that
is perhaps he should send someone to the meeting as well. i think it would behove the City of Frederiction to send Bruce Noble as well.

I will bring my own copies for your review and I will be bringing several original wiretap tapes for you to make copies of if you wish. However I require them as evidence to give to the Arar Commission if they ever get around to asking me any questions. You can see I have notified them of my willingness to meet with the Police Commission. If they do not notify me soon of any interest, I will return to the USA to defend my family's interests and allow the material that i have already given them stand on its own merit. My family is called to court in early
September to defend our home from the most malicous complaint imaginable in likely one of the most corrupted courts in America.

The last time i sat in that court a judge atempted to have me arrested for merely waiting for my motion to be heard. After I deal with the crooks in that matter, I
must file a complaint in South Carolina ASAP, therefore I can no longer afford anymore time with
unethical Canadian lawyers that are willing to assist the CCR lawyers and Ashcroft's cohorts in the USA

Mr. Arar and I will have to find justice separately and the best way we each know how. I simply don't trust his lawyers
particularly after the emails I have received from them in the past day. Perhaps it may work out
for the best for all if Arar employs lawyers in Canada and I act Pro se in the USA. The results of both actions will be well worth comparing to check the ethical work of public service of two

Obviously I have notified a lawyer in the USA of where I am am going and why. I wish to make Barry aware that Attorney General Brad Green is also the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and the former
Soliciitor General of Canada
Andy Scott who is also from Fredericton now speaks for all the Indians in Canada. Methinks these would be intersting characters to address your concerns with.

I trully see no need to explain to any of you the reason why I must
answer a voicemail from the Police Commisssion in such a fashion. Never forget it is the police that I am complaining of. It is them that I am very wary of. It is this email that I will print and take with me as I leave the house. I did not like it yesterday when CISNB was more interested in my
whereabouts than the whereabouts of the evidence of the so called story that I was telling them. That did not help my paranoia. I am part of the public as well whereas they are employed to protect the public safety they should act within the scope of their employment and go get the evidence that

I am willing to argue on the public record in front of many witnesses. I do not wish to become part of another unsolved crime. Poor old John Felsing and his
wife suffered enough for us all and only his dog could tell the tale. I heard the gossip about that too and would love to
invesitgate that crime myself someday if I had the time. I know for a
fact the last thing one could
call cops is diligent. Sgt. Huff from Tulsa
proved that to me long ago. Ask
the ghost of H. Paul Rico when and why I
predicted his demise. I will show
you the proof next week.

David R. Amos

From: "Bachrach, Barry A."
To: "'conniefogal@telus.net'"
CC: 'David Amos' motomaniac_02186@hotmail.com
Subject: FW: Take a deep breath and relax.
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 18:53:30 -0400

Connie, if you are interested you may call me at
508-926-3403 or

----Original Message-----
From: moto maniac
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 12:49 PM
To: ender@hegemon.ca
Cc: brian.keirstead@gnb.ca;
spongebob@hegemon.ca; sales@hegemon.ca;
>conniefogal@telus.net; Bachrach, Barry A.
Subject: RE: Take a deep breath and relax.


You are too late I already called CISNB and asked them why they did notcome see you. You should learn to listen and
read before you write shit about a man that has the same concerns as you about the political scene. We
should have been friends not foes. Now you are just another witness to me.

It is your lawyer that I wish to argue with. Because obviously he has no understanding of the meaning of the word integrity. That is well explained in Chapter one of the Rules of Professional
Conduct within the New Brunswick
Law Society. If he does not obey those rules then he should not be allowedto practice law for a fee. If you had bothered to read anything of mine, you would have seen that I do not pick fights with ordinary folks such as you
>and I. It is officers of the court and law enforcement officers that do notuphold the law that I find contemptable.

However it is you who must apologize to my
wife in person or discuss the matter with her former lawyer. (I have just asked him to witdraw from
our matters for now at least until he is better
paid) His name is Barry
>Bachrach and as you can see i just notified him
because some of this stuff
>may interest him for the benefit of another
client of his. Type Barry's
>in the web. Then ask your friend Connie if she
agrees with Barry about the
>circumstances surrounding the upcoming hearings
in BC about John Graham.
>Perhaps Barry and Connie should talk for the
benefit of all. Maybe my friend
Jack will introduce you to some Indians that may agree with me and have norespect for the FBI as well.
I just stuck my hand out, don't
bite it.

P.S. Hey Barry perhaps you can explain me to Ms. Fogal she is in British Columbia perhaps you may be of assistance to each other.

From: "David Szemerda" ender@hegemon.ca
To: "'moto maniac'"
CC: spongebob@hegemon.ca, sales@hegemon.ca
Subject: Take a deep breath and relax.
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 13:20:27 -0300


Thank you for directly contacting me. As I said in my second letter
today,I did not intend for you or your wife to get the impression you did from my statement.I apologize for not writing more
carefully. The two statements
were meant to be taken separately upon re-reading it I can see how you misinterpreted.

I did not involve Jack in anything, as I said in my first letter to you. Whether or not you realize it, you came across as a dangerous lunatic to myself and the few others who have read your letters. My sole intention was to determine if I should fear for my life. And as I said the only things I were told are
(i) you aren't that bad of a guy, when you get to know you,
(ii) you met a woman, moved to the states
about 10 years ago,
(iii) you don't really have a job. That is it!

All I wanted was for you to explain to me, what you want from me. Would it not at least be polite to tell me what you
are doing and why you are giving me this stuff? I don't know you, I
don't know Connie that well. I ran for CAP because I could not vote for any of the other parties.
>Simple as that. I liked the platform about getting rid of NAFTA.

>You seem to imply that Connie and I go way back and that we are good
buddies. Like I said several times.... She came down, I got to spend a very nice day talking to her about the party,
and other stuff. She seemed to be nice enough to me.

If you just would take a bit of your time and tell me what you want, all this could be avoided. Can you just relax, and tell me what is going on in a nutshell? I read two or three letters; I have no idea who >most of the people
are, I have know idea what you trying to accomplish. Why can you not understand that I am completely unaware of what you want?

I like to live a relatively low key life, raise my chickens, cut down some trees, drink a few beer. I have an interest in politics, but it is not my life. You appear to know many people and have issues with many,I don't know any of them. Why are you involving me? Who do you think I am? That is all I want to know.

David Szemerda

-----Original Message-----
From: moto maniac
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 12:17 PM
To: ender@hegemon.ca
Cc: wayne.steeves@gnb.ca;
Subject: RE: Joe Day got the stuff

What is your lawyer's name. I will deal with him. I have some more
stuff forhim to laugh about. Has the CISNB been around to pick up the stuff you threatened to destroy? Has Jack Eldridge been
around to see you yet? My wife
will be here in a week or so She will have a few questions for you about your statements about our marriage. Watch you manners in front of her. If you offend her in front of me, asshole I will make you stand accountable as a man and try to tear you a new one. I did
come to your door on the day I
stated I did. I am not shy to come again. Particularly after you invited mein writing. It was you who was not there the first time I came and I did tell you I would be coming your way. I did not involve Jack in my matters.You did. Nor did I try to serve him anything.
I did show him a pile of FBI
tapes and documents but only so he could affirm he saw them. He did not listen to or read anything.
You are a witness to the crimes not him. Quitesimply I demand that you tell the truth when questioned. I am done with you
because I truly have no time for a fool such as you. Perhaps you should review what i said on the phone and read the letter I brought to you.

Therewas no need to attack me and insult my wife. I do have a bone to pick with your lawyer friend.
It was your lawyer friend Connie that implied to Kevin Peck that I was a Fed and I was to be ignored.
I saved her email just in case she wants to call me a liar. I forwarded a copy of it to Mary Sue Haliburton long ago after she figured I had powerful help as well. I am who I say I am. No more no less. Ask Jack. I will prove
it to your lawyer.

From: "David Szemerda" ender@hegemon.ca
To: "'David Amos'"
CC: spongebob@hegemon.ca,
Subject: RE: Joe Day got the stuff
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 11:36:14 -0300


Connie Fogal would have no idea regarding my lawyer, as I have never included her in any of the discussions about you. I am sure she has better things to concern herself with. My lawyer is someone who happens to be a friend of mine and has no concern regarding your letters other than recreational reading.

In my last reply, I asked that you clarify, directly to me,exactly
what it is that you wanted from me. It appears that you are not capable of directly answering any of my queries without dragging
me into some paranoiac battle
you have against the world.

"David should have informed you that the last thing I am is a FED"

I have not informed anyone about you, I have never met you, the
closest we came, was you (I assume) stuffing envelopes
under my door. I have no idea who you are or anything about you,
although FED would be much lower on
the list than escaped mental patient.

I am unsure as to your desire obtain credibility in whatever your
endeavours may be, however your presentation comes far short of indicating any degree of competency.

Once again.... I extend an invitation to
you, to address me directly,
not in some third party reference, and discuss exactly what you
desire from me. Please refrain from making the assumption that I
care, in any way, what you are doing. I have yet to read the junk you forward me, and very soon
I shall simply put a delete filter on my email to eliminate your email before I have to see them. I have given you every opportunity to speak to me rationally,but you have not availed yourself of those

I sincerely hope the next message from you will address me directly
with reasons as to why have involved me in correspondence, and what exactly you hope to gain in the process. I have little time for your folly and wish you would at least have enough courtesy to
discuss the usage of my name with
me BEFORE you use it to indicate some sort of relationship between us.

With diminished patience;

David Szemerda

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos
Sent: Monday, January 07, 1980 3:50 AM
To: conniefogal@telus.net
Cc: Mary-Sue Haliburton; ender@hegemon.ca; kpeck@canadianactionparty.ca
Subject: Fw: Joe Day got the stuff

Ms. Fogal

I demand to know the name of David
Szmerda's lawyer who finds my material so funny. I have some more stuff to give him and you to
laugh about. I also want to know whether or not CISBN has picked up
the stuff yet. I will forward to all of you the emails in which you
are discussed with serveral authorities. By now David should have informed you that the last thing I am is a FED. but the FEDS are getting copies of these emails.

David R. Amos

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Anonymous said...
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 14:27:58 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: RE: If perchance yiou manage to make Chucky fall out of cyberspace know that his work that I find relevant will not so easily dissappear
To: scott.agnew@canadaeast.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, louiselorefice@ndp.ca, leader@greenparty.ca, defence@sen.parl.gc.ca, Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, Clabchuk@greenparty.ca, maychair@dal.ca, kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca, juan.behrend@europeangreens.org, fbinhct@leo.gov, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
CC: whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, bill.corby@gnb.ca, samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, alltrue@nl.rogers.com, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, forest@conservationcouncil.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca

One very pissed off Maritimer who is about to sue the Crown the mother load of info byway of an account that none other that the Y ankee lawyer david Drummonnd oversees. No w he must do the right thing on behalf of ethical bloggers such as I and even the Fake Left idiots such as Chucky Leblanc. Get it yet Arsehole?

If not let me tell that the Irvings mean less than nothing to me. They are small fish in a very big ocean but I will use their malice against me to Impeach George boy Bush. That is the fucker that tried to have me taken to Cuba after I beat his lawyers fair and square in US District Court almost exactly five years ago. Ask your pal Chucky Leblanc he has had Hrd copy of my material for over three god damned years including a complete copy of wiretap tape # 139 in return Chucky labeled me as a Hells Angel, teased me about looking like his dead dog and about being falsely imprisoned in the USA and more importantly to his concerns in New Brunswick laughed while I was illegally BANISHED FROM THE LEG WHILE I WAS RUNNING FOR A SEAT IN THE 38TH PARLIAMENT.


Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

P.S Guess who is blogging this email right now?

Date: 13 Sep 2007 18:10:05 -0000
From: MAILER-DAEMON@yahoo.com
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by yahoo.com. Learn more
To: davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: failure notice

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at yahoo.com. I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca: does not like recipient. Remote host said: 554 Connection dropped Giving up on

Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca: does not like recipient. Remote host said: 554 Connection dropped Giving up on

Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca: does not like recipient. Remote host said: 554 Connection dropped Giving up on

Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca: does not like recipient. Remote host said: 554 Connection dropped Giving up on

Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca: does not like recipient. Remote host said: 554 Connection dropped Giving up on

Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca: does not like recipient. Remote host said: 554 Connection dropped Giving up on

warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca: does not like recipient. Remote host said: 554 Connection dropped Giving up on

--- Below this line is a copy of the message. Return-Path: davidramos333@yahoo.ca Received: (qmail 84558 invoked by uid 60001); 13 Sep 2007 17:49:23 -0000 DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns;
c=nofws; s=s1024; d=yahoo.ca; h=X-YMail-OSG:Received:Date:From:Subject:To:Cc:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Content-Transfer-Encoding:Message-ID; b=qkQ0yQ40uRDWBGB77NFVAbJNDpf7YYYKGC1+7QDPhk82RSCQVJxhgJJkpJqo27IsXqRpk9mXsLDXWNV+Oa9SD3EGxvDExocJmno2Yab6WQAh2VlUvojvXyPWjlyuq7onz3Bfg0XY+ppPrpoRsPf6ItuqqzonI4wSmN8YsgUqKRw=; X-YMail-OSG: kZcr5G0VM1kPy1XlaOgf6ehkeoQXdcXBAzBoKB1S_Kv3fZ3etiChuPugef2JXWa2D4awoydijDZrN1Qv Received: from [] by web57913.mail.re3.yahoo.com via HTTP; Thu, 13 Sep 2007 13:49:22 EDT Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 13:49:22 -0400 (EDT)

From: David Raymond Amos davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: First things first Scotty Baby. Pick up the phone who and tell me who is your lawyer. I will argue with him not you. To: scott.agnew@canadaeast.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, louiselorefice@ndp.ca, leader@greenparty.ca, defence@sen.parl.gc.ca, Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, Clabchuk@greenparty.ca, maychair@dal.ca, kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca, juan.behrend@europeangreens.org, fbinhct@leo.gov, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca Cc: whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, bill.corby@gnb.ca, samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, alltrue@nl.rogers.com, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, forest@conservationcouncil.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0-1352648891-1189705762=:84239" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Message-ID: 986156.84239.qm@web57913.mail.re3.yahoo.com
--0-1352648891-1189705762=:84239 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

I have alredy been falsely imprisoned not long after the Record Wrote this bullshit about me. Iis you who is in hot water not I. this first thing I do want to argue with the Irvings in court is the sound file plaing in the email that I just you and your cohort Chucky Leblanc and his many buddies once again .

"Agnew, Scott" scott.agnew@canadaeast.com wrote:

OK, let me try to be a little more clear. What, exactly are you talking about and who are you?

K. Scott Agnew
Web Services Manager
CanadaEast Interactive
P: (506) 383-2597
F: (506) 859-4904
E: scott.agnew@canadaeast.com

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Anonymous said...
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 15:45:26 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: I already notified the cops for you Scotty Baby are you really that dumb? Look whoo else got these emails Stockwell Day is the boss
To: scott.agnew@canadaeast.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, louiselorefice@ndp.ca, leader@greenparty.ca, defence@sen.parl.gc.ca, Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, Clabchuk@greenparty.ca, maychair@dal.ca, kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca, juan.behrend@europeangreens.org, fbinhct@leo.gov, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
CC: whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, bill.corby@gnb.ca, samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, alltrue@nl.rogers.com, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, forest@conservationcouncil.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Christian.Couturier@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca

may I be so bold as to repeat do not call her again. Furthermore if any RCMP officer dares to call her, trust that I not her will enjoy ripping him a brand new arsehole for him to stick his head up. I feel compelled to ask what planet do you come from anyway?

You tried the same false allegation game with Chucky Leblanc and he posted it on the web for the world to see. Do you really think I won't?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
FYI you unnamed lawyer is gonna love my next email. LOL EH Chucky Leblanc

Canada’s New Government announces $10 million for the Canadian Police Research Centre
REGINA, September 10, 2007 – The Honourable Stockwell Day, Minister of Public Safety, today announced that Canada’s New Government is providing $10 million to support the Canadian Police Research Centre (CPRC)’s work in policing and public safety science and technology, and to establish its base in Regina.

“Our government is once again taking action to give our law enforcement agencies the tools and resources they need to fulfill their important duties,” said Minister Day. “This investment will help to equip police, firefighter and paramedic services with the best knowledge, tools and technologies to keep Canadians safe.”

Management of the CPRC is being assumed by Defence Research and Development Canada, an agency of the Department of National Defence.
“Defence Research and Development Canada is pleased to assume management of the Canadian Police Research Centre,” said the Honourable Peter Mackay, Minister of National Defence. “Our participation in such initiatives not only allows us to exchange new technical knowledge and expertise, but also demonstrates our ability to cooperate with our colleagues in government and law enforcement to protect all Canadians.”
“This is a good news story for Regina and for the CPRC. This new centre will bring more jobs and an even higher concentration of policing experts to our community,” said Andrew Scheer, Member of Parliament for Regina – Qu’Appelle. “Regina is an ideal location for the Centre due to the other police services here.”

“I am very pleased to welcome the CPRC to Regina,” said Mayor Pat Fiacco. “Having the Centre here will create opportunities for innovation and cooperation between Regina’s academic, private sector, and policing communities, and will contribute significantly to our vision of a Regina-based security cluster.”

The CPRC will work in partnership with Canada’s policing community, the private sector and the broader science and technology community.

Media Relations
Public Safety Canada
Mélisa Leclerc
Director of Communications
Office of the Honourable Stockwell Day
Minister of Public Safety

CanadaEast Interactive canadaeastproduction@gmail.com wrote: Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 16:23:43 -0300
From: "CanadaEast Interactive" canadaeastproduction@gmail.com
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: Re: Scotty Baby.think about what your nasty little Irving rag said about me months ago on behalf of your hero T.J. Burke

"I will back her up in a heartbeat after she tells you where to go and what to do with your head."

Careful Mr. Amos, that sounded dangerously close to a threat against my personal safety. And for the record, I called the number as it showed on my call display so I know who to report to the RCMP about harassing phone calls. If you didn't want your "lady friend" involved. Perhaps you might to try using another phone rather than dragging her into your obvious problems when you call to rant and rave to complete strangers.

As I said previously in my email, unless you have something to discuss with me concerning CanadaEast, please refrain from further contact. Further contact will be forwarded to the RCMP for possible investigation.

Scott Agnew
CanadaEast Interactive

Saturday, September 15, 2007
David Raymond Amos said...
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 13:46:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Hey Scotty Baby you and the Irvings missed some of Chucky's doings How come?
To: scott.agnew@canadaeast.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, louiselorefice@ndp.ca, leader@greenparty.ca, defence@sen.parl.gc.ca, Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, Clabchuk@greenparty.ca, maychair@dal.ca, kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca, juan.behrend@europeangreens.org, fbinhct@leo.gov, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, milliken@petermilliken.org, ciec-ccie@parl.gc.ca, Bagnell.L@parl.gc.ca, Milliken.P@parl.gc.ca
CC: whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, bill.corby@gnb.ca, samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, alltrue@nl.rogers.com, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, forest@conservationcouncil.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Christian.Couturier@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca, marthajette@yahoo.com, debbedford@msn.com, webo@xplornet.com, perriercanadian@yahoo.com, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, info@barackobama.com, pelosi@mail.house.gov, fbinhct@leo.gov, ajw@eastlink.ca, alex@gravel2008.us, elliott@gravel2008.us, info@gravel2008.us, checkup@cbc.ca, Dewar.P@parl.gc.ca, info@hillaryclinton.com, mail@ronpaul2008.com, rep.paul@mail.house.gov, info@johnmccain.com, Governor.Rell@ct.gov, beneva@chrisdodd.com, press@joebiden.com, pshipley@richardsonforpresident.com, info@johnedwards.com, info@dennis4president.com, kalthoff@barackobama.com, info@mittromney.com, rfowlo@comcast.net

Here is one ya missed Scotty Baby. I told ya that you should be more diligent in your malice towards bloggers. Zeroing in on Chucky ain't fair but it is comical nevertheless. If Jamie Irving finds out about your lack of diligence, rest assured he will shitcan you in a heartbeat.


I have a question for ya Chucky. Who are you gonna support now in the next Federal Election now that your old buddies in red coats are sneaking out byway of stage left? You can't vote against me this time around. I am gonna run somewhere else. Do you think one of your fives brains or any of your fans such as the Yankee Depupty Dog robert F. O'Meara or or the strange farwetern dude, Dirty Dicky Dean know where I hope to be running yet? Better yet does the skirt chasing Newfy Danny Boy Williams know?

LOL EH? Say hoka hey to your old buddies in AdvocacyCollective or whatever those fake Left dudes call themselves now. Your old buddy Rashid had a good time arguing the chickenshit lawyer working on behalf of Fat Fred City Finest yesterday. Ain't funny how the CBC let his name slip just once first thing this morning and then clammed up bigtime after that? Could it have been my call to the Fat Fred City Finest as soon as I heard the QC's name? Methinks so.


Funny how Brucy Baby Noble, his cop pals or the Crown, Wee Willy Corby never mentioned Ron Morris QC's name to me over the course of the past five months. EH? I wonder if he knows where my old Harley and the Yankee wiretap tapes are? Hard telling not knowing. N'est Pas? That chickenshit lawyer won't pick up the phone just like his partner Howie Peters. He and everybody else (Especially Kim Keith of Rogers and your hero T.J. Burke)knows the RCMP dude Jacques Boucher is my witness too in a far more important matters and you fake Left dudes have had the evidence for three years and counting. All all Vaughn Barnett and his buddy Rashid had to do is pull out my material that you gave them three years ago and their troubles will go away ASAP. Vaughn definitely would not have gone to jail. Small wondwer he was pissed at you N'est Pas? The obvious question is why don't they do it now that the idiot, Rashid will be prosecuted in Halifax?

Please allow me to quote your old buddy Vaughn Barnett. your Ironhorse of a lawyer and you once again.

Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 08:10:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: "HAROLD L DOHERTY" dohertylaw@rogers.com
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by rogers.com. Learn more
Subject: RE: I called you again today Gilmour. Who is more of a
To: "dean Ray" deanr0032@hotmail.com, motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com, wGilmour@ProuseDash.ca, premier@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, t.j.burke@gnb.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, pierre_nollet@cbc.ca, susan_king@cbc.ca, dan_goodyear@cbc.ca, allan_white@cbc.ca, mclaughlin.heather@dailygleaner.com, execdir@nblib.nb.ca, mleger@stu.ca, jwalker@stu.ca, plee@stu.ca, carleton@stu.ca, kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com, John.Foran@gnb.ca, kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca, alltrue@nl.rogers.com, samperrier@hotmail.com
CC: bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, derek.strong@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Roger.Gillies@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, John.DeWinter@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, bill.corby@gnb.ca, police@fredericton.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, fbinhct@leo.gov, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca

I don't know why I am addressed on this "discussion". Please remove my email address from the addressee and copy list.

I thank you for your cooperation.

Harold Doherty

dean Ray deanr0032@hotmail.com wrote:

You must be part of the Iluminati Amos I do not even get that kind of response. Or maybe they think your stuped and think they can get away with sending an email response like that. I am not sure why you send me this garbage I am still going to hold you accountable for tyhe trucker you sent.

From: David Amos
To: wGilmour@ProuseDash.ca, dohertylaw@rogers.com, premier@gnb.ca,
abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, t.j.burke@gnb.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca,
pierre_nollet@cbc.ca, susan_king@cbc.ca, dan_goodyear@cbc.ca,
allan_white@cbc.ca, mclaughlin.heather@dailygleaner.com,
execdir@nblib.nb.ca, mleger@stu.ca, jwalker@stu.ca, plee@stu.ca,
carleton@stu.ca, kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
John.Foran@gnb.ca, kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca, Byron ,
CC: bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca,
warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, derek.strong@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
Roger.Gillies@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, John.DeWinter@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com,
bill.corby@gnb.ca, police@fredericton.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca,
fbinhct@leo.gov, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca
Subject: I called you again today Gilmour. Who is more of a chickenshit you or your new cop client Ken Smith? Sprout some balls will ya and call me back
Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 22:56:08 -0700 (PDT)

506 434 1379

Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 02:35:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Advocacy Collective" advocacycollective@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: This is David Amos
To: "moto maniac" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
CC: oldmaison@yahoo.com

Yes, Charles gave me the material -although I must admit that I was not able to make much sense of it. Because of that, and because it appears to be out of my area of expertise, I doubt that I can help you very much.

Also, unfortunately, your clash with Charles, and your low opinion of him (which I feel is unwarranted) has created a conflict of interests, as Charles is a friend of mine and a fellow activist. Since I doubt I can assist you much anyway, perhaps that doesn't matter. In any event, good luck with your cause.


moto maniac motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Vaughn did you get my material as Leblanc claims? You are the third guy he says he gave it to. If not I know I will be the last. I have had enough of him and his funny ways at my expense. He whined and complained that he had no computer so I gave him one. But he failed to even say Thanks. Now the liar wants people to buy him a Bull Horn so he can bother more people with his Bullshit. Well Fredericton has already met a real legal and social activist and i did it all without a whisper or any press coverage. Soon Ottawa will receive the same stuff and much much more before I return to the USA to argue the bastards pulling the strings up here in our old houses. The folks working there seem to care more what language the liars are speaking in rather than what they are actually saying. Charles LeBlanc spoke with a forked tongue when he claimed his Scottish heritage. He made my blood boil and my ancestors bones rattle when he went on and on about his roots. First the frenchy wants his flag on the government houses then he wants to wave it wearing our kilts? I am of the Keith Clan and founded my own. My ancestors were fine and noble warriors. Read their motto on the beer bottle Chucky and tell me if you believe it or not. Rest assured I do. Neither my Septs nor I would accept such a man as Charles Leblanc as a trusted friend.

Note: forwarded message attached.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish.

ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2004 06:50:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: charles leblanc
Subject: Re: This is David Amos
To: moto maniac

I don't know what you're talking about but I gace your
info to Vaughn...Maybe he can explain to me what your
papers are all about...lol

--- moto maniac wrote:

Hey Charles

I just found out a simple truth about you. You are a liar. Not only did you not give my stuff to
Brad Green as you promised. You did not give it to the man from Minto that you enjoy calling a bigot. I just had a little talk with him and he affrimed what
I had suspected about you and denied receiving the documents etc. from you as you claimed.

Perhaps you should get honest and give the stuff to Vaughn Barnett. (I just called him 506 457-4559 and left him a message to assure him that I am sincere and this is not spam I have not been to Fredericton lately but I plan to come soon if you don't give him the documents and CD I will) I am certain he will understand them and know what to do with them.

Rest assured that I will tell him you have them. (In fact I just did didn't I) You can explain your own actions to your friends. I understand you well enough already. I always suspected that you were all about Charles LeBlanc and in the self promotion game. But I thought you may at least be ethical. Turns out you are just a liar and a chickenshit like all the rest.

By the way I did figure out who threw me out of the legislature it was a french fella by the name of Dan. I have no idea why he would claim that his name was Jean Claude but it does explain to me why he did not show me his ID. I ain't no Hells Angel as you and the fellas in the legislature like to claim that I am. However I am a plenty pissed off boy from Dorchester who just had another French asshole show me his ass. Ask me why I am not surprised?

Don't you think I asked around about you? Never forget you were raised just up the road from me. I told you that out of the gate when I first called you from Boston. Remember? That should have been a little clue to you. You should have done the same before slandering me and adding to the offense by proving to me that you are a liar. I gave you the benefit of my doubt but you proved for me once more first impressions are seldom wrong. I have now thrown you in the same boat with your frienf the Sergeant at Arms(Even that has acquired a french spelling for an English Queen)

I don't hate french folks but I do find french bullshit very contemptable. I have many Cajun friends that share the same opinion about french Canadians. In fact I was the first Canadian that a lot of them ever met that they actually saw eye to eye with. We quickly put the english/french stuff in the proper corner and went on with our pursuit of happiness We just laughed at your snotty attitudes about culture. everybody knows it ain't about that at all. It is about money and power as usual. Wave all the flags you want, you can't fool me. I am too stupid.

What you and all my other fellow maritmers seem to be overlooking is that while we can't see the forest for the trees because of our petty squabbles, the evil Global dudes have been raping our forest primeval. They playing us like a fiddle while you dance their jig out of your own self
interest. Do you want a job in the media or do you wish to be like Michael Moore and become famous byway of notoriety? Do you really think anyone in the media owned by the rich and powerful takes you seriously? Can anyone take you seriously once they find you to be a liar? At least I do what I say and say what I mean. What say you now Chucky Baby?

Better yet wait until I turn up and say it to me in front of your friends. Premier Lord know I love to argue with Frenchmen we can talk about it on his front lawn. You buddy Dan and the CISNB can listen in.

The following are your words about me. I find that you are so full of yourself it is ridculous particularly in light of the fact that I consider you to be full of shit. Watch how easily I prove
that fact about you the next time I am in Fredericton. Which maybe sooner that you think. Rest arrured I will be telling your friends what I think of you. Feel free to argue with me. It should prove interesting to see who they believe.

David R. Amos
506 434-1379

by Charles LeBlanc Saturday, Jun. 12, 2004 at 11:26 AM
oldmaison@yahoo.com Fredericton
Thursday morning, I showed up at the Legislature to use the computer at the Library. I was told by security that two rough looking individuals walked through the doors and asked for a Charles Leblanc?

They described the guys as rough looking and one of them had a long gray beard with a leather jacket!
At first, I believe it was the Hell Angels coming down from Montreal for a hit on Charles.
Hours later, I seen my bigot buddy Matthew Glenn and he was in front of the Legislature with his blowhorn.

For you people who don’t know the bigot? He’s the one who started the Anglo Society. I seen him
preaching to three young kids and of course I butt in and said - Hey Bigot??? Why don’t you bigot go home?

Minutes later, we were approached by two guys and they asked politely –Where can we locate a Charles LeBlanc??? In a matter of seconds, the bigot quickly pointed at me. I said to myself - Ohhh?? Thanks a lot Bigot!!!

At the end? It was a guy named David Amos and I guess that he’s running at an independent in the
riding of Fundy Royal. The guy have been living in the area of Boston and he's been following my
updates on the internet. I'm telling you that the information highway is a great way to spread the message to the rest of the world! We talked for around 30 minutes and it was nice to see the bigot, me and David Amos together debating our own little concern issue. We all have our own issues and it’s too bad that we cannot unite and fight but that’s the way Canadians do things. They remind silent until the Government really
pissed them all and go out and vote the party in power out of office

by Charles LeBlanc Friday, Jun. 25, 2004 at 10:56 AM Fredericton

"During the protest, I felt like I was in a police state. There were cops are over the place. I
approached three of them and said - My God? We need violence, bricks going through windows, people being
shot and tear gas!!! This is the only way that the Government will
listen. One cop said - If I have to use my gun? I know exactly where my first bullet is going to go!! Pretty scary…lol….

Speaking of violence?
That guy from the Sackville area who went to Toronto with his vehicle full of guns! Very scary
Stuff!!! What did I tell you people in the past? Someone is
going to crack up one of these days and I know for a fact the area targeted is going to be the

There’s always undercovers cops around but only when the House is in session. As God as my witness I hope nothing happens but it’s just a matter of time till someone is push over the edge.

I guess a guy name David Amos was shown the door yesterday at the Legislature. This guy is running as
an Independent candidate in the riding of Fundy Royal. I met the guy over the net and he has a beef with our political bureaucrats.

I admire people fighting for what they believe in but you can’t get carried away. I guess in this case? He wanted to speak from the Gallery and that’s a big faux pas! "

FYI Scotty Baby you and the Irving lawyres can scroll to the bottom of this email. I clearly saved the above mentioned blog of Chucky's before Google's boyz could delete it N'est Pas? Let me know if you can't find anymore to delete. rest assured I will love pointing them out after I save them for my benefit not yours.

What I am more curious right now is whether or not the Yankees within Yahoo DOT COM will block this email account once again for the third time in a week particularly after my converstions with the RCMP and some other interesting dudes in Ottawa today. Stay tuned as Chucky loves to repeat these dayz.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I would support this guy. He looks very honest and open with the public.

But who's this guy????

Those glasses have got to go!!!!!...lol

# posted by Charles LeBlanc @ 7:44 AM
Well Charles, if you say he's a good guy, I'll vote for him as well, simply because your going to vote for him as well.

And if any of your readers say anything negative about him I strongly suggest you Ban them from your site.

# posted by Mr Poltitics : 8:07 AM

Charles what a bunch of crap, look at the latest developments of the native reserves, the airplane ride who were protestors just like you. Why don't you just turn your page name to "Charles's pro liberal page"? You are so dishonest sometimes Charles yet you expect us to believe what you say, c'mon charles

# posted by Anonymous : 8:46 AM

I would not vote for Andy Scott because his track record as a Cabnet minister stinks. He mucked up as Solicitor General and again as Indian Affairs Minister. and he is not a friend of Traditional values and decency. As far as the individual goes, I have spoken to him many times but as a politician, he leaves a lot to be desired. I do not hate the Man I just think that he and his Liberal Party need to be more honest are we as a Canadian voting society really willing to re-elect the same Regeme after all of the Scandle or is it time for a signifficant and meaningful change.

# posted by Michael G. McKay : 8:50 AM

I never blog who I was supporting yet!!! I believe you'll be surprise who I would support? I believe this blog is about his eyeglasses???? Do you like the new or old style?????

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 8:54 AM

Andy Scott is a ??????? (use your imagination). He's an embarassment since he was caught opening his big mouth on a plane and lost his job, since then he's rightfully been placed in the political netherworld.

What's he ever done for this riding? What's he even done for New Brunswick? During the gas tax and child care issues he was 'mr.invisible'. DId he try to broker a deal, did he try to get the fed libs to stop being ??????

He also voted against the EI Bill that would have increased federal money going to EI 'workers'. For those anti social program types it should be kept in mind that only half of all those on EI have ever collected two years in a row (meaning seasonal). This would have meant more federal money (instead of it going to their own pockets) going to the working poor. But Mr. Scott doesn't see it that way.

That's just for starters, this guy is as useless as they get. Just because he talks to somebody on a street is no reason to support him. They say the devil himself is friendly enough fella, and of course a used car salesman will tell you everything you want to hear.

# posted by Anonymous : 8:58 AM

C`mon now Michael, you know what the good book Says, Forgiveness is divine :

If i were you, I'd pray for all of out elected leaders, and not Condemn them.

# posted by a non bible pounder : 9:00 AM

What about the glasses?????...lol

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 9:33 AM

charles are you supporitng pat?

# posted by Anonymous : 9:40 AM

The airplane ride where Andy Scott blatantly lied and his complete 180 on the marriage issue is enough for me to question his integrity. But you know what? Fredericton by and large genuinely likes the guy. He probably will still get back in unless the NDP and Green Party are able to bleed off enough votes from the Liberals. I just don't think Pat Lynch is strong enough a candidate although he is a better choice than Kent Fox was last time. At least Lynch has some personality.

# posted by Spinks : 9:56 AM

8:58 AM you are right about used car salesman. Bernie was used car salesman and looking what a stinker he is as a leader. Used car salesmen should be banned from politics.

# posted by Anonymous : 10:00 AM

What about the glasses????

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 2:46 PM

Charlie i dont think your in any position to give fashion advise. Andy Scott clearly likes his glasses and thats good enough for me. I think you shouldnt try to be a fashion stylist and stick to your day job of being a loud mouth.

# posted by Anonymous : 3:35 PM

I agree Charles, those glasses have got to go.

# posted by Know It All : 4:08 PM


# posted by MJH : 6:00 PM


# posted by Anonymous : 6:02 PM

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

# posted by Spinks : 6:56 PM

Belinda and Brison in union? Sounds like an Air Farce sketch.

# posted by Spinks : 6:58 PM

Of course Layton doesn't just support one party, why would he, they aren't HIS parties. He sides with whichever legislation his party supports, what would you do?

# posted by Anonymous : 2:17 AM

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


# posted by Charles LeBlanc @ 11:45 PM
Ever heard of colgate, crest or aqua fresh and oral b??

# posted by Maurice the homeless guy : 12:58 AM

I like Belinda fine but I don't have any use or respect for the Filthy liberal party she has chosen to buddy up to. These are they who have done everything they can to remove our Traditional family and moral values. the same values that our veterans and forefathers faught bled and gave the supreme sacrifice so we could live in true liberty. I hope that the liberals either return our values and apologize for their stupidity, or get lost once and for all.

# posted by Michael McKay : 2:10 AM

Charles : You show pictures of Veterans Crying, may I ask with all due respect ? Where is your Poppy ?

# posted by Anonymous : 6:38 AM

To Michael McKay,

Your posts always sort of take the same line - about people dying for "Traditional Family and Moral Values". Then you speak about those values giving us true liberty.

I would like to know how you define traditional family and moral values first off. Secondly, I would like to know how they contribute to "true liberty"?

From your past posts, I can gather you're a Christian and I respect that. I, and many others however, are either atheists or agnostics or liberal (small L) Christians. This doesn't mean that we disagree with the idea of being good people, but I wonder if your idea of "Traditional family and moral values" can include true liberty for people who don't share your or the Christian viewpoint.

Last question - what exactly has the Liberal party done to destroy family values? (Aside from the default rallying cry of same-sex marriage) which incidentally has not crumbled Canadian society yet...

I await your response and look forward to hearing what you have to say.


# posted by Anonymous : 7:24 AM

Wee Wow! She is good looking. Sorry Peter you loss.

# posted by Anonymous : 7:35 AM

I'd love to weigh in on this one J but you asked Michael so he can respond, besides I've pretty much said it all before. The only thing I'll add is Michael is right, the Liberals (Federal so as not to confuse them with the provincial ones who still seem to have their wits about them) continue to bend morals and truck down a path full of arrogance. Talk to some federal Liberals and they believe it's their right to govern Canadians. The voters are simply taken for granted. I'm surprised that so many here have such contempt for Lord yet turn a blind eye to the Feds who have done far worse. My only reasoning as to why that is is that most of the posters here are merely here for political reasons.

# posted by Spinks : 9:10 AM

Yeah : She's a Babe just Like Hooton

# posted by Anonymous : 9:11 AM

I lost my poppy again???? I had one weeks ago but I guess I lost it again. I got to get another one.....

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 9:23 AM

9:11 AM get over with your obsessions. They are both taken.

# posted by Anonymous : 9:46 AM

Yeah, I hate to throw water on your parade but the provincial CONSERVATIVES did exactly the same thing with gay marriage, which certainly wasn't 'pro-active'. The federal liberals in 1994 were adamantly OPPOSED to gay marriage. The COURTS said it is unconstitutional, NOT the liberals. The NB court ruled the same, and the conservatives did the same, so by your reasoning the conservatives are equally guilty of those crazy things you talk about.

Go ask a veteran some day if the reason he fought in world war two was so that gays couldn't be married.

As an aside, it's interesting that posters above badmouth the liberal party, but NOT a woman (single rich female) who was a member of the conservative party but FOR gay marriage, then stabbed them in the back-not to mention Peter MacKay, an alleged boyfriend, to go to the hated liberals just before a crucial vote to get a cabinet post. Are your morals in la la land or what?

Want to blame liberals for the destruction of family look in the REAL place: GMO's in all our food making people sick (at least potentially), economic policy that puts small farmers out of work and gives money to american corporations, keeping Mulroneys' investment laws which continues to see american companies buying up canadian ones, then shutting them down or moving to Mexico, sitting on their asses while NAFTA favours the US while they ignore NAFTA rulings against them, deregulating fisheries onto the international market so that maritime industries cannot function, etc., and I do mean etc.,

# posted by Anonymous : 10:22 AM

What about his glasses???? Do you like them or not????

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 10:28 AM

Hi Spinks,

J here - thanks for your comments - and please feel free to weigh in. I can appreciate that many feel the federal Liberals are out of touch with the electorate and have engaged in some reprehensible stuff (Gomery Report to use a current, but not solitary incident). But you also said "bending morals". Maybe you mean things like the sponsorship scandal, I don't know.

My initial question for Mr Mckay and now for you is what do you mean by "bending morals"? Do you just mean the corruption or something closer to Mr Mckay's destruction of family values and such. I can make the assumption that maybe you're both talking about decriminalizaion of marijuana or same sex marriage - but that assumption may be wrong. I'd appreciate some clarity from either or both of you.

For the record, I'm not an activist of any kind (for the most part) so don't use this to paint me as pro-gay, pro-weed, pro-choice, or pro-anything. I have my beliefs but I'm not using them here to shoot down anyone, just to try to get the perspective of the people making these statements.

Seek first to understand.


# posted by Anonymous : 10:38 AM

Most that hold to tfv hold similar things in common. Marriage is ONLY between a man and woman, 'morals' hold at least nominally close to what, in the past, were considered moral. Virtually every main religion has a 'tradition', whether buddhist, hindu, muslim, christian. However, there are differences between them.

TFV can transverse religious ideologies though, meaning that while baptists may claim that TFV means no booze, catholics certainly don't buy into that. Most TFV will at the very least ban 'drinking to excess'.

The 'family' in family values goes further than simply defining marriage as a man and woman. In many protestant religions it also goes to defining ROLES of family members. Catholicism is now less structured in that regard, by prohibiting women from the priesthood and other leadership roles, the intent is latent. Children are expected to respect and obey their parents no matter what. If parents 'get out of line' there is a procedure that children are supposed to follow, unfortunately, some faiths don't emphasize that point.

One can hold to traditional family values and not be christian, but usually that means that different traditions must be chosen. For example, while I don't maintain that a woman MUST stay home with children, I do support economic policy that pays enough so that a family needs only one income so that a woman WILL WANT to stay home with children. I differ in that I think it is fine for a man to do this as well. This has become a sore spot with many TFV faiths as economics has made it impossible to adhere to that tradition unless one completely alters their way of life and joins the mennonites or something.

Some TFV adherents go so far as to regulate sex specifically. Hasidic jews have a sexual ritual which is designed to eliminate or diminish lust since sex is designed simply for procreation. Many religions and cultures maintain that promiscuity is unacceptable in adhering to TFV.

There is, what many consider to be, a 'secular' society, which is opposed to 'religious society. While it's not specifically TFV, many simply do not accept other traditions besides christian ones, often typically the one the person belongs to. Homosexuality, for example, predates organized religions, except hinduism, while TFV in a native american context often had bisexuals as shamans because they seemed to be 'of both worlds'. So obviously 'traditional native values' values this activity highly. Of course TFV typically go the opposite route, meaning christian tradition which has tended to be fairly restrictive. Ancient greeks and romans would find our ideas of sexuality to be extremely primitive and would laugh at our 'puritanism'.

So simply by not reinforcing these traditions, a politial party can be faulted. I've noticed the posters here seem to dwell on gay marriage and the legality of abortion. What is sometimes missed is that people have a perfect right to 'oppose' legislation. This is why 'conservatism' tends to also seek to minimize governments role in such issues and are more 'individualistic'.

Part of it is in the interpretation of 'sin' as an individual vice, rather than something affected from the environment. So you'll also get the 'tough on crime' line quite often from the same people. Meaning, that if I live in society, I shouldn't be 'responsible' for anothers sin (or vice) and if MY government sanctions it, then I am guilty by association. The only way around that is either to change societies, or oppose my government's position.

OK, I didn't mean to blather on so much, but it's an interesting topic, and apologies to Charles, but really who gives a *&^% about Andy Scott's glasses??

# posted by Anonymous : 11:18 AM

Yeah J, you have some pretty good examples. Same-sex marriage would be one. It's a social experiment with no one knowing the outcome because despite the argument that it's a basic human right, only 4 or 5 countries have it so there's obviously great disagreement. Many homosexuals didn't even want it because they like being recognized as different. Let's be honest, if the homosexual community really wanted to be viewed the same, gay men would march in gay pride parades in business suits not g-strings. The social experiment the Liberals and activist judges appointed by the Liberals have sent us on smacks of arrogance and flies in the face of 1000's of years of history. The pros and cons can probable be argued until the end of time but the mad dash by the Liberals to embrace this and essentiallly blow off any opposition as intolerant or stupid was arrogant.

Decriminalization of marijuane is another. The marijuana issue is huge and arguably out of control so what does the government do? Attempt to normalize it. Decriminalization I'm sure is just the first step towards legalization. Great message for the kids when Chretin quipped that he would try it. Nice role model.

The abortion issue in NB is another one. NB refuses to pay for the dismembering of babies in the womb at the Morgentaler Clinic. The feds want the province to pay for it. Why don't the feds make the provinces pay for cancer treatments at private clinics too? Same thing in my view and a great example of two-tier health care by the Liberals. The same thing ironically that they accuse the Conservatives of. When did killing babies become acceptable to us as society. Someone here said one time that one person's rights end when another's begins. What about a baby's right to life?

Gomery inquiry is another example but I think everyone is pretty much in agreement that the Liberals were bad on that (how they still lead in support baffles me but the voters are always right.) The line between right and wrong continues to blur in favour of people's desire to do whatever they want. The Liberals certainly haven't done all of this on their own but they're leading the charge.

# posted by Spinks : 1:48 PM

Thanks for clarifying - that's what I thought was being talked about when Mr Mckay mentioned morals and traditional family values. I wanted to get clarification on that.

For the record, with the exception of Gomery, we diasgree fundamentally on each and every point you brought forward. :) But at least we're clear on what's being discussed.

I applaud and respect the fight that people put into what they believe is right and just. We're just on different sides of that fight.

Also thanks to 11:18 for their commentary on Family Values and such. Again, I think we disagree on the outcomes but can agree on the sources.

Tomorrow being Remembrance Day, it seems only fitting that we be able to debate and disagree publicly and be allowed to do so.


# posted by Anonymous : 2:02 PM

As you can see, traditional family values simply depends on who you talk to. Marijuana is a 'value' to the above person, although it is a natural plant that God created, while most medicines are man made and prescribed under spurious circumstances (as the ritalin threads show).

So keep in mind that the above is simply one guys opinion and has NOTHING to do with 'traditional family values', as marijuana use has no real relevance on the 'family'. Kids take far more ecstacy than marijuana and of course sick patients benefit from it more than anybody else.

The homosexual argument about business suits is so crazy it doesn't even deserve to be argued about, however, gay marriage is the recent cornerstone of TFV, as it completely alters what is thought of as a 'traditional family'. Personally, I'm surprised these people were nowhere to be seen when economic legislation is being argued as it has FAR more impact on the traditional family than these social plans.

Many religious groups such as mennonites simply ignore legislation as they have their own communal norms. And many of those who are secular are also of the opinion that if you aren't gay, then it's not an issue to be interested in. However, I would have thought that economics would bring TFV people out of the woodwork. For example a higher minimum wage, more worker security, and higher wages can go a long way toward keeping your family 'traditional'. My parents were quite traditional but with five kids and a father working in the forestry industry, with its regular layoffs, we simply couldn't HAVE a mother who sat at home with the kids.

However, take a look at southern ontario where all automotive jobs were protected by government and provided incomes usually about double what it is in NB. In effect, federal policy meant that you at least had the OPTION of having a traditional family in Ontario, but it was exceedingly more difficult in the maritimes.

Gay marriage, of course, doesn't affect MY traditional marriage, to me it has nothing to do with it, however, that economic policy has EVERYTHING to do with it. If it's an economic struggle to maintain my religious beliefs then that has a very real bearing on my traditional family values. Oddly enough, poverty and economic issues are almost never even mentioned by those claiming to be adherents to traditional family values, while their numbers are constantly falling due to economics, they cling to lecturing other people on how they should live their lives. In other words, it's ok to be poor, just not do drugs, have sex outside marriage, be gay -or at least gay married, or have abortions.

Ironically, for CHRISTIAN holders of 'traditional family values', it is extremely interesting that Jesus never said ANYTHING about pot, booze, gays, or abortions (except to obey the commandments). However, he had lots to say about how to treat the poor. It's almost like christians have simply begun ignoring christ and only listen to the pope-even if they aren't catholic.

# posted by Anonymous : 2:14 PM

Hear hear J. Well said and really that was my point about the Feds. The same-sex marriage issue was but one example. You don't say on one hand that you're listening to people and then blow them off in the next breath when the cameras are rolling. In fairness, the media by and large acted the same way. CBC would have debates between both sides and the side for same-sex marriage would be a professor who won eight Nobel prizes while the person from the side against would be the Rev. Homer Phobia from Hicksville, Sask. Yeah I'm exaggerating slightly but not by much. There were good arguments on both sides but usually we only heard one side with any credibility.

Anyway, once again I digress. Yes J, everyone who can should get down to a local Cenotaph tomorrow. It's because of these men and women that we're even allowed to have our own opinions. Tell them thanks. I know I will.

# posted by Spinks : 2:18 PM

Did you get to ask her any questions???

# posted by Anonymous : 3:10 PM

Nice hat!!!

# posted by Anonymous : 3:12 PM

Why would anybody think she's good looking?

# posted by Anonymous : 3:18 PM

I had a good chat about Ritalin....will blog next week!!!!

# posted by Charles LeBlanc : 3:20 PM

Attn: 2:14 -
I enjoyed reading your comments alot. Have a look at the book : "What's the Matter with Kansas?: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America" by Thomas Frank. Good overview (from a US standpoint) of how the Republicans used family values to cinch up states that traditionally are devastated by the Republican fiscal policy. Interesting read. The basic premise is that "we won't subsidize farms or foster an economy to allow you a fighting shot, but we're pro-war, pro-church and we also hate gays. God is with us." And that seems to cinch it up in states the likes of Kansas and whatnot. Anyway, grab a read if you get the chance.

Spinks- thanks much for your examples and clarifications. I appreciate you taking the time to do it, regardless of whether or not we agree on all of the points....or any of them! :)

Have a good long weekend.

# posted by Anonymous : 3:26 PM

I want to pick that book up too. If you're into a new perspective, J try reading The Death of Right and Wrong by Tammy Bruce which I've talked about before. Bruce used to be the leader of the National Organization of Women in LA and she's a pro-choice lesbian. That's right, Spinks is recommending a book by a pro-choice feminist lesbian. She brings an interesting perspective to some of the points we've been discussing.

# posted by Spinks : 4:30 PM

Thanks Spinks - will give it a try. Do you know if it's in the NB Public Library system or is this a visit to amazon.ca? As if I need more books! lol


# posted by Anonymous : 4:59 PM

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

# posted by Spinks : 5:28 PM

Hmmm. It might be a trip to Amazon or Ebay. I went looking for it a year ago at the Library and they didn't have it at the time. Maybe the do by now. I find her take on things interesting because she's from the Left and still considers herself a Liberal. I obviously don't agree with her on everything but her common sense approach to issues is refreshing. If I see it show up at the library I'll let you know.

I see Thomas Frank's book isn't at the Public Library either. Guess they don't like philosophically different books. LOL. I'll try Amazon too.

# posted by Spinks : 5:31 PM

Yeah, who needs MORE books! I tend to be a little distrustful of books that try to sum up politics in 300 pages though. That's a huge issue in the states, however, you have to keep in mind that like Canada, just over half of people even bother voting. Which means half of the popular knows its just a farce. Of the other half many people still vote out of 'duty' or boredom, or because a buddy is on the committee or something. That leaves a very small representation of the population that is actually into these issues.

Of that minority you have a certain percentage who simply want to 'get the bum out of office', or are democrat cuz their dad was or things like that. Take the last election down there, like Canada's it was the lowest turnout ever, however, at least Canada has a third party viable candidate who is at least on the map (NDP). However, people aren't stupid and know the NDP don't have a chance so don't bother. South of the border the turnout was 60% and the ballot counting is like something out of the old west. Greg Palast has a good documentary out on BBC that is pretty solid evidence that Bush illegally won the first term.

At the federal level both parties are almost identical. Kerry voted for the war and to continue the war, just wanted to be nicer to their allies, so anti war americans simply had no voice. The only place it was different was the social policy, and if you actually look at how the republican party handled the run up to the election you can understand how many people are saying that the US is in another civil war.

At the state level though its quite different. For example Nebraska, like half of the US states has citizens initiatives, which lets voters directly vote on legislation. If you look at it, the last vote they had was to ban gay marriage, hardly surprising since their demographic is more 'white' than even New Brunswick's. But another key initiative was to vote on a bill which maintains that a corporation cannot 'own' a family farm'. So a family farm must be owned by its resident owner.

Of course initiatives depend on the circumstances, so states have different votes. NAFTA was a trading agreement between countries, but it was also a way to nationalize economies, so now if a state tries to have a referendum, it can't break NAFTA regulations.

So in politics things aren't as clear cut as they seem. Most american commentators restrict what they talk about for export, since the US barely tolerates democracy at home, they certainly don't want to advertise their forms to other countries. So commmentators tend to 'dumb down' extremely complicated issues. The same is true in Canada.

If you want to check out state and local Citizens Initiatives check out this website:http://www.iandrinstitute.org

Switzerland has even more, but not many are in english. Since people are throwing out books I'd be interested to know if any of Patrick Boyer's books are at any library in the province other than the university one (if there). Patrick BOyer was a conservative MP from BC who now lives in Ontario and is generally credited with convincing Mulroney to hold the 1992 referendum.

One final point is an article that I read about american religious groups who were heavily active during Canada's run up to the same sex marriage legislation. THey sent up protestors, paid for materials and delivery, etc. There also have been a number of affiliated christian groups who have run candidates out west and Nova Scotia. This is one of the reasons I distrust the conservative party-if it was made up of people like Patrick Boyer, I'd be campaigning and probably running, but a small minority of conservative christians hold incredible power in the conservative party.

# posted by Anonymous : 6:46 PM

I have to ask anonymous because it's becoming more prevalant. What's with the intense hatred of conservative christians? I see it in letters to the editor fairly frequently. If the things said about Christians were said about any other group, there would be riots in the streets but Christians have become fair targets. I'm just waiting for the lions to be let loose again.

# posted by Spinks : 9:38 PM

I'm not sure if I'm the anonymous, but I certainly have no intense hatred of anybody. I don't want conservative christians to be running the country, just like I don't want conservative muslims, hindus, mormons, mennonites, catholics or any other religious group. In fact, I don't want ANY small group running the country, but that can't be helped. The liberals are already strict conservatives in fiscal policy, and I disagree with that policy as well, and certainly don't want a religious organization to be making social policy-especially when we generally know what it will look like.

I don't know what letters of christian hatred is being referred to, please link or reprint them. Often people say such things to create the impression that somehow they are under attack. New Brunswick has one of the highest church attendance proportionally in Canada and New Brunswickers are almost universally christian (the religious ones I mean). In the Fredericton area alone there are well over two hundred churches.

I read the papers fairly regularly, but certainly not 'religiously' and if anything I've seen the opposite to be true. Often I'm almost embarassed at the out and out evangelizing of many of the letters.

In fact I hear FAR worse things almost constantly about every other religion. I actually enjoy when evangelicals come to my house as religion is something I'm interested in, and the lack of sensitivity to other religions is astounding. I've seen native american beliefs made fun of, derogatory remarks about muslim women, and some terrible things said about most african religious beliefs. It's unfortunate, but hardly surprising, and its easy to leave well enough alone-however it would be far different if these people were running our country.

The remarks I made above should tip you off that I don't harbour any hostility to traditional family values, in fact I wholeheartedly support them-to an extent. I'd love to see single income families where a parent can stay home with a child, where families earn enough so that they aren't working all the time, so that kids aren't being raised by the state or by video games. I think most women would CHOOSE to stay with their children and personal experience has brought that out, although I think it should be a choice.

What a lot of traditional family values people forget is just how much media has effected their perceptions of the past. People think the past was 'leave it to beaver'. In the past there were two ways to keep kids from sex-constant work and constant supervision. Yet they were smart enough to know that you can't fight biology so people were often married as young as 13, in some places 11.

So, finally, I have a problem when ANY one religion starts dictating what traditions should be followed and why. Within a community that's fine, and people of similar religious beliefs are free to do like mennonites and some pentecosts, and simply set up their own communities and deal with their problems themselves. It's quite another story when that group attempts to legislate it's beliefs and solve social problems in its own specific way without regard to the fact that most people do not share their point of view.

# posted by Anonymous : 1:08 AM

Evangelicals come to your house? Are you sure you're not thinking about the Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses? If so, neither is evangelical. I don't think I've ever had an evangelical come to my door.

# posted by Spinks : 9:01 AM

Here's a story about our Federal Givernment funding anti-Christian bigotry. Little media coverage for..well..I don't know why but have my theories...you decide why.

A Conservative MP has discovered through documents obtained under Access to Information that Status of Women Canada has been funding anti-Christian bigotry and pro-abortion activism. However, in a startling exchange of correspondence, the Minister responsible for the funding neither offered to pull the funding nor to apologize to Christian Canadians for funding groups which defame them.
Writing to Minister of Canadian Heritage and Minister responsible for Status of Women Liza Frulla last month, Conservative MP Maurice Vellacott pointed out that the documents obtained through access to information requests revealed the government granted $27,400 last year to the BC Pro-Choice Action network (pro-CAN).

In his letter to the Minister, MP Vellacott notes:

Pro-CAN spokesperson Joyce Arthur uses derogatory labels to describe individuals who are pro-life, saying their opposition to abortion, "comes primarily from religious justifications for oppressing women" and a need to "maximize (the Catholic Church's) membership levels to maintain their worldly influence and wealth." Pro-CAN accuses pro-life Christians of being "religious fanatics" who do "little or nothing for children once they are born." She says pro-life Christians are "anti-woman and anti-child," have views which are "uninformed, sexist, cruel," and lack the ability to empathize which "breeds intolerance, hate crimes, and war." Ms. Arthur says that the pro-lifer's attitude towards women is like "the slaveholder's attitude to blacks, and the Nazi's attitude to Jews."

Vellacott suggested that the Minister withdraw funding from the group and apologize to Christian Canadians for funding such bigotry. "The government should be taking no part in spreading this sort of bigotry. Please ensure that any current funding to Pro-CAN ceases immediately and that no future taxpayer money be given to this group. And please have your department issue a public apology to all Christians and pro-life Canadians because of your department's financial support of this hate mongering organization," said Vellacott.

In a curt reply dated October 18, Minister Frulla says, "I appreciate being made aware of your concerns." The Minister acknowledges that pro-CAN and the other pro-abortion activist groups mentioned in the letter by Vellacott, "did indeed receive funding under the women's Program of Status of Women Canada."

Frulla suggested she was well aware of the activities of pro-CAN, but found no objection to funding the anti-Christian group with public monies. "Each application is assessed according to a stringent set of objectives and criteria . . . Please be assured that the initiatives cited in your letter, which did indeed receive funding, met all of the above-mentioned objectives and eligibility criteria."

Frulla concluded her response, "Please accept my best wishes for the challenges ahead."

# posted by Spinks : 9:06 AM

I've talked to baptists at my door, as well as pentecosts, and yes, JW and mormons. Evangelical simply means 'spreading the gospel' which many people do. Some churches actively require it, such as JW and mormons, however, many churches are active in this way as well. Evangelical typically refers to protestants, although many catholic churches also evangelize door to door.

As for the above article, interesting as it is, my point was about MEDIA coverage in NEW BRUNSWICK. This province is a LONG way from BC with a completely different demographic and political environment. We can get into a debate about BC sometime, but that isn't the issue I was talking about. It was maintained that NB media was filled with 'anti christian sentiment', which apart from sporadic letters to the editor (very sporadic), I'm yet to see.

To not completely ignore the issue though it has to be remembered that abortion is government policy, and groups which defend government policy against people who oppose government policy are typically funded, albeit in very specific ways. So 27 grand is not a whole lot of money, and the group also sponsors outreach programs and womens shelters, which is probably what most of the money went to.

I'm not that interested in the issue but if you look at the 'pro life' groups, if they have programs which, for example, help support unwed mothers or food banks, or programs for children, they would qualify for government funding as well. Typically such groups are ONLY involved in the abortion aspect, meaning they don't get funding, and they provide the fodder for quotes such as they "aren't interested in children once they are born". Looking at the amount of children in foster care and the few religious programs designed for adoption pretty much confirms it. That isn't to paint ALL groups with such a brush, and I would welcome links to abortion active churches who are heavily into child care programs as well.

# posted by Anonymous : 12:57 PM

They're probably are some churches involved in that although I'm not aware of any at least not in NB. Some in the U.S. do it. With that being said, you're absolutely right on this point. It's great to say "don't kill your baby" but to turn around and say after the baby is born "sorry, you're on your own." isn't right. I'm in complete agreement that churches which oppose abortion and not only churches because it's not all religious, but other groups which oppose abortion should offer help for new Moms and Dads, financial, emotional, etc. Government should also make adoption a lot easier. That wouldn't hurt. With that being said, I still don't see any circumstance in which killing a bayb by dismembering it in the womb or killing it with a saline compound to essentially mummify him/her is the right thing to do. That's not a religious thing, that's a moral issue in which we don't kill people, but the Supreme Court says differently.

I'll keep an eye out on the local papers. Letters pop up usually a couple of times a month. Next time I see one, I'll hang onto it until an appropriate blog turns up.

PS : I don't know where you live but I've never had a Baptist or Catholic at my door. I'm not denying you do. I just have never witnessed or heard of it. I don't have a problem with it anyway. You have a choice, tell them politely you do not wish to talk with them or listen to them.

# posted by Spinks : 2:32 PM

It seems we aren't so different in our point of view, and I completely concur that it isn't a religious issue but a moral one as well. My remarks weren't a complaint about evangelicals, like I said, I am interested in talking about religion anytime and took it at university. One of the catholic churches in MOncton occasionally sends students out, while the First Pentecost and Oromocto baptist churches have sent representatives out in the past. They aren't heavy handed or anything, and the people who were stewards going door to door may not even have been sanctioned by the church but just doing what they thought was right. I certainly have no problem with that and invite them in for coffee, it's nice to see people who 'work' for their religion (like I said, I just don't want them running my government).

My point was also not about occasional letters to the editor, although if you can find out and out 'hatred' of christians in there I"d be interested to see it. For abortion I am in agreement that it isn't 'right', which is why I strongly favour massive sex education to ensure that it is never necessary. If it is simply made illegal then people will simply do it in unsafe conditions.

# posted by Anonymous : 5:46 PM

You're right, abortion would continue even if it is outlawed but normalizing it and making it legal to kill babies as it is now isn't the answer either. I hear what you're saying but I can't ever see the situation where babies are being killed at a private clinic is ever "necessary".

Look at the tests doctors offer parents now to see whether or not their babies have conditions such as Downs Syndrome. If the test comes back positive (and it's isn't 100% yet by the way), you can choose to have your baby aborted. Two problems with this. Problem 1 - You may end up killing a perfectly healthy baby because the test isn't 100% and problem 2 -what does that say to all of the people who have Down's syndrome, that their lives aren't worth living? Serious, serious moral issues when we as humans decide to start playing God.

As far as religious conservatives in positions of authority in political parties, why is that different from any other group of people being in positions of power whether it be Hindu, atheists, gays, etc.? Like you said you don't have anything against conservative Christians per se but everybody has some type of belief system even if it's that they believe in nothing. However, religious conservatives come under attack more than anyone else for some reason. I'm not sure why but the attacks particularly in the US and bad and even in Canada they're becoming downright nasty. The message is that "it's fine to be a religious conservative, just make sure you keep your mouth shut and make don't become involved in politics." I suspect it's that most people like doing their own thing and don't want to be told that everybody sins and some things are wrong. There are without a doubt "holier than thou" Christians but they're the exception not the rule. Most I've met are no different from anyone else although they have a sense of purpose in their lives and little fear of death. Given the increasing hostility towards them, that's probably a good thing. The Book of Revelation says they're going to need it.

How we got on abortion and such from Belinda Stronach, who knows, but the winds on the blog often blow different ways don't they?

# posted by Spinks : 7:26 PM

We still haven't found the hostility in New Brunswick, it simply doesn't exist anywhere, not on television, radio or in print. I've never even seen any blogs on it.

In the states the Federal government is essentially a christian conservative government, republicans hold all houses and judiciary. The networks certainly don't exhibit anti-christian hostility. Fox is literally an evangelical station, CBS is owned by the mormons, and most newspapers have the same owners now in Rupert Murdoch, himself a conservative christian.

So this seems to be paranoia, or as Orwell would say, doublespeak. What is really at issue, is what I said, that people object to a group having political power. 'Hatred' and 'intense hatred' is simply ludicrous to abscribe to opposing political views. There is no doubt that media, say, in Ontario may attack christian conservatives during an election-it just depends which party the media is for. As we saw with Stockwell Day, if it isn't christian conservatism, then it's citizen's initiatives and media blunders.

However, if the country were so anti conservative christian then we would have seen far more coverage of the fact that american religous groups were funding protests here, to me that is a VERY important issue. As well as the fact that many conservative nominees are out and out zealots for their faith. The reason MP's are not supposed to bring their faith in is simply because they represent ALL the people of their riding, many, if not most, who don't ascribe to their particular faith.

In fact, most of the ontario media was extremely careful during the gay marriage issue not to 'talk down' to the christian groups involved.

# posted by Anonymous : 12:07 AM

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
David Raymond Amos said...
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 13:08:58 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: Yo Depupty Dog this is too funny not to blog. Even Volkswagon has taken an interest is your lawyer Angie Baby
To: wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, scott.agnew@canadaeast.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, louiselorefice@ndp.ca, leader@greenparty.ca, defence@sen.parl.gc.ca, Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, Clabchuk@greenparty.ca, maychair@dal.ca, kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca, juan.behrend@europeangreens.org, fbinhct@leo.gov, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, milliken@petermilliken.org, ciec-ccie@parl.gc.ca, Bagnell.L@parl.gc.ca, Milliken.P@parl.gc.ca, pelosi@mail.house.gov, ajw@eastlink.ca, alex@gravel2008.us, elliott@gravel2008.us, info@gravel2008.us, checkup@cbc.ca, Dewar.P@parl.gc.ca, info@hillaryclinton.com, mail@ronpaul2008.com, rep.paul@mail.house.gov, info@johnmccain.com, Governor.Rell@ct.gov, beneva@chrisdodd.com, press@joebiden.com, pshipley@richardsonforpresident.com, info@johnedwards.com, info@dennis4president.com, kalthoff@barackobama.com, info@mittromney.com
CC: blord@mccarthy.ca, whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, bill.corby@gnb.ca, samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, alltrue@nl.rogers.com, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, forest@conservationcouncil.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Christian.Couturier@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca, marthajette@yahoo.com, debbedford@msn.com, webo@xplornet.com, perriercanadian@yahoo.com, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, info@barackobama.com, rfowlo@comcast.net

Too funny EH? I will put this one in my little blog about Chucky Leblanc and his tree cutting buddies, the Irvings. ASAP.


My old VWs are just two of the things that you Yankee bastards did not manage to steal from my Clan. However I do want everything back and your old shovelhead too. It needs ridden. It not its fault it has a chickenshit Yankee arsehole Deputy Sheriff for an owner. N'est Pas?

Read on, Yankee. Rest assured that I will look forward to you coming up to Canada to try bid on my old Harley and the Yankee police surveilance wiretap tapes within its saddlebags.

By the way who did you say had old Annie the Panny and just exactly where did Angus' Harley frame go? Better yet do you even know who the dudes, McCarthy Tétrault are? Lets just say they can eat Troccoli and all of her former Yankee law firms for dinner if they decide to act ethically in their own best interests. Rest assured that they care a lot less about you than they do about me. They worship money like all politcal lawyers/liars do. I can change their mind about ignoring me. On the otherhand you can't even begin to talk to them, Yankee. Ask Bernie Baby Lord why.


That said you or angie Baby may be able to explain me to the Yankee lawyers working for Weyerhaeuser. Tell your nonsense to the farwest Yankee tree cutters and try to explain to them why Maritimers don't like illegal softwood tariffs. Will ya?


Just Dave
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Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Hey Brucy Baby Noble I managed to speak to your lawyer buddy Ron Morris QC today and he played dumb as usual
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 12:28:36 -0400
From: "Slusarchuk, Cheryl L." CSLUSARCHUK@MCCARTHY.CA
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca

I am out of the office at a conference from September 17 - 19, inclusive. I will only be checking emails at the end of each day. If you require immediate assistance please contact Jennifer Vallee at 604 643 5883 or jvallee@mccarthy.ca.

Thank you,
Cheryl Slusarchuk
McCarthy Tétrault LLP

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www.mccarthy.ca/en/contactus .

Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Hey Brucy Baby Noble I managed to speak to your lawyer buddy Ron Morris QC today and he played dumb as usual
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 09:26:33 -0700
From: "King, Wendy" Wendy.King@weyerhaeuser.com
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
I will be out of the office until September 22nd. I will be checking e-mail periodically. If you need immediate assistance, please contact Lori Anderson at 604 661-8109.

David Raymond Amos davidramos333@yahoo.ca wrote:

Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 12:26:28 -0400 (EDT)
From: David Raymond Amos davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: Hey Brucy Baby Noble I managed to speak to your lawyer buddy Ron Morris QC today and he played dumb as usual
To: bruce.noble@fredericton.ca, bill.richards@gnb.ca,
jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, danny.copp@fredericton.ca,
lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, kathryn.gregory@gnb.ca,
macpherson.don@dailygleaner.com, paul.blackmore@gnb.ca,
oldmaison@yahoo.com, t.j.burke@gnb.ca, John.Foran@gnb.ca,
Gregory.Corbett@gnb.ca, fbinhct@leo.gov, jchretien@heenan.ca,
rheenan@heenan.ca, iwhitehall@heenan.ca, bmosher@mosherchedore.ca,
rchedore@mosherchedore.ca, martine.turcotte@bell.ca,
ghmcphail@rogers.com, akrystal@rogers.blackberry.net,
tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca,
porcupine007@gmail.com, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca,
Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca
CC: bamyot@heenan.ca, johnh@cba.org, info@cba.org, sjakab@bcsc.bc.ca,
jmoffat@talisman-energy.com, cslusarchuk@mccarthy.ca,
wendy.king@weyerhaeuser.com, g_goodwin@ducks.ca, rodea@johnson.ca,
john.hope@dal.ca, srosentz@cmhc-schl.gc.ca, bdwylynko@fedex.com,
natalie.lecavalier@le-cavalier.com, bwerry@regina.ca,
skuppek@ccca-cba.org, jgj@aikins.com, dkcarroll@chcbarristers.com,
wonchulenko@ltgg.ca, jpmaccarthy@rlr-law.com, jesse@bccla.org,
jennifer.warren@cibc.com, freethinkersclub@shaw.ca,
Kahentinetha2@yahoo.com, robb.costello@fredericton.ca,

I quite simply do not believe that his law firm partner or you or the Crown or Rashid or your many buddies within Fat Fred City Finest did not mention me and my concerns about their many wrongs to him before he began to argue the Crown byway of Bill Richards about the cops actions against the idiot, Rashid.

That said the Crown, the cops, you (as the former president of the law society) and even the little bugger Rashid byway of his buddies Chucky Leblanc and Vaughn Barnett have had hard copy of my material for three years. that fact I have proven many times. N'est Pas?The only one amongst you dudes who has the right whatsoever to try to play dumb is your buddy, Ron Morris QC. Small wonder that you and the Fat Fred City Finest would not tell me his name for the past five months or even when we last talked. Hell the CBC only mentioned his name once EH? Could it be because I called the Fat Fred City Finest as soon as I heard his name and asked how to get ahold of him? The nasty woman without a name who oftern speaks for the cops only denied everthing before she hung up. What gives with that nonsense I must ask? I got his contact info from your very own law society as soon as their office opened. It ain't illegal to get the contact info of a dude who is licenced to practice law in the province just yet is it? Ya think the cops would know what lawyer defends their action in court N'est Pas?

Byway of answering my own questions I now see no need to send you too much (if anything at all byway of the registered mail) I will send my material to Ron Morris QC whom the city has ehired to defend the cops against the Crown. He will get the proof of what you and your tow Truck buddy, Alan MacPhee amongst legions of others already know is true. Maybe he can make adeal with me and get the cops to give me back my old Harley and the yankee wiretap tapes ASAP.

Have I shamed you enough in front of your friends yet, Brucy Baby? If not the bigger question is can you expect your big talking little buddy Rashid to keep his mouth shut about my concerns as he faces prosecution in Nova Scotia?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

Just Dave
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
David Raymond Amos said...
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 01:15:03 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: What is this is your conscience about Byron Prior finally getting to you Chucky Leblanc?
To: oldmaison@yahoo.com, alltrue@nl.rogers.com, deanr0032@hotmail.com, samperrier@hotmail.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, louiselorefice@ndp.ca, leader@greenparty.ca, defence@sen.parl.gc.ca, Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, Clabchuk@greenparty.ca, maychair@dal.ca, kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca, juan.behrend@europeangreens.org, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, milliken@petermilliken.org, ciec-ccie@parl.gc.ca, Bagnell.L@parl.gc.ca, Milliken.P@parl.gc.ca, pelosi@mail.house.gov, ajw@eastlink.ca, alex@gravel2008.us, elliott@gravel2008.us, info@gravel2008.us, checkup@cbc.ca, Dewar.P@parl.gc.ca, info@hillaryclinton.com, mail@ronpaul2008.com, rep.paul@mail.house.gov, info@johnmccain.com, Governor.Rell@ct.gov, beneva@chrisdodd.com, press@joebiden.com
CC: mgeist@uottawa.ca, mail-advocacy@cc.yahoo-inc.com, ca-abuse@cc.yahoo-inc.com, abuse@yahoo.com, chobson@yahoo-inc.com, coombss@fleishman.com, finnegan@yahoo-inc.com, suneel.khanna@publishing.rogers.com, scott.agnew@canadaeast.com, blord@mccarthy.ca, whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, bill.corby@gnb.ca, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, forest@conservationcouncil.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Christian.Couturier@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca, marthajette@yahoo.com, debbedford@msn.com, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, info@barackobama.com, rfowlo@comcast.net, jcallahan@bowditch.com, ctidman@Bowditch.com, jhanrahan@Bowditch.com, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, lrikleen@Bowditch.com, pshipley@richardsonforpresident.com, info@johnedwards.com, info@dennis4president.com, kalthoff@barackobama.com, info@mittromney.com

How come the malicious criminal prosecution of the other Newfy Paul Perrier who supported Byron Prior don't count with you and your buddies in CBC?



Better yet how come you won't breathe a word about the doings between Yahoo, the RCMP, Scotty Baby, your heroes the Irvings and mean old me? That Irving bullshit should be right up your alley N'est Pas?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
A man fighting for Justice in Newfoundland!!!!

Originally uploaded by Oldmaison I wasn't sure about this one but I decided to blog it!!!!

This is the truth to Blog or use anywhere, I stand behind the truth. WE HAVE A LEGAL



Politicians names and faces change in Ottawa, Ont. and St. John's, Nl. but the Corruption continues to rule our country. I spent from April to October, 06 , 7 months, in Ottawa, on Parliament Hill, with permits, handing out 12,000 information sheets, and 7000 more in Newfoundland, about what happened to my family and still no-one has resolved this INJUSTICE. A simple DNA test would see Justice served. The system protects the Criminals and itself, not the public or victims.
thank you
Byron Prior
tele# 709 834 9822

http://maxpages.com/sexualabuse 7 pages

www.youtube.com/cdnjusticedelayed video 7 parts

# posted by Charles LeBlanc @ 10:41 PM


Its not hard to believe considering what happened at Mt Cashell and How many People were abused and look how long it took that to come into the light before anybody was even charged!

The Goverment Maffia is in control,thats why they wont tolerate any other gangs!

# posted by Anonymous : 10:42 AM

FYI the following post is amongst the first spots on the Internet that I discovered your #1 fan Dean Roger Ray after Byron Prior had labeled me as a Fed. I had been banished from that particular Right Wing blog long before you or your nasty buddy Spinks (aka Brent Taylor) even knew what a blog was in order to banish me yourselves. Ask the corrupt Yankees Howard Dean and Senator Kerry etc and their hero Georgey Boy Bush why they hate me too. Hell the left wing Yankees won't even try to pull their troops out of Iraq after they were elected to do just that. Go figure. Everybody loves War for some wicked reason that I will never understand.

A a malicious blogger you do deserve some distinction. After all you were the first of label me as a Hells Angel on the Internet or report that your buddy Danny Boy Bussieres had illegaly banished me from the Leg in 2004 or of the fact that your hero T.J. Burke had the RCMP guarding him from mean old me because of his false allegations EH?


Thursday, September 27, 2007
David Raymond Amos said...
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 19:27:49 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: RE: (KMM57605910V36371L0KM) May I suggest that all of Yahoo's (a publicly held corp) people read the text of the letter to their Yankee lawyer years ago real slow?
To: mail-advocacy@cc.yahoo-inc.com, ca-abuse@cc.yahoo-inc.com, abuse@yahoo.com, chobson@yahoo-inc.com, coombss@fleishman.com, finnegan@yahoo-inc.com, suneel.khanna@publishing.rogers.com, scott.agnew@canadaeast.com, blord@mccarthy.ca, whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, bill.corby@gnb.ca, samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, alltrue@nl.rogers.com, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, forest@conservationcouncil.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Christian.Couturier@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca, marthajette@yahoo.com, debbedford@msn.com, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, info@barackobama.com, rfowlo@comcast.net, jcallahan@bowditch.com, ctidman@Bowditch.com, jhanrahan@Bowditch.com, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, lrikleen@Bowditch.com, pshipley@richardsonforpresident.com, info@johnedwards.com, info@dennis4president.com, kalthoff@barackobama.com, info@mittromney.com
CC: oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, louiselorefice@ndp.ca, leader@greenparty.ca, defence@sen.parl.gc.ca, Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, Clabchuk@greenparty.ca, maychair@dal.ca, kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca, juan.behrend@europeangreens.org, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, milliken@petermilliken.org, ciec-ccie@parl.gc.ca, Bagnell.L@parl.gc.ca, Milliken.P@parl.gc.ca, pelosi@mail.house.gov, ajw@eastlink.ca, alex@gravel2008.us, elliott@gravel2008.us, info@gravel2008.us, checkup@cbc.ca, Dewar.P@parl.gc.ca, info@hillaryclinton.com, mail@ronpaul2008.com, rep.paul@mail.house.gov, info@johnmccain.com, Governor.Rell@ct.gov, beneva@chrisdodd.com, press@joebiden.com

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 16:02:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Heddy Eddy Baby do ya think that Labchuk Dizzy Lizzy May's cohort or their local hero, Petey Baby MacKay remember this old email? How about you?
To: egreenspan@144king.com, Hearn.L@parl.gc.ca, Doyle.N@parl.gc.ca,
Scott.A@parl.gc.ca, Thompson.G@parl.gc.ca, Zed.P@parl.gc.ca,
Byrne.G@parl.gc.ca, Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca, Russell.T@parl.gc.ca,
Simms.S@parl.gc.ca, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, MacAulay.L@parl.gc.ca,
McGuire.J@parl.gc.ca, Murphy.S@parl.gc.ca, trenhm@sen.parl.gc.ca,
losier@sen.parl.gc.ca, ringup@sen.parl.gc.ca, St-Hilaire.C@parl.gc.ca,
Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Poirier-Rivard.D@parl.gc.ca, Picard.P@parl.gc.ca,
Lavallee.C@parl.gc.ca, Guay.M@parl.gc.ca, Gagnon.C@parl.gc.ca,
Faille.M@parl.gc.ca, Deschamps.J@parl.gc.ca, Demers.N@parl.gc.ca,
Brunelle.P@parl.gc.ca, Bourgeois.D@parl.gc.ca, Bonsant.F@parl.gc.ca
CC: oldmaison@yahoo.com, news889@rogers.com, bkickham@nesecurity.com,
annapolis_valley_skeptic@valleyskeptic.com, john@johnweston.ca,
efulcrum@yahoo.com, Bagnell.L@parl.gc.ca, Bill.Bennett.MLA@leg.bc.ca,
Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca, Hubbard.C@parl.gc.ca, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca,
premier@gov.ns.ca, Regan.G@parl.gc.ca, Moore.R@parl.gc.ca,
Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca, slabchuk@isn.net, slabchuk@greenparty.ca,
fbinhct@leo.gov, jude.buckley@pol.state.ma.us, steve@djflynn.com,
ombud@globe.com, paul@djflynn.com, dan@djflynn.com, letter@globe.com,
publicrelations@cubanmission.com, rusun@un.int, france-presse@un.int,
uk@un.int, contact@germany-un.org, c103@c103.com, general.info@thomson.com

Yahoo's lawyers certainly should N'est Pas Chucky Leblanc?
Ain't it funny that one of your corrupt cop buddies wants me to run against Billy Casey? Better yet do you even know who he is Chucky?


David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 14:25:03 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: keep reading and weeping
To: slabchuk@isn.net, slabchuk@greenparty.ca

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 15:06:29 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: keep reading and weeping
To: news889@rogers.com
CC: Bradshaw.C@parl.gc.ca, brian@murphygroup.ca, Damours.J@parl.gc.ca,
Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca, Hubbard.C@parl.gc.ca, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca,
Moore.R@parl.gc.ca, Savoy.A@parl.gc.ca, Scott.A@parl.gc.ca,
Thompson.G@parl.gc.ca, Zed.P@parl.gc.ca, Byrne.G@parl.gc.ca,
Efford.J@parl.gc.ca, Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca, Russell.T@parl.gc.ca,
Simms.S@parl.gc.ca, Blondin-Andrew.E@parl.gc.ca, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca,
MacAulay.L@parl.gc.ca, McGuire.J@parl.gc.ca, Murphy.S@parl.gc.ca

Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 10:47:36 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: keep reading and weeping
To: egreenspan@144king.com, mhenein@henein.com, jgroia@groiaco.com,
michaelcode@sgmlaw.com, clax@counsel-toronto.com, inquiries@osc.gov.on.ca

Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 18:18:33 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: keep reading and weeping
To: programs@coopradio.org, law@portal.ca, MMandel@osgoode.yorku.ca

Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 11:19:44 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: keep reading and weeping
To: mjamison@missoulian.com, Bill.Bennett.MLA@leg.bc.ca

Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 10:53:42 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: keep reading and weeping
To: Hearn.L@parl.gc.ca, Doyle.N@parl.gc.ca, chebert@thestar.ca, info@cbsr.ca,
andrewmason@sasktel.net, Goodale.R@parl.gc.ca, Batters.D@parl.gc.ca,
Anderson.Da@parl.gc.ca, Breitkreuz.G@parl.gc.ca,
Fitzpatrick.B@parl.gc.ca, Harrison.J@parl.gc.ca, Komarnicki.E@parl.gc.ca,
Lukiwski.T@parl.gc.ca, Yelich.L@parl.gc.ca, Bagnell.L@parl.gc.ca
CC: ghormiston@sasktel.net, doris@sasktel.net, ldeters@sasktel.net,
m.kovatch@sasktel.net, bobbe.mac@sasktel.net, dusel@sasktel.net,
bterfloth@sasktel.net, staceydyckjiricka@sasktel.net, Ritz.G@parl.gc.ca,
Scheer.A@parl.gc.ca, Skelton.C@parl.gc.ca, Trost.B@parl.gc.ca,
Vellacott.M@parl.gc.ca, nystrom@a1soybean.com,
corporate.relations@potashcorp.com, peter-d.clarke@ubs.com

Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2005 22:08:14 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: keep reading and weeping
To: bill@billblack.ca, ahouse@apmlawyers.com, rakeshkhosla16@hotmail.com,
info@bobmullan.com, how@ns.sympatico.ca, sydney.victoria@ns.sympatico.ca,
cbcanso@seaside.ns.ca, annapolis_valley_skeptic@valleyskeptic.com,
john@johnweston.ca, efulcrum@yahoo.com

Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 20:35:16 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: keep reading and weeping
To: bkickham@nesecurity.com, jhennessey@nesecurity.com,
buckley@pol.state.ma.us, steve@djflynn.com, ombud@globe.com,
paul@djflynn.com, dan@djflynn.com, letter@globe.com,
publicrelations@cubanmission.com, bbixby@burnslev.com, rusun@un.int,
france-presse@un.int, uk@un.int, contact@germany-un.org,
general.info@thomson.com, email@lclma.org
CC: premier@gov.ns.ca, jdewolfe@ns.sympatico.ca,
michael.baker@ns.sympatico.ca, morse.mla@ns.sympatico.ca,
parentma@gov.ns.ca, rodneym@ns.sympatico.ca, rrussellmla@ns.sympatico.ca,
barnetbe@gov.ns.ca, ronchisholmmla@auracom.com,
bill.dooks@ns.sympatico.ca, elf@ns.sympatico.ca,
bill.langille@ns.sympatico.ca, btaylormla@rushcomm.ca,
chatawaymla@hfxeastlink.ca, mlaclarke@ns.sympatico.ca,
Peter.Christie@ns.sympatico.ca, dentreca@gov.ns.ca,
a.macisaac@ns.sympatico.ca, rhurlburt@auracom.com, hinesgb@gov.ns.ca,
educmin@gov.ns.ca, codonnellmla@ns.sympatico.ca,
kgmorashmla@ns.aliantzinc.ca, Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca,
john.macdonell@ns.sympatico.ca, mmacdonald@navnet.net,
mhraymondmla@eastlink.ca, wilsond@gov.ns.ca,
marilynmoremla@ns.aliantzinc.ca, jpye@ns.sympatico.ca,
joanmasseymla@ns.aliantzinc.ca, gaudetw@gov.ns.ca, mackinrv@gov.ns.ca,
macdonman@gov.ns.ca, gordiegosse@ns.aliantzinc.ca,
corbettmlacentre@ns.sympatico.ca, stephenmcneil@ns.aliantzinc.ca,
boudrebv@gov.ns.ca, billestabrooks@navnet.net,
davidawilsonmla@eastlink.ca, samsonmp@gov.ns.ca,
charlieparkermla@ns.aliantzinc.ca, Regan.G@parl.gc.ca

Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 11:45:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: I know what the delay in Florida is
To: fbinhct@leo.gov, jude.buckley@pol.state.ma.us, steve@djflynn.com,
ombud@globe.com, paul@djflynn.com, dan@djflynn.com, letter@globe.com,
publicrelations@cubanmission.com, rusun@un.int, france-presse@un.int,
uk@un.int, contact@germany-un.org, c103@c103.com, general.info@thomson.com
CC: Sgro.J@parl.gc.ca, legerv@sen.parl.gc.ca, trenhm@sen.parl.gc.ca,
losier@sen.parl.gc.ca, ringup@sen.parl.gc.ca, St-Hilaire.C@parl.gc.ca,
Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca, Poirier-Rivard.D@parl.gc.ca, Picard.P@parl.gc.ca,
Lavallee.C@parl.gc.ca, Guay.M@parl.gc.ca, Gagnon.C@parl.gc.ca,
Faille.M@parl.gc.ca, Deschamps.J@parl.gc.ca, Demers.N@parl.gc.ca,
Brunelle.P@parl.gc.ca, Bourgeois.D@parl.gc.ca, Bonsant.F@parl.gc.ca

The Feds have to get rid of me first. Ihe documents they are reading are mine.

Call me a liar. I double dog dare ya
August 14th, 2005

William P. Barr, General Counsel
Verizon Communications Inc.
1095 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036

John Bishar Jr General Counsel
KeySpan Corp
One MetroTech Center
Brooklyn, NY, 11201

Michael Callahan, General Counsel
Yahoo! Inc.
701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, California 94089
Lucian E. Seagraves General Counsel
EarthLink Inc.
1375 Peachtree St.
Atlanta, GA 30309

Peter Hugh Collins
Law Office Of Collins & Collins
1266 Furnace Brook Parkway
Quincy MA 02169

Manuel L Casabielle
2420 Coral Way
Coral Gables, FL 33145

Re: Public Corruption, Constable Michael C. Moore and Triple M. Movers


Recently my phone line in Milton was cut off again just before I was ordered to appear in Dorchester District Court for no discernable or ethical reason other than to allow the court to have an opportunity to me put back in jail without a trial once more. The interruption of my phone service happened once before just as I was emailing my attorney Barry Bachrach and he had just warned that the FBI were behaving very poorly to some of his other friends at the same time. This occurred immediately before I was falsely imprisoned on October 1st of last year and my wife couldn’t call anyone for assistance for several days. Recently not very long after I talked to Peter Collins in his capacity as Norfolk County Commissioner and Manuel Casabielle as the latest lawyer for Whitey Bulger’s buddy the retired FBI agent John J. Connolly Jr. my phone was cut off again. All my alarms and bells and whistles went off. I had accurately predicted the demise of H. Paul Rico in the very same Miami Jail to Michael Von Zamft the very same Miami-Dade Assistant State Attorney in November of 2003. This FBI agent is charged with leaking confidential information that prompted the gangsters to kill John B. Callahan a Winchester financier and onetime financial adviser to Bulger's gang. I have made certain that everybody knows that I am bounty hunting Whitey Bulger and I have no doubt the FBI is protecting him from me. The other Callahan I sent this letter to should find at least that to be interesting since he found nothing else I sent him warranted a response a long time ago. Now he and Mr. Seagraves have hard copy of exactly the same material I sent the FBI on May 12th 2005. After they read the letter I just sent to Chief Justice Connolly, they can ask their buddies in the White House what the hell has happened that has me so pissed off right now.

However I will tell all of you that my phone was quickly put back in service as soon as I promised to send William P. Barr hard copy of this material. After all he the former Attorney General under President Bush’s daddy who now works for a phone company. If anyone could understand the ramifications of a layman from Canada possessing police wiretap tapes it should be Mr. Barr. I have no doubt whatsoever his phone company has been assisting the Feds in tapping my own phone lines. When the spooks get spooked they cut it. It is just that simple. Feel free to call me a liar. Why not hire the former Attorney General Ashcroft, the former DHS Inspector General named after Superman or his boss Tom Ridge to sue me. They are all loyal republican government lawyers who are now out of a job and looking for work. Lawyers make me sick every time they make use of the word integrity. I want to argue some of the bastards in court very soon. Last Friday when my wife watched the KeySpan truck pull up in front of our home and then go talk to the crooked constable Michael C. Moore I figured that our utility company was in bed with the crooks as well. Why else would they go talk to the constable and not my wife who pays their bills? Therefore I have sent both companies that we pay our after tax dollars to for their services exactly the same material that Constable Moore was served on Friday August 12th plus a copy of my letter that I just faxed to the Chief Justice of the District Court who sent the bad acting Yankee bastards to our home.

I have sent my wife to deliver in had to the lawyer who practices law not to far from our home. Peter H. Collins was also elected to make certain that things run smoothl;y and ethically within our county. I know what I said to him and faxed to him too long ago for him to pretend to me that he is an honest man now. However methinks he had better get on his phone if his line has not been cut and call all the crooked lawyers in Norfolk county right now and figure out how to smooth things over ASAP. I am about to put our little town of Milton on the map. Many fancy Yankee lawyers are about to show their nasty arses all over the world. Peter Collins may find himself quite famous in short order. I sent him and Manuel Casabielle exactly the same material I sent the old bastard from Dedham. Everybody knows who he is. Hell he owns CBS.

The CD which is a copy of police surveillance tape # 139 is served upon all of you in confidence as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated. Should someone call the FBI ASAP to ask what the hell is going on in law enforcement? If all else fails and the Feds will not fill you dudes in, the lawyers for the internet companies can review some of my private emails that their companies blocked just before the federal election last year. Those emails should have caused them to act ethically a long time ago rather than blocking my correspondence to other lawyers or politicians who had claimed to have an interest in my concerns and allegations as they sought to be elected. Maybe after receiving hard copy of some of the documents that they can find within my emails the light will dawn on Marblehead and integrity will have a far more important meaning to lawyers after this. With luck it may become more than just another word.

In closing I must repeat it and spell it in capital letters for you INTEGRITY is very important for lawyers, politicians, bankers and priests to understand the meaning of. Without it there is no public trust of their chosen professions. That is why many jokes such as politicians are just lawyers who have gone really bad ring oh so true. Get it?

If I were you Mr. Peter H. Collins I would get on the phone right now to your very corrupt Yankee friends such as Chief Mearn of the Milton Police, the District Attorney Keating and the Register of Deeds little Willy O’Donnell. You should all make certain that the crooked little Constables with the big guns under Constable Michael C. Moore and their many friends from Triple M. movers in Brockton do not make a move against me today or ever for that matter. Here is their numbers just in case you want to calll themFrom this point on things are only going to get worse for you damned Yankees. I am emailing this letter and blogging it around the world. I will lay odds lawyers and cops hate being made famous in such a fashion. If you don’t like it, sue me. I double dog dare ya too. You damned Yankees are gonna get famous anyway as soon as the ex FBI agent John J. Connolly Jr. starts spilling the Beans about Beantown way down in Dixieland. If the Feds put an end to him in the Miami lock up and he joins H. Paul Rico in Hell too soon for the FBI’s benefit, I will make certain that everybody knows that you knew my of my concerns about his well being first and had a copy of police wiretap tape to prove to you all that I am no liar. Triple M. Movers may have many more in storage as early as today.

There is a very good reason that the Assistant District Attorney Alicia McDonnell and Judge Hanlon caused the many original wiretap tapes that I gave them to disappear. Perhaps you should call Beth D. McLaughlin of the Dept of Public Safety and make certain the wiretap tapes in my home are kept very securely if Triple M movers storm into my home and remove them. It would be for the benefit John J. Connolly Jr. and your own selves as well. I truly think he is the sneaky bastard that threw them in the dumpster in Beantown years ago. Instead of the Feds keeping the tapes in confidence or using them as evidence they try to be rid of them in such an off handed way? They must be valuable evidence if only to the people recorded upon them in order to seek releif from the wanton invasion of their privacy. Imagine if I were to send such a tape of your family to someone else? At least I am ethical enough only to send just one tape to cops or officers of the court in a sincere effort to see that it is properly investigated.

The Ex FBI dude’s lawyer Manuel Casabielle should ask him to listen to the CD real closely, just in case he recognizes anyone. Even if he does not it is still very powerful evidence against the Feds. If my suspicions are true the shit will hit the fan in Beantown very soon or both John J. Connolly Jr. and I will be dead. Do you fancy Yankee dudes want our blood to be found on your hands?
Veritas Vincit
David R. Amos
PO Box 73
Acworth, NH 03601

Delay Likely In Ex-FBI Agent's Murder Trial
Lawyers Say They Need Time To Comb Documents

POSTED: 7:46 am EDT September 23, 2005
UPDATED: 7:56 am EDT September 23, 2005

MIAMI -- The trial of a former FBI agent accused with alleged Boston mobsters in the 1982 murder of a Miami gambling executive will likely be delayed until next year because defense lawyers need time to comb through thousands of pages of documents.

"This is a huge case, and we need the time to do it right," said Manuel Casabielle, attorney for ex-FBI agent John J. Connolly Jr.
Connolly had been scheduled to go on trial Oct. 31 on murder and conspiracy charges in the killing of former World Jai Alai president John Callahan, whose body was found in the trunk of his Cadillac at Miami International Airport in August 1982.

Casabielle said at a Thursday court hearing he has just begun cataloging hundreds of pages of documents related to the case. Michael Von Zamft, the lead state prosecutor, said he has an estimated 100,000 additional pages of evidence to turn over to the defense.

"We're certainly in agreement" that the trial should be postponed, Von Zamft said.
Miami-Dade County Circuit Judge Barbara Areces indicated she would approve a delay but decided to wait until the request was presented in writing. The trial date is likely to slip until at least late spring or summer 2006.
Connolly, 65, is already serving a 10-year sentence for racketeering, obstruction of justice and other charges stemming from his role in protecting members of Boston's Winter Hill Gang - including fugitive mob leader James "Whitey" Bulger - from prosecution while also using them as FBI informants.
Connolly, dressed in a red jail jumpsuit, stood quietly throughout Thursday's hearing with his handcuffed hands clasped before him.

Many of the documents in the Florida murder case come from the federal investigation and trial, including some sensitive evidence that is being kept secret under a protective order approved by Areces.

Casabielle, however, said that based on what he has seen so far, prosecutors are going to rely on witnesses that have "admitted to 40 murders between them" in order to convict Connolly in the Callahan case.

"When he has his day in court, the truth will come out," Casabielle said.

Von Zamft said that many of the same witnesses testified against Connolly in the racketeering case, which resulted in a conviction.
Another member of Bulger's gang, Stephen "the Rifleman" Flemmi, is serving a life sentence after pleading guilty in February 2004 for his role in Callahan's slaying. Flemmi, who is cooperating with prosecutors against Connolly, has admitted taking part in 10 other killings.
Bulger, who is on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list of fugitives, and alleged triggerman John V. Martorano are also charged with Connolly in the Callahan

Thursday, September 27, 2007
David Raymond Amos said...
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 18:35:11 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: Jimmy Prentice Re: Your deliberate ignorance and and malice towards me Yahoo Dot CA's obvious support you and your bosses (KMM57878660V81052L0KM)
To: Minister.Industry@ic.gc.ca, Prentice.J@parl.gc.ca, info@ic.gc.ca, david.hicks@cira.ca, ca-abuse@cc.yahoo-inc.com, abuse@yahoo.com, chobson@yahoo-inc.com, registrar@resolutioncanada.ca, suneel.khanna@publishing.rogers.com, scott.agnew@canadaeast.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, rfowlo@comcast.net, amerrino@gmail.com, Scott.A@parl.gc.ca, grahamdefense@hotmail.com, ottawa@chuckstrahl.com, susan.harris@emera.com, alltrue@nl.rogers.com
CC: Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, milliken@petermilliken.org, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, bill.corby@gnb.ca, stuartk@barrettcorp.com, johnm@barrettxplore.com, haroldr@barrettcorp.com, edb@barrettcorp.com, billb@barrettcorp.com, macb@barrettcorp.com, sharons@barrettcorp.com, pporteous@freeplayenergy.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, leader@greenparty.ca, alex@gravel2008.us, elliott@gravel2008.us

For the record Jimmy Boy, the lawyer in you should recall that it was three years ago today that I was falsely imprisoned without being arrested in the USA. Did you not think that I would mark the day that I was held under the charges of "other" and held without bail in solitary confinement in one of Depupty Dog's pal's jails in Beantown until the Dept of Foreign Affairs visited me? Canadian Feds served me the proof that the Yankees thought they had a strange way to prosecute me for something. Remember the emails I sent to Stevey boy Harper and the boyz when I came screaming out of that jail when your boss Stevey Boy Harper was having Humpty Dumpty alter the Speech From The Throne in order you dudes to support his mandate and help Yankees with their missile defence plans? That will teach you dudes to trust the word of a liberal lawyer even when he has the Governor General say them for him. Didn't that just piss off Connie Rice and the Boyz south of the 49th when Humpty Dumpty went back on his word EH? Kinda like what happened the year before to the born again liberal Davey Baby Orchard the year before by your lawyer buddy, Petey Baby MacKay EH? I just wonder why every body seems so surprised lawyers, cops, and politicians are professional liars. Common folk know it. That is why nobody trusts them. N'est Pas? I ain't a cop, or lawyer but a rather unusual politician to say the least. Call me a liar and put it in writing I Double Dog Dare Ya To. I won't hold my breath waiting for a response as you try hard to play dumb in order to play the hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil game you know so well. Amongst the Conservative crowd on the hill, today you are my pick of the litter of clever lawyers. Thus I suspect you will remain true to course set out for you by Brian Mulroney and Derek Burney and just continue to ignore me. EH? The problem you have is can you truly expect everyone to? Sooner or later I am gonna press the right button and some greedy cop, or bureaucreat or lawyer will take my bait and go for the gold that I offered within my letter to Pierre Martel. There is no honour amongst theives. Correct?

Do any of you recall that after I got out of jail and asked a few questions, the Yankees changed their mind about my threatening a judge or thoughts of being crazy to run for an Seat in Canada's Parliament with a blackwatch kilt on. did anyone notice just how fast that malicious Yankee nonsense dissappeared? (I save my copies though)Then when the Yankee's tried to prosecute me with emails that I had sent through Yahoo and other accounts to the Minister of Justice of Canada and many others as well things went from bad to worse for them just as Big Bad Billy Matthews hired Johnny"Never Been Good" Crosbie's law firm to sue Byron Prior. Remeber it was about the same the Yankees were covertly trying to sell our home and finally in open view that the fact that my wife's uncle, Franky had been dead for quite sometime and the trust funds should have been disperses a long time before that.

What none of you may know is that Depupty Dog had altered the evidence within my emails that the Yankees were attempting to me with in the wrong court. His own dumb lawyer and the even dumber Yankee prosecuters had tried to use Depupty Dog's forgery of my work against me. now that was funny. (I kinda kept that fact between the DA and I and the Yankee lawyer Barry Bachrach, I had to stress test his integrity and he failed bigtime).

For the record I had never sent Depupty Dog one email ever until I saw it in court in 2005. however i did send the true copies of the emails that they were first attempting to prosecute me with to everybody and his dog except Depupty Dog before I went to court on October 1st 2004. I did not even know his email address until it was given to me printed on his own documents (he used Wicked Wanda, his married girlfriend's ID to protect his nasty butt).The proof of that fact was served upon me in hand on January 21st, 2005 by the former (and now fired) Assistant District Attorney Alicia s. MacDonnell. the only thing the Yankees could do then with a trail pending was try make my appeal to the Supreme Court evaporate as well (However I still have my copy with the court date stamped on it) and then try to call me crazy once again? We all know what happened next. Correct?

Years ago (and today as well) I reasoned that whereas I was being maliciously prosecuted for sending emails that were forged, I should defend myself rather fiercely yet in an ethical fashion with thousands of emails. They were definitely not spam. Every one was carefully addressed with comments that my political and legal opponents understood. Everybody should know by now that I always save the proof of what I have sent in several ways particularly after my paid for ISP connection was killed and I was banished from MSN's and Earthlink's Domains just before the Yankee Presidential Election in 2004. This is a very strange new world in cyberspace. But never forget emails make great evidenc. Ask Frank quatronne or Martha Stewart of Petey boy doody chretien's lawyer about what he just filed in Federal court. I beleive the number is 348. Let us all wonder how many came from me through Yahoo's domain. (Rest assured that I already asked)

Whereas Yahoo was the biggest and best email account that I had been left to me at the time in 2004, I called their lawyer Mikey Callahan personally and backed it up with emails(which I have saved as well) I basically told him that he should pay attention to what Yahoo decides to do about me and my pursuit of justice. Yahoo left me alone until Scotty Baby, the idiot employed by the Irving Media made his false allegations to Yahoo to protect his own arse from being shitcanned. (For the record I inserted the email that got his panties in a knot at the bottom of this email just in case you dudes deleted it from your records because I doubt Scotty Baby forwarded to Yahoo so somebody should EH?)

Obviously last week I pulled out of the hat the text of the letter I sent to Callahan by certified US Mail along with a pile of ducuments and CD of wiretap tape # 139 before Depupty Dog and his lawyers had my wife and kids thrown into the streets without warrants or due process of law about unpaid rent not owed to anyone at all. My wife and kids were thrown from a home that she paid the mortage of on within an estate that has yet to be closed She paid the taxes and insurance on it and homesteaded it as well. the wrongs practiced against us were done not because Depupty Dog or his lawyers are powerful or well connected. It was because I am powerful merely because I have had enough evidence to warrant an investigation into the possible impeachment of Georgey Boy Bush for five god damned years. It is about money not war. The Yankee wiretap tapes saved my selfrighteous but very dumb arse when the Secret Service came to take me away. That is the simple truth and you all know it. If i had to do it all over again, I would do it the same way. I report to my children and nobody else. I do not mind being remembered by them as a loser but never as a liar. That is the way a Proud Father must be with his seed. I demand honesty from them I cannot behave differently. We all lose it all in the end anyway. We are lucky if our name is even recalled three generations down through time. Correct?

That said down to the business between Yahoo INC and I. I have had enough free email accounts (and some that were paid for when I had a home and a wife and kids to cuddle and even afterwards byway of Xplornet and my friend Werner Bock's ISP account) amongst many other things lost to me over the years. Tis high time to draw the line with a free email account that any Canadian (even a homeless dude such as myself) should be entitled to as the Yankees make big bucks off of our resources(natural and otherwise) and support the rampant public corruption that makes it so N'est Pas?

Dion and his chickenshit liberal, NDP, Bloc and Green cohorts may wish to make false allegations about me as they buckle under Stevey Boy Harper's mandate but at least his puppet master, Brian Mulroney knows for a fact that not all Maritimers are defeatists like the crooked little lawyer, Danny Boy Williams pretends not to be. Danny Boy's soul was bought and sold many years ago. I pity the poor Newfys who vote for him. If anyone recalls he sold his company to the Rogers Dudes. (Small wonder that you have trouble with the Internet EH Byron?)

It is quitting time on Monday and Yahoo will not call me back or answer an email directly. (No surprise there) While I remained silent the past few days waiting for Yahoo or somebody to call me back and say or do the right thing on their own behalf. the malice of the unnamed Canadian Fed with a Blackhole IP (Anna, Baby), the strange skinhead out west (Dean Roger Ray aka Dirty Dicky Dean) and the nasty Yankee (Depupty Dog Robert F. O'Meara) kept on rolling in with immunity. (I also noticed Byron Prior is now using the same email addresses that I source from the web but he never mentions my name of of my support of him three years ago) To keep myself ammused I have been catching up in some things talking to some desperate political dudes in the pending Ontario election and aswering a rather intersesting character other than the wacko Dirty Dicky Dean within Youtube. This dude is very clearly a well informed Fed. It is fun dicing with him. I won't be surprised when his comment evaporate into cyberspace in short order like dirty dicky dean's did this summer. so I save the webpages as I go. Scroll down to the botoom of this email to see the following link's comments.


Quite frankly I am tried of being the man with noname. so I have decided to find some joy in it. I will lay odds that you Feds will leave me alone from now on after I sue the Crown and you make thaty complaint dissappear as well. With Lady Luck on my side sooner or later somebody may do me a favour and carve it on a Rock for me when I can speak no more EH? In the "Mean" time somebody should make certain Det Louie Lafleur of Fat Fred City's Finest "a self decribed Doer of Good" does the right thing and see taht I get my old Harley back ASAP. How else can I ride into the sunset and forget all you smiling bastards? how much longer do you want me hanging around and raising Hell?

In closing I must confess that there is a certain joy in recieving emails or reading posts from crooks who hate me. At least the email attacks on my character do me the service of proving what you all have received correct? the post at least acknowledge that I exist.

Tell me Jimmy Boy what did that long murdered old lawyer with John Lennon type glasse(another one of my murdered heroes) say long before I was born about the actions of Corrupt Governments? Methinks it went something something like this EH? First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they attack. What did he say should happen next? Anyone? Anyone??? Never mind I will blog the question. Everybody knows where to look to find this email on the web. N'est Pas?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

P.S. Jimmy Boy have you heard from Byron Prior or the falsely imprisoned Canadian Indian named John Graham or any of his lawyers lately?



Better yet how about Leonards and my ex Lawyer Barry Bachrach



PPS The answer to your question Chucky is obvious to me. You and Danny Boy are still buddies because you have a common ethical foe in me. If he or he Fat Fred Fred City Finest were to arrest you then quite likely you and your many Fake Left pals whining their way about town pals would suddenly remember my name and scream it on the Internet. Correct?


The answer the other question is he is a smart cookie and also very brave. I do not agree with his thinking in fact we are worlds apart in almost every way tow men could be. However I do respect his sincerity and nobdy should deny that he is not a man of his people who was elected to speak for them. In my humble opinion he is ten times the man in intellect and sand than Stevey Boy Harper or any of our other political dudes could ever dream of being. I would love to debate him about many thing but I refuse to judge him about anything. (Hell I ain't even a Christian it is you chucky who should follow that thinking as you call everybody nasty names. I only call a spade a spade after I have the evidence to prove it.)
I see that your buddies the Irvings searched my blog and found you and everything else between Scotty Baby and I. Too funny EH Chucky Leblanc? Clearly I saved this malicious nonsense practiced by Yahoo six ways to Sunday already N'est Pas? Ask you Ironhorse of a lawyer or your old pal the wannabe lawyer Vaughn Barnett why. Maybe the light is dawning on their Marblehead's now.

Just Dave
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The Level 3 dudes know where to look too.

Just Dave
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Monday, October 01, 2007
David Raymond Amos said...
zabitken (6 days ago)

Hmmm, you look like Jesus Christ ! :P Nah but why don't you give up everything and enjoy life...I doubt you will ever win, besides in today's modern world, no one will take you seriously with your beard !

Cheers Dave
DavidRaymondAmos (6 days ago)

Grow up kid and call your heros in the RCMP Remember the emails that you requested long ago? Why do you make fun of me now? Did you not think the portion of the Yankee police surveilance wiretap tape was for real? What gives with your fixation my beard? Are you jealous that you can't grow one?

teslacoils2001 (4 days ago)

So you plan on joining the KKK = RCMP and eating doughnuts at tIm Hortons a well known freemason business. When you join freemasonry which is connected to Hells Angels and freemasonry is the only way you move up in the ranks of RCMP. Hope you like Amos he is your boss and many more like him!

DavidRaymondAmos (3 days ago)

I don't think you are old enough to drink yet are ya kid? Should I ask your mama?

CliffordRavine (5 days ago)

Methinks ya may have heard mr. billy boy casey speaking on the yo-yo andrew crystal's radio show today. everyone knows aboot the time, no doubt, when casey was in parliament voting against the budget. that said, a election could be in the making and for the record, billy boy as a INDEPENDENT will be on the ballet. methinks another INDEPENDENT like davey baby amos being 18, a proud Canadian, and not in jail should come screaming out of woods with a 1000 dollars start to give-r again.

good day

DavidRaymondAmos (5 days ago)

My my what makes you politcally inclined for a corrupt cop Hate Independent's EH? Methinks that I should give all the pissed off liberals somebody to vote for as I take on the crooked lawyers Petey Baby MacKay and Dizzy Lizzy May. Tell me honestly if you can find in your miserable soul to do so when do you think you corrupt buddies in Fat Fred City will give me my old Harley and the Yankee police surveilence wiretap tapes in its saddlebags back?

CliffordRavine (4 days ago)

why in a heartbeat you jump to the conclusion that everyone here is a cop cohort or works for TJ Burke.whats wrong with a person who hasn't voted a day in their life like me commenting on your video. unlike you, i could give a good god damn about the feds & what they do. that said, your asking the wrong person the wrong questions... but for the record, if you were to run again i would accommodate you in a heartbeat & vote for ya aslong as you promised to call the feds names forever and a day.

DavidRaymondAmos (4 days ago)

It is really simple to try prove me wrong email me with your real name and adress and I will come see you sometime. Got any balls cop?

teslacoils2001 (3 days ago)

Amos threaten him again and you will see who owns you....boy

DavidRaymondAmos (3 days ago)

Hey Dirty Dicky Dean if you are such an honest Christian Skinhead where to all your other videos and comments go from this summer before you changed your ID and attacked other decent folks again?

teslacoils2001 (1 day ago)

Someone with powerful connections destroyed my other I.D.

teslacoils2001 (4 days ago)

this guy talks like you Amos do you use sock puppets like they use in alt.freemasonry

CliffordRavine (4 days ago)

haha, i wish. nope, i'm just get a kick out of these videos, mr dean roger schnoebelen.

DavidRaymondAmos (4 days ago)

I only met one cop who could speak as smart as you and you ain't Warren MacBeath because he ain't as dumb as you. The light is dawning on my old Marblehead as to whom you may be. Your ID is the clue as to who you are. Cliff or Ravine N'est Pas? I will ask my baby girl to be sure. If my gut feeling proves true rest assured I will want to meet you am your mom. It has to do with respect correct?

teslacoils2001 (3 days ago)

FBI must not have good intel on Canadian citizens Amos. Sounds like your trying to figure out whos who.

DavidRaymondAmos (3 days ago)

Naw I am just far more diligent than you could ever dream of being. The first thing you must do is learn how to read as you cut and paste other peoples words and then pretentend to be them EH? Plus the local boy Cliffy Baby made it personal between he and I just like you did last Xmass remember Dirty Dicky Dean?

teslacoils2001 (4 days ago)

Amos I could grow a beard if I wanted to hide my face. Someone should phone the federicton parliament and see if you are still BANNED!!

DavidRaymondAmos (4 days ago)

Your beard would not hide yourr skinhead point of view or the cockeyed look coming from your eyes with no soul. In fact your eyes Dirty dicky dean look exactly like one of my brother in laws. Depupty Dog Robert F. O'Mear's big brother Brian to be exact. Ask him if I am a liar. you and that nasty Yankee are buddies correct?

teslacoils2001 (3 days ago)

Can not relate Amos your narcassisstic view of thing just kills your communication integrity. When you attempt lies so far out what effect would it have on me?

DavidRaymondAmos (3 days ago)

You malicious jabs beg the obvious question, Dirty Dicky Dean If you are such an ethical Christian skinhead then why to you go to great lengths to pretend to be me as you threaten people in my name? Tis you who is the crook who supports public corruption not I. Your own mindless videos speak volumes about you lunacy. N'est Pas?

DavidRaymondAmos (4 days ago)

Yes of course I am still banished from the Leg by the crooks. Didn't your blogging French hero Chucky Leblanc and his buddy Danny Boy Bussieres or any of the RCMP or the Fat Fred City Finest confirm it for you? You are a Fed Spin Doctor aren't ya? I thought you dudes knew all the answers Dirty Dicky Dean. Tell me when is this round of videos of yours going to evaporate? Some pretty wickedly funny emails I sent tonight EH?

themeanestone (2 days ago)

Usally when one strokes their ego they tend to brag of accomplishments , but since you have none , you inflict your pathetic 0.4% of the vote on us true tax payers .
David do you even have a job ?
N'est Pas lol
Hey Rev Canada how does he live ?

DavidRaymondAmos (2 days ago)

Again if you are not Cpl Randy Reilly of the Fat Fred City Finest then sprout some balls and introduce yourself, cop or lawyer or whatever you are with no name. I beginning to suspect that you are not him because he was not that clever in person. In fact he seemed as dumb as a post. You stroked him in another comment but did you know he was laid off with pay one upon a time for threatening another cop?

teslacoils2001 (1 day ago)

Your video here says you must protect family. I heard your wife and kids left you?

One day your going to find hairy palms and realize your wife is not around Amos. Don't blame you for your fantasy it must be hired to even acquire a hooker. You should shave get a hair cut splash on some cologne and get out a bit. Oh thats right most bearded bikers where beards so if they are on the lamb they can change identity...

DavidRaymondAmos (7 hours ago)

Dirty dicky dean this is an odd wicked comment coming from a full grown man who has never married and still lives with his Mama and who claims to be a devout bible pounder. have you studied your hands lately? FYI if you listen to this video again make note of my little dog in the background and somebody hushing her up. Who do you think brought my little dog and my kids to Canada to see their mean ol Papa?

DavidRaymondAmos (7 hours ago)

I suspect one of my Little Darlins may pop in to defend her mean old man if your comments do not dissapear in cyberspace first.

themeanestone (1 day ago)

After checking your flawed facts it seems Mr Reilly was suspended with pay but not for a threat but for a comment .
Its a good thing you dont have a job, with the false facts and comments you make you would be unemployed all the time , but then you could spend your time watching cartoons and living the fantasy you think is life .
Have you modeled yourself after Yosemite Sam ,you have so much in common,you look alike,you act alike,and have achived as much as he .Now its time for your meds

DavidRaymondAmos (7 hours ago)

Ahh I see that you are a rather well informed Fed who likes to twist simple truths EH? Randy's comment was a threat. Why else was he suspended? That said did you notice his defence of Cpl Francis after that nasty cop pled quilty of a crime? How come that crook is a cop if you are not all as corrupt as hell? Sprout some balls and introduce yourself will ya?

themeanestone (1 hour ago)

Surley you do not refer to the late Leo "Tyler" Francis . Im sure even you would not be low enough to dis the dead , what would your dead brother think of you now Yosemite Sam .

DavidRaymondAmos (1 hour ago)

Nope Cpl Francis of Fat Fred City's Finest even got certified to run the breatlizer. The Lt Gov said ok not to long ago. Check your own records for a while I confused him with the RCMP dude just outside of Fat Fred City with the same name.

DavidRaymondAmos (1 hour ago)

Howcome you brought up my baby brother? You should know for a fact both he and my father (whom I named my son after)were very honest men. Do you really think I am differnet? In answer I would have to their ghost are getting quite a chuckle out of me poking holes in your stuffed shirts. So are you Danny Boy or Norm Plourde or somebody new?

DavidRaymondAmos (7 hours ago)

If perchance you are shy meanstone please allow me to start taking a guess or two as to whom you may be. Could you be a nasty French man such as Danny Boy Busierres the ex RCMP/GRC who is now the Sarg at Arms in Fat Fat Fred City or one of his French Fed buddies such as Norm Plourde?

teslacoils2001 (1 day ago)

I see you already ask how this guy lives and funds himself. He told me he was some kind of court weasle so I assume he recieves funds from T Alex Hickman to keep Byron Prior in the dark!

DavidRaymondAmos (7 hours ago)

That is strangely twisted even for you Dirty Dicky Dean. Byron Prior is big enough to stand on his own two feet and defend himself from your obvious nonsense. Your own words that are still posted on the internet prove that you are one very desperate nasty little skinhead. N'est Pas?

zabitken (4 days ago)

Ok, well think of this Dave, what would happened If someone were to rob ya ? or hurt ya? Who would you call ? The POLICE ! I hope next time you would think twice before calling them Fat Fred City, or whatever else you said.

And yes I love the RCMP !

DavidRaymondAmos (4 days ago)

Rest assured I would not call the cops for help. Should I call your Mama and protest your insults?

teslacoils2001 (1 day ago)

lol what was that long haired creature on adams family?

DavidRaymondAmos (8 hours ago)

That said we all know what Elmer sung about his favorite stew. Do i have the heat trurned up high enough on you yet? Say Hoka Hey to your bible pounding skinhead buddies for me will ya? You dudes don't scare me not even a little bit.

DavidRaymondAmos (8 hours ago)

Methinks the Feds doth protest too much EH Dirty Dicky Dean? You claim to have a high IQ to be so clever on the internet and yet pretend to not know what a Blackhole IP is? That statement alone proved to me that you work with Feds. the higher authority that had you delete your work this summer was whom. Your nasty Mama in the background? FYI I don't have an internet connection or a TV. I am supported by the milk of human kindness not strippers etc.

DavidRaymondAmos (8 hours ago)

I do confess that as a kid Yosemite Sam, Elmer Fudd and Yogi Bear were three of my favorite characters. Two of my favorite lines from the cartoons are. "I paid my two bits to see a high diving act and I am going to see a high diving Act so jump rabbit" Yosemite Sam and Yogi and I are smarter than the average bear you work with.

Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 07:51:35 -0700
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: RE: Oh my my Anna Baby it appears that you are just another Fed with a Blackhole IP EH? Say Hoka He (KMM57865318V63837L0KM)
From: "Yahoo! Mail" mail-advocacy@cc.yahoo-inc.com

Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Mail.

It appears you are submitting multiple emails within one report for investigation. In order to assist you most effectively, we are requesting that you send us an individual report for each instance of unsolicited email that you would like investigated.

I await your feedback so I may investigate your issue.

Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Mail.



Yahoo! Customer Care


For assistance with all Yahoo! services please visit:


Original Message Follows:

Thanxs dummy. Your pals the RCMP have been blocking me so I suckered you into spilling the beans LMAO, However howcome you left your hero Stevey Boy Harper and his cohorts out of your wicked little game? At least your buddy Dupupty Dog is just wise enough to send his malice only to me and puts his pals in in the bcc line like you strange lady friend Meisha requested long ago. N'est Pas?

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

From: "Bob O'Meara" rfowlo@comcast.net To: "David
Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca Subject: Re: Re: May I
suggest that all of Yahoo's (a publicly held corp) people read the text of the letter to their Yankee lawyer years ago real slow?
(KMM57753133V59759L0KM) Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 08:53:49 -0400
#message3269189866894512407170936067021401122033834710758 {
overflow:auto; visibility:hidden }

Now you're getting it, you moron.

----- Original Message -----
From: David Raymond Amos
To: ca-abuse@cc.yahoo-inc.com ; abuse@yahoo.com ;
chobson@yahoo-inc.com ; coombss@fleishman.com ; finnegan@yahoo-inc.com;
suneel.khanna@publishing.rogers.com ; scott.agnew@canadaeast.com ;
blord@mccarthy.ca ; whistleblower@ctv.ca ;
tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com;Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca ;
Holland.M@parl.gc.ca ; John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca ; wrscott@nbpower.com; dhay@nbpower.com ; arsenault_chris@hotmail.com ; bill.corby@gnb.ca ;
samperrier@hotmail.com ; lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca ;
; lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca ; Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca ;
Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca ; Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca ;
Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca ; forest@conservationcouncil.ca ;
jonesr@cbc.ca ; Christian.Couturier@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca ;
marthajette@yahoo.com ; debbedford@msn.com ; moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
info@barackobama.com ; rfowlo@comcast.net ; jcallahan@bowditch.com ;
ctidman@Bowditch.com ; jhanrahan@Bowditch.com ;
wickedwanda3@adelphia.net ; lrikleen@Bowditch.com ;
pshipley@richardsonforpresident.com ; info@johnedwards.com ;
info@dennis4president.com ; kalthoff@barackobama.com ;
Cc: oldmaison@yahoo.com ; dan.bussieres@gnb.ca ; abel.leblanc@gnb.ca;
deanr0032@hotmail.com ; warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ;
Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca ;
bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com ; days1@parl.gc.ca ; day.s@parl.gc.ca ;
Dion.S@parl.gc.ca ; Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca ; Layton.J@parl.gc.ca ;
Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca ; Casey.B@parl.gc.ca ; Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca ;
Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca ; louiselorefice@ndp.ca ; leader@greenparty.ca ;
defence@sen.parl.gc.ca ; Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ;
Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ;
Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca ;
Clabchuk@greenparty.ca ; maychair@dal.ca ; kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca ;
juan.behrend@europeangreens.org ; Easter.W@parl.gc.ca ;
Harper.S@parl.gc.ca ; milliken@petermilliken.org ; ciec-ccie@parl.gc.ca; Bagnell.L@parl.gc.ca ; Milliken.P@parl.gc.ca ; pelosi@mail.house.gov;
ajw@eastlink.ca ; alex@gravel2008.us ; elliott@gravel2008.us ;
info@gravel2008.us ;
checkup@cbc.ca ; Dewar.P@parl.gc.ca ; info@hillaryclinton.com ;
mail@ronpaul2008.com ; rep.paul@mail.house.gov ; info@johnmccain.com ;
Governor.Rell@ct.gov ; beneva@chrisdodd.com ; press@joebiden.com
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 2:36 PM
Subject: Fwd: Re: May I suggest that all of Yahoo's (a publicly held corp) people read the text of the letter to their Yankee lawyer years ago real slow?(KMM57753133V59759L0KM)

So says the nasty Yankee Depupty Dog Robert F. O'Meara so say you all?

Bob O'Meara rfowlo@comcast.net wrote: From: "Bob O'Meara"
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: Re: May I suggest that all of Yahoo's (a publicly held corp) people read the text of the letter to their Yankee lawyer years ago real slow? (KMM57753133V59759L0KM)
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 14:27:20 -0400

Hey stupid,,,,What the hell are you babbling about, EH? Trying to read your foolishness is tough enough, without trying to figure out all the misspelled words. If you want people to understand, even a little of what you are preaching, turn on your spell check. You claim to
be such a smart guy,,,,what happened,,,,,,,,call in sick the day they taught spelling, EH? What a fucking moron. How's my '65 doing, EH? Why am I asking you that question? I'm sure the people, at the tow company,
haven't let you anywhere near it. Good for them. Bet they are running scared from you, with all your lawsuits. You still haven't mentioned who you're mooching off of, this week. Have you figured out who my informant is yet? Maybe someday I will tell you. That way, you can sue them, too.
Fuck you, stupid.

dean Ray deanr0032@hotmail.com wrote:
.hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage {

lol...Amos did you just accuse someone of having a blackhole I.P It is a legitimate and innocent term. Should not hack without your FBI techs

Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 18:32:37 -0400
From: davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: Oh my my Anna Baby it appears that you are just another Fed with a Blackhole IP EH? Say Hoka Hey to your pal, Porky Prick for me will ya?
To: amerrino@gmail.com; mail-advocacy@cc.yahoo-inc.com;
ca-abuse@cc.yahoo-inc.com; abuse@yahoo.com; chobson@yahoo-inc.com;
coombss@fleishman.com; finnegan@yahoo-inc.com;
suneel.khanna@publishing.rogers.com; scott.agnew@canadaeast.com;
blord@mccarthy.ca; whistleblower@ctv.ca;
tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com; Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca;
Holland.M@parl.gc.ca; John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca; wrscott@nbpower.com;
dhay@nbpower.com; arsenault_chris@hotmail.com; bill.corby@gnb.ca;
samperrier@hotmail.com; lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca; alltrue@nl.rogers.com;
lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca; Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca;
Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca; Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca;
Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca; forest@conservationcouncil.ca;
Christian.Couturier@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca; marthajette@yahoo.com;
debbedford@msn.com; moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca; info@barackobama.com;
rfowlo@comcast.net; jcallahan@bowditch.com; ctidman@Bowditch.com;
jhanrahan@Bowditch.com; wickedwanda3@adelphia.net;
lrikleen@Bowditch.com; pshipley@richardsonforpresident.com; info@johnedwards.com; info@dennis4president.com;
kalthoff@barackobama.com; info@mittromney.com
CC: oldmaison@yahoo.com; dan.bussieres@gnb.ca; abel.leblanc@gnb.ca;
deanr0032@hotmail.com; warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca;
Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca;
bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com; days1@parl.gc.ca; day.s@parl.gc.ca;
Dion.S@parl.gc.ca; Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca; Layton.J@parl.gc.ca;
Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca; Casey.B@parl.gc.ca; Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca;
Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca; louiselorefice@ndp.ca; leader@greenparty.ca;
defence@sen.parl.gc.ca; Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca;
Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca;
Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca;
Clabchuk@greenparty.ca; maychair@dal.ca; kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca;
juan.behrend@europeangreens.org; Easter.W@parl.gc.ca;
Harper.S@parl.gc.ca; milliken@petermilliken.org; ciec-ccie@parl.gc.ca;
Bagnell.L@parl.gc.ca; Milliken.P@parl.gc.ca; pelosi@mail.house.gov;
ajw@eastlink.ca; alex@gravel2008.us; elliott@gravel2008.us;
info@gravel2008.us; checkup@cbc.ca; Dewar.P@parl.gc.ca;
info@hillaryclinton.com; mail@ronpaul2008.com;
info@johnmccain.com; Governor.Rell@ct.gov; beneva@chrisdodd.com;

Because of your stated concerns about the environment or the plight of the Sudanese or Burmese, I first though that you were one of Dizzy Lizzy May's dippy people. so I called them and asked them striaght up if you worked with them because as you can see they receive the same
emails that you make it your business to read and then falsely accuse me of criminal actions. that said the huffy lady who answered the phone was
quick to say that she had no idea who you were and i beleived her just because she sounded so pissed off.

A quick check of the Internet and the properties of your own email told me volumes about you. You are just another Fed with no balls and no name Correct? Are you even a woman I must ask? Or could you be none other than Sanadra Conlin the woman that was supposed to check the integrity of the RCMP for us all? Now that I have come to understand that you work for none other than Stevey Boy Harper, I should ask you a couple of more questions EH?

Tell me something honestly if you can find it in your nasty
little Fed soul to do so. Is your latest boss Stevey Boy Harper getting a little worried about my diligence in defence of my Clan's rights and interests or about his own severe lack of integrity. Or better yet is he worried that Dion or Layton or some French man will start talking about my concerns in public forum before the writ is dropped for the election of the 40th Mandate of corrupt politicians so that they can continue to bilk the public interests?

I see that you and the political dudes in the House where the
interests of Common Folk such as I are abused on a daily bassis know
where to find this particular email. It is a good day for a simple ,sincere and very seriously pigheaded Maritimer ir deal with corrupt Feds N'est Pas ma petite chouchou? (Notice that I am being nice to French Female Feds Chucky and the fact that I don't care if your #1 fan the Yankee Depupty Dog Robert F. O'Meara don't like my spelling? At least I ain't as nasty as he is EH?)
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

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Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 16:14:25 -0400
From: "Anna Merrino" amerrino@gmail.com
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: Re: Now just exactly who are you? More importantly are you a lawyer or a cop or do you work for a politician?
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No thanks.
I said what I had to say and I'm sure my colleagues don't really care what you have to say.

why dont you send it out to all the people on your mail list that you keep harrassing - or are you embarrassed because you know I'm right?

On 9/28/07, David Raymond Amos davidramos333@yahoo.ca wrote:

Havve your lawyere listen to this ans study the following emails and
tell him to introduce himself will ya lady?

From: "Bob O'Meara" rfowlo@comcast.net
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: Re: I repeat I suggested that all of Yahoo's (a publicly held corp) people read the text of the letter to their Yankee lawyer years ago real slow (KMM57828385V93436L0KM)
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 09:31:40 -0400

I bet YAHOO is running scared, from the fierce Davie Amoose. Rest assured, Davie, you are the last person I would ever want to impersonate. Again Davie,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it's slander if it is not true. Everything said about you is true. You are a low life scumbag who has abandoned two families in your miserable life. Of course, that was after you used them for whatever personal gains you could get.And as another person put it, you are a disturbed individual. Guess you haven't got it yet, EH? No one wants to listen to you and no one has to listen to you, just because you demand it. For the record, your family was not "evicted" from any home for unpaid rent. The home, where you stored all your trash, was sold, legally, and you refused to move your belongings out of it. That is called trespassing in the good old USA. Maybe you can do that in Canada, but not here, as you found out,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,twice, EH? Depupity Dog 2,,,,,,,,,Dave ). And that's the way it is and that's the way it shall be. No matter who you crybaby to. Your trash is gone and will never be seen again. Hey,,,,,,,,,,,,we just spent a nice coupe of days on the beach,,,,,,,,,,,,you remember the beach,,,,,,,,,,,,the one near "your" old beach house. Funny,,,,,,,,,,,,,not one person asked for you. Guess you made quite an impression with all of them, too, EH? What a low life, piece of shit, scum bag loser you are. Make sure you save this e-mail, so you can use it in a Canadian court, against me.

From: "dean Ray" deanr0032@hotmail.com
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca, "Yahoo! Mail" mail-advocacy@cc.yahoo-inc.com, ca-abuse@cc.yahoo-inc.com, abuse@yahoo.com, chobson@yahoo-inc.com, coombss@fleishman.com, finnegan@yahoo-inc.com, suneel.khanna@publishing.rogers.com, scott.agnew@canadaeast.com, blord@mccarthy.ca, whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, paulette.delaney-smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, leblanc.d@parl.gc.ca, holland.m@parl.gc.ca, john.ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, bill.corby@gnb.ca, samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, alltrue@nl.rogers.com, info@johnmccain.com, governor.rell@ct.gov, beneva@chrisdodd.com, info@johnedwards.com, info@dennis4president.com, kalthoff@barackobama.com, info@mittromney.com
CC: steve.graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, easter.w@parl.gc.ca, bagnell.l@parl.gc.ca, milliken.p@parl.gc.ca, pelosi@mail.house.gov, ajw@eastlink.ca, alex@gravel2008.us, elliott@gravel2008.us, info@gravel2008.us, checkup@cbc.ca, dewar.p@parl.gc.ca, info@hillaryclinton.com, marthajette@yahoo.com, debbedford@msn.com, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, info@barackobama.com, rfowlo@comcast.net, jcallahan@bowditch.com, ctidman@bowditch.com
Subject: RE: I repeat I suggested that all of Yahoo's (a publicly held corp) people read the text of the let
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 13:17:07 -0600


Seriously we should arrest David Amos for impeading the worlds largest investigation and hang him for treason...!
Otherwise many citizens are going to ask the lAW ENFORCEMENT WHY THEY ARE CHASING Bin laden and AMOS when they know 911 was inside JOB!

From: "dean Ray" deanr0032@hotmail.com
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: RE: I repeat I suggested that all of Yahoo's (a publicly held corp) people read the text of the let
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2007 16:52:00 -0600


got you dickweed

Page after page of truth finally .....I can take him down easily thank you sir

well well Amos seems your spotlight is dimming and it is time for your show to close. I have enough to find your past and with that make it very uncomfortable ion your future.

Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 13:16:57 -0400
From: "amerrino" amerrino@gmail.com
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by gmail.com. Learn more
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: Re: Oh my my Anna Baby it appears that you are just another Fed with a Blackhole IP EH? Say Hoka Hey to your pal, Porky Prick for me will ya?
CC: mail-advocacy@cc.yahoo-inc.com, ca-abuse@cc.yahoo-inc.com, abuse@yahoo.com, chobson@yahoo-inc.com, coombss@fleishman.com, finnegan@yahoo-inc.com, suneel.khanna@publishing.rogers.com, scott.agnew@canadaeast.com, blord@mccarthy.ca, whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, bill.corby@gnb.ca, samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, alltrue@nl.rogers.com, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, forest@conservationcouncil.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Christian.Couturier@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca, marthajette@yahoo.com, debbedford@msn.com, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, info@barackobama.com, rfowlo@comcast.net, jcallahan@bowditch.com, ctidman@bowditch.com, jhanrahan@bowditch.com, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, lrikleen@bowditch.com, pshipley@richardsonforpresident.com, info@johnedwards.com, info@dennis4president.com, kalthoff@barackobama.com, info@mittromney.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, louiselorefice@ndp.ca, leader@greenparty.ca, defence@sen.parl.gc.ca, Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, Clabchuk@greenparty.ca, maychair@dal.ca, kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca, juan.behrend@europeangreens.org, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, milliken@petermilliken.org, ciec-ccie@parl.gc.ca, Bagnell.L@parl.gc.ca, Milliken.P@parl.gc.ca, pelosi@mail.house.gov, ajw@eastlink.ca, alex@gravel2008.us, elliott@gravel2008.us, info@gravel2008.us, checkup@cbc.ca, Dewar.P@parl.gc.ca, info@hillaryclinton.com, mail@ronpaul2008.com, rep.paul@mail.house.gov, info@johnmccain.com, Governor.Rell@ct.gov, beneva@chrisdodd.com, press@joebiden.com

You know nothing about me. You will never know anything about me.

Now be a good boy, go take your meds, and quit harrassing people.

btw. Don't call me baby!

On 9/28/07, David Raymond Amos davidramos333@yahoo.ca wrote:

Because of your stated concerns about the environment or the plight of the Sudanese or Burmese, I first though that you were one of Dizzy Lizzy May's dippy people. so I called them and asked them striaght up if you worked with them because as you can see they receive the same emails that you make it your business to read and then falsely accuse me of criminal actions. that said the huffy lady who answered the phone was quick to say that she had no idea who you were and i beleived her just because she sounded so pissed off.

A quick check of the Internet and the properties of your own email told me volumes about you. You are just another Fed with no balls and no name Correct? Are you even a woman I must ask? Or could you be none other than Sanadra Conlin the woman that was supposed to check the integrity of the RCMP for us all? Now that I have come to understand that you work for none other than Stevey Boy Harper, I should ask you a couple of more questions EH?

Tell me something honestly if you can find it in your nasty little Fed soul to do so. Is your latest boss Stevey Boy Harper getting a little worried about my diligence in defence of my Clan's rights and interests or about his own severe lack of integrity. Or better yet is he worried that Dion or Layton or some French man will start talking about my concerns in public forum before the writ is dropped for the election of the 40th Mandate of corrupt politicians so that they can continue to bilk the public interests?

I see that you and the political dudes in the House where the interests of Common Folk such as I are abused on a daily bassis know where to find this particular email. It is a good day for a simple ,sincere and very seriously pigheaded Maritimer ir deal with corrupt Feds N'est Pas ma petite chouchou? (Notice that I am being nice to French Female Feds Chucky and the fact that I don't care if your #1 fan the Yankee Depupty Dog Robert F. O'Meara don't like my spelling? At least I ain't as nasty as he is EH?)

Veritas Vincit

From: "Byron Prior" alltrue@nl.rogers.com
To: "amerrino" amerrino@gmail.com, "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
CC: mail-advocacy@cc.yahoo-inc.com, ca-abuse@cc.yahoo-inc.com, abuse@yahoo.com, chobson@yahoo-inc.com, coombss@fleishman.com, finnegan@yahoo-inc.com, suneel.khanna@publishing.rogers.com, scott.agnew@canadaeast.com, blord@mccarthy.ca, whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, bill.corby@gnb.ca, samperrier@hotmail.com, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, forest@conservationcouncil.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Christian.Couturier@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca, marthajette@yahoo.com, debbedford@msn.com, moorew@sen.parl.gc.ca, info@barackobama.com, rfowlo@comcast.net, jcallahan@bowditch.com, ctidman@bowditch.com, jhanrahan@bowditch.com, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, lrikleen@bowditch.com, pshipley@richardsonforpresident.com, info@johnedwards.com, info@dennis4president.com, kalthoff@barackobama.com, info@mittromney.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, louiselorefice@ndp.ca, leader@greenparty.ca, defence@sen.parl.gc.ca, Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, Clabchuk@greenparty.ca, maychair@dal.ca, kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca, juan.behrend@europeangreens.org, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, milliken@petermilliken.org, ciec-ccie@parl.gc.ca, Bagnell.L@parl.gc.ca, Milliken.P@parl.gc.ca, pelosi@mail.house.gov, ajw@eastlink.ca, alex@gravel2008.us, elliott@gravel2008.us, info@gravel2008.us, checkup@cbc.ca, Dewar.P@parl.gc.ca, info@hillaryclinton.com, mail@ronpaul2008.com, rep.paul@mail.house.gov, info@johnmccain.com, Governor.Rell@ct.gov, beneva@chrisdodd.com, press@joebiden.com
Subject: RCMP & Governments ignore Laws & Human Rights, Canada
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 14:43:33 -0400


Video: www.youtube.com/cdnjusticedelayed

Politicians names and faces change in Ottawa, Ont. and St. John's, Nl. but the Corruption continues to rule our country. I spent from April to October, 06 , 7 months, in Ottawa, on Parliament Hill, with permits, handing out 12,000 information sheets, and 7000 more in Newfoundland, about what happened to my family and still no-one has resolved this INJUSTICE. A simple DNA test would see Justice served. The system protects the Criminals and itself, not the public or victims.
thank you
Byron Prior
tele# 709 834 9822

http://maxpages.com/sexualabuse 7 pages

www.youtube.com/cdnjusticedelayed video 7 parts

Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2007 15:40:49 -0700
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: A message from Yahoo! Customer Care (KMM57948058V78405L0KM)
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Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 18:35:24 -0400 (EDT)
To: davidramos333@yahoo.ca
Subject: Re: Jimmy Prentice Re: Your deliberate ignorance and and malice towards me Yahoo Dot CA's obvious support you and your bosses (KMM57878660V81052L0KM)
From: registrar@resolutioncanada.ca

Thank you for contacting Resolution Canada. Your message has been forwarded and will be responded to shortly. There is no need to reply to this message.

The typical turn around is under one business day.

Thank You.

Yea Right but at least the computers were honest enough to acknowledge there is a issue EH?

Monday, October 01, 2007
David Raymond Amos said...
----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: pdoody@blgcanada.com ; info@cba.org ; oldmaison@yahoo.com ; Premier@gnb.ca ; wayne.steeves@gnb.ca ; bev.harrison@gnb.ca ; Brad.Green@gnb.ca ; nbombud@gnb.ca ; Hermenegilde.Chiasson@gnb.ca ; aleblanc.mla@nb.aibn.com ; smcready@nbnet.nb.ca ; roly.macintyre@gnb.ca ; Ed.Doherty@gnb.ca ; Jody.CARR@gnb.ca ; Keith.ASHFIELD@gnb.ca ; wally.stiles@gnb.ca ; eugene.mcginley2@gnb.ca ; mleger@stu.ca ; jwalker@stu.ca ; plee@stu.ca ; kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca ; bruce.northrup@gnb.ca ; carl.urquhart@gnb.ca ; info@pco-bcp.gc.ca ; org@erc-cee.gc.ca ; complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca ; mikemurphymla@hotmail.com ; samperrier@hotmail.com ; david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
Cc: Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca ; advocacycollective@yahoo.com ; Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca ; Scott.A@parl.gc.ca ; dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca ; Clabchuk@greenparty.ca ; maychair@dal.ca ; kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca ; juan.behrend@europeangreens.org ; Easter.W@parl.gc.ca ; Harper.S@parl.gc.ca ; milliken@petermilliken.org ; ciec-ccie@parl.gc.ca ; Bagnell.L@parl.gc.ca ; Milliken.P@parl.gc.ca ; pelosi@mail.house.gov ; ajw@eastlink.ca ; alex@gravel2008.us ; elliott@gravel2008.us ; info@gravel2008.us ; checkup@cbc.ca ; Dewar.P@parl.gc.ca ; frederictonartsalliance@yahoo.ca ; dmartin@nationalpost.com ; DannyWilliams@gov.nl.ca ; jonesr@cbc.ca
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2007 7:06 PM
Subject: Howdy Petey Doody whereas you filed so many emails sent the Gomery Inquiry into evidence for Chretein I must ask how many were mine?

Have a look at just one email that I sent to Gomery and that posted in another very nasty French man's blog for a doublecheck exactly two years ago to this very day. LOL @ you and the CBC dudes locked out at the time EH Chucky Leblanc?

Mr. Doody, when are you gonna call me to testify about the content of all of the rest of the emails I sent to Gomery and everybody else over the years? When Hell freezes over or after I sue the Crown or Stevey Boy Harper and his puppet master Brian Mulroney? Why not ask Chretien about the material I sent to him and Brian Mulroney three three years ago just before I was falsely imprisoned in the USA three months after Bev Harrison banished me from the Legislative Buildings while I running for a seat in the 38th Parliament and Chucky Leblanc had great fun teasing me about it for years until his back stabbing buddies did the same thing to him.Those documents and CD that I just mentioned were tracked through Canada Post just like the letters posted within Chucky Leblanc's blog were. Call me a liar I double Dog Dare You To. Everybody knows how I love to argue crooked lawyers N'est Pas Petey Baby MacKay and Vaughn Barnett? You two still have the same material. Correct?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos


Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 06:30:46 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Free Thinkers please feel free to blog this.
To: sahara@free-thinkersclub.com, publiceye@cbs.com, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca,
Murphy.S@parl.gc.ca, dmitchell@irvingmitchell.com,
contact@citizenscentre.com, cbc@crimlaw.ca,
belanger.jean-daniel@psio-bifp.gc.ca, pgriffin@lsrsg.com,
jlaskin@torys.com, wbrock@dwpv.com, carley@lutz.nb.ca,
registerodonnell@norfolkdeeds.org, info@mwpc.org, Lliss@rubinrudman.com,
regbert@egbertlaw.com, has@harveysilverglate.com, lawald@web.apc.org,
ahamilton@casselsbrock.com, brad.green@gnb.ca,
gary.ostoich@mcmillanbinch.com, info.com@chrc-ccdp.ca,
Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca, Scott.A@parl.gc.ca, radionews@mpbc.org,
publisher@whatsup.nb.ca, kjamerson@wagmtv.com, kbabin@globaltv.ca,
jfoster@globaltv.ca, atvnews@ctv.ca, cmorris@cp.org, info@ccna.ca,
kbissett@broadcastnews.ca, bdnmail@bangordailynews.net,
ehutton@atlanticbusinessmagazine.com, argosy@mta.ca,
sylvain.martel@csn.qc.ca, events@cpac.ca, mmacdonald@cp.org,
crgeditor@yahoo.com, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca
CC: rmoir@unbsj.ca, suzanne.ball@nbsc-cvmnb.ca, manon.losier@nbsc-cvmnb.ca,
ottawacomments@state.gov, Stronach.B@parl.gc.ca, Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca,
elizabeth.weir@gnb.ca, ndpnpd@nbnet.nb.ca, mail@allisonbrewer.ca,
aj_titus2002@yahoo.ca, ken.ross@gnb.ca, nanluke@nb.sympatico.ca,
ericson@unb.ca, ocrdct@hotmail.com, helenel@nb.sympatico.ca,
coates2001ca@yahoo.ca, maryanne.bourque.pollack@gnb.ca,
harbourmla@nb.aibn.com, president@ndp.ca, info@gomery.ca,
lcampenella@ledger.com, AdamsoV@erc-cee.gc.ca, betty.macphee@crtc.gc.ca,
potterl@scc-csc.gc.ca, josee.touchette@justice.gc.ca,
renaudlp@oag-bvg.gc.ca, rdaoust@privcom.gc.ca, rod.smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
smorel@gg.ca, rraymond@lcc.gc.ca, execassistant@nafta-sec-alena.org,
caroline.whitby@transfair.ca, pbroder@imaginecanada.ca,
cforcese@uottawa.ca, David.Fewer@uOttawa.ca, Philippa.Lawson@uOttawa.ca,
Stephane.Emard-Chabot@uOttawa.ca, Chantale.Fore@uOttawa.ca,
exec@casis.ca, gkealey@unb.ca, dgollob@cna-acj.ca,
justicepourmohamedharkat@yahoo.ca, mail@ccla.org, info@amnesty.ca,
rocht@iclmg.ca, katiag@ccic.ca, admin@cbanb.com, info@cba.org

The CBC and all others in the media and governemnt will not relay this crap to the people. Perhaps we the people should all ask the politicians who were elected to speak for us why I have been compelled to sue the Queen and the Holy See along with the USA.

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: duffy@ctv.ca ; martine.turcotte@bell.ca ; news@ctv.ca ; am@ctv.ca ; diane.bourque@flsc.ca ; jcrosbie@pattersonpalmer.ca ; gbyrne@pattersonpalmer.ca ; corp.website@sunlife.com ; cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; shickman@pattersonpalmer.ca ; lrikleen@Bowditch.com ; John.Conyers@mail.house.gov ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ; bmosher@mosherchedore.ca ; carterweb@emory.edu ; Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us ; Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us ; parkhill@stu.ca ; plee@stu.ca ; kentlib@nbnet.nb.ca ; police@fredericton.ca ; davidamos@bsn1.net
Cc: guild@interlog.com ; ombudsman@cbc.ca ; lise@cmg.ca ; pacificpalate@telus.net ; ajehman@hotmail.com ; maureen_matthews@cbc.ca ; gerry@cmg.ca ; bvessey@pei.eastlink.ca ; sallypitt@hotmail.com ; garyparsons@nfld.net ; neilmac@vzw.blackberry.net ; deesdee@yahoo.com ; shawk_1999@yahoo.com ; cari_blanchard@yahoo.com ; cturner@nbnet.nb.ca ; briann@accesswave.ca ; mplaurin@sympatico.ca ; lebelb@nbnet.nb.ca ; slmsmbouchard@hotmail.com ; maurice10@rogers.com ; m.meldrum@ns.sympatico.ca ; twomech@nb.sympatico.ca ; dugasp28@hotmail.com ; embateman@hotmail.com ; sawebb@hotmail.com ; pgcastle@hotmail.com ; bsharpe@nl.rogers.com ; newschick@hotmail.com
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 8:40 AM
Subject: Hey Duffy I know why Dr. Hamm quit and why the little dog MacKay don't hunt in Nova Scotia(slightly edited DRA)

The sad part is so do you people. I am gonna tell everybody the truth about what CTV and CBC have refused to report for years for the benefit of the rampant public corruption you support for your own personal gain. Need I say that I am happy the crooked CBC dudes are locked out of work right now? It appears to me that blogging is the only way to go these days. What say you? Call me a liar after you hear me speak in Federal Court in Fredericton in the near future. I dare ya to have your lawyer Martine Turcotte explain why Robert C. Pozen has become George W. Bush's favorite Democrat. Better why not ask Sunlife's Yankee lawyer Jeffery Carp why a proud Maritimer smells a lot of rotten fish in Beantown.

Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 20:43:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Dr. Hamm you picked an interesting day to Quit
To: premier@gov.ns.ca, jdewolfe@ns.sympatico.ca,
michael.baker@ns.sympatico.ca, morse.mla@ns.sympatico.ca,
parentma@gov.ns.ca, rodneym@ns.sympatico.ca, rrussellmla@ns.sympatico.ca,
barnetbe@gov.ns.ca, ronchisholmmla@auracom.com,
bill.dooks@ns.sympatico.ca, elf@ns.sympatico.ca,
bill.langille@ns.sympatico.ca, btaylormla@rushcomm.ca,
chatawaymla@hfxeastlink.ca, mlaclarke@ns.sympatico.ca,
Peter.Christie@ns.sympatico.ca, dentreca@gov.ns.ca,
a.macisaac@ns.sympatico.ca, rhurlburt@auracom.com, hinesgb@gov.ns.ca,
educmin@gov.ns.ca, codonnellmla@ns.sympatico.ca,
kgmorashmla@ns.aliantzinc.ca, Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca
CC: john.macdonell@ns.sympatico.ca, mmacdonald@navnet.net,
mhraymondmla@eastlink.ca, wilsond@gov.ns.ca,
marilynmoremla@ns.aliantzinc.ca, jpye@ns.sympatico.ca,
joanmasseymla@ns.aliantzinc.ca, gaudetw@gov.ns.ca, mackinrv@gov.ns.ca,
macdonman@gov.ns.ca, gordiegosse@ns.aliantzinc.ca,
corbettmlacentre@ns.sympatico.ca, stephenmcneil@ns.aliantzinc.ca,
boudrebv@gov.ns.ca, billestabrooks@navnet.net,
davidawilsonmla@eastlink.ca, samsonmp@gov.ns.ca,
charlieparkermla@ns.aliantzinc.ca, Regan.G@parl.gc.ca

Looks like I am about to rain on your party. Perhaps the sneaky political/lawyers Regan and MacKay will tell you why if your own lawyer Mikey Baker won't do so.

"As premier, I am proud of our record,'' Hamm said.

Unlike many of his predecessors, the family doctor is leaving office without a cloud of controversy hanging over his head.

----- Original Message -----

From: David Amos
To: Sgro.J@parl.gc.ca ; legerv@sen.parl.gc.ca ; trenhm@sen.parl.gc.ca ; ringup@sen.parl.gc.ca ; losier@sen.parl.gc.ca ; Thibault.L@parl.gc.ca ; Poirier-Rivard.D@parl.gc.ca ; Picard.P@parl.gc.ca ; Lavallee.C@parl.gc.ca ; Guay.M@parl.gc.ca ; Gagnon.C@parl.gc.ca ; Faille.M@parl.gc.ca ; Deschamps.J@parl.gc.ca ; Demers.N@parl.gc.ca ; Brunelle.P@parl.gc.ca ; Bourgeois.D@parl.gc.ca ; Bonsant.F@parl.gc.ca ; oec-bce@parl.gc.ca
Cc: buckley@pol.state.ma.us ; steve@djflynn.com ; ombud@globe.com ; paul@djflynn.com ; dan@djflynn.com ; letter@globe.com ; publicrelations@cubanmission.com ; rusun@un.int ; france-presse@un.int ; uk@un.int ; contact@germany-un.org ; c103@c103.com ; general.info@thomson.com ; davidamos@bsn1.net
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 12:16 PM
Subject: I bet a man named Mr. Tax who works for the Justice Dept doubts that he will

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: scottmk@gov.ns.ca ; bev.harrison@gnb.ca ; ted.tax@justice.gc.ca ; graham@grahamsteele.ca ; hepstein@supercity.ns.ca ; deveaux.mla@ns.sympatico.ca ; ddexter@ns.sympatico.ca
Cc: davidamos@bsn1.net ; BBACHRACH@bowditch.com ; adams_sammon@msn.com ; fbinhct@leo.gov ; david@lutz.nb.ca ; HeafeyS@cpc-cpp.gc.ca ; alicia.mcdonnell@state.ma.us ; Scott.A@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 11:08 AM
Subject: Hey Ted Tax as soon as I saw that the Lt. Gov had honoured you

I figured you would do nothing to rock the Queen's boat for reasons of job security. However even you and your pension funds rely on the ethics of the Yankees employed by the SEC in the USA. Perhaps you should side with me ASAP. My kids need a roof over their heads. I am not above suing anyone to get one including the Queen and the Holy See. However it is your job to prosecute criminals not mine. Correct?

"Ted Tax and the Department's Atlantic Regional Office (ARO) were honoured at a Nova Scotia Lieutenant Governor's Awards Ceremony. Tax was presented with a Certificate of Recognition for "contribution to the Reserve Force by taking positive action to assist its employees who are reservists in maintaining their commitments to the Canadian Forces." Following September 11, 2001, there was an increase in the demand for military legal officers on operational deployments. Major John Smithers, a lawyer with the Tax Law Services Section of the ARO, was granted military leave to serve on an overseas mission."

For the record this is the text of the cover letter sent to Baker etc. Lets see what Mr. Speaker has to say now. I believe he is an ex cop ain't he? Lets see if he remembers how to uphold the law. If not don't you think it is high time that the lawyers in the NDP give the crooked Conservative Goverment the Boot? Everybody knows they are lapdogs for George W. Bush. Why else did he make it a point to fly down and see them last year and snub Paul Martin and his cohorts in Ottawa?

July 31st, 2005

Lt. Gov. J. Léonce Bernard Lt. Gov. Myra A. Freeman

Premier Pat G. Binns Premier John F. Hamm

c/o Att. Gen. Mildred A. Dover c/o Att. Gen. Michael Baker

Fourth Floor, Shaw Building, North Department of Justice 4th Floor
105 Rochford Street Room 5151 Terminal Road

P.O. Box 2000 P.O. Box 7
Charlottetown, PEI C1A 7N8 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2L6

Lt. Gov. Norman L. Kwong Lt. Gov. Iona V. Campagnolo

Premier Ralph Klein Premier Gordon Campbell

c/o Att. Gen. Ron Stevens c/o Att. Gen. Wally Oppal

208 Legislature Building Stn Prov Govt PO Box 9044

9E210800 - 97 Avenue Parliament Buildings East Annex

Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6 Victoria, BC V8V 1X4

RE: Public Corruption


Apparently everybody wanted to play dumb about my concerns and allegations so that Humpty Dumpty Martin’s minority government would not fall and they could party hardy while the Queen was in Canada. As you all know months ago, I began faxing, emailing and calling the eight other Lt. Governors I had yet to cross paths with. I fully informed them of my indignation towards the Governor General Clarkson and two of her other Maritime Lieutenants Roberts and Chaisson before the latest wave of bad acting Yankees invaded my home in the USA without warrants or due process if law.

I made certain all of the provincial Attorney Generals and Premiers can never deny the fact that I tried to make them well aware of my concerns and allegations in order to make everybody should sit up and pay attention. Not one person from any of your offices ever responded in any fashion at all. You can be certain that I expected the deliberate ignorance. It is one of the oldest tricks in the book that lawyers employ in order to play their wicked game of see no evil, hear no evil speak no evil. I knew it would happen particularly after Nova Scotia’s Conflict of Interest Commissioner Merlin Nunn had blocked my emails before I had contacted you. I have no doubt it helped to relieve him of his ethical dilemma before the NS NDP decided what to do about their chance to unseat the Conservatives. I have no doubt whatsoever many lawyers in Canada were praying that the Suffolk County District Attorney would have me back in the loony bin by April 28th and that all your troubles would go away. I opted to let you all have your way and did not bother you anymore until the Queen had left our shores and Parliament quit for the summer. Now it is my turn to have some fun and raise a little Political Hell.

While the Queen, Clarkson and Martin where all having a grand old time on the Canadian dime my little Clan went through living hell down here. Trust me, lawyers need to learn some new tricks. Ignorance is no excuse to the law or me. Making some Canadian Attorney Generals and their political buddies show me their arses is child’s play to me after all that I have experienced in the last few years. If you doubt me ask Michael J. Bryant and Yvon Marcoux why I am so pissed at their bosses and the DHS. Then check my work for yourself. If the tag team of John Ashcroft and Tom Ridge could not intimidate me, believe me you people don’t have a prayer. Both of those dudes have quit their jobs but I am still standing and squaring off against their replacements now. If it were not for all the decent folks I know, the snotty ones like you would make me feel ashamed to be a Canadian. There is no shortage of lawyers. It is just that ethical ones that are rare birds, that’s all. You must know how easily the Canadian people can replace you with other lawyers if it becomes widely known how willing you are to ignore crime if it means some fancy dude may be compelled to suffer for his own wrongs.

The justice system is supposed to be self-policing. It should clean up its own act rather than trying to maintain a false mask of integrity for lawyers that are obviously criminals. It is way beyond my understanding why you people would choose to support the likes of Paul Martin, Adrienne Clarkson, T. Alex Hickman and Billy Matthews if you are not all as crooked as hell as well. The deliberate ignorance and double-talk employed by the wealthy few to dodge simple truths is absolutely offensive to ordinary people blessed with the rare attribute called common sense. Not all folks are like sheep.

Paul Martin’s latest tricks make for a very fine example of truly how bad things are. Even amidst wholesale scandals breaking out hell, west and crooked everywhere lawyers and politicians just close ranks and stand together as thick as the thieves they are. I stress tested the ethics of the ladies of the Bloc Quebecois and the Gomery Inquiry immediately after Martin’s carefully orchestrated little circus in Parliament on May 19th was a matter of history. Lets just say I was not surprised to not hear one peep in response from anyone other than to get a call from an unidentified and very nervous but cocky Yankee lawyer claiming that Tony Blair was mad at me.

Pursuant to my phone calls, emails and faxes please find enclosed as promised exactly the same hard copy of what I sent to the Canadian Ambassadors Allan Rock and Franky Boy McKenna and a couple of nasty FBI agents on May 12th just before an interesting event in front of our home in Milton. I have also included a copy of four letters I have received in response since then that you may find interesting to say the least. I also sent you a copy of a letter sent to a lady Ms. Condolezza Rice whom our former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney considers to be the most powerful woman in the world. The CD of the copy of police surveillance tape # 139 is served upon all the above named Attorney Generals as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated.

I will not bother you with the details of what I am sending to you byway of the certified US Mail because I will be serving identical material to many other Canadian Authorities in hand and tell them I gave this stuff to you first and enclose a copy of this letter. All that is important to me right now is that I secure proof that this mail was sent before I make my way back home to the Maritimes. However I will say I am also enclosing a great deal more material than what Allan Rock had received in the UN. Some of it is in fact the same material the two maritime lawyers, Rob Moore and Franky Boy McKenna in particular received, while I was up home running for Parliament last year. Things have changed greatly in the past year so I have also included a few recent items to spice things up for you. I am tired of trying to convince people employed in law enforcement to uphold the law. So all I will say for now is deal will your own conscience and be careful how you respond to this letter. If you do not respond. Rest assured I will do my best to sue you some day. Ignorance is no excuse to the law or me.

Veritas Vincit
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave
Milton, MA. 02186

The enclosed letter from The Public Service Integrity Office, whose boss recently testified before the Gomery Inquiry and following quotes prove why I must speak out.

"Well what do you expect?" said Le Hir in reaction. "Anybody who had been involved in that kind of thing isn't going to admit readily, or willfully, to having participated." Asked why he's waited 10 years to come out with his allegations, Le Hir said he was "sworn to secrecy." "I'm breaking that oath, and the only way I could have been relieved by that oath was by a judge in a court saying, 'Mr. Lehir, I understand that you have made an oath of secrecy; and you're hereby relieved of that oath."

"Mr. Wallace added that police and the courts, not internal rules, are best-equipped to deal with bureaucrats who cross the line and break the law. But Judge Gomery did not appear satisfied. "It takes a major scandal to get the police involved," he said. "It is not in the nature of the public service to call in the police."

Everybody knows that in order to protect the rights and interests of my Clan and to sooth my own soul, I have proven many times over that all lawyers, law enforcement authorities, and politicians in Canada and the USA are not worthy of the public trust. I maintain that their first order of business is to protect the evil longstanding system they have created for their own benefit rather than the people they claim to serve. Call me a liar and put it in writing. I Double Dog Dare ya.

Baker got my material. So did everyone else. Only the Attorney General in Quecbec refused it. I bet our newest Governor General knows why. It is likely for the same reason she will not accept my emails. It should be obvious to anyone why I must sue the Crown.

USPS Track and Confirm

Label/Receipt Number: ED71 7170 440U S
Detailed Results:

Delivered Abroad, August 05, 2005, 9:23 am, CANADA

At Foreign Delivery Unit, August 05, 2005, 8:10 am, CANADA

Out of Foreign Customs, August 04, 2005, 2:52 pm, CANADA

Into Foreign Customs, August 04, 2005, 2:22 pm, CANADA

Arrived Abroad, August 04, 2005, 2:22 pm, CANADA

International Dispatch, August 03, 2005, 10:28 am, KENNEDY AMC

Enroute, August 03, 2005, 9:08 am, JAMAICA, NY 11499

Acceptance, August 02, 2005, 10:32 am, QUINCY, MA 02169

# posted by David R. Amos : 2:48 AM


Bid to quash Gomery report uses e-mails Chrétien files public's messages to judge about sponsorship inquiry

Jack Aubry
The Ottawa Citizen

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

CREDIT: Rod MacIvor, The Ottawa Citizen

Former prime minister Jean Chrétien has filed e-mails from the public to John Gomery with a court as part of his bid to have Judge Gomery's report on the sponsorship scandal quashed.

Some ranted, others raved. One wrote a rhyming poem.
And a few even tried to link the sponsorship scandal to same-sex marriage.

In all, 348 Canadians e-mailed Justice John Gomery and his commission during hearings into the sponsorship scandal in 2004 and 2005. Most were supportive, urging Judge Gomery to stay on, even after lawyers representing Jean Chrétien suggested the judge was biased against the former prime minister and his Liberal government.

The e-mails, obtained by CanWest News Service, were recently filed in Mr. Chrétien's ongoing effort to have Judge Gomery's report quashed by the Federal Court of Canada on grounds of alleged bias.
The messages were the subject of a recent court battle between the commission and lawyers representing Mr. Chrétien, his former chief of staff, Jean Pelletier, and his former public works minister, Alfonso Gagliano. Judge Gomery's report placed most of the blame for the mismanaged sponsorship program at the feet of the three men.

"If you've only received two dozen e-mails from Canadians applauding your work, as reported in the Toronto Star this morning, please consider this number 25. For the record, I also 'offer you my full support' ..." raved one e-mail, dated Jan. 13, 2005, after Mr. Chrétien's lawyers had asked Judge Gomery to step down. The names of the authors of the e-mails were blanked out before being filed with the court.

Justice Department lawyers had argued against releasing the e-mails, saying Judge Gomery had not actually read them during the hearings and it was simply part of "a fishing expedition" on the part of Mr. Chrétien's lawyers. Mr. Chrétien's lawyer, Peter Doody, declined comment yesterday when asked if any of the e-mails would be used to bolster his client's arguments in February's trial.

Many of the supportive e-mails also attacked Mr. Chrétien for his role in the sponsorship program, especially after his concluding theatrics during a defiant appearance before the commission on Feb. 8, 2005. The former prime minister capped off an impassioned defence of the sponsorship program with a perfectly orchestrated shot at the judge, who once said complimentary golf balls bearing the former prime minister's signature were "small-town cheap."
In response to a question by his lawyer, David Scott, Mr. Chrétien opened his briefcase and pulled out golf ball after golf ball, all signed by other "small-town guys," including U.S presidents. A delighted Mr. Chrétien wouldn't stop when interrupted by his lawyer, saying "No, no, no, it's too much fun."

"His supporters think he was funny I thought he was disgusting by shrugging off all responsibility and criticizing (auditor general) Sheila Fraser ... see if you can make him pay for his rudeness to you ... Have you been silenced?" asked one e-mail from Kelowna, B.C.
Another note of encouragement reminded Judge Gomery that Mr. Chrétien "still has to put his pants on one leg at a time. Stand up for the truth. The truth will always win out in the end."
Others, however, upbraided Judge Gomery for failing to charge Mr. Chrétien with "contempt" for his performance and allowing him to make a lengthy opening statement at the beginning of his appearance. One e-mail states: "If possible, throw the book at him. I would consider it revenge for 40 years of miserable, self-serving public service."

But not all e-mails were negative toward Mr. Chrétien. One said the writer was trying to contact the former prime minister "with a thank-you message."

"In my opinion the latest scandal is minor compared to the fact that Jean Cretian (sic) kept Canada out of the Iraq war ... Every Canadian should be down on their knees thanking Jean Cretian for his decision ..." Another one ended with the statement that Mr. Chrétien "was a good and courageous P.M. of Canada."

Another urged the inquiry to look into Bill C-38, dealing with same-sex marriage. It suggested that if the inquiry had examined the order-in-council issued in connection with the bill, the commissioner could have learned about the "procedures and techniques" used by Mr. Chrétien and former prime minister Paul Martin to deceive the public.

© The Ottawa Citizen 2007

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Please see
for more
information about the DMCA, and see
http://www.google.com/blogger_dmca.html for the process that Blogger
requires in order to make a DMCA complaint.

We are asking that you please remove the allegedly infringing content in your blog. If you do not do this within the next 3 days (by 10/4/07), we will be forced to remove the posts in question.

If we did not do so, we
would be subject to a claim of copyright infringement, regardless of its merits.

We can reinstate this content into your blog upon receipt of a counter notification pursuant to sections 512(g)(2) and
(3) of the DMCA. For more information about the requirements of a counter notification and a link to a sample counter notification, see

Please note that repeated violations to our Terms of Service may result in further remedial action taken against your Blogger account.

If you have legal questions about this notification, you should retain your own legal counsel. If you have any other questions about this notification, please let us know.

Thank you for your understanding.

The Blogger Team

Look out for a major rant that may may consider minor. However I suggest your legal counsel read it anyway.

You can take the fact that I do not understand to the bank right after I call your head offices tomorrow.

I watched Google and the Irvings single out the nutcase Charles Leblanc and as you can see I defended him out of the gate. What Chucky does with cut and paste is done by legions of people. What holds true for him should hold true for all. EH?

Chaucky Leblanc has a few problems not only is he an idiot but he is a rather profound liar and he cannot argue hmself out of the wet paper bag he lugs his beer in. Furthermore he could never afford a lawyer on welfare.On the otherhandalthough I am far poorer than he is I am neither an idiot nor a drunk and I don't need a lawyer. I argue Pro Se.

The key words to me within Google's nasty little email to me are as follows: "allegedly infringing content" Have your lawyers ever heard ever heard of due process of law and the US Consitution the Federal Code and the Canadian Charter of Rights?

Another one is "If you have legal questions about this notification, you should retain your own legal counsel" Rest assured you just him. I have only one client Me Myself and I and many fools say that he is quite a fool.

Nevertheless I am not shy about suing Attorney Generals and US Treasury Agents etc. Trust that arguing Irving's and Google's lawyers would go under the heading of fun.

Another one is "We can reinstate this content into your blog upon receipt of a counter notification pursuant to sections 512(g)(2)"
I have quicker way. Why don't I employ the Federal Code and just sue Google?

FYI Two of the bullshit articles by Canada East that Scotty Baby Agnew of CanadaEast is bitching about to Google is their bullshit about me. What they say is definite slander under the term "Expressed and/or implied" In Canada that is a crime.

Rest assured I looking for their lawyers to argue about what Scotty Baby said about me within his emails to many politicians and lawyers that I posted within the aforsaid Blog as well. Does Google wish to support the Irving's malice against me byway of ignoring my first Amendment Right to speak up and defend my name and reputation as I prepare to run for a Seat in Parliament in Canada once again?

Never forget that I am also a legal permenant resident of the USA and I have the same rights you do under Title 42.

More interesting for many a Blogger is the fact that this is a blog about an ethical blogger exposing an unethical blogger and the Irving people he hates as much as I. The blogger, Charles Leblanc. byway of the Crown in New Brunswick ha had his rights a s journalist recognized and it was reported by the New York Times and the CBC etc. That fact went around the world in a wink of an eye.

As a Publicly Held Corp you dudes have a Code of Ethics to uphold. On the otherhand the Irving Empire is a powerful private company that controls all the press in New Brunswick to protect their own greedy interests. They have no sense of ethics whatsoever nor do they report to anyone. What they say to you is pure bullshit so they can shut up ethical people trying to expose them as they truly are. The Irvings may scare Google but they will never sue you. They do npot want the spotlight on them. Hence their attacks on the Blogs. I find their attack towards me to be manna from heaven and I ain't rlgious. Malice is Malice especially when they go about proving it themselves.

If Google bothers to look I bagged your Level # 3 dudes reading my blog right after the Irvings did. Do you really think that I am that dumb? The better question are you fat dumb happy Yankees in way down in California really that dumb? Best that you sit up and pay attention and start reading or a simple, sincere and very seriously pigheaded Maritimer will make his best effort to embarass the hell out of you then sue your publicly held Yankee Corp just to make it hurt. We can buy stocks in your company too don't ya know?

Think about what I say next real slow. Your CEO etc should sit down and review the Code of Ethical conduct of a Publically Held Company particularly after you dudes just admitted reading my blog and now wish to knock it out of cyberspace.

If you within Google had read all of my words within in this blog then you would not have sent me this ridiculous email on behalf of CanadaEast aka the Irvings. Of that I have no doubt.

Before you piss me off further and act on the behalf of the Irvings and their nasty little man named Scott Baby Agnew you should read every word real slow and then have many lawyers study it.

They will see that I cantacted your lawyer within Google David Drummond three years ago when you people were in trouble with the SEC Remeber?

As ye shall soon see I have already saved every word of this blog. If you delete it your lawyers can expect to see hard copy this blog as they prepare to argue everyword within it. Plus rest assured that you will receive a great deal more evidence of many crimes practiced against my Clan and I and many others (that includes a copy of an Yankee police surveilance wiretap tape) before we meet in court.

FYI I had contacted Jamie Irving's office and two of his publishers (in Sussex and Fredericton) last week I will serve hard copy of some of my material upon them before I sue them.

Please let me know ASAP if Google wants involved in this litgation. The irrefutable truth that you will is if and when you delete this Blog. That said I will make my best effort to call your lawyers in Califoria ASAP tomorrow.
this first thing i will demand to know is the name of the lawyers who represent you in Canada.

Whereas an unnamed Canadian Fed with a Blackhole IP labbelled me a Yosemite Sam within Youtube. Please allow me the licence to quote him and simply say "Back off" Yankee or introduce me to your Canadian lawyers.

In closing you are going to find my doublecheck of my response to your email rather unsuual to say the least. I will also tell you that the Irving dude who calls himself the publisher in Fat Fred City lied to me. There is no such lawyer named Ian MacDonald licenced to practice law in the Province of New Brunswick.I called the Lw society and checked. Rest assured I will call him again tomorrow. The point I am trying to convey to you is the Irvings are flat out liars. May I suggest that you read my words in all my blogs and know that i save every word of all of them. Please listen to the next emails that I am sending you and do the right thing for the benefit of the sharholders of Goggle and call the FBI and send me the proof will ya?

Here is where you can dowload some wiretap tapes. Just in case your lawyers try to deny what I sent you. may i suggest that you press print on the tiff files anyway. I am trying to protect your rights too whether you believe me or not Georgey Boy Bush has had his way with this Wonderful Old World way past too long. To Hell with his dastardly daddy's plans for New World Order. California dudes must understand that statetment N'est Pas? now pick sides. the big mean nasty Irvings or the mean spirited ol Maritme Grumpy Grampy who has seen enough public corruption for any ten men to make a stand against.

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

Monday, October 01, 2007
David Raymond Amos said...
To prove that I ain't joking Check a little of my work from three years ago. Just before you crazy Yankees reelected Georgey Boy Bush for a second term(As if one wasn't enough) and Yahoo was promoting Jib Jab's nonsense. Remember? If ask your lawyer David Drummond if remembers me when he was in hot water with the SEC at the same point in time. Methinks that snotty lawyer owes me a favour bigtime EH?

Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 13:42:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: catherine2004@earthlink.net
To: Moore.R@parl.gc.ca
CC: alltrue@nl.rogers.com, cei@nbnet.nb.ca

HTML Attachment [ Scan and Save to Computer ]

Note: forwarded message attached.

Do you Yahoo!?
vote.yahoo.com - Register online to vote today!
Forwarded Message
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 13:39:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: catherine2004@earthlink.net
To: rsjackson69@telus.net

HTML Attachment [ Scan and Save to Computer ]
Here is some lawyers your buddy should call. Whereas he may wish to complain about spam coming to him within the MSN domain. He might as well say hey to Steven Balmer and Brad Smith for me. He can tell them for me that I will be calling them to court real soon. Your Buddy and you are just another couple of paragraphs to me. You pick which side you wish to be on. there is no middle ground. Telus will have to tell me who you are as soon as I demand it of them in order to support my argument against Microsoft. I am more curious about Yahoo response. They could come out of this smelling like a rose.

Note: forwarded message attached.

Do you Yahoo!?
vote.yahoo.com - Register online to vote today!
Forwarded Message
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 21:31:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: catherine2004@earthlink.net
To: MAILER-DAEMON@yahoo.com
CC: catherine2004@earthlink.net, osorior@fleishman.com, postmaster@mail.hotmail.com, postmaster@aol.com, lynamm@fleishman.com, nicki@yahoo-inc.com, igcatty@earthlink.net, dent2004@ptd.net, info@driscollforcongress.com, greta_browne@hotmail.com, campaign@rich2004.com, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, CustomerService@NEMoves.com, news@dailygleaner.com, info@gg.ca, peter.ringrose@lawsociety.nf.ca, srobinson@lspei.pe.ca, dpink@nsbs.org, mrichard@lawsociety-barreau.nb.ca, pierre.cleroux@cdnq.org, jhoule@barreau.qc.ca, kcorrick@lsuc.on.ca, afineblit@lawsociety.mb.ca, klogan@lawsociety.sk.ca, Don.Thompson@lawsocietyalberta.com, jmatkin@lsbc.org, lawsoc@nunanet.com, lsy@yknet.yk.ca, whitford-lsnt@theedge.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca, diane.bourque@flsc.ca, brad.woodside@fredericton.ca, police@fredericton.ca, Cadman.C@parl.gc.ca, corp.website@sunlife.com, martine.turcotte@bell.ca, cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, chebert@thestar.ca

HTML Attachment [ Scan and Save to Computer ]

Attn Michael Callahan General Counsel
Yahoo! Inc.
701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, California 94089

I just called the following media relations people of your company and left voice mails. Obviously I have had a little trouble with the Media. If I knew your email address I would send this email directly to you. Whereas I do not, I will send you hard copy byway of the US Mail.

I am as serious a heart attack about filing lawsuits against many people and their companies. Please act ethically on the behalf of your company Yahoo. I am not picking a fight with it or you but most of my recent messages were sent from the Yahoo domain and bounced there back as well. Now it appears that I am having trouble uploading files into my Yahoo email. I have now given up and gone to bed. It looks like I must employ someone else to send my emails after I get back from court. I must say I am dissapointed with Yahoo. If nothing else I must call you to court to explain what you think of all of this after your have received hard copy. Someone else will send it for me because if I do it will likely never get there.

YAHOO!'s words
There was a problem:
There is a problem with one or more of the attached files. Please remove and re-attach your files, and try again.

Your message has not been sent.

I am standing before a court in Boston tomorrow. Within the case of documents that I file as evidence in defense of my freedom in a criminal action will be a printed copy of this email. I have already spent time in jail for sending a malicious lawyer litigating against me an email because she bounces back my US Mail in response to her criminals actions. She claims that I am a mere acquaintance and does not mention that we have arguing in court for years. Never mind that I have managed to have her fired from two law firms in their efforts to disassociate themselves from her and her criminal actions.

I knew she would bounce back a document my wife had served upon her office in person signed in her own hand. However the words of that document are within the email the DA will attempt to use against me. I may already be the first person in history to do time for sending one email simply because I declared myself to be her client's worst nightmare. A statement that I am really quite proud of. Please do not allow Yahoo the think of me that way as well. I seek friends not foes and I really like what Yahoo has done in making the Internet fun for all. All that I ask from their General Counsel is Ethical Professional Conduct. I grant Yahoo and you my blessings to look within my email stored within in their domain and what is left of the contents of my Briefcase as well. Please act for the benefit of all. Yahoo does file with the SEC. If you doubt who I am, give Elliot Spitzer and Francis Galvin a call and mention my name as you view some of my files.

What I will be sending you is hard copy of what the lawyers Brad Smith and Paul. T. Cappuccio received along time ago plus a little more because a lot has transpired since the time that they refused to uphold the law. I have had great trouble sending material byway of the US Mail or the Canada Post even when I have someone else send it for me. Now my emails are being blocked by governments, MSN, Earthlink and AOL. Thus this email will have to do for now because at least some of them are being sent within the Yahoo domain or other domains besides the aforesaid empires.

Please confer with the lawyers within the attached documents but I must say I don't trust them and am about to sue them for relief. As you can see byway of the attached documents I was not surprised by the fact that AOL and MSN would block my emails to protect their own butts from litigation particularly when the information I was relaying was about them. Earthlink kinda surprised me but I had seen their asses before when I was their paying customer. I saw that they bragged of doings with George W. Bush and I did not need to know anymore about them. I have met many of his buddies before.

Many of my friends consider AOL/Time Warner and Microsoft to be evil empires. I made it my business to prove it. Everyone knows that the media has been controlled forever. Now it seems that the Internet is in serious jeopardy as well when they can stop a man from sending emails to lawyers and politicians that don't want to get them because it with expose their own corruption. Is the Internet now screwed as well? Is Yahoo a part of this malicious game? I truly hope not. Other than the spoken word it is the last way that free people can exchange the knowlege and truth of many things. The established Media was bought out by crooks a long time ago.
David R. Amos

These are the people I called tonight.

Nicki Dugan, Yahoo! Inc., (408) 349-7361, nicki@yahoo-inc.com

Michael Lynam, Fleishman Hillard for Yahoo!, (415) 318-4109,

Ruben Osorio, Fleishman Hillard for Yahoo!, (415) 318-4108,osorior@fleishman.com

MAILER-DAEMON@yahoo.com wrote:
Message from yahoo.com.
Unable to deliver message to the following address(es).

: failed after I sent the message.
Remote host said: 554-: (HVU:NR) http://postmaster.info.aol.com/errors/554hvunr.html

: failed after I sent the message.
Remote host said: 554-: (HVU:NR) http://postmaster.info.aol.com/errors/554hvunr.html

: failed after I sent the message.
Remote host said: 554-: (HVU:NR) http://postmaster.info.aol.com/errors/554hvunr.html

: failed after I sent the message.
Remote host said: 554-: (HVU:NR) http://postmaster.info.aol.com/errors/554hvunr.html

--- Original message follows.


The original message is over 5k. Message truncated to 1K.

Message-ID: 20041018235201.38369.qmail@web20025.mail.yahoo.com
Received: from [] by web20025.mail.yahoo.com via HTTP; Mon, 18 Oct 2004 16:52:01 PDT
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 16:52:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos
Subject: Earthlink interception of my email
To: catherine2004@earthlink.net
Cc: igcatty@earthlink.net, dent2004@ptd.net, info@driscollforcongress.com,
greta_browne@hotmail.com, campaign@rich2004.com, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca,
dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, CustomerService@NEMoves.com, news@dailygleaner.com,
info@gg.ca, peter.ringrose@lawsociety.nf.ca, srobinson@lspei.pe.ca,
dpink@nsbs.org, mrichard@lawsociety-barreau.nb.ca, pierre.cleroux@cdnq.org,
jhoule@barreau.qc.ca, kcorrick@lsuc.on.ca, afineblit@lawsociety.mb.ca,
klogan@lawsociety.sk.ca, Don.Thompson@lawsocietyalberta.com,
jmatkin@lsbc.org, lawsoc@nunanet.com, lsy@yknet.yk.ca,
whitford-lsnt@theedge.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca, diane.bourque@flsc.ca,
brad.woodside@fredericton.ca, police@fredericton.ca, Cadman.C@parl.gc.ca,
corp.website@sunlife.com, martine.turcotte@bell.ca,
cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, chebert@thestar.ca
They might have truncated it but I put it back in.
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 16:52:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Earthlink interception of my email
To: catherine2004@earthlink.net
CC: igcatty@earthlink.net, dent2004@ptd.net, info@driscollforcongress.com, greta_browne@hotmail.com, campaign@rich2004.com, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, CustomerService@NEMoves.com, news@dailygleaner.com, info@gg.ca, peter.ringrose@lawsociety.nf.ca, srobinson@lspei.pe.ca, dpink@nsbs.org, mrichard@lawsociety-barreau.nb.ca, pierre.cleroux@cdnq.org, jhoule@barreau.qc.ca, kcorrick@lsuc.on.ca, afineblit@lawsociety.mb.ca, klogan@lawsociety.sk.ca, Don.Thompson@lawsocietyalberta.com, jmatkin@lsbc.org, lawsoc@nunanet.com, lsy@yknet.yk.ca, whitford-lsnt@theedge.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca, diane.bourque@flsc.ca, brad.woodside@fredericton.ca, police@fredericton.ca, Cadman.C@parl.gc.ca, corp.website@sunlife.com, martine.turcotte@bell.ca, cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, chebert@thestar.ca, Stoffer.P@parl.gc.ca, Stronach.B@parl.gc.ca, Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca, MacAulay.L@parl.gc.ca, WERHANEP@darden.virginia.edu, gfdavis@umich.edu, st.int@cbs.dk, dsicilia@umd.edu, sb.ikl@cbs.dk, men.ikl@cbs.dk, info@lynnwestmoreland.org, milan01@cs.com, info@kucinich.us, contact@edhermanforcongress.com, dhooper@uplogon.com, lynn@actionstrat.com, jt@truscottgroup.com, cassell4congress@earthlink.net, GA06@mail.house.gov, deversman@daveeversman.org, bryce@calderclay.com, information@catherine2004.org, kajode@aol.com, jim.demint@mail.house.gov, Bob@inglisforcongress.com, aspencer@limestone.edu, gary@garymcleod.org, preachergirl68@yahoo.com, Stew@StewForCongress.com, Info@MelissaBrownforCongress.com, jpd4cd14@verizon.net, campaign@paterno2004.com, lcauditor@aol.com, flk828@aol.com, bobney@bobney.org

Attention Mr. Gary Betty
EarthLink, Inc.
c/o Counsels Les Seagraves and
Karen Cashion
1430 W Peachtree St NW
Atlanta, GA 30309
Phone 404 748-6427


This is not spam it is sent directly to the person reading my private email right now. I also called Les Seagraves' phone number and left voicemail for him stating that I would be sending him some US Mail. But as you can see I am telling many people why I am pissed off.

Whereas your Company has decided to interfere with and seize my emails containing many legal documents concerning the malicious acts practiced by the justice system against me and supported by your friends within the Whitehouse and elsewhere, perhaps you should read them before you attempt to prosecute me. Then ask why I do not do the same to you.

Whereas the emails came through the Yahoo domain in my opinion David Filo and Jerry Yangshould not be concerned because they did ask me to enter a code to verify that I was not sending spam. I do wish to thank them for their great service at no charge.
Michael Callahan should study real close what I send him as Beneral Counsel and secretary of a company that does file with the SEC. Ask Eliott Spiter or Francis Galvin. Their answers to me are within the emails Earthlink stopped. The public Trust should be of concern to all.

Bill Gates has already failed to send many emails through his Hotmail domain. Perhaps he should talk to his CEO Steven Balmer who is also a Director of Accenture about what I sent his General Counsel Brad Green last year by confirmed US Mail.

My wife and I were not impressed with Earthlink's services when they had us for a customer. Now they wish to stop my sending very important and private emails to some very profound politicians and lawyers? For whose benefit I must ask? May I suggest that Earthlink read what they have seized real slow and give me an answer real fast after you receive my US Mail.

David R. Amos.


Founding Members of the Industry's Anti-Spam Coalition Form United Front Against Spammers On Behalf of Online Consumers
WASHINGTON – March 10, 2004 – America Online Inc. (NYSE: TWX), EarthLink Inc. (Nasdaq: ELNK), Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT) and Yahoo! Inc. (Nasdaq: YHOO) today jointly announced that their collaborative anti-spam industry efforts have resulted in the coordinated filing of the first major industry lawsuits under the new federal anti-spam law, the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing (CAN-SPAM) Act of 2003, which went into effect Jan. 1.
The country's four leading e-mail and Internet service providers announced the combined filing of six lawsuits against hundreds of defendants, including some of the nation's most notorious large-scale spammers. The lawsuits were announced by senior executives of the companies at a joint press conference at the St. Regis Hotel in Washington.

New Federal Anti-Spam Law
The CAN-SPAM law provides b new enforcement tools for e-mail and Internet service providers and law enforcement, and criminalizes specific tactics spammers use to spread junk e-mail. The law, which was supported by the four companies, allows for harsh new penalties against large-scale spammers that use fraud, deceit and evasion to try to send junk e-mail to consumers.

Each of the four companies last night filed legal complaints in federal courts in California, Georgia, Virginia and Washington state. The complaints charge the defendants with sending a combined total of hundreds of millions of bulk spam e-mail messages to customers of the four networks. Some of the common allegations described in the complaints include these:

Deceptive solicitations for a variety of products including get-rich-quick schemes, prescription drugs, pornography, instructions for conducting spam campaigns, banned CDs, mortgage loans, university diplomas, cable descramblers and other common types of unsolicited e‑mail

Use of open proxies (sending spam through third-party computers to disguise their point of origin)

Falsified "from" e-mail addresses (spoofing)

Absence of a physical address in the e-mail

Absence of an electronic unsubscribe option

Each allegation is a direct violation of the CAN-SPAM law. A summary of each filing is included below. More detailed information about each case can be found on each complainant's Web site.

"Today is a red-letter day for big-time spammers, and the letters they should remember from this day forward are 'CAN-SPAM,'" said AOL Executive Vice President and General Counsel Randall Boe. "Congress gave us the necessary tools to pursue spammers with stiff penalties, and we in the industry didn't waste a moment — moving with speed and resolve to take advantage of the new law. Consumers should take note that the new law not only empowered us to help can the spam, but also to can the spammers as well — and we'll do that, one spam kingpin at a time if necessary. Our actions today clearly demonstrate that CAN-SPAM is alive and kicking — and we're using it to give hardcore, outlaw spammers the boot."

"Today's bold action represents a decisive step by the leaders in our industry to preserve the integrity of the Internet and restore the value of e-mail that spammers have threatened to undermine," said EarthLink Vice President, Chief Privacy Officer and Assistant General Counsel Les Seagraves. "Together, we are using a tough new federal law, combined with existing state laws, to let criminal spammers know that the nation's leading Internet providers are united by a common goal — stopping the flow of illegal and intrusive junk e-mail and strengthening the Internet experience for all users. Collectively, we are committed to sending spammers the message that we will find them and use the full force of the law to stop them."

"Substantial building blocks have been put into place in the effort to contain spam," said Microsoft Deputy General Counsel Nancy Anderson. "With the creation of this anti-spam industry alliance and the implementation of a federal law to litigate effectively against spammers, we are witnessing the impact that this industrywide attack on spam is having. We've had the opportunity to share investigative best practices and various legal resources and information to ensure that spammers are going to have an increasingly difficult time continuing their deceptive practices with the full force of this industry coming down on them."

"We're holding spammers directly accountable for the relentless infiltration of people's inboxes. We're acting on behalf of the millions of people who are saying 'enough is enough,'" said Yahoo! Senior Vice President and General Counsel Mike Callahan. "With federal legal remedies and industry collaboration, we have a significant new advantage. We are leveraging new legal tools and sharing best practices, sending a signal to spammers that they are facing a more unified front than ever before. This is great news for all consumers."

The Industry Anti-Spam Alliance
The four companies formed an anti-spam alliance in April 2003. Coalition members meet regularly to proactively address the spam problem that threatens the effectiveness of e-mail as an essential means of communication. Through ongoing industry collaboration with a number of telecommunications companies and industry partners, the group expects to make consistent progress in the areas of technical standards development, as well as improved enforcement techniques and litigation

Beyond today's major enforcement efforts, the anti-spam industry alliance is making progress on issues related to new and promising technical Internet standards, specifically regarding the certification and authentication of e-mail.
Spam continues to drain time, resources and network space from online companies and inhibit the online experience of consumers across the medium. Spam remains the chief concern of the four companies and their customers.
Today's announcement is the result of substantial corporate cooperation. By sharing information, resources and investigative best practices within this industry alliance, these companies have been able to identify high-volume outlaw spammers for civil lawsuits – a first and critical stage in the campaign to end unwanted junk e-mail through stepped-up and coordinated civil enforcement programs.

The companies believe that the issue of spam can only be significantly addressed and resolved through a comprehensive, multilayered approach that includes anti-spam technologies, consumer education and awareness, legal enforcement, self-policing of e-mail account abuse, and ber partnerships between industry and government and other regulatory agencies.

About America Online
America Online Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Time Warner Inc. (NYSE: TWX). Based in Dulles, Virginia, America Online is the world's leader in interactive services, Web brands, Internet technologies and e-commerce services.

About EarthLink
"EarthLink revolves around you™." Celebrating ten years as a leading national Internet service provider (ISP), Atlanta-based EarthLink has earned an award-winning reputation for outstanding customer service and its suite of online products and services. According to the J.D. Power and Associates 2003 Internet Service Provider Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM, EarthLink is ranked highest in customer satisfaction among high-speed Internet Service Providers. Serving more than five million subscribers, EarthLink offers what every user should expect from their Internet experience: high-quality connectivity, minimal drop-offs and ISP-generated intrusions, and customizable features. Whether it's dial-up, high-speed, Web hosting, or wireless Internet service, EarthLink provides the tools that best let individuals use and enjoy the Internet on their own terms. Learn more about EarthLink by calling (800) EARTHLINK or visiting EarthLink's Web site at www.earthlink.net.

About Microsoft
Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT") is the worldwide leader in software, services and Internet technologies for personal and business computing. The company offers a wide range of products and services designed to empower people through great software — any time, any place and on any device.

About Yahoo!
Yahoo! Inc. is a leading provider of comprehensive online products and services to consumers and businesses worldwide. Yahoo! is the No. 1 Internet brand globally and the most trafficked Internet destination worldwide. Headquartered in Sunnyvale, Calif., Yahoo!'s global network includes 25 world properties and is available in 13 languages.
America Online is a registered trademark of Time Warner.
Earthlink and the EarthLink logo are registered trademarks of EarthLink, Inc.
Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other countries.
Yahoo! and the Yahoo! logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Yahoo! Inc.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

Case Summaries
America Online
AOL v. Davis Wolfgang Hawke, et al.
Davis Wolfgang Hawke (also known as Dave Bridger), Braden Bournival and unknown John Doe Defendant co-conspirators are alleged to have transmitted millions of spam email messages directing AOL Members to websites selling "Pinacle" penis enlargement pills, weight loss supplements, hand-held devices advertised as "personal lie detectors," and a product labeled "the Banned CD." These spam messages were transmitted between July 1, 2003 and the present. The complaint alleges that AOL has tallied at least 100,000 member complaints about messages advertising these products. In addition, the complaint alleges that Hawke also offered to provide or sell a number of illegal spam-related goods and services under the apparently fictitious name "Dave Bridger," including:

Providing "250 free proxies every day to [Hawke's] affiliates" and offering to "pay them $20 per sale for Pinacle, an herbal penis enlarger"

Offering "bulk friendly hosting" on servers located in China, Latin America, or other foreign countries, so that mailers could "point your domains to our server if it helps you get into specific domains like AOL"
Selling millions of AOL addresses, and "cracked" bulk mailer programs
AOL v. John Does 1-40

AOL's Complaints alleges: From at least November 2003 to the present, unknown John Doe Defendants have transmitted millions of spam messages to AOL Members advertising numerous websites selling a variety of products, including mortgage leads, adult-content websites and business opportunities. The messages are transmitted through fraudulent means to make it difficult to determine the identity of those responsible, and contain misleading subject lines, including the completely false claim in some that the spam message is an "important message from AOL." The John Doe Defendants also used other deceptive tactics in an attempt to evade AOL's spam filters, including random text in the body of their messages. AOL has already tied more than half a million Member complaints to these Defendants (and is still counting complaints attributable to them). On some days, complaints about these spammers constituted as many as 10% of all AOL Member complaints about spam.

EarthLink v. John Does 1–25 (The "Prescription Drug Spammers"); John Does 26-35 (The "Mortgage Lead Spammers"); John Does 36-45 (The "Cable Descrambler Spammers"); John Does 46-55 (The "University Diploma Spammers"); and John Does 56-65 (The "Get Rich Quick Spammers") and John Does 66 – 75, other spammers.

Since January 1, John Doe defendants 1 – 75 have been responsible for a substantial portion of the incoming spam on EarthLink's network, sending millions of spam emails to advertise Websites selling prescription drugs, mortgage leads, cable descramblers, university diplomas and get-rich-quick schemes. The defendants have hidden their identities with false domain-name registration information, falsified headers, fake "from" lines and misleading subject lines, violating the federal CAN SPAM Act, EarthLink's Acceptable Use Policy and other state and federal laws. Some of the defendants have used text randomizers to insert long passages of gibberish in messages in attempts to evade EarthLink's spam filters.
Fingerprint phrases and sample subject lines include: "Enjoy deep discount meds here," "G_eneric via-gra 60% cheap*r cowslip," "promote someone else's online business and cash in big," "make over $1000 per day," and "attention single mothers."

MICROSOFT CORPORATION v. JDO MEDIA, INC., a Florida Corporation, and JOHN DOES 1-50 (United States District Court, Western District of Washington)
This lawsuit charges JDO Media, Inc. ("JDO"), a Florida company, and other unknown defendants, with operating an automated multi-level marketing ("MLM") program that is advertised through spam, and that instructs its members on how to generate leads for the program, or for other products, through spam. The lawsuit alleges that Hotmail subscribers have been barraged by millions of illegal emails touting this program.

The lawsuit alleges that the spam used to promote the program is intentionally routed through open proxies, contains header information that is false and misleading, and uses other obfuscatory methods to disguise the senders' identities. This lawsuit also charges that the email advertising the program contains misleading subject lines such as "This is your lucky day", "Elite, Professional Invitation", and "Warning!!! These three minutes could change your life". Many of these email messages are sent with "high priority." These deficiencies are all alleged to be in violation of the federal CAN-SPAM Act.
Alleged CAN-SPAM Violations
falsified from email addresses and transmission paths
use of open proxies
deceptive subject lines
no physical address on some of the messages

MICROSOFT CORPORATION v. JOHN DOES 1-50, d/b/a Super Viagra Group (United States District Court, Western District of Washington)
This lawsuit alleges that the Super Viagra Group has sent hundreds of millions of illegal e-mail messages to Hotmail subscribers advertising either "Super Viagra" or a weight loss patch. The e-mailing practices of this spam group are sophisticated, and are alleged to be in violation of the federal CAN-SPAM Act and other state and federal law.

The lawsuit contends that the Super Viagra Group routes its e-mail messages through open proxies and hijacked computers in countries around the world, uses misleading transmission information and subject lines, and take other actions to disguise their true identities. The lawsuit identifies almost forty different domain names where, allegedly, the Super Viagra Group's products can be purchased. The identified domains are registered to individuals in Argentina, Turkey, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Lithuania, and India.

Alleged CAN-SPAM Violations
open proxies for some or all emails
falsified from email addresses on most or all emails
deceptive subject lines on some emails
no physical address on most emails
no electronic unsubscribe option on some emails
Yahoo! Inc.
Yahoo! Inc. vs. Eric Head, Matthew Head and Barry Head, and their companies Gold Disk Canada, Inc., Head Programming, Inc., and Infinite Technologies Worldwide, Inc. collectively known as "The Head Operation."
Alleged Spam Activity:
Defendants were on Yahoo! Mail's "Most Wanted" spammer list for allegedly sending millions of spam messages. In January 2004, Yahoo! Mail received approximately 94 million total e-mails from The Head Operation.
Disguised Identity: The use of open proxies from countries all over the world to disguise the origin of the messages.
Unsolicited Commercial Messages: Messages consisted of solicitations for life insurance, mortgage and debt consolidation and travel services.
Deceptive Subject lines: Messages included misleading subject lines, including "past due account."
Sold Personal Data: Defendants allegedly collected personal information, such as the names and e-mail addresses of Yahoo! Mail users who responded to the defendants' spam solicitations, and sold the information as "leads" to marketers.
False Domains: The domain names for the websites promoted in the messages were falsely registered to individuals with physical addresses in China.
Font Tricks: The defendants used color font tricks to hide randomized text in an attempt to circumvent the SpamGuard filter.


Spammers in Florida, California, Tennessee, Michigan and Nevada Alleged to Have Sent Millions of Junk Emails
ATLANTA, February 18, 2004 — EarthLink (Nasdaq: ELNK), one of the nation's leading Internet service providers, today announced legal action against a multi-state spam ring in which 16 individuals and corporations sent out more than 250 million illegal junk emails. The lawsuit identifies alleged individuals and corporations in Florida (Orlando), California (Woodland Hills, Marina Del Rey, Valencia, Los Angeles), Tennessee (Medina), Michigan (Southfield) and Nevada (Las Vegas, Carson City).
According to an Amended Complaint filed February 17 in U.S. District Court in Atlanta, the "Alabama Spammers" -- so-called because of their frequent use of phone lines in and around Birmingham, Alabama -- represent a technically sophisticated criminal organization that "engaged in a massive scheme of theft, spamming and spoofing." The lawsuit alleges that the defendants used a hierarchy of falsified names, false addresses and non-existent corporate entities to disguise the identities of individuals involved.
To further hide their identities, the defendants used spam emails to direct people to dynamically-hosted Web sites that would disappear after advertising a product. Common products advertised by the Alabama Spammers included Viagra®, herbal supplements, adult matchmaking services and spam-for-hire services. Defendants named in the lawsuit include individuals listed as among the world's largest spammers by ROKSO, the Register of Known Spam Operations, maintained by The Spamhaus Project, an anti-spam organization (www.spamhaus.org).
"Because spam imperils the integrity of the Internet, EarthLink is aggressively pursuing litigation, technical solutions, consumer education and legislative support to stop these intrusive and illegal emails," said Karen Cashion, assistant general counsel for EarthLink. "Filing lawsuits against alleged spammers and seeking judgments that put them out of business is an important way that EarthLink helps preserve the Internet experience for all users."

In its lawsuit, EarthLink is charging the defendants with violating federal and state laws, including federal and state civil RICO laws, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, and the Georgia Computer Systems Protection Act. The lawsuit also alleges that the defendants used stolen or falsified credit cards, identity theft, banking fraud and other illegal activities to fraudulently purchase Internet accounts and send out their junk emails.

As in previous cases, EarthLink is asking for injunctive relief that will prevent the defendants from illegally spamming any Internet user, regardless of the user's ISP. EarthLink is also seeking unspecified damages.

The case against the Alabama Spammers is the result of a year-and-a-half long investigation by EarthLink's Abuse Team, led by Mary Youngblood, and Pete Wellborn, outside legal counsel for EarthLink. In late 2002, Youngblood noticed a spike in spam coming from phone lines in Birmingham, Alabama. Youngblood and her team determined that the spam originated from a single spammer or group of spammers, and in August 2003, EarthLink filed a lawsuit against "John Does" 1 – 25, aka the Alabama Spammers.
Wellborn's investigation following the John Doe lawsuit led to EarthLink's identification of the alleged spammers in the Amended Complaint filed February 17.
EarthLink's lawsuit against the Alabama Spammers is the latest example of the ISP's multi-faceted fight against spam. Last May, EarthLink launched spamBlocker, becoming the first major ISP to provide a permission-based spam-fighting tool that blocks virtually 100 percent of all junk email. That same month, EarthLink won a $16.4 million judgment and injunctive relief against Howard Carmack, aka the "Buffalo Spammer," shutting down an operation that had generated more than 825 million spam emails on the Internet. EarthLink's pursuit of Carmack led to his eventual arrest and indictment by the New York Attorney General's office. Carmack is scheduled to stand trial in Buffalo, N.Y. in March.
About EarthLink

"EarthLink revolves around yousm." As a leading national Internet service provider (ISP) headquartered in Atlanta, EarthLink has earned an award winning reputation for outstanding customer service and its suite of online products and services. According to the J.D. Power and Associates 2003 Internet Service Provider Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM, EarthLink is ranked highest in customer satisfaction among high-speed Internet Service Providers. Serving more than five million subscribers, EarthLink offers what every user should expect from their Internet experience: high-quality connectivity, minimal drop-offs and ISP-generated intrusions, and customizable features. Whether it's dial-up, high-speed, Web hosting, or wireless Internet service, EarthLink provides the tools that best let individuals use and enjoy the Internet on their own terms. Learn more about EarthLink by calling (800) EARTHLINK or visiting EarthLink's Web site at www.earthlink.net.


Washington, D.C., December 16, 2003 — Garry Betty, CEO of EarthLink (Nasdaq: ELNK), one of the nation’s leading Internet service providers (ISPs), today will attend President Bush’s signing at the White House of the CAN SPAM Act of 2003, a milestone law in the fight against spam.
In comments praising the legislation, Betty applauded the efforts of Congress and the President to help protect the millions of Internet users from the proliferation of spam.
“This law will enhance the efforts of Internet providers like EarthLink to combat the intrusive and illegal emails spawned by spammers,” said Betty. “We commend the Act’s criminal penalties for violations such as harvesting email addresses, launching dictionary attacks and falsifying header information.

“We also praise the Act’s enforcement provisions, which will assist ISPs in their current efforts to fight spam. ISPs are consumers’ first line of defense against junk email. EarthLink aggressively combats spam through technical solutions, litigation, and customer education; we now have legislative support as well. Industry and lawmakers must continue to attack spam on all fronts, and today’s action by the President provides a key component in helping to preserve the integrity of the Internet.”

EarthLink has been a leader in the fight against spam. In May, EarthLink launched spamBlocker, becoming the first major ISP to provide a permission-based spam-fighting tool that blocks virtually 100 percent of all junk email. By residing on the company’s email servers, spamBlocker blocks junk email messages before they ever reach the customer’s inbox.

Also in May, EarthLink won a $16.4 million judgment and injunctive relief against Howard Carmack, aka the “Buffalo Spammer,” shutting down an operation that had generated more than 825 million spam emails on the Internet. EarthLink’s pursuit of Carmack led to his eventual arrest and indictment by the New York Attorney General’s office.
About EarthLink

“EarthLink revolves around yousm.” As a leading national Internet service provider (ISP) headquartered in Atlanta, EarthLink has earned an award winning reputation for outstanding customer service and its suite of online products and services. According to the J.D. Power and Associates 2003 Internet Service Provider Residential Customer Satisfaction StudySM, EarthLink is ranked highest in customer satisfaction among high-speed Internet Service Providers. Serving approximately five million subscribers, EarthLink offers what every user should expect from their Internet experience: high-quality connectivity, minimal drop-offs and ISP-generated intrusions, and customizable features. Whether it's dial-up, high-speed, Web hosting, or wireless Internet service, EarthLink provides the tools that best let individuals use and enjoy the Internet on their own terms. Learn more about EarthLink by calling (800) EARTHLINK or visiting EarthLink's Web site at www.earthlink.net.

Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 19:50:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [#204286441] Blogger DMCA Complaint received and you have your response Now who is you lawyer?
To: "Blogger Help" support@blogger.com, scott.agnew@canadaeast.com, rrodin@skadden.com, amerrino@gmail.com, mail-advocacy@cc.yahoo-inc.com, ca-abuse@cc.yahoo-inc.com, abuse@yahoo.com, chobson@yahoo-inc.com, nicki@yahoo-inc.com, lynamm@fleishman.com, suneel.khanna@publishing.rogers.com, blord@mccarthy.ca, whistleblower@ctv.ca, tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, Paulette.Delaney-Smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Leblanc.D@parl.gc.ca, Holland.M@parl.gc.ca, John.Ferguson@saintjohn.ca, wrscott@nbpower.com, dhay@nbpower.com, arsenault_chris@hotmail.com, bill.corby@gnb.ca, lorraineroche@gov.nl.ca, alltrue@nl.rogers.com, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, Kathy.Alchorn@fredericton.ca, Kim.Quartermain@fredericton.ca, Barry.MacKnight@fredericton.ca, Danny.Copp@fredericton.ca, forest@conservationcouncil.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, Christian.Couturier@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca, marthajette@yahoo.com, debbedford@msn.com, info@barackobama.com, rfowlo@comcast.net, jcallahan@bowditch.com, ctidman@Bowditch.com, jhanrahan@Bowditch.com, wickedwanda3@adelphia.net, lrikleen@Bowditch.com, pshipley@richardsonforpresident.com, info@johnedwards.com, info@dennis4president.com, kalthoff@barackobama.com, info@mittromney.com
CC: oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, abel.leblanc@gnb.ca, deanr0032@hotmail.com, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Aurele.Daigle@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, Dion.S@parl.gc.ca, Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca, Casey.B@parl.gc.ca, Comuzzi.J@parl.gc.ca, Arthur.A@parl.gc.ca, louiselorefice@ndp.ca, leader@greenparty.ca, defence@sen.parl.gc.ca, Ed.MacEachern@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Louis.Lefebvre@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Jim.Payne@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Steve.Graham@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, dayja@sen.parl.gc.ca, Clabchuk@greenparty.ca, maychair@dal.ca, kmcgowan@greenparty.ns.ca, juan.behrend@europeangreens.org, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, milliken@petermilliken.org, ciec-ccie@parl.gc.ca, Bagnell.L@parl.gc.ca, Milliken.P@parl.gc.ca, pelosi@mail.house.gov, ajw@eastlink.ca, alex@gravel2008.us, elliott@gravel2008.us, info@gravel2008.us, checkup@cbc.ca, Dewar.P@parl.gc.ca, info@hillaryclinton.com, mail@ronpaul2008.com, rep.paul@mail.house.gov, info@johnmccain.com, Governor.Rell@ct.gov, beneva@chrisdodd.com, press@joebiden.com

My Cell Phone # is 506 434 1379

Never forget that Google/Blogger picked this fight without doing their homework. I am merely responding because I can't stand tough talking nominds within Publicly Held Corporations that think because the company they work for pays alot of other people's money for fancy lawyers that they can do anything to the little guy without having to argue them in court. Trust that that don't work out too well now and then.

FYI what you are reading now, you will also find posted to the bottom of the Blog that you are attacking me about for the benefit of Scotty Baby Agnew, his boss Jamie Irving and the rest of the Boyz in New Brunswick. Whatever you may wish to do within blogger against me will only serve to piss me off. It will not make my words evaporate from the Internet. That is the Irving's plan but they cannot get away with their malice as easy as that. Their lawyers may have whipped the Fed's tax lawyers years ago but their court battles will be somewaht different with me. I do not make deals with crooks. I will never settle until the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth is known and properly recorded for anyone who cares to view. That is the way it is supposed to be in a democracy correct? Money and might does not make right in my book or your Yankee Constitution either. Correct? Why are you wealthy Yankees buckling under to a private company from a province you quite likely never heard of just because the Irvings own the Crown in this neck of the woods? I thought you Yankees love to get drunk and celebrate your revolt from our Crown once a year? Well show some balls and tell the Irvings and the Crowns working with them where to get off. Google has some cloat too don't they? Why are you afraid of an idle threat made by a pion of Irvings trying hard to save his job. Get real will ya as I show how it is done? If you disagree sue me before I bother to sue you. All i have to do by the way is add your name a few more paragraphs to what i am writng right now. Trust me. I ain't joking.

May I suggest that you dudes in Google scroll down real slow and have your Canadian lawyer call me ASAP? Better yet why not save us all a lot of time and have your General Counsel David Drummond

Call Mikey Callahan over at Yahoo and ask to see the hard copy of the material I sent to him over two years ago.


Then Mikey should call his old lawfirm of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher, & Flom, LLP and talk to this woman who works with ICANN and ask her if I am a very serious man.


Perhaps then all three lawyers should call me aat the same for a little pow wao n'est Pas? The first thing I want to know is who the Hell is the nasty Canadian Fed with the blackhole IP who uses Googles email account amerrino@gmail.com and feels free to attack me in a way I cannot hold her accountable. She fails to understand that she is well paid from the public interests to uphold the public trust not offend us on behalf of corrupt politicians who come and go at our whim
Ms. Rodin should recall that she has yet to answer me about the other Canadain Fed who called himself "Porqupine Prique" I saw her law firm checking my blog eight months or so ago and she is still too chicken to call me back. I am very tired of this poltical nonsense supported by corrupt lawyers. However I must tell you all that Yahoo and Google are amongst two of my favorite companies. Please do not allow your lawyers to piss me off any further.

Look out for a major rant that many (corrected spelling of some words for the benefit of Depupty Dog DRA) may consider minor. However I suggest your legal counsel read it anyway.

You can take the fact that I do not understand to the bank right after I call your head offices tomorrow.

I watched Google and the Irvings single out the nutcase Charles Leblanc and as you can see I defended him out of the gate. What Chucky does with cut and paste is done by legions of people. What holds true for him should hold true for all. EH?

Chaucky Leblanc has a few problems not only is he an idiot but he is a rather profound liar and he cannot argue hmself out of the wet paper bag he lugs his beer in. Furthermore he could never afford a lawyer on welfare.On the otherhandalthough I am far poorer than he is I am neither an idiot nor a drunk and I don't need a lawyer. I argue Pro Se.

The key words to me within Google's nasty little email to me are as follows: "allegedly infringing content" Have your lawyers ever heard ever heard of due process of law and the US Consitution the Federal Code and the Canadian Charter of Rights?

Another one is "If you have legal questions about this notification, you should retain your own legal counsel" Rest assured you just him. I have only one client Me Myself and I and many fools say that he is quite a fool.

Nevertheless I am not shy about suing Attorney Generals and US Treasury Agents etc. Trust that arguing Irving's and Google's lawyers would go under the heading of fun.

Another one is "We can reinstate this content into your blog upon receipt of a counter notification pursuant to sections 512(g)(2)"
I have quicker way. Why don't I employ the Federal Code and just sue Google?

FYI Two of the bullshit articles by Canada East that Scotty Baby Agnew of CanadaEast is bitching about to Google is their bullshit about me. What they say is definite slander under the term "Expressed and/or implied" In Canada that is a crime.

Rest assured I looking for their lawyers to argue about what Scotty Baby said about me within his emails to many politicians and lawyers that I posted within the aforsaid Blog as well. Does Google wish to support the Irving's malice against me byway of ignoring my first Amendment Right to speak up and defend my name and reputation as I prepare to run for a Seat in Parliament in Canada once again?

Never forget that I am also a legal permenant resident of the USA and I have the same rights you do under Title 42.

More interesting for many a Blogger is the fact that this is a blog about an ethical blogger exposing an unethical blogger and the Irving people he hates as much as I. The blogger, Charles Leblanc. byway of the Crown in New Brunswick ha had his rights a s journalist recognized and it was reported by the New York Times and the CBC etc. That fact went around the world in a wink of an eye.

As a Publicly Held Corp you dudes have a Code of Ethics to uphold. On the otherhand the Irving Empire is a powerful private company that controls all the press in New Brunswick to protect their own greedy interests. They have no sense of ethics whatsoever nor do they report to anyone. What they say to you is pure bullshit so they can shut up ethical people trying to expose them as they truly are. The Irvings may scare Google but they will never sue you. They do npot want the spotlight on them. Hence their attacks on the Blogs. I find their attack towards me to be manna from heaven and I ain't rlgious. Malice is Malice especially when they go about proving it themselves.

If Google bothers to look I bagged your Level # 3 dudes reading my blog right after the Irvings did. Do you really think that I am that dumb? The better question are you fat dumb happy Yankees in way down in California really that dumb? Best that you sit up and pay attention and start reading or a simple, sincere and very seriously pigheaded Maritimer will make his best effort to embarass the hell out of you then sue your publicly held Yankee Corp just to make it hurt. We can buy stocks in your company too don't ya know?

Think about what I say next real slow. Your CEO etc should sit down and review the Code of Ethical conduct of a Publically Held Company particularly after you dudes just admitted reading my blog and now wish to knock it out of cyberspace.

If you within Google had read all of my words within in this blog then you would not have sent me this ridiculous email on behalf of CanadaEast aka the Irvings. Of that I have no doubt.

Before you piss me off further and act on the behalf of the Irvings and their nasty little man named Scott Baby Agnew you should read every word real slow and then have many lawyers study it.

They will see that I cantacted your lawyer within Google David Drummond three years ago when you people were in trouble with the SEC Remeber?

As ye shall soon see I have already saved every word of this blog. If you delete it your lawyers can expect to see hard copy this blog as they prepare to argue everyword within it. Plus rest assured that you will receive a great deal more evidence of many crimes practiced against my Clan and I and many others (that includes a copy of an Yankee police surveilance wiretap tape) before we meet in court.

FYI I had contacted Jamie Irving's office and two of his publishers (in Sussex and Fredericton) last week I will serve hard copy of some of my material upon them before I sue them.

Please let me know ASAP if Google wants involved in this litgation. The irrefutable truth that you will is if and when you delete this Blog. That said I will make my best effort to call your lawyers in Califoria ASAP tomorrow.
this first thing I will demand to know is the name of the lawyers who represent you in Canada.

Whereas an unnamed Canadian Fed with a Blackhole IP labbelled me a Yosemite Sam within Youtube. Please allow me the licence to quote him and simply say "Back off" Yankee or introduce me to your Canadian lawyers.

In closing you are going to find my doublecheck of my response to your email rather unsuual to say the least. I will also tell you that the Irving dude who calls himself the publisher in Fat Fred City lied to me. There is no such lawyer named Ian MacDonald licenced to practice law in the Province of New Brunswick.I called the Lw society and checked. Rest assured I will call him again tomorrow. The point I am trying to convey to you is the Irvings are flat out liars. May I suggest that you read my words in all my blogs and know that i save every word of all of them. Please listen to the next emails that I am sending you and do the right thing for the benefit of the sharholders of Goggle and call the FBI and send me the proof will ya?

Here is where you can download some wiretap tapes.



Just in case your lawyers try to deny what I sent you. may I suggest that you press print on the tiff files anyway. I am trying to protect your rights too whether you believe me or not Georgey Boy Bush has had his way with this Wonderful Old World way past too long. To Hell with his dastardly daddy's plans for New World Order. California dudes must understand that statetment N'est Pas? now pick sides. the big mean nasty Irvings or the mean spirited ol Maritme Grumpy Grampy who has seen enough public corruption for any ten men to make a stand against.

Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

Monday, October 01, 2007
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Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 06:15:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Please allow me to remind you of the Charter before I sue you and your cohorts
To: maggie.trudel-maggiore@international.gc.ca,
josie.maguire@dfait-maeci.gc.ca, info@pco-bcp.gc.ca, Cotler.I@parl.gc.ca,
Pettigrew.P@parl.gc.ca, ted.tax@justice.gc.ca, jbriggs@lawreform.ns.ca,
info@lawreform.ns.ca, canada@canadianembassy.org,
FPS_agent-mandataire_SFP@justice.gc.ca, liaison@justice.gc.ca,
belanger.jean-daniel@psio-bifp.gc.ca, david@lutz.nb.ca
CC: publiceye@cbs.com, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, cnwtor@mail.newswire.ca,
mgarcia@venezuelaonu.gob.ve, veneboston@hotmail.com,
consulado.canada@misionvenezuela.org, inquiries@un.org,
clementgroleau@videotron.ca, mercet@sen.parl.gc.ca,
anti-t@sen.parl.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca,
jacques.dufort@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, ellardm@sirc-csars.gc.ca,
GrandmL@erc-cee.gc.ca, jacques.sabourin@justice.gc.ca,
lesley.mccoy@justice.gc.ca, martineaup@nafta-sec-alena.org,
cbarlow@gg.ca, gredling@pco-bcp.gc.ca, mary.chaput@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca,
ginette.danis@psc-cfp.gc.ca, justice@gov.nl.ca,
murielle.rivers@chrc-ccdp.ca, mburke@chrt-tcdp.gc.ca,
rricher@scics.gc.ca, crouleau@citttcce.gc.ca, dcb@smtp.gc.ca,
charrette.jocelyne@fcac.gc.ca, AdamsoV@erc-cee.gc.ca,
betty.macphee@crtc.gc.ca, potterl@scc-csc.gc.ca,
josee.touchette@justice.gc.ca, renaudlp@oag-bvg.gc.ca,
rdaoust@privcom.gc.ca, rod.smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, smorel@gg.ca,
rraymond@lcc.gc.ca, execassistant@nafta-sec-alena.org

Hey Lady
I very tired of the double talk of mandates etc. that you public servants employ to duck doing your job. Perhaps you should have a long talk with all those within your Dept that assisted the Yankees in my false imprisonment last year. Methinks the right one to start with would be Josie Macguire in Beantown. Don't you?
Legal Rights

7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.

8. Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.

9. Everyone has the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned.

10. Everyone has the right on arrest or detention
a) to be informed promptly of the reasons therefor;
b) to retain and instruct counsel without delay and to be informed of that right; and
c) to have the validity of the detention determined by way of habeas corpus and to be released if the detention is not lawful.

11. Any person charged with an offence has the right
a) to be informed without unreasonable delay of the specific offence;
b) to be tried within a reasonable time;
c) not to be compelled to be a witness in proceedings against that person in respect of the offence;
d) to be presumed innocent until proven guilty according to law in a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal;
e) not to be denied reasonable bail without just cause;

maggie.trudel-maggiore@international.gc.ca wrote:

Mr. Amos,

thank you for your phone message and several email messages. As the Director of Values and Ethics in the departments of Foreign Affairs Canada and International Trade Canada, my current mandate applies only to internal management issues. For example, establishing a code of conduct for our employees as well as providing advice to staff on conflict of interest and conflict resolution.
As such I don't think I could be in a position to assist you. Please remove my name from your distribution list.

Thanks in advance

Maggie Trudel-Maggiore
A/Director, Values and Ethics

From: David Amos mailto:motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Sent: September 18, 2005 1:53 PM
To: publiceye@cbs.com; bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com; cnwtor@mail.newswire.ca; mgarcia@venezuelaonu.gob.ve; veneboston@hotmail.com; consulado.canada@misionvenezuela.org; inquiries@un.org; clementgroleau@videotron.ca; mercet@sen.parl.gc.ca; anti-t@sen.parl.gc.ca; complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca; jacques.dufort@cpc-cpp.gc.ca; ellardm@sirc-csars.gc.ca; GrandmL@erc-cee.gc.ca; Trudel-Maggiore, Maggie -ZVE; jacques.sabourin@justice.gc.ca; lesley.mccoy@justice.gc.ca; martineaup@nafta-sec-alena.org; cbarlow@gg.ca; gredling@pco-bcp.gc.ca; mary.chaput@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca; ginette.danis@psc-cfp.gc.ca; justice@gov.nl.ca
Cc: murielle.rivers@chrc-ccdp.ca; mburke@chrt-tcdp.gc.ca; rricher@scics.gc.ca; crouleau@citttcce.gc.ca; dcb@smtp.gc.ca; charrette.jocelyne@fcac.gc.ca; AdamsoV@erc-cee.gc.ca; betty.macphee@crtc.gc.ca; potterl@scc-csc.gc.ca; josee.touchette@justice.gc.ca; renaudlp@oag-bvg.gc.ca; rdaoust@privcom.gc.ca; rod.smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; smorel@gg.ca; rraymond@lcc.gc.ca; execassistant@nafta-sec-alena.org
Subject: I have many documents for Dan Rather to review ask Brian Mulroney or his buddy Bernard Roy

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 04:42:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: RE: Just so you know
To: publiceye@cbs.com, bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com, cnwtor@mail.newswire.ca,
mgarcia@venezuelaonu.gob.ve, veneboston@hotmail.com,
consulado.canada@misionvenezuela.org, inquiries@un.org,
clementgroleau@videotron.ca, mercet@sen.parl.gc.ca,
anti-t@sen.parl.gc.ca, complaints@cpc-cpp.gc.ca,
jacques.dufort@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, ellardm@sirc-csars.gc.ca,
GrandmL@erc-cee.gc.ca, jacques.sabourin@justice.gc.ca,
lesley.mccoy@justice.gc.ca, martineaup@nafta-sec-alena.org,
cbarlow@gg.ca, gredling@pco-bcp.gc.ca, mary.chaput@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca,
ginette.danis@psc-cfp.gc.ca, justice@gov.nl.ca,
murielle.rivers@chrc-ccdp.ca, mburke@chrt-tcdp.gc.ca,
rricher@scics.gc.ca, crouleau@citttcce.gc.ca, dcb@smtp.gc.ca,
charrette.jocelyne@fcac.gc.ca, AdamsoV@erc-cee.gc.ca,
betty.macphee@crtc.gc.ca, potterl@scc-csc.gc.ca,
josee.touchette@justice.gc.ca, renaudlp@oag-bvg.gc.ca,
rdaoust@privcom.gc.ca, rod.smith@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, smorel@gg.ca,
rraymond@lcc.gc.ca, execassistant@nafta-sec-alena.org
CC: caroline.whitby@transfair.ca, pbroder@imaginecanada.ca,
cforcese@uottawa.ca, David.Fewer@uOttawa.ca, Philippa.Lawson@uOttawa.ca,
Stephane.Emard-Chabot@uOttawa.ca, Chantale.Fore@uOttawa.ca,
exec@casis.ca, gkealey@unb.ca, dgollob@cna-acj.ca,
justicepourmohamedharkat@yahoo.ca, mail@ccla.org, info@amnesty.ca,
rocht@iclmg.ca, katiag@ccic.ca, admin@cbanb.com, info@cba.org

Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 04:33:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: Just so you know
To: HeafeyS@cpc-cpp.gc.ca, gemerson@tor.fasken.com, jgrant@baseconsulting.ca,
rabrahamson@baseconsulting.ca, mdesouza@baseconsulting.ca, csae@csae.com,
kim.keith@rci.rogers.com, jduncan@tor.fasken.com, Moore.R@parl.gc.ca,
ahamilton@casselsbrock.com, jm@jmellon.com, treasurer@casis.ca,
jbronskill@cp.org, RTRiley6@cs.com, pborbey@pco-bcp.gc.ca,
dlepage@pco-bcp.gc.ca, Allan.Kimpton@psc-cfp.gc.ca,
linda.gobeil@psc-cfp.gc.ca, janette.hamilton@rcmp-grc.gc.ca,
barbara.george@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, danielle.brunet-paquin@tpsgc.gc.ca,
robert.brule@cse-cst.gc.ca, Julie.Birch@cse-cst.gc.ca,
arnold.zeman@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca, nancy.taillon@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca
CC: info.com@chrc-ccdp.ca, Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca, Scott.A@parl.gc.ca,
radionews@mpbc.org, publisher@whatsup.nb.ca, kjamerson@wagmtv.com,
kbabin@globaltv.ca, jfoster@globaltv.ca, atvnews@ctv.ca, cmorris@cp.org,
info@ccna.ca, kbissett@broadcastnews.ca, bdnmail@bangordailynews.net,
ehutton@atlanticbusinessmagazine.com, argosy@mta.ca,
sylvain.martel@csn.qc.ca, events@cpac.ca, mmacdonald@cp.org,
crgeditor@yahoo.com, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca

No need to Bitch.

I am about to sue ya anyway but you did receive the same material that everybody else got by email anyway. However now I will now forward the other emails that various silly servants got after I had had many talks with your incompetant and malicious assistants within the Commission over the past two years. It seems that I had to insult you and bust you in front of your friends to finally get a response from you.

Furthermore on August 2nd I sent you your material byway of the US Mail which was received and signed for. It was hard copy of my concerns and allegations about you being in bed with the corrupt old bastard Zack of the RCMP. I also sent a copy of wiretap tape # 139. Instead of you acting within the scope of your employment you go on vacation and bury your head in the sand while the RCMP assisted the Yankees in throwing my wife and kids into the street without due process of law?

Well your head may be in still the sand but you just stuck your arse high up in the air. It is high time for me to give it a boot before you stick it up Zack's ass in a vain effort to appear that you have integrity after all. The following is the text of that letter and after that is the US Mail's confirmation of when it was sent and received by you.

Say hey to McLachlin for me will ya? Tell her I will be suing her too. She has been covering up for the crooked Newfy Judge Dereck Green for way past too long. To hell with lawyers appointed as commissioners and other lawyers appointed as judges. From my point of view they were only appointed to cover up public corruption. I look forward to meeting the likes of you in court and arguing you on the public record. You just proved for me that most lawyers ain't that smart. You should have continued to play dumb Bitch. At least then you could have blamed your assistants for not telling you what you obviously know. however if you had done so, I would have pointed to the fact that you are their supervisor and therefore ultimatly responsible. Everybody else knows that the RCMP are as crooked as hell, so do you. call me a liar now. I double dog dare ya.
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
July 31st, 2005

Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin,
C/o Norman Sabourin General Counsel and Andrew Grant and
Renée Maria Tremblay
Canadian Judicial Council
150 Metcalfe Street,
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0W8

Shirley Heafey Chair of Commission
for Public Complaints against the RCMP
P.O. Box 3423 Station "D"
Ottawa, ON K1P 6L4
RE: Rampant Public Corruption


Pursuant to my recent phone calls to Norman Sabourin and various underlings of Shirley Heafey within the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP over the years plus my many faxes and emails please find enclosed exactly the same material received by every Attorney General in Canada over the past year. The CD which is a copy of a police surveillance wiretap tape # 139 is served upon you as officers of the court in order that it may be properly investigated. As you can see I have enclosed a copy of a letter sent to the latest Attorney General Mr. Wally Opal in BC. Perhaps he should take a little trip to Surrey and ask your office some hard questions. Perhaps the ghost of my fellow Independent politician, Chuck Cadman may wish to answer few questions now as well. Hard telling not knowing.

I will not bother you with the details of what I am sending to you byway of the certified US Mail because I will be serving identical material to many other Canadian Authorities in hand and tell them I gave this stuff to you first and enclose a copy of this letter. All that is important to me right now is that I secure proof that this mail was sent before I make my way back home to the Maritimes. However I will say I am also enclosing a great deal more material than what Allan Rock had received in the UN. Some of it is in fact the same material the two maritime lawyers, Rob Moore and Franky Boy McKenna in particular received, while I was up home running for Parliament last year. Things have changed greatly in the past year so I have also included a few recent items to spice thing up for you. I am tired of trying to convince people employed in law enforcement to uphold the law. So all I will say for now is deal will your own conscience and be careful how you respond to this letter. If you do not respond. Rest assured I will do my best to sue you some day. Ignorance is no excuse to the law or me.
Veritas Vincit
David R. Amos
153 Alvin Ave
Milton, MA. 02186

Label/Receipt Number: ED71 7170 484U S
Detailed Results:
Delivered Abroad, August 11, 2005, 6:49 am, CANADA

Out of Foreign Customs, August 08, 2005, 2:37 pm, CANADA

Into Foreign Customs, August 04, 2005, 1:52 pm, CANADA

Arrived Abroad, August 04, 2005, 1:52 pm, CANADA

International Dispatch, August 03, 2005, 8:32 am, KENNEDY AMC

Enroute, August 03, 2005, 8:30 am, JAMAICA, NY 11499

Acceptance, August 02, 2005, 10:40 am, QUINCY, MA 02169

Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 08:07:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: This dude is a big time liar his own complaint number proves it
To: news@dailygleaner.com, kcarmichael@bloomberg.net, oldmaison@yahoo.com,
advocacycollective@yahoo.com, Easter.W@parl.gc.ca, Comartin.J@parl.gc.ca,
cityadmin@fredericton.ca, info@gg.ca, bmosher@mosherchedore.ca,
rchedore@mosherchedore.ca, police@fredericton.ca, chebert@thestar.ca,
Stoffer.P@parl.gc.ca, Stronach.B@parl.gc.ca, Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca,
alltrue@nl.rogers.com, Harper.S@parl.gc.ca, Layton.J@parl.gc.ca,
Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca, Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca
CC: brad.woodside@fredericton.ca, whalen@fredericton.ca,
david.kelly@fredericton.ca, cathy.maclaggan@fredericton.ca,
stephen.kelly@fredericton.ca, tom.jellinek@fredericton.ca,
scott.mcconaghy@fredericton.ca, marilyn.kerton@fredericton.ca,
walter.brown@fredericton.ca, norah.davidson@fredericton.ca,
mike.obrien@fredericton.ca, bruce.grandy@fredericton.ca,
dan.keenan@fredericton.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca,
mrichard@lawsociety-barreau.nb.ca, cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca,
jlmockler@mpor.ca, scotta@parl.gc.ca, michael.bray@gnb.ca,

May 23, 2007 File No. PC-2005-1291

Mr. David R Amos

Dear Mr. Amos:

On a number of occasions you have called or sent e-mails our office to raise matters which are of pressing concern to you.

Each time we have tried to respond by explaining to you the relatively narrow mandate of this Commission and the limits of our powers to deal with the matters which are of concern to you. I must stress, once again, that the purpose of this Commission is to provide the public with an opportunity to make complaints concerning the conduct of members of the RCMP in the performance of their duties. We have neither the expertise nor the legal authority to permit us to become involved in issues beyond the scope of this mandate.

While it is clearly not the intention of the Commission to prevent you from making complaints against members of the RCMP, an analysis of your numerous contacts with the Commission indicates that your concerns fall well outside the confines of our mandate. Further, your frequent e-mails have been disruptive and unproductive for both you and for the staff of this office.

Should you determine that some point in the future you have a complaint concerning the conduct of a member of the RCMP in the performance of his or her duties, please submit it to the Commission by Canada Post only. As of now, your e-mails will be deleted unread.

Yours truly,

Andrée Leduc
Enquiries and Complaints Analyst

"Heafey, Shirley" HeafeyS@cpc-cpp.gc.ca wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: "Heafey, Shirley" HeafeyS@cpc-cpp.gc.ca
Sent: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 14:10:00 -0400
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Just so you know

Just so you know, there was no message attached to the e-mail sent to me. SO, in fact, I don't know what you think I should now know. Try again.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Amos mailto:motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2005 1:24 PM
To: gemerson@tor.fasken.com; jgrant@baseconsulting.ca; rabrahamson@baseconsulting.ca; mdesouza@baseconsulting.ca; csae@csae.com; kim.keith@rci.rogers.com; jduncan@tor.fasken.com; Moore.R@parl.gc.ca; ahamilton@casselsbrock.com
Cc: Zeman, Arnold; jm@jmellon.com; Taillon, Nancy; treasurer@casis.ca; jbronskill@cp.org; RTRiley6@cs.com; pborbey@pco-bcp.gc.ca; dlepage@pco-bcp.gc.ca; Allan.Kimpton@psc-cfp.gc.ca; linda.gobeil@psc-cfp.gc.ca; janette.hamilton@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; barbara.george@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; danielle.brunet-paquin@tpsgc.gc.ca; robert.brule@cse-cst.gc.ca; Julie.Birch@cse-cst.gc.ca; Heafey, Shirley
Subject: Just so you know

CSIS can never say they didn't know. This should put Shirley Heafey's panties in a knot when she get back from her vacation. I can only wonder what Ms. Longo of the RCMP is saying about now.

"Zeman, Arnold" Arnold.Zeman@PSEPC-SPPCC.gc.ca wrote:

Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: For the record Joan I did talk to your boss Abrahamson yesterday and more people you know today

Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 13:16:11 -0400
From: "Zeman, Arnold" Arnold.Zeman@PSEPC-SPPCC.gc.ca
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
This is an automatic reply. I'm away froom the office and will return on Monday September 26,2005. If you need information before then, please contact Marie-France Kingsley at 990-6306.

Ceci est une réponse automatique. Je serai de retour au bureau le lundi 26 septembre 2005. Si vous avez besoin d'aide, veuillez communiquer avec Marie-France Kingsley au 990-6306.

A. W. Zeman
Assistant Inspector General of CSIS /
Inspecteur général adjoint du SCRS
340 Laurier Avenue West / 340, avenue Laurier ouest
Ottawa ON K1A 0P8
phone / tél:(613) 990-8274
fax / télécopieur:(613) 990-8303
email / courriel: arnold.zeman@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 6:15 PM
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Number Six – Robert Rabinovitch
Casual readers at my regular blog, Spink About It may find this hard to believe but I actually like CBC and my preference would be for it to continue but not on its current path. Over the years, the public broadcaster has become a leftist, elitist network with fewer and fewer Canadians tuning in despite costing those same taxpayers a billion dollars a year.

There’s a joke I once heard about CBC that if you’re tuned into any interview with a panel on CBC, there’s always three panelists; a moderate left person, a far-left person, and a loonie left person. Sadly not far from the truth.

Which brings us to number 6, the CBC’s President and CEO Robert Rabinovitch who has been in the CBC head chair since 1999.

In 2005 he oversaw a lockout of 5,500 CBC employees. Broadcasting came to a virtual standstill but instead of outrage from the public, there was a collective yawn. The masses simply didn’t care. They has already tuned out a while ago.

Take my province of New Brunswick. About a decade ago, CBC Television’s New Brunswick newscast had respectable ratings, 60,000 or so a night. Today the audience is 1/10 of that, on the verge of being able to thank each viewer for watching by name. Similar ratings disasters have happened in other markets as well and most of that erosion has come under Rabinovitch’s watch. Budget cuts are often cited by CBC supporters as the reason but here’s the main reason…it’s unwatchable. The stories are slow moving and more importantly don’t resonate with the average Canadian just like most of the programming at CBC. That has to rest ultimately at the top and that goes to Rabinovitch. Since he’s come in the CBC has in fact gotten worse as it continues down its leftist, elitist path on your dime. The examples are virtually endless.

This isn’t me saying a leftist, elitist station can’t exist. There’s nothing wrong with that but let that segment of the population pay for it through fundraising drives or subscription fees. Having every Canadian pay for it is ridiculous. Rabinovitch should start producing something that Canadians want to listen to or watch, or it should be turfed and the billion dollars a year coudl be spent in a better way for the population as a whole. Better yet, turf Rabinovitch and bring in someone with some leadership skills who can make the necessary changes at CBC that are long overdue.
Posted by Spinks on Thursday, August 02, 2007 at 9:20 PM | Permalink
I, like you are tired of the left slant. Then to yank your chain more. They are off the air when you have insomnia, or it is "soft" porn. It pisses me off to pay for something that you can't watch, or is not watchable. Another tax scam as far as I'm concerned.
Posted by db | 10:08 PM
Can the CBC be improved? of course it can. But without the CBC, we would get nothing but right-wing propaganda and lies as news. The CBC is a vanguard of truth in reporting, and of Canadian sovereignty. The CBC is one of the 3 pillars of our nationhood.
Posted by John Murney | 4:40 AM
"Rabinovitch should start producing something that Canadians want to listen to or watch"

Care to elaborate? More "reality TV", funny home videos or Home & Garden Shows? I'm not disagreeing with you per se, but I'd like to know what you (or presumably these other trod upon Canadians) think would be more watchable.

I know there's no point going into it here as the vitriol runs pretty high, but I've heard plenty of stuff that's far from "left wing, elitist" on CBC, which I am convinced is just a name to throw on something when it uses big words and doesn't revolve around the supremacy of Tim Hortons as a national institution.

Any suggestions?
Posted by Anonymous | 7:54 AM
I too, would prefer that the CBC remain, though their leftist slant would have to be done away with since they must serve the population as a whole. This doesn't mean bland steady as she goes programs, but rather provocative discussion where proponents of all views get to be heard. We pay taxes for this so nobody should be denied.
I speak mainly on the subkect of radio, since I rarely watch TV, and definitely think that some of the changes the CBC has made over the last few years are terrible, on the other hand there are a few bright lights, such as "Randy's Vinyl Tap" the show that replaced Finkelman's 45s on Saturday nights. Randy Bachman one of teh veterans of canadian music who knows everyone who's anyone in the business, and ha s an infectous personality and diverse musical taste is made for radio.
On the other hand, they got rid of one of the staples of my mospent youth, Brave New Waves & Nightlines which for twenty plus years was the best overnight radio in the country especially duringthe era of Brent Bambury and David Wisdom.
For the tax money we spend, I think their broadcast plan is also ill-conceived. For example, they were not very bright, IMHO when they shut down a bunch of 50 000 watt clear channel AM services and moved over to FM. In many cases, especially in Montreal the situation has been so bad that extra FM transmitters had to be set up to cover some blighted areas even a few kms from the main tower! First they took away a frequency that was allocated for Cornwall On, denying the people there a new station, and when that didn;t do the job, they had to grab another frequency in Montreal and another in the townships that were sought after and could have gone to other community groups , adding to diversity.
I'm also shaking my head that here in central Ontario, we have three good signals for the French premiere chaine, but no service for Chaine Culturelle, their version of radio 2.
A few years ago, they came up with the idea of radio Three, which they had planned on putting on the air at one time. It never got further than internet broadcasts. This would have been a good idea, since radio 3 was to have been geared toward the under thirty audience, and they could have moved all that programming from radio One and two that would have appealed to them over there, leaving radio 2 as an outlet for highbrow classical music and jazz , and radio one for mainly talk.
I could go on, but misallocation of resources, in this case, our money, is good enough reason for Rabinovitch to be on the list.
Fix these, and balance the slant, and then you will have a winner.
Posted by Neal Ford | 8:20 AM
This list has a distinctly anti-Semitic tone. You have chosen more members of the Jewish community for your list than would seem reasonable for a list without an anti-Semetic bias.
Posted by Anonymous | 12:56 PM
As much as I think this list is laughable, I can say with some degree of internal certainty that the author is not anti-semitic.

He's a lot of things that I heartily disagree with, but I don't see Jews as one of the groups he disdains... and the groups he does call out he tends to have at least a semblance of an argument for justifying it.

And I shouldn't assume that Spinks is a man - although the views expressed would certainly indicate (s)he is.

I really don't believe he's an out and out racist, though.
Posted by Just a quick one... | 1:09 PM
Anti-semitic? Where? I have yet to see one entry on this list that has to do with race, sex, weight or anything except what a person has done. That's the same as trying to silence opposition by playing the race card. Ridiculous. Rabinovitch and his leftist army at CBC are screwing up this country and that doesn't matter if he's Jewish, white, or polka dot.
Posted by Andy | 2:50 PM
Good choice. And to think, I was just pissed at him for burning our hard-earned tax dollars on limo services and a driver he doesn't even warrant. Well, come to think of it, there were a few other things.
Posted by NB taxpayer | 12:38 PM
Oh how long I have waited to see his face on your list. Does he not look like Richard Dreyfuss with 10 more pounds ( all of it on his cheeks)?

Under his lousy leadership,the CBC has become an Israel hating machine; to the point of re-showing photos that have been mocked at on every right of center website ; "fauxtography" is the name.

I will not hide the fact that I am Jewish ( 3rd generation Canadian; my great grandfather arrived here in Halifax in 1911 )and a fan of your blog. I would happily controibute to it to see the top 10 criminals that have SCREWED up Canada - not screwing it. Because it is already screwed up.

Nearly every Jewish person listed here is unfortunately either very leftist, arrogant or a bad businessman who downloads too many cost to the final consumer. I do not believe that Spinks is an anti-semite. In fact, he is brave to disply people with Jewish names. Spinks knows that he will be labelled an anti-semite.

I would prefer to not see any Jews on the list but it does speak volumes for Canada, having very few Jews relative to the population, an having so many that have done very well here. Canada,may have some pockets of anti-semites, but it is NOT an Anti-semetic country. BUT,like the CBC it is very supine and acquiescent towards Islam. Our grandchildren will suffer for it.
Posted by James B | 8:44 PM
Thanks James. I have to say I was surprised to read the anonymous comment about anti-semitism. I've taken a lot of heat for this blog but that's a first. The only thing I'll say about it is I haven't even thought about anyone's ethinic origin in putting together this list. If there are a number of people of any ethnic origin it is merely coincidence. People are on this list due to their actions, nothing more, and nothing less. See the faq link in the sidebar for more.
Posted by Spinks | 9:42 PM
the day I was scooting down the local city street with cbc fm yap on the radio, aaaaand was presented with the old wives tale urban legend yet again about 'pus and blood' in cows milk was the day I took both the cbc stations off the push buttons, and never listened to cbc radio again.

cbc used to be the only station I watched because we didnt have cable or antenna. that was the days of Wayne & Shuster.

cbc is a withered hag shell of its former self and theres no going back, its just too late.

how do you take a death mask from a broadcast corporation?
Posted by Anonymous | 10:41 PM
The list isn't antisemetic, it just blames jews in the media for the country's problems.
Posted by Anonymous | 10:00 AM
Uh, Spinks is Jewish, you moron.
Posted by Gypsyblog | 7:47 AM
I just hope that #1 is not Jewish.
Posted by James B. | 5:23 PM
Spinks and CBC had nothing to say months ago when Porky Prick and I got into it bigtime months ago N'est Pas? Ask yourselves why.

Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2007 10:59:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com>
Subject: Hey Spinks Baby, I noticed you quit blocking me. So do you or your no so alter ego Trenchcoat remember our nasty old Fed buddy Porky Prick?
To: wally.stiles@gnb.ca, kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca, Joan.MACALPINE@gnb.ca, bruce.northrup@gnb.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, claude.landry@gnb.ca, mike.olscamp@gnb.ca, Jeannot.VOLPE@gnb.ca, politicsnb@hotmail.com, news@fredfm.ca, Madeleine.DUBE@gnb.ca, Paul.ROBICHAUD@gnb.ca, Percy.Mockler@gnb.ca, kirk.macdonald@gnb.ca, rosemay.poirier@gnb.ca, Jody.CARR@gnb.ca, Keith.ASHFIELD@gnb.ca, David.ALWARD@gnb.ca, aleblanc.mla@nb.aibn.com, Trevor.HOLDER@gnb.ca, stuart.jamieson@gnb.ca, Margaret-Ann.BLANEY@gnb.ca, tony.huntjens@gnb.ca, Wayne.STEEVES@gnb.ca, brad.green@gnb.ca, eugene.mcginley2@gnb.ca, bev.harrison@gnb.ca, mikemurphymla@hotmail.com, T.J.Burke@gnb.ca, roly.macintyre@gnb.ca, Ed.Doherty@gnb.ca, leesong@tutorfind.com, susan@junegiese.com
CC: porcupine007@gmail.com, oldmaison@yahoo.com, dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, btaylor@nbnet.nb.ca, Bill.Fraser@gnb.ca, mary.schryer@gnb.ca, rick.miles@gnb.ca, jack.keir@gnb.ca, Bernard.LeBlanc@gnb.ca, Cheryl.Lavoie@gnb.ca, greg.byrne@gnb.ca, john.foran@gnb.ca, jacques_poitras@cbc.ca, Deb_Nobes@cbc.ca, spinks08@hotmail.com, Duane.Rousselle@unb.ca, ndpnpd@nbnet.nb.ca, mackay01@canada.com, PoliticsNB@hotmail.com, oldmaison.wcie@gmail.com, advocacycollective@yahoo.com, dchafe@atlanticbusinessmagazine.com, cjcw@nbnet.nb.ca, news@kingscorecord.com, news@dailygleaner.com, desserud@unbsj.ca, brad.woodside@fredericton.ca, police@fredericton.ca, jeff.mockler@gnb.ca

Spinks Spinks spinks08@hotmail.com wrote:

David baby, I'd like to opt out of your spam e-mails since I'm not going to
read anymore of them and they'll just be going to junkmail from now on.
Thanks for your assistance.


Spinks baby

Porcupine Prique porcupine007@gmail.com wrote:
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 14:50:32 -0300
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Wimp

Sue, sue, sue...c'yall in court....blah, blah, blah

That is all you do, idiot. Why dontcha grow some gonads and put your
money where your mouth is? Sue everyone you have threatened to sue.
Sue 'em all. Don't let any of 'em off the hook.

You're tough....we're scared

Sue Sue Sue

You're a loud mouth, a wimp, a girlieman

A gurlieman named "Sue"

Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 04:50:42 -0400
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: The one true thing Stevy Boy MacKinnon said yesterday in Fredericton was that the boys were back town

Pffft.... The pussy farted again. You all-talk-and-no-action, bitch. You couldn't sue yourself out of a wet paper bag. Hey, don't drop the soap, eh? PP

Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 08:09:06 -0400
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: I got tired of waiting for some Yankee lawyees to call me back for obvious reasons EH Porky Prick?

We should reveal ourselves to you. What is the worst that could happen. You sue us? Yes, right. Oops, wait a minute, no you don't sue anyone. You just blow air. The list of people you hate is already long enough. We are already on your list anyway, but you do not know where.

One problem of the internet is it has allowed freaks to play around and use up the time and energy of the real people. Get a new hobby and save us the bother. Our mail filter is being loaded now, and any more of your crap will be automatically clunked. We are tired and need to do the real work of the land.

Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 21:59:03 -0400
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Unhook

Are you trying to lose ALL your internet access? It can probably be arranged if you keep at it hard enough. Crybabies have free speech but eventually even their mommies stop listening.

On 3/10/07, David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2007 21:59:03 -0400
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by gmail.com.
To: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Unhook

Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 20:29:53 -0300
From: "David Amos" david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
To: impolitic@rogers.com, wgilmour@pdclawyers.ca, lou.lafleur@fredericton.ca, william.elliott@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, bev.busson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, days1@parl.gc.ca, day.s@parl.gc.ca, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, PAUL.DUBE@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, Stephane.vaillancourt@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, derek.strong@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, jacques.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Subject: I figured out that this cop who calls himself Porky Prick is Norm Plourde a sppok in the RCMP in Fredericton

To date the local cop, Norm Plourde has never denied and as soon as I asked he quit sending me emails.

There is something to Fat Fred City's Finest to investigate EH Chucky Leblanc?

FYI the emails are still winging through to Wee Willy Elliott and everybodyelse notice of anything being to anyone as of yet. Too bad so sad. Wee Willy and his crew of cohorts were way past to late three years ago when I came screaming out of that Yankee jail after the Dept of Foreign Affairs visited me their and showed me their nasty Fat Cat Canadian arses.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Werner Bock webo@xplornet.com

Date: Mar 8, 2007 9:37 PM
Subject: Fw: Gotcha now watch me embarass the Crown Corp known as CBC
To: david.raymond.amos@gmail.com

----- Original Message -----
From: David Raymond Amos
To: Porcupine Prique ; rsheehan@skadden.com ; Dion.S@parl.gc.ca ; Martin.Paul@parl.gc.ca ; Ignatieff.M@parl.gc.ca ; Volpe.J@parl.gc.ca ; Brison.S@parl.gc.ca ; Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca ; egarris2@antiwar.com ; btaylor@nbnet.nb.ca ; Duane.Rousselle@unb.ca ; oldmaison.wcie@gmail.com ; martine.turcotte@bell.ca ; premier@gov.ns.ca ; McCallum.J@parl.gc.ca ; Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca ; atlantic@ctv.ca ; charles leblanc ; smurphy@ctv.ca ; Eyking.M@parl.gc.ca ; Keddy.G@parl.gc.ca ; Regan.G@parl.gc.ca ; Savage.M@parl.gc.ca ; Thibault.R@parl.gc.ca ; news-tips@nytimes.com ; bizday@nytimes.com ; foreign@nytimes.com ; dinoratt@telus.net ; editor@thetyee.ca ; Alex J. Walling ; chimeracavern@yahoo.com ; harper.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; joe.christinat@thomson.com ; dorrie.harris@thomson.com ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ; info@teedandteed.com ; Darrell.Bricker@ipsos-na.com ; shawn.graham@gnb.ca ; John.Conyers@mail.house.gov ; plamom@sen.parl.gc.ca ; olived@sen.parl.gc.ca ; iwhitehall@heenan.ca ; neil.finkelstein@blakes.com ; jchretien@heenan.ca ; rheenan@heenan.ca ; bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com ; broy@ogilvyrenault.com ; kmearn@mpdmilton.org ; governorlynch@nh.gov ; mayor@ci.boston.ma.us ; kinsella@stu.ca ; mcomeau@stu.ca ; ruby@ruby-edwardh.com ; Stoffer.P@parl.gc.ca ; McDonough.A@parl.gc.ca
Cc: Harper.S@parl.gc.ca ; bgibson@edmontonpolicecommission.com ; ljackson@edmontonpolicecommission.com ; gsciur@edmontonpolicecommission.com ; greg.preston@police.edmonton.ab.ca ; Barbot.V@parl.gc.ca ; Ambrose.R@parl.gc.ca ; Epp.K@parl.gc.ca ; Goldring.P@parl.gc.ca ; Hawn.L@parl.gc.ca ; Jaffer.R@parl.gc.ca ; Rajotte.J@parl.gc.ca ; Williams.J@parl.gc.ca ; whfs@citizen.org ; Ablonczy.D@parl.gc.ca ; Anders.R@parl.gc.ca ; Benoit.L@parl.gc.ca ; Calkins.B@parl.gc.ca ; Casson.R@parl.gc.ca ; Hanger.A@parl.gc.ca ; Jean.B@parl.gc.ca ; Kenney.J@parl.gc.ca ; Lake.M@parl.gc.ca ; Menzies.T@parl.gc.ca ; Merrifield.R@parl.gc.ca ; Mills.B@parl.gc.ca ; Obhrai.D@parl.gc.ca ; Prentice.J@parl.gc.ca ; Richardson.L@parl.gc.ca ; Solberg.M@parl.gc.ca ; Sorenson.K@parl.gc.ca ; Storseth.B@parl.gc.ca ; Thompson.M@parl.gc.ca ; Warkentin.C@parl.gc.ca ; jpjt@hotmail.com
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 1:01 AM
Subject: Re: Gotcha now watch me embarass the Crown Corp known as CBC

With regards to you Porky Prick, please allow me to introduce you to Rita A. Rodin of ICANN give her a call 212 735 3774. I don't think she thinks I am kidding but maybe she hopes i will die with the moslims and skinhead threating at the same time and your little buddy Depupty Dag wants to claim that even "Big Al" od the mob is pissed off. Too funny EH? nobody can be as pissed as me and yet I still get a chuckle or two from your nonsense.

My next calls are to the Ms Rodin's managing partners of her law firm in the Big Apple and then later once they open shop I will tear ICANN a new arsehole as well because of Ms. rodin wanton incompetence or malice. I am more intersted in what ICANN has to say about who you are and your Blackhole IP address that whatever insult you may wish to throw my way.

What I want to know from the Public Safety and Foreign Affairs crowd of crooks in Ottawa is how do you know what was in the letter to Irwin years ago? Both original copies dissappeared from both the US Mail and Canada Post at the same time. I also gave one to the ADA in Beantown and the Clerk of Dorchester District immediately before I was falsely imprisned on Oct 1st 2004. Both those copies have since dissappeared. That leaves the one my wife gave to Josie Macguire in the consulate offices in Beantown to give to Irwin in hand while I was in jail. But then of course the ten others I sent to certain Attorney Generals and Shirley heafey and beverely Maclachen (I can't spell that name chief justice though) the following year before my wife and kids were illegally evicted from our home.

Once I do know you name I will want your house and car etc before you are jailed for reading private papers to law enforcement authorities over the internet and of course you assistance in the cover up of many crimes including murder. Or is the letter to Irwin private after all? Check the blogs or the many emails I sent over the years to your buddies to see if I am wrong. prove it and I will stand corrected methinks that fair EH Porky Pig or was that Prick? (I already know who I emailed the letter to and when. Do you?)

Kinda interesting that you surfaced from the sewer on Oct 3rd. my wife's birthday EH? Just in time for a fine pig roast on the very day Shawny Baby Graham was sworn in to uphold the public trust and protect the public interests. You are both as porky as hell. I love to gnaw on the bones the other white meat as they say. Instead of running damage control the Dion crowd of crooks enlists you to try to piss me off? Too funny. All you dudes accomplished thus far with your insults is to allow me to put ICANN over the barrel.

This is Ms Rodin's boss, Robert C. Sheehan (wonder if he knows the other Sheehan's I know? I wil ask when I call (212 735-3335) He has been cited by publications as one of the world's leading banking lawyers. Whereas he knows so much about banking, he is gonna love my next emails EH? Perhaps he should bone up on the following article by his own law firm because everybody knows the SEC and I have been butting our heads for years over their cover up of crooked bankers and their wrongs.
"Recent DOJ and SEC Settlements Illustrate the Importance of Anti-Corruption Compliance in the Context of Acquisition Transactions"

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, February 14, 2007
Robert S. Bennett, Gary DiBianco, Colleen P. Mahoney

The U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ") and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") entered into two recent Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ("FCPA") settlements illustrating the U.S . government's continued focus on enforcement of the FCPA, including in situations where there has been a corporate change in ownership.

Just Dave
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Country : United States (Facts)
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Time of Visit Mar 5 2007 4:11:55 pm
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Time Zone UTC-5:00
Visitor's Time Mar 5 2007 3:11:55 pm
Visit Number 427

----- Original Message -----
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos@xplornet.com
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: Update request Whereas your IP is in a Blackhole that Rita A. Rodin of ICANN oversees I will update ya both with the latest emails

Yeah, but you didn't answer any of our questions.

On 3/4/07, David Raymond Amos davidramos@xplornet.com wrote:

Then I will demand of the lawyer to know just what sort of Fed you are. I am betting a Canadian one N'est Pas?

Whois Record IP Information
Record Type: IP Address
IP Location: - - Private Ip Address Lan
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Porcupine Prique" porcupine007@gmail.com
To: davidramos@xplornet.com
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 7:22 AM
Subject: Update request

From your letter to Irwin:
You said:
" I would prefer all words between us to be said in a public forum
either in open court in front of a jury of my peers or elsewhere."

How's that workin' out for ya?

You said:
"I can certainly complain of you in Canada. I will not hesitate to do so in the very near future."

How's that workin' out for ya?

You said:
"We shall see where his investigation leads if anywhere at all."

How's that workin' out for ya?

You said:
"On Oct 3rd, my wife's birthday I will begin our legal actions to make the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and many others pay much relief for the personal injury it has caused us."

How's that workin' out for ya?

You said:
"I shall sue the Queen for his actions alone."

How's that workin' out for ya?

You said:
"I have yet to make a pleading in the Criminal Complaint against me by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in Dorchester District Court. I will wait until the Judge decides on Oct 1st as to whether or not the court has jurisdiction to hear the matter."

How'd that ever go?

You said:
"His delay is for reasons of lucre and malice.I will file a motion as
the judge suggested in order to allow the DA the prescribed time to
answer it."

Did you?

You said:
"This letter with all of its enclosures will be amongst the exhibits filed with the aforesaid motion in order to prove the matter falls under the jurisdiction of federal court. It is also filed in this fashion because I strongly doubt the DA would pot the material I sent him into the Public Record."

Did you?

You said:
"Either he prosecutes me or I sue him. It is just that simple. I
demand my right to trial in front of a jury in federal court or see
the DA prosecuted for his malice."

Did you file?

You said:
"Why Canadians would stand with the Kickhams and against me is beyond my understanding."

We thought you understood everything.

You said:
"I truly believe the only reason the FEDS quit messing with me is
because they know that I have many incriminating wiretap tapes well

Or maybe its because you're not worth the trouble.

You said:
"Methinks you all have underestimated my tenacity and luck. Feel free to prove me wrong in court."

Did anyone take the bait?

You said:
"I made it pretty clear to you in an email the other day that this
letter would be coming and that I was looking into how to have you removed from your post."

So, how did that go for ya?

You said:
"Just in case you don't know I am making a very diligent effort to
inspire a confidence vote against the Martin Government on Oct 6th."


You said:
"Mr. Irwin, if you choose to do nothing as you have in the past on Oct 3rd I will consider the Queen and all her servants to be adversaries of mine in litigation that will no doubt go on for years."

Anything start on that yet?

You said:
"The date and time of the delivery of this letter is no mistake. I must not allow my adversaries any time to stop me before I email this letter around the world in my best effort to expose the truth before the next federal election in the USA."

The Earth quakes in fear.

You said:
"I simply don't even care about my grammar or spelling anymore."

Did ya ever?

You said:
"I will do all that I have promised to the best of my ability because of the fact that too many very well paid civil servants in two countries are past too late to act within the scope of their employment."

Did you do ANY of it?

You said:
"The task falls upon me to make all the smiling bastards pay for their illegal actions or inaction in order to willfully assist the criminals acting against my Clan."

Wiped the smiles off any bastards yet?

You said:
"I truly hope that in the future some Royal Commission calls you all
> > > back to Canada to testify for the benefit of all Canadians. That is your job."

Any Royal Commission called yet?

You said:
"On the subway yesterday my wife overheard some pretty young lady
lawyers discussing litigation with a colorful Pro Se character."

We thought she was in hospital and could not proofread your vomit?

You said:
"I will leave you all to ponder what I will do next as you all argue with your own consciences and self-interests."

What did ya do, anyway?


----- Original Message -----
From: Porcupine Prique
To: David Raymond Amos
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 10:49 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Gotcha now watch me embarass the Crown Corp known as CBC


So some jackoff at CBC has visited your pathetic site. What's the "gotcha" there? Did you complain to the CBC ombudsman that one of their staff wasted tax dollars surfing the Internet?

And they only spent a few minutes reading your crap, just long enough to figure out you're a paranoid pantload.

Chucky is an Einstein compared to you, and that is still an insult to Chucky

Do you think any of the people you sent your shit to even sees it?

And how are those legal threats coming? Anything filed in court yet?

Didnt think so.


Just Dave
By Location Visit Detail
Visit 427
Domain Name skadden.com ? (Commercial)
IP Address 162.90.96.# (Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom)
ISP Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom
Location Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : New York
City : New York
Lat/Long : 40.8291, -73.9491 (Map)
Language English (United States)
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 6.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; (R1 1.5); .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
Javascript version 1.3
Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768
Color Depth : 32 bits
Time of Visit Mar 5 2007 4:11:55 pm
Last Page View Mar 5 2007 4:14:21 pm
Visit Length 2 minutes 26 seconds
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Time Zone UTC-5:00
Visitor's Time Mar 5 2007 3:11:55 pm
Visit Number 427

On 3/7/07, David Raymond Amos davidramos@xplornet.com wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: David Raymond Amos
To: office@AJAs.ca
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 9:38 AM
Subject: Fw: Gotcha now watch me embarass the Crown Corp known as CBC

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ombudsman de Radio-Canada" ombudsman@radio-canada.ca
To: "David Raymond Amos" davidramos@xplornet.com
Cc: "CBC Ombudsman" Ombudsman@cbc.ca
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 12:00 PM
Subject: {Spam?} Rép. : Fw: Gotcha now watch me embarass the Crown Corp known as CBC

Dear Sir:

I write to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail and your voice mail, which I have shared with the office of the Ombudsman of the English network. It will follow up with your request.

For more information, you can consult CBC Ombudsman's web site: http://www.cbc.ca/ombudsman/

Best regards,

Laure Simonet
Assistant of the Ombudsman, French Services
Société Radio-Canada

"David Raymond Amos" davidramos@xplornet.com 03/07/07 8:29 am

----- Original Message -----
From: David Raymond Amos
To: newsroom@allheadlinenews.com ; jromanelli@hfxnews.ca ; cfleming@hfxnews.ca ; pramsay@amherstdaily.com
Cc: Dion.S@parl.gc.ca ; Martin.Paul@parl.gc.ca ; Ignatieff.M@parl.gc.ca ; Volpe.J@parl.gc.ca ; Brison.S@parl.gc.ca ; Dryden.K@parl.gc.ca ; egarris2@antiwar.com ; btaylor@nbnet.nb.ca ; Duane.Rousselle@unb.ca ; oldmaison.wcie@gmail.com ; martine.turcotte@bell.ca ; premier@gov.ns.ca ; McCallum.J@parl.gc.ca ; Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca ; atlantic@ctv.ca ; charles leblanc ; smurphy@ctv.ca ; Eyking.M@parl.gc.ca ; Keddy.G@parl.gc.ca ; Regan.G@parl.gc.ca ; Savage.M@parl.gc.ca ; Thibault.R@parl.gc.ca ; news-tips@nytimes.com ; bizday@nytimes.com ; foreign@nytimes.com ; dinoratt@telus.net ; editor@thetyee.ca ; Alex J. Walling ; chimeracavern@yahoo.com ; harper.boucher@rcmp-grc.gc.ca ; joe.christinat@thomson.com ; dorrie.harris@thomson.com ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ; info@teedandteed.com ; Darrell.Bricker@ipsos-na.com ; shawn.graham@gnb.ca ; John.Conyers@mail.house.gov ; plamom@sen.parl.gc.ca ; olived@sen.parl.gc.ca ; iwhitehall@heenan.ca ; neil.finkelstein@blakes.com ; jchretien@heenan.ca ; rheenan@heenan.ca ; bmulroney@ogilvyrenault.com ; broy@ogilvyrenault.com ; kmearn@mpdmilton.org ; governorlynch@nh.gov ; mayor@ci.boston.ma.us ; kinsella@stu.ca ; mcomeau@stu.ca ; ruby@ruby-edwardh.com ; Stoffer.P@parl.gc.ca ; McDonough.A@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 9:23 AM
Subject: Fw: Gotcha now watch me embarass the Crown Corp known as CBC

----- Original Message -----
From: David Raymond Amos
To: ombudsman@cbc.ca
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 9:17 AM
Subject: Gotcha Know watch me embarass the Crown Corp known as CBC

Just Dave
By Location Visit Detail
Visit 442
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IP Address 159.33.10.# (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
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Operating System Microsoft WinXP
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Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768
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Time of Visit Mar 7 2007 8:24:54 am Last Page View Mar 7 2007 8:24:54 am
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Time Zone UTC-4:00
Visitor's Time Mar 7 2007 8:24:54 am
Visit Number 442

----- Original Message -----
From: David Raymond Amos
To: ombudsman@cbc.ca
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 9:17 AM
Subject: Gotcha Know watch me embarass the Crown Corp known as CBC

Just Dave
By Location Visit Detail
Visit 442
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IP Address 159.33.10.# (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)
ISP Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Location Continent : North America
Country : Canada (Facts)
State/Region : Ontario
City : Ottawa
Lat/Long : 45.4167, -75.7 (Map)
Language English (United States)
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 6.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
Javascript version 1.3
Monitor Resolution : 1024 x 768
Color Depth : 16 bits
Time of Visit Mar 7 2007 8:24:54 am
Last Page View Mar 7 2007 8:24:54 am
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Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 17:34:56 -0800 (PST)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Methinks I know who Spinks Baby is and he ain't denied it yet
To: collins.moncton-east@hotmail.com, seanoshaughnessy@rogers.com, kelly.lamrock@gnb.ca, trenchcoatblog@yahoo.ca, Bill.Fraser@gnb.ca, mary.schryer@gnb.ca, rick.miles@gnb.ca, jack.keir@gnb.ca, Bernard.LeBlanc@gnb.ca, Cheryl.Lavoie@gnb.ca, greg.byrne@gnb.ca, mleger@stu.ca, jwalker@stu.ca, plee@stu.ca, belord@gnb.ca, bruce.northrup@gnb.ca, carl.urquhart@gnb.ca, claude.landry@gnb.ca, mike.olscamp@gnb.ca
CC: johnforan.mla@nb.aibn.com, Chris.Baker@gnb.ca, yvon.leblanc3@gnb.ca, rachel.bard@gnb.ca, Louise.LEMON@gnb.ca, bmatthews@grantthornton.ca, MichaelB.Murphy@gnb.ca, wally.stiles@gnb.ca, warren.mcbeath@rcmp-grc.gc.ca, jonesr@cbc.ca, cumby.meghan@dailygleaner.com
Neither he nor Chucky ain't saying shit. As Chucky would say LOL

David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com wrote:

Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 16:50:21 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: Hey Martine I just called your two underlings who threatened to sue me in Sept 2004
To: Spinks Spinks spinks08@hotmail.com

Cya in Court Brent

Spinks Spinks spinks08@hotmail.com wrote:

David baby, I'd like to opt out of your spam e-mails since I'm not going to
read anymore of them and they'll just be going to junkmail from now on.
Thanks for your assistance.


Spinks baby

Just so ya know I answered each of Porky Prick's questions after you bailed out spinks baby.
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 5:31 PM
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Number Seven – Jean Chrétien
I’m still a firm believer that much of former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien’s success at the polls was due more to disdain with Brian Mulroney (#45) and a split in the conservative vote between the Progressive Conservative and the Reform/Canadian Alliance parties than any huge voter love for Jean Chrétien.

Let’s take a look at his record.

From 1993 to 2003, Chrétien managed to nearly split the country in two, set a stage where the words liberals and corrupt became synonymous and set major social changes in place with no forethought such as same sex marriage and openly mused about trying to emulate the Netherlands with talk about legalizing pot.

We really should have known what we were in for right at the beginning in 1993. Just look at the now infamous Red Book.

It promised an independent ethics commissioner to report to Parliament but that didn’t happen until 2004. A promise to reform the Young Offenders Act. That finally happened in 2003 with the Youth Criminal Justice Act but is so loosey goosey that many argue it’s worse than before.

A promised national pharmacare program and national home care program never happened.

The one that really still resonates was a promise to at abolish the GST. It never happened and only Liberal Cabinet Minister Sheila Copps had the integrity to quit over the lie (she ran in a byelection and won). The only change was in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador who now have a flat 15% Harmonized Sales Tax combining PST and GST. The total is lower than before but its on everything. Previously there were more exemptions on things like clothing and school supplies. The bottom line is we’re still paying it and Jean Chrétien promised we wouldn’t.

Then there’s the sponsorship scandal. It leaves one wondering if Chrétien shouldn’t be in prison along with the others who took the fall.

He defended the program in 2002 saying, “Perhaps there was a few million dollars that might have been stolen in the process; it is possible."

How’s that for understatment?

That program which saw kickbacks and illegal contributions to the Liberal Party drove separatist support to the highest level seen in more than 10 years.

Where did the money go? Even the forensic accountants who exposed the Enron scandal said even they weren’t sure, it was such a web of deceit. Some of the things however included $50,000 in maple leaf ties, Montreal Grand Prix tickets for senior Grits, $100,000 worth of Christmas decorations, a TV series that aired in China (that should help national unity), a $16,000 plaque and flag in a store in Chrétien’s Quebec riding and 1,200 golf balls with Chrétien’s signature which he used to taunt Justice John Gomery during the inquiry into the sponsorship scandal.

In addition there of course was also the National Gun Registry which was supposed to cost $2 million and climbed to $2 billion (hmmm, maybe it’s a good thing the Liberals didn’t install the national pharmacare program and national home care program. Clearly their math stinks)
There was the HRDC $1 billion boondoggle on a number of questionable job-creation projects; one was a fountain in Chrétien’s riding.

I really could go on. The list is long and even Liberals have to be at least slightly disgusted with the egomaniacs that played out here. The lesson is never take voters for granted…or for suckers. Still the former Prime Minister managed to win three successive majorities by out and out lying to us. It’s too bad he quit before we could turf him ourselves.
Posted by Spinks on Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 7:04 PM | Permalink
I know there were some problems during his time in office but he did good things to in my opinion. We are bound disagree on whether same sex marrige and legalization of marijuana are good or not but I don't think he should have promised to get rid of the GST to begin with.I think it is a good tax as far as taxes are concerned.I prefer to see consumption taxes as opposed to other types and maybe if they are a bit higher people would think before they go out and buy a whole lot of junk the don't need and it ends up in the dump. HST or GST aren't applied to some essentail such as groceries anyway.
Posted by J@ckp1ne | 8:57 PM
Two points of order:

1. The country was already in a precarious position in 1993 thanks to the failure of the Meech Lake Accord. The Bloc Quebecois already had the twelve seats needed to be recognized as an official party in parliament, and they were burning Quebec and Canadian flags in 1992. So I would argue that Brian Mulroney at least shares some of the blame for the near breakup of the country in 1995. Indeed, I would suggest that Chretien cleaned up Mulroney's mess in this field, and set back the separatist cause through the Clarity Act.

His success can be measured by the sharp drop in Bloc fortunes in the 2000 election. Of course, the sponsorship scandal brought them back to life, but it seems that they're living on borrowed time, bolstered only by Francophone Quebeckers' disgust for the Liberals rather than their support for Quebec independence.

Secondly, and I've said this before, the HRDC "billion dollar boondoogle" was not a billion dollar boondoogle. Only $50 million was improperly accounted for. And while that is fifty million too many, the fact remains that $950 million was spent on decent programs that helped Canadians get back to work, myself included. I wrote more about that here.

The Reform Party damaged its own credibility when it failed to keep its criticisms of the program properly nuanced. They jumped on the bigger figure and were burned by the fact that the bigger figure proved to be inaccurate (a problem that would afflict the Reform Party and the Conservatives for some time to come -- witness the Grewal Tapes affair).

But other than that, the rest is fair comment. I think he did a fair number of good things as well, but there is no doubt that the sponsorship scandal sent him off in a cloud.
Posted by James Bow | 11:19 PM
"and they were burning Quebec and Canadian flags..."

Okay, I should watch my grammar. The Bloc Quebecois were NOT burning Quebec flags, that's for sure. But Canadians and Quebeckers were exchanging flag desecrations in 1992. The attitude of a fair chunk of the country was sour, and it is into this that Chretien got elected. It takes time to turn that bitterness around, so I think one could convincingly argue that he helped _save_ the country, rather than brought it to the brink.
Posted by James Bow | 11:21 PM
ah the infamous red book. I tried to nab one in 1996 when I was finishing my poli sci studies at McMaster U.
could I perhaps have a photocoy?
how do you know you are keeping your promises if you dont even have a copy for yourselves?
have the promises of the red book been abandoned?
Posted by Anonymous | 4:32 AM
Um..james...don't you mean Trudeau's mess?
Posted by NB taxpayer | 7:02 PM
"Um..james...don't you mean Trudeau's mess?"


In 1986, Quebec might have been upset at the whole repatriation of the constitution issue, but they were willing to live with the results. The country was working fine. But Mulroney's desire to succeed where Trudeau failed reopened the wounds.

We are currently where we were in 1983, and the country is still hanging strong. Mulroney could have avoided the whole constitutional debacle and I think we would have avoided a fair amount of the ill feeling that hit us in the early 1990s.
Posted by James Bow | 4:08 PM
Spinks, wake up and smell the coffee. Nobody in this country gets elected on their own merits, and Harper's no exception.

To paraphrase you, I’m a firm believer that much of current Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s success at the polls was due more to disdain with Jean Chrétien and a split in the progressive vote between the Liberals, NDP, and the Green parties than any huge voter love for Harper.

Note that he won the smallest minority as a proportion of the house in Canadian history, and that almost two people voted for a party other than the Conservatives for every vote the conservatives did receive.

This despite the ruinous impact on Canada that Chrétien had which earned him your number seven spot.
Posted by Andrew | 4:20 PM
The worst kind is Harper.
Posted by Anonymous | 4:21 PM
I thought that Chretien was the worst PM in this country's history...that is until Paul Martin came along.

Chretien spent the years between '84 and '89 sniping at and undermining John Turner at every opportunity through a myriad of surrogates.

When he finally became leader, he was commonly ridiculed as "yesterday's man" . I still recall polling around the time Kim Campbell called the election that would see the once mighty Tory party mortally wounded, which showed Kim Campbell way ahead of Chretien, who had the NDP nipping at their heels. The Bloic and Reform support while stirring, had yet to congeal.
Nevertheless, he won that election, which brings me to the point that Andrew made, to wit, Canadians don't elect bew governments, they throw out the old ones. Stephen harper is in now because enough Canadians saw the Martin government as a bunch who was completely devoid of any new ideas, indecisive, corrupt and opportunist.
Each election that results in a change i governing party has a turning point: In 2006, it was the handgun murders in Toronto in the two week period around Christmas, where the country collectively decided that Martin wasn't up to the job. in '84, it was the debate where Mulroney knocked turner out with "You sir, had a choice".
in 1993 there were 3 factors which created the perfect storm which allowed "Yesterday's man" to come to power: 1) Day 1 of teh Campaign: Kim Campbell said that we should not expect an improvement in the jobs sector of the economy until the turn of the century 2) @) Midway: KIm Campbell shrilly declared to reporters that ":elections are not a time to discuss social programs!" 3) The Tory party's release of some advertising which zeroed in on Jean Chretien's mouth.
These hree factor shook whatever remaining faith westerners had in the PC Party, and many voted Reform in protest. Even many Ontarians did. In Quebec, where Kim Campbell was initially popular, Tory support collapsed, and because Chretien led the Libs, the newly formed Bloc benefitted.
and finally downeast, Elsie Wayne excepted, it was a Liberal sweep, even Charlotte County went red.
That said, as PM, the things that stand out in my mind that would qualify him for this list, would be when he cancelled the EH 101 helicopter purchase, which would have modernized our forces to a great degree. he also put off other military spending. Even if (actually especially if) you hate war, one of he nest ways to avoid it is to make sure you are prepared. Moreover it is a moral imperative to make sure you give our trops the very best equipment.
Then there was the 1995 referendum, where he was o disdainful of the separatists, partially on account of the big 1980 victory, that he took a devil may care attitude during the campaign. Had he gone out and actually hit the hustings with the same gusto that Jean Charest did, the result might never have been in question, Charlottetown notwithstanding.
To his credit, he did realize it later, and had more success against the Bloc as time went on. By the time he left office, Federalists held 41 of Quebec's seats (one of which was PC Andre Bachand) while the seps were down to 34. Paul Martin lost half those seats in 2004, and half of the remainder in 2006..
Another positive thing Chretien did was to keep us out of the Iraq war.
Spinks, you may think I'm twisted for what I'm about to say, but that photo you posted with Cbretien throttling that protestor was , IMHO, one of his finest moments. It's a fact that most demonstrations are well organized and financed by very dark people with agendas, and in most cases, involve the same core group of professional agitators, who go out there to stir up trouble for pay. This is what Bill Clennett was, and i thought it was about time someone stood up to them, especially when they start violating personal space.

I am glad that they didn't keep the Pharmacare program. they had one in Quebec, and private insurers really hosed people on account of it. Since it was a socialist program, ALL Quebecers had to participate, in the sense that if their companies offered a private drug plan, the worker wa obliged to become a member of the plan, while those who didn't have a plan had to go on the Quebec plan. The worst thing was, if your company had a group insurance plan which included pharmacare, you were obliged to buy the whole thing. there would be no opting out, and the amount ripped from your paycheck would be horrific. I've seen it up close.

As for the final statement, suggesting that it was too bad he left before we could turf him?
Let's not forget, he had become the Teflon man, nothing stuck to him, which is why he could get away with what he said about Adscam. I believe that had Martin not committed regicide, that Chretien would not only have fought the next campaign, but would have won a fourth majority, even gaining another few seats in Quebec. I became even more convinced of that at the Liberal leadrship convention last winter when he gave his speech. The guy has clearly still "got it". Nobody can give a better partisan speech than he.
Posted by Neal Ford | 8:25 AM
Neal, I actually agree and meant to make the connection to the photo. Call it a twisted compliment to Chretien. That stops him from being in the top 6. That actually is his finest moment. Clennett is a professional protestor up there with the likes of Jaggi Singh although with far less influence which is why he isn't on this list.
Posted by Spinks | 10:07 AM
When Neal Ford weighs in, we really get our money's worth.
Posted by RkBall | 6:59 PM
James mentioned Meech Lake. At the time I was only slightly intereste in the politics of the country and found the Meech Lake discussions too complicated, and so I really don't think the majority of the electorate grasped the concept.
Neal ford does have an excellent description of the setting.
I still cringe remembering 'Canada' of the Chetien days.
Posted by Anonymous | 9:34 AM
I'm going to bat for Chretien here. Chretien got the economy rolling again and saved the nation from disintegrating after Mulroney pooched the economy through a high dollar. Chretien also turned back the separatist hordes at the gate, and posted the first string of budget surpluses in living memory, which were used to pay down the national debt and reduce the mortgage on our collective future. A person who is screwing up Canada? for shame...
Posted by John Murney | 4:37 AM
Didn't John Nunziata quit the liberals and sit as an independent, over the GST lie?
"Tequila" Sheila's resignation was really nothing more than a publicity stunt which cost the taxpayers about half a million bucks for a bye-election she was never going to lose.
Posted by Anonymous | 12:26 AM
Most definately should be in the top 10 Spinks...was hoping he'd be numero uno.....

Great points you made....
Posted by Awareness | 6:17 PM
Clifford Olsen is better than Chretien? What a load of partisan equivocal crap.
Posted by Anonymous | 2:02 PM
Chretien was only interested in what was good for him, not Canada. How can liberal apologists like Murney continue to defend this thug? He continued to decimate the military leading to its poor equipment, no heavy lift capability and terrible combat readiness, cost Canada billions in defaulted contracts like the EH101 and Toronto airport and the gun registry. Shawinigate, the persecution of the president of the Business Development Bank of Canada, Adscam, ignoring the WTC site even though Canadians were killed there until Stockwell Day went down to New York. Paying down the deficit, pretty easy when all the tax money goes to Ottawa and just take what you need then drastically cut back the provincial returns, which led to the Health Care underfunding crisis in Ontario. SARS costs, never gave a nickle to Ontario as the Conservatives were in power.

Chretien didn't commit Canada to Iraq because of his strident Anti-Americanism and the money Power Corp was making his son-inlaw through the oil-for-food setup with France and Hussein.

Ask your contacts to name any positive things Chretien did, bet the answer is not far off zero.

When Chretien was asked what were his greatest accomplishment after 13 years in power he replied "Winning 3 majorities". Wow what a legacy.
Posted by Anonymous | 8:55 AM
Lets not forget about the billion dollars lost through Human Resources and my favorite "the helicopters" How many people died in those sea-kings? I blame You mr. Chretein!
Posted by Anonymous | 9:04 AM
I see you at least have a picture of him doing one of the best things he ever did. Watching him roughhouse that little weasle was sooo gratifying.
Posted by Louise | 10:31 AM
Hmm, I wonder why we are not in a quagmire of a war in Iraq right now.
Posted by Anonymous | 7:33 PM
Annon at 8:55am:

Very well said!!! It always bothers me when people say he saved the economy. What a load of crap!!!!
Posted by frank | 8:27 PM
"Hmm, I wonder why we are not in a quagmire of a war in Iraq right now"

Do you not know the answer? It's because Chretien knew that if he committed our troops to Iraq he would suffer some political fallout. Considering the scandals that arose afterward, I find it hard to believe that he didn't see fit to join our Southern neighbors when the cease-fire ended. While on the topic of qaugmires we may be making our disastrous choice to pull out of Afghanistan as soon as 2009. Will our leadership have the political stamina to do the right thing at that time, or will it become a larger problem for other politicians years later?

In any event, if you consider that Iraq is a qaugmire in the same sense of the word that it was in 2003, you may want to look at what the independant reporters are finding.

Check out Michael Totten or Michael Yon.
Posted by Paul MacPhail | 2:47 PM
Perhaps somebdy should ask Chretien why he wanted the Yankees to take me to Cuba EH Spinks Baby?

“Jan 3rd, 2004

Mr. David R. Amos
143 Alvin Avenue
Milton, MA 02186

Dear Mr. Amos

Thank you for your letter of November 19th, 2003, addressed to my predecessor, the Honourble Wayne Easter, regarding your safety.

I apologize for the delay in
responding. If you have any concerns about your personal safety, I can only suggest that you contact the police of local jurisdiction. In addition, any evidence of criminal activity should be brought to their attention since the police are in the best position to evaluate
the information and take action as deemed appropriate.

I trust that this information is satisfactory.

Yours sincerely
A. Anne McLellan”
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 4:22 PM
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Number Eight – Clifford Olsen
You've probably already noticed a trend here at 101. I have no time for those who victimize or exploit children. Enter number eight.

There’s not a whole lot of background that’s required here. If you want the details there are plenty of places to find it. In a nutshell, Clifford Olsen went on a murderous rampage in British Columbia killing 11 children in the early 1980’s. There’s always been suspicion that he might have been involved in more.

Olsen concocted a controversial deal for confessing to the crimes. In 1981 he agreed to confess to the 11 murders and show police where the bodies were buried if the authorities paid $10,000 to Olsen’s wife for each of the victims he killed. Due to little evidence and a desire by families of the victims to give their loved ones a decent burial, the authorities hesitantly agreed and Olsen’s family actually ended up profiting from his killings. Olsen was convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to 11 concurrent life terms.

In Canada however a life sentence doesn’t always mean life. If you’re convicted of second degree or first degree murder, you automatically receive a life sentence. However in the case of second degree murder you are eligible for parole after 10 years and in first degree after 25.

So in 2006, Olsen reached his 25 years and applied for parole. This was after his failure in 1996 to receive parole during his “faint hope” hearing at 15 years. Olsen is not allowed to communicate from prison due to his taunting of victim’s families so he uses the odd opportunity he does get to do just that. Although he failed to receive parole in 2006 he has the right to go before the parole board every two years now and no one believes for a minute that he won't. It’s easy to see why few except maybe the John Howard Society thinks Olsen deserves that right. After all it was Olsen who once said, “I’d take up where I left off,” if he ever got out of prison. I don’t use this word lightly but Olsen is a scumbag who wants to make his victims suffer as much as possible and he’ll use every opportunity to do that.

It’s easy to blame the system and I agree the justice system is messed up to even allow Olsen to be able to continue to torture his victims. Still the blame must ultimately rest on the one who did the crime and continues to try to hurt his victim’s families. Olsen has played the system every step of the way. He has no conscience and relishes in hurting his victims as much as possible even more than 25 years later.
Posted by Spinks on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 at 6:30 PM | Permalink
uh, just out of curiosity, are these screw ups supposedly in order of the severity of their screwups or is the sequence random?
Posted by Anonymous | 10:15 PM
See FAQ's in the sidebar. There is an order. It is however mine. Every person would have their own.
Posted by Spinks | 5:24 AM
I see we're back to the "101 Bad People" list.
Posted by Anonymous | 9:42 AM
The list tends to be pretty preachy and holier than thou - but really hard to argue with this one.

First truly justified pick in a while...
Posted by Havin' a peek... | 2:32 PM
Growing up very near the area where Olsen did his work I remember the time vividly. I was in elementary school and Clifford Olsen basically chaged a lot about the things we could do as kids. I'm sure it would have changed anyway but for us, Olsen took away a lot of the innocence of being a kid in the lower mainland of BC.
Posted by Ray Henderson | 3:25 PM
Hey Spinks,

Right on but however you should also consider the entire Parole system as a very good candidate.
Posted by Muddy River Tory | 11:56 PM
He is a good argument for capital punishment.
Posted by Jon | 7:12 PM
What you or Harper or anyone else says about your concerns about the well being of children does not ring true Spinks Baby. Read on and choke on your own words will ya?

September 11th, 2004
Dear Mr. Amos,

On behalf of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson,
I acknowledge receipt of two sets of documents and CD regarding corruption, one received from you directly, and the other forwarded to us by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick.
I regret to inform you that the Governor General cannot intervene in matters that are the responsibility of elected officials and courts of Justice of Canada. You already contacted the various provincial authorities regarding your concerns, and these were the appropriate steps to take.
Yours sincerely.
Renee Blanchet
Office of the Secretary to the
Governor General

Monday, October 02, 2006
David R. Amos said...
"Harper, Stephen - M.P." Harper.S@parl.gc.ca wrote:

Subject: RE: Re: Lets all go through the looking glass to check the Integrity of the Talking Heads in BC tonight
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2005 15:32:54 -0500
From: "Harper, Stephen - M.P." Harper.S@parl.gc.ca
To: motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com

Thank you for your e-mail message to Stephen Harper, Leader of the Opposition. Your views and suggestions are important to us. Once they have been carefully considered, you may receive a further reply.

*Remember to include your mailing address if you would like a response.

If you prefer to send your thoughts by regular mail, please address them to:

Stephen Harper, M.P.
Leader of the Opposition
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6

Mail may be sent postage free to any Member of Parliament.

You can also reach Mr. Harper by fax at: (613) 947-0310

That night last December Humpty dumpty reminded us all of the Charter called on Mr. Harper to be "honest."

He made clear that the Liberal government does not believe that you can pick and choose which Charter rights you will protect and he affirmed that he will respect the Charter as a whole.

To me was a case of the pot calling the kettle black and I laughed at the nonsense of it just and any Mad Hatter should. Read on to see some of the reasons why. Before anyone attempts to label as a crazy man again. Perhaps they should contact three wicked ladies who are no longer Parliamentarians. Elsie Wayne, Landslide Annie and the regal acting bitch Adrienne Clarkson will no doubt tell what a mean nasty awful man I am. When it comes to defending my Clan I do not mince words or pull my punches with crooks who pretend to be so polite. I just get them to show me their fat nasty arses ASAP and then I boot them into court. Life is too short to deal with liars for long ask my wife's Yankke family the Kickham's about my mean nasty awful stlye of ethical litigating. They are stillconfused as to why I will never settle with crooks that have abused my Clan. Yankees will understand the meaning of a Blood Feud but Hillbillies and Maritimers do EH?

Months after Landslide Annie sent me her very dumb letter, her underlings began following suit and showing me their nasty arses, here is just a couple of examples from emails. I have letters signed in hand as well. If one pot my Clan's troubles aside and only looks to the face of this stuff it is truly comical indeed. However false imprisonment and the the theft of our home, property and interests is never a laughing matter. The Queen would never allow such nonsense to happen to her family without a declaration of war. As cheif of my clan why should I behave any differently. Never forget it was the government of the USA that imprisoned me and stole my Clan's assests with the knowlegde and assistance of the Canadian govenmentas well.

> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Wayne, Elsie - M.P.
> > To: David Amos
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 3:42 PM
> > Subject: RE: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> > Dear Dave,
> >
> > I try to respond to as many people as I can. We do get a lot of email
> > around here.... I decided to retire because I truly miss my family.
> > It's hard being on the road back and forth by yourself. It gets very
> > lonely.
> >
> > God Bless,
> > Elsie
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David Amos davidamos@comcast.net
> > Sent: March 22, 2004 3:28 PM
> > To: Wayne, Elsie - M.P.
> > Subject: Re: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> > No problem, Elsie. By the way my mom is a fan of yours. She told
> > me you were quitting. Too bad if it is true.You are the first
> > politician to respond to me. That fact alone wins my respect. Ask
> > around Saint John about me in certain circles I am fairly well
> > known. You may even know my sister, Nancy and her husband, Reid
> > Chedore. Perhaps you crossed paths with my dad C. Max Amos he was
> > a tax Supervisor for the Province years ago. And maybe even my
> > mom's second husband, Lloyd Nickerson, from Fredericton. He was
> > somewhat of a political person whereas my dad was not. (Lloyd was
> > chief electoral officer for about twelve years and did run as a
> > Conservative) If you wish to warm my mom's heart please give her
> > a call and simply say that you appreciate her good words about
> > you to her wild child Dalevid. She will get the joke. She is
> > always confusing me with another brother. Her name is Anna and
> > her number is 506 455 3600. Do with it what you will. Trust me I
> > would love to see another out spoken Maritimer step up to the
> > plate and speak of rights and wrongs. The sooner that I can go
> > back to being just Papa the happier my little Clan will be. I
> > would truly appreciate if someone would let my mom know that they
> > are at least aware of my concerns whether they agree with me or
> > not.
> > Best
> > Regards
> > Dave
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Wayne, Elsie - M.P.
> > To: David Amos
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:15 PM
> > Subject: RE: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> > Thank you for the notice.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David Amos davidamos@comcast.net
> > Sent: March 16, 2004 2:07 PM
> > To: Wayne, Elsie - M.P.
> > Subject: Fw: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: David Amos
> > To: ethics@harvard.edu
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:06 PM
> > Subject: Fw: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: David Amos
> > To: tedcardwell@mail.gov.nf.ca
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:05 PM
> > Subject: Fw: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: David Amos
> > To: alltrue@roadrunner.nf.net
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 2:03 PM
> > Subject: Fw: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: David Amos
> > To: Correspondance Deputy Prime Minister/Vice premier ministre
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:57 PM
> > Subject: Re: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> > I already received Anne's response. Can't you people read what
> > you wrote to me? Why else would I be so pissed off?
> > I am who I say I am and that is as follows:
> > David R. Amos
> > 153 Alvin Ave,
> > Milton, MA. 02186
> > Phone 617 240-6698
> >
> > Now just exactly who are you Mr. Correspondence Deputy Prime
> > Minister and are you a lawyer?
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Correspondance Deputy Prime Minister/Vice premier
> > ministre" dpm@pm.gc.ca To: davidamos@comcast.net
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 1:34 PM
> > Subject: Regarding your e-mail
> >
> >
> > > If you wish to receive a response to your comments addressed
> > to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety and
> > Emergency Preparedness, please include your return mailing
> > address along with your original e-mail message. All official
> > responses will be sent by regular mail.
> > >
> > > If you wish to send correspondence addressed to the Minister
> > through the regular mail, please use the following mailing
> > address:
> > >
> > > The Honourable A. Anne McLellan
> > > Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Safety
> > > and Emergency Preparedness
> > > 340 Laurier Avenue West
> > > Ottawa, Ontario
> > > K1A 0P8
> > >
> > > From: David Amos davidamos@comcast.net
> > > To: dwatch@web.net
> > > Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 11:32 PM
> > > Subject: Read real slow then forget what is politically
> > correct.
> > >
> > > Deal with your own conscience. After that try to think of
> > a good
> > > reason why I should not run for Parliament and at least speak
> > my mind about the sad state of our affairs. You know who I am.
> > If you don't, trust me, you are way behind the eight ball.
> > > Once I make my mark in the American Justice System and
> > political
> > > process, I am coming home to stress test the ethics of many a
> > lawyer/politician in my nativeland during the course of the
> > next federal election. My question to all of you will be why
> > did you wait for me to say something? Am I the only one paying
> > any attention. Even Jesus got mad a time or two and tore up a
> > temple when he saw all the money changing hands in a place
> > that should not be concerned about such things. But forget
> > about the money for a minute. What did he have to say about
> > anyone that harmed a child? Rest assured I will remind you.
> > Although I ain't religious, I must say that Jesus had more of
> > sand than most men and he made some very good points about
> > what is right and what is wrong. Can any of you even hold a
> > candle to Byron? He has at least one friend that will back him
> > up all the way down the line. I don't mind dying it is what I
> > didn't do while I was living that will haunt me in in my
> > grave. What is the golden rule these days? Is it truly a fact
> > that he with the gold makes the rules. Do you think voters
> > agree with that fact? What say you?
> > > Canadian Corruption
> > >
> > > Sexual Abuse & Political & Legal Conspiracy.
> > >
> > > RCMP Incompetence & Cover up.
> > >
> > > Priors Of Grand Bank NFLD Canada
> > >
> > > How do I get a corrupt legal system to investigate, charge and
> > convict itself? After years of asking the Canadian Legal
> > System to do its job, it's long past time to inform the public
> > myself about this lack of action or justice.
> > > If T. Alex Hickman, Justice Minister, 1966 to 1979 also Health
> > Minister 1968 to 1969 and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
> > of Newfoundland 1979 to 2000, 34 YEARS OF COMPLETE LEGAL
> > SYSTEMS CONTROL,at 41 years of age, rapes and impregnates your
> > younger sister Susan, at 12 years old, and in grade 8, what
> > would you do?At 12 years old she was the youngest child
> > ever,in Grand Bank,to have a baby. I am willing to take any
> > tests and answer all questions regarding my entire life. All
> > he has to do is take one blood test. It's time for him to stop
> > manipulating our legal system and face the truth which I have
> > been telling the legal System,and anyone else who would
> > listen, all of my life.I didn't just awake one morning and
> > decide to accuse the most powerful and most corrupt legal
> > animal in this province. I have had, no childhood, no
> > education, no family, no hometown, no self- esteem or
> > self-respect and no past, present or future as a contributing
> > person.
Posted by David Raymond Amos | 4:56 PM
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Number Nine - Belinda Stronach
First up, my sympathies do go out to Belinda Stronach who is dealing with breast cancer. I hope it all goes well. However her suffering an illness and what she’s done to screw up this country are two separate issues. My sympathies for the illness but I have no desire to see her return to politics. She’s already done enough damage.

In May of 2005, two days before a vote that many expected would bring down the Liberal government, Stronach crossed the floor from the Conservatives to join the Liberals but not just as any Liberal. Stronach instantly joined the Cabinet as Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development and Minister Responsible for Democratic Renewal. There was of course lots of speculation that a desperate Paul Martin (#19) promised the Cabinet post in exchange for the defection. The Ethics Commissioner refused to investigate so we’ll never know for sure but it certainly smells bad. Stronach did all this without going to the people who voted her in as a Conservative. It smacked of nothing more than opportunism, propped up a government that was on its death bed, and pretty much stabbed her party and even her boyfriend at the time, Peter MacKay (#98) in the back.

Speaking of MacKay, let’s talk about the dog incident. As I wrote in MacKay’s entry I don’t think MacKay called Stronach a dog directly but I have little doubt that MacKay made some kind of reference that meant the same thing. Stronach feigned indignation at the time, got up in the House and said that MacKay’s comment was refelective of all Conservatives attitudes towards women. Give me a break. Yes it was inappropriate and yes MacKay should have apologized, however it was an off the cuff gesture by MacKay about a former girlfriend who publicly humiliated him, not a statement on behalf of an entire political party. Even Stronach knows that but trying to score cheap political points has never been beneath her.

I try to stay away from the personal side of life but her relationship with Tie Domi (#100) just plain looks awful. When you’re a public figure, a politician no less for crying out loud at least wait until the guy is divorced. Until the paper is signed its still adultery.

There is no evidence during her short political career that Belinda Stronach was looking out for anyone except Belinda Stronach. She gives politicians who are actually trying to do good work a bad name and continued the perception that people enter politics only for power. I’m sorry for the reason she left politics but we’re all better off having her gone.
Posted by Spinks on Thursday, July 05, 2007 at 6:57 PM | Permalink
Hmmm. I think there's something wrong with your math here. Belinda at #9 and David Emmerson at #39, and it only took him 2 weeks to cross the floor after being elected. Which one is the largest opportunist here?

By the way, I think all politicians are opportunists to a point. They all have motivations of power, fame, money (yes, money. Maybe some feel politicians aren't well paid, and maybe they're not, but it's usually the opportunities they get after being in office, along with the pension, that pay off.)

Personally, I think Belinda saw that as a woman in Harper's Govt., she was going no where--and she's too ambitious for that.
Posted by Anonymous | 10:39 PM
her initials are "B.S." -- need I say more ;)
Posted by Anonymous | 12:49 AM
If she's # 9, I can't wait until I see the Rogue's Gallery that awaits us over the next few weeks!

Belinda is definitely an opportunist of the wost kind. I don't approve of floor crossers for the most part. On the other hand I don't think that people should be required to vote agaonst their principles either.
The proper way to handle a floor crossing is to sit as an independent preferably until the next election, when one would be free to run again under any poolitical banner they like. Of course they'd have to seek a nomination, but that can be done before joining a caucus.
On the other hand, if a member who has left a party to sit as an independent, after some time finds through research that his constituents would support their joining another party, I can live with that.
In Belinda's case, The timing was suspicious, and the circumstances even more so. What rookie MP, much less someone who's never stayed long in any given job or proved themselves as anything more than a media darling, ever just walks in to the third most powerful cabinet portfolio? Never mind that a week earlier she was tearing what was to become her new party to shreds from the opposition benches!
What's more, had Stephen harper failed as leader (and there were calls for his head at the time) the leadership was hers for the asking....Could it be that she thought Daddy cold buy her the leadership of the "natural Governing party" instead?
I would certainly wager that she wasn't exactly on the Christmas card list of many Liberals who had worked long and hard in the trenches of Liberal party politics in the hope of one day achieving ANY cabinet position, let alone Human resources.
Paul Martin is equally to blame for this.
I never liked her from the beginning. Notwithstanding the fact that she is a staunch social liberal ,I found her to be an empty cocktail dress, and would never have considered voting Conservative with her at the helm. andt at 10:00PM on June 28th, I was cheering Martha Hall Findlay on as the battle for Newmarket-Aurora see-sawed back and forth.
Posted by Neal Ford | 7:01 AM
Belinda is a shallow thinker who is unqualified for the front benches. Only by being somewhat attractive and very wealthy has she been able to enjoy what political success she did enjoy.

She is a sterling example of style over substance. That's one thing that is really screwing up Canada!
Posted by Big Kev | 10:11 AM
Politics is all about power. Politician make the decision with the power we give them.

Belinda change this country for the better for the conservative. Without her, you would never had this new party.

You think McKay would have betray his promise if Belinda was not there. Please.

Well, Judas was hated but he played his part without him jesus would not have cross the gate.
Posted by Paulin | 8:41 PM
This post has been removed by the author.
Posted by Dirk | 2:01 AM
As is the case for a number of the entries in this list, I fail to see how most of the items listed about Belinda actually screwed up Canada. The floor crossing thing I can understand, depending on your perspective. But the Tie Domi affair? The Peter MacKay incident?

I'm no Belinda fan, but I try to be fair minded. While she has come across in the media as being a political opportunist (and this is different from most MPs how?), there are things she's done, which represent significant positive contributions to society. Like her extensive charity work. One example: even after she announced she was leaving politics, she has continued to play a leading role in an organization that fights malaria infections in Africa -- more deadly than AIDS, but no glamour.

And politically, she's credited by all sides as having been an integral player in the PC/Alliance merger. Forgetting about motivations, the bottom line is that she's contributed to the political health of Canada. A fractured right meant guaranteed Liberal majorities and unaccountability.
Posted by Dirk | 2:04 AM
Good point Dirk. She's still a whore though.
Posted by Anonymous | 2:20 AM
La Bimbo never had enough clout to screw up the country, (unless you feel her role in founding the CPC counts). She is an intellectually vacant ambitious millionaire who was seen for exactly what she is by everyone except the loony lib left MSM. Even a major wimp like Paul Marten used her then shuffled her off to the sidelines.

She is a fool, but has no place on a list of people who are/were harmful.
Posted by Anonymous | 7:21 PM
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006 09:13:14 -0800 (PST)
From: "David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Just so everybody knows here is the real reason Belinda Baby crossed the floor last May
To: davidorchard@sasktel.net

Hey Dave

Can ya tell that you and Andy Baby Kyrstal pissed of the wrong Maritimer this mornnig? Look way down at the bottom of this email to remind you that when we last talked your were just another oissed off PC. I must thank you you and your fellow liberal dudes for proving to me in the last election that I am an honest man you fear. I must be simply because I do read a lot and know what I am talking about without fear of being called a liar. Andy Baby Kyrstal and you just proved it again today EH?

I thank all you politicians for deliberately going out of your way to ignore me and exclude me from all the debates and the media as well. It proved for the second time your newfound party's willful malice and its fear that my concerns would become well known before Humpty Dumpty suffer his great fall. The simple truth is I love being the Darkhorse. Fame would never suit my lifestyle.You can seek it all your wish and peddle your books and website to try to put a positive spin on your self proclaimed integrity. I would hate to rub elbows with the likes of any of you like I just did with Andy Scott in Oromocto two weeks or so ago. It was right after I was on the CTV News live at supper time. Kinda ugly ain't I? If you don't know about it ask Andy or the redheaded gal named Sarah his producer. Did any of ya notice the twinkle in my eye? I bet I surprised the hell out of some of your friends when I managed to pull that one off. Even you must admit there are certain advantages in being unknown after what I did with you on live radio today. EH Dave?

That said as you read on in reveiw of past communications between me and your well mixed crowd of friends, do ya think Petey Baby MacKayand his boss Harper will ever take Belinda back into their fold? I doubt it too.But it would be a hoot to watch her daddy try to make her a Prime Minister just like he is doing in tha new TV Show with the kids this weekend. Big Daddy knows there is no honour amongst crooks and the bastards brag to much in the media for their own good. His fellow liberals all know they cannot trust each other anymore to continue to support the cover up of John Crosbie's defence of the Newfy turncoat diddler, Billy Matthews now that Humpty Dumpty has suffered his great fall. Hence that is whay Franky Boy McKenna, Brian Tobin and John Manley have all elected to stay out of the leadership race to replace Humpty Dumpty. EH?

If Belinda Baby were wise she would give up the new Yankee V.P Argeo P. Cellucci of Magna Entertainment to me and settle with me for chump change to protect her company's pocketbook. I am sure her bigtime Yankee pal Big Bad Billy Boy Clinton agrees. Then perhaps she and her rich daddy could expose Franky Boy McKenna for who he truly is to put a feather in her cap as she runs for Humpty Dumpty's abandoned position as leader of your newfound party. As the dude on the radio asked you why don't you run for it too? All you have to be is ethical. It won't take much integrity to embarrass the others who wanna be leader. Many Proud Maritimers already have that Brian Tobin's and Franky Boy McKenna's numbers and know the last thing they are is liberals. Franky Boy did not win his big election years ago Hatfield lost bigtime that is all. Ask my old classmate Barb Baird now that she has been excluded from the good old conservative boys club in New Brunswick. Yea I saw the greedy little lawyer in the Farmer's market try to steal a little thunder from Lynch when he was on Cpac. Maybe with Barb Baird's help your fellow turncoat Belinda could pry the leadership of the liberal party from the grip of any liberal's greedy little hands. Then her rich daddy could have his wish and have a daughter for a Prime Minister someday. EH? I doubt it too but I wager the thoughts I just expressed have crossed Frank Stronach's greedy mind. I have no doubt he knows his fleeting former CEO Brian Tobin is not going to be spolier of his plans.. Methinks they made another deal. what say you? Bow that Johnny Manley and Franky Boy McKenna are too much of a chickshit to be involved the coast is clear for Belinda and you to make a run for leader of the party you both have joined.. Hell that crooked lawyer Manley even deleted his email address from his law firm's website in an effort to play dumb about my Securities Fraud issuses for the benefit of a bank he loves to work for.

As you can see I keep pretty good records. They are far better than any corrupt court's crooked little clerks. Many Justice Dept lawyers under a Conservative Minister quite possibly Belinda's old boyfriend and your buddy Petey Baby Mackay will have cases of documents to argue in the Federal Court in Fredericton very soon. Belinda really should think fast and so should you. Hell hath no fury as a cry baby Conservative from Nova Scotia. EH? Particulary when things are not Hunky Dory anymore. He may prosecute his old honey just to make himself look good to Brian Mulroney and the Power Corp dudes. You could go for leader in a timely fashion but you and your lawyer are way past too late to be honest with me. EH?

If anyone wishes ask me they can receive the same material I will be using in court in digital form if I decide they are ethical enough deserve to know some awful truths about rampant public corruption in two countries and all political parties. Before the 39th Parlimentry Dudes are sworn in. I feel compelled to remind you all of what the 37th Parliament knew about one of the reasons why I came home to run for a seat in the 38th. It is inserted at the bottom of this email if only to embarass Elsie Wayne and David Orchard get them to shut their pie holes. Elsie is embarassing many Maritimers with her ignorant yapping. She should do like she promised and just stay home and make some pies or take up knitting like MacKay advised his pal Alexa to do.You might as well review it to Dave because as a newfoud liberal I have know doubt you are an embarassment to every PC in the country.

I cut and paste this material from somebody else's Blog about me. It seems I am developing a little fan club EH? Hurray to my fellow Bloggers. Please keep up the good work.(That is what the MP from Fundy Rob Moore said to me on June 19th, 2004 in Sussex NB after his boss Stevey Boy Harper and Elsie Wayne got back on the Party Bus. I just grinned because the silly little lawyer had no doubt whatsoever that I would. The nasty biblepounder just thought I did not have a prayer but he had a little surprise when I served the Priest Bill Elliot the same material in his own Churchyard a couple of days later in front of him and his pal Paul Zed, the only liberal Fundy ever elected but did not keep for long) No matter how much of my work the Feds erase, it keeps popping up again in other places. The Feds are creating their own demise. By trying so hard to ignore me, I was allowed to burrow deeper behind their mask of integrity. Now the smiling bastards cannot get rid of me without removing the mask first. With luck sooner or later the truth will break the ice of the corporate controled media and many more crooked politcians will blink just like Landslide Annie did once she knew she would not get reelected and her RCMP .underlings turned on her. When they started investigating her own party without her malevolent blessings it was all over but the crying. I was very afraid that Harper's mandate would become too strong after that.

I am impressed at the wisdom of the sheep to provide themselves with the best possible outcome in a very wicked election. We do get the government we deserve but sometimes we get lucky too. EH? Feb 6th is coming fast and a lot of your liberal friends will be out of a job and I am just starting to have my fun seeking relief from their many wrongs. Good luck with your consciences now Dave because I do not trust you or any Parliamentarian to do the right thing except maybe the Independent Andre Arthur. Rest Assured i will contact him before the next Speech from the throne is history. I want to study the man a little bit first. I truly hope for the benefit of us all that he is a better man than Chuck Cadman ever was. That bastard really disappointed me. I do not mourn him at all. So be it if you think that makes me a bad guy. At least I am honest as hell which is more than I can say about any of you or your friends. EH? or N'est Pas?
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: Stronach.B@parl.gc.ca ; Mackay.P@parl.gc.ca ; Jack Layton ; Easter.W@parl.gc.ca ; Cadman.C@parl.gc.ca ; Casey.B@parl.gc.ca ; Thompson.G@parl.gc.ca
Cc: McDonough.A@parl.gc.ca ; Matthews.B@parl.gc.ca ; macaul1@parl.gc.ca ; Godin.Y@parl.gc.ca ; Duceppe.G@parl.gc.ca ; Anderson.D@parl.gc.ca ; Anderson.Da@parl.gc.ca ; david.anderson1@sk.sympatico.ca
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 7:12 PM
Subject: Hunky-dory EH Petey

I got a better one for ya Petey Boy. "Thar she blows". I bet Belinda is really pissed off at everybody and is letting off some steam. If I were you I would start bailing out of your new party like any other rat that would desert a sinking ship. That is one boat that could never float. The way you back stabbed your way into its creation will likely never be forgotten.

Some of the new Senators Martin just appointed proved that didn't they? Right now you are just hanging on and kissing Harper's arse because nobody else will ever trust you in their Dory except maybe the diddler, Billy Matthews. He is used to turningcoat and needs help bailing out his punky little craft. I think the liberals are tired of him by now and Johnny Crosbie is likely pretty pissed at him too. I think you two dudes should be good company for each other as everybody else tries to distance themselves from a couple of cry babies that call themselves Maritimers. You were born there alright but a lair lawyer and a nasty old diddler reflect poorly upon the rest of us. But bad apples fall from the best of trees. The sooner the better so that they don't suck the sap out of the good ones.

Dare to argue me Petey Boy? I am ten times meaner with no temper than the man that pitches silly fits kicks chairs. I would kick your arse in a good debate. I would laugh if you asked me to step outside, head for the door and quit talking immediately in a sincere effort to kick your arse in the street. Win or lose, rest assured I would have fun. Fighting is a true Maritime tradition. EH MacKay? Feel free to try to call me a liar. Everybody knows it would be a case of the pot trying to call the kettle black.

"The Nova Scotia MP described his relations with Conservative Leader Stephen Harper as "hunky-dory, everything's great - that's a good Maritime phrase."

Forwarded Message
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 10:14:47 -0800 (PST)
From: David Amos" motomaniac_02186@yahoo.com
Subject: Attn Don Amos
To: MEC.investors@magnaent.com, dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca, smay@pattersonpalmer.ca

As I stated within an earlier email, Scott Daruty finally called me back and pissed me off. He picked the wrong guy to try and toy with. I will take up my concerns with Magna byway of Daruty and Cellucci down here in the Yankee courts. I have much proof of what I sent Belinda Stronach long before she ever became a Member of Parliament up home. I will deal with her in a political fashion first to see if she is interested in up holding the public trust while protecting her interests in Magna. Good luck with your conscience as a lawyer named Amos as you check my work. Here is my phone number 506 434-1379 if you have any questions before deciding whether or not to uphold the law and protect the investor's interests in Magna from my necessary civil actions. I gave my material to Argeo P. Cellucci in Canada in July of 2002 before I sent the Sheriffs out with my first complaints. I know by the fax numbers at the top of my first complaint that it was Ashcroft and Cellucci that directed the US Attorney to try to make my complaints evaporate.

Now that Cellucci speaks for Magna and Belinda speaks for Canadians there is a couple of Amos boys that should have along talk about many things. But forget trying to label me as your brother until I am assured of your integrity. I have a high contempt towards lawyers and their sense of ethics for very justifiable reasons.

Note: forwarded message attached.

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca ; moto maniac ; cei@nbnet.nb.ca ; kbar@nbnet.nb.ca ; danthebagelman@msn.com ; info@electtomobrien.com ; lcampenella@ledger.com ; jeff.mockler@gnb.ca ; newsonline@bbc.co.uk ; Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us ; Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us ; Jack.Hart@state.ma.us ; Rep.WalterTimilty@hou.state.ma.us ;Rep.AStephenTobin@hou.state.ma.us ; dfpletters@dailyfreepress.com ; MEC.investors@magnaent.com
Cc: zedp@parl.gc.ca ; rmooremp@nb.sympatico.ca ; savoya2@parl.gc.ca ; thompg@nb.sympatico.ca ; john_kerry@kerry.senate.gov ; martib@sen.parl.gc.ca ; dougchristielaw@shaw.ca ; Mayor@ci.boston.ma.us ; Stephen.Murphy@ci.boston.ma.us ; Governor.Rell@po.state.ct.us ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ; johnduggan@legalaid.nf.ca ; brenda.boyd@RCMP-GRC.gc.ca ; McLellan.A@parl.gc.ca ; david@lutz.nb.ca ; cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; ethics@harvard.edu ; INFO7@elections.ca ; inquiry.admin@bellnet.ca ; cotlei@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 12:14 PM
Subject: Shame on you Della

At least I am a man of my word. I called you personally as I stated I would. I have the record of the call that I was directed to do by your boss, Stevey Boy May. Too bad you would not speak to me to protect your own interests. At least I have your signature because no word from you is worthless to me. You can never claim ignorance of my concerns after directing me to your lawyer. I stuck my hand out to you as a layman but you had picked your friends the lawyers and had enlisted them to bite it? Do you really Think I am afraid of dealing with the likes of Johnny Crosbie and Stevey Boy May when I am preparing a lawsuit against the likes of John Edwards, John Ashcroft and Theodore Olson to name a few? Plus there is the irrefutable fact that you and the law firm you work for have already admitted that you are aware of the crimes practiced against me. You have done nothing to uphold the law and have already filed the evidence of that fact in the Newfoundland Supreme Court.

Lady, either I or my estate will bankrupt you and your firm with its own sworn testimony that you witnessed. You can take that to the bank. The first question I must ask you Della what did your law fir do with its copy of the police surveillance tape # 139 and did you listen to it? You should not have because you are not an officer of the court nor are you employed by law enforcement.

The Lieutenant Governor Roberts notified me that he had given his copies of the material to Tommy Marshall to be investigated but I have received no word from your law firm as to what the hell they did with their copies. Have your lawyers explain their integrity to you because you and I will never come to an understanding of ethical behavior after your treatment of me today.

I often sing the praises of Newfys because they are amongst the nicest folks on the planet excepting of course their lawyers and their cohorts such as you Della. By the way I heard about the clerks in Supreme Court having a little wager over who buys lunch if I managed to do what I said I would do. I would like to meet the lady who felt I was as serious as a heart attack and willing to buy lunch if I was not a man of my word. I would love to buy her lunch some time because the courts need more folks like her in their employment. She clearly did not disregard the word of a common man.

On the other hand after our exchange of the mere few words today it would not be wise for me to trust your word or typing if I had left the voicemail you desired. I have much evidence of many edited transcripts of things I have said in the past. You and I will argue them some day no doubt byway of your lawyer friends because I think you don't speak pro se very well in order to protect your personal interests. I just got off the phone with one of Frank Stronach's Yankee lawyers Scott Daruty. He did me the service of really pissing me off today by finally calling me back after I had torn a piece off of Magna in Canada about his neglect of duty on their behalf. He thought he was funny by joking that the Canadian lawyer, Don Amos was my brother. No lawyer is a brother of mine. He thought I was joking when I told him I would sue him personally if he did not uphold the law and rat out Magna's brand new Vice President his brother, Argeo P. Cellucci so I had to repeat myself so he would understand me in no uncertain terms.

I do make a lot of jokes about very serious business however it would not be wise to underestimate my sincerity and attempt to toy with me. I enjoy a good fight win or lose as long as I stand on the right side of the battle. You just picked a fight with me lady on a day when I ain't taking prisoners from lawyers or their cohorts. All lawyers are liars and I have proven it. It is only laymen I will settle with from now on and only if they tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I don't care if your god helps you or not. We can all do it again in hell for all I care.
From now on I must rely on hard copy of my own creation. For now I will send you and Stevey Boy a bunch of emails that have been forwarded to many other people first. I require the record of doing so. Whereas I have no doubt Stevey Boy will wan to argue about the emails I have already sent I figure why not be hung for a cow as a calf? Since everything in heaven and hell is done in threes. I will forward to Magna's lawyer, Don Amos, Stevey Boy and three large emails that contain Tiff files. There is no need to be redundant with hard copy already sent to Scott Daruty and Johnny Crosbie. You can tell the folks at Patterson Palmer who directed you to offend me that the emails contain exactly the same documents that Greg Byrne and Johnny Crosbie received and that you should all prepare to argue every word within in them.

The first email contains a file called Big Day. It contains every document I served upon Two Solicitors Generals Theodore Olson and Anne McLellan before I ran for Parliament and Olson quit his job on June 24th immediately after Johnny Crosbie told Stevey Harper to shut up about the Arar Inquiry.

the second file is called Big Canada Add and it is a copy of the documents served upon my political opponents while running for Parliament.

Last but not least are what was added to the first to pile of documents and then served upon Patterson and Palmer by way of Greg Byrne.

Scott Daruty is receiving the documents within "Big Day" and other interesting material that Magna should find quite interesting to say the least. Magna really made my day when they appointed Cellucci and their new VP. I is comical that he is going to lobby the government about horse racing especially after listening to what is recorded on a lot of the tapes and the fact that the top dog of the RCMP had to teach that dumb Yankee how to ride a horse last summer so that he would not make an ass out himself at the Calgary Stampede. This was almost as rich as when Martin sent Franky McKenna to Washington after he and I had a spit and chew about dogs and pork.

At least I am clever enough to realize when I am a lucky man and how to make the best out of a golden opportunity to see that justice is served upon some very nasty bastards. I am very pissed off but still having more fun than ten men. I love cornering lawyers and listening to them stutter and try to duck the issues.

I will wager that you are having a bad day too. EH Della? It looks good on you if you are. Why not get mad? I hope you share your anger with the others at Patterson and Palmer and start bitchin about me. Never forget all I want is the truth from you. It will cost you nothing. Why do you want to stand with crooks and liars for a days pay? I bet you have witnessed lots of dirty dealings.

I truly beleive that there is no honour in your work. To me working for lawyers is like a lady being sent to a nunnery in Medieval times. I share ol Shake's opinion of such a place. Times changes nothing lawyers still work for Jesuits. Look around downtown St John's and call me a liar. I dare ya. Even the name of the town says it all.
Cya'll in Court:)
David R. Amos

----- Original Message -----
From: David Amos
To: dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca ; moto maniac ; cei@nbnet.nb.ca ; kbar@nbnet.nb.ca ; danthebagelman@msn.com ; info@electtomobrien.com ; lcampenella@ledger.com ; jeff.mockler@gnb.ca ; newsonline@bbc.co.uk ; Robert.Creedon@state.ma.us ; Brian.A.Joyce@state.ma.us ; Jack.Hart@state.ma.us ; Rep.WalterTimilty@hou.state.ma.us ;Rep.AStephenTobin@hou.state.ma.us ; dfpletters@dailyfreepress.com
Cc: zedp@parl.gc.ca ; rmooremp@nb.sympatico.ca ; savoya2@parl.gc.ca ; thompg@nb.sympatico.ca ; john_kerry@kerry.senate.gov ; martib@sen.parl.gc.ca ; dougchristielaw@shaw.ca ; Mayor@ci.boston.ma.us ; Stephen.Murphy@ci.boston.ma.us ; Governor.Rell@po.state.ct.us ; smay@pattersonpalmer.ca ; johnduggan@legalaid.nf.ca ; brenda.boyd@RCMP-GRC.gc.ca ; McLellan.A@parl.gc.ca ; david@lutz.nb.ca ; cynthia.merlini@dfait-maeci.gc.ca ; ethics@harvard.edu ; INFO7@elections.ca ; inquiry.admin@bellnet.ca ; cotlei@parl.gc.ca
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:33 AM
Subject: RE: Me versus Patterson and Palmer

Hey Della,

I see that Stevey Boy is on vacation and told me to contact you. I am happy to hear that he is saving all of my emails in a special spot for some apparent future litigation. I keep very good records as well and look forward to his argument but I will wager that I sue him first.

I see by the following Affidavit you witnessed and Stevey Boy filed in court that every lawyer within Patterson Palmer is a flat out liar. I served Greg Byryne in Fredericton myself with witnesses before Byron Prior served everyone else in Newfoundland. If Byrne did not share the info with his buddy Johnny Crosbie, it is not my fault. Yet I suspect that he did so out of the gate because he sent me an email in which it appears that he was conferring with many others about me and my concerns. It was too funny that Byrne clicked the wrong button and forwarded his email to me as well.
I also sent many of your people the same emails that I sent to Byrne and May as soon as I got out off jail last October and Stevey Boy first contacted Byron Prior and I had called him. (Thank you for making a transcript of my voicemail and filing it in court for me. It is quite hard for me to make lawyers even admit that I exist) Some of the aforesaid emails were responded to by other members of your law firm byway of their computers like Stevey Boy's just did.

At least computers are far more honest than the lawyers that own them. I am compelled to rely on the integrity of their machines and the ability of their computers and mine to keep perfect records. (Never forget I am being prosecuted for sending an email to a lawyer I have been litigating against for years who even went as far to fraudulently create a document bearing my signature) Because of the fact I can prove contact with many members of the law firm you work for, they can never say that they did not know of my concerns and allegations long before Stevey complained of Byron Prior's actions on behalf of his client Billy Matthews. He only went forward with his malicious threat when he thought my goose was cooked down here.

There is quite simply no way you could have prepared his filing on January 21st and he had Judge green sign it in the time between Byron had served it and the Judge signed it without the Bastards reading our private emails and listening to our phone calls. I sent the last email containing the words to Byron's counterclaim just before I went to court that morning and he only managed to see it filed by 3 PM Newfy time. You may be a fast typists but the courts don't work that fast unless they are covering up something big time. No know as well as I that is true because the judge and Stevey Boy do not even want other lawyers to view the public record.

Small wonder he took a vacation. If Stevey Boy has any semblance of a conscience he no doubt has trouble dealing with himself. I can only wonder if he and Johnny Crosbie are singing for more tequila right now.

As you no doubt know I am preparing to defend myself in a criminal trial in the USA and filing some rather profound civil lawsuits in Canada and the USA that will make the whining of Billy Matthews in Newfoundland Supreme court seem rather comical. I will be filing copies of the documents you no doubt helped create for Stevey Boy May on behalf of your law firm in many courts.

If Greg Byrne, the former Minister of Justice and Attorney General of New Brunswick had acted ethically last September while I was in Canada and under Brad Green's jurisdiction I would not have been falsely imprisoned in the USA the following month. I will be suing him, your law firm and many others for personal injury and conspiracy to cover up the many crimes practiced against my Clan and I.

My question to you, Della is why don't I sue you too? As you can see if you have read my work my battle is with corrupt lawyers not layman. I would settle with you in a heartbeat for costs if you would be honest about all that you know to be true. If you decide to go against me I suggest that you seek legal counsel outside of your law firm or in fact all of Newfoundland. I am about to take on every damned lawyer within the Newfoundland law Society. You would not be wise to doubt me before you have a look at my work in the USA. I will deal with Newfys under the heading of fun after I have embarrassed the Yankees.

I will give you a call as Stevey Boy suggests so that at least you can understand that I am not an unreasonable person and not the sort of person that lawyers claim that I am. I am just a simple, sincere and serious man that refuses to play the wicked games lawyers play. I am willing to die in order to expose the truth. No lawyer can say that. they love money to much to be willing to miss the chance to spend it. Judge me for yourself and your own best interests before you choose whom to stand with.

Whether you believe me or not I am battling for your rights as well as my own. I am forwarding this email to many ordinary people like you and me. To Hell with the lawyers and politicians. They do what they do for personal gain not public service. Their concerns are lucre not justice and everybody knows it. All I did was go to great lengths to prove it. There is no need for you and I to argue about simple truths. As far as I am concerned up until the time you received this email all you have done is type things and witness signatures. However you cannot say that anymore.

My pending phone call to you is not harassment. I need the Yankee phone bill record of my call to you in order to assist in the defence of my freedom in the USA. Stevey Boy told me to call ya. Please be nice. After today you can't say that you are not involved in my false imprisonment in the USA. I am doing no more or less than Stevey Boy and his malicious clients would do if the same thing had happened to them. If Billy Matthews had been summoned to the USA while he was running for his seat in Parliament to be presecuted by an unsigned criminal complaint and then held without bail under the charges of "other", he would be more pissed off than I am.
Cya'll in Court:)
David R. Amos

----- Original Message -----
From: "May, Steve"
To: "David Amos"
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:32 PM
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Dan and Tom Remember me

Mr. May is out of the office till 11 April 2005. He will not be checking his e-mail. Please contact Della Hart at 709-570-5527 or dhart@pattersonpalmer.ca if you require immediate assistance.
Guess who saved this many times in many ways?
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